
99 lines
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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// files, cache and virtual filesystem (registered directories and/or compressed zip archives).
// - rlyeh, public domain.
// - note: vfs_mount() order matters (last mounts have higher priority).
// - note: directory/with/trailing/slash/ as mount_point, or zip/tar/pak archive otherwise.
// @todo: file_mmap
// @todo: file_find() from first file_scan()
// physical filesystem. files
API array(char*) file_list( const char *pathmasks ); // folder/*.ico;**.png;*.c
API bool file_write( const char *file, const void *ptr, int len );
API bool file_append( const char *file, const void *ptr, int len );
API char * file_read(const char *filename);
API char * file_load(const char *filename, int *len);
API uint64_t file_size(const char *pathfile);
API bool file_directory(const char *pathfile);
API char * file_pathabs(const char *pathfile); // ../dir/./file.ext -> c:/prj/dir/file.ext
API char * file_path(const char *pathfile); // c:/prj/dir/file.ext -> c:/prj/dir/
API char * file_name(const char *pathfile); // c:/prj/dir/file.ext -> file.ext
API char * file_base(const char *pathfile); // c:/prj/dir/file.ext -> file
API char * file_ext(const char *pathfile); // c:/prj/dir/file.ext -> .ext
API char * file_id(const char *pathfile); // c:/prj/dir/file.ext -> file/dir/prj (name then alphabetical)
API char * file_normalize(const char *pathfile); // c:/prj/dir/file.ext -> c/prj/dir/file_ext
//API char * file_normalize_with_folder(const char *pathfile); // c:/prj/dir/file.ext -> dir/file_ext
API char * file_counter(const char *pathfile); // in: v4k.ini -> out: v4k(001).ini -> out: v4k(002).ini [-> etc...]
API uint64_t file_stamp(const char *pathfile); // 1616153596 (seconds since unix epoch)
API uint64_t file_stamp10(const char *pathfile); // 20210319113316 (absolute datetime in base10)
API bool file_exist(const char *pathfile);
API bool file_delete(const char *pathfile);
API bool file_copy(const char *src, const char *dst);
API bool file_move(const char *src, const char *dst);
API FILE* file_temp();
API char* file_tempname();
API void* file_md5(const char *file); // 16 bytes
API void* file_sha1(const char *file); // 20 bytes
API void* file_crc32(const char *file); // 4 bytes
// compressed files
API array(char*) file_zip_list(const char *zipfile);
API array(char) file_zip_extract(const char *zipfile, const char *filename);
API bool file_zip_append(const char *zipfile, const char *filename, int clevel);
API bool file_zip_appendmem(const char *zipfile, const char *entryname, const void *ptr, unsigned len, int clevel);
// storage (emscripten only)
// Mounts local storage folder for writing. Useful for Emscripten only. @path_folder: "/save" for example
// Reads local storage to memory. Usually call it one time only, after mount. Useful for Emscripten only.
// Writes memory contents to local storage. Usually call it after all fclose
API void storage_mount(const char* folder);
API void storage_read();
API void storage_flush();
// virtual filesystem
API bool vfs_mount(const char *mount_point);
API array(char*) vfs_list(const char *masks); // **.png;*.c
API char * vfs_read(const char *pathfile);
API char * vfs_load(const char *pathfile, int *size);
API int vfs_size(const char *pathfile);
API void vfs_reload();
API const char * vfs_resolve(const char *fuzzyname); // guess best match. @todo: fuzzy path
//API const char*vfs_extract(const char *pathfile); // extracts vfs file into local filesystem (temporary file), so it can be read by foreign/3rd party libs
API FILE* vfs_handle(const char *pathfile); // same as above, but returns file handle instead. preferred way, will clean descriptors at exit
// cache
API void * cache_insert(const char *key, void *value, int size);
API void * cache_lookup(const char *key, int *size);
// ini
// @todo: evaluate alt api #1
// char *ini(filename, section.key, default);
// float inif(filename, section.key, default);
// @todo: evaluate alt api #2
// char *val = ini(filename, section_key);
// int count = ini_count(filename);
// char *key = ini_key_id(filename, id);
// char *val = ini_val_id(filename, id);
typedef map(char*,char*) ini_t;
API ini_t ini(const char *filename);
API ini_t ini_from_mem(const char *data);
API void ini_destroy(ini_t);
API bool ini_write(const char *filename, const char *section, const char *key, const char *value);