
665 lines
25 KiB

// PBR model viewer. Based on Foxotron by @gargaj + cce/Peisik (UNLICENSE).
// - rlyeh, public domain.
// @todo: Middle mouse button to pan camera @todo
#include "v4k.h"
#if is(tcc) && !is(win32) // @todo: remove this & test on linux
int log2_64 (uint64_t value) {
const int tab64[64] = {
63, 0, 58, 1, 59, 47, 53, 2,
60, 39, 48, 27, 54, 33, 42, 3,
61, 51, 37, 40, 49, 18, 28, 20,
55, 30, 34, 11, 43, 14, 22, 4,
62, 57, 46, 52, 38, 26, 32, 41,
50, 36, 17, 19, 29, 10, 13, 21,
56, 45, 25, 31, 35, 16, 9, 12,
44, 24, 15, 8, 23, 7, 6, 5};
value |= value >> 1;
value |= value >> 2;
value |= value >> 4;
value |= value >> 8;
value |= value >> 16;
value |= value >> 32;
return tab64[((uint64_t)((value - (value >> 1))*0x07EDD5E59A4E28C2)) >> 58];
#define log2 log2_64
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// textures
texture_t *LoadTextureRGBA8( const char *pathfile, unsigned flags ) {
int flags_hdr = strendi(pathfile, ".hdr") ? TEXTURE_FLOAT | TEXTURE_RGBA : 0;
texture_t t = texture(pathfile, flags | TEXTURE_LINEAR | TEXTURE_MIPMAPS | TEXTURE_REPEAT | flags_hdr);
if( t.id == texture_checker().id ) {
return NULL;
texture_t *tex = CALLOC(1, sizeof(texture_t));
*tex = t;
return tex;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// models
typedef struct Mesh {
GLuint vao, vbo, ibo;
int vert_stride;
void *vert_stream;
int num_verts, num_tris;
int material_idx;
bool transparent;
vec3 aabb_min, aabb_max;
} Mesh;
typedef struct Model {
array(Mesh) meshes;
array(pbr_material_t) materials;
unsigned shader;
} Model;
bool ModelLoad( Model *G, const char *_path );
void ModelDestroy( Model *G );
void ModelRebind( Model *G, unsigned shader );
void ModelRender( Model *G, const mat44 _worldRootMatrix );
void ModelDestroy( Model *G) {
for( int i = 0, end = array_count(G->materials); i < end; ++i ) {
for( int i = 0, end = array_count(G->meshes); i < end; ++i ) {
Mesh *it = &G->meshes[i];
glDeleteBuffers( 1, &it->ibo );
glDeleteBuffers( 1, &it->vbo );
glDeleteVertexArrays( 1, &it->vao );
bool ModelLoad( Model *G, const char *_path ) {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Model g = {0};
*G = g;
model_t m = model(_path, 0);
int scn_num_meshes = m.num_meshes;
int scn_num_materials = array_count(m.materials);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
for( int i = 0; i < scn_num_materials; i++ ) {
const char *name = m.materials[i].name;
PRINTF("Loading material %d/%d: '%s'\n", i + 1, scn_num_materials, name);
pbr_material_t mt;
pbr_material(&mt, name);
array_push(G->materials, mt);
for( int i = 0; i < scn_num_meshes; i++ ) {
PRINTF("Loading mesh %d/%d\n", i + 1, scn_num_meshes);
int verts = m.num_verts;
int faces = m.num_triangles;
unsigned material_index = 0; // &m.iqm->meshes[i].material; // aiGetMeshMaterialIndex(scn_mesh[i]);
bool has_data = verts && faces;
if( !has_data ) {
PRINTF("Loading mesh v%d/f%d\n", verts, faces);
Mesh mesh = { 0 };
mesh.vao = m.vao;
mesh.vbo = m.vbo;
mesh.ibo = m.ibo;
mat44 id; id44(id);
mesh.aabb_min = model_aabb(m, id).min;
mesh.aabb_max = model_aabb(m, id).max;
// p3 n3 t3 b3 u2
mesh.vert_stride = m.stride;
mesh.vert_stream = m.verts;
mesh.num_verts = verts;
mesh.num_tris = faces;
mesh.material_idx = material_index;
// By importing materials before meshes we can investigate whether a mesh is transparent and flag it as such.
const pbr_material_t* mtl = G->materials ? &G->materials[mesh.material_idx] : NULL;
mesh.transparent = false;
if( mtl ) {
mesh.transparent |= mtl->albedo .texture ? mtl->albedo .texture->transparent : mtl->albedo .color.a < 1.0f;
mesh.transparent |= mtl->diffuse.texture ? mtl->diffuse.texture->transparent : mtl->diffuse.color.a < 1.0f;
array_push(G->meshes, mesh);
#if 0
G->mGlobalAmbient = vec4( 0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3 );
int scn_num_lights = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < scn_num_lights; i++ ) {
PRINTF("Loading light %d/%d\n", i + 1, scn_num_lights);
vec4 *color = aiGetLightColor(scn_light[i]);
char *type = aiGetLightType(scn_light[i]);
if( 0 == strcmp(type, "AMBIENT") ) {
memcpy( &G->mGlobalAmbient, &color->r, sizeof( float ) * 4 );
} else {
// @todo
return true;
void ModelRender( Model *G, const mat44 _worldRootMatrix ) {
unsigned _shader = G->shader;
shader_bind( _shader );
shader_vec4("global_ambient", vec4(1,1,1,1)); // unused
// loop thrice: first opaque, then transparent backface, then transparent frontface
for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
bool bTransparentPass = j > 0;
if(bTransparentPass) {
glEnable( GL_BLEND );
glCullFace( j == 1 ? GL_FRONT : GL_BACK ); // glDepthMask( GL_FALSE);
mat44 mat_world; copy44(mat_world, _worldRootMatrix); // @fixme mMatrices[ node.mID ] * _worldRootMatrix
shader_mat44( "mat_world", mat_world );
for( int i = 0, end = array_count(G->meshes); i < end; i++ ) {
const Mesh *mesh = &G->meshes[ i ];
// Postpone rendering transparent meshes
if(mesh->transparent != bTransparentPass)
const pbr_material_t *material = &G->materials[ mesh->material_idx ];
shader_colormap( "map_diffuse", material->diffuse );
shader_colormap( "map_normals", material->normals );
shader_colormap( "map_specular", material->specular );
shader_colormap( "map_albedo", material->albedo );
shader_colormap( "map_roughness", material->roughness );
shader_colormap( "map_metallic", material->metallic );
shader_colormap( "map_ao", material->ao );
shader_colormap( "map_ambient", material->ambient );
shader_colormap( "map_emissive", material->emissive );
shader_float( "specular_shininess", material->specular_shininess ); // unused, basic_specgloss.fs only
shader_vec2( "resolution", vec2(window_width(),window_height()));
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); // be nice to Mesa before rendering
glBindVertexArray( mesh->vao );
glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, mesh->num_tris * 3, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, NULL );
if(bTransparentPass) {
glDisable( GL_BLEND );
// glDepthMask( GL_TRUE );
//glBindVertexArray( 0 );
//glUseProgram( 0 );
void G_SetupVertexArray( unsigned _shader, const char *name, int stride, int num_floats, int *offset, int opt_location ) {
int location = opt_location >= 0 ? opt_location : glGetAttribLocation( _shader, name );
if( location >= 0 ) {
glVertexAttribPointer( location, num_floats, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, (GLvoid *)(uintptr_t)(*offset) );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( location );
*offset += num_floats * sizeof( GLfloat );
void ModelRebind( Model *G, unsigned _shader ) {
if(_shader == G->shader) return;
G->shader = _shader;
for( int i = 0, end = array_count(G->meshes); i < end; i++ ) {
const Mesh *mesh = &G->meshes[ i ];
glBindVertexArray( mesh->vao );
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh->vbo );
glBindBuffer( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh->ibo );
glDisableVertexAttribArray( 0 );
glDisableVertexAttribArray( 1 );
glDisableVertexAttribArray( 2 );
glDisableVertexAttribArray( 3 );
glDisableVertexAttribArray( 4 );
glDisableVertexAttribArray( 5 );
glDisableVertexAttribArray( 6 );
glDisableVertexAttribArray( 7 );
int offset = 0, stride = mesh->vert_stride;
G_SetupVertexArray( _shader, "in_pos", stride, 3, &offset, -1/*0*/ );
G_SetupVertexArray( _shader, "in_texcoord", stride, 2, &offset, -1/*1*/ );
G_SetupVertexArray( _shader, "in_normal", stride, 3, &offset, -1/*2*/ );
G_SetupVertexArray( _shader, "in_tangent", stride, 4, &offset, -1/*3*/ );
//glBindVertexArray( 0 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// skyboxes
// Extracts single key value from an HDRLabs IBL file. Returns an empty string on error.
static const char *ibl_readkey( const char* pathfile, const char* key ) {
char *data = vfs_read(pathfile);
if( data ) {
const char *found = strstr(data, va("%s=", key));
if( found ) return found + strlen(key) + 1;
found = strstr(data, va("%s =", key));
if( found ) return found + strlen(key) + 2;
return "";
typedef struct Skybox {
vec3 sunColor; float sunYaw, sunPitch; // ibl settings
texture_t *reflection; // reflection map (hdr)
texture_t *env; // irradiance map (env)
} Skybox;
Skybox g_skybox = { {1,1,1} };
void SkyboxDestroy( Skybox *s ) {
if( s->reflection ) texture_destroy( s->reflection );
if( s->env ) texture_destroy( s->env );
*s = (Skybox){0};
bool SkyboxLoad( Skybox *s, const char **slots ) { // hdr,env,ibl
SkyboxDestroy( s );
const char* reflectionPath = slots[0];
const char* envPath = slots[1];
const char* iblPath = slots[2];
// unsigned invalid = texture_checker().id;
// Reflection map
if( reflectionPath ) {
if( (s->reflection = LoadTextureRGBA8( reflectionPath, TEXTURE_SRGB )) != NULL ) {
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, s->reflection->id );
// Irradiance map
if( envPath ) {
if( (s->env = LoadTextureRGBA8( envPath, TEXTURE_SRGB )) != NULL ) {
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, s->env->id );
// Sun color & direction from .ibl file
s->sunColor = vec3(1,1,1);
s->sunYaw = 0, s->sunPitch = 0;
if( iblPath ) {
vec3 sc; if( 3 == sscanf(ibl_readkey(iblPath, "SUNcolor"), "%f,%f,%f", &sc.x, &sc.y, &sc.z) ) {
s->sunColor = scale3(sc, 1/255.f);
vec2 uv = vec2(atof(ibl_readkey(iblPath, "SUNu")), atof(ibl_readkey(iblPath, "SUNv")));
if( len2(uv) > 0 ) {
s->sunYaw = C_PI * (-2. * uv.x + 0.5f);
s->sunPitch = (0.5f - uv.y) * C_PI;
return s->reflection && s->env;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// main
const char *shader_names[] = {"Physically Based", "Basic SpecGloss" };
const char *shaders[][2] = { // name, vs, fs
{ "Shaders/pbr.vs", "Shaders/pbr.fs" },
{ "Shaders/basic_specgloss.vs", "Shaders/basic_specgloss.fs" }
const char *skyboxes[][3] = { // reflection, env, metadata
Model gModel;
unsigned gShader = ~0u;
unsigned gShaderConfig = ~0u;
bool LoadShaderConfig( int slot ) { // name,vs,fs
unsigned newShader = shader( vfs_read(shaders[slot][0]), vfs_read(shaders[slot][1]), NULL, NULL, NULL );
if( newShader == ~0u ) return false;
shader_destroy( gShader );
gShaderConfig = slot;
gShader = newShader;
return true;
void camera_fit(camera_t *cam) {
vec3 target = scale3( add3( gModel.meshes[0].aabb_min, gModel.meshes[0].aabb_max ), 0.5f);
float distance = len3( sub3( gModel.meshes[0].aabb_max, gModel.meshes[0].aabb_min ) ) * 0.85f;
cam->position = add3(target, scale3(norm3(sub3(cam->position,target)), distance));
camera_lookat(cam, vec3(0,0,0));
int main() {
window_create( 75, WINDOW_MSAA2 );
// load all fx files in all subdirs
LoadShaderConfig( 0 );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mainloop
float model_yaw = 0, model_pitch = 0;
float lightYaw = 0.0f;
float lightPitch = 0.0f;
vec4 skyBackgroundColor = vec4(0.01,0.01,0.02,1); // vec4(1,0,0,1);
float skyExposure = 1.0; // plain 'exposure' instead? this is camera related
float skyBlur = 0.00; // 0.00
float skyOpacity = 0.99; // 0.99
bool do_wireframe = false;
bool do_xzySpace = true; // xzySpace or xyzSpace
bool do_flipY = false;
const mat44 xzyMatrix = {
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0,+1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1 };
camera_t cam = camera(); cam.speed = 0.1;
int firstskyboxes = 0; // 0: tokyo_bigsight
SkyboxLoad( &g_skybox, &skyboxes[firstskyboxes][0] );
lightYaw = g_skybox.sunYaw;
lightPitch = g_skybox.sunPitch;
unsigned skysphereShader = shader( vfs_read("Skyboxes/skysphere.vs"), vfs_read("Skyboxes/skysphere.fs"), NULL, NULL, NULL );
Model skysphere = { 0 }; ModelLoad(&skysphere, "Skyboxes/skysphere.fbx"); ModelRebind(&skysphere, skysphereShader);
if( ModelLoad( &gModel, option("--model", "damagedhelmet.gltf") ) ) {
ModelRebind( &gModel, gShader );
cam.position = vec3(+1,0,+1);
static mat44 worldRootXYZ; do_once id44(worldRootXYZ); // mat44( 1.0f );
while( window_swap() && !input(KEY_ESC) ) {
if( input(KEY_F5) ) window_reload();
if( input_down( KEY_F ) ) camera_fit(&cam);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
static int fps_mode;
if(input_down(KEY_TAB)) { fps_mode ^= 1; camera_fit(&cam); }
if(fps_mode) {
// fps camera
bool active = ui_active() || ui_hover() || gizmo_active() ? false : input(MOUSE_L) || input(MOUSE_M) || input(MOUSE_R);
window_cursor( !active );
if( active ) cam.speed = clampf(cam.speed + input_diff(MOUSE_W) / 10, 0.05f, 5.0f);
vec2 mouse = scale2(vec2(input_diff(MOUSE_X), -input_diff(MOUSE_Y)), 0.2f * active);
vec3 wasdecq = scale3(vec3(input(KEY_D)-input(KEY_A),input(KEY_E)-(input(KEY_C)||input(KEY_Q)),input(KEY_W)-input(KEY_S)), cam.speed);
camera_moveby(&cam, wasdecq);
camera_fps(&cam, mouse.x,mouse.y);
} else {
// orbit camera
window_cursor( true );
bool active = !ui_active() && !ui_hover() && !gizmo_active();
vec2 inc_mouse = scale2(vec2(input_diff(MOUSE_X), -input_diff(MOUSE_Y)), 0.2f * active * input(MOUSE_L));
float inc_distance = -0.2f * active * input_diff(MOUSE_W);
camera_orbit(&cam, inc_mouse.x, inc_mouse.y, inc_distance);
// rotate model
model_yaw -= input_diff(MOUSE_X) * 0.2f * active * input(MOUSE_R);
model_pitch += input_diff(MOUSE_Y) * 0.2f * active * input(MOUSE_R);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
glClearColor( skyBackgroundColor.r, skyBackgroundColor.g, skyBackgroundColor.b, skyBackgroundColor.a );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mesh state
profile("PBR Model (bindings)") {
ModelRebind( &gModel, gShader );
shader_mat44( "mat_projection", cam.proj );
//cameraPosition = scale3(cameraPosition, gCameraDistance);
shader_vec3( "camera_position", cam.position );
vec3 lightDirection = vec3( 0, 0, 1 );
lightDirection = rotatex3( lightDirection, deg(lightPitch) );
lightDirection = rotatey3( lightDirection, deg(lightYaw) );
vec3 fillLightDirection = vec3( 0, 0, 1 );
fillLightDirection = rotatex3( fillLightDirection, deg(lightPitch - 0.4f) );
fillLightDirection = rotatey3( fillLightDirection, deg(lightYaw + 0.8f) );
shader_vec3( "lights[0].direction", lightDirection );
shader_vec3( "lights[0].color", g_skybox.sunColor );
shader_vec3( "lights[1].direction", fillLightDirection );
shader_vec3( "lights[1].color", vec3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f ) );
shader_vec3( "lights[2].direction", neg3(fillLightDirection) );
shader_vec3( "lights[2].color", vec3( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f ) );
shader_float( "skysphere_rotation", lightYaw - g_skybox.sunYaw );
mat44 viewMatrix, inv_viewMatrix;
copy44(viewMatrix, cam.view);
invert44( inv_viewMatrix, viewMatrix);
shader_mat44( "mat_view", viewMatrix );
shader_mat44( "mat_view_inverse", inv_viewMatrix );
shader_bool( "has_tex_skysphere", g_skybox.reflection != NULL );
shader_bool( "has_tex_skyenv", g_skybox.env != NULL );
if( g_skybox.reflection ) {
float mipCount = floor( log2( g_skybox.reflection->h ) );
shader_texture( "tex_skysphere", *g_skybox.reflection );
shader_float( "skysphere_mip_count", mipCount );
if( g_skybox.env ) {
shader_texture( "tex_skyenv", *g_skybox.env );
shader_texture( "tex_brdf_lut", brdf_lut() );
shader_float( "exposure", skyExposure );
shader_uint( "frame_count", (unsigned)window_frame() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mesh render
mat44 M;
copy44( M, do_xzySpace ? xzyMatrix : worldRootXYZ );
if( do_flipY ) scale44( M, 1,-1,1 );
rotate44( M, model_yaw, 0,0,1 );
rotate44( M, model_pitch, 1,0,0 );
profile("PBR Model (render)") {
ModelRender( &gModel, M );
profile("PBR Model (wireframe)") {
if( do_wireframe ) {
glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE );
glDepthFunc( GL_LEQUAL );
shader_float("exposure", 100.0f );
ModelRender( &gModel, M );
glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL );
glDepthFunc( GL_LESS );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Skysphere render
profile("PBR Skybox") {
ModelRebind(&skysphere, skysphereShader );
mat44 projview; multiply44x2(projview, cam.proj, cam.view);
shader_mat44( "mat_mvp", projview );
shader_bool( "has_tex_skysphere", g_skybox.reflection != NULL );
shader_bool( "has_tex_skyenv", g_skybox.env != NULL );
if( g_skybox.reflection ) {
const float mipCount = floor( log2( g_skybox.reflection->h ) );
shader_texture( "tex_skysphere", *g_skybox.reflection );
shader_float( "skysphere_mip_count", mipCount );
if( g_skybox.env ) {
shader_texture( "tex_skyenv", *g_skybox.env );
shader_vec4( "background_color", skyBackgroundColor );
shader_float( "skysphere_blur", skyBlur );
shader_float( "skysphere_opacity", skyOpacity );
shader_float( "skysphere_rotation", lightYaw - g_skybox.sunYaw );
shader_float( "exposure", skyExposure );
shader_uint( "frame_count", (unsigned)window_frame() );
glDepthFunc( GL_LEQUAL );
ModelRender(&skysphere, worldRootXYZ );
glDepthFunc( GL_LESS );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// UI
if( ui_panel( "Viewer", 0 ) ) {
ui_bool( "Wireframe", &do_wireframe );
if( ui_radio("Shader config:", shader_names, countof(shader_names), &gShaderConfig) ) {
LoadShaderConfig( gShaderConfig );
ModelRebind(&gModel, gShader );
for( int i = 0; i < countof(skyboxes); i++ ) {
const char *filename = skyboxes[i][0];
bool selected = !strcmp(g_skybox.reflection->filename, file_name(filename));
if( ui_bool( filename, &selected ) ) {
SkyboxLoad( &g_skybox, &skyboxes[i][0] );
lightYaw = g_skybox.sunYaw;
lightPitch = g_skybox.sunPitch;
ui_float( "Sky exposure", &skyExposure); skyExposure = clampf(skyExposure, 0.1f, 4.0f );
ui_float( "Sky blur", &skyBlur); skyBlur = clampf(skyBlur, 0.0f, 1.0f );
ui_float( "Sky opacity", &skyOpacity); skyOpacity = clampf(skyOpacity, 0.0f, 1.0f );
ui_color4f( "Sky background", (float *) &skyBackgroundColor.x );
ui_float( "SunLight Yaw", &lightYaw );
ui_float( "SunLight Pitch", &lightPitch );
if( ui_panel( "Model", 0 ) ) {
ui_label(va("Material count: %d", array_count(gModel.materials)));
ui_label(va("Mesh count: %d", array_count(gModel.meshes)));
int triCount = 0; for( int i = 0, end = array_count(gModel.meshes); i < end; ++i ) triCount += gModel.meshes[i].num_tris;
ui_label(va("Triangle count: %d", triCount));
bool xyzSpace = !do_xzySpace;
if( ui_bool( "XYZ space", &xyzSpace ) ) {
do_xzySpace = !do_xzySpace;
ui_bool( "XZY space", &do_xzySpace );
ui_bool( "invert Y", &do_flipY );
for( int i = 0, end = array_count(gModel.materials); i < end; ++i ) {
pbr_material_t *it = &gModel.materials[i];
ui_label(va("Name: %s", it->name));
ui_float( "Specular shininess", &it->specular_shininess );
ui_separator(); if(ui_colormap( "Albedo", &it->albedo )) colormap(&it->albedo , app_loadfile(), 1);
ui_separator(); if(ui_colormap( "Ambient", &it->ambient )) colormap(&it->ambient , app_loadfile(), 0);
ui_separator(); if(ui_colormap( "AO", &it->ao )) colormap(&it->ao , app_loadfile(), 0);
ui_separator(); if(ui_colormap( "Diffuse", &it->diffuse )) colormap(&it->diffuse , app_loadfile(), 1);
ui_separator(); if(ui_colormap( "Emissive", &it->emissive )) colormap(&it->emissive , app_loadfile(), 1);
ui_separator(); if(ui_colormap( "Metallic", &it->metallic )) colormap(&it->metallic , app_loadfile(), 0);
ui_separator(); if(ui_colormap( "Normal", &it->normals )) colormap(&it->normals , app_loadfile(), 0);
ui_separator(); if(ui_colormap( "Roughness", &it->roughness )) colormap(&it->roughness, app_loadfile(), 0);
ui_separator(); if(ui_colormap( "Specular", &it->specular )) colormap(&it->specular , app_loadfile(), 0);
if( ui_panel("Help", 0)) {
if( fps_mode ) {
ui_label("TAB: switch to Orbit camera mode");
ui_label("WASD,QEC: move camera");
ui_label("Drag + Mouse Button: camera freelook");
} else {
ui_label("TAB: switch to FPS camera mode");
ui_label("Drag + Left Mouse Button: orbit camera");
ui_label("Drag + Right Mouse Button: rotate model");
ui_label("Mouse wheel: camera distance");
ui_label("F: center view");