Revert to default Release build type, but this time only for iOS
Do not attempt to use minizip if you are building for iOS shared dylib
Keep in mind that the "Shared" option only apply to the assimp library and not the other two built libraries
* master:
Fix regression on FBX importer unit test
Check nb of faces and vertices for FBX unit test
Solved pyassimp.errors.AssimpError in conda
Hide commit signature information when fetching commit hash
This error occurred because of error in finding .extension files.
os.path.splitext(filename)[-1].lower() not in ext_whitelist: ### this line had bugs, failed to select files with extensions .so.x [.so.1 .so.2 .so.3.1] but worked on simple extensions only. like- .so .dll
Added a mechanism to remove this bug.
* master:
Fix missing model error in Irr-instancing
closes make code more readable.
closes fix the qt-viewer without export.
applied coding conventions added check against the known faces
issue_2016 only add material uv mappings if set, ignore when no uvmapping set removed unneccessary pad_i1 field (to prevent unnecessary field read exceptions)
Update XFileParser.cpp
Update XFileParser.cpp
Some FBX files have Null/LimbNode attributes with an empty Properties70 element, where the Element is not NULL, but it's Compound is. The code only checked if the Element itself is NULL, thus causing a DeadlyImportError when trying to instantiate a PropertyTable for an Element that doesn't have a Compound.
fix build for independent build dir
Some review findings.
If someone configures git to always show a commit’s signing information,
this breaks the definition of GitVersion in revision.h:
#define GitVersion 0xgpg: Signature faite le Fri 15 Jun 2018 20:39:53 CEST
gpg: avec la clef RSA 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
gpg: Impossible de vérifier la signature : Pas de clef publique
#define GitBranch "master"
This can be avoided by passing the `--no-show-signature` to the `git
log` command for retrieving the hash.