v4k-git-backup/tools/Luminance HDR/AUTHORS

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If I forgot to add someone to this list please let me know.
Main developers, improvements, bug fixing:
Davide Anastasia (Lead Project Mantainer & Mac OS X support)
Daniel Kaneider (Windows Setup and Optimisation, Head of i18n Support)
Franco Comida (Developer, Linux support, Maintainer Fedora Package)
Bruce Guenter
Contributors, in last name alphabetical order:
Frank Boehme (various suggestions)
Maciej Dworak
Jean-Christophe Frisch
Ignacy Gawedzki (tiff ldr bugfixes and suggestion)
Arne Hagenah (various suggestions)
Antoine Latter
Erik Ouchterlony
Bertrand Petit (FreeBSD patch)
Nicholas Phillips (MTB alignment code)
Sloan Poe (found and fixed bug regarding legacy actions signal)
Alexandre Prokoudine (gui improvements, desktop integration)
Markus Schmaus (found and fixed bug in Debevec and Robertson02)
Douglas E. Warner (FC6 packager and bug reports)
Ingo Weyrich (speedups, reduction of memory usage, Windows msys2 build instructions)
Original author:
Giuseppe Rota <grota@sourceforge.net>