from typing import Any from fastapi import APIRouter from fastapi import Depends from fastapi import Request from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse from loguru import logger from app import activitypub as ap from app.boxes import get_outbox_object_by_ap_id from app.boxes import send_create from app.boxes import send_delete from app.database import AsyncSession from app.database import get_db_session from app.indieauth import AccessTokenInfo from app.indieauth import verify_access_token router = APIRouter() @router.get("/micropub") async def micropub_endpoint( request: Request, access_token_info: AccessTokenInfo = Depends(verify_access_token), db_session: AsyncSession = Depends(get_db_session), ) -> dict[str, Any] | JSONResponse: if request.query_params.get("q") == "config": return {} elif request.query_params.get("q") == "source": url = request.query_params.get("url") outbox_object = await get_outbox_object_by_ap_id(db_session, url) if not outbox_object: return JSONResponse( content={ "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "No post with this URL", }, status_code=400, ) extra_props: dict[str, list[str]] = {} return { "type": ["h-entry"], "properties": { "published": [ outbox_object.ap_published_at.isoformat() # type: ignore ], "content": [outbox_object.source], **extra_props, }, } return {} def _prop_get(dat: dict[str, Any], key: str) -> str: val = dat[key] if isinstance(val, list): return val[0] else: return val"/micropub") async def post_micropub_endpoint( request: Request, access_token_info: AccessTokenInfo = Depends(verify_access_token), db_session: AsyncSession = Depends(get_db_session), ) -> RedirectResponse | JSONResponse: form_data = await request.form() is_json = False if not form_data: form_data = await request.json() is_json = True insufficient_scope_resp = JSONResponse( status_code=401, content={"error": "insufficient_scope"} ) if "action" in form_data: if form_data["action"] in ["delete", "update"]: outbox_object = await get_outbox_object_by_ap_id( db_session, form_data["url"] ) if not outbox_object: return JSONResponse( content={ "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "No post with this URL", }, status_code=400, ) if form_data["action"] == "delete": if "delete" not in access_token_info.scopes: return insufficient_scope_resp"Deleting object {outbox_object.ap_id}") await send_delete(db_session, outbox_object.ap_id) # type: ignore return JSONResponse(content={}, status_code=200) elif form_data["action"] == "update": if "update" not in access_token_info.scopes: return insufficient_scope_resp # TODO(ts): support update # "replace": {"content": ["new content"]}"Updating object {outbox_object.ap_id}: {form_data}") return JSONResponse(content={}, status_code=200) else: raise ValueError("Should never happen") else: return JSONResponse( content={ "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": f'Unsupported action: {form_data["action"]}', }, status_code=400, ) if "create" not in access_token_info.scopes: return insufficient_scope_resp if is_json: entry_type = _prop_get(form_data, "type") # type: ignore else: h = "entry" if "h" in form_data: h = form_data["h"] entry_type = f"h-{h}""Creating {entry_type=} with {access_token_info=}") if entry_type != "h-entry": return JSONResponse( content={ "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "Only h-entry are supported", }, status_code=400, ) # TODO(ts): support creating Article (with a name) if is_json: content = _prop_get(form_data["properties"], "content") # type: ignore else: content = form_data["content"] public_id, _ = await send_create( db_session, "Note", content, uploads=[], in_reply_to=None, visibility=ap.VisibilityEnum.PUBLIC, ) return JSONResponse( content={}, status_code=201, headers={ "Location": request.url_for("outbox_by_public_id", public_id=public_id) }, )