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// noise3.jpg, stars.jpg
// Ben Quantock 2014
// License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
// parameters
const float SSradius = 200.0; // Okay, it's actually a lot smaller than the Stanford Torus, but it's a cool name.
const float SSthickness = 16.0;
const float angularSpeed = .221; // g = r*w^2, e.g. w = sqrt(9.81/200) = .221
vec3 SunDir = vec3(1,1,-1.5);
const float tau = 6.28318530717958647692;
vec2 Noise( in vec3 x )
vec3 p = floor(x), f = fract(x);
f = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
vec2 uv = (p.xy+vec2(37.0,17.0)*p.z) + f.xy;
vec4 rg = textureLod( iChannel0, (uv+0.5)/256.0, 0.0 );
return mix( rg.yw, rg.xz, f.z );
#define MAX 1000.0
float Foliage( vec3 pos )
abs(length(pos.xy)-SSradius-2.0 + Noise(pos/16.0).x*2.0 + 2.0*abs(pos.z)/SSthickness - 1.0)-1.0
// todo: leafiness
float Water( vec3 pos )
return max( abs(pos.z)-SSthickness, abs(length(pos.xy)-SSradius-1.0)-1.0 );
float Building( vec3 pos, float seed )
if ( seed < .1 )
return length(vec3(pos.x,max(abs(pos.y)-2.0,0.0),pos.z))-2.0;
vec3 p = pos;
p.y += (seed-.5)*p.z;
p = abs(p)-vec3(2,3,2);
vec3 p2 = abs(pos+vec3(0,1.67,0))-vec3(1,.67,1);
return max(max(max(p.x,p.y),p.z),-max(p2.z,p2.y));
float Solid( vec3 pos )
float r = length(pos.xy);
vec2 polar = vec2(atan(pos.x,-pos.y),length(pos.xy));
vec3 spokep = pos;
const float spokeangle = tau/5.0;
float spokea = (fract(polar.x/spokeangle)-.5)*spokeangle;
spokep.xy = polar.y*vec2(sin(spokea),-cos(spokea));
// ring
// outer torus
abs( length(vec2(pos.z, r-SSradius))-SSthickness-.5 )-.5,
// window-gap
// top gap
6.0-abs(pos.z), //todo: close bottom
// buildings
//length( vec3((fract(polar.x*40.0)-.5)*polar.y/40.0,polar.y+1.0-SSradius,pos.z+30.0*(fract(pow(floor(polar.x*40.0)*.777,2.0))-.5) ) ) - .5
//length( vec3((fract(polar.x*20.0)-.5)*polar.y/20.0,polar.y-SSradius,pos.z+30.0*(fract(pow(floor(polar.x*20.0)*.444,2.0))-.5) ) ) - 2.0
Building( vec3((fract(polar.x*20.0)-.5)*polar.y/20.0,polar.y-SSradius,pos.z+30.0*(fract(pow((floor(polar.x*20.0)+5.0)*.444,2.0))-.5) ), fract(pow(floor(polar.x*20.0)*.777,2.0)) )
// could do roads connecting them, by drawing 2 for every position
min( min(
// spokes
// hub
// dock
// smooth min, to prevent hard edges when I use union of lights
bool domin;
float smin ( float a, float b )
/*const float s = 1.0;
return -log2(exp2(-a/s)+exp2(-b/s))*s;*/
if ( domin )
return min( a, b );
return 1.0/(1.0/a+1.0/b);
float Lights( vec3 pos )
// ring light
sqrt( pow(length(vec2(pos.z, length(pos.xy)-188.0)),2.0) + pow(max(.0,dot(pos.xy,vec2(sin(iGlobalTime*.3),cos(iGlobalTime*.3)))),2.0) )-.5,
// landing lights
//length( vec3( abs(pos.x)-8.0, max(vec2(0),abs(pos.yz)-vec2(3,8.5)) ) )-.1),
// moving lights to test fake lighting/shadows
vec4 SampleLights( vec3 pos )
domin = false;
// like then Normal calc
float r = .1;
vec2 d = vec2(-1,1) * r;
vec3 p0 = pos+d.xxx; // tetrahedral offsets
vec3 p1 = pos+d.xyy;
vec3 p2 = pos+d.yxy;
vec3 p3 = pos+d.yyx;
float f0 = Lights(p0);
float f1 = Lights(p1);
float f2 = Lights(p2);
float f3 = Lights(p3);
// this direction is completely innaccurrate for hard-edged intersections!
// it gets one or other surface normal, rather than a smoothed result
// so, build smooth light shapes
return vec4(
-normalize( p0*f0+p1*f1+p2*f2+p3*f3 - pos*(f0+f1+f2+f3) ),// /r, should be possible to use non-normalized value, for more realistic effect
float DistanceField( vec3 pos )
domin = true;
return min( min( min(
Foliage( pos ),
Water( pos ) ),
Solid( pos ) ),
Lights( pos )
float DistanceFieldNoLights( vec3 pos )
return min( min(
Foliage( pos ),
Water( pos ) ),
Solid( pos )
struct ShadeData { vec3 pos, ray, normal; float shadow; float t; };
ShadeData SetShadeData( vec3 pos, vec3 ray, vec3 normal, float shadow, float t )
ShadeData s;
s.pos = pos;
s.ray = ray;
s.normal = normal;
s.shadow = shadow;
s.t = t;
return s;
vec3 DiffuseLight( ShadeData s )
// sunlight
vec3 sun = vec3(1)*2.0*max(.0,dot(s.normal,SunDir))*s.shadow;
// local soft light sources
// Actually sample the lights!!
vec4 sl = SampleLights( s.pos );
// float fade = 1.0/sl.w; // point lights should be 1/(w*w), line lights are 1/w, infinite area lights are 1
//vec3 local = vec3(.4,.7,1)*5.0*(dot(sl.xyz,s.normal)*.5+.5)*fade;
vec3 local = vec3(.4,.7,1)*2.0*(dot(sl.xyz,s.normal)+1.0)/sl.w;
// like ambient occlusion, but towards the light
vec3 l = normalize(sl.xyz);
float d = 2.0;//s.t/20.0;
//shadow strength should depend on strength of SH vector
local *= .3+.7*min( 1.0, max( 0.0, (DistanceFieldNoLights(s.pos+l*d)/d)) );// /max(.001,dot(s.normal,l)) );
// ambient
vec3 ambient = vec3(0) + local;
// this ambient occlusion trick works ridiculously well
// sample the distance field at a point in front of the surface
// if there's a nearby concave surface the value will be less than the distance to the sample point
float aoRange = s.t/20.0;
float occlusion = max( 0.0, 1.0 - DistanceFieldNoLights( s.pos + s.normal*aoRange )/aoRange ); // can be > 1.0
ambient *= exp2( -2.0*pow(occlusion,2.0) ); // tweak the curve
return ambient;//+sun;
vec3 ShadeFoliage( ShadeData s )
vec3 albedo = mix( vec3(.05,.02,.01), vec3(.1,.5,.0), Noise(s.pos*20.0).x*.3+.7 );
return albedo*DiffuseLight(s);
vec3 ShadeWater( ShadeData s )
const float albedoScale = 4.0;
float rad = (SSradius+1.0)/albedoScale;
rad = floor( rad*tau+.5 )/tau; // round it so we get a whole number of texture repeats
vec2 uv = vec2(s.pos.z/albedoScale,atan(s.pos.x,s.pos.y)*rad);
vec3 base = vec3(.05,.1,.2)*DiffuseLight(s);
// normal map
vec2 noise = (Noise( s.pos*2.0+iGlobalTime*vec3(-4,4,0) )*2.0-1.0)*.1;
vec3 tangent = normalize(vec3(s.pos.y,-s.pos.x,0));
vec3 binormal = vec3(0,0,1);
vec3 normal = s.normal + tangent*noise.x + binormal*noise.y;
float fresnel = dot(normal,s.ray);
vec3 reflection = s.ray-2.0*fresnel*normal;
fresnel = pow( 1.0-abs(fresnel), 5.0 );
float up = dot( reflection, normal );
float across = dot( reflection, binormal );
vec3 refcol = vec3(.4,.7,1)*1.0*pow(1.0-abs(across),40.0);
return mix( base, refcol, fresnel );
vec3 ShadeSolid( ShadeData s )
return vec3(.8) * DiffuseLight(s);
vec3 ShadeLights( ShadeData s )
return vec3(.4,.7,1)*8.0*abs(dot(s.ray,s.normal)); // draw the lightbulb
vec3 Shade( ShadeData s )
float foliage = Foliage(s.pos);
float water = Water(s.pos);
float solid = Solid(s.pos);
float lights = Lights(s.pos);
float dist = min(min(min(foliage, water),solid),lights);
if ( lights == dist )
return ShadeLights(s);
#if (1) // test lighting
return DiffuseLight(s)*.8;
else if ( foliage == dist )
return ShadeFoliage(s);
else if ( water == dist )
return ShadeWater(s);
return ShadeSolid(s);
//Compute the surface normal
vec3 Normal( vec3 pos )
// in theory we should be able to get a good gradient using just 4 points
vec2 d = vec2(-1,1) * .01;
vec3 p0 = pos+d.xxx; // tetrahedral offsets
vec3 p1 = pos+d.xyy;
vec3 p2 = pos+d.yxy;
vec3 p3 = pos+d.yyx;
float f0 = DistanceField(p0);
float f1 = DistanceField(p1);
float f2 = DistanceField(p2);
float f3 = DistanceField(p3);
return normalize( p0*f0+p1*f1+p2*f2+p3*f3 - pos*(f0+f1+f2+f3) );
struct Camera { vec3 pos, target, up; float zoom; };
Camera SetCam( vec3 pos, vec3 target, vec3 up, float zoom )
Camera cam;
cam.pos = pos;
cam.target = target;
cam.up = up;
cam.zoom = zoom;
return cam;
Camera MixCam( Camera a, Camera b, float c )
Camera cam;
cam.pos = mix( a.pos, b.pos, c );
cam.target = mix( a.target, b.target, c );
cam.up = mix( a.up, b.up, c );
cam.zoom = mix( a.zoom, b.zoom, c );
return cam;
vec3 BGRot( in vec3 v, in vec3 cs )
return vec3(v.xy*cs.x + v.yx*cs.yz, v.z);
vec2 Trace( vec3 pos, vec3 ray, vec2 interval )
float t = interval.x;
float h;
for( int i=0; i<200; i++ )
h = DistanceField( pos + t*ray );
if ( h < .01 || t > interval.y )
t += h;
return vec2(t,h);
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
// rotate background
float a = iGlobalTime*angularSpeed; // radians per second
vec3 cs = vec3( cos(a), sin(a)*vec2(1,-1) );
SunDir = normalize( BGRot( SunDir, cs ) );
// todo: animate camera between pairs of keyframes
Camera camKeys[8];
camKeys[0] = SetCam( vec3(-400,-300,-300), vec3(0,0,0), vec3(0,.5,-1), .8 );
camKeys[1] = SetCam( vec3(-20,3.0-SSradius,-16), vec3(SSradius,-130,0), vec3(0,1,1), .7 );
camKeys[2] = SetCam( vec3(-10,2.0-SSradius,16), vec3(0,-SSradius,0), vec3(0,1,0), .8 );
camKeys[3] = SetCam( vec3(30,2.5-SSradius,5), vec3(-SSradius,40.0-SSradius,-50), vec3(0,1,0), .8 );
camKeys[4] = SetCam( vec3(30,2.5-SSradius,5), vec3(-SSradius,40.0-SSradius,-50), vec3(0,1,0), .8 );
camKeys[5] = SetCam( vec3(-10,2.5-SSradius,2), vec3(0,SSradius,0), vec3(.5,3,1), 1.2 );
camKeys[6] = SetCam( vec3(200,-150,400), vec3(0,0,0), vec3(0,.5,1), .8 );
camKeys[7] = SetCam( vec3(0,0,50), vec3(0,0,0), vec3(cs.y,-cs.x,0), .8 );
// pick a pair of cameras using time
// todo: could manually pick cam using all combinations of "iop", shown on screen when auto-cycling (cam: io)
// mouse moves cam along path, and target up/down (by up*length(target-pos))
float T = fract(iGlobalTime/52.0)*4.0;
Camera cam1, cam2;
bool rotCam = false;
if ( T < 1.0 ) { cam1 = camKeys[0]; cam2 = camKeys[1]; rotCam = true; }
else if ( T < 2.0 ) { cam1 = camKeys[2]; cam2 = camKeys[3]; }
else if ( T < 3.0 ) { cam1 = camKeys[4]; cam2 = camKeys[5]; }
else { cam1 = camKeys[6]; cam2 = camKeys[7]; rotCam = true; }
// mix between them
//T = smoothstep( .15, .85, fract(T) );
T = fract(T);
float T2 = T*T;
T = (6.0*T2 - 15.0*T + 10.0)*T2*T;
Camera cam = MixCam( cam1, cam2, T );
//rotCam = true; cam = camKeys[1];
rotCam = false; cam = camKeys[3];
//Camera cam = SetCam( vec3(500.0*(iMouse.xy/iResolution.xy-.5),0)+vec3(0,-300,-300), vec3(0,-100,0), vec3(0,1,0), .7 );
// fire a ray from the camera
vec3 pos = cam.pos;
vec3 forward = normalize(cam.target-cam.pos);
vec3 right = normalize(cross(cam.up,forward));
vec3 up = normalize(cross(forward,right));
vec3 ray = normalize(vec3( fragCoord.xy-iResolution.xy*.5, iResolution.x*cam.zoom ));
ray = right*ray.x + up*ray.y + forward*ray.z;
if ( rotCam )
pos = BGRot( pos, cs );
ray = BGRot( ray, cs );
// intersect that ray with isosurface bounding volume
vec2 interval = vec2(0,1000);
// march isosurface
vec2 th = Trace( pos, ray, interval );
// shading
vec3 col;
if ( th.y < 1.0 ) // shade some near misses to reduce artefacts
vec3 p = pos + th.x*ray;
vec3 n = Normal(p);
float shadowBias = mix ( 1.0, .1, abs(dot( n, SunDir )) );
float shadow = Trace( p, SunDir, vec2(shadowBias, 1000.0) ).y;
shadow = smoothstep( .01, 4.0, shadow );
col = Shade( SetShadeData(p,ray,n,shadow,th.x) );
// draw background
ray = BGRot( ray, cs.xzy );
float s = 1.3;
vec3 X = texture( iChannel1, ray.yz*s ).rgb;
vec3 Y = texture( iChannel1, ray.xz*s ).rgb;
vec3 Z = texture( iChannel1, ray.xy*s ).rgb;
col = mix( X, Y, smoothstep(-.3,.3,abs(ray.y)-abs(ray.x)) );
col = mix( col, Z, smoothstep(-.3,.3,abs(ray.z)-max(abs(ray.x),abs(ray.y))) );
col = pow(col,vec3(7,5,3))*.1;
col = vec3(0);
fragColor = vec4(pow(col,vec3(1.0/2.2)),1.0);