
295 lines
9.6 KiB

#if is(tcc) && is(win32) // @fixme: https lib is broken with tcc. replaced with InternetReadFile() api for now
# include <wininet.h>
# pragma comment(lib,"wininet")
int download_file( FILE *out, const char *url ) {
int ok = false;
char buffer[ 4096 ];
DWORD response_size = 0;
if( out )
for( HINTERNET session = InternetOpenA("v4k.download_file", PRE_CONFIG_INTERNET_ACCESS, NULL, INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER, 0); session; InternetCloseHandle(session), session = 0 ) // @fixme: download_file
for( HINTERNET request = InternetOpenUrlA(session, url, NULL, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); request; InternetCloseHandle(request), request = 0 )
for(; InternetReadFile(request, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &response_size) != FALSE && response_size > 0; ) {
ok = (fwrite(buffer, response_size, 1, out) == 1);
if(!ok) break;
return ok;
array(char) download( const char *url ) {
char buffer[ 4096 ];
DWORD response_size = 0, pos = 0;
array(char) out = 0;
for( HINTERNET session = InternetOpenA("v4k.download", PRE_CONFIG_INTERNET_ACCESS, NULL, INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER, 0); session; InternetCloseHandle(session), session = 0 )
for( HINTERNET request = InternetOpenUrlA(session, url, NULL, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); request; InternetCloseHandle(request), request = 0 )
for(; InternetReadFile(request, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &response_size) != FALSE && response_size > 0; ) {
array_resize(out, pos + response_size);
memcpy(out + (pos += response_size) - response_size, buffer, response_size);
return out;
int download_file( FILE *out, const char *url ) {
int ok = false;
if( out ) for( https_t *h = https_get(url, NULL); h; https_release(h), h = NULL ) {
while (https_process(h) == HTTPS_STATUS_PENDING) sleep_ms(1);
//printf("fetch status%d, %d %s\n\n%.*s\n", https_process(h), h->status_code, h->content_type, (int)h->response_size, (char*)h->response_data);
if(https_process(h) == HTTPS_STATUS_COMPLETED)
ok = fwrite(h->response_data, h->response_size, 1, out) == 1;
return ok;
// @fixme: broken with tcc -m64 (our default tcc configuration)
array(char) download( const char *url ) {
array(char) out = 0;
for( https_t *h = https_get(url, NULL); h; https_release(h), h = NULL ) {
while (https_process(h) == HTTPS_STATUS_PENDING) sleep_ms(1);
//printf("fetch status:%d, %d %s\n\n%.*s\n", https_process(h), h->status_code, h->content_type, (int)h->response_size, (char*)h->response_data);
if( https_process(h) == HTTPS_STATUS_COMPLETED ) {
array_resize(out, h->response_size);
memcpy(out, h->response_data, h->response_size);
return out;
bool network_tests() {
// network test (https)
array(char) webfile = download("https://www.google.com/");
printf("Network test: %d bytes downloaded from google.com\n", array_count(webfile));
// array_push(webfile, '\0'); puts(webfile);
return true;
int portname( const char *service_name, unsigned retries ) {
// Determine port for a given service based on hash of its name.
// If port cant be reached, client should retry with next hash.
// Algorithm: fnv1a(name of service) -> splitmix64 num retries -> remap bucket as [min..max] ports.
// hash64
uint64_t hash = 14695981039346656037ULL;
while( *service_name ) {
hash = ( (unsigned char)*service_name++ ^ hash ) * 0x100000001b3ULL;
// splitmix64
for( unsigned i = 0; i < retries; ++i ) {
uint64_t h = (hash += UINT64_C(0x9E3779B97F4A7C15));
h = (h ^ (h >> 30)) * UINT64_C(0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9);
h = (h ^ (h >> 27)) * UINT64_C(0x94D049BB133111EB);
h = (h ^ (h >> 31));
hash = h;
// See dynamic ports: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephemeral_port
// So, excluded ranges: 32768..60999 (linux), 49152..65535 (freebsd+vista+win7), 1024..5000 (winsrv2003+bsd)
// Output range: [5001..32724], in 4096 steps
return ((hash & 0xFFF) * 677 / 100 + 5001);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define UDP_DEBUG 0
static int udp_init() {
do_once {
int rc = swrapInit(); // atexit(swrapTerminate);
if( rc ) PANIC("udp_init: swrapInit error");
return 1;
int udp_open(const char *address, const char *port) {
do_once udp_init();
int fd = swrapSocket(SWRAP_UDP, SWRAP_CONNECT, 0, address, port);
// if( fd == -1 ) PANIC("udp_open: swrapSocket error");
return fd;
int udp_bind(const char *address, const char *port) {
do_once udp_init();
int fd = swrapSocket(SWRAP_UDP, SWRAP_BIND, 0, address, port);
// if( fd == -1 ) PANIC("udp_bind: swrapSocket error");
return fd;
int udp_send( int fd, const void *buf, int len ) { // returns bytes sent, or -1 if error
int rc = -1;
if( fd >= 0 ) for( ;; ) {
rc = swrapSend(fd, (const char *)buf, len);
#if is(win32)
if( rc == -1 && WSAGetLastError() == WSAEINTR ) continue;
else break;
if( rc == -1 && errno == EINTR ) continue;
else break;
if( rc > 0 ) {
char host[128], serv[128];
int rc2 = swrapAddressInfo(&sa, host, 128, serv, 128 );
if( rc2 != 0 ) PANIC("swrapAddressInfo error");
printf("udp_send: %d bytes to %s:%s : %.*s\n", rc, host, serv, rc, buf );
hexdump(buf, rc);
return rc;
int udp_close( int fd ) { // @todo: expose me? needed?
#if is(win32)
// closesocket(fd);
// close(fd);
fd = -1; // noop
return 0;
#if 0
// use socket to send data to another address
int udp_sendto( int fd, const char *ip, const char *port, const void *buf, int len ) { // return number of bytes sent
#if 0
int rc = swrapSendTo(fd, struct swrap_addr*, (const char*)buf, len);
if( rc == -1 ) return -1; //PANIC("udp_send: swrapSend error");
return rc;
struct sockaddr_in addr = {0};
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
// use inet_addr. tcc(win32) wont work otherwise.
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip); // inet_pton(AF_INET, ip, &addr.sin_addr);
addr.sin_port = htons(atoi(port));
int n = sendto(fd, buf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr));
return n < 0 ? -1 : n;
int udp_peek( int fd ) { // <0 error, 0 timeout, >0 data
int rc = swrapSelect(fd, 0.00001);
if( rc < 0 ) return -1; // PANIC("udp_peek: swrapSelect error");
if( rc == 0 ) return 0; // timeout
return 1; //> 0: new data is available
int udp_recv( int fd, void *buf, int len ) { // <0 error, 0 orderly shutdown, >0 received bytes
struct swrap_addr sa = {0};
int rc = swrapReceiveFrom(fd, &sa, buf, len);
if( rc < 0 ) return -1; // PANIC("udp_recv: swrapReceiveFrom error");
if( rc == 0 ) return 0; // orderly shutdown
char host[128], serv[128];
int rc2 = swrapAddressInfo(&sa, host, 128, serv, 128 );
if( rc2 != 0 ) PANIC("swrapAddressInfo error");
printf("udp_recv: %d bytes from %s:%s : %.*s\n", rc, host, serv, rc, buf );
hexdump(buf, rc);
return rc;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define TCP_DEBUG 1
static set(int) tcp_set;
void tcp_init(void) {
do_once {
set_init(tcp_set, less_int, hash_int);
int tcp_open(const char *address, const char *port) {
do_once tcp_init();
int fd = swrapSocket(SWRAP_TCP, SWRAP_CONNECT, 0/*|SWRAP_NODELAY*/, address, port);
return fd;
int tcp_bind(const char *interface_, const char *port, int backlog) {
do_once tcp_init();
int fd = swrapSocket(SWRAP_TCP, SWRAP_BIND, 0/*|SWRAP_NODELAY*//*|SWRAP_NOBLOCK*/, interface_, port);
if( fd >= 0 ) swrapListen(fd, backlog);
return fd;
int tcp_peek(int fd, int(*callback)(int)) {
struct swrap_addr sa;
int fd2 = swrapAccept(fd, &sa);
if( fd2 >= 0 ) return callback(fd2);
return -1;
int tcp_send(int fd, const void *buf, int len) {
int rc = swrapSend(fd, (const char *)buf, len);
if( set_find(tcp_set, fd) ) {
printf("send -> %11d (status: %d) %s:%s\n", len, rc, tcp_host(fd), tcp_port(fd));
if( rc > 0 ) hexdump(buf, rc);
return rc;
int tcp_recv(int fd, void *buf, int len) {
int rc = swrapReceive(fd, (char*)buf, len);
if( rc != 0 && set_find(tcp_set, fd) ) {
printf("recv <- %11d (status: %d) %s:%s\n", len, rc, tcp_host(fd), tcp_port(fd));
if( rc > 0 ) hexdump(buf, rc);
return rc;
char* tcp_host(int fd) {
char buf[1024];
struct swrap_addr sa;
swrapAddress(fd, &sa);
swrapAddressInfo(&sa, buf, 512, buf+512, 512);
return va("%s", buf);
char* tcp_port(int fd) {
char buf[1024];
struct swrap_addr sa;
swrapAddress(fd, &sa);
swrapAddressInfo(&sa, buf, 512, buf+512, 512);
return va("%s", buf+512);
int tcp_close(int fd) {
return 0;
int tcp_debug(int fd) {
if( set_find(tcp_set, fd) ) {
set_erase(tcp_set, fd);
return 0;
} else {
set_insert(tcp_set, fd);
return 1;
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void network_init() {
do_once {