
39 lines
1.1 KiB

#include "v4k.h"
void render(void *arg) {
video_t *v = arg;
// decode video frame and get associated textures (audio is automatically sent to audiomixer)
texture_t *textures;
profile( "Video decoder" ) {
textures = video_decode( v );
// present decoded textures as a fullscreen composed quad
profile( "Video quad" ) {
fullscreen_quad_rgb( textures[0], 1.3f );
// ui video
if( ui_panel("Video", 0) ) {
if( ui_button("Rewind") ) video_seek(v, video_position(v) - 3);
if( ui_button("Pause") ) video_pause(v, video_is_paused(v) ^ 1);
if( ui_button("Forward") ) video_seek(v, video_position(v) + 3);
// audio
if( ui_panel("Audio", 0)) {
static float master = 1;
if( ui_slider2("Master", &master, va("%.2f", master))) audio_volume_master(master);
int main() {
// 75% window, msaa x2
window_create(0.75f, 0);
window_aspect_lock(910, 540);
video_t *v = video( "bjork-all-is-full-of-love.mp4", VIDEO_RGB );
window_loop(render, v);