-- [[ Setting options ]] -- See `:help vim.o` -- Set highlight on search vim.o.hlsearch = false vim.o.incsearch = true -- Make line numbers default vim.wo.number = true vim.o.guicursor = "" vim.o.nu = true vim.o.relativenumber = true -- Enable mouse mode vim.o.mouse = 'a' -- Sync clipboard between OS and Neovim. vim.o.clipboard = 'unnamedplus' -- Enable break indent vim.o.breakindent = true -- disable text wrap vim.o.wrap = false -- Save undo history vim.o.swapfile = false vim.o.backup = false vim.o.undodir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.vim/undodir" vim.o.undofile = true -- Case insensitive searching UNLESS /C or capital in search vim.o.ignorecase = true vim.o.smartcase = true -- Keep signcolumn on by default vim.wo.signcolumn = 'yes' -- Set update time vim.o.updatetime = 50 vim.o.timeout = true vim.o.timeoutlen = 300 -- Set completeopt to have a better completion experience vim.o.completeopt = 'menuone,noselect' -- NOTE: You should make sure your terminal supports this vim.o.termguicolors = true vim.o.scrolloff = 8 vim.o.signcolumn = "yes" vim.opt.isfname:append("@-@") vim.o.colorcolumn = "120" -- indent setup vim.o.list = false vim.opt.listchars:append "eol: " vim.o.smartindent = true vim.cmd([[ set shellcmdflag=-c ]]) -- Restore cursor position vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufReadPost" }, { pattern = { "*" }, callback = function() vim.api.nvim_exec('silent! normal! g`"zv', false) end, }) vim.filetype.add({extension = {wgsl = "wgsl"}})