
3.4 KiB


  • platform
  • viewer system ??
  • camera
  • game
  • debug ui
  • packet utils
  • arch
  • input
  • profiler
  • renderer
  • signal handling
  • zpl options
  • gen/textgen -> assets
  • items
  • inventory
  • crafting
  • notifications
  • tooltips
  • chunk
  • blocks
  • tiles (and chunk baker)
  • systems (core systems)
  • components
  • net
  • packets (but add custom messaging, and security)
  • compression
  • world
  • wrold_view
  • entity_view


  • app - thing that runs game
  • game - the game stuff, includes client and server
  • packet - structure that has data written/read by client/server
  • asset - structure that describes tile/block/object/entity, something that can be visualized
  • module - a thing that uses a set of ecs components and systems to create a self-contained ecs module

  • world - a map of chunks within the game world
  • world-view - a representation of the world recreated by the client

  • chunk - entity that contains set of tiles and blocks
  • tile - basic thing that makes up the chunks
  • block - 2nd level of things that make up the chunk
  • entity - an grid-independant static or dynamic entity that can exist in the world and has some systems controlling it primary archetypes:
    • item - an entity in the world, that can have a different state when its picked up
    • object - an item that can be placed in the world
    • device - an object that can be interacted with
    • mob - an entity that can be controlled by ai
    • player - an entity that can be controlled by a player
    • vehicle - an entity that can be used to transport other entities
  • craft - a recipe that can be used to craft an item


    • foundation
    • sandbox
    • survival
  • prefix: efd_


* tile
* block
* entity
    * item
    * object
    * device
    * mob
    * player
    * vehicle
* craft


  • item -> tile (item destroyed, tile replaced)
  • item -> block (item destroyed, block created)
  • item -> entity (item hidden and untracked, entity component added) // item becomes entity, just changes state
  • item -> item (crafting) (item destroyed, item created)
  • tile -> item (tile replaced, item created)
  • block -> item (block destroyed, item created)
  • block -> block (crafting) (block destroyed, block created)
  • entity -> item (entity component removed, item shown and tracked) // entity becomes item, just changes state


  • In-memory lists
    • assets
    • items
    • crafting recepies
    • prafabs for entities (pipeline for entities)
  • built in server->client RPC

// // register game specific input bindings // // pre-defined bindings and controlsets // efd_controlset_apply(EFD_ACTION_MOVE, EFD_CONTROLSET_WASD | EFD_CONTROLSET_ARROWS | EFD_CONTROLSET_GAMEPAD_LEFT); // efd_controlset_apply(EFD_ACTION_POINT, EFD_CONTROLSET_MOUSE | EFD_CONTROLSET_GAMEPAD_RIGHT);

// // custom bindings and controlsets // efd_controlset_keyboard(CONTROLSET_ACCELERATE, EFD_KEY_DOWN, EFD_KEY_SHIFT_LEFT | EFD_KEY_SHIFT_RIGHT); // efd_controlset_gamepad(CONTROLSET_ACCELERATE, EFD_GAMEPAD_LEFT_TRIGGER, 0.5f); // efd_controlset_apply(EFD_ACTION_SPRINT, CONTROLSET_ACCERLATE);

// // custom input bindings for custom actions // efd_controlset_register(ACTION_USE); // efd_controlset_keyboard(CONTROLSET_USE, EFD_KEY_DOWN, EFD_KEY_E); // efd_controlset_gamepad(CONTROLSET_USE, EFD_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A, 0.5f); // efd_controlset_apply(ACTION_USE, CONTROLSET_USE);