import asyncio import io import shutil import tarfile from collections import namedtuple from contextlib import contextmanager from inspect import getfullargspec from pathlib import Path from typing import Generator from typing import Optional from unittest.mock import patch import httpx import invoke # type: ignore from invoke import Context # type: ignore from invoke import run # type: ignore from invoke import task # type: ignore def fix_annotations(): """ Pyinvoke doesn't accept annotations by default, this fix that Based on: @zelo's fix in Context in: Python 3.11 """ ArgSpec = namedtuple("ArgSpec", ["args", "defaults"]) def patched_inspect_getargspec(func): spec = getfullargspec(func) return ArgSpec(spec.args, spec.defaults) org_task_argspec = invoke.tasks.Task.argspec def patched_task_argspec(*args, **kwargs): with patch( target="inspect.getargspec", new=patched_inspect_getargspec, create=True ): return org_task_argspec(*args, **kwargs) invoke.tasks.Task.argspec = patched_task_argspec fix_annotations() @task def generate_db_migration(ctx, message): # type: (Context, str) -> None run(f'alembic revision --autogenerate -m "{message}"', echo=True) @task def migrate_db(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None run("alembic upgrade head", echo=True) @task def autoformat(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None run("black .", echo=True) run("isort -sl .", echo=True) @task def lint(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None run("black --check .", echo=True) run("isort -sl --check-only .", echo=True) run("flake8 .", echo=True) run("mypy .", echo=True) @task def compile_scss(ctx, watch=False): # type: (Context, bool) -> None from app.utils.favicon import build_favicon favicon_file = Path("data/favicon.ico") if not favicon_file.exists(): build_favicon() else: shutil.copy2(favicon_file, "app/static/favicon.ico") theme_file = Path("data/_theme.scss") if not theme_file.exists(): theme_file.write_text("// override vars for theming here") if watch: run("boussole watch", echo=True) else: run("boussole compile", echo=True) @task def uvicorn(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None run("uvicorn app.main:app --no-server-header", pty=True, echo=True) @task def process_outgoing_activities(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None from app.outgoing_activities import loop @task def process_incoming_activities(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None from app.incoming_activities import loop @task def tests(ctx, k=None): # type: (Context, Optional[str]) -> None pytest_args = " -vvv" if k: pytest_args += f" -k {k}" run( f"MICROBLOGPUB_CONFIG_FILE=tests.toml pytest tests{pytest_args}", pty=True, echo=True, ) @task def generate_requirements_txt(ctx, where="requirements.txt"): # type: (Context, str) -> None run( f"poetry export -f requirements.txt --without-hashes > {where}", pty=True, echo=True, ) @task def build_docs(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None with embed_version(): run("PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/", pty=True, echo=True) @task def download_twemoji(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None resp = httpx.get( "", follow_redirects=True, ) resp.raise_for_status() tf = members = [ member for member in tf.getmembers() if"twemoji-14.0.2/assets/svg/") ] for member in members: emoji_name = Path( with open(f"app/static/twemoji/{emoji_name}", "wb") as f: f.write(tf.extractfile(member).read()) # type: ignore @task(download_twemoji, compile_scss) def configuration_wizard(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None run("MICROBLOGPUB_CONFIG_FILE=tests.toml alembic upgrade head", echo=True) run( "MICROBLOGPUB_CONFIG_FILE=tests.toml PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/", # noqa: E501 pty=True, echo=True, ) @task def install_deps(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None run("poetry install", pty=True, echo=True) @task(pre=[compile_scss], post=[migrate_db]) def update(ctx, update_deps=True): # type: (Context, bool) -> None if update_deps: run("poetry install", pty=True, echo=True) print("Done") @task def stats(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None from app.utils.stats import print_stats print_stats() @contextmanager def embed_version() -> Generator[None, None, None]: from app.utils.version import get_version_commit version_file = Path("app/") version_file.unlink(missing_ok=True) version_commit = get_version_commit() version_file.write_text(f'VERSION_COMMIT = "{version_commit}"') try: yield finally: version_file.unlink() @task def build_docker_image(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None with embed_version(): run("docker build -t microblogpub .") @task def prune_old_data(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None from app.prune import run_prune_old_data @task def webfinger(ctx, account): # type: (Context, str) -> None import traceback from loguru import logger from app.source import _MENTION_REGEX from app.webfinger import get_actor_url logger.disable("app") if not account.startswith("@"): account = f"@{account}" if not _MENTION_REGEX.match(account): print(f"Invalid acccount {account}") return print(f"Resolving {account}") try: maybe_actor_url = if maybe_actor_url: print(f"SUCCESS: {maybe_actor_url}") else: print(f"ERROR: Failed to resolve {account}") except Exception as exc: print(f"ERROR: Failed to resolve {account}") print("".join(traceback.format_exception(exc))) @task def move_to(ctx, moved_to): # type: (Context, str) -> None import traceback from loguru import logger from import LOCAL_ACTOR from import fetch_actor from app.boxes import send_move from app.database import async_session from app.source import _MENTION_REGEX from app.webfinger import get_actor_url logger.disable("app") if not moved_to.startswith("@"): moved_to = f"@{moved_to}" if not _MENTION_REGEX.match(moved_to): print(f"Invalid acccount {moved_to}") return async def _send_move(): print(f"Initiating move to {moved_to}") async with async_session() as db_session: try: moved_to_actor_id = await get_actor_url(moved_to) except Exception as exc: print(f"ERROR: Failed to resolve {moved_to}") print("".join(traceback.format_exception(exc))) return if not moved_to_actor_id: print("ERROR: Failed to resolve {moved_to}") return new_actor = await fetch_actor(db_session, moved_to_actor_id) if LOCAL_ACTOR.ap_id not in new_actor.ap_actor.get("alsoKnownAs", []): print( f"{new_actor.handle}/{moved_to_actor_id} is missing " f"{LOCAL_ACTOR.ap_id} in alsoKnownAs" ) return await send_move(db_session, new_actor.ap_id) print("Done") @task def self_destruct(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None from loguru import logger from app.boxes import send_self_destruct from app.database import async_session logger.disable("app") async def _send_self_destruct(): if input("Initiating self destruct, type yes to confirm: ") != "yes": print("Aborting") async with async_session() as db_session: await send_self_destruct(db_session) print("Done") @task def yunohost_config( ctx, domain, username, name, summary, password, ): # type: (Context, str, str, str, str, str) -> None from app.utils import yunohost yunohost.setup_config_file( domain=domain, username=username, name=name, summary=summary, password=password, ) @task def reset_password(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None import bcrypt from prompt_toolkit import prompt new_password = bcrypt.hashpw( prompt("New admin password: ", is_password=True).encode(), bcrypt.gensalt() ).decode() print() print("Update data/profile.toml with:") print(f'admin_password = "{new_password}"') @task def check_config(ctx): # type: (Context) -> None import sys import traceback from loguru import logger logger.disable("app") try: from app import config # noqa: F401 except Exception as exc: print("Config error, please fix data/profile.toml:\n") print("".join(traceback.format_exception(exc))) sys.exit(1) else: print("Config is OK") @task def import_mastodon_following_accounts(ctx, path): # type: (Context, str) -> None from loguru import logger from app.boxes import _get_following from app.boxes import _send_follow from app.database import async_session from app.utils.mastodon import get_actor_urls_from_following_accounts_csv_file async def _import_following() -> int: count = 0 async with async_session() as db_session: followings = { following.ap_actor_id for following in await _get_following(db_session) } for ( handle, actor_url, ) in await get_actor_urls_from_following_accounts_csv_file(path): if actor_url in followings:"Already following {handle}") continue"Importing {actor_url=}") await _send_follow(db_session, actor_url) count += 1 await db_session.commit() return count count ="Import done, {count} follow requests sent")