
138 lines
4.7 KiB

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void v4k_pre_init() {
const char *appname = app_name();
const char *appdir = app_path();
window_icon(va("%s/%s.png", appdir, appname));
ifdef(win32,window_icon(va("%s/%s.ico", appdir, appname)));
int i;
#pragma omp parallel for
for( i = 0; i <= 3; ++i) {
/**/ if( i == 0 ) ddraw_init();// init this on thread#0 since it will be compiling shaders, and shaders need to be compiled from the very same thread than glfwMakeContextCurrent() was set up
else if( i == 1 ) sprite_init();
else if( i == 2 ) profiler_init();
else if( i == 3 ) storage_mount("save/"), storage_read(), touch_init(); // for ems
// window_swap();
static void v4k_post_init(float refresh_rate) {
int i;
// cook cleanup
// init subsystems that depend on cooked assets now. ui_init() is special case and needs to be safely in single thread
// init more subsystems; beware of VFS mounting, as some of these may need cooked assets at this point
#pragma omp parallel for
for( i = 0; i <= 3; ++i) {
/**/ if( i == 0 ) scene_init(); // init these on thread #0, since both will be compiling shaders, and shaders need to be compiled from the very same thread than glfwMakeContextCurrent() was set up
else if( i == 1 ) audio_init(0); // initialize audio after cooking // reasoning for this: do not launch audio threads while cooks are in progress, so there is more cpu for cooking actually
else if( i == 2 ) script_init(), kit_init(), midi_init();
else if( i == 3 ) input_init(), network_init();
const char *appname = app_name();
window_icon(va("%s.png", appname));
window_icon(va("%s.ico", appname));
// display window
glfwGetFramebufferSize(window, &w, &h); //glfwGetWindowSize(window, &w, &h);
boot_time = -time_ss(); // measure boot time, this is continued in window_stats()
// clean any errno setup by cooking stage
errno = 0;
hz = refresh_rate;
// t = glfwGetTime();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void v4k_quit(void) {
void v4k_init() {
do_once {
// abort run if any test suite failed
if( test_errs ) exit(-1);
// install signal handlers
ifdef(debug, trap_install());
// init panic handler
panic_oom_reserve = SYS_REALLOC(panic_oom_reserve, 1<<20); // 1MiB
// init glfw
// enable ansi console
// chdir to root (if invoked as tcc -g -run)
// chdir(app_path());
// skip tcc argvs (if invoked as tcc file.c v4k.c -g -run) (win)
if( __argc > 1 ) if( strstr(__argv[0], "/tcc") || strstr(__argv[0], "\\tcc") ) {
__argc = 0;
// create or update cook.zip file
if( /* !COOK_ON_DEMAND && */ file_exist(COOK_INI) && cook_jobs() ) {
// Enable more performant GPUs on laptops. Does this work into a dll?
// int NvOptimusEnablement = 1;
// int AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance = 1;
#if is(linux) && is(tcc) // fixes `tcc: error: undefined symbol '__dso_handle'`
int __dso_handle; // compiled with: `tcc demo.c v4k.c -D__STDC_NO_VLA__ -lX11`
#if is(win32) && is(tcc) // fixes `tcc: error: undefined symbol '_InterlockedExchangeAdd'` when compiling with `-m64` flag
__CRT_INLINE LONG _InterlockedExchangeAdd(LONG volatile *add, LONG val) {
LONG old;
do old = *add; while( InterlockedCompareExchange(add, old + val, old) != old );
return old;
__CRT_INLINE LONGLONG _InterlockedExchangeAdd64(LONGLONG volatile *add, LONGLONG val) { // 64bit version, for completeness
do old = *add; while( InterlockedCompareExchange64(add, old + val, old) != old );
return old;
#ifdef ZIG_CC
static int IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(const struct in6_addr *a) { return ((a->s6_words[0]==0) && (a->s6_words[1]==0) && (a->s6_words[2]==0) && (a->s6_words[3]==0) && (a->s6_words[4]==0) && (a->s6_words[5]==0xffff)); }
const struct in6_addr in6addr_any; // = IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT;
//static const struct in6_addr in6addr_loopback = IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT;
ifdef(retail, AUTORUN {
const char* null_stream = ifdef(win32, "nul:", "/dev/null");
if (!freopen(null_stream, "a", stdout)) PANIC("cannot recreate standard streams");
if (!freopen(null_stream, "a", stderr)) PANIC("cannot recreate standard streams");
} )