// compress.c de/compressors into a single-file header // - rlyeh, public domain // // current file format: // header : [1<<block_size:8][1<<excess:8] // chunk : [len:32] [fmt:4|lvl:4] [data:X] // // @todo: new format // header : [1<<block_size:8][1<<excess:8] // chunk : [len:32][fmt|lvl:8][data:X][fmt|lvl:8][crc:32] // // @todo: endianness // @todo: 0(store),1..(6)..9,10..15(uber) // @todo: expose new/del ctx (workmem) // @todo: compressed file seeking #ifndef COMPRESS_H #define COMPRESS_H #define COMPRESS_VERSION "v1.1.0" #include <stdio.h> #ifndef REALLOC #define REALLOC realloc #endif // compressor type [0..15]: high nibble // compression level/flags [0..15]: low hibble // compressor_type << 4 + compression_level = 1 byte enum { RAW = 0, PPP = (1<<4), ULZ = (2<<4), LZ4X = (3<<4), CRSH = (4<<4), DEFL = (5<<4), LZP1 = (6<<4), LZMA = (7<<4), BALZ = (8<<4), LZW3 = (9<<4), LZSS = (10<<4), BCM = (11<<4), NUM_COMPRESSORS = 13 }; // mem de/encoder unsigned mem_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned compressor); unsigned mem_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned compressor); unsigned mem_excess(unsigned compressor); unsigned mem_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen); // file de/encoder unsigned file_encode(FILE* in, FILE* out, FILE *logfile, unsigned cnum, unsigned *clist); unsigned file_decode(FILE* in, FILE* out, FILE *logfile); #endif // COMPRESS_H #ifdef COMPRESS_C //#pragma once #define RAW_C #define PPP_C #define ULZ_C #define LZ4X_C #define CRUSH_C #define DEFLATE_C #define LZP1_C #define LZMA_C #define BALZ_C #define LZRW3A_C #define LZSS_C #define BCM_C #endif //#line 1 "amalgamated_balz.c" // balz.cpp is written and placed in the public domain by Ilya Muravyov // additional code by @r-lyeh (public domain) unsigned balz_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags /*[0..1]*/); unsigned balz_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen); unsigned balz_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags); unsigned balz_excess(unsigned flags); #ifdef BALZ_C //#pragma once #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_DISABLE_PERFCRIT_LOCKS #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> typedef struct mfile { uint8_t *begin, *seek, *end; } mfile; int minit(mfile *f, const void *ptr, int len) { f->begin = f->seek = f->end = (uint8_t*)ptr; f->end += len; return 0; } int mread(mfile *m, void *buf, int len) { if( len >= (m->end - m->seek) ) len = (m->end - m->seek); memcpy(buf,m->seek,len); m->seek += len; return len; } int mwrite(mfile *m, const void *buf, int len) { if( len >= (m->end - m->seek) ) len = (m->end - m->seek); memcpy(m->seek,buf,len); m->seek += len; return len; } int mtell(mfile *m) { return m->seek - m->begin; } int mavail(mfile *m) { return m->end - m->seek; } int mputc(mfile *m, int i) { uint8_t ch = i; return mwrite(m, &ch, 1); } int mgetc(mfile *m) { if( mavail(m) <= 0 ) return -1; uint8_t ch; mread(m, &ch, 1); return ch; } typedef struct Counter { uint16_t p1; uint16_t p2; } Counter; void CounterCtor(Counter *c) { c->p1 = 1<<15; c->p2 = 1<<15; } uint32_t CounterP(const Counter *c) { return c->p1+c->p2; } void CounterUpdate0(Counter *c) { c->p1-=c->p1>>3; c->p2-=c->p2>>6; } void CounterUpdate1(Counter *c) { c->p1+=(c->p1^65535)>>3; c->p2+=(c->p2^65535)>>6; } typedef struct Encoder { uint32_t code; uint32_t low; uint32_t high; mfile *in, *out; } Encoder; void EncoderCtor(Encoder *e, mfile *in, mfile *out) { e->code = e->low = 0; e->high = -1; e->in = in; e->out = out; } void EncoderEncode(Encoder *e, int bit, Counter *c) { const uint32_t mid=e->low+((((uint64_t)e->high-e->low)*(CounterP(c)<<15))>>32); if (bit) { e->high=mid; CounterUpdate1(c); } else { e->low=mid+1; CounterUpdate0(c); } while ((e->low^e->high)<(1<<24)) { mputc(e->out, e->low>>24); e->low<<=8; e->high=(e->high<<8)|255; } } void EncoderFlush(Encoder *e) { for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) { mputc(e->out, e->low>>24); e->low<<=8; } } void EncoderInit(Encoder *e) { for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) e->code=(e->code<<8)|mgetc(e->in); } int EncoderDecode(Encoder *e, Counter *c) { const uint32_t mid=e->low+((((uint64_t)e->high-e->low)*(CounterP(c)<<15))>>32); const int bit=(e->code<=mid); if (bit) { e->high=mid; CounterUpdate1(c); } else { e->low=mid+1; CounterUpdate0(c); } while ((e->low^e->high)<(1<<24)) { e->code=(e->code<<8)|mgetc(e->in); e->low<<=8; e->high=(e->high<<8)|255; } return bit; } enum { BALZ_TAB_BITS=7 }; enum { BALZ_TAB_SIZE=1<<BALZ_TAB_BITS }; enum { BALZ_TAB_MASK=BALZ_TAB_SIZE-1 }; typedef struct CM { Encoder encoder; Counter counter1[256][512]; Counter counter2[256][BALZ_TAB_SIZE]; } CM; void CMCtor(CM *cm, mfile *in, mfile *out) { EncoderCtor(&cm->encoder, in, out); for( int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) for( int j = 0; j < 512; ++j) CounterCtor(&cm->counter1[i][j]); for( int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) for( int j = 0; j < BALZ_TAB_SIZE; ++j) CounterCtor(&cm->counter2[i][j]); } void CMInit(CM *cm) { EncoderInit(&cm->encoder); } void CMEncode(CM *cm, int t, int c1) { int ctx=1; while (ctx<512) { const int bit=((t&256)!=0); t+=t; EncoderEncode(&cm->encoder, bit, &cm->counter1[c1][ctx]); ctx+=ctx+bit; } } void CMEncodeIdx(CM *cm, int x, int c2) { int ctx=1; while (ctx<BALZ_TAB_SIZE) { const int bit=((x&(BALZ_TAB_SIZE>>1))!=0); x+=x; EncoderEncode(&cm->encoder, bit, &cm->counter2[c2][ctx]); ctx+=ctx+bit; } } int CMDecode(CM *cm, int c1) { int ctx=1; while (ctx<512) ctx+=ctx+EncoderDecode(&cm->encoder, &cm->counter1[c1][ctx]); return ctx-512; } int CMDecodeIdx(CM *cm, int c2) { int ctx=1; while (ctx<BALZ_TAB_SIZE) ctx+=ctx+EncoderDecode(&cm->encoder, &cm->counter2[c2][ctx]); return ctx-BALZ_TAB_SIZE; } enum { BALZ_MIN_MATCH=3 }; enum { BALZ_MAX_MATCH=255+BALZ_MIN_MATCH }; enum { BALZ_BUF_BITS=25 }; enum { BALZ_BUF_SIZE=1<<BALZ_BUF_BITS }; enum { BALZ_BUF_MASK=BALZ_BUF_SIZE-1 }; uint8_t buf[BALZ_BUF_SIZE]; uint32_t tab[1<<16][BALZ_TAB_SIZE]; int cnt[1<<16]; void balz_init() { size_t buflen = sizeof(uint8_t) * BALZ_BUF_SIZE; memset(buf, 0, buflen); size_t cntlen = sizeof(int) * (1<<16); memset(cnt, 0, cntlen); for(int i = 0; i < (1<<16); ++i) for(int j = 0; j < BALZ_TAB_SIZE; ++j) tab[i][j] = 0; } // E8E9 preprocessor to improve compression of x86 (EXE and DLL) files. // The preprocessor replaces relative CALL and JMP addresses with absolute addresses, // which improves compression because an address may appear multiple times. // Many other compressors use this technique. #define e8e9_transform(FWD,n) do { \ const int end=n-8; \ int p=0; \ while((*((int*)&buf[p])!=0x4550)&&(++p<end)); /* unaligned */ \ while (p<end) { \ if ((buf[p++]&254)==0xe8) { \ int *addr=(int*)&buf[p]; /* unaligned */ \ if (FWD) { \ if ((*addr>=-p)&&(*addr<(n-p))) \ *addr+=p; \ else if ((*addr>0)&&(*addr<n)) \ *addr-=n; \ } else { \ if (*addr<0) { \ if ((*addr+p)>=0) \ *addr+=n; \ } \ else if (*addr<n) \ *addr-=p; \ } \ p+=4; \ } \ } \ } while(0) static inline uint32_t get_hash(int p) { return (((*(uint32_t*)(&buf[p]))&0xffffff) *2654435769UL)&~BALZ_BUF_MASK; // Little-endian+unaligned } static inline int get_pts(int len, int x) { return len>=BALZ_MIN_MATCH?(len<<BALZ_TAB_BITS)-x:((BALZ_MIN_MATCH-1)<<BALZ_TAB_BITS)-8; } int get_pts_at(int p, int n) { const int c2=*(uint16_t*)&buf[p-2]; // unaligned const uint32_t hash=get_hash(p); int len=BALZ_MIN_MATCH-1; int idx=BALZ_TAB_SIZE; int max_match=n-p; if (max_match>BALZ_MAX_MATCH) max_match=BALZ_MAX_MATCH; for (int x=0; x<BALZ_TAB_SIZE; ++x) { const uint32_t d=tab[c2][(cnt[c2]-x)&BALZ_TAB_MASK]; if (!d) break; if ((d&~BALZ_BUF_MASK)!=hash) continue; const int s=d&BALZ_BUF_MASK; if ((buf[s+len]!=buf[p+len])||(buf[s]!=buf[p])) continue; int l=0; while (++l<max_match) if (buf[s+l]!=buf[p+l]) break; if (l>len) { idx=x; len=l; if (l==max_match) break; } } return get_pts(len, idx); } int balz_compress(const uint8_t *in, unsigned inlen, uint8_t *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned is_max) { balz_init(); *out++ = (inlen >> 24) & 255; *out++ = (inlen >> 16) & 255; *out++ = (inlen >> 8) & 255; *out++ = (inlen >> 0) & 255; outlen -= 4; mfile inf, outf; minit(&inf, in, inlen); minit(&outf, out, outlen); CM cm; CMCtor(&cm, &inf, &outf); int best_idx[BALZ_MAX_MATCH+1]; int n; while ((n=mread(&inf, buf, BALZ_BUF_SIZE))>0) { //e8e9_transform(1,n); memset(tab, 0, sizeof(tab)); int p=0; while ((p<2)&&(p<n)) CMEncode(&cm, buf[p++], 0); while (p<n) { const int c2=*(uint16_t*)&buf[p-2]; // unaligned const uint32_t hash=get_hash(p); int len=BALZ_MIN_MATCH-1; int idx=BALZ_TAB_SIZE; int max_match=n-p; if (max_match>BALZ_MAX_MATCH) max_match=BALZ_MAX_MATCH; for (int x=0; x<BALZ_TAB_SIZE; ++x) { const uint32_t d=tab[c2][(cnt[c2]-x)&BALZ_TAB_MASK]; if (!d) break; if ((d&~BALZ_BUF_MASK)!=hash) continue; const int s=d&BALZ_BUF_MASK; if ((buf[s+len]!=buf[p+len])||(buf[s]!=buf[p])) continue; int l=0; while (++l<max_match) if (buf[s+l]!=buf[p+l]) break; if (l>len) { for (int i=l; i>len; --i) best_idx[i]=x; idx=x; len=l; if (l==max_match) break; } } if ((is_max)&&(len>=BALZ_MIN_MATCH)) { int sum=get_pts(len, idx)+get_pts_at(p+len, n); if (sum<get_pts(len+BALZ_MAX_MATCH, 0)) { const int lookahead=len; for (int i=1; i<lookahead; ++i) { const int tmp=get_pts(i, best_idx[i])+get_pts_at(p+i, n); if (tmp>sum) { sum=tmp; len=i; } } idx=best_idx[len]; } } tab[c2][++cnt[c2]&BALZ_TAB_MASK]=hash|p; if (len>=BALZ_MIN_MATCH) { CMEncode(&cm, (256-BALZ_MIN_MATCH)+len, buf[p-1]); CMEncodeIdx(&cm, idx, buf[p-2]); p+=len; } else { CMEncode(&cm, buf[p], buf[p-1]); ++p; } } } EncoderFlush(&cm.encoder); if ( (inf.seek - inf.begin) != inlen) { return 0; // size mismatch error } return (int)(outf.seek - outf.begin) + 4; } int balz_decompress(const uint8_t *in, unsigned inlen, uint8_t *out, unsigned outlen) { balz_init(); uint32_t flen32 = 0; flen32 |= ((uint32_t)*in++) << 24; flen32 |= ((uint32_t)*in++) << 16; flen32 |= ((uint32_t)*in++) << 8; flen32 |= ((uint32_t)*in++) << 0; outlen = flen32; int flen = flen32; inlen -= 4; mfile inf, outf; minit(&inf, in, inlen); minit(&outf, out, outlen); CM cm; CMCtor(&cm, &inf, &outf); CMInit(&cm); #define balz_src_avail ((int)(inf.end - inf.seek)) #define balz_dst_avail ((int)(outf.end - outf.seek)) #define balz_dst_written ((int)(outf.seek - outf.begin)) while(/*(balz_src_avail > 0) &&*/ (balz_dst_written != flen)) { int p=0; while ((p<2) && ((p+balz_dst_written)<flen)) { const int t=CMDecode(&cm, 0); if (t>=256) { return 0; // corrupt file error } buf[p++]=t; } while ((p < BALZ_BUF_SIZE) && (p+balz_dst_written<flen)) { // (balz_src_avail > 0)) { const int tmp=p; const int c2=*(uint16_t*)(&buf[p-2]); // unaligned const int t=CMDecode(&cm, buf[p-1]); if (t>=256) { int len=t-256; int s=tab[c2][(cnt[c2]-CMDecodeIdx(&cm, buf[p-2]))&BALZ_TAB_MASK]; buf[p++]=buf[s++]; buf[p++]=buf[s++]; buf[p++]=buf[s++]; while (len--) buf[p++]=buf[s++]; } else buf[p++]=t; tab[c2][++cnt[c2]&BALZ_TAB_MASK]=tmp; } //e8e9_transform(0,p); mwrite(&outf, buf, p); } return (int)(outf.seek - outf.begin); } unsigned balz_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags /*[0..1]*/) { unsigned level = flags > 0 ? 1 : 0; return (unsigned)balz_compress((const uint8_t *)in, inlen, (uint8_t*)out, outlen, level); } unsigned balz_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen) { return (unsigned)balz_decompress((const uint8_t *)in, inlen, (uint8_t*)out, outlen); } unsigned balz_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)(inlen * 1.1) + 16; // @todo: check src } unsigned balz_excess(unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)0; } #endif // BALZ_C #ifdef BALZ_DEMO //#pragma once #include <string.h> int main() { const char *longcopy = "Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world!"; int level=1; char out[128]; unsigned outlen = balz_encode(longcopy, strlen(longcopy)+1, out, 128, level); printf("%s %d->%d\n", outlen ? "ok" : "fail", (int)strlen(longcopy)+1, (int)outlen); char redo[128]; unsigned unpacked = balz_decode(out, outlen, redo, 128); printf("%d->%d %s\n", (int)outlen, (int)unpacked, redo); } #define main main__ #endif // BALZ_DEMO //#line 1 "amalgamated_bcm_bwt.c" #ifndef BCM_C // do nothing #elif defined BCM_NO_ENCODER // dummy int bcm_divbwt(const unsigned char *T, unsigned char *U, int *A, int n) { return -1; } #else /* * divsufsort.h for libdivsufsort-lite * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Yuta Mori All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _DIVSUFSORT_H #define _DIVSUFSORT_H 1 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /*- Prototypes -*/ /** * Constructs the suffix array of a given string. * @param T[0..n-1] The input string. * @param SA[0..n-1] The output array of suffixes. * @param n The length of the given string. * @return 0 if no error occurred, -1 or -2 otherwise. */ int bcm_divsufsort(const unsigned char *T, int *SA, int n); /** * Constructs the burrows-wheeler transformed string of a given string. * @param T[0..n-1] The input string. * @param U[0..n-1] The output string. (can be T) * @param A[0..n-1] The temporary array. (can be NULL) * @param n The length of the given string. * @return The primary index if no error occurred, -1 or -2 otherwise. */ int bcm_divbwt(const unsigned char *T, unsigned char *U, int *A, int n); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* _DIVSUFSORT_H */ /* * divsufsort.c for libdivsufsort-lite * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Yuta Mori All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef _OPENMP # include <omp.h> #endif //#include "bcm_divsufsort.h" /*- Constants -*/ #ifndef INLINE #define INLINE __inline #endif #if defined(ALPHABET_SIZE) && (ALPHABET_SIZE < 1) # undef ALPHABET_SIZE #endif #if !defined(ALPHABET_SIZE) # define ALPHABET_SIZE (256) #endif #define BUCKET_A_SIZE (ALPHABET_SIZE) #define BUCKET_B_SIZE (ALPHABET_SIZE * ALPHABET_SIZE) #if defined(SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD) # if SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD < 1 # undef SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD # define SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD (1) # endif #else # define SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD (8) #endif #if defined(SS_BLOCKSIZE) # if SS_BLOCKSIZE < 0 # undef SS_BLOCKSIZE # define SS_BLOCKSIZE (0) # elif 32768 <= SS_BLOCKSIZE # undef SS_BLOCKSIZE # define SS_BLOCKSIZE (32767) # endif #else # define SS_BLOCKSIZE (1024) #endif /* minstacksize = log(SS_BLOCKSIZE) / log(3) * 2 */ #if SS_BLOCKSIZE == 0 # define SS_MISORT_STACKSIZE (96) #elif SS_BLOCKSIZE <= 4096 # define SS_MISORT_STACKSIZE (16) #else # define SS_MISORT_STACKSIZE (24) #endif #define SS_SMERGE_STACKSIZE (32) #define TR_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD (8) #define TR_STACKSIZE (64) /*- Macros -*/ #ifndef SWAP # define SWAP(_a, _b) do { t = (_a); (_a) = (_b); (_b) = t; } while(0) #endif /* SWAP */ #ifndef MIN # define MIN(_a, _b) (((_a) < (_b)) ? (_a) : (_b)) #endif /* MIN */ #ifndef MAX # define MAX(_a, _b) (((_a) > (_b)) ? (_a) : (_b)) #endif /* MAX */ #define STACK_PUSH(_a, _b, _c, _d)\ do {\ assert(ssize < STACK_SIZE);\ stack[ssize].a = (_a), stack[ssize].b = (_b),\ stack[ssize].c = (_c), stack[ssize++].d = (_d);\ } while(0) #define STACK_PUSH5(_a, _b, _c, _d, _e)\ do {\ assert(ssize < STACK_SIZE);\ stack[ssize].a = (_a), stack[ssize].b = (_b),\ stack[ssize].c = (_c), stack[ssize].d = (_d), stack[ssize++].e = (_e);\ } while(0) #define STACK_POP(_a, _b, _c, _d)\ do {\ assert(0 <= ssize);\ if(ssize == 0) { return; }\ (_a) = stack[--ssize].a, (_b) = stack[ssize].b,\ (_c) = stack[ssize].c, (_d) = stack[ssize].d;\ } while(0) #define STACK_POP5(_a, _b, _c, _d, _e)\ do {\ assert(0 <= ssize);\ if(ssize == 0) { return; }\ (_a) = stack[--ssize].a, (_b) = stack[ssize].b,\ (_c) = stack[ssize].c, (_d) = stack[ssize].d, (_e) = stack[ssize].e;\ } while(0) #define BUCKET_A(_c0) bucket_A[(_c0)] #if ALPHABET_SIZE == 256 #define BUCKET_B(_c0, _c1) (bucket_B[((_c1) << 8) | (_c0)]) #define BUCKET_BSTAR(_c0, _c1) (bucket_B[((_c0) << 8) | (_c1)]) #else #define BUCKET_B(_c0, _c1) (bucket_B[(_c1) * ALPHABET_SIZE + (_c0)]) #define BUCKET_BSTAR(_c0, _c1) (bucket_B[(_c0) * ALPHABET_SIZE + (_c1)]) #endif /*- Private Functions -*/ static const int lg_table[256]= { -1,0,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4, 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5, 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6, 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7 }; #if (SS_BLOCKSIZE == 0) || (SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD < SS_BLOCKSIZE) static INLINE int ss_ilg(int n) { #if SS_BLOCKSIZE == 0 return (n & 0xffff0000) ? ((n & 0xff000000) ? 24 + lg_table[(n >> 24) & 0xff] : 16 + lg_table[(n >> 16) & 0xff]) : ((n & 0x0000ff00) ? 8 + lg_table[(n >> 8) & 0xff] : 0 + lg_table[(n >> 0) & 0xff]); #elif SS_BLOCKSIZE < 256 return lg_table[n]; #else return (n & 0xff00) ? 8 + lg_table[(n >> 8) & 0xff] : 0 + lg_table[(n >> 0) & 0xff]; #endif } #endif /* (SS_BLOCKSIZE == 0) || (SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD < SS_BLOCKSIZE) */ #if SS_BLOCKSIZE != 0 static const int sqq_table[256] = { 0, 16, 22, 27, 32, 35, 39, 42, 45, 48, 50, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 76, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 160, 161, 162, 163, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 167, 168, 169, 170, 170, 171, 172, 173, 173, 174, 175, 176, 176, 177, 178, 178, 179, 180, 181, 181, 182, 183, 183, 184, 185, 185, 186, 187, 187, 188, 189, 189, 190, 191, 192, 192, 193, 193, 194, 195, 195, 196, 197, 197, 198, 199, 199, 200, 201, 201, 202, 203, 203, 204, 204, 205, 206, 206, 207, 208, 208, 209, 209, 210, 211, 211, 212, 212, 213, 214, 214, 215, 215, 216, 217, 217, 218, 218, 219, 219, 220, 221, 221, 222, 222, 223, 224, 224, 225, 225, 226, 226, 227, 227, 228, 229, 229, 230, 230, 231, 231, 232, 232, 233, 234, 234, 235, 235, 236, 236, 237, 237, 238, 238, 239, 240, 240, 241, 241, 242, 242, 243, 243, 244, 244, 245, 245, 246, 246, 247, 247, 248, 248, 249, 249, 250, 250, 251, 251, 252, 252, 253, 253, 254, 254, 255 }; static INLINE int ss_isqrt(int x) { int y, e; if(x >= (SS_BLOCKSIZE * SS_BLOCKSIZE)) { return SS_BLOCKSIZE; } e = (x & 0xffff0000) ? ((x & 0xff000000) ? 24 + lg_table[(x >> 24) & 0xff] : 16 + lg_table[(x >> 16) & 0xff]) : ((x & 0x0000ff00) ? 8 + lg_table[(x >> 8) & 0xff] : 0 + lg_table[(x >> 0) & 0xff]); if(e >= 16) { y = sqq_table[x >> ((e - 6) - (e & 1))] << ((e >> 1) - 7); if(e >= 24) { y = (y + 1 + x / y) >> 1; } y = (y + 1 + x / y) >> 1; } else if(e >= 8) { y = (sqq_table[x >> ((e - 6) - (e & 1))] >> (7 - (e >> 1))) + 1; } else { return sqq_table[x] >> 4; } return (x < (y * y)) ? y - 1 : y; } #endif /* SS_BLOCKSIZE != 0 */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Compares two suffixes. */ static INLINE int ss_compare(const unsigned char *T, const int *p1, const int *p2, int depth) { const unsigned char *U1, *U2, *U1n, *U2n; for(U1 = T + depth + *p1, U2 = T + depth + *p2, U1n = T + *(p1 + 1) + 2, U2n = T + *(p2 + 1) + 2; (U1 < U1n) && (U2 < U2n) && (*U1 == *U2); ++U1, ++U2) { } return U1 < U1n ? (U2 < U2n ? *U1 - *U2 : 1) : (U2 < U2n ? -1 : 0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if (SS_BLOCKSIZE != 1) && (SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD != 1) /* Insertionsort for small size groups */ static void ss_insertionsort(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA, int *first, int *last, int depth) { int *i, *j; int t; int r; for(i = last - 2; first <= i; --i) { for(t = *i, j = i + 1; 0 < (r = ss_compare(T, PA + t, PA + *j, depth));) { do { *(j - 1) = *j; } while((++j < last) && (*j < 0)); if(last <= j) { break; } } if(r == 0) { *j = ~*j; } *(j - 1) = t; } } #endif /* (SS_BLOCKSIZE != 1) && (SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD != 1) */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if (SS_BLOCKSIZE == 0) || (SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD < SS_BLOCKSIZE) static INLINE void ss_fixdown(const unsigned char *Td, const int *PA, int *SA, int i, int size) { int j, k; int v; int c, d, e; for(v = SA[i], c = Td[PA[v]]; (j = 2 * i + 1) < size; SA[i] = SA[k], i = k) { d = Td[PA[SA[k = j++]]]; if(d < (e = Td[PA[SA[j]]])) { k = j; d = e; } if(d <= c) { break; } } SA[i] = v; } /* Simple top-down heapsort. */ static void ss_heapsort(const unsigned char *Td, const int *PA, int *SA, int size) { int i, m; int t; m = size; if((size % 2) == 0) { m--; if(Td[PA[SA[m / 2]]] < Td[PA[SA[m]]]) { SWAP(SA[m], SA[m / 2]); } } for(i = m / 2 - 1; 0 <= i; --i) { ss_fixdown(Td, PA, SA, i, m); } if((size % 2) == 0) { SWAP(SA[0], SA[m]); ss_fixdown(Td, PA, SA, 0, m); } for(i = m - 1; 0 < i; --i) { t = SA[0], SA[0] = SA[i]; ss_fixdown(Td, PA, SA, 0, i); SA[i] = t; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Returns the median of three elements. */ static INLINE int * ss_median3(const unsigned char *Td, const int *PA, int *v1, int *v2, int *v3) { int *t; if(Td[PA[*v1]] > Td[PA[*v2]]) { SWAP(v1, v2); } if(Td[PA[*v2]] > Td[PA[*v3]]) { if(Td[PA[*v1]] > Td[PA[*v3]]) { return v1; } else { return v3; } } return v2; } /* Returns the median of five elements. */ static INLINE int * ss_median5(const unsigned char *Td, const int *PA, int *v1, int *v2, int *v3, int *v4, int *v5) { int *t; if(Td[PA[*v2]] > Td[PA[*v3]]) { SWAP(v2, v3); } if(Td[PA[*v4]] > Td[PA[*v5]]) { SWAP(v4, v5); } if(Td[PA[*v2]] > Td[PA[*v4]]) { SWAP(v2, v4); SWAP(v3, v5); } if(Td[PA[*v1]] > Td[PA[*v3]]) { SWAP(v1, v3); } if(Td[PA[*v1]] > Td[PA[*v4]]) { SWAP(v1, v4); SWAP(v3, v5); } if(Td[PA[*v3]] > Td[PA[*v4]]) { return v4; } return v3; } /* Returns the pivot element. */ static INLINE int * ss_pivot(const unsigned char *Td, const int *PA, int *first, int *last) { int *middle; int t; t = last - first; middle = first + t / 2; if(t <= 512) { if(t <= 32) { return ss_median3(Td, PA, first, middle, last - 1); } else { t >>= 2; return ss_median5(Td, PA, first, first + t, middle, last - 1 - t, last - 1); } } t >>= 3; first = ss_median3(Td, PA, first, first + t, first + (t << 1)); middle = ss_median3(Td, PA, middle - t, middle, middle + t); last = ss_median3(Td, PA, last - 1 - (t << 1), last - 1 - t, last - 1); return ss_median3(Td, PA, first, middle, last); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Binary partition for substrings. */ static INLINE int * ss_partition(const int *PA, int *first, int *last, int depth) { int *a, *b; int t; for(a = first - 1, b = last;;) { for(; (++a < b) && ((PA[*a] + depth) >= (PA[*a + 1] + 1));) { *a = ~*a; } for(; (a < --b) && ((PA[*b] + depth) < (PA[*b + 1] + 1));) { } if(b <= a) { break; } t = ~*b; *b = *a; *a = t; } if(first < a) { *first = ~*first; } return a; } /* Multikey introsort for medium size groups. */ static void ss_mintrosort(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA, int *first, int *last, int depth) { #define STACK_SIZE SS_MISORT_STACKSIZE struct { int *a, *b, c; int d; } stack[STACK_SIZE]; const unsigned char *Td; int *a, *b, *c, *d, *e, *f; int s, t; int ssize; int limit; int v, x = 0; for(ssize = 0, limit = ss_ilg(last - first);;) { if((last - first) <= SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD) { #if 1 < SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD if(1 < (last - first)) { ss_insertionsort(T, PA, first, last, depth); } #endif STACK_POP(first, last, depth, limit); continue; } Td = T + depth; if(limit-- == 0) { ss_heapsort(Td, PA, first, last - first); } if(limit < 0) { for(a = first + 1, v = Td[PA[*first]]; a < last; ++a) { if((x = Td[PA[*a]]) != v) { if(1 < (a - first)) { break; } v = x; first = a; } } if(Td[PA[*first] - 1] < v) { first = ss_partition(PA, first, a, depth); } if((a - first) <= (last - a)) { if(1 < (a - first)) { STACK_PUSH(a, last, depth, -1); last = a, depth += 1, limit = ss_ilg(a - first); } else { first = a, limit = -1; } } else { if(1 < (last - a)) { STACK_PUSH(first, a, depth + 1, ss_ilg(a - first)); first = a, limit = -1; } else { last = a, depth += 1, limit = ss_ilg(a - first); } } continue; } /* choose pivot */ a = ss_pivot(Td, PA, first, last); v = Td[PA[*a]]; SWAP(*first, *a); /* partition */ for(b = first; (++b < last) && ((x = Td[PA[*b]]) == v);) { } if(((a = b) < last) && (x < v)) { for(; (++b < last) && ((x = Td[PA[*b]]) <= v);) { if(x == v) { SWAP(*b, *a); ++a; } } } for(c = last; (b < --c) && ((x = Td[PA[*c]]) == v);) { } if((b < (d = c)) && (x > v)) { for(; (b < --c) && ((x = Td[PA[*c]]) >= v);) { if(x == v) { SWAP(*c, *d); --d; } } } for(; b < c;) { SWAP(*b, *c); for(; (++b < c) && ((x = Td[PA[*b]]) <= v);) { if(x == v) { SWAP(*b, *a); ++a; } } for(; (b < --c) && ((x = Td[PA[*c]]) >= v);) { if(x == v) { SWAP(*c, *d); --d; } } } if(a <= d) { c = b - 1; if((s = a - first) > (t = b - a)) { s = t; } for(e = first, f = b - s; 0 < s; --s, ++e, ++f) { SWAP(*e, *f); } if((s = d - c) > (t = last - d - 1)) { s = t; } for(e = b, f = last - s; 0 < s; --s, ++e, ++f) { SWAP(*e, *f); } a = first + (b - a), c = last - (d - c); b = (v <= Td[PA[*a] - 1]) ? a : ss_partition(PA, a, c, depth); if((a - first) <= (last - c)) { if((last - c) <= (c - b)) { STACK_PUSH(b, c, depth + 1, ss_ilg(c - b)); STACK_PUSH(c, last, depth, limit); last = a; } else if((a - first) <= (c - b)) { STACK_PUSH(c, last, depth, limit); STACK_PUSH(b, c, depth + 1, ss_ilg(c - b)); last = a; } else { STACK_PUSH(c, last, depth, limit); STACK_PUSH(first, a, depth, limit); first = b, last = c, depth += 1, limit = ss_ilg(c - b); } } else { if((a - first) <= (c - b)) { STACK_PUSH(b, c, depth + 1, ss_ilg(c - b)); STACK_PUSH(first, a, depth, limit); first = c; } else if((last - c) <= (c - b)) { STACK_PUSH(first, a, depth, limit); STACK_PUSH(b, c, depth + 1, ss_ilg(c - b)); first = c; } else { STACK_PUSH(first, a, depth, limit); STACK_PUSH(c, last, depth, limit); first = b, last = c, depth += 1, limit = ss_ilg(c - b); } } } else { limit += 1; if(Td[PA[*first] - 1] < v) { first = ss_partition(PA, first, last, depth); limit = ss_ilg(last - first); } depth += 1; } } #undef STACK_SIZE } #endif /* (SS_BLOCKSIZE == 0) || (SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD < SS_BLOCKSIZE) */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if SS_BLOCKSIZE != 0 static INLINE void ss_blockswap(int *a, int *b, int n) { int t; for(; 0 < n; --n, ++a, ++b) { t = *a, *a = *b, *b = t; } } static INLINE void ss_rotate(int *first, int *middle, int *last) { int *a, *b, t; int l, r; l = middle - first, r = last - middle; for(; (0 < l) && (0 < r);) { if(l == r) { ss_blockswap(first, middle, l); break; } if(l < r) { a = last - 1, b = middle - 1; t = *a; do { *a-- = *b, *b-- = *a; if(b < first) { *a = t; last = a; if((r -= l + 1) <= l) { break; } a -= 1, b = middle - 1; t = *a; } } while(1); } else { a = first, b = middle; t = *a; do { *a++ = *b, *b++ = *a; if(last <= b) { *a = t; first = a + 1; if((l -= r + 1) <= r) { break; } a += 1, b = middle; t = *a; } } while(1); } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void ss_inplacemerge(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA, int *first, int *middle, int *last, int depth) { const int *p; int *a, *b; int len, half; int q, r; int x; for(;;) { if(*(last - 1) < 0) { x = 1; p = PA + ~*(last - 1); } else { x = 0; p = PA + *(last - 1); } for(a = first, len = middle - first, half = len >> 1, r = -1; 0 < len; len = half, half >>= 1) { b = a + half; q = ss_compare(T, PA + ((0 <= *b) ? *b : ~*b), p, depth); if(q < 0) { a = b + 1; half -= (len & 1) ^ 1; } else { r = q; } } if(a < middle) { if(r == 0) { *a = ~*a; } ss_rotate(a, middle, last); last -= middle - a; middle = a; if(first == middle) { break; } } --last; if(x != 0) { while(*--last < 0) { } } if(middle == last) { break; } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Merge-forward with internal buffer. */ static void ss_mergeforward(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA, int *first, int *middle, int *last, int *buf, int depth) { int *a, *b, *c, *bufend; int t; int r; bufend = buf + (middle - first) - 1; ss_blockswap(buf, first, middle - first); for(t = *(a = first), b = buf, c = middle;;) { r = ss_compare(T, PA + *b, PA + *c, depth); if(r < 0) { do { *a++ = *b; if(bufend <= b) { *bufend = t; return; } *b++ = *a; } while(*b < 0); } else if(r > 0) { do { *a++ = *c, *c++ = *a; if(last <= c) { while(b < bufend) { *a++ = *b, *b++ = *a; } *a = *b, *b = t; return; } } while(*c < 0); } else { *c = ~*c; do { *a++ = *b; if(bufend <= b) { *bufend = t; return; } *b++ = *a; } while(*b < 0); do { *a++ = *c, *c++ = *a; if(last <= c) { while(b < bufend) { *a++ = *b, *b++ = *a; } *a = *b, *b = t; return; } } while(*c < 0); } } } /* Merge-backward with internal buffer. */ static void ss_mergebackward(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA, int *first, int *middle, int *last, int *buf, int depth) { const int *p1, *p2; int *a, *b, *c, *bufend; int t; int r; int x; bufend = buf + (last - middle) - 1; ss_blockswap(buf, middle, last - middle); x = 0; if(*bufend < 0) { p1 = PA + ~*bufend; x |= 1; } else { p1 = PA + *bufend; } if(*(middle - 1) < 0) { p2 = PA + ~*(middle - 1); x |= 2; } else { p2 = PA + *(middle - 1); } for(t = *(a = last - 1), b = bufend, c = middle - 1;;) { r = ss_compare(T, p1, p2, depth); if(0 < r) { if(x & 1) { do { *a-- = *b, *b-- = *a; } while(*b < 0); x ^= 1; } *a-- = *b; if(b <= buf) { *buf = t; break; } *b-- = *a; if(*b < 0) { p1 = PA + ~*b; x |= 1; } else { p1 = PA + *b; } } else if(r < 0) { if(x & 2) { do { *a-- = *c, *c-- = *a; } while(*c < 0); x ^= 2; } *a-- = *c, *c-- = *a; if(c < first) { while(buf < b) { *a-- = *b, *b-- = *a; } *a = *b, *b = t; break; } if(*c < 0) { p2 = PA + ~*c; x |= 2; } else { p2 = PA + *c; } } else { if(x & 1) { do { *a-- = *b, *b-- = *a; } while(*b < 0); x ^= 1; } *a-- = ~*b; if(b <= buf) { *buf = t; break; } *b-- = *a; if(x & 2) { do { *a-- = *c, *c-- = *a; } while(*c < 0); x ^= 2; } *a-- = *c, *c-- = *a; if(c < first) { while(buf < b) { *a-- = *b, *b-- = *a; } *a = *b, *b = t; break; } if(*b < 0) { p1 = PA + ~*b; x |= 1; } else { p1 = PA + *b; } if(*c < 0) { p2 = PA + ~*c; x |= 2; } else { p2 = PA + *c; } } } } /* D&C based merge. */ static void ss_swapmerge(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA, int *first, int *middle, int *last, int *buf, int bufsize, int depth) { #define STACK_SIZE SS_SMERGE_STACKSIZE #define GETIDX(a) ((0 <= (a)) ? (a) : (~(a))) #define MERGE_CHECK(a, b, c)\ do {\ if(((c) & 1) ||\ (((c) & 2) && (ss_compare(T, PA + GETIDX(*((a) - 1)), PA + *(a), depth) == 0))) {\ *(a) = ~*(a);\ }\ if(((c) & 4) && ((ss_compare(T, PA + GETIDX(*((b) - 1)), PA + *(b), depth) == 0))) {\ *(b) = ~*(b);\ }\ } while(0) struct { int *a, *b, *c; int d; } stack[STACK_SIZE]; int *l, *r, *lm, *rm; int m, len, half; int ssize; int check, next; for(check = 0, ssize = 0;;) { if((last - middle) <= bufsize) { if((first < middle) && (middle < last)) { ss_mergebackward(T, PA, first, middle, last, buf, depth); } MERGE_CHECK(first, last, check); STACK_POP(first, middle, last, check); continue; } if((middle - first) <= bufsize) { if(first < middle) { ss_mergeforward(T, PA, first, middle, last, buf, depth); } MERGE_CHECK(first, last, check); STACK_POP(first, middle, last, check); continue; } for(m = 0, len = MIN(middle - first, last - middle), half = len >> 1; 0 < len; len = half, half >>= 1) { if(ss_compare(T, PA + GETIDX(*(middle + m + half)), PA + GETIDX(*(middle - m - half - 1)), depth) < 0) { m += half + 1; half -= (len & 1) ^ 1; } } if(0 < m) { lm = middle - m, rm = middle + m; ss_blockswap(lm, middle, m); l = r = middle, next = 0; if(rm < last) { if(*rm < 0) { *rm = ~*rm; if(first < lm) { for(; *--l < 0;) { } next |= 4; } next |= 1; } else if(first < lm) { for(; *r < 0; ++r) { } next |= 2; } } if((l - first) <= (last - r)) { STACK_PUSH(r, rm, last, (next & 3) | (check & 4)); middle = lm, last = l, check = (check & 3) | (next & 4); } else { if((next & 2) && (r == middle)) { next ^= 6; } STACK_PUSH(first, lm, l, (check & 3) | (next & 4)); first = r, middle = rm, check = (next & 3) | (check & 4); } } else { if(ss_compare(T, PA + GETIDX(*(middle - 1)), PA + *middle, depth) == 0) { *middle = ~*middle; } MERGE_CHECK(first, last, check); STACK_POP(first, middle, last, check); } } #undef STACK_SIZE } #endif /* SS_BLOCKSIZE != 0 */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Substring sort */ static void sssort(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA, int *first, int *last, int *buf, int bufsize, int depth, int n, int lastsuffix) { int *a; #if SS_BLOCKSIZE != 0 int *b, *middle, *curbuf; int j, k, curbufsize, limit; #endif int i; if(lastsuffix != 0) { ++first; } #if SS_BLOCKSIZE == 0 ss_mintrosort(T, PA, first, last, depth); #else if((bufsize < SS_BLOCKSIZE) && (bufsize < (last - first)) && (bufsize < (limit = ss_isqrt(last - first)))) { if(SS_BLOCKSIZE < limit) { limit = SS_BLOCKSIZE; } buf = middle = last - limit, bufsize = limit; } else { middle = last, limit = 0; } for(a = first, i = 0; SS_BLOCKSIZE < (middle - a); a += SS_BLOCKSIZE, ++i) { #if SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD < SS_BLOCKSIZE ss_mintrosort(T, PA, a, a + SS_BLOCKSIZE, depth); #elif 1 < SS_BLOCKSIZE ss_insertionsort(T, PA, a, a + SS_BLOCKSIZE, depth); #endif curbufsize = last - (a + SS_BLOCKSIZE); curbuf = a + SS_BLOCKSIZE; if(curbufsize <= bufsize) { curbufsize = bufsize, curbuf = buf; } for(b = a, k = SS_BLOCKSIZE, j = i; j & 1; b -= k, k <<= 1, j >>= 1) { ss_swapmerge(T, PA, b - k, b, b + k, curbuf, curbufsize, depth); } } #if SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD < SS_BLOCKSIZE ss_mintrosort(T, PA, a, middle, depth); #elif 1 < SS_BLOCKSIZE ss_insertionsort(T, PA, a, middle, depth); #endif for(k = SS_BLOCKSIZE; i != 0; k <<= 1, i >>= 1) { if(i & 1) { ss_swapmerge(T, PA, a - k, a, middle, buf, bufsize, depth); a -= k; } } if(limit != 0) { #if SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD < SS_BLOCKSIZE ss_mintrosort(T, PA, middle, last, depth); #elif 1 < SS_BLOCKSIZE ss_insertionsort(T, PA, middle, last, depth); #endif ss_inplacemerge(T, PA, first, middle, last, depth); } #endif if(lastsuffix != 0) { /* Insert last type B* suffix. */ int PAi[2]; PAi[0] = PA[*(first - 1)], PAi[1] = n - 2; for(a = first, i = *(first - 1); (a < last) && ((*a < 0) || (0 < ss_compare(T, &(PAi[0]), PA + *a, depth))); ++a) { *(a - 1) = *a; } *(a - 1) = i; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static INLINE int tr_ilg(int n) { return (n & 0xffff0000) ? ((n & 0xff000000) ? 24 + lg_table[(n >> 24) & 0xff] : 16 + lg_table[(n >> 16) & 0xff]) : ((n & 0x0000ff00) ? 8 + lg_table[(n >> 8) & 0xff] : 0 + lg_table[(n >> 0) & 0xff]); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Simple insertionsort for small size groups. */ static void tr_insertionsort(const int *ISAd, int *first, int *last) { int *a, *b; int t, r; for(a = first + 1; a < last; ++a) { for(t = *a, b = a - 1; 0 > (r = ISAd[t] - ISAd[*b]);) { do { *(b + 1) = *b; } while((first <= --b) && (*b < 0)); if(b < first) { break; } } if(r == 0) { *b = ~*b; } *(b + 1) = t; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static INLINE void tr_fixdown(const int *ISAd, int *SA, int i, int size) { int j, k; int v; int c, d, e; for(v = SA[i], c = ISAd[v]; (j = 2 * i + 1) < size; SA[i] = SA[k], i = k) { d = ISAd[SA[k = j++]]; if(d < (e = ISAd[SA[j]])) { k = j; d = e; } if(d <= c) { break; } } SA[i] = v; } /* Simple top-down heapsort. */ static void tr_heapsort(const int *ISAd, int *SA, int size) { int i, m; int t; m = size; if((size % 2) == 0) { m--; if(ISAd[SA[m / 2]] < ISAd[SA[m]]) { SWAP(SA[m], SA[m / 2]); } } for(i = m / 2 - 1; 0 <= i; --i) { tr_fixdown(ISAd, SA, i, m); } if((size % 2) == 0) { SWAP(SA[0], SA[m]); tr_fixdown(ISAd, SA, 0, m); } for(i = m - 1; 0 < i; --i) { t = SA[0], SA[0] = SA[i]; tr_fixdown(ISAd, SA, 0, i); SA[i] = t; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Returns the median of three elements. */ static INLINE int * tr_median3(const int *ISAd, int *v1, int *v2, int *v3) { int *t; if(ISAd[*v1] > ISAd[*v2]) { SWAP(v1, v2); } if(ISAd[*v2] > ISAd[*v3]) { if(ISAd[*v1] > ISAd[*v3]) { return v1; } else { return v3; } } return v2; } /* Returns the median of five elements. */ static INLINE int * tr_median5(const int *ISAd, int *v1, int *v2, int *v3, int *v4, int *v5) { int *t; if(ISAd[*v2] > ISAd[*v3]) { SWAP(v2, v3); } if(ISAd[*v4] > ISAd[*v5]) { SWAP(v4, v5); } if(ISAd[*v2] > ISAd[*v4]) { SWAP(v2, v4); SWAP(v3, v5); } if(ISAd[*v1] > ISAd[*v3]) { SWAP(v1, v3); } if(ISAd[*v1] > ISAd[*v4]) { SWAP(v1, v4); SWAP(v3, v5); } if(ISAd[*v3] > ISAd[*v4]) { return v4; } return v3; } /* Returns the pivot element. */ static INLINE int * tr_pivot(const int *ISAd, int *first, int *last) { int *middle; int t; t = last - first; middle = first + t / 2; if(t <= 512) { if(t <= 32) { return tr_median3(ISAd, first, middle, last - 1); } else { t >>= 2; return tr_median5(ISAd, first, first + t, middle, last - 1 - t, last - 1); } } t >>= 3; first = tr_median3(ISAd, first, first + t, first + (t << 1)); middle = tr_median3(ISAd, middle - t, middle, middle + t); last = tr_median3(ISAd, last - 1 - (t << 1), last - 1 - t, last - 1); return tr_median3(ISAd, first, middle, last); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct _trbudget_t trbudget_t; struct _trbudget_t { int chance; int remain; int incval; int count; }; static INLINE void trbudget_init(trbudget_t *budget, int chance, int incval) { budget->chance = chance; budget->remain = budget->incval = incval; } static INLINE int trbudget_check(trbudget_t *budget, int size) { if(size <= budget->remain) { budget->remain -= size; return 1; } if(budget->chance == 0) { budget->count += size; return 0; } budget->remain += budget->incval - size; budget->chance -= 1; return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static INLINE void tr_partition(const int *ISAd, int *first, int *middle, int *last, int **pa, int **pb, int v) { int *a, *b, *c, *d, *e, *f; int t, s; int x = 0; for(b = middle - 1; (++b < last) && ((x = ISAd[*b]) == v);) { } if(((a = b) < last) && (x < v)) { for(; (++b < last) && ((x = ISAd[*b]) <= v);) { if(x == v) { SWAP(*b, *a); ++a; } } } for(c = last; (b < --c) && ((x = ISAd[*c]) == v);) { } if((b < (d = c)) && (x > v)) { for(; (b < --c) && ((x = ISAd[*c]) >= v);) { if(x == v) { SWAP(*c, *d); --d; } } } for(; b < c;) { SWAP(*b, *c); for(; (++b < c) && ((x = ISAd[*b]) <= v);) { if(x == v) { SWAP(*b, *a); ++a; } } for(; (b < --c) && ((x = ISAd[*c]) >= v);) { if(x == v) { SWAP(*c, *d); --d; } } } if(a <= d) { c = b - 1; if((s = a - first) > (t = b - a)) { s = t; } for(e = first, f = b - s; 0 < s; --s, ++e, ++f) { SWAP(*e, *f); } if((s = d - c) > (t = last - d - 1)) { s = t; } for(e = b, f = last - s; 0 < s; --s, ++e, ++f) { SWAP(*e, *f); } first += (b - a), last -= (d - c); } *pa = first, *pb = last; } static void tr_copy(int *ISA, const int *SA, int *first, int *a, int *b, int *last, int depth) { /* sort suffixes of middle partition by using sorted order of suffixes of left and right partition. */ int *c, *d, *e; int s, v; v = b - SA - 1; for(c = first, d = a - 1; c <= d; ++c) { if((0 <= (s = *c - depth)) && (ISA[s] == v)) { *++d = s; ISA[s] = d - SA; } } for(c = last - 1, e = d + 1, d = b; e < d; --c) { if((0 <= (s = *c - depth)) && (ISA[s] == v)) { *--d = s; ISA[s] = d - SA; } } } static void tr_partialcopy(int *ISA, const int *SA, int *first, int *a, int *b, int *last, int depth) { int *c, *d, *e; int s, v; int rank, lastrank, newrank = -1; v = b - SA - 1; lastrank = -1; for(c = first, d = a - 1; c <= d; ++c) { if((0 <= (s = *c - depth)) && (ISA[s] == v)) { *++d = s; rank = ISA[s + depth]; if(lastrank != rank) { lastrank = rank; newrank = d - SA; } ISA[s] = newrank; } } lastrank = -1; for(e = d; first <= e; --e) { rank = ISA[*e]; if(lastrank != rank) { lastrank = rank; newrank = e - SA; } if(newrank != rank) { ISA[*e] = newrank; } } lastrank = -1; for(c = last - 1, e = d + 1, d = b; e < d; --c) { if((0 <= (s = *c - depth)) && (ISA[s] == v)) { *--d = s; rank = ISA[s + depth]; if(lastrank != rank) { lastrank = rank; newrank = d - SA; } ISA[s] = newrank; } } } static void tr_introsort(int *ISA, const int *ISAd, int *SA, int *first, int *last, trbudget_t *budget) { #define STACK_SIZE TR_STACKSIZE struct { const int *a; int *b, *c; int d, e; }stack[STACK_SIZE]; int *a, *b, *c; int t; int v, x = 0; int incr = ISAd - ISA; int limit, next; int ssize, trlink = -1; for(ssize = 0, limit = tr_ilg(last - first);;) { if(limit < 0) { if(limit == -1) { /* tandem repeat partition */ tr_partition(ISAd - incr, first, first, last, &a, &b, last - SA - 1); /* update ranks */ if(a < last) { for(c = first, v = a - SA - 1; c < a; ++c) { ISA[*c] = v; } } if(b < last) { for(c = a, v = b - SA - 1; c < b; ++c) { ISA[*c] = v; } } /* push */ if(1 < (b - a)) { STACK_PUSH5(NULL, a, b, 0, 0); STACK_PUSH5(ISAd - incr, first, last, -2, trlink); trlink = ssize - 2; } if((a - first) <= (last - b)) { if(1 < (a - first)) { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, tr_ilg(last - b), trlink); last = a, limit = tr_ilg(a - first); } else if(1 < (last - b)) { first = b, limit = tr_ilg(last - b); } else { STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink); } } else { if(1 < (last - b)) { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, tr_ilg(a - first), trlink); first = b, limit = tr_ilg(last - b); } else if(1 < (a - first)) { last = a, limit = tr_ilg(a - first); } else { STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink); } } } else if(limit == -2) { /* tandem repeat copy */ a = stack[--ssize].b, b = stack[ssize].c; if(stack[ssize].d == 0) { tr_copy(ISA, SA, first, a, b, last, ISAd - ISA); } else { if(0 <= trlink) { stack[trlink].d = -1; } tr_partialcopy(ISA, SA, first, a, b, last, ISAd - ISA); } STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink); } else { /* sorted partition */ if(0 <= *first) { a = first; do { ISA[*a] = a - SA; } while((++a < last) && (0 <= *a)); first = a; } if(first < last) { a = first; do { *a = ~*a; } while(*++a < 0); next = (ISA[*a] != ISAd[*a]) ? tr_ilg(a - first + 1) : -1; if(++a < last) { for(b = first, v = a - SA - 1; b < a; ++b) { ISA[*b] = v; } } /* push */ if(trbudget_check(budget, a - first)) { if((a - first) <= (last - a)) { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, a, last, -3, trlink); ISAd += incr, last = a, limit = next; } else { if(1 < (last - a)) { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, first, a, next, trlink); first = a, limit = -3; } else { ISAd += incr, last = a, limit = next; } } } else { if(0 <= trlink) { stack[trlink].d = -1; } if(1 < (last - a)) { first = a, limit = -3; } else { STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink); } } } else { STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink); } } continue; } if((last - first) <= TR_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD) { tr_insertionsort(ISAd, first, last); limit = -3; continue; } if(limit-- == 0) { tr_heapsort(ISAd, first, last - first); for(a = last - 1; first < a; a = b) { for(x = ISAd[*a], b = a - 1; (first <= b) && (ISAd[*b] == x); --b) { *b = ~*b; } } limit = -3; continue; } /* choose pivot */ a = tr_pivot(ISAd, first, last); SWAP(*first, *a); v = ISAd[*first]; /* partition */ tr_partition(ISAd, first, first + 1, last, &a, &b, v); if((last - first) != (b - a)) { next = (ISA[*a] != v) ? tr_ilg(b - a) : -1; /* update ranks */ for(c = first, v = a - SA - 1; c < a; ++c) { ISA[*c] = v; } if(b < last) { for(c = a, v = b - SA - 1; c < b; ++c) { ISA[*c] = v; } } /* push */ if((1 < (b - a)) && (trbudget_check(budget, b - a))) { if((a - first) <= (last - b)) { if((last - b) <= (b - a)) { if(1 < (a - first)) { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink); STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink); last = a; } else if(1 < (last - b)) { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink); first = b; } else { ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next; } } else if((a - first) <= (b - a)) { if(1 < (a - first)) { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink); STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink); last = a; } else { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink); ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next; } } else { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink); STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink); ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next; } } else { if((a - first) <= (b - a)) { if(1 < (last - b)) { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink); STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink); first = b; } else if(1 < (a - first)) { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink); last = a; } else { ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next; } } else if((last - b) <= (b - a)) { if(1 < (last - b)) { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink); STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink); first = b; } else { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink); ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next; } } else { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink); STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink); ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next; } } } else { if((1 < (b - a)) && (0 <= trlink)) { stack[trlink].d = -1; } if((a - first) <= (last - b)) { if(1 < (a - first)) { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink); last = a; } else if(1 < (last - b)) { first = b; } else { STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink); } } else { if(1 < (last - b)) { STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink); first = b; } else if(1 < (a - first)) { last = a; } else { STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink); } } } } else { if(trbudget_check(budget, last - first)) { limit = tr_ilg(last - first), ISAd += incr; } else { if(0 <= trlink) { stack[trlink].d = -1; } STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink); } } } #undef STACK_SIZE } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Tandem repeat sort */ static void trsort(int *ISA, int *SA, int n, int depth) { int *ISAd; int *first, *last; trbudget_t budget; int t, skip, unsorted; trbudget_init(&budget, tr_ilg(n) * 2 / 3, n); /* trbudget_init(&budget, tr_ilg(n) * 3 / 4, n); */ for(ISAd = ISA + depth; -n < *SA; ISAd += ISAd - ISA) { first = SA; skip = 0; unsorted = 0; do { if((t = *first) < 0) { first -= t; skip += t; } else { if(skip != 0) { *(first + skip) = skip; skip = 0; } last = SA + ISA[t] + 1; if(1 < (last - first)) { budget.count = 0; tr_introsort(ISA, ISAd, SA, first, last, &budget); if(budget.count != 0) { unsorted += budget.count; } else { skip = first - last; } } else if((last - first) == 1) { skip = -1; } first = last; } } while(first < (SA + n)); if(skip != 0) { *(first + skip) = skip; } if(unsorted == 0) { break; } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Sorts suffixes of type B*. */ static int sort_typeBstar(const unsigned char *T, int *SA, int *bucket_A, int *bucket_B, int n) { int *PAb, *ISAb, *buf; #ifdef _OPENMP int *curbuf; int l; #endif int i, j, k, t, m, bufsize; int c0, c1; #ifdef _OPENMP int d0, d1; int tmp; #endif /* Initialize bucket arrays. */ for(i = 0; i < BUCKET_A_SIZE; ++i) { bucket_A[i] = 0; } for(i = 0; i < BUCKET_B_SIZE; ++i) { bucket_B[i] = 0; } /* Count the number of occurrences of the first one or two characters of each type A, B and B* suffix. Moreover, store the beginning position of all type B* suffixes into the array SA. */ for(i = n - 1, m = n, c0 = T[n - 1]; 0 <= i;) { /* type A suffix. */ do { ++BUCKET_A(c1 = c0); } while((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = T[i]) >= c1)); if(0 <= i) { /* type B* suffix. */ ++BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1); SA[--m] = i; /* type B suffix. */ for(--i, c1 = c0; (0 <= i) && ((c0 = T[i]) <= c1); --i, c1 = c0) { ++BUCKET_B(c0, c1); } } } m = n - m; /* note: A type B* suffix is lexicographically smaller than a type B suffix that begins with the same first two characters. */ /* Calculate the index of start/end point of each bucket. */ for(c0 = 0, i = 0, j = 0; c0 < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++c0) { t = i + BUCKET_A(c0); BUCKET_A(c0) = i + j; /* start point */ i = t + BUCKET_B(c0, c0); for(c1 = c0 + 1; c1 < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++c1) { j += BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1); BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1) = j; /* end point */ i += BUCKET_B(c0, c1); } } if(0 < m) { /* Sort the type B* suffixes by their first two characters. */ PAb = SA + n - m; ISAb = SA + m; for(i = m - 2; 0 <= i; --i) { t = PAb[i], c0 = T[t], c1 = T[t + 1]; SA[--BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1)] = i; } t = PAb[m - 1], c0 = T[t], c1 = T[t + 1]; SA[--BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1)] = m - 1; /* Sort the type B* substrings using sssort. */ #ifdef _OPENMP tmp = omp_get_max_threads(); buf = SA + m, bufsize = (n - (2 * m)) / tmp; c0 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 2, c1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 1, j = m; #pragma omp parallel default(shared) private(curbuf, k, l, d0, d1, tmp) { tmp = omp_get_thread_num(); curbuf = buf + tmp * bufsize; k = 0; for(;;) { #pragma omp critical(sssort_lock) { if(0 < (l = j)) { d0 = c0, d1 = c1; do { k = BUCKET_BSTAR(d0, d1); if(--d1 <= d0) { d1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 1; if(--d0 < 0) { break; } } } while(((l - k) <= 1) && (0 < (l = k))); c0 = d0, c1 = d1, j = k; } } if(l == 0) { break; } sssort(T, PAb, SA + k, SA + l, curbuf, bufsize, 2, n, *(SA + k) == (m - 1)); } } #else buf = SA + m, bufsize = n - (2 * m); for(c0 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 2, j = m; 0 < j; --c0) { for(c1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 1; c0 < c1; j = i, --c1) { i = BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1); if(1 < (j - i)) { sssort(T, PAb, SA + i, SA + j, buf, bufsize, 2, n, *(SA + i) == (m - 1)); } } } #endif /* Compute ranks of type B* substrings. */ for(i = m - 1; 0 <= i; --i) { if(0 <= SA[i]) { j = i; do { ISAb[SA[i]] = i; } while((0 <= --i) && (0 <= SA[i])); SA[i + 1] = i - j; if(i <= 0) { break; } } j = i; do { ISAb[SA[i] = ~SA[i]] = j; } while(SA[--i] < 0); ISAb[SA[i]] = j; } /* Construct the inverse suffix array of type B* suffixes using trsort. */ trsort(ISAb, SA, m, 1); /* Set the sorted order of tyoe B* suffixes. */ for(i = n - 1, j = m, c0 = T[n - 1]; 0 <= i;) { for(--i, c1 = c0; (0 <= i) && ((c0 = T[i]) >= c1); --i, c1 = c0) { } if(0 <= i) { t = i; for(--i, c1 = c0; (0 <= i) && ((c0 = T[i]) <= c1); --i, c1 = c0) { } SA[ISAb[--j]] = ((t == 0) || (1 < (t - i))) ? t : ~t; } } /* Calculate the index of start/end point of each bucket. */ BUCKET_B(ALPHABET_SIZE - 1, ALPHABET_SIZE - 1) = n; /* end point */ for(c0 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 2, k = m - 1; 0 <= c0; --c0) { i = BUCKET_A(c0 + 1) - 1; for(c1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 1; c0 < c1; --c1) { t = i - BUCKET_B(c0, c1); BUCKET_B(c0, c1) = i; /* end point */ /* Move all type B* suffixes to the correct position. */ for(i = t, j = BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1); j <= k; --i, --k) { SA[i] = SA[k]; } } BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c0 + 1) = i - BUCKET_B(c0, c0) + 1; /* start point */ BUCKET_B(c0, c0) = i; /* end point */ } } return m; } /* Constructs the suffix array by using the sorted order of type B* suffixes. */ static void construct_SA(const unsigned char *T, int *SA, int *bucket_A, int *bucket_B, int n, int m) { int *i, *j, *k; int s; int c0, c1, c2; if(0 < m) { /* Construct the sorted order of type B suffixes by using the sorted order of type B* suffixes. */ for(c1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 2; 0 <= c1; --c1) { /* Scan the suffix array from right to left. */ for(i = SA + BUCKET_BSTAR(c1, c1 + 1), j = SA + BUCKET_A(c1 + 1) - 1, k = NULL, c2 = -1; i <= j; --j) { if(0 < (s = *j)) { assert(T[s] == c1); assert(((s + 1) < n) && (T[s] <= T[s + 1])); assert(T[s - 1] <= T[s]); *j = ~s; c0 = T[--s]; if((0 < s) && (T[s - 1] > c0)) { s = ~s; } if(c0 != c2) { if(0 <= c2) { BUCKET_B(c2, c1) = k - SA; } k = SA + BUCKET_B(c2 = c0, c1); } assert(k < j); *k-- = s; } else { assert(((s == 0) && (T[s] == c1)) || (s < 0)); *j = ~s; } } } } /* Construct the suffix array by using the sorted order of type B suffixes. */ k = SA + BUCKET_A(c2 = T[n - 1]); *k++ = (T[n - 2] < c2) ? ~(n - 1) : (n - 1); /* Scan the suffix array from left to right. */ for(i = SA, j = SA + n; i < j; ++i) { if(0 < (s = *i)) { assert(T[s - 1] >= T[s]); c0 = T[--s]; if((s == 0) || (T[s - 1] < c0)) { s = ~s; } if(c0 != c2) { BUCKET_A(c2) = k - SA; k = SA + BUCKET_A(c2 = c0); } assert(i < k); *k++ = s; } else { assert(s < 0); *i = ~s; } } } /* Constructs the burrows-wheeler transformed string directly by using the sorted order of type B* suffixes. */ static int construct_BWT(const unsigned char *T, int *SA, int *bucket_A, int *bucket_B, int n, int m) { int *i, *j, *k, *orig; int s; int c0, c1, c2; if(0 < m) { /* Construct the sorted order of type B suffixes by using the sorted order of type B* suffixes. */ for(c1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 2; 0 <= c1; --c1) { /* Scan the suffix array from right to left. */ for(i = SA + BUCKET_BSTAR(c1, c1 + 1), j = SA + BUCKET_A(c1 + 1) - 1, k = NULL, c2 = -1; i <= j; --j) { if(0 < (s = *j)) { assert(T[s] == c1); assert(((s + 1) < n) && (T[s] <= T[s + 1])); assert(T[s - 1] <= T[s]); c0 = T[--s]; *j = ~((int)c0); if((0 < s) && (T[s - 1] > c0)) { s = ~s; } if(c0 != c2) { if(0 <= c2) { BUCKET_B(c2, c1) = k - SA; } k = SA + BUCKET_B(c2 = c0, c1); } assert(k < j); *k-- = s; } else if(s != 0) { *j = ~s; #ifndef NDEBUG } else { assert(T[s] == c1); #endif } } } } /* Construct the BWTed string by using the sorted order of type B suffixes. */ k = SA + BUCKET_A(c2 = T[n - 1]); *k++ = (T[n - 2] < c2) ? ~((int)T[n - 2]) : (n - 1); /* Scan the suffix array from left to right. */ for(i = SA, j = SA + n, orig = SA; i < j; ++i) { if(0 < (s = *i)) { assert(T[s - 1] >= T[s]); c0 = T[--s]; *i = c0; if((0 < s) && (T[s - 1] < c0)) { s = ~((int)T[s - 1]); } if(c0 != c2) { BUCKET_A(c2) = k - SA; k = SA + BUCKET_A(c2 = c0); } assert(i < k); *k++ = s; } else if(s != 0) { *i = ~s; } else { orig = i; } } return orig - SA; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*- Function -*/ int bcm_divsufsort(const unsigned char *T, int *SA, int n) { int *bucket_A, *bucket_B; int m; int err = 0; /* Check arguments. */ if((T == NULL) || (SA == NULL) || (n < 0)) { return -1; } else if(n == 0) { return 0; } else if(n == 1) { SA[0] = 0; return 0; } else if(n == 2) { m = (T[0] < T[1]); SA[m ^ 1] = 0, SA[m] = 1; return 0; } bucket_A = (int *)malloc(BUCKET_A_SIZE * sizeof(int)); bucket_B = (int *)malloc(BUCKET_B_SIZE * sizeof(int)); /* Suffixsort. */ if((bucket_A != NULL) && (bucket_B != NULL)) { m = sort_typeBstar(T, SA, bucket_A, bucket_B, n); construct_SA(T, SA, bucket_A, bucket_B, n, m); } else { err = -2; } free(bucket_B); free(bucket_A); return err; } int bcm_divbwt(const unsigned char *T, unsigned char *U, int *A, int n) { int *B; int *bucket_A, *bucket_B; int m, pidx, i; /* Check arguments. */ if((T == NULL) || (U == NULL) || (n < 0)) { return -1; } else if(n <= 1) { if(n == 1) { U[0] = T[0]; } return n; } if((B = A) == NULL) { B = (int *)malloc((size_t)(n + 1) * sizeof(int)); } bucket_A = (int *)malloc(BUCKET_A_SIZE * sizeof(int)); bucket_B = (int *)malloc(BUCKET_B_SIZE * sizeof(int)); /* Burrows-Wheeler Transform. */ if((B != NULL) && (bucket_A != NULL) && (bucket_B != NULL)) { m = sort_typeBstar(T, B, bucket_A, bucket_B, n); pidx = construct_BWT(T, B, bucket_A, bucket_B, n, m); /* Copy to output string. */ U[0] = T[n - 1]; for(i = 0; i < pidx; ++i) { U[i + 1] = (unsigned char)B[i]; } for(i += 1; i < n; ++i) { U[i] = (unsigned char)B[i]; } pidx += 1; } else { pidx = -2; } free(bucket_B); free(bucket_A); if(A == NULL) { free(B); } return pidx; } #endif // BCM_C //#line 1 "amalgamated_bcm.c" // BCM 1.40 - A BWT-based file compressor // Written and placed in the public domain by Ilya Muravyov (UNLICENSE) // Additional code by @r-lyeh (UNLICENSE) // // Notes: // - BCM decoder has no dependencies. // - BCM encoder requires libdivsufsort, which is MIT licensed. // - #define BCM_NO_ENCODER if you want to exclude libdivsufsort from linkage. unsigned bcm_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags/*[0..(4)..9]*/); unsigned bcm_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen); unsigned bcm_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags); unsigned bcm_excess(unsigned flags); // --- #ifdef BCM_C //#pragma once #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #if INTPTR_MAX >= INT64_MAX #define BCM_64BITS 1 #else #define BCM_64BITS 0 #endif #ifndef BCM_REALLOC #define BCM_REALLOC REALLOC #endif # if defined _MSC_VER && !defined __thread #define __thread __declspec(thread) #elif defined __TINYC__ && !defined __thread #define __thread __declspec(thread) #endif #ifndef BALZ_C typedef struct mfile { uint8_t *begin, *seek, *end; } mfile; int minit(mfile *f, const void *ptr, int len) { f->begin = f->seek = f->end = (uint8_t*)ptr; f->end += len; return 0; } int mread(mfile *m, void *buf, int len) { if( len >= (m->end - m->seek) ) len = (m->end - m->seek); memcpy(buf,m->seek,len); m->seek += len; return len; } int mwrite(mfile *m, const void *buf, int len) { if( len >= (m->end - m->seek) ) len = (m->end - m->seek); memcpy(m->seek,buf,len); m->seek += len; return len; } int mtell(mfile *m) { return m->seek - m->begin; } int mavail(mfile *m) { return m->end - m->seek; } int mputc(mfile *m, int i) { uint8_t ch = i; return mwrite(m, &ch, 1); } int mgetc(mfile *m) { if( mavail(m) <= 0 ) return -1; uint8_t ch; mread(m, &ch, 1); return ch; } #endif int bcm_divbwt(const unsigned char *T, unsigned char *U, int *A, int n); // Globals static __thread mfile* g_in; static __thread mfile* g_out; typedef struct bcmEncode { uint32_t low; uint32_t high; uint32_t code; } bcmEncoder; void bcmeCtor(bcmEncoder *e) { e->low=0; e->high=0xFFFFFFFF; e->code=0; } void bcmeFlush(bcmEncoder *e) { for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) { mputc(g_out, e->low>>24); e->low<<=8; } } void bcmeInit(bcmEncoder *e) { for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) e->code=(e->code<<8)+mgetc(g_in); } void bcmeEncodeDirectBits(bcmEncoder *e, int N, uint32_t x) { for (uint32_t i=1<<(N-1); i!=0; i>>=1) { if (x&i) e->high=e->low+((e->high-e->low)>>1); else e->low+=((e->high-e->low)>>1)+1; if ((e->low^e->high)<(1<<24)) { mputc(g_out, e->low>>24); e->low<<=8; e->high=(e->high<<8)+255; } } } void bcmeEncodeBit1(bcmEncoder *e, uint32_t p) { #if BCM_64BITS e->high=e->low+(((uint64_t)(e->high-e->low)*p)>>18); #else e->high=e->low+(((uint64_t)(e->high-e->low)*(p<<(32-18)))>>32); #endif while ((e->low^e->high)<(1<<24)) { mputc(g_out, e->low>>24); e->low<<=8; e->high=(e->high<<8)+255; } } void bcmeEncodeBit0(bcmEncoder *e, uint32_t p) { #if BCM_64BITS e->low+=(((uint64_t)(e->high-e->low)*p)>>18)+1; #else e->low+=(((uint64_t)(e->high-e->low)*(p<<(32-18)))>>32)+1; #endif while ((e->low^e->high)<(1<<24)) { mputc(g_out, e->low>>24); e->low<<=8; e->high=(e->high<<8)+255; } } uint32_t bcmeDecodeDirectBits(bcmEncoder *e, int N) { uint32_t x=0; for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) { const uint32_t mid=e->low+((e->high-e->low)>>1); if (e->code<=mid) { e->high=mid; x+=x+1; } else { e->low=mid+1; x+=x; } if ((e->low^e->high)<(1<<24)) { e->low<<=8; e->high=(e->high<<8)+255; e->code=(e->code<<8)+mgetc(g_in); } } return x; } int bcmeDecodeBit(bcmEncoder *e, uint32_t p) { #if BCM_64BITS const uint32_t mid=e->low+(((uint64_t)(e->high-e->low)*p)>>18); #else const uint32_t mid=e->low+(((uint64_t)(e->high-e->low)*(p<<(32-18)))>>32); #endif const int bit=(e->code<=mid); if (bit) e->high=mid; else e->low=mid+1; while ((e->low^e->high)<(1<<24)) { e->low<<=8; e->high=(e->high<<8)+255; e->code=(e->code<<8)+mgetc(g_in); } return bit; } #define BCM_COUNTER_TEMPLATE(RATE) \ typedef struct bcmCounter##RATE { uint16_t p; } bcmCounter##RATE; \ void bcmCounter##RATE##Ctor(bcmCounter##RATE *c) { c->p=1<<15; /* 0.5 */ } \ void bcmCounter##RATE##UpdateBit0(bcmCounter##RATE *c) { c->p-=c->p>>RATE; } \ void bcmCounter##RATE##UpdateBit1(bcmCounter##RATE *c) { c->p+=(c->p^0xFFFF)>>RATE; } BCM_COUNTER_TEMPLATE(2); BCM_COUNTER_TEMPLATE(4); BCM_COUNTER_TEMPLATE(6); typedef struct bcmCM { bcmEncoder enc; bcmCounter2 counter0[256]; bcmCounter4 counter1[256][256]; bcmCounter6 counter2[2][256][17]; int c1; int c2; int run; } bcmCM; void bcmCMCtor(bcmCM *c) { bcmeCtor(&c->enc); for(int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { bcmCounter2Ctor(&c->counter0[i]); for(int j = 0; j < 256; ++j) { bcmCounter4Ctor(&c->counter1[i][j]); } for(int k = 0; k < 17; ++k) { bcmCounter6Ctor(&c->counter2[0][i][k]); bcmCounter6Ctor(&c->counter2[1][i][k]); } } c->c1=0; c->c2=0; c->run=0; for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) { for (int j=0; j<256; ++j) { for (int k=0; k<17; ++k) c->counter2[i][j][k].p=(k<<12)-(k==16); } } } void bcmCMEncode(bcmCM *c, int ch) { if (c->c1==c->c2) ++c->run; else c->run=0; const int f=(c->run>2); int ctx=1; while (ctx<256) { const int p0=c->counter0[ctx].p; const int p1=c->counter1[c->c1][ctx].p; const int p2=c->counter1[c->c2][ctx].p; const int p=(((p0+p1)*7)+p2+p2)>>4; const int j=p>>12; const int x1=c->counter2[f][ctx][j].p; const int x2=c->counter2[f][ctx][j+1].p; const int ssep=x1+(((x2-x1)*(p&4095))>>12); if (ch&128) { bcmeEncodeBit1(&c->enc, (ssep*3)+p); bcmCounter2UpdateBit1(&c->counter0[ctx]); bcmCounter4UpdateBit1(&c->counter1[c->c1][ctx]); bcmCounter6UpdateBit1(&c->counter2[f][ctx][j]); bcmCounter6UpdateBit1(&c->counter2[f][ctx][j+1]); ctx+=ctx+1; } else { bcmeEncodeBit0(&c->enc, (ssep*3)+p); bcmCounter2UpdateBit0(&c->counter0[ctx]); bcmCounter4UpdateBit0(&c->counter1[c->c1][ctx]); bcmCounter6UpdateBit0(&c->counter2[f][ctx][j]); bcmCounter6UpdateBit0(&c->counter2[f][ctx][j+1]); ctx+=ctx; } ch+=ch; } c->c2=c->c1; c->c1=ctx-256; } int bcmCMDecode(bcmCM *c) { if (c->c1==c->c2) ++c->run; else c->run=0; const int f=(c->run>2); int ctx=1; while (ctx<256) { const int p0=c->counter0[ctx].p; const int p1=c->counter1[c->c1][ctx].p; const int p2=c->counter1[c->c2][ctx].p; const int p=(((p0+p1)*7)+p2+p2)>>4; const int j=p>>12; const int x1=c->counter2[f][ctx][j].p; const int x2=c->counter2[f][ctx][j+1].p; const int ssep=x1+(((x2-x1)*(p&4095))>>12); if (bcmeDecodeBit(&c->enc, (ssep*3)+p)) { bcmCounter2UpdateBit1(&c->counter0[ctx]); bcmCounter4UpdateBit1(&c->counter1[c->c1][ctx]); bcmCounter6UpdateBit1(&c->counter2[f][ctx][j]); bcmCounter6UpdateBit1(&c->counter2[f][ctx][j+1]); ctx+=ctx+1; } else { bcmCounter2UpdateBit0(&c->counter0[ctx]); bcmCounter4UpdateBit0(&c->counter1[c->c1][ctx]); bcmCounter6UpdateBit0(&c->counter2[f][ctx][j]); bcmCounter6UpdateBit0(&c->counter2[f][ctx][j+1]); ctx+=ctx; } } c->c2=c->c1; return c->c1=ctx-256; } unsigned bcm_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned level) { mfile infile; minit(&infile, in, inlen); g_in = &infile; mfile outfile; minit(&outfile, out, outlen); g_out = &outfile; bcmCM cm; bcmCMCtor(&cm); const int config_tab[10]= { 1<<19, // -0 - 512KiB, @rlyeh: originally was: 0 1<<20, // -1 - 1 MB 1<<22, // -2 - 4 MB 1<<23, // -3 - 8 MB 0x00FFFFFF, // -4 - ~16 MB (Default) 1<<25, // -5 - 32 MB 1<<26, // -6 - 64 MB 1<<27, // -7 - 128 MB 1<<28, // -8 - 256 MB 0x7FFFFFFF, // -9 - ~2 GB }; int block_size=config_tab[level]; int64_t file_size = (int64_t)inlen; if (file_size>0 && block_size>file_size) block_size=(int)(file_size); uint8_t* buf=(uint8_t*)BCM_REALLOC(0, sizeof(uint8_t) * block_size); int* ptr=(int*)BCM_REALLOC(0, sizeof(int) * block_size); int n; while ((n=mread(g_in, buf, block_size))>0) { const int idx=bcm_divbwt(buf, buf, ptr, n); if (idx<1) return 0; // divbwt() failed bcmeEncodeDirectBits(&cm.enc, 32, n); bcmeEncodeDirectBits(&cm.enc, 32, idx); for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) bcmCMEncode(&cm, buf[i]); } bcmeEncodeDirectBits(&cm.enc, 32, 0); // EOF // bcmeEncodeDirectBits(&cm.enc, 32, crc32); bcmeFlush(&cm.enc); BCM_REALLOC(buf, 0); // free BCM_REALLOC(ptr, 0); // free return mtell(g_out); } unsigned bcm_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen) { mfile infile; minit(&infile, in, inlen); g_in = &infile; mfile outfile; minit(&outfile, out, outlen); g_out = &outfile; bcmCM cm; bcmCMCtor(&cm); bcmeInit(&cm.enc); int block_size=0; uint8_t* buf=NULL; uint32_t* ptr=NULL; int n; while ((n=bcmeDecodeDirectBits(&cm.enc, 32))>0) { if (block_size==0) { if ((block_size=n)>=(1<<24)) // 5*N buf=(uint8_t*)BCM_REALLOC(0, sizeof(uint8_t) * block_size); ptr=(uint32_t*)BCM_REALLOC(0, sizeof(uint32_t) * block_size); } const int idx=bcmeDecodeDirectBits(&cm.enc, 32); if (n>block_size || idx<1 || idx>n) return 0; // corrupt input // Inverse BW-transform if (n>=(1<<24)) // 5*N { int t[257]={0}; for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) ++t[(buf[i]=bcmCMDecode(&cm))+1]; for (int i=1; i<256; ++i) t[i]+=t[i-1]; for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) ptr[t[buf[i]]++]=i+(i>=idx); for (int p=idx; p;) { p=ptr[p-1]; const int c=buf[p-(p>=idx)]; mputc(g_out, c); } } else // 4*N { int t[257]={0}; for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) ++t[(ptr[i]=bcmCMDecode(&cm))+1]; for (int i=1; i<256; ++i) t[i]+=t[i-1]; for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) ptr[t[ptr[i]&255]++]|=(i+(i>=idx))<<8; for (int p=idx; p;) { p=ptr[p-1]>>8; const int c=ptr[p-(p>=idx)]&255; mputc(g_out, c); } } } // if (bcmeDecodeDirectBits(&cm.enc, 32)!=crc32) return 0; // crc error BCM_REALLOC(buf, 0); // free BCM_REALLOC(ptr, 0); // free return mtell(g_out); } unsigned bcm_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)(inlen * 2); // @todo: check src } unsigned bcm_excess(unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)0; } #endif // BCM_C //#line 1 "amalgamated_crush.c" // crush.cpp // Written and placed in the public domain by Ilya Muravyov // Additional code by @r-lyeh (public domain). @todo: honor unused args inlen/outlen unsigned crush_encode(const void* in, unsigned inlen, void* out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags); // [0..(4)..10] unsigned crush_decode(const void* in, unsigned inlen, void* out, unsigned outlen); unsigned crush_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags); unsigned crush_excess(unsigned flags); #ifdef CRUSH_C //#pragma once #ifdef _MSC_VER #define _CRT_SECECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_DISABLE_PERFCRIT_LOCKS #endif #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> // Bit I/O // typedef struct bits { const uint8_t* g_inbuf; uint8_t* g_outbuf; int g_inbuf_pos; int g_outbuf_pos; int bit_buf; int bit_count; } bits; void bits_init(bits *b, const uint8_t* inbuf, uint8_t* outbuf) { b->bit_count=b->bit_buf=b->g_inbuf_pos=b->g_outbuf_pos=0; b->g_inbuf = inbuf; b->g_outbuf = outbuf; } void bits_put(bits *b, int n, int x) { b->bit_buf|=x<<b->bit_count; b->bit_count+=n; while (b->bit_count>=8) { b->g_outbuf[b->g_outbuf_pos++] = b->bit_buf; b->bit_buf>>=8; b->bit_count-=8; } } void bits_flush(bits *b) { bits_put(b, 7, 0); b->bit_count=b->bit_buf=0; } int bits_get(bits *b, int n) { while (b->bit_count<n) { b->bit_buf|=b->g_inbuf[b->g_inbuf_pos++]<<b->bit_count; b->bit_count+=8; } const int x=b->bit_buf&((1<<n)-1); b->bit_buf>>=n; b->bit_count-=n; return x; } // LZ77 // enum { W_BITS=21 }; // Window size (17..23) enum { W_SIZE=1<<W_BITS }; enum { W_MASK=W_SIZE-1 }; enum { SLOT_BITS=4 }; enum { NUM_SLOTS=1<<SLOT_BITS }; enum { A_BITS=2 }; // 1 xx enum { B_BITS=2 }; // 01 xx enum { C_BITS=2 }; // 001 xx enum { D_BITS=3 }; // 0001 xxx enum { E_BITS=5 }; // 00001 xxxxx enum { F_BITS=9 }; // 00000 xxxxxxxxx enum { A=1<<A_BITS }; enum { B=(1<<B_BITS)+A }; enum { C=(1<<C_BITS)+B }; enum { D=(1<<D_BITS)+C }; enum { E=(1<<E_BITS)+D }; enum { F=(1<<F_BITS)+E }; enum { MIN_MATCH=3 }; enum { MAX_MATCH=(F-1)+MIN_MATCH }; enum { TOO_FAR=1<<16 }; enum { HASH1_LEN=MIN_MATCH }; enum { HASH2_LEN=MIN_MATCH+1 }; enum { HASH1_BITS=21 }; enum { HASH2_BITS=24 }; enum { HASH1_SIZE=1<<HASH1_BITS }; enum { HASH2_SIZE=1<<HASH2_BITS }; enum { HASH1_MASK=HASH1_SIZE-1 }; enum { HASH2_MASK=HASH2_SIZE-1 }; enum { HASH1_SHIFT=(HASH1_BITS+(HASH1_LEN-1))/HASH1_LEN }; enum { HASH2_SHIFT=(HASH2_BITS+(HASH2_LEN-1))/HASH2_LEN }; static inline int update_hash1(int h, int c) { return ((h<<HASH1_SHIFT)+c)&HASH1_MASK; } static inline int update_hash2(int h, int c) { return ((h<<HASH2_SHIFT)+c)&HASH2_MASK; } static inline int get_min(int a, int b) { return a<b?a:b; } static inline int get_max(int a, int b) { return a>b?a:b; } static inline int get_penalty(int a, int b) { int p=0; while (a>b) { a>>=3; ++p; } return p; } static size_t crush_compress(const uint8_t* buf, size_t size, uint8_t* outbuf, size_t outlen, size_t level) { static int head[HASH1_SIZE+HASH2_SIZE]; static int prev[W_SIZE]; //const int max_chain[]={4, 256, 1<<12}; // original [0fast..2uber] const int max_chain[11] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 1<<12 }; //[0fastest..10uber] const int max_level = sizeof(max_chain)/sizeof(max_chain[0]); level = level > max_level ? max_level : level; bits bits; { for (int i=0; i<HASH1_SIZE+HASH2_SIZE; ++i) head[i]=-1; int h1=0; int h2=0; for (int i=0; i<HASH1_LEN; ++i) h1=update_hash1(h1, buf[i]); for (int i=0; i<HASH2_LEN; ++i) h2=update_hash2(h2, buf[i]); bits_init(&bits, NULL, outbuf); size_t p=0; while (p<size) { int len=MIN_MATCH-1; int offset=W_SIZE; const int max_match=get_min(MAX_MATCH, size-p); const int limit=get_max(p-W_SIZE, 0); if (head[h1]>=limit) { int s=head[h1]; if (buf[s]==buf[p]) { int l=0; while (++l<max_match) if (buf[s+l]!=buf[p+l]) break; if (l>len) { len=l; offset=p-s; } } } if (len<MAX_MATCH) { int chain_len=max_chain[level]; int s=head[h2+HASH1_SIZE]; while ((chain_len--!=0)&&(s>=limit)) { if ((buf[s+len]==buf[p+len])&&(buf[s]==buf[p])) { int l=0; while (++l<max_match) if (buf[s+l]!=buf[p+l]) break; if (l>len+get_penalty((p-s)>>4, offset)) { len=l; offset=p-s; } if (l==max_match) break; } s=prev[s&W_MASK]; } } if ((len==MIN_MATCH)&&(offset>TOO_FAR)) len=0; if ((level>=2)&&(len>=MIN_MATCH)&&(len<max_match)) { const int next_p=p+1; const int max_lazy=get_min(len+4, max_match); int chain_len=max_chain[level]; int s=head[update_hash2(h2, buf[next_p+(HASH2_LEN-1)])+HASH1_SIZE]; while ((chain_len--!=0)&&(s>=limit)) { if ((buf[s+len]==buf[next_p+len])&&(buf[s]==buf[next_p])) { int l=0; while (++l<max_lazy) if (buf[s+l]!=buf[next_p+l]) break; if (l>len+get_penalty(next_p-s, offset)) { len=0; break; } if (l==max_lazy) break; } s=prev[s&W_MASK]; } } if (len>=MIN_MATCH) // Match { bits_put(&bits, 1, 1); const int l=len-MIN_MATCH; if (l<A) { bits_put(&bits, 1, 1); // 1 bits_put(&bits, A_BITS, l); } else if (l<B) { bits_put(&bits, 2, 1<<1); // 01 bits_put(&bits, B_BITS, l-A); } else if (l<C) { bits_put(&bits, 3, 1<<2); // 001 bits_put(&bits, C_BITS, l-B); } else if (l<D) { bits_put(&bits, 4, 1<<3); // 0001 bits_put(&bits, D_BITS, l-C); } else if (l<E) { bits_put(&bits, 5, 1<<4); // 00001 bits_put(&bits, E_BITS, l-D); } else { bits_put(&bits, 5, 0); // 00000 bits_put(&bits, F_BITS, l-E); } --offset; int log=W_BITS-NUM_SLOTS; while (offset>=(2<<log)) ++log; bits_put(&bits, SLOT_BITS, log-(W_BITS-NUM_SLOTS)); if (log>(W_BITS-NUM_SLOTS)) bits_put(&bits, log, offset-(1<<log)); else bits_put(&bits, W_BITS-(NUM_SLOTS-1), offset); } else // Literal { len=1; bits_put(&bits, 9, buf[p]<<1); // 0 xxxxxxxx } while (len--!=0) // Insert new strings { head[h1]=p; prev[p&W_MASK]=head[h2+HASH1_SIZE]; head[h2+HASH1_SIZE]=p; ++p; h1=update_hash1(h1, buf[p+(HASH1_LEN-1)]); h2=update_hash2(h2, buf[p+(HASH2_LEN-1)]); } } bits_flush(&bits); } return bits.g_outbuf_pos; } static size_t crush_decompress(const uint8_t* inbuf, size_t inlen, uint8_t* outbuf, size_t outsize) { if (inlen<1) { //fprintf(stderr, "Corrupted stream: size=%d\n", (int)inlen); return 0; } bits bits; bits_init(&bits, inbuf, NULL); int p=0; while (bits.g_inbuf_pos<(int)inlen) { if (bits_get(&bits, 1)) { int len; /**/ if (bits_get(&bits, 1)) len=bits_get(&bits, A_BITS); else if (bits_get(&bits, 1)) len=bits_get(&bits, B_BITS)+A; else if (bits_get(&bits, 1)) len=bits_get(&bits, C_BITS)+B; else if (bits_get(&bits, 1)) len=bits_get(&bits, D_BITS)+C; else if (bits_get(&bits, 1)) len=bits_get(&bits, E_BITS)+D; else len=bits_get(&bits, F_BITS)+E; const int log=bits_get(&bits, SLOT_BITS)+(W_BITS-NUM_SLOTS); int s=~(log>(W_BITS-NUM_SLOTS) ?bits_get(&bits, log)+(1<<log) :bits_get(&bits, W_BITS-(NUM_SLOTS-1)))+p; if (s<0) { //fprintf(stderr, "Corrupted stream: s=%d p=%d inlen=%d\n", s, p, (int)inlen); return 0; } outbuf[p++]=outbuf[s++]; outbuf[p++]=outbuf[s++]; outbuf[p++]=outbuf[s++]; while (len--!=0) outbuf[p++]=outbuf[s++]; } else outbuf[p++]=bits_get(&bits, 8); } return p; } unsigned crush_encode(const void* in, unsigned inlen, void* out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags) { unsigned level = flags > 10 ? 10 : flags; return crush_compress((const uint8_t*)in, (size_t)inlen, (uint8_t*)out, (size_t)outlen, (size_t)level); } unsigned crush_decode(const void* in, unsigned inlen, void* out, unsigned outlen) { return crush_decompress((const uint8_t*)in, (size_t)inlen, (uint8_t*)out, (size_t)outlen); } unsigned crush_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)(inlen * 1.1) + 16; // @todo: check src } unsigned crush_excess(unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)0; } #endif // CRUSH_C #ifdef CRUSH_DEMO //#pragma once int main() { const char *longcopy = "Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world!"; int level = 1; char out[128]; size_t outlen = crush_encode(longcopy, strlen(longcopy)+1, out, 128, level ); printf("%s %d->%d\n", outlen ? "ok" : "fail", (int)strlen(longcopy)+1, (int)outlen); char redo[128]; size_t unpacked = crush_decode(out, outlen, redo, 128); printf("%d->%d %s\n", (int)outlen, (int)unpacked, redo); } #define main main__ #endif // CRUSH_DEMO //#line 1 "amalgamated_deflate.c" // miniz.c v1.15 r4 - public domain de/inflate. See "unlicense" statement at http://unlicense.org/ // Rich Geldreich <richgel99@gmail.com>, last updated Oct. 13, 2013. Then stripped down by @r-lyeh. // Implements RFC 1950: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt and RFC 1951: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951.txt // without zlib headers unsigned deflate_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags); // [0..(6)..9][10 (uber)] unsigned deflate_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen); // with zlib headers unsigned deflatez_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags); // [0..(6)..9][10 (uber)] unsigned deflatez_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen); // both options unsigned deflate_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags); unsigned deflate_excess(unsigned flags); #ifdef DEFLATE_C //#pragma once #include <assert.h> // assert() #include <stdint.h> // types #include <stdlib.h> // realloc() #include <string.h> // Set to 1 on CPU's that permit efficient integer loads and stores from unaligned addresses. #ifndef MINIZ_USE_UNALIGNED_LOADS_AND_STORES #if defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IX86) #define MINIZ_USE_UNALIGNED_LOADS_AND_STORES 1 #else #define MINIZ_USE_UNALIGNED_LOADS_AND_STORES 0 #endif #endif // Set to 1 if the processor is little endian. #ifndef MINIZ_LITTLE_ENDIAN #if defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IX86) || __BYTE_ORDER__==__ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ #define MINIZ_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 #else #define MINIZ_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0 #endif #endif // Set to 1 if operations on 64-bit integers are reasonably fast (and don't involve compiler generated calls to helper functions). #ifndef MINIZ_HAS_64BIT_REGISTERS #if UINTPTR_MAX > 0xffffffff // defined(_M_X64) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__MINGW64__) || defined(_LP64) || defined(__LP64__) || defined(__ia64__) || defined(__x86_64__) #define MINIZ_HAS_64BIT_REGISTERS 1 #else #define MINIZ_HAS_64BIT_REGISTERS 0 #endif #endif // ------------------- Types and macros typedef uint32_t mz_uint; // An attempt to work around MSVC's spammy "warning C4127: conditional expression is constant" message. #ifdef _MSC_VER #define MZ_MACRO_END while (0, 0) #else #define MZ_MACRO_END while (0) #endif #define MZ_ASSERT(x) assert(x) #define MZ_MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b)) #define MZ_MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b)) #define MZ_CLEAR_OBJ(obj) memset(&(obj), 0, sizeof(obj)) #if MINIZ_USE_UNALIGNED_LOADS_AND_STORES && MINIZ_LITTLE_ENDIAN #define MZ_READ_LE16(p) *((const uint16_t *)(p)) #define MZ_READ_LE32(p) *((const uint32_t *)(p)) #else #define MZ_READ_LE16(p) ((uint32_t)(((const uint8_t *)(p))[0]) | ((uint32_t)(((const uint8_t *)(p))[1]) << 8U)) #define MZ_READ_LE32(p) ((uint32_t)(((const uint8_t *)(p))[0]) | ((uint32_t)(((const uint8_t *)(p))[1]) << 8U) | ((uint32_t)(((const uint8_t *)(p))[2]) << 16U) | ((uint32_t)(((const uint8_t *)(p))[3]) << 24U)) #endif // Return status. typedef enum { TINFL_STATUS_BAD_PARAM = -3, TINFL_STATUS_ADLER32_MISMATCH = -2, TINFL_STATUS_FAILED = -1, TINFL_STATUS_DONE = 0, TINFL_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT = 1, TINFL_STATUS_HAS_MORE_OUTPUT = 2 } tinfl_status; struct tinfl_decompressor_tag; typedef struct tinfl_decompressor_tag tinfl_decompressor; // ------------------- Low-level Decompression (completely independent from all compression API's) // Decompression flags used by tinfl_decompress(). // TINFL_FLAG_PARSE_ZLIB_HEADER: If set, the input has a valid zlib header and ends with an adler32 checksum (it's a valid zlib stream). Otherwise, the input is a raw deflate stream. // TINFL_FLAG_HAS_MORE_INPUT: If set, there are more input bytes available beyond the end of the supplied input buffer. If clear, the input buffer contains all remaining input. // TINFL_FLAG_USING_NON_WRAPPING_OUTPUT_BUF: If set, the output buffer is large enough to hold the entire decompressed stream. If clear, the output buffer is at least the size of the dictionary (typically 32KB). // TINFL_FLAG_COMPUTE_ADLER32: Force adler-32 checksum computation of the decompressed bytes. enum { TINFL_FLAG_PARSE_ZLIB_HEADER = 1, TINFL_FLAG_HAS_MORE_INPUT = 2, TINFL_FLAG_USING_NON_WRAPPING_OUTPUT_BUF = 4, TINFL_FLAG_COMPUTE_ADLER32 = 8 }; #define TINFL_MEMCPY memcpy #define TINFL_MEMSET memset #define TINFL_CR_BEGIN switch(r->m_state) { case 0: #define TINFL_CR_RETURN(state_index, result) do { status = result; r->m_state = state_index; /*printf("L%d\n", __LINE__);*/ goto common_exit; case state_index:; } MZ_MACRO_END #define TINFL_CR_RETURN_FOREVER(state_index, result) do { for ( ; ; ) { TINFL_CR_RETURN(state_index, result); } } MZ_MACRO_END #define TINFL_CR_FINISH } // TODO: If the caller has indicated that there's no more input, and we attempt to read beyond the input buf, then something is wrong with the input because the inflator never // reads ahead more than it needs to. Currently TINFL_GET_BYTE() pads the end of the stream with 0's in this scenario. #define TINFL_GET_BYTE(state_index, c) do { \ if (pIn_buf_cur >= pIn_buf_end) { \ for ( ; ; ) { \ if (decomp_flags & TINFL_FLAG_HAS_MORE_INPUT) { \ TINFL_CR_RETURN(state_index, TINFL_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT); \ if (pIn_buf_cur < pIn_buf_end) { \ c = *pIn_buf_cur++; \ break; \ } \ } else { \ c = 0; \ break; \ } \ } \ } else c = *pIn_buf_cur++; } MZ_MACRO_END #define TINFL_NEED_BITS(state_index, n) do { mz_uint c; TINFL_GET_BYTE(state_index, c); bit_buf |= (((tinfl_bit_buf_t)c) << num_bits); num_bits += 8; } while (num_bits < (mz_uint)(n)) #define TINFL_SKIP_BITS(state_index, n) do { if (num_bits < (mz_uint)(n)) { TINFL_NEED_BITS(state_index, n); } bit_buf >>= (n); num_bits -= (n); } MZ_MACRO_END #define TINFL_GET_BITS(state_index, b, n) do { if (num_bits < (mz_uint)(n)) { TINFL_NEED_BITS(state_index, n); } b = bit_buf & ((1 << (n)) - 1); bit_buf >>= (n); num_bits -= (n); } MZ_MACRO_END // TINFL_HUFF_BITBUF_FILL() is only used rarely, when the number of bytes remaining in the input buffer falls below 2. // It reads just enough bytes from the input stream that are needed to decode the next Huffman code (and absolutely no more). It works by trying to fully decode a // Huffman code by using whatever bits are currently present in the bit buffer. If this fails, it reads another byte, and tries again until it succeeds or until the // bit buffer contains >=15 bits (deflate's max. Huffman code size). #define TINFL_HUFF_BITBUF_FILL(state_index, pHuff) \ do { \ temp = (pHuff)->m_look_up[bit_buf & (TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_SIZE - 1)]; \ if (temp >= 0) { \ code_len = temp >> 9; \ if ((code_len) && (num_bits >= code_len)) \ break; \ } else if (num_bits > TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_BITS) { \ code_len = TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_BITS; \ do { \ temp = (pHuff)->m_tree[~temp + ((bit_buf >> code_len++) & 1)]; \ } while ((temp < 0) && (num_bits >= (code_len + 1))); if (temp >= 0) break; \ } TINFL_GET_BYTE(state_index, c); bit_buf |= (((tinfl_bit_buf_t)c) << num_bits); num_bits += 8; \ } while (num_bits < 15); // TINFL_HUFF_DECODE() decodes the next Huffman coded symbol. It's more complex than you would initially expect because the zlib API expects the decompressor to never read // beyond the final byte of the deflate stream. (In other words, when this macro wants to read another byte from the input, it REALLY needs another byte in order to fully // decode the next Huffman code.) Handling this properly is particularly important on raw deflate (non-zlib) streams, which aren't followed by a byte aligned adler-32. // The slow path is only executed at the very end of the input buffer. #define TINFL_HUFF_DECODE(state_index, sym, pHuff) do { \ int temp; mz_uint code_len, c; \ if (num_bits < 15) { \ if ((pIn_buf_end - pIn_buf_cur) < 2) { \ TINFL_HUFF_BITBUF_FILL(state_index, pHuff); \ } else { \ bit_buf |= (((tinfl_bit_buf_t)pIn_buf_cur[0]) << num_bits) | (((tinfl_bit_buf_t)pIn_buf_cur[1]) << (num_bits + 8)); pIn_buf_cur += 2; num_bits += 16; \ } \ } \ if ((temp = (pHuff)->m_look_up[bit_buf & (TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_SIZE - 1)]) >= 0) \ code_len = temp >> 9, temp &= 511; \ else { \ code_len = TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_BITS; do { temp = (pHuff)->m_tree[~temp + ((bit_buf >> code_len++) & 1)]; } while (temp < 0); \ } sym = temp; bit_buf >>= code_len; num_bits -= code_len; } MZ_MACRO_END // Internal/private bits follow. enum { TINFL_MAX_HUFF_TABLES = 3, TINFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_0 = 288, TINFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_1 = 32, TINFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_2 = 19, TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_BITS = 10, TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_SIZE = 1 << TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_BITS }; typedef struct { uint8_t m_code_size[TINFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_0]; int16_t m_look_up[TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_SIZE], m_tree[TINFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_0 * 2]; } tinfl_huff_table; #if MINIZ_HAS_64BIT_REGISTERS typedef uint64_t tinfl_bit_buf_t; #define TINFL_BITBUF_SIZE (64) #else typedef uint32_t tinfl_bit_buf_t; #define TINFL_BITBUF_SIZE (32) #endif struct tinfl_decompressor_tag { uint32_t m_state, m_num_bits, m_zhdr0, m_zhdr1, m_z_adler32, m_final, m_type, m_check_adler32, m_dist, m_counter, m_num_extra, m_table_sizes[TINFL_MAX_HUFF_TABLES]; tinfl_bit_buf_t m_bit_buf; size_t m_dist_from_out_buf_start; tinfl_huff_table m_tables[TINFL_MAX_HUFF_TABLES]; uint8_t m_raw_header[4], m_len_codes[TINFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_0 + TINFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_1 + 137]; }; tinfl_status tinfl_decompress(tinfl_decompressor *r, const uint8_t *pIn_buf_next, size_t *pIn_buf_size, uint8_t *pOut_buf_start, uint8_t *pOut_buf_next, size_t *pOut_buf_size, const uint32_t decomp_flags) { static const int s_length_base[31] = { 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13, 15,17,19,23,27,31,35,43,51,59, 67,83,99,115,131,163,195,227,258,0,0 }; static const int s_length_extra[31]= { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0,0,0 }; static const int s_dist_base[32] = { 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,13,17,25,33,49,65,97,129,193, 257,385,513,769,1025,1537,2049,3073,4097,6145,8193,12289,16385,24577,0,0}; static const int s_dist_extra[32] = { 0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13}; static const uint8_t s_length_dezigzag[19] = { 16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15 }; static const int s_min_table_sizes[3] = { 257, 1, 4 }; tinfl_status status = TINFL_STATUS_FAILED; uint32_t num_bits, dist, counter, num_extra; tinfl_bit_buf_t bit_buf; const uint8_t *pIn_buf_cur = pIn_buf_next, *const pIn_buf_end = pIn_buf_next + *pIn_buf_size; uint8_t *pOut_buf_cur = pOut_buf_next, *const pOut_buf_end = pOut_buf_next + *pOut_buf_size; size_t out_buf_size_mask = (decomp_flags & TINFL_FLAG_USING_NON_WRAPPING_OUTPUT_BUF) ? (size_t)-1 : ((pOut_buf_next - pOut_buf_start) + *pOut_buf_size) - 1, dist_from_out_buf_start; // Ensure the output buffer's size is a power of 2, unless the output buffer is large enough to hold the entire output file (in which case it doesn't matter). if (((out_buf_size_mask + 1) & out_buf_size_mask) || (pOut_buf_next < pOut_buf_start)) { *pIn_buf_size = *pOut_buf_size = 0; return TINFL_STATUS_BAD_PARAM; } num_bits = r->m_num_bits; bit_buf = r->m_bit_buf; dist = r->m_dist; counter = r->m_counter; num_extra = r->m_num_extra; dist_from_out_buf_start = r->m_dist_from_out_buf_start; TINFL_CR_BEGIN bit_buf = num_bits = dist = counter = num_extra = r->m_zhdr0 = r->m_zhdr1 = 0; r->m_z_adler32 = r->m_check_adler32 = 1; if (decomp_flags & TINFL_FLAG_PARSE_ZLIB_HEADER) { TINFL_GET_BYTE(1, r->m_zhdr0); TINFL_GET_BYTE(2, r->m_zhdr1); counter = (((r->m_zhdr0 * 256 + r->m_zhdr1) % 31 != 0) || (r->m_zhdr1 & 32) || ((r->m_zhdr0 & 15) != 8)); if (!(decomp_flags & TINFL_FLAG_USING_NON_WRAPPING_OUTPUT_BUF)) counter |= (((1U << (8U + (r->m_zhdr0 >> 4))) > 32768U) || ((out_buf_size_mask + 1) < (size_t)(1U << (8U + (r->m_zhdr0 >> 4))))); if (counter) { TINFL_CR_RETURN_FOREVER(36, TINFL_STATUS_FAILED); } } do { TINFL_GET_BITS(3, r->m_final, 3); r->m_type = r->m_final >> 1; if (r->m_type == 0) { TINFL_SKIP_BITS(5, num_bits & 7); for (counter = 0; counter < 4; ++counter) { if (num_bits) TINFL_GET_BITS(6, r->m_raw_header[counter], 8); else TINFL_GET_BYTE(7, r->m_raw_header[counter]); } if ((counter = (r->m_raw_header[0] | (r->m_raw_header[1] << 8))) != (mz_uint)(0xFFFF ^ (r->m_raw_header[2] | (r->m_raw_header[3] << 8)))) { TINFL_CR_RETURN_FOREVER(39, TINFL_STATUS_FAILED); } while ((counter) && (num_bits)) { TINFL_GET_BITS(51, dist, 8); while (pOut_buf_cur >= pOut_buf_end) { TINFL_CR_RETURN(52, TINFL_STATUS_HAS_MORE_OUTPUT); } *pOut_buf_cur++ = (uint8_t)dist; counter--; } while (counter) { size_t n; while (pOut_buf_cur >= pOut_buf_end) { TINFL_CR_RETURN(9, TINFL_STATUS_HAS_MORE_OUTPUT); } while (pIn_buf_cur >= pIn_buf_end) { if (decomp_flags & TINFL_FLAG_HAS_MORE_INPUT) { TINFL_CR_RETURN(38, TINFL_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT); } else { TINFL_CR_RETURN_FOREVER(40, TINFL_STATUS_FAILED); } } n = MZ_MIN(MZ_MIN((size_t)(pOut_buf_end - pOut_buf_cur), (size_t)(pIn_buf_end - pIn_buf_cur)), counter); TINFL_MEMCPY(pOut_buf_cur, pIn_buf_cur, n); pIn_buf_cur += n; pOut_buf_cur += n; counter -= (mz_uint)n; } } else if (r->m_type == 3) { TINFL_CR_RETURN_FOREVER(10, TINFL_STATUS_FAILED); } else { if (r->m_type == 1) { uint8_t *p = r->m_tables[0].m_code_size; mz_uint i; r->m_table_sizes[0] = 288; r->m_table_sizes[1] = 32; TINFL_MEMSET(r->m_tables[1].m_code_size, 5, 32); for ( i = 0; i <= 143; ++i) *p++ = 8; for ( ; i <= 255; ++i) *p++ = 9; for ( ; i <= 279; ++i) *p++ = 7; for ( ; i <= 287; ++i) *p++ = 8; } else { for (counter = 0; counter < 3; counter++) { TINFL_GET_BITS(11, r->m_table_sizes[counter], "\05\05\04"[counter]); r->m_table_sizes[counter] += s_min_table_sizes[counter]; } MZ_CLEAR_OBJ(r->m_tables[2].m_code_size); for (counter = 0; counter < r->m_table_sizes[2]; counter++) { mz_uint s; TINFL_GET_BITS(14, s, 3); r->m_tables[2].m_code_size[s_length_dezigzag[counter]] = (uint8_t)s; } r->m_table_sizes[2] = 19; } for ( ; (int)r->m_type >= 0; r->m_type--) { int tree_next, tree_cur; tinfl_huff_table *pTable; mz_uint i, j, used_syms, total, sym_index, next_code[17], total_syms[16]; pTable = &r->m_tables[r->m_type]; MZ_CLEAR_OBJ(total_syms); MZ_CLEAR_OBJ(pTable->m_look_up); MZ_CLEAR_OBJ(pTable->m_tree); for (i = 0; i < r->m_table_sizes[r->m_type]; ++i) total_syms[pTable->m_code_size[i]]++; used_syms = 0, total = 0; next_code[0] = next_code[1] = 0; for (i = 1; i <= 15; ++i) { used_syms += total_syms[i]; next_code[i + 1] = (total = ((total + total_syms[i]) << 1)); } if ((65536 != total) && (used_syms > 1)) { TINFL_CR_RETURN_FOREVER(35, TINFL_STATUS_FAILED); } for (tree_next = -1, sym_index = 0; sym_index < r->m_table_sizes[r->m_type]; ++sym_index) { mz_uint rev_code = 0, l, cur_code, code_size = pTable->m_code_size[sym_index]; if (!code_size) continue; cur_code = next_code[code_size]++; for (l = code_size; l > 0; l--, cur_code >>= 1) rev_code = (rev_code << 1) | (cur_code & 1); if (code_size <= TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_BITS) { int16_t k = (int16_t)((code_size << 9) | sym_index); while (rev_code < TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_SIZE) { pTable->m_look_up[rev_code] = k; rev_code += (1 << code_size); } continue; } if (0 == (tree_cur = pTable->m_look_up[rev_code & (TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_SIZE - 1)])) { pTable->m_look_up[rev_code & (TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_SIZE - 1)] = (int16_t)tree_next; tree_cur = tree_next; tree_next -= 2; } rev_code >>= (TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_BITS - 1); for (j = code_size; j > (TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_BITS + 1); j--) { tree_cur -= ((rev_code >>= 1) & 1); if (!pTable->m_tree[-tree_cur - 1]) { pTable->m_tree[-tree_cur - 1] = (int16_t)tree_next; tree_cur = tree_next; tree_next -= 2; } else tree_cur = pTable->m_tree[-tree_cur - 1]; } tree_cur -= ((rev_code >>= 1) & 1); pTable->m_tree[-tree_cur - 1] = (int16_t)sym_index; } if (r->m_type == 2) { for (counter = 0; counter < (r->m_table_sizes[0] + r->m_table_sizes[1]); ) { mz_uint s; TINFL_HUFF_DECODE(16, dist, &r->m_tables[2]); if (dist < 16) { r->m_len_codes[counter++] = (uint8_t)dist; continue; } if ((dist == 16) && (!counter)) { TINFL_CR_RETURN_FOREVER(17, TINFL_STATUS_FAILED); } num_extra = "\02\03\07"[dist - 16]; TINFL_GET_BITS(18, s, num_extra); s += "\03\03\013"[dist - 16]; TINFL_MEMSET(r->m_len_codes + counter, (dist == 16) ? r->m_len_codes[counter - 1] : 0, s); counter += s; } if ((r->m_table_sizes[0] + r->m_table_sizes[1]) != counter) { TINFL_CR_RETURN_FOREVER(21, TINFL_STATUS_FAILED); } TINFL_MEMCPY(r->m_tables[0].m_code_size, r->m_len_codes, r->m_table_sizes[0]); TINFL_MEMCPY(r->m_tables[1].m_code_size, r->m_len_codes + r->m_table_sizes[0], r->m_table_sizes[1]); } } for ( ; ; ) { uint8_t *pSrc; for ( ; ; ) { if (((pIn_buf_end - pIn_buf_cur) < 4) || ((pOut_buf_end - pOut_buf_cur) < 2)) { TINFL_HUFF_DECODE(23, counter, &r->m_tables[0]); if (counter >= 256) break; while (pOut_buf_cur >= pOut_buf_end) { TINFL_CR_RETURN(24, TINFL_STATUS_HAS_MORE_OUTPUT); } *pOut_buf_cur++ = (uint8_t)counter; } else { int sym2; mz_uint code_len; #if MINIZ_HAS_64BIT_REGISTERS if (num_bits < 30) { bit_buf |= (((tinfl_bit_buf_t)MZ_READ_LE32(pIn_buf_cur)) << num_bits); pIn_buf_cur += 4; num_bits += 32; } #else if (num_bits < 15) { bit_buf |= (((tinfl_bit_buf_t)MZ_READ_LE16(pIn_buf_cur)) << num_bits); pIn_buf_cur += 2; num_bits += 16; } #endif if ((sym2 = r->m_tables[0].m_look_up[bit_buf & (TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_SIZE - 1)]) >= 0) code_len = sym2 >> 9; else { code_len = TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_BITS; do { sym2 = r->m_tables[0].m_tree[~sym2 + ((bit_buf >> code_len++) & 1)]; } while (sym2 < 0); } counter = sym2; bit_buf >>= code_len; num_bits -= code_len; if (counter & 256) break; #if !MINIZ_HAS_64BIT_REGISTERS if (num_bits < 15) { bit_buf |= (((tinfl_bit_buf_t)MZ_READ_LE16(pIn_buf_cur)) << num_bits); pIn_buf_cur += 2; num_bits += 16; } #endif if ((sym2 = r->m_tables[0].m_look_up[bit_buf & (TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_SIZE - 1)]) >= 0) code_len = sym2 >> 9; else { code_len = TINFL_FAST_LOOKUP_BITS; do { sym2 = r->m_tables[0].m_tree[~sym2 + ((bit_buf >> code_len++) & 1)]; } while (sym2 < 0); } bit_buf >>= code_len; num_bits -= code_len; pOut_buf_cur[0] = (uint8_t)counter; if (sym2 & 256) { pOut_buf_cur++; counter = sym2; break; } pOut_buf_cur[1] = (uint8_t)sym2; pOut_buf_cur += 2; } } if ((counter &= 511) == 256) break; num_extra = s_length_extra[counter - 257]; counter = s_length_base[counter - 257]; if (num_extra) { mz_uint extra_bits; TINFL_GET_BITS(25, extra_bits, num_extra); counter += extra_bits; } TINFL_HUFF_DECODE(26, dist, &r->m_tables[1]); num_extra = s_dist_extra[dist]; dist = s_dist_base[dist]; if (num_extra) { mz_uint extra_bits; TINFL_GET_BITS(27, extra_bits, num_extra); dist += extra_bits; } dist_from_out_buf_start = pOut_buf_cur - pOut_buf_start; if ((dist > dist_from_out_buf_start) && (decomp_flags & TINFL_FLAG_USING_NON_WRAPPING_OUTPUT_BUF)) { TINFL_CR_RETURN_FOREVER(37, TINFL_STATUS_FAILED); } pSrc = pOut_buf_start + ((dist_from_out_buf_start - dist) & out_buf_size_mask); if ((MZ_MAX(pOut_buf_cur, pSrc) + counter) > pOut_buf_end) { while (counter--) { while (pOut_buf_cur >= pOut_buf_end) { TINFL_CR_RETURN(53, TINFL_STATUS_HAS_MORE_OUTPUT); } *pOut_buf_cur++ = pOut_buf_start[(dist_from_out_buf_start++ - dist) & out_buf_size_mask]; } continue; } #if MINIZ_USE_UNALIGNED_LOADS_AND_STORES else if ((counter >= 9) && (counter <= dist)) { const uint8_t *pSrc_end = pSrc + (counter & ~7); do { ((uint32_t *)pOut_buf_cur)[0] = ((const uint32_t *)pSrc)[0]; ((uint32_t *)pOut_buf_cur)[1] = ((const uint32_t *)pSrc)[1]; pOut_buf_cur += 8; } while ((pSrc += 8) < pSrc_end); if ((counter &= 7) < 3) { if (counter) { pOut_buf_cur[0] = pSrc[0]; if (counter > 1) pOut_buf_cur[1] = pSrc[1]; pOut_buf_cur += counter; } continue; } } #endif do { pOut_buf_cur[0] = pSrc[0]; pOut_buf_cur[1] = pSrc[1]; pOut_buf_cur[2] = pSrc[2]; pOut_buf_cur += 3; pSrc += 3; } while ((int)(counter -= 3) > 2); if ((int)counter > 0) { pOut_buf_cur[0] = pSrc[0]; if ((int)counter > 1) pOut_buf_cur[1] = pSrc[1]; pOut_buf_cur += counter; } } } } while (!(r->m_final & 1)); if (decomp_flags & TINFL_FLAG_PARSE_ZLIB_HEADER) { TINFL_SKIP_BITS(32, num_bits & 7); for (counter = 0; counter < 4; ++counter) { mz_uint s; if (num_bits) TINFL_GET_BITS(41, s, 8); else TINFL_GET_BYTE(42, s); r->m_z_adler32 = (r->m_z_adler32 << 8) | s; } } TINFL_CR_RETURN_FOREVER(34, TINFL_STATUS_DONE); TINFL_CR_FINISH common_exit: r->m_num_bits = num_bits; r->m_bit_buf = bit_buf; r->m_dist = dist; r->m_counter = counter; r->m_num_extra = num_extra; r->m_dist_from_out_buf_start = dist_from_out_buf_start; *pIn_buf_size = pIn_buf_cur - pIn_buf_next; *pOut_buf_size = pOut_buf_cur - pOut_buf_next; if ((decomp_flags & (TINFL_FLAG_PARSE_ZLIB_HEADER | TINFL_FLAG_COMPUTE_ADLER32)) && (status >= 0)) { const uint8_t *ptr = pOut_buf_next; size_t buf_len = *pOut_buf_size; uint32_t i, s1 = r->m_check_adler32 & 0xffff, s2 = r->m_check_adler32 >> 16; size_t block_len = buf_len % 5552; while (buf_len) { for (i = 0; i + 7 < block_len; i += 8, ptr += 8) { s1 += ptr[0], s2 += s1; s1 += ptr[1], s2 += s1; s1 += ptr[2], s2 += s1; s1 += ptr[3], s2 += s1; s1 += ptr[4], s2 += s1; s1 += ptr[5], s2 += s1; s1 += ptr[6], s2 += s1; s1 += ptr[7], s2 += s1; } for ( ; i < block_len; ++i) s1 += *ptr++, s2 += s1; s1 %= 65521U, s2 %= 65521U; buf_len -= block_len; block_len = 5552; } r->m_check_adler32 = (s2 << 16) + s1; if ((status == TINFL_STATUS_DONE) && (decomp_flags & TINFL_FLAG_PARSE_ZLIB_HEADER) && (r->m_check_adler32 != r->m_z_adler32)) status = TINFL_STATUS_ADLER32_MISMATCH; } return status; } // end of inflate.c // begin of deflate.c // Set TDEFL_LESS_MEMORY to 1 to use less memory (compression will be slightly slower, and raw/dynamic blocks will be output more frequently). #define TDEFL_LESS_MEMORY 0 #ifndef MZ_REALLOC #define MZ_REALLOC REALLOC #endif #ifndef MZ_FORCEINLINE #ifdef _MSC_VER #define MZ_FORCEINLINE __forceinline #elif defined(__GNUC__) #define MZ_FORCEINLINE inline __attribute__((__always_inline__)) #else #define MZ_FORCEINLINE inline #endif #endif // ------------------- Types and macros typedef int32_t mz_bool; #define MZ_FALSE (0) #define MZ_TRUE (1) // ------------------- Low-level Compression API Definitions // tdefl_init() compression flags logically OR'd together (low 12 bits contain the max. number of probes per dictionary search): // TDEFL_DEFAULT_MAX_PROBES: The compressor defaults to 128 dictionary probes per dictionary search. 0=Huffman only, 1=Huffman+LZ (fastest/crap compression), 4095=Huffman+LZ (slowest/best compression). enum { TDEFL_HUFFMAN_ONLY = 0, TDEFL_DEFAULT_MAX_PROBES = 128, TDEFL_MAX_PROBES_MASK = 0xFFF }; // TDEFL_WRITE_ZLIB_HEADER: If set, the compressor outputs a zlib header before the deflate data, and the Adler-32 of the source data at the end. Otherwise, you'll get raw deflate data. // TDEFL_COMPUTE_ADLER32: Always compute the adler-32 of the input data (even when not writing zlib headers). // TDEFL_GREEDY_PARSING_FLAG: Set to use faster greedy parsing, instead of more efficient lazy parsing. // TDEFL_NONDETERMINISTIC_PARSING_FLAG: Enable to decrease the compressor's initialization time to the minimum, but the output may vary from run to run given the same input (depending on the contents of memory). // TDEFL_RLE_MATCHES: Only look for RLE matches (matches with a distance of 1) // TDEFL_FILTER_MATCHES: Discards matches <= 5 chars if enabled. // TDEFL_FORCE_ALL_STATIC_BLOCKS: Disable usage of optimized Huffman tables. // TDEFL_FORCE_ALL_RAW_BLOCKS: Only use raw (uncompressed) deflate blocks. // The low 12 bits are reserved to control the max # of hash probes per dictionary lookup (see TDEFL_MAX_PROBES_MASK). enum { TDEFL_WRITE_ZLIB_HEADER = 0x01000, TDEFL_COMPUTE_ADLER32 = 0x02000, TDEFL_GREEDY_PARSING_FLAG = 0x04000, TDEFL_NONDETERMINISTIC_PARSING_FLAG = 0x08000, TDEFL_RLE_MATCHES = 0x10000, TDEFL_FILTER_MATCHES = 0x20000, TDEFL_FORCE_ALL_STATIC_BLOCKS = 0x40000, TDEFL_FORCE_ALL_RAW_BLOCKS = 0x80000 }; // Output stream interface. The compressor uses this interface to write compressed data. It'll typically be called TDEFL_OUT_BUF_SIZE at a time. typedef mz_bool (*tdefl_callback)(const void* pBuf, int len, void *pUser); enum { TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_TABLES = 3, TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_0 = 288, TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_1 = 32, TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_2 = 19, TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE = 32768, TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK = TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE - 1, TDEFL_MIN_MATCH_LEN = 3, TDEFL_MAX_MATCH_LEN = 258 }; // TDEFL_OUT_BUF_SIZE MUST be large enough to hold a single entire compressed output block (using static/fixed Huffman codes). #if TDEFL_LESS_MEMORY enum { TDEFL_LZ_CODE_BUF_SIZE = 24 * 1024, TDEFL_OUT_BUF_SIZE = (TDEFL_LZ_CODE_BUF_SIZE * 13 ) / 10, TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS = 288, TDEFL_LZ_HASH_BITS = 12, TDEFL_LEVEL1_HASH_SIZE_MASK = 4095, TDEFL_LZ_HASH_SHIFT = (TDEFL_LZ_HASH_BITS + 2) / 3, TDEFL_LZ_HASH_SIZE = 1 << TDEFL_LZ_HASH_BITS }; #else enum { TDEFL_LZ_CODE_BUF_SIZE = 64 * 1024, TDEFL_OUT_BUF_SIZE = (TDEFL_LZ_CODE_BUF_SIZE * 13 ) / 10, TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS = 288, TDEFL_LZ_HASH_BITS = 15, TDEFL_LEVEL1_HASH_SIZE_MASK = 4095, TDEFL_LZ_HASH_SHIFT = (TDEFL_LZ_HASH_BITS + 2) / 3, TDEFL_LZ_HASH_SIZE = 1 << TDEFL_LZ_HASH_BITS }; #endif // The low-level tdefl functions below may be used directly if the above helper functions aren't flexible enough. The low-level functions don't make any heap allocations, unlike the above helper functions. typedef enum { TDEFL_STATUS_BAD_PARAM = -2, TDEFL_STATUS_PUT_BUF_FAILED = -1, TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY = 0, TDEFL_STATUS_DONE = 1, } tdefl_status; // Must map to MZ_NO_FLUSH, MZ_SYNC_FLUSH, etc. enums typedef enum { TDEFL_NO_FLUSH = 0, TDEFL_SYNC_FLUSH = 2, TDEFL_FULL_FLUSH = 3, TDEFL_FINISH = 4 } tdefl_flush; // tdefl's compression state structure. typedef struct { char *m_outbuffer[3]; // start,seek,end mz_uint m_flags, m_max_probes[2]; int m_greedy_parsing; mz_uint m_adler32, m_lookahead_pos, m_lookahead_size, m_dict_size; uint8_t *m_pLZ_code_buf, *m_pLZ_flags, *m_pOutput_buf, *m_pOutput_buf_end; mz_uint m_num_flags_left, m_total_lz_bytes, m_lz_code_buf_dict_pos, m_bits_in, m_bit_buffer; mz_uint m_saved_match_dist, m_saved_match_len, m_saved_lit, m_output_flush_ofs, m_output_flush_remaining, m_finished, m_block_index, m_wants_to_finish; tdefl_status m_prev_return_status; const void *m_pIn_buf; void *m_pOut_buf; size_t *m_pIn_buf_size, *m_pOut_buf_size; tdefl_flush m_flush; const uint8_t *m_pSrc; size_t m_src_buf_left, m_out_buf_ofs; uint8_t m_dict[TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE + TDEFL_MAX_MATCH_LEN - 1]; uint16_t m_huff_count[TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_TABLES][TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS]; uint16_t m_huff_codes[TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_TABLES][TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS]; uint8_t m_huff_code_sizes[TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_TABLES][TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS]; uint8_t m_lz_code_buf[TDEFL_LZ_CODE_BUF_SIZE]; uint16_t m_next[TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE]; uint16_t m_hash[TDEFL_LZ_HASH_SIZE]; uint8_t m_output_buf[TDEFL_OUT_BUF_SIZE]; } tdefl_compressor; // ------------------- zlib-style API's // mz_adler32() returns the initial adler-32 value to use when called with ptr==NULL. uint32_t mz_adler32(uint32_t adler, const unsigned char *ptr, size_t buf_len) { uint32_t i, s1 = (adler & 0xffff), s2 = (adler >> 16); size_t block_len = buf_len % 5552; if (!ptr) return 1; // MZ_ADLER32_INIT; while (buf_len) { for (i = 0; i + 7 < block_len; i += 8, ptr += 8) { s1 += ptr[0], s2 += s1; s1 += ptr[1], s2 += s1; s1 += ptr[2], s2 += s1; s1 += ptr[3], s2 += s1; s1 += ptr[4], s2 += s1; s1 += ptr[5], s2 += s1; s1 += ptr[6], s2 += s1; s1 += ptr[7], s2 += s1; } for ( ; i < block_len; ++i) s1 += *ptr++, s2 += s1; s1 %= 65521U, s2 %= 65521U; buf_len -= block_len; block_len = 5552; } return (s2 << 16) + s1; } // ------------------- Low-level Compression (independent from all decompression API's) // Purposely making these tables static for faster init and thread safety. static const uint16_t s_tdefl_len_sym[256] = { 257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,265,266,266,267,267,268,268,269,269,269,269,270,270,270,270,271,271,271,271,272,272,272,272, 273,273,273,273,273,273,273,273,274,274,274,274,274,274,274,274,275,275,275,275,275,275,275,275,276,276,276,276,276,276,276,276, 277,277,277,277,277,277,277,277,277,277,277,277,277,277,277,277,278,278,278,278,278,278,278,278,278,278,278,278,278,278,278,278, 279,279,279,279,279,279,279,279,279,279,279,279,279,279,279,279,280,280,280,280,280,280,280,280,280,280,280,280,280,280,280,280, 281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281,281, 282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282,282, 283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283,283, 284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,284,285 }; static const uint8_t s_tdefl_len_extra[256] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3, 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4, 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5, 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,0 }; static const uint8_t s_tdefl_small_dist_sym[512] = { 0,1,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,11,11,11,11,11,11, 11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,13, 13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14, 14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14, 14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15, 15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16, 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16, 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16, 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17, 17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17, 17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17, 17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17 }; static const uint8_t s_tdefl_small_dist_extra[512] = { 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5, 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6, 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6, 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7 }; static const uint8_t s_tdefl_large_dist_sym[128] = { 0,0,18,19,20,20,21,21,22,22,22,22,23,23,23,23,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,25,25,25,25,25,25,25,25,26,26,26,26,26,26,26,26,26,26,26,26, 26,26,26,26,27,27,27,27,27,27,27,27,27,27,27,27,27,27,27,27,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28, 28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29,29 }; static const uint8_t s_tdefl_large_dist_extra[128] = { 0,0,8,8,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12, 12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13, 13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13 }; // Radix sorts tdefl_sym_freq[] array by 16-bit key m_key. Returns ptr to sorted values. typedef struct { uint16_t m_key, m_sym_index; } tdefl_sym_freq; static tdefl_sym_freq* tdefl_radix_sort_syms(mz_uint num_syms, tdefl_sym_freq* pSyms0, tdefl_sym_freq* pSyms1) { uint32_t total_passes = 2, pass_shift, pass, i, hist[256 * 2]; tdefl_sym_freq* pCur_syms = pSyms0, *pNew_syms = pSyms1; MZ_CLEAR_OBJ(hist); for (i = 0; i < num_syms; i++) { mz_uint freq = pSyms0[i].m_key; hist[freq & 0xFF]++; hist[256 + ((freq >> 8) & 0xFF)]++; } while ((total_passes > 1) && (num_syms == hist[(total_passes - 1) * 256])) total_passes--; for (pass_shift = 0, pass = 0; pass < total_passes; pass++, pass_shift += 8) { const uint32_t* pHist = &hist[pass << 8]; mz_uint offsets[256], cur_ofs = 0; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { offsets[i] = cur_ofs; cur_ofs += pHist[i]; } for (i = 0; i < num_syms; i++) pNew_syms[offsets[(pCur_syms[i].m_key >> pass_shift) & 0xFF]++] = pCur_syms[i]; { tdefl_sym_freq* t = pCur_syms; pCur_syms = pNew_syms; pNew_syms = t; } } return pCur_syms; } // tdefl_calculate_minimum_redundancy() originally written by: Alistair Moffat, alistair@cs.mu.oz.au, Jyrki Katajainen, jyrki@diku.dk, November 1996. static void tdefl_calculate_minimum_redundancy(tdefl_sym_freq *A, int n) { int root, leaf, next, avbl, used, dpth; if (n==0) return; else if (n==1) { A[0].m_key = 1; return; } A[0].m_key += A[1].m_key; root = 0; leaf = 2; for (next=1; next < n-1; next++) { if (leaf>=n || A[root].m_key<A[leaf].m_key) { A[next].m_key = A[root].m_key; A[root++].m_key = (uint16_t)next; } else A[next].m_key = A[leaf++].m_key; if (leaf>=n || (root<next && A[root].m_key<A[leaf].m_key)) { A[next].m_key = (uint16_t)(A[next].m_key + A[root].m_key); A[root++].m_key = (uint16_t)next; } else A[next].m_key = (uint16_t)(A[next].m_key + A[leaf++].m_key); } A[n-2].m_key = 0; for (next=n-3; next>=0; next--) A[next].m_key = A[A[next].m_key].m_key+1; avbl = 1; used = dpth = 0; root = n-2; next = n-1; while (avbl>0) { while (root>=0 && (int)A[root].m_key==dpth) { used++; root--; } while (avbl>used) { A[next--].m_key = (uint16_t)(dpth); avbl--; } avbl = 2*used; dpth++; used = 0; } } // Limits canonical Huffman code table's max code size. enum { TDEFL_MAX_SUPPORTED_HUFF_CODESIZE = 32 }; static void tdefl_huffman_enforce_max_code_size(int *pNum_codes, int code_list_len, int max_code_size) { int i; uint32_t total = 0; if (code_list_len <= 1) return; for (i = max_code_size + 1; i <= TDEFL_MAX_SUPPORTED_HUFF_CODESIZE; i++) pNum_codes[max_code_size] += pNum_codes[i]; for (i = max_code_size; i > 0; i--) total += (((uint32_t)pNum_codes[i]) << (max_code_size - i)); while (total != (1UL << max_code_size)) { pNum_codes[max_code_size]--; for (i = max_code_size - 1; i > 0; i--) if (pNum_codes[i]) { pNum_codes[i]--; pNum_codes[i + 1] += 2; break; } total--; } } static void tdefl_optimize_huffman_table(tdefl_compressor *d, int table_num, int table_len, int code_size_limit, int static_table) { int i, j, l, num_codes[1 + TDEFL_MAX_SUPPORTED_HUFF_CODESIZE]; mz_uint next_code[TDEFL_MAX_SUPPORTED_HUFF_CODESIZE + 1]; MZ_CLEAR_OBJ(num_codes); if (static_table) { for (i = 0; i < table_len; i++) num_codes[d->m_huff_code_sizes[table_num][i]]++; } else { tdefl_sym_freq syms0[TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS], syms1[TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS], *pSyms; int num_used_syms = 0; const uint16_t *pSym_count = &d->m_huff_count[table_num][0]; for (i = 0; i < table_len; i++) if (pSym_count[i]) { syms0[num_used_syms].m_key = (uint16_t)pSym_count[i]; syms0[num_used_syms++].m_sym_index = (uint16_t)i; } pSyms = tdefl_radix_sort_syms(num_used_syms, syms0, syms1); tdefl_calculate_minimum_redundancy(pSyms, num_used_syms); for (i = 0; i < num_used_syms; i++) num_codes[pSyms[i].m_key]++; tdefl_huffman_enforce_max_code_size(num_codes, num_used_syms, code_size_limit); MZ_CLEAR_OBJ(d->m_huff_code_sizes[table_num]); MZ_CLEAR_OBJ(d->m_huff_codes[table_num]); for (i = 1, j = num_used_syms; i <= code_size_limit; i++) for (l = num_codes[i]; l > 0; l--) d->m_huff_code_sizes[table_num][pSyms[--j].m_sym_index] = (uint8_t)(i); } next_code[1] = 0; for (j = 0, i = 2; i <= code_size_limit; i++) next_code[i] = j = ((j + num_codes[i - 1]) << 1); for (i = 0; i < table_len; i++) { mz_uint rev_code = 0, code, code_size; if ((code_size = d->m_huff_code_sizes[table_num][i]) == 0) continue; code = next_code[code_size]++; for (l = code_size; l > 0; l--, code >>= 1) rev_code = (rev_code << 1) | (code & 1); d->m_huff_codes[table_num][i] = (uint16_t)rev_code; } } #define TDEFL_PUT_BITS(b, l) do { \ mz_uint bits = b; mz_uint len = l; MZ_ASSERT(bits <= ((1U << len) - 1U)); \ d->m_bit_buffer |= (bits << d->m_bits_in); d->m_bits_in += len; \ while (d->m_bits_in >= 8) { \ if (d->m_pOutput_buf < d->m_pOutput_buf_end) \ *d->m_pOutput_buf++ = (uint8_t)(d->m_bit_buffer); \ d->m_bit_buffer >>= 8; \ d->m_bits_in -= 8; \ } \ } MZ_MACRO_END #define TDEFL_RLE_PREV_CODE_SIZE() { if (rle_repeat_count) { \ if (rle_repeat_count < 3) { \ d->m_huff_count[2][prev_code_size] = (uint16_t)(d->m_huff_count[2][prev_code_size] + rle_repeat_count); \ while (rle_repeat_count--) packed_code_sizes[num_packed_code_sizes++] = prev_code_size; \ } else { \ d->m_huff_count[2][16] = (uint16_t)(d->m_huff_count[2][16] + 1); packed_code_sizes[num_packed_code_sizes++] = 16; packed_code_sizes[num_packed_code_sizes++] = (uint8_t)(rle_repeat_count - 3); \ } rle_repeat_count = 0; } } #define TDEFL_RLE_ZERO_CODE_SIZE() { if (rle_z_count) { \ if (rle_z_count < 3) { \ d->m_huff_count[2][0] = (uint16_t)(d->m_huff_count[2][0] + rle_z_count); while (rle_z_count--) packed_code_sizes[num_packed_code_sizes++] = 0; \ } else if (rle_z_count <= 10) { \ d->m_huff_count[2][17] = (uint16_t)(d->m_huff_count[2][17] + 1); packed_code_sizes[num_packed_code_sizes++] = 17; packed_code_sizes[num_packed_code_sizes++] = (uint8_t)(rle_z_count - 3); \ } else { \ d->m_huff_count[2][18] = (uint16_t)(d->m_huff_count[2][18] + 1); packed_code_sizes[num_packed_code_sizes++] = 18; packed_code_sizes[num_packed_code_sizes++] = (uint8_t)(rle_z_count - 11); \ } rle_z_count = 0; } } static uint8_t s_tdefl_packed_code_size_syms_swizzle[] = { 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 }; static void tdefl_start_dynamic_block(tdefl_compressor *d) { int num_lit_codes, num_dist_codes, num_bit_lengths; mz_uint i, total_code_sizes_to_pack, num_packed_code_sizes, rle_z_count, rle_repeat_count, packed_code_sizes_index; uint8_t code_sizes_to_pack[TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_0 + TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_1], packed_code_sizes[TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_0 + TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_1], prev_code_size = 0xFF; d->m_huff_count[0][256] = 1; tdefl_optimize_huffman_table(d, 0, TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_0, 15, MZ_FALSE); tdefl_optimize_huffman_table(d, 1, TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_1, 15, MZ_FALSE); for (num_lit_codes = 286; num_lit_codes > 257; num_lit_codes--) if (d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][num_lit_codes - 1]) break; for (num_dist_codes = 30; num_dist_codes > 1; num_dist_codes--) if (d->m_huff_code_sizes[1][num_dist_codes - 1]) break; memcpy(code_sizes_to_pack, &d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][0], num_lit_codes); memcpy(code_sizes_to_pack + num_lit_codes, &d->m_huff_code_sizes[1][0], num_dist_codes); total_code_sizes_to_pack = num_lit_codes + num_dist_codes; num_packed_code_sizes = 0; rle_z_count = 0; rle_repeat_count = 0; memset(&d->m_huff_count[2][0], 0, sizeof(d->m_huff_count[2][0]) * TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_2); for (i = 0; i < total_code_sizes_to_pack; i++) { uint8_t code_size = code_sizes_to_pack[i]; if (!code_size) { TDEFL_RLE_PREV_CODE_SIZE(); if (++rle_z_count == 138) { TDEFL_RLE_ZERO_CODE_SIZE(); } } else { TDEFL_RLE_ZERO_CODE_SIZE(); if (code_size != prev_code_size) { TDEFL_RLE_PREV_CODE_SIZE(); d->m_huff_count[2][code_size] = (uint16_t)(d->m_huff_count[2][code_size] + 1); packed_code_sizes[num_packed_code_sizes++] = code_size; } else if (++rle_repeat_count == 6) { TDEFL_RLE_PREV_CODE_SIZE(); } } prev_code_size = code_size; } if (rle_repeat_count) { TDEFL_RLE_PREV_CODE_SIZE(); } else { TDEFL_RLE_ZERO_CODE_SIZE(); } tdefl_optimize_huffman_table(d, 2, TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_2, 7, MZ_FALSE); TDEFL_PUT_BITS(2, 2); TDEFL_PUT_BITS(num_lit_codes - 257, 5); TDEFL_PUT_BITS(num_dist_codes - 1, 5); for (num_bit_lengths = 18; num_bit_lengths >= 0; num_bit_lengths--) if (d->m_huff_code_sizes[2][s_tdefl_packed_code_size_syms_swizzle[num_bit_lengths]]) break; num_bit_lengths = MZ_MAX(4, (num_bit_lengths + 1)); TDEFL_PUT_BITS(num_bit_lengths - 4, 4); for (i = 0; (int)i < num_bit_lengths; i++) TDEFL_PUT_BITS(d->m_huff_code_sizes[2][s_tdefl_packed_code_size_syms_swizzle[i]], 3); for (packed_code_sizes_index = 0; packed_code_sizes_index < num_packed_code_sizes; ) { mz_uint code = packed_code_sizes[packed_code_sizes_index++]; MZ_ASSERT(code < TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_2); TDEFL_PUT_BITS(d->m_huff_codes[2][code], d->m_huff_code_sizes[2][code]); if (code >= 16) TDEFL_PUT_BITS(packed_code_sizes[packed_code_sizes_index++], "\02\03\07"[code - 16]); } } static void tdefl_start_static_block(tdefl_compressor *d) { mz_uint i; uint8_t *p = &d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][0]; for (i = 0; i <= 143; ++i) *p++ = 8; for ( ; i <= 255; ++i) *p++ = 9; for ( ; i <= 279; ++i) *p++ = 7; for ( ; i <= 287; ++i) *p++ = 8; memset(d->m_huff_code_sizes[1], 5, 32); tdefl_optimize_huffman_table(d, 0, 288, 15, MZ_TRUE); tdefl_optimize_huffman_table(d, 1, 32, 15, MZ_TRUE); TDEFL_PUT_BITS(1, 2); } static const mz_uint mz_bitmasks[17] = { 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0003, 0x0007, 0x000F, 0x001F, 0x003F, 0x007F, 0x00FF, 0x01FF, 0x03FF, 0x07FF, 0x0FFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF, 0xFFFF }; #if MINIZ_USE_UNALIGNED_LOADS_AND_STORES && MINIZ_LITTLE_ENDIAN && MINIZ_HAS_64BIT_REGISTERS static mz_bool tdefl_compress_lz_codes(tdefl_compressor *d) { mz_uint flags; uint8_t *pLZ_codes; uint8_t *pOutput_buf = d->m_pOutput_buf; uint8_t *pLZ_code_buf_end = d->m_pLZ_code_buf; uint64_t bit_buffer = d->m_bit_buffer; mz_uint bits_in = d->m_bits_in; #define TDEFL_PUT_BITS_FAST(b, l) { bit_buffer |= (((uint64_t)(b)) << bits_in); bits_in += (l); } flags = 1; for (pLZ_codes = d->m_lz_code_buf; pLZ_codes < pLZ_code_buf_end; flags >>= 1) { if (flags == 1) flags = *pLZ_codes++ | 0x100; if (flags & 1) { mz_uint s0, s1, n0, n1, sym, num_extra_bits; mz_uint match_len = pLZ_codes[0], match_dist = *(const uint16_t *)(pLZ_codes + 1); pLZ_codes += 3; MZ_ASSERT(d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][s_tdefl_len_sym[match_len]]); TDEFL_PUT_BITS_FAST(d->m_huff_codes[0][s_tdefl_len_sym[match_len]], d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][s_tdefl_len_sym[match_len]]); TDEFL_PUT_BITS_FAST(match_len & mz_bitmasks[s_tdefl_len_extra[match_len]], s_tdefl_len_extra[match_len]); // This sequence coaxes MSVC into using cmov's vs. jmp's. s0 = s_tdefl_small_dist_sym[match_dist & 511]; n0 = s_tdefl_small_dist_extra[match_dist & 511]; s1 = s_tdefl_large_dist_sym[match_dist >> 8]; n1 = s_tdefl_large_dist_extra[match_dist >> 8]; sym = (match_dist < 512) ? s0 : s1; num_extra_bits = (match_dist < 512) ? n0 : n1; MZ_ASSERT(d->m_huff_code_sizes[1][sym]); TDEFL_PUT_BITS_FAST(d->m_huff_codes[1][sym], d->m_huff_code_sizes[1][sym]); TDEFL_PUT_BITS_FAST(match_dist & mz_bitmasks[num_extra_bits], num_extra_bits); } else { mz_uint lit = *pLZ_codes++; MZ_ASSERT(d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][lit]); TDEFL_PUT_BITS_FAST(d->m_huff_codes[0][lit], d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][lit]); if (((flags & 2) == 0) && (pLZ_codes < pLZ_code_buf_end)) { flags >>= 1; lit = *pLZ_codes++; MZ_ASSERT(d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][lit]); TDEFL_PUT_BITS_FAST(d->m_huff_codes[0][lit], d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][lit]); if (((flags & 2) == 0) && (pLZ_codes < pLZ_code_buf_end)) { flags >>= 1; lit = *pLZ_codes++; MZ_ASSERT(d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][lit]); TDEFL_PUT_BITS_FAST(d->m_huff_codes[0][lit], d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][lit]); } } } if (pOutput_buf >= d->m_pOutput_buf_end) return MZ_FALSE; *(uint64_t*)pOutput_buf = bit_buffer; pOutput_buf += (bits_in >> 3); bit_buffer >>= (bits_in & ~7); bits_in &= 7; } #undef TDEFL_PUT_BITS_FAST d->m_pOutput_buf = pOutput_buf; d->m_bits_in = 0; d->m_bit_buffer = 0; while (bits_in) { uint32_t n = MZ_MIN(bits_in, 16); TDEFL_PUT_BITS((mz_uint)bit_buffer & mz_bitmasks[n], n); bit_buffer >>= n; bits_in -= n; } TDEFL_PUT_BITS(d->m_huff_codes[0][256], d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][256]); return (d->m_pOutput_buf < d->m_pOutput_buf_end); } #else static mz_bool tdefl_compress_lz_codes(tdefl_compressor *d) { mz_uint flags; uint8_t *pLZ_codes; flags = 1; for (pLZ_codes = d->m_lz_code_buf; pLZ_codes < d->m_pLZ_code_buf; flags >>= 1) { if (flags == 1) flags = *pLZ_codes++ | 0x100; if (flags & 1) { mz_uint sym, num_extra_bits; mz_uint match_len = pLZ_codes[0], match_dist = (pLZ_codes[1] | (pLZ_codes[2] << 8)); pLZ_codes += 3; MZ_ASSERT(d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][s_tdefl_len_sym[match_len]]); TDEFL_PUT_BITS(d->m_huff_codes[0][s_tdefl_len_sym[match_len]], d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][s_tdefl_len_sym[match_len]]); TDEFL_PUT_BITS(match_len & mz_bitmasks[s_tdefl_len_extra[match_len]], s_tdefl_len_extra[match_len]); if (match_dist < 512) { sym = s_tdefl_small_dist_sym[match_dist]; num_extra_bits = s_tdefl_small_dist_extra[match_dist]; } else { sym = s_tdefl_large_dist_sym[match_dist >> 8]; num_extra_bits = s_tdefl_large_dist_extra[match_dist >> 8]; } MZ_ASSERT(d->m_huff_code_sizes[1][sym]); TDEFL_PUT_BITS(d->m_huff_codes[1][sym], d->m_huff_code_sizes[1][sym]); TDEFL_PUT_BITS(match_dist & mz_bitmasks[num_extra_bits], num_extra_bits); } else { mz_uint lit = *pLZ_codes++; MZ_ASSERT(d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][lit]); TDEFL_PUT_BITS(d->m_huff_codes[0][lit], d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][lit]); } } TDEFL_PUT_BITS(d->m_huff_codes[0][256], d->m_huff_code_sizes[0][256]); return (d->m_pOutput_buf < d->m_pOutput_buf_end); } #endif // MINIZ_USE_UNALIGNED_LOADS_AND_STORES && MINIZ_LITTLE_ENDIAN && MINIZ_HAS_64BIT_REGISTERS static mz_bool tdefl_compress_block(tdefl_compressor *d, mz_bool static_block) { if (static_block) tdefl_start_static_block(d); else tdefl_start_dynamic_block(d); return tdefl_compress_lz_codes(d); } static int tdefl_flush_block(tdefl_compressor *d, int flush) { mz_uint saved_bit_buf, saved_bits_in; uint8_t *pSaved_output_buf; mz_bool comp_block_succeeded = MZ_FALSE; int n, use_raw_block = ((d->m_flags & TDEFL_FORCE_ALL_RAW_BLOCKS) != 0) && (d->m_lookahead_pos - d->m_lz_code_buf_dict_pos) <= d->m_dict_size; uint8_t *pOutput_buf_start = ((d->m_outbuffer[0] == NULL) && ((*d->m_pOut_buf_size - d->m_out_buf_ofs) >= TDEFL_OUT_BUF_SIZE)) ? ((uint8_t *)d->m_pOut_buf + d->m_out_buf_ofs) : d->m_output_buf; d->m_pOutput_buf = pOutput_buf_start; d->m_pOutput_buf_end = d->m_pOutput_buf + TDEFL_OUT_BUF_SIZE - 16; MZ_ASSERT(!d->m_output_flush_remaining); d->m_output_flush_ofs = 0; d->m_output_flush_remaining = 0; *d->m_pLZ_flags = (uint8_t)(*d->m_pLZ_flags >> d->m_num_flags_left); d->m_pLZ_code_buf -= (d->m_num_flags_left == 8); if ((d->m_flags & TDEFL_WRITE_ZLIB_HEADER) && (!d->m_block_index)) { TDEFL_PUT_BITS(0x78, 8); TDEFL_PUT_BITS(0x01, 8); } TDEFL_PUT_BITS(flush == TDEFL_FINISH, 1); pSaved_output_buf = d->m_pOutput_buf; saved_bit_buf = d->m_bit_buffer; saved_bits_in = d->m_bits_in; if (!use_raw_block) comp_block_succeeded = tdefl_compress_block(d, (d->m_flags & TDEFL_FORCE_ALL_STATIC_BLOCKS) || (d->m_total_lz_bytes < 48)); // If the block gets expanded, forget the current contents of the output buffer and send a raw block instead. if ( ((use_raw_block) || ((d->m_total_lz_bytes) && ((d->m_pOutput_buf - pSaved_output_buf + 1U) >= d->m_total_lz_bytes))) && ((d->m_lookahead_pos - d->m_lz_code_buf_dict_pos) <= d->m_dict_size) ) { mz_uint i; d->m_pOutput_buf = pSaved_output_buf; d->m_bit_buffer = saved_bit_buf, d->m_bits_in = saved_bits_in; TDEFL_PUT_BITS(0, 2); if (d->m_bits_in) { TDEFL_PUT_BITS(0, 8 - d->m_bits_in); } for (i = 2; i; --i, d->m_total_lz_bytes ^= 0xFFFF) { TDEFL_PUT_BITS(d->m_total_lz_bytes & 0xFFFF, 16); } for (i = 0; i < d->m_total_lz_bytes; ++i) { TDEFL_PUT_BITS(d->m_dict[(d->m_lz_code_buf_dict_pos + i) & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK], 8); } } // Check for the extremely unlikely (if not impossible) case of the compressed block not fitting into the output buffer when using dynamic codes. else if (!comp_block_succeeded) { d->m_pOutput_buf = pSaved_output_buf; d->m_bit_buffer = saved_bit_buf, d->m_bits_in = saved_bits_in; tdefl_compress_block(d, MZ_TRUE); } if (flush) { if (flush == TDEFL_FINISH) { if (d->m_bits_in) { TDEFL_PUT_BITS(0, 8 - d->m_bits_in); } if (d->m_flags & TDEFL_WRITE_ZLIB_HEADER) { mz_uint i, a = d->m_adler32; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { TDEFL_PUT_BITS((a >> 24) & 0xFF, 8); a <<= 8; } } } else { mz_uint i, z = 0; TDEFL_PUT_BITS(0, 3); if (d->m_bits_in) { TDEFL_PUT_BITS(0, 8 - d->m_bits_in); } for (i = 2; i; --i, z ^= 0xFFFF) { TDEFL_PUT_BITS(z & 0xFFFF, 16); } } } MZ_ASSERT(d->m_pOutput_buf < d->m_pOutput_buf_end); memset(&d->m_huff_count[0][0], 0, sizeof(d->m_huff_count[0][0]) * TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_0); memset(&d->m_huff_count[1][0], 0, sizeof(d->m_huff_count[1][0]) * TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_1); d->m_pLZ_code_buf = d->m_lz_code_buf + 1; d->m_pLZ_flags = d->m_lz_code_buf; d->m_num_flags_left = 8; d->m_lz_code_buf_dict_pos += d->m_total_lz_bytes; d->m_total_lz_bytes = 0; d->m_block_index++; if ((n = (int)(d->m_pOutput_buf - pOutput_buf_start)) != 0) { if (d->m_outbuffer[0]) { *d->m_pIn_buf_size = d->m_pSrc - (const uint8_t *)d->m_pIn_buf; uintptr_t capacity = (uintptr_t)d->m_outbuffer[2] - (uintptr_t)d->m_outbuffer[1]; if( n > capacity ) return (d->m_prev_return_status = TDEFL_STATUS_PUT_BUF_FAILED); memcpy(d->m_outbuffer[1], d->m_output_buf, n); d->m_outbuffer[1] += n; } else if (pOutput_buf_start == d->m_output_buf) { int bytes_to_copy = (int)MZ_MIN((size_t)n, (size_t)(*d->m_pOut_buf_size - d->m_out_buf_ofs)); memcpy((uint8_t *)d->m_pOut_buf + d->m_out_buf_ofs, d->m_output_buf, bytes_to_copy); d->m_out_buf_ofs += bytes_to_copy; if ((n -= bytes_to_copy) != 0) { d->m_output_flush_ofs = bytes_to_copy; d->m_output_flush_remaining = n; } } else { d->m_out_buf_ofs += n; } } return d->m_output_flush_remaining; } #if MINIZ_USE_UNALIGNED_LOADS_AND_STORES #define TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(p) *(const uint16_t*)(p) static MZ_FORCEINLINE void tdefl_find_match(tdefl_compressor *d, mz_uint lookahead_pos, mz_uint max_dist, mz_uint max_match_len, mz_uint *pMatch_dist, mz_uint *pMatch_len) { mz_uint dist, pos = lookahead_pos & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK, match_len = *pMatch_len, probe_pos = pos, next_probe_pos, probe_len; mz_uint num_probes_left = d->m_max_probes[match_len >= 32]; const uint16_t *s = (const uint16_t*)(d->m_dict + pos), *p, *q; uint16_t c01 = TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(&d->m_dict[pos + match_len - 1]), s01 = TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(s); MZ_ASSERT(max_match_len <= TDEFL_MAX_MATCH_LEN); if (max_match_len <= match_len) return; for ( ; ; ) { for ( ; ; ) { if (--num_probes_left == 0) return; #define TDEFL_PROBE \ next_probe_pos = d->m_next[probe_pos]; \ if ((!next_probe_pos) || ((dist = (uint16_t)(lookahead_pos - next_probe_pos)) > max_dist)) return; \ probe_pos = next_probe_pos & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK; \ if (TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(&d->m_dict[probe_pos + match_len - 1]) == c01) break; TDEFL_PROBE; TDEFL_PROBE; TDEFL_PROBE; } if (!dist) break; q = (const uint16_t*)(d->m_dict + probe_pos); if (TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(q) != s01) continue; p = s; probe_len = 32; do { } while ( (TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++p) == TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++q)) && (TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++p) == TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++q)) && (TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++p) == TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++q)) && (TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++p) == TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++q)) && (--probe_len > 0) ); if (!probe_len) { *pMatch_dist = dist; *pMatch_len = MZ_MIN(max_match_len, TDEFL_MAX_MATCH_LEN); break; } else if ((probe_len = ((mz_uint)(p - s) * 2) + (mz_uint)(*(const uint8_t*)p == *(const uint8_t*)q)) > match_len) { *pMatch_dist = dist; if ((*pMatch_len = match_len = MZ_MIN(max_match_len, probe_len)) == max_match_len) break; c01 = TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(&d->m_dict[pos + match_len - 1]); } } } #else static MZ_FORCEINLINE void tdefl_find_match(tdefl_compressor *d, mz_uint lookahead_pos, mz_uint max_dist, mz_uint max_match_len, mz_uint *pMatch_dist, mz_uint *pMatch_len) { mz_uint dist, pos = lookahead_pos & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK, match_len = *pMatch_len, probe_pos = pos, next_probe_pos, probe_len; mz_uint num_probes_left = d->m_max_probes[match_len >= 32]; const uint8_t *s = d->m_dict + pos, *p, *q; uint8_t c0 = d->m_dict[pos + match_len], c1 = d->m_dict[pos + match_len - 1]; MZ_ASSERT(max_match_len <= TDEFL_MAX_MATCH_LEN); if (max_match_len <= match_len) return; for ( ; ; ) { for ( ; ; ) { if (--num_probes_left == 0) return; #define TDEFL_PROBE \ next_probe_pos = d->m_next[probe_pos]; \ if ((!next_probe_pos) || ((dist = (uint16_t)(lookahead_pos - next_probe_pos)) > max_dist)) return; \ probe_pos = next_probe_pos & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK; \ if ((d->m_dict[probe_pos + match_len] == c0) && (d->m_dict[probe_pos + match_len - 1] == c1)) break; TDEFL_PROBE; TDEFL_PROBE; TDEFL_PROBE; } if (!dist) break; p = s; q = d->m_dict + probe_pos; for (probe_len = 0; probe_len < max_match_len; probe_len++) if (*p++ != *q++) break; if (probe_len > match_len) { *pMatch_dist = dist; if ((*pMatch_len = match_len = probe_len) == max_match_len) return; c0 = d->m_dict[pos + match_len]; c1 = d->m_dict[pos + match_len - 1]; } } } #endif // #if MINIZ_USE_UNALIGNED_LOADS_AND_STORES #if MINIZ_USE_UNALIGNED_LOADS_AND_STORES && MINIZ_LITTLE_ENDIAN static mz_bool tdefl_compress_fast(tdefl_compressor *d) { // Faster, minimally featured LZRW1-style match+parse loop with better register utilization. Intended for applications where raw throughput is valued more highly than ratio. mz_uint lookahead_pos = d->m_lookahead_pos, lookahead_size = d->m_lookahead_size, dict_size = d->m_dict_size, total_lz_bytes = d->m_total_lz_bytes, num_flags_left = d->m_num_flags_left; uint8_t *pLZ_code_buf = d->m_pLZ_code_buf, *pLZ_flags = d->m_pLZ_flags; mz_uint cur_pos = lookahead_pos & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK; while ((d->m_src_buf_left) || ((d->m_flush) && (lookahead_size))) { const mz_uint TDEFL_COMP_FAST_LOOKAHEAD_SIZE = 4096; mz_uint dst_pos = (lookahead_pos + lookahead_size) & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK; mz_uint num_bytes_to_process = (mz_uint)MZ_MIN(d->m_src_buf_left, TDEFL_COMP_FAST_LOOKAHEAD_SIZE - lookahead_size); d->m_src_buf_left -= num_bytes_to_process; lookahead_size += num_bytes_to_process; while (num_bytes_to_process) { uint32_t n = MZ_MIN(TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE - dst_pos, num_bytes_to_process); memcpy(d->m_dict + dst_pos, d->m_pSrc, n); if (dst_pos < (TDEFL_MAX_MATCH_LEN - 1)) memcpy(d->m_dict + TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE + dst_pos, d->m_pSrc, MZ_MIN(n, (TDEFL_MAX_MATCH_LEN - 1) - dst_pos)); d->m_pSrc += n; dst_pos = (dst_pos + n) & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK; num_bytes_to_process -= n; } dict_size = MZ_MIN(TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE - lookahead_size, dict_size); if ((!d->m_flush) && (lookahead_size < TDEFL_COMP_FAST_LOOKAHEAD_SIZE)) break; while (lookahead_size >= 4) { mz_uint cur_match_dist, cur_match_len = 1; uint8_t *pCur_dict = d->m_dict + cur_pos; mz_uint first_trigram = (*(const uint32_t *)pCur_dict) & 0xFFFFFF; mz_uint hash = (first_trigram ^ (first_trigram >> (24 - (TDEFL_LZ_HASH_BITS - 8)))) & TDEFL_LEVEL1_HASH_SIZE_MASK; mz_uint probe_pos = d->m_hash[hash]; d->m_hash[hash] = (uint16_t)lookahead_pos; if (((cur_match_dist = (uint16_t)(lookahead_pos - probe_pos)) <= dict_size) && ((*(const uint32_t *)(d->m_dict + (probe_pos &= TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK)) & 0xFFFFFF) == first_trigram)) { const uint16_t *p = (const uint16_t *)pCur_dict; const uint16_t *q = (const uint16_t *)(d->m_dict + probe_pos); uint32_t probe_len = 32; do { } while ( (TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++p) == TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++q)) && (TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++p) == TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++q)) && (TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++p) == TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++q)) && (TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++p) == TDEFL_READ_UNALIGNED_WORD(++q)) && (--probe_len > 0) ); cur_match_len = ((mz_uint)(p - (const uint16_t *)pCur_dict) * 2) + (mz_uint)(*(const uint8_t *)p == *(const uint8_t *)q); if (!probe_len) cur_match_len = cur_match_dist ? TDEFL_MAX_MATCH_LEN : 0; if ((cur_match_len < TDEFL_MIN_MATCH_LEN) || ((cur_match_len == TDEFL_MIN_MATCH_LEN) && (cur_match_dist >= 8U*1024U))) { cur_match_len = 1; *pLZ_code_buf++ = (uint8_t)first_trigram; *pLZ_flags = (uint8_t)(*pLZ_flags >> 1); d->m_huff_count[0][(uint8_t)first_trigram]++; } else { uint32_t s0, s1; cur_match_len = MZ_MIN(cur_match_len, lookahead_size); MZ_ASSERT((cur_match_len >= TDEFL_MIN_MATCH_LEN) && (cur_match_dist >= 1) && (cur_match_dist <= TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE)); cur_match_dist--; pLZ_code_buf[0] = (uint8_t)(cur_match_len - TDEFL_MIN_MATCH_LEN); *(uint16_t *)(&pLZ_code_buf[1]) = (uint16_t)cur_match_dist; pLZ_code_buf += 3; *pLZ_flags = (uint8_t)((*pLZ_flags >> 1) | 0x80); s0 = s_tdefl_small_dist_sym[cur_match_dist & 511]; s1 = s_tdefl_large_dist_sym[cur_match_dist >> 8]; d->m_huff_count[1][(cur_match_dist < 512) ? s0 : s1]++; d->m_huff_count[0][s_tdefl_len_sym[cur_match_len - TDEFL_MIN_MATCH_LEN]]++; } } else { *pLZ_code_buf++ = (uint8_t)first_trigram; *pLZ_flags = (uint8_t)(*pLZ_flags >> 1); d->m_huff_count[0][(uint8_t)first_trigram]++; } if (--num_flags_left == 0) { num_flags_left = 8; pLZ_flags = pLZ_code_buf++; } total_lz_bytes += cur_match_len; lookahead_pos += cur_match_len; dict_size = MZ_MIN(dict_size + cur_match_len, TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE); cur_pos = (cur_pos + cur_match_len) & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK; MZ_ASSERT(lookahead_size >= cur_match_len); lookahead_size -= cur_match_len; if (pLZ_code_buf > &d->m_lz_code_buf[TDEFL_LZ_CODE_BUF_SIZE - 8]) { int n; d->m_lookahead_pos = lookahead_pos; d->m_lookahead_size = lookahead_size; d->m_dict_size = dict_size; d->m_total_lz_bytes = total_lz_bytes; d->m_pLZ_code_buf = pLZ_code_buf; d->m_pLZ_flags = pLZ_flags; d->m_num_flags_left = num_flags_left; if ((n = tdefl_flush_block(d, 0)) != 0) return (n < 0) ? MZ_FALSE : MZ_TRUE; total_lz_bytes = d->m_total_lz_bytes; pLZ_code_buf = d->m_pLZ_code_buf; pLZ_flags = d->m_pLZ_flags; num_flags_left = d->m_num_flags_left; } } while (lookahead_size) { uint8_t lit = d->m_dict[cur_pos]; total_lz_bytes++; *pLZ_code_buf++ = lit; *pLZ_flags = (uint8_t)(*pLZ_flags >> 1); if (--num_flags_left == 0) { num_flags_left = 8; pLZ_flags = pLZ_code_buf++; } d->m_huff_count[0][lit]++; lookahead_pos++; dict_size = MZ_MIN(dict_size + 1, TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE); cur_pos = (cur_pos + 1) & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK; lookahead_size--; if (pLZ_code_buf > &d->m_lz_code_buf[TDEFL_LZ_CODE_BUF_SIZE - 8]) { int n; d->m_lookahead_pos = lookahead_pos; d->m_lookahead_size = lookahead_size; d->m_dict_size = dict_size; d->m_total_lz_bytes = total_lz_bytes; d->m_pLZ_code_buf = pLZ_code_buf; d->m_pLZ_flags = pLZ_flags; d->m_num_flags_left = num_flags_left; if ((n = tdefl_flush_block(d, 0)) != 0) return (n < 0) ? MZ_FALSE : MZ_TRUE; total_lz_bytes = d->m_total_lz_bytes; pLZ_code_buf = d->m_pLZ_code_buf; pLZ_flags = d->m_pLZ_flags; num_flags_left = d->m_num_flags_left; } } } d->m_lookahead_pos = lookahead_pos; d->m_lookahead_size = lookahead_size; d->m_dict_size = dict_size; d->m_total_lz_bytes = total_lz_bytes; d->m_pLZ_code_buf = pLZ_code_buf; d->m_pLZ_flags = pLZ_flags; d->m_num_flags_left = num_flags_left; return MZ_TRUE; } #endif // MINIZ_USE_UNALIGNED_LOADS_AND_STORES && MINIZ_LITTLE_ENDIAN static MZ_FORCEINLINE void tdefl_record_literal(tdefl_compressor *d, uint8_t lit) { d->m_total_lz_bytes++; *d->m_pLZ_code_buf++ = lit; *d->m_pLZ_flags = (uint8_t)(*d->m_pLZ_flags >> 1); if (--d->m_num_flags_left == 0) { d->m_num_flags_left = 8; d->m_pLZ_flags = d->m_pLZ_code_buf++; } d->m_huff_count[0][lit]++; } static MZ_FORCEINLINE void tdefl_record_match(tdefl_compressor *d, mz_uint match_len, mz_uint match_dist) { uint32_t s0, s1; MZ_ASSERT((match_len >= TDEFL_MIN_MATCH_LEN) && (match_dist >= 1) && (match_dist <= TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE)); d->m_total_lz_bytes += match_len; d->m_pLZ_code_buf[0] = (uint8_t)(match_len - TDEFL_MIN_MATCH_LEN); match_dist -= 1; d->m_pLZ_code_buf[1] = (uint8_t)(match_dist & 0xFF); d->m_pLZ_code_buf[2] = (uint8_t)(match_dist >> 8); d->m_pLZ_code_buf += 3; *d->m_pLZ_flags = (uint8_t)((*d->m_pLZ_flags >> 1) | 0x80); if (--d->m_num_flags_left == 0) { d->m_num_flags_left = 8; d->m_pLZ_flags = d->m_pLZ_code_buf++; } s0 = s_tdefl_small_dist_sym[match_dist & 511]; s1 = s_tdefl_large_dist_sym[(match_dist >> 8) & 127]; d->m_huff_count[1][(match_dist < 512) ? s0 : s1]++; if (match_len >= TDEFL_MIN_MATCH_LEN) d->m_huff_count[0][s_tdefl_len_sym[match_len - TDEFL_MIN_MATCH_LEN]]++; } static mz_bool tdefl_compress_normal(tdefl_compressor *d) { const uint8_t *pSrc = d->m_pSrc; size_t src_buf_left = d->m_src_buf_left; tdefl_flush flush = d->m_flush; while ((src_buf_left) || ((flush) && (d->m_lookahead_size))) { mz_uint len_to_move, cur_match_dist, cur_match_len, cur_pos; // Update dictionary and hash chains. Keeps the lookahead size equal to TDEFL_MAX_MATCH_LEN. if ((d->m_lookahead_size + d->m_dict_size) >= (TDEFL_MIN_MATCH_LEN - 1)) { mz_uint dst_pos = (d->m_lookahead_pos + d->m_lookahead_size) & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK, ins_pos = d->m_lookahead_pos + d->m_lookahead_size - 2; mz_uint hash = (d->m_dict[ins_pos & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK] << TDEFL_LZ_HASH_SHIFT) ^ d->m_dict[(ins_pos + 1) & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK]; mz_uint num_bytes_to_process = (mz_uint)MZ_MIN(src_buf_left, TDEFL_MAX_MATCH_LEN - d->m_lookahead_size); const uint8_t *pSrc_end = pSrc + num_bytes_to_process; src_buf_left -= num_bytes_to_process; d->m_lookahead_size += num_bytes_to_process; while (pSrc != pSrc_end) { uint8_t c = *pSrc++; d->m_dict[dst_pos] = c; if (dst_pos < (TDEFL_MAX_MATCH_LEN - 1)) d->m_dict[TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE + dst_pos] = c; hash = ((hash << TDEFL_LZ_HASH_SHIFT) ^ c) & (TDEFL_LZ_HASH_SIZE - 1); d->m_next[ins_pos & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK] = d->m_hash[hash]; d->m_hash[hash] = (uint16_t)(ins_pos); dst_pos = (dst_pos + 1) & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK; ins_pos++; } } else { while ((src_buf_left) && (d->m_lookahead_size < TDEFL_MAX_MATCH_LEN)) { uint8_t c = *pSrc++; mz_uint dst_pos = (d->m_lookahead_pos + d->m_lookahead_size) & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK; src_buf_left--; d->m_dict[dst_pos] = c; if (dst_pos < (TDEFL_MAX_MATCH_LEN - 1)) d->m_dict[TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE + dst_pos] = c; if ((++d->m_lookahead_size + d->m_dict_size) >= TDEFL_MIN_MATCH_LEN) { mz_uint ins_pos = d->m_lookahead_pos + (d->m_lookahead_size - 1) - 2; mz_uint hash = ((d->m_dict[ins_pos & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK] << (TDEFL_LZ_HASH_SHIFT * 2)) ^ (d->m_dict[(ins_pos + 1) & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK] << TDEFL_LZ_HASH_SHIFT) ^ c) & (TDEFL_LZ_HASH_SIZE - 1); d->m_next[ins_pos & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK] = d->m_hash[hash]; d->m_hash[hash] = (uint16_t)(ins_pos); } } } d->m_dict_size = MZ_MIN(TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE - d->m_lookahead_size, d->m_dict_size); if ((!flush) && (d->m_lookahead_size < TDEFL_MAX_MATCH_LEN)) break; // Simple lazy/greedy parsing state machine. len_to_move = 1; cur_match_dist = 0; cur_match_len = d->m_saved_match_len ? d->m_saved_match_len : (TDEFL_MIN_MATCH_LEN - 1); cur_pos = d->m_lookahead_pos & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK; if (d->m_flags & (TDEFL_RLE_MATCHES | TDEFL_FORCE_ALL_RAW_BLOCKS)) { if ((d->m_dict_size) && (!(d->m_flags & TDEFL_FORCE_ALL_RAW_BLOCKS))) { uint8_t c = d->m_dict[(cur_pos - 1) & TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE_MASK]; cur_match_len = 0; while (cur_match_len < d->m_lookahead_size) { if (d->m_dict[cur_pos + cur_match_len] != c) break; cur_match_len++; } if (cur_match_len < TDEFL_MIN_MATCH_LEN) cur_match_len = 0; else cur_match_dist = 1; } } else { tdefl_find_match(d, d->m_lookahead_pos, d->m_dict_size, d->m_lookahead_size, &cur_match_dist, &cur_match_len); } if (((cur_match_len == TDEFL_MIN_MATCH_LEN) && (cur_match_dist >= 8U*1024U)) || (cur_pos == cur_match_dist) || ((d->m_flags & TDEFL_FILTER_MATCHES) && (cur_match_len <= 5))) { cur_match_dist = cur_match_len = 0; } if (d->m_saved_match_len) { if (cur_match_len > d->m_saved_match_len) { tdefl_record_literal(d, (uint8_t)d->m_saved_lit); if (cur_match_len >= 128) { tdefl_record_match(d, cur_match_len, cur_match_dist); d->m_saved_match_len = 0; len_to_move = cur_match_len; } else { d->m_saved_lit = d->m_dict[cur_pos]; d->m_saved_match_dist = cur_match_dist; d->m_saved_match_len = cur_match_len; } } else { tdefl_record_match(d, d->m_saved_match_len, d->m_saved_match_dist); len_to_move = d->m_saved_match_len - 1; d->m_saved_match_len = 0; } } else if (!cur_match_dist) tdefl_record_literal(d, d->m_dict[MZ_MIN(cur_pos, sizeof(d->m_dict) - 1)]); else if ((d->m_greedy_parsing) || (d->m_flags & TDEFL_RLE_MATCHES) || (cur_match_len >= 128)) { tdefl_record_match(d, cur_match_len, cur_match_dist); len_to_move = cur_match_len; } else { d->m_saved_lit = d->m_dict[MZ_MIN(cur_pos, sizeof(d->m_dict) - 1)]; d->m_saved_match_dist = cur_match_dist; d->m_saved_match_len = cur_match_len; } // Move the lookahead forward by len_to_move bytes. d->m_lookahead_pos += len_to_move; MZ_ASSERT(d->m_lookahead_size >= len_to_move); d->m_lookahead_size -= len_to_move; d->m_dict_size = MZ_MIN(d->m_dict_size + len_to_move, TDEFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE); // Check if it's time to flush the current LZ codes to the internal output buffer. if ( (d->m_pLZ_code_buf > &d->m_lz_code_buf[TDEFL_LZ_CODE_BUF_SIZE - 8]) || ( (d->m_total_lz_bytes > 31*1024) && (((((mz_uint)(d->m_pLZ_code_buf - d->m_lz_code_buf) * 115) >> 7) >= d->m_total_lz_bytes) || (d->m_flags & TDEFL_FORCE_ALL_RAW_BLOCKS))) ) { int n; d->m_pSrc = pSrc; d->m_src_buf_left = src_buf_left; if ((n = tdefl_flush_block(d, 0)) != 0) return (n < 0) ? MZ_FALSE : MZ_TRUE; } } d->m_pSrc = pSrc; d->m_src_buf_left = src_buf_left; return MZ_TRUE; } static tdefl_status tdefl_flush_output_buffer(tdefl_compressor *d) { if (d->m_pIn_buf_size) { *d->m_pIn_buf_size = d->m_pSrc - (const uint8_t *)d->m_pIn_buf; } if (d->m_pOut_buf_size) { size_t n = MZ_MIN(*d->m_pOut_buf_size - d->m_out_buf_ofs, d->m_output_flush_remaining); memcpy((uint8_t *)d->m_pOut_buf + d->m_out_buf_ofs, d->m_output_buf + d->m_output_flush_ofs, n); d->m_output_flush_ofs += (mz_uint)n; d->m_output_flush_remaining -= (mz_uint)n; d->m_out_buf_ofs += n; *d->m_pOut_buf_size = d->m_out_buf_ofs; } return (d->m_finished && !d->m_output_flush_remaining) ? TDEFL_STATUS_DONE : TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY; } tdefl_status tdefl_compress(tdefl_compressor *d, const void *pIn_buf, size_t *pIn_buf_size, void *pOut_buf, size_t *pOut_buf_size, tdefl_flush flush) { if (!d) { if (pIn_buf_size) *pIn_buf_size = 0; if (pOut_buf_size) *pOut_buf_size = 0; return TDEFL_STATUS_BAD_PARAM; } d->m_pIn_buf = pIn_buf; d->m_pIn_buf_size = pIn_buf_size; d->m_pOut_buf = pOut_buf; d->m_pOut_buf_size = pOut_buf_size; d->m_pSrc = (const uint8_t *)(pIn_buf); d->m_src_buf_left = pIn_buf_size ? *pIn_buf_size : 0; d->m_out_buf_ofs = 0; d->m_flush = flush; if ( ((d->m_outbuffer[0] != NULL) == ((pOut_buf != NULL) || (pOut_buf_size != NULL))) || (d->m_prev_return_status != TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY) || (d->m_wants_to_finish && (flush != TDEFL_FINISH)) || (pIn_buf_size && *pIn_buf_size && !pIn_buf) || (pOut_buf_size && *pOut_buf_size && !pOut_buf) ) { if (pIn_buf_size) *pIn_buf_size = 0; if (pOut_buf_size) *pOut_buf_size = 0; return (d->m_prev_return_status = TDEFL_STATUS_BAD_PARAM); } d->m_wants_to_finish |= (flush == TDEFL_FINISH); if ((d->m_output_flush_remaining) || (d->m_finished)) return (d->m_prev_return_status = tdefl_flush_output_buffer(d)); #if MINIZ_USE_UNALIGNED_LOADS_AND_STORES && MINIZ_LITTLE_ENDIAN if (((d->m_flags & TDEFL_MAX_PROBES_MASK) == 1) && ((d->m_flags & TDEFL_GREEDY_PARSING_FLAG) != 0) && ((d->m_flags & (TDEFL_FILTER_MATCHES | TDEFL_FORCE_ALL_RAW_BLOCKS | TDEFL_RLE_MATCHES)) == 0)) { if (!tdefl_compress_fast(d)) return d->m_prev_return_status; } else #endif // #if MINIZ_USE_UNALIGNED_LOADS_AND_STORES && MINIZ_LITTLE_ENDIAN { if (!tdefl_compress_normal(d)) return d->m_prev_return_status; } if ((d->m_flags & (TDEFL_WRITE_ZLIB_HEADER | TDEFL_COMPUTE_ADLER32)) && (pIn_buf)) d->m_adler32 = (uint32_t)mz_adler32(d->m_adler32, (const uint8_t *)pIn_buf, d->m_pSrc - (const uint8_t *)pIn_buf); if ((flush) && (!d->m_lookahead_size) && (!d->m_src_buf_left) && (!d->m_output_flush_remaining)) { if (tdefl_flush_block(d, flush) < 0) return d->m_prev_return_status; d->m_finished = (flush == TDEFL_FINISH); if (flush == TDEFL_FULL_FLUSH) { MZ_CLEAR_OBJ(d->m_hash); MZ_CLEAR_OBJ(d->m_next); d->m_dict_size = 0; } } return (d->m_prev_return_status = tdefl_flush_output_buffer(d)); } tdefl_status tdefl_compress_buffer(tdefl_compressor *d, const void *pIn_buf, size_t in_buf_size, tdefl_flush flush) { MZ_ASSERT(d->m_outbuffer[0]); MZ_ASSERT(d->m_outbuffer[1]); MZ_ASSERT(d->m_outbuffer[2]); return tdefl_compress(d, pIn_buf, &in_buf_size, NULL, NULL, flush); } tdefl_status tdefl_init(tdefl_compressor *d, void *out, size_t outlen, int flags) { #if 0 d->m_putbuf_callback = putbuf_callback; d->m_pPut_buf_user = pPut_buf_user; d->m_flags = (mz_uint)(flags); d->m_max_probes[0] = 1 + ((flags & 0xFFF) + 2) / 3; d->m_greedy_parsing = (flags & TDEFL_GREEDY_PARSING_FLAG) != 0; d->m_max_probes[1] = 1 + (((flags & 0xFFF) >> 2) + 2) / 3; if (!(flags & TDEFL_NONDETERMINISTIC_PARSING_FLAG)) MZ_CLEAR_OBJ(d->m_hash); d->m_lookahead_pos = d->m_lookahead_size = d->m_dict_size = d->m_total_lz_bytes = d->m_lz_code_buf_dict_pos = d->m_bits_in = 0; d->m_output_flush_ofs = d->m_output_flush_remaining = d->m_finished = d->m_block_index = d->m_bit_buffer = d->m_wants_to_finish = 0; d->m_pLZ_code_buf = d->m_lz_code_buf + 1; d->m_pLZ_flags = d->m_lz_code_buf; d->m_num_flags_left = 8; d->m_pOutput_buf = d->m_output_buf; d->m_pOutput_buf_end = d->m_output_buf; d->m_prev_return_status = TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY; d->m_saved_match_dist = d->m_saved_match_len = d->m_saved_lit = 0; d->m_adler32 = 1; d->m_pIn_buf = NULL; d->m_pOut_buf = NULL; d->m_pIn_buf_size = NULL; d->m_pOut_buf_size = NULL; d->m_flush = TDEFL_NO_FLUSH; d->m_pSrc = NULL; d->m_src_buf_left = 0; d->m_out_buf_ofs = 0; memset(&d->m_huff_count[0][0], 0, sizeof(d->m_huff_count[0][0]) * TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_0); memset(&d->m_huff_count[1][0], 0, sizeof(d->m_huff_count[1][0]) * TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_1); #else tdefl_compressor zero = {0}; *d = zero; // invalidated TDEFL_NONDETERMINISTIC_PARSING_FLAG option here d->m_outbuffer[0] = d->m_outbuffer[1] = (char*)out; d->m_outbuffer[2] = d->m_outbuffer[0] + outlen; d->m_flags = (mz_uint)(flags); d->m_max_probes[0] = 1 + ((flags & 0xFFF) + 2) / 3; d->m_greedy_parsing = (flags & TDEFL_GREEDY_PARSING_FLAG) != 0; d->m_max_probes[1] = 1 + (((flags & 0xFFF) >> 2) + 2) / 3; d->m_pLZ_code_buf = d->m_lz_code_buf + 1; d->m_pLZ_flags = d->m_lz_code_buf; d->m_num_flags_left = 8; d->m_pOutput_buf = d->m_output_buf; d->m_pOutput_buf_end = d->m_output_buf; d->m_prev_return_status = TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY; d->m_adler32 = 1; d->m_flush = TDEFL_NO_FLUSH; //memset(&d->m_huff_count[0][0], 0, sizeof(d->m_huff_count[0][0]) * TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_0); //memset(&d->m_huff_count[1][0], 0, sizeof(d->m_huff_count[1][0]) * TDEFL_MAX_HUFF_SYMBOLS_1); #endif return TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY; } // end of deflate.c static unsigned deflate_decode_(const void *in, unsigned inlen_, void *out, unsigned outlen_, unsigned zlib) { size_t inlen = inlen_, outlen = outlen_; tinfl_decompressor decomp = {0}; tinfl_status status; // tinfl_init(&decomp); status = tinfl_decompress(&decomp, (const uint8_t*)in, &inlen, (uint8_t*)out, (uint8_t*)out, &outlen, zlib|TINFL_FLAG_USING_NON_WRAPPING_OUTPUT_BUF); return (unsigned)((status != TINFL_STATUS_DONE) ? 0 : outlen); } static unsigned deflate_encode_(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags /*[0..9|10]*/, unsigned zlib_flags) { size_t bytes = 0; if(in && inlen && out && outlen) { int level = flags > 10 ? 10 : flags; const mz_uint tdefl_num_probes[11] = { 0, 1, 6, 32, 16, 32, 128, 256, 512, 768, 1500 }; mz_uint comp_flags = zlib_flags | tdefl_num_probes[level] | (level <= 3 ? TDEFL_GREEDY_PARSING_FLAG : 0); tdefl_compressor *pComp = (tdefl_compressor*)MZ_REALLOC(0,sizeof(tdefl_compressor)); if (!pComp) return MZ_FALSE; if(tdefl_init(pComp, out, outlen, (int)comp_flags) == TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY) { if(tdefl_compress_buffer(pComp, in, inlen, TDEFL_FINISH) == TDEFL_STATUS_DONE) { bytes = pComp->m_outbuffer[1] - pComp->m_outbuffer[0]; } } MZ_REALLOC(pComp, 0); } return (unsigned)bytes; } unsigned deflate_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen_, void *out, unsigned outlen_) { return deflate_decode_(in, inlen_, out, outlen_, 0); } unsigned deflate_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags /*[0..9|10]*/) { return deflate_encode_(in, inlen, out, outlen, flags, 0); } unsigned deflatez_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen_, void *out, unsigned outlen_) { return deflate_decode_(in, inlen_, out, outlen_, TINFL_FLAG_PARSE_ZLIB_HEADER); } unsigned deflatez_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags /*[0..9|10]*/) { return deflate_encode_(in, inlen, out, outlen, flags, TDEFL_WRITE_ZLIB_HEADER); } unsigned deflate_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)MZ_MAX(128 + (inlen * 110) / 100, 128 + inlen + ((inlen / (31 * 1024)) + 1) * 5); } unsigned deflate_excess(unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)0; } #endif // DEFLATE_C #ifdef DEFLATE_DEMO //#pragma once int main() { const char *longcopy = "Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world!"; int level=1; char out[128]; unsigned outlen = deflate_encode(longcopy, strlen(longcopy)+1, out, 128, level); printf("%s %d->%d\n", outlen ? "ok" : "fail", (int)strlen(longcopy)+1, (int)outlen); char redo[128]; unsigned unpacked = deflate_decode(out, outlen, redo, 128); printf("%d->%d %s\n", (int)outlen, (int)unpacked, redo); } #define main main__ #endif // DEFLATE_DEMO //#line 1 "amalgamated_lz4x.c" // LZ4X - An optimized LZ4 compressor // Written and placed in the public domain by Ilya Muravyov (UNLICENSED) // MemBased+ThreadSafe by @r-lyeh. unsigned lz4x_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags); //[1(fastest)..(6)..15(uber)] unsigned lz4x_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen); unsigned lz4x_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags); unsigned lz4x_excess(unsigned flags); #ifdef LZ4X_C //#pragma once #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_DISABLE_PERFCRIT_LOCKS #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdbool.h> #ifndef LZ4X_REALLOC #define LZ4X_REALLOC REALLOC #endif #define LZ4X_BLOCK_SIZE (8<<20) // 8 MB #define LZ4X_PADDING_LITERALS 5 #define LZ4X_WINDOW_BITS 16 #define LZ4X_WINDOW_SIZE (1<<LZ4X_WINDOW_BITS) #define LZ4X_WINDOW_MASK (LZ4X_WINDOW_SIZE-1) #define LZ4X_MIN_MATCH 4 #define LZ4X_EXCESS (16+(LZ4X_BLOCK_SIZE/255)) #define LZ4X_MIN(a, b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b)) #define LZ4X_MAX(a, b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b)) #define LZ4X_LOAD_16(p) (*(const uint16_t*)(p)) #define LZ4X_LOAD_32(p) (*(const uint32_t*)(p)) #define LZ4X_STORE_16(p, x) (*(uint16_t*)(p)=(x)) #define LZ4X_COPY_32(d, s) (*(uint32_t*)(d)=LZ4X_LOAD_32(s)) #define LZ4X_HASH_BITS 18 #define LZ4X_HASH_SIZE (1<<LZ4X_HASH_BITS) #define LZ4X_NIL (-1) #define LZ4X_HASH_32(p) ((LZ4X_LOAD_32(p)*0x9E3779B9)>>(32-LZ4X_HASH_BITS)) //< @r-lyeh macro below crashes often with /fsanitize=address #define lz4x_wild_copy(d,s,n) do { \ LZ4X_COPY_32(d, s); \ LZ4X_COPY_32(d+4, s+4); \ for (int i_=8; i_<n; i_+=8) { \ LZ4X_COPY_32(d+i_, s+i_); \ LZ4X_COPY_32(d+4+i_, s+4+i_); \ } \ } while(0) int lz4x_compress_optimal(const uint8_t *in, size_t inlen, uint8_t *out, size_t outlen) { static __thread int head[LZ4X_HASH_SIZE]; static __thread int nodes[LZ4X_WINDOW_SIZE][2]; struct lz4x_path { int cum; int len; int dist; } *path; //path[LZ4X_BLOCK_SIZE+1]; path = (struct lz4x_path*)LZ4X_REALLOC(0, sizeof(path[0]) * (inlen+1)); int n = (int)inlen; // Pass 1: Find all matches for (int i=0; i<LZ4X_HASH_SIZE; ++i) head[i]=LZ4X_NIL; for (int p=0; p<n; ++p) { int best_len=0; int dist=0; const int max_match=(n-LZ4X_PADDING_LITERALS)-p; if (max_match>=LZ4X_MAX(12-LZ4X_PADDING_LITERALS, LZ4X_MIN_MATCH)) { const int limit=LZ4X_MAX(p-LZ4X_WINDOW_SIZE, LZ4X_NIL); int* left=&nodes[p&LZ4X_WINDOW_MASK][1]; int* right=&nodes[p&LZ4X_WINDOW_MASK][0]; int left_len=0; int right_len=0; const uint32_t h=LZ4X_HASH_32(&in[p]); int s=head[h]; head[h]=p; while (s>limit) { int len=LZ4X_MIN(left_len, right_len); if (in[s+len]==in[p+len]) { while (++len<max_match && in[s+len]==in[p+len]); if (len>best_len) { best_len=len; dist=p-s; if (len==max_match || len>=(1<<16)) break; } } if (in[s+len]<in[p+len]) // in/out out/in ? { *right=s; right=&nodes[s&LZ4X_WINDOW_MASK][1]; s=*right; right_len=len; } else { *left=s; left=&nodes[s&LZ4X_WINDOW_MASK][0]; s=*left; left_len=len; } } *left=LZ4X_NIL; *right=LZ4X_NIL; } path[p].len=best_len; path[p].dist=dist; } // Pass 2: Build the shortest path path[n].cum=0; int count=15; for (int p=n-1; p>0; --p) { int c0=path[p+1].cum+1; if (--count==0) { count=255; ++c0; } int len=path[p].len; if (len>=LZ4X_MIN_MATCH) { int c1=1<<30; const int j=LZ4X_MAX(len-255, LZ4X_MIN_MATCH); for (int i=len; i>=j; --i) { int tmp=path[p+i].cum+3; if (i>=(15+LZ4X_MIN_MATCH)) tmp+=1+((i-(15+LZ4X_MIN_MATCH))/255); if (tmp<c1) { c1=tmp; len=i; } } if (c1<=c0) { path[p].cum=c1; path[p].len=len; count=15; } else { path[p].cum=c0; path[p].len=0; } } else path[p].cum=c0; } // Pass 3: Output the codes int op=0; int pp=0; int p=0; while (p<n) { if (path[p].len>=LZ4X_MIN_MATCH) { int len=path[p].len-LZ4X_MIN_MATCH; const int nib=LZ4X_MIN(len, 15); if (pp!=p) { const int run=p-pp; if (run>=15) { out[op++]=(15<<4)+nib; int j=run-15; for (; j>=255; j-=255) out[op++]=255; out[op++]=j; } else out[op++]=(run<<4)+nib; lz4x_wild_copy(&out[op], &in[pp], run); op+=run; } else out[op++]=nib; LZ4X_STORE_16(&out[op], path[p].dist); op+=2; if (len>=15) { len-=15; for (; len>=255; len-=255) out[op++]=255; out[op++]=len; } p+=path[p].len; pp=p; } else ++p; } if (pp!=p) { const int run=p-pp; if (run>=15) { out[op++]=15<<4; int j=run-15; for (; j>=255; j-=255) out[op++]=255; out[op++]=j; } else out[op++]=run<<4; lz4x_wild_copy(&out[op], &in[pp], run); op+=run; } LZ4X_REALLOC(path, 0); const int comp_len=op; return comp_len; } int lz4x_compress(const uint8_t *in, size_t inlen, uint8_t *out, size_t outlen, unsigned max_chain) { static __thread int head[LZ4X_HASH_SIZE]; static __thread int tail[LZ4X_WINDOW_SIZE]; int n = (int)inlen; for (int i=0; i<LZ4X_HASH_SIZE; ++i) head[i]=LZ4X_NIL; int op=0; int pp=0; int p=0; while (p<n) { int best_len=0; int dist=0; const int max_match=(n-LZ4X_PADDING_LITERALS)-p; if (max_match>=LZ4X_MAX(12-LZ4X_PADDING_LITERALS, LZ4X_MIN_MATCH)) { const int limit=LZ4X_MAX(p-LZ4X_WINDOW_SIZE, LZ4X_NIL); int chain_len=max_chain; int s=head[LZ4X_HASH_32(&in[p])]; while (s>limit) { if (in[s+best_len]==in[p+best_len] && LZ4X_LOAD_32(&in[s])==LZ4X_LOAD_32(&in[p])) { int len=LZ4X_MIN_MATCH; while (len<max_match && in[s+len]==in[p+len]) ++len; if (len>best_len) { best_len=len; dist=p-s; if (len==max_match) break; } } if (--chain_len<=0) break; s=tail[s&LZ4X_WINDOW_MASK]; } } if (best_len>=LZ4X_MIN_MATCH) { int len=best_len-LZ4X_MIN_MATCH; const int nib=LZ4X_MIN(len, 15); if (pp!=p) { const int run=p-pp; if (run>=15) { out[op++]=(15<<4)+nib; int j=run-15; for (; j>=255; j-=255) out[op++]=255; out[op++]=j; } else out[op++]=(run<<4)+nib; lz4x_wild_copy(&out[op], &in[pp], run); op+=run; } else out[op++]=nib; LZ4X_STORE_16(&out[op], dist); op+=2; if (len>=15) { len-=15; for (; len>=255; len-=255) out[op++]=255; out[op++]=len; } pp=p+best_len; while (p<pp) { const uint32_t h=LZ4X_HASH_32(&in[p]); // out? tail[p&LZ4X_WINDOW_MASK]=head[h]; head[h]=p++; } } else { const uint32_t h=LZ4X_HASH_32(&in[p]); // out? tail[p&LZ4X_WINDOW_MASK]=head[h]; head[h]=p++; } } if (pp!=p) { const int run=p-pp; if (run>=15) { out[op++]=15<<4; int j=run-15; for (; j>=255; j-=255) out[op++]=255; out[op++]=j; } else out[op++]=run<<4; lz4x_wild_copy(&out[op], &in[pp], run); op+=run; } const int comp_len=op; return comp_len; } int lz4x_decompress(const uint8_t *in, size_t inlen, uint8_t *out, size_t outlen) { int n = (int)inlen; int p=0; int ip=0; const int ip_end=ip+n; for (;;) { const int token=in[ip++]; if (token>=16) { int run=token>>4; if (run==15) { for (;;) { const int c=in[ip++]; run+=c; if (c!=255) break; } } if ((p+run)>outlen) return 0; // -1 lz4x_wild_copy(&out[p], &in[ip], run); p+=run; ip+=run; if (ip>=ip_end) break; } int s=p-LZ4X_LOAD_16(&in[ip]); ip+=2; if (s<0) return 0; // -1 int len=(token&15)+LZ4X_MIN_MATCH; if (len==(15+LZ4X_MIN_MATCH)) { for (;;) { const int c=in[ip++]; len+=c; if (c!=255) break; } } if ((p+len)>outlen) return 0; // -1 if ((p-s)>=4) { lz4x_wild_copy(&out[p], &out[s], len); p+=len; } else { while (len--!=0) out[p++]=out[s++]; } } return p; } unsigned lz4x_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags/*[1..15*/) { unsigned level = (unsigned)(flags > 15 ? 15 : flags < 1 ? 1 : flags); if(level >= 15) return lz4x_compress_optimal((const uint8_t*)in, inlen, (uint8_t*)out, outlen); return (unsigned)lz4x_compress((const uint8_t*)in, inlen, (uint8_t*)out, outlen, level); } unsigned lz4x_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen) { return (unsigned)lz4x_decompress((const uint8_t*)in, (size_t)inlen, (uint8_t*)out, (size_t)outlen); } unsigned lz4x_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)(inlen * 2 + (inlen/255) + 16); // (inlen + (inlen/255) + 16); } unsigned lz4x_excess(unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)(LZ4X_EXCESS); } #endif // LZ4X_C #ifdef LZ4X_DEMO //#pragma once int main() { const char *longcopy = "Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world!"; int level=1; char out[128]; unsigned outlen = lz4x_encode(longcopy, strlen(longcopy)+1, out, 128, level); printf("%s %d->%d\n", outlen ? "ok" : "fail", (int)strlen(longcopy)+1, (int)outlen); char redo[128]; unsigned unpacked = lz4x_decode(out, outlen, redo, 128); printf("%d->%d %s\n", (int)outlen, (int)unpacked, redo); } #define main main__ #endif // LZ4X_DEMO //#line 1 "amalgamated_lzma.c" // LzFind.c -- Match finder for LZ algorithms 2009-04-22 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain // LzmaDec.c -- LZMA Decoder 2009-09-20 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain // LzmaEnc.c -- LZMA Encoder 2009-11-24 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain // Additional code by @r-lyeh, public domain. TOC: glue.h+lzfind.h/c+lzmaenc.h/c+lzmadec.h/c+glue.c unsigned lzma_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags); // [0..(7)..9] unsigned lzma_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen); unsigned lzma_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags); unsigned lzma_excess(unsigned flags); #ifdef LZMA_C //#pragma once // glue.h #ifndef LZMA_REALLOC #define LZMA_REALLOC REALLOC #endif #define LZMA_MALLOC(s) LZMA_REALLOC(0, s) #define LZMA_FREE(p) LZMA_REALLOC(p, 0) #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #include <errno.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifndef max #define max(x,y) ((x) >= (y) ? (x) : (y)) #endif #ifndef min #define min(x,y) ((x) <= (y) ? (x) : (y)) #endif #ifdef _WIN32 //#include <io.h> #else //#include <unistd.h> #endif /* #define SHOW_STAT */ /* #define SHOW_STAT2 */ typedef int State; enum { min_dictionary_bits = 12, min_dictionary_size = 1 << min_dictionary_bits, max_dictionary_bits = 29, max_dictionary_size = 1 << max_dictionary_bits, max_dictionary_bits_c = 27, /* kDicLogSizeMaxCompress */ max_dictionary_size_c = 1 << max_dictionary_bits_c, literal_context_bits = 3, literal_pos_state_bits = 0, /* not used */ pos_state_bits = 2, len_low_bits = 3, len_mid_bits = 3, len_high_bits = 8, len_low_symbols = 1 << len_low_bits, len_mid_symbols = 1 << len_mid_bits, len_high_symbols = 1 << len_high_bits, max_len_symbols = len_low_symbols + len_mid_symbols + len_high_symbols, min_match_len = 2, /* must be 2 */ max_match_len = min_match_len + max_len_symbols - 1, /* 273 */ min_match_len_limit = 5 }; enum { SZ_OK = 0, SZ_ERROR_READ = 8, SZ_ERROR_WRITE = 9, }; // io interface static int readblock( const int fd, uint8_t *buf,int size ); static int writeblock( const int fd, const uint8_t *buf, int size ); /* LzFind.h -- Match finder for LZ algorithms 2009-04-22 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ typedef uint32_t CLzRef; typedef struct { uint8_t *bufferBase; uint8_t *buffer; CLzRef *hash; CLzRef *son; uint32_t pos; uint32_t posLimit; uint32_t streamPos; uint32_t lenLimit; uint32_t cyclicBufferPos; uint32_t cyclicBufferSize; /* it must be = (historySize + 1) */ uint32_t matchMaxLen; uint32_t hashMask; uint32_t cutValue; uint32_t blockSize; uint32_t keepSizeBefore; uint32_t keepSizeAfter; uint32_t numHashBytes; uint32_t historySize; uint32_t hashSizeSum; uint32_t numSons; int infd; int result; uint32_t crc; bool btMode; bool streamEndWasReached; } CMatchFinder; /* Conditions: historySize <= 3 GB keepAddBufferBefore + matchMaxLen + keepAddBufferAfter < 511MB */ int Mf_Init(CMatchFinder *p, const int ifd, const int mc, uint32_t historySize, uint32_t keepAddBufferBefore, uint32_t matchMaxLen, uint32_t keepAddBufferAfter); void Mf_Free(CMatchFinder *p); /* Conditions: Mf_GetNumAvailableBytes_Func must be called before each Mf_GetMatchLen_Func. Mf_GetPointerToCurrentPos_Func's result must be used only before any other function */ typedef uint32_t (*Mf_GetMatches_Func)(void *object, uint32_t *distances); typedef void (*Mf_Skip_Func)(void *object, uint32_t); typedef struct _IMatchFinder { Mf_GetMatches_Func GetMatches; Mf_Skip_Func Skip; } IMatchFinder; void Mf_CreateVTable(CMatchFinder *p, IMatchFinder *vTable); static inline uint32_t Mf_GetNumAvailableBytes(CMatchFinder *p) { return p->streamPos - p->pos; } static inline uint8_t Mf_GetIndexByte(CMatchFinder *p, int index) { return p->buffer[index]; } static inline uint8_t * Mf_GetPointerToCurrentPos(CMatchFinder *p) { return p->buffer; } /* LzFind.c -- Match finder for LZ algorithms 2009-04-22 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ static uint32_t crc32[256]; /* Table of CRCs of all 8-bit messages. */ static inline void CRC32_init(void) { for( unsigned n = 0; n < 256; ++n ) { unsigned c = n; for( int k = 0; k < 8; ++k ) { if( c & 1 ) c = 0xEDB88320U ^ ( c >> 1 ); else c >>= 1; } crc32[n] = c; } } static inline void CRC32_update_buf(uint32_t* const crc, const uint8_t* const buffer, const int size) { uint32_t c = *crc; for( int i = 0; i < size; ++i ) c = crc32[(c^buffer[i])&0xFF] ^ ( c >> 8 ); *crc = c; } #define kHash2Size (1 << 10) #define kHash3Size (1 << 16) #define kHash4Size (1 << 20) #define kFix3HashSize (kHash2Size) #define kFix4HashSize (kHash2Size + kHash3Size) #define HASH2_CALC hashValue = cur[0] | ((uint32_t)cur[1] << 8); #define HASH3_CALC { \ uint32_t temp = crc32[cur[0]] ^ cur[1]; \ hash2Value = temp & (kHash2Size - 1); \ hashValue = (temp ^ ((uint32_t)cur[2] << 8)) & p->hashMask; } #define HASH4_CALC { \ uint32_t temp = crc32[cur[0]] ^ cur[1]; \ hash2Value = temp & (kHash2Size - 1); \ hash3Value = (temp ^ ((uint32_t)cur[2] << 8)) & (kHash3Size - 1); \ hashValue = (temp ^ ((uint32_t)cur[2] << 8) ^ (crc32[cur[3]] << 5)) & p->hashMask; } #define kEmptyHashValue 0 #define kMaxValForNormalize ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFF) #define kNormalizeStepMin (1 << 10) /* it must be power of 2 */ #define kNormalizeMask (~(kNormalizeStepMin - 1)) #define kStartMaxLen 3 static void Mf_ReadBlock(CMatchFinder *p) { if (p->streamEndWasReached || p->result != SZ_OK) return; for (;;) { uint8_t * const dest = p->buffer + (p->streamPos - p->pos); const int size = (p->bufferBase + p->blockSize - dest); int rd; if (size == 0) return; rd = readblock( p->infd, dest, size ); if (rd != size && errno) { p->result = SZ_ERROR_READ; return; } if (rd == 0) { p->streamEndWasReached = true; return; } CRC32_update_buf( &p->crc, dest, rd ); p->streamPos += rd; if (p->streamPos - p->pos > p->keepSizeAfter) return; } } static void Mf_CheckAndMoveAndRead(CMatchFinder *p) { if ((uint32_t)(p->bufferBase + p->blockSize - p->buffer) <= p->keepSizeAfter) { memmove(p->bufferBase, p->buffer - p->keepSizeBefore, p->streamPos - p->pos + p->keepSizeBefore); p->buffer = p->bufferBase + p->keepSizeBefore; } Mf_ReadBlock(p); } void Mf_Free(CMatchFinder *p) { LZMA_FREE(p->hash); p->hash = 0; LZMA_FREE(p->bufferBase); p->bufferBase = 0; } static CLzRef* AllocRefs(uint32_t num) { uint32_t sizeInBytes = num * sizeof(CLzRef); if (sizeInBytes / sizeof(CLzRef) != num) return 0; return (CLzRef *)LZMA_MALLOC(sizeInBytes); } static void Mf_SetLimits(CMatchFinder *p) { uint32_t limit = kMaxValForNormalize - p->pos; uint32_t limit2 = p->cyclicBufferSize - p->cyclicBufferPos; if (limit2 < limit) limit = limit2; limit2 = p->streamPos - p->pos; if (limit2 <= p->keepSizeAfter) { if (limit2 > 0) limit2 = 1; } else limit2 -= p->keepSizeAfter; if (limit2 < limit) limit = limit2; { uint32_t lenLimit = p->streamPos - p->pos; if (lenLimit > p->matchMaxLen) lenLimit = p->matchMaxLen; p->lenLimit = lenLimit; } p->posLimit = p->pos + limit; } int Mf_Init(CMatchFinder *p, const int ifd, const int mc, uint32_t historySize, uint32_t keepAddBufferBefore, uint32_t matchMaxLen, uint32_t keepAddBufferAfter) { const uint32_t sizeReserv = ( historySize >> 1 ) + (keepAddBufferBefore + matchMaxLen + keepAddBufferAfter) / 2 + (1 << 19); p->hash = 0; p->cutValue = mc; p->infd = ifd; p->btMode = true; p->numHashBytes = 4; p->crc = 0xFFFFFFFFU; p->keepSizeBefore = historySize + keepAddBufferBefore + 1; p->keepSizeAfter = matchMaxLen + keepAddBufferAfter; /* we need one additional byte, since we use MoveBlock after pos++ and before dictionary using */ /* keepSizeBefore + keepSizeAfter + sizeReserv must be < 4G) */ p->blockSize = p->keepSizeBefore + p->keepSizeAfter + sizeReserv; p->buffer = p->bufferBase = (uint8_t *)LZMA_MALLOC(p->blockSize); if( p->bufferBase ) { uint32_t newCyclicBufferSize = historySize + 1; uint32_t hs; p->matchMaxLen = matchMaxLen; { if (p->numHashBytes == 2) hs = (1 << 16) - 1; else { hs = historySize - 1; hs |= (hs >> 1); hs |= (hs >> 2); hs |= (hs >> 4); hs |= (hs >> 8); hs >>= 1; hs |= 0xFFFF; /* don't change it! It's required for Deflate */ if (hs > (1 << 24)) { if (p->numHashBytes == 3) hs = (1 << 24) - 1; else hs >>= 1; } } p->hashMask = hs; hs++; if (p->numHashBytes > 2) hs += kHash2Size; if (p->numHashBytes > 3) hs += kHash3Size; if (p->numHashBytes > 4) hs += kHash4Size; } { uint32_t newSize; p->historySize = historySize; p->hashSizeSum = hs; p->cyclicBufferSize = newCyclicBufferSize; p->numSons = (p->btMode ? newCyclicBufferSize * 2 : newCyclicBufferSize); newSize = p->hashSizeSum + p->numSons; p->hash = AllocRefs(newSize); if (p->hash != 0) { uint32_t i; p->son = p->hash + p->hashSizeSum; for (i = 0; i < p->hashSizeSum; i++) p->hash[i] = kEmptyHashValue; p->cyclicBufferPos = 0; p->pos = p->streamPos = p->cyclicBufferSize; p->result = SZ_OK; p->streamEndWasReached = false; Mf_ReadBlock(p); Mf_SetLimits(p); return 1; } } } Mf_Free(p); return 0; } static void Mf_Normalize3(uint32_t subValue, CLzRef *items, uint32_t numItems) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { uint32_t value = items[i]; if (value <= subValue) value = kEmptyHashValue; else value -= subValue; items[i] = value; } } static void Mf_Normalize(CMatchFinder *p) { uint32_t subValue = (p->pos - p->historySize - 1) & kNormalizeMask; Mf_Normalize3(subValue, p->hash, p->hashSizeSum + p->numSons); p->posLimit -= subValue; p->pos -= subValue; p->streamPos -= subValue; } static void Mf_CheckLimits(CMatchFinder *p) { if (p->pos == kMaxValForNormalize) Mf_Normalize(p); if (!p->streamEndWasReached && p->keepSizeAfter == p->streamPos - p->pos) Mf_CheckAndMoveAndRead(p); if (p->cyclicBufferPos == p->cyclicBufferSize) p->cyclicBufferPos = 0; Mf_SetLimits(p); } static uint32_t * Hc_GetMatchesSpec(uint32_t lenLimit, uint32_t curMatch, uint32_t pos, const uint8_t *cur, CLzRef *son, uint32_t _cyclicBufferPos, uint32_t _cyclicBufferSize, uint32_t cutValue, uint32_t *distances, uint32_t maxLen) { son[_cyclicBufferPos] = curMatch; for (;;) { uint32_t delta = pos - curMatch; if (cutValue-- == 0 || delta >= _cyclicBufferSize) return distances; { const uint8_t *pb = cur - delta; curMatch = son[_cyclicBufferPos - delta + ((delta > _cyclicBufferPos) ? _cyclicBufferSize : 0)]; if (pb[maxLen] == cur[maxLen] && *pb == *cur) { uint32_t len = 0; while (++len != lenLimit) if (pb[len] != cur[len]) break; if (maxLen < len) { *distances++ = maxLen = len; *distances++ = delta - 1; if (len == lenLimit) return distances; } } } } } static uint32_t * GetMatchesSpec1( uint32_t lenLimit, uint32_t curMatch, uint32_t pos, const uint8_t *cur, CLzRef *son, uint32_t _cyclicBufferPos, uint32_t _cyclicBufferSize, uint32_t cutValue, uint32_t *distances, uint32_t maxLen ) { CLzRef *ptr0 = son + (_cyclicBufferPos << 1) + 1; CLzRef *ptr1 = son + (_cyclicBufferPos << 1); uint32_t len0 = 0, len1 = 0; for (;;) { uint32_t delta = pos - curMatch; if (cutValue-- == 0 || delta >= _cyclicBufferSize) { *ptr0 = *ptr1 = kEmptyHashValue; return distances; } { CLzRef *pair = son + ((_cyclicBufferPos - delta + ((delta > _cyclicBufferPos) ? _cyclicBufferSize : 0)) << 1); const uint8_t *pb = cur - delta; uint32_t len = (len0 < len1 ? len0 : len1); if (pb[len] == cur[len]) { if (++len != lenLimit && pb[len] == cur[len]) while (++len != lenLimit) if (pb[len] != cur[len]) break; if (maxLen < len) { *distances++ = maxLen = len; *distances++ = delta - 1; if (len == lenLimit) { *ptr1 = pair[0]; *ptr0 = pair[1]; return distances; } } } if (pb[len] < cur[len]) { *ptr1 = curMatch; ptr1 = pair + 1; curMatch = *ptr1; len1 = len; } else { *ptr0 = curMatch; ptr0 = pair; curMatch = *ptr0; len0 = len; } } } } static void SkipMatchesSpec(uint32_t lenLimit, uint32_t curMatch, uint32_t pos, const uint8_t *cur, CLzRef *son, uint32_t _cyclicBufferPos, uint32_t _cyclicBufferSize, uint32_t cutValue) { CLzRef *ptr0 = son + (_cyclicBufferPos << 1) + 1; CLzRef *ptr1 = son + (_cyclicBufferPos << 1); uint32_t len0 = 0, len1 = 0; for (;;) { uint32_t delta = pos - curMatch; if (cutValue-- == 0 || delta >= _cyclicBufferSize) { *ptr0 = *ptr1 = kEmptyHashValue; return; } { CLzRef *pair = son + ((_cyclicBufferPos - delta + ((delta > _cyclicBufferPos) ? _cyclicBufferSize : 0)) << 1); const uint8_t *pb = cur - delta; uint32_t len = (len0 < len1 ? len0 : len1); if (pb[len] == cur[len]) { while (++len != lenLimit) if (pb[len] != cur[len]) break; { if (len == lenLimit) { *ptr1 = pair[0]; *ptr0 = pair[1]; return; } } } if (pb[len] < cur[len]) { *ptr1 = curMatch; ptr1 = pair + 1; curMatch = *ptr1; len1 = len; } else { *ptr0 = curMatch; ptr0 = pair; curMatch = *ptr0; len0 = len; } } } } #define MOVE_POS \ ++p->cyclicBufferPos; \ p->buffer++; \ if (++p->pos == p->posLimit) Mf_CheckLimits(p); #define MOVE_POS_RET MOVE_POS return offset; static void Mf_MovePos(CMatchFinder *p) { MOVE_POS; } #define GET_MATCHES_HEADER2(minLen, ret_op) \ uint32_t lenLimit; uint32_t hashValue; const uint8_t *cur; uint32_t curMatch; \ lenLimit = p->lenLimit; { if (lenLimit < minLen) { Mf_MovePos(p); ret_op; }} \ cur = p->buffer; #define GET_MATCHES_HEADER(minLen) GET_MATCHES_HEADER2(minLen, return 0) #define SKIP_HEADER(minLen) GET_MATCHES_HEADER2(minLen, continue) #define MF_PARAMS(p) p->pos, p->buffer, p->son, p->cyclicBufferPos, p->cyclicBufferSize, p->cutValue #define GET_MATCHES_FOOTER(offset, maxLen) \ offset = (uint32_t)(GetMatchesSpec1(lenLimit, curMatch, MF_PARAMS(p), \ distances + offset, maxLen) - distances); MOVE_POS_RET; #define SKIP_FOOTER \ SkipMatchesSpec(lenLimit, curMatch, MF_PARAMS(p)); MOVE_POS; static uint32_t Bt2_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, uint32_t *distances) { uint32_t offset; GET_MATCHES_HEADER(2) HASH2_CALC; curMatch = p->hash[hashValue]; p->hash[hashValue] = p->pos; offset = 0; GET_MATCHES_FOOTER(offset, 1) } static uint32_t Bt3_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, uint32_t *distances) { uint32_t hash2Value, delta2, maxLen, offset; GET_MATCHES_HEADER(3) HASH3_CALC; delta2 = p->pos - p->hash[hash2Value]; curMatch = p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hashValue]; p->hash[hash2Value] = p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hashValue] = p->pos; maxLen = 2; offset = 0; if (delta2 < p->cyclicBufferSize && *(cur - delta2) == *cur) { for (; maxLen != lenLimit; maxLen++) if (cur[(ptrdiff_t)maxLen - delta2] != cur[maxLen]) break; distances[0] = maxLen; distances[1] = delta2 - 1; offset = 2; if (maxLen == lenLimit) { SkipMatchesSpec(lenLimit, curMatch, MF_PARAMS(p)); MOVE_POS_RET; } } GET_MATCHES_FOOTER(offset, maxLen) } static uint32_t Bt4_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, uint32_t *distances) { uint32_t hash2Value, hash3Value, delta2, delta3, maxLen, offset; GET_MATCHES_HEADER(4) HASH4_CALC; delta2 = p->pos - p->hash[ hash2Value]; delta3 = p->pos - p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hash3Value]; curMatch = p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue]; p->hash[ hash2Value] = p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hash3Value] = p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue] = p->pos; maxLen = 1; offset = 0; if (delta2 < p->cyclicBufferSize && *(cur - delta2) == *cur) { distances[0] = maxLen = 2; distances[1] = delta2 - 1; offset = 2; } if (delta2 != delta3 && delta3 < p->cyclicBufferSize && *(cur - delta3) == *cur) { maxLen = 3; distances[offset + 1] = delta3 - 1; offset += 2; delta2 = delta3; } if (offset != 0) { for (; maxLen != lenLimit; maxLen++) if (cur[(ptrdiff_t)maxLen - delta2] != cur[maxLen]) break; distances[offset - 2] = maxLen; if (maxLen == lenLimit) { SkipMatchesSpec(lenLimit, curMatch, MF_PARAMS(p)); MOVE_POS_RET; } } if (maxLen < 3) maxLen = 3; GET_MATCHES_FOOTER(offset, maxLen) } static uint32_t Hc4_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, uint32_t *distances) { uint32_t hash2Value, hash3Value, delta2, delta3, maxLen, offset; GET_MATCHES_HEADER(4) HASH4_CALC; delta2 = p->pos - p->hash[ hash2Value]; delta3 = p->pos - p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hash3Value]; curMatch = p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue]; p->hash[ hash2Value] = p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hash3Value] = p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue] = p->pos; maxLen = 1; offset = 0; if (delta2 < p->cyclicBufferSize && *(cur - delta2) == *cur) { distances[0] = maxLen = 2; distances[1] = delta2 - 1; offset = 2; } if (delta2 != delta3 && delta3 < p->cyclicBufferSize && *(cur - delta3) == *cur) { maxLen = 3; distances[offset + 1] = delta3 - 1; offset += 2; delta2 = delta3; } if (offset != 0) { for (; maxLen != lenLimit; maxLen++) if (cur[(ptrdiff_t)maxLen - delta2] != cur[maxLen]) break; distances[offset - 2] = maxLen; if (maxLen == lenLimit) { p->son[p->cyclicBufferPos] = curMatch; MOVE_POS_RET; } } if (maxLen < 3) maxLen = 3; offset = (uint32_t)(Hc_GetMatchesSpec(lenLimit, curMatch, MF_PARAMS(p), distances + offset, maxLen) - (distances)); MOVE_POS_RET } static void Bt2_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, uint32_t num) { do { SKIP_HEADER(2) HASH2_CALC; curMatch = p->hash[hashValue]; p->hash[hashValue] = p->pos; SKIP_FOOTER } while (--num != 0); } static void Bt3_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, uint32_t num) { do { uint32_t hash2Value; SKIP_HEADER(3) HASH3_CALC; curMatch = p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hashValue]; p->hash[hash2Value] = p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hashValue] = p->pos; SKIP_FOOTER } while (--num != 0); } static void Bt4_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, uint32_t num) { do { uint32_t hash2Value, hash3Value; SKIP_HEADER(4) HASH4_CALC; curMatch = p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue]; p->hash[ hash2Value] = p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hash3Value] = p->pos; p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue] = p->pos; SKIP_FOOTER } while (--num != 0); } static void Hc4_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, uint32_t num) { do { uint32_t hash2Value, hash3Value; SKIP_HEADER(4) HASH4_CALC; curMatch = p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue]; p->hash[ hash2Value] = p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hash3Value] = p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue] = p->pos; p->son[p->cyclicBufferPos] = curMatch; MOVE_POS } while (--num != 0); } void Mf_CreateVTable(CMatchFinder *p, IMatchFinder *vTable) { if (!p->btMode) { vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)Hc4_MatchFinder_GetMatches; vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)Hc4_MatchFinder_Skip; } else if (p->numHashBytes == 2) { vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)Bt2_MatchFinder_GetMatches; vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)Bt2_MatchFinder_Skip; } else if (p->numHashBytes == 3) { vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)Bt3_MatchFinder_GetMatches; vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)Bt3_MatchFinder_Skip; } else { vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)Bt4_MatchFinder_GetMatches; vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)Bt4_MatchFinder_Skip; } } /* LzmaEnc.h -- LZMA Encoder 2009-02-07 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ /* ---------- CLzmaEncHandle Interface ---------- */ /* LzmaEnc_* functions can return the following exit codes: Returns: SZ_OK - OK SZ_ERROR_WRITE - Write callback error. */ typedef void * CLzmaEncHandle; CLzmaEncHandle LzmaEnc_Init( const int dict_size, const int match_len_limit, const int infd, const int outfd ); void LzmaEnc_Free(CLzmaEncHandle p); int LzmaEnc_Encode(CLzmaEncHandle p); /* LzmaEnc.c -- LZMA Encoder 2009-11-24 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ #ifdef SHOW_STAT static int ttt = 0; #endif static int verbosity = 0; enum { Fh_size = 6, // file header size Ft_size = 20, // file trailer size /* 0-3 CRC32 of the uncompressed data */ /* 4-11 size of the uncompressed data */ /* 12-19 member size including header and trailer */ }; typedef uint8_t File_trailer[Ft_size]; static inline void Ft_set_data_crc( File_trailer data, unsigned crc ) { for( int i = 0; i <= 3; ++i ) { data[i] = (uint8_t)crc; crc >>= 8; } } static inline void Ft_set_data_size( File_trailer data, unsigned long long sz ) { for( int i = 4; i <= 11; ++i ) { data[i] = (uint8_t)sz; sz >>= 8; } } static inline void Ft_set_member_size( File_trailer data, unsigned long long sz ) { for( int i = 12; i <= 19; ++i ) { data[i] = (uint8_t)sz; sz >>= 8; } } #define kNumTopBits 24 #define kTopValue ((uint32_t)1 << kNumTopBits) #define kNumBitModelTotalBits 11 #define kBitModelTotal (1 << kNumBitModelTotalBits) #define kNumMoveBits 5 #define kProbInitValue (kBitModelTotal >> 1) #define kNumMoveReducingBits 4 #define kNumBitPriceShiftBits 4 #define kNumLogBits (9 + (int)sizeof(uint32_t) / 2) #define kDicLogSizeMaxCompress ((kNumLogBits - 1) * 2 + 7) static void LzmaEnc_FastPosInit(uint8_t *g_FastPos) { int c = 2, slotFast; g_FastPos[0] = 0; g_FastPos[1] = 1; for (slotFast = 2; slotFast < kNumLogBits * 2; slotFast++) { uint32_t k = (1 << ((slotFast >> 1) - 1)); uint32_t j; for (j = 0; j < k; j++, c++) g_FastPos[c] = (uint8_t)slotFast; } } #define BSR2_RET(pos, res) { uint32_t i = 6 + ((kNumLogBits - 1) & \ (0 - (((((uint32_t)1 << (kNumLogBits + 6)) - 1) - pos) >> 31))); \ res = p->g_FastPos[pos >> i] + (i * 2); } /* #define BSR2_RET(pos, res) { res = (pos < (1 << (kNumLogBits + 6))) ? \ p->g_FastPos[pos >> 6] + 12 : \ p->g_FastPos[pos >> (6 + kNumLogBits - 1)] + (6 + (kNumLogBits - 1)) * 2; } */ #define GetPosSlot1(pos) p->g_FastPos[pos] #define GetPosSlot2(pos, res) { BSR2_RET(pos, res); } #define GetPosSlot(pos, res) { if (pos < kNumFullDistances) res = p->g_FastPos[pos]; else BSR2_RET(pos, res); } #define LZMA_NUM_REPS 4 typedef struct { uint32_t price; State state; uint32_t posPrev2; uint32_t backPrev2; uint32_t posPrev; uint32_t backPrev; uint32_t backs[LZMA_NUM_REPS]; bool prev1IsChar; bool prev2; } COptimal; #define kNumOpts (1 << 12) #define kNumLenToPosStates 4 #define kNumPosSlotBits 6 #define kDicLogSizeMin 0 #define kDicLogSizeMax 32 #define kDistTableSizeMax (kDicLogSizeMax * 2) #define kNumAlignBits 4 #define kAlignTableSize (1 << kNumAlignBits) #define kAlignMask (kAlignTableSize - 1) #define kStartPosModelIndex 4 #define kEndPosModelIndex 14 #define kNumPosModels (kEndPosModelIndex - kStartPosModelIndex) #define kNumFullDistances (1 << (kEndPosModelIndex >> 1)) #define LZMA_LC_MAX 8 #define LZMA_LP_MAX 4 #define LZMA_PB_MAX 4 #define LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX (1 << LZMA_PB_MAX) #define kLenNumLowBits 3 #define kLenNumLowSymbols (1 << kLenNumLowBits) #define kLenNumMidBits 3 #define kLenNumMidSymbols (1 << kLenNumMidBits) #define kLenNumHighBits 8 #define kLenNumHighSymbols (1 << kLenNumHighBits) #define kLenNumSymbolsTotal (kLenNumLowSymbols + kLenNumMidSymbols + kLenNumHighSymbols) #define LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN 2 #define LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX (LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN + kLenNumSymbolsTotal - 1) #define kNumStates 12 typedef struct { int choice; int choice2; int low[LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX << kLenNumLowBits]; int mid[LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX << kLenNumMidBits]; int high[kLenNumHighSymbols]; } CLenEnc; typedef struct { CLenEnc p; uint32_t prices[LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX][kLenNumSymbolsTotal]; uint32_t tableSize; uint32_t counters[LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX]; } CLenPriceEnc; typedef struct { uint64_t low; uint64_t processed; uint8_t *bufBase; uint8_t *buf; uint8_t *bufLim; uint32_t range; uint32_t cacheSize; int outfd; int res; uint8_t cache; } CRangeEnc; typedef struct { uint64_t nowPos64; int *litProbs; IMatchFinder matchFinder; CMatchFinder matchFinderBase; uint32_t optimumEndIndex; uint32_t optimumCurrentIndex; uint32_t longestMatchLength; uint32_t numPairs; uint32_t numAvail; COptimal opt[kNumOpts]; uint8_t g_FastPos[1 << kNumLogBits]; uint32_t ProbPrices[kBitModelTotal >> kNumMoveReducingBits]; uint32_t matches[LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX * 2 + 2 + 1]; uint32_t numFastBytes; uint32_t additionalOffset; uint32_t reps[LZMA_NUM_REPS]; State state; uint32_t posSlotPrices[kNumLenToPosStates][kDistTableSizeMax]; uint32_t distancesPrices[kNumLenToPosStates][kNumFullDistances]; uint32_t alignPrices[kAlignTableSize]; uint32_t alignPriceCount; uint32_t distTableSize; unsigned lc, lp, pb; unsigned lpMask, pbMask; int isMatch[kNumStates][LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX]; int isRep[kNumStates]; int isRepG0[kNumStates]; int isRepG1[kNumStates]; int isRepG2[kNumStates]; int isRep0Long[kNumStates][LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX]; int posSlotEncoder[kNumLenToPosStates][1 << kNumPosSlotBits]; int posEncoders[kNumFullDistances - kEndPosModelIndex]; int posAlignEncoder[1 << kNumAlignBits]; CLenPriceEnc lenEnc; CLenPriceEnc repLenEnc; CRangeEnc rc; uint32_t matchPriceCount; int result; uint32_t dictSize; bool fastMode; bool finished; } CLzmaEnc; static const int kLiteralNextStates[kNumStates] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5}; static const int kMatchNextStates[kNumStates] = {7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10}; static const int kRepNextStates[kNumStates] = {8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11}; static const int kShortRepNextStates[kNumStates]= {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11}; #define IsCharState(s) ((s) < 7) #define GetLenToPosState(len) (((len) < kNumLenToPosStates + 1) ? (len) - 2 : kNumLenToPosStates - 1) #define kInfinityPrice (1 << 30) #define RC_BUF_SIZE (1 << 16) static int RangeEnc_Init( CRangeEnc *p, const int outfd ) { p->low = 0; p->processed = 0; p->range = 0xFFFFFFFF; p->cacheSize = 1; p->outfd = outfd; p->res = SZ_OK; p->cache = 0; p->buf = p->bufBase = (uint8_t *)LZMA_MALLOC( RC_BUF_SIZE ); if( !p->bufBase ) return 0; p->bufLim = p->bufBase + RC_BUF_SIZE; return 1; } static void RangeEnc_Free(CRangeEnc *p) { LZMA_FREE(p->bufBase); p->bufBase = 0; } static void RangeEnc_FlushStream(CRangeEnc *p) { int num; if (p->res != SZ_OK) return; num = p->buf - p->bufBase; if (num != writeblock(p->outfd, p->bufBase, num)) p->res = SZ_ERROR_WRITE; p->processed += num; p->buf = p->bufBase; } static void RangeEnc_ShiftLow(CRangeEnc *p) { if ((uint32_t)p->low < (uint32_t)0xFF000000 || (int)(p->low >> 32) != 0) { uint8_t temp = p->cache; do { uint8_t *buf = p->buf; *buf++ = (uint8_t)(temp + (uint8_t)(p->low >> 32)); p->buf = buf; if (buf == p->bufLim) RangeEnc_FlushStream(p); temp = 0xFF; } while (--p->cacheSize != 0); p->cache = (uint8_t)((uint32_t)p->low >> 24); } p->cacheSize++; p->low = (uint32_t)p->low << 8; } static void RangeEnc_FlushData(CRangeEnc *p) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) RangeEnc_ShiftLow(p); } static void RangeEnc_EncodeDirectBits(CRangeEnc *p, uint32_t value, int numBits) { do { p->range >>= 1; p->low += p->range & (0 - ((value >> --numBits) & 1)); if (p->range < kTopValue) { p->range <<= 8; RangeEnc_ShiftLow(p); } } while (numBits != 0); } static void RangeEnc_EncodeBit(CRangeEnc *p, int *prob, uint32_t symbol) { uint32_t ttt = *prob; uint32_t newBound = (p->range >> kNumBitModelTotalBits) * ttt; if (symbol == 0) { p->range = newBound; ttt += (kBitModelTotal - ttt) >> kNumMoveBits; } else { p->low += newBound; p->range -= newBound; ttt -= ttt >> kNumMoveBits; } *prob = (int)ttt; if (p->range < kTopValue) { p->range <<= 8; RangeEnc_ShiftLow(p); } } static void LitEnc_Encode(CRangeEnc *p, int *probs, uint32_t symbol) { symbol |= 0x100; do { RangeEnc_EncodeBit(p, probs + (symbol >> 8), (symbol >> 7) & 1); symbol <<= 1; } while (symbol < 0x10000); } static void LitEnc_EncodeMatched(CRangeEnc *p, int *probs, uint32_t symbol, uint32_t matchByte) { uint32_t offs = 0x100; symbol |= 0x100; do { matchByte <<= 1; RangeEnc_EncodeBit(p, probs + (offs + (matchByte & offs) + (symbol >> 8)), (symbol >> 7) & 1); symbol <<= 1; offs &= ~(matchByte ^ symbol); } while (symbol < 0x10000); } static void LzmaEnc_InitPriceTables(uint32_t *ProbPrices) { uint32_t i; for (i = (1 << kNumMoveReducingBits) / 2; i < kBitModelTotal; i += (1 << kNumMoveReducingBits)) { const int kCyclesBits = kNumBitPriceShiftBits; uint32_t w = i; uint32_t bitCount = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < kCyclesBits; j++) { w = w * w; bitCount <<= 1; while (w >= ((uint32_t)1 << 16)) { w >>= 1; bitCount++; } } ProbPrices[i >> kNumMoveReducingBits] = ((kNumBitModelTotalBits << kCyclesBits) - 15 - bitCount); } } #define GET_PRICE(prob, symbol) \ p->ProbPrices[((prob) ^ (((-(int)(symbol))) & (kBitModelTotal - 1))) >> kNumMoveReducingBits]; #define GET_PRICEa(prob, symbol) \ ProbPrices[((prob) ^ ((-((int)(symbol))) & (kBitModelTotal - 1))) >> kNumMoveReducingBits]; #define GET_PRICE_0(prob) p->ProbPrices[(prob) >> kNumMoveReducingBits] #define GET_PRICE_1(prob) p->ProbPrices[((prob) ^ (kBitModelTotal - 1)) >> kNumMoveReducingBits] #define GET_PRICE_0a(prob) ProbPrices[(prob) >> kNumMoveReducingBits] #define GET_PRICE_1a(prob) ProbPrices[((prob) ^ (kBitModelTotal - 1)) >> kNumMoveReducingBits] static uint32_t LitEnc_GetPrice(const int *probs, uint32_t symbol, uint32_t *ProbPrices) { uint32_t price = 0; symbol |= 0x100; do { price += GET_PRICEa(probs[symbol >> 8], (symbol >> 7) & 1); symbol <<= 1; } while (symbol < 0x10000); return price; } static uint32_t LitEnc_GetPriceMatched(const int *probs, uint32_t symbol, uint32_t matchByte, uint32_t *ProbPrices) { uint32_t price = 0; uint32_t offs = 0x100; symbol |= 0x100; do { matchByte <<= 1; price += GET_PRICEa(probs[offs + (matchByte & offs) + (symbol >> 8)], (symbol >> 7) & 1); symbol <<= 1; offs &= ~(matchByte ^ symbol); } while (symbol < 0x10000); return price; } static void RcTree_Encode(CRangeEnc *rc, int *probs, int numBitLevels, uint32_t symbol) { uint32_t m = 1; int i; for (i = numBitLevels; i != 0;) { uint32_t bit; i--; bit = (symbol >> i) & 1; RangeEnc_EncodeBit(rc, probs + m, bit); m = (m << 1) | bit; } } static void RcTree_ReverseEncode(CRangeEnc *rc, int *probs, int numBitLevels, uint32_t symbol) { uint32_t m = 1; int i; for (i = 0; i < numBitLevels; i++) { uint32_t bit = symbol & 1; RangeEnc_EncodeBit(rc, probs + m, bit); m = (m << 1) | bit; symbol >>= 1; } } static uint32_t RcTree_GetPrice(const int *probs, int numBitLevels, uint32_t symbol, uint32_t *ProbPrices) { uint32_t price = 0; symbol |= (1 << numBitLevels); while (symbol != 1) { price += GET_PRICEa(probs[symbol >> 1], symbol & 1); symbol >>= 1; } return price; } static uint32_t RcTree_ReverseGetPrice(const int *probs, int numBitLevels, uint32_t symbol, uint32_t *ProbPrices) { uint32_t price = 0; uint32_t m = 1; int i; for (i = numBitLevels; i != 0; i--) { uint32_t bit = symbol & 1; symbol >>= 1; price += GET_PRICEa(probs[m], bit); m = (m << 1) | bit; } return price; } static void LenEnc_Init(CLenEnc *p) { unsigned i; p->choice = p->choice2 = kProbInitValue; for (i = 0; i < (LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX << kLenNumLowBits); i++) p->low[i] = kProbInitValue; for (i = 0; i < (LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX << kLenNumMidBits); i++) p->mid[i] = kProbInitValue; for (i = 0; i < kLenNumHighSymbols; i++) p->high[i] = kProbInitValue; } static void LenEnc_Encode(CLenEnc *p, CRangeEnc *rc, uint32_t symbol, uint32_t posState) { if (symbol < kLenNumLowSymbols) { RangeEnc_EncodeBit(rc, &p->choice, 0); RcTree_Encode(rc, p->low + (posState << kLenNumLowBits), kLenNumLowBits, symbol); } else { RangeEnc_EncodeBit(rc, &p->choice, 1); if (symbol < kLenNumLowSymbols + kLenNumMidSymbols) { RangeEnc_EncodeBit(rc, &p->choice2, 0); RcTree_Encode(rc, p->mid + (posState << kLenNumMidBits), kLenNumMidBits, symbol - kLenNumLowSymbols); } else { RangeEnc_EncodeBit(rc, &p->choice2, 1); RcTree_Encode(rc, p->high, kLenNumHighBits, symbol - kLenNumLowSymbols - kLenNumMidSymbols); } } } static void LenEnc_SetPrices(CLenEnc *p, uint32_t posState, uint32_t numSymbols, uint32_t *prices, uint32_t *ProbPrices) { uint32_t a0 = GET_PRICE_0a(p->choice); uint32_t a1 = GET_PRICE_1a(p->choice); uint32_t b0 = a1 + GET_PRICE_0a(p->choice2); uint32_t b1 = a1 + GET_PRICE_1a(p->choice2); uint32_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < kLenNumLowSymbols; i++) { if (i >= numSymbols) return; prices[i] = a0 + RcTree_GetPrice(p->low + (posState << kLenNumLowBits), kLenNumLowBits, i, ProbPrices); } for (; i < kLenNumLowSymbols + kLenNumMidSymbols; i++) { if (i >= numSymbols) return; prices[i] = b0 + RcTree_GetPrice(p->mid + (posState << kLenNumMidBits), kLenNumMidBits, i - kLenNumLowSymbols, ProbPrices); } for (; i < numSymbols; i++) prices[i] = b1 + RcTree_GetPrice(p->high, kLenNumHighBits, i - kLenNumLowSymbols - kLenNumMidSymbols, ProbPrices); } static void LenPriceEnc_UpdateTable(CLenPriceEnc *p, uint32_t posState, uint32_t *ProbPrices) { LenEnc_SetPrices(&p->p, posState, p->tableSize, p->prices[posState], ProbPrices); p->counters[posState] = p->tableSize; } static void LenPriceEnc_UpdateTables(CLenPriceEnc *p, uint32_t numPosStates, uint32_t *ProbPrices) { uint32_t posState; for (posState = 0; posState < numPosStates; posState++) LenPriceEnc_UpdateTable(p, posState, ProbPrices); } static void LenEnc_Encode2(CLenPriceEnc *p, CRangeEnc *rc, uint32_t symbol, uint32_t posState, bool updatePrice, uint32_t *ProbPrices) { LenEnc_Encode(&p->p, rc, symbol, posState); if (updatePrice) if (--p->counters[posState] == 0) LenPriceEnc_UpdateTable(p, posState, ProbPrices); } static void MovePos(CLzmaEnc *p, uint32_t num) { #ifdef SHOW_STAT ttt += num; printf("\n MovePos %d", num); #endif if (num != 0) { p->additionalOffset += num; p->matchFinder.Skip(&p->matchFinderBase, num); } } static uint32_t ReadMatchDistances(CLzmaEnc *p, uint32_t *numDistancePairsRes) { uint32_t lenRes = 0, numPairs; p->numAvail = Mf_GetNumAvailableBytes(&p->matchFinderBase); numPairs = p->matchFinder.GetMatches(&p->matchFinderBase, p->matches); #ifdef SHOW_STAT printf("\n i = %d numPairs = %d ", ttt, numPairs / 2); ttt++; { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < numPairs; i += 2) printf("%2d %6d | ", p->matches[i], p->matches[i + 1]); } #endif if (numPairs > 0) { lenRes = p->matches[numPairs - 2]; if (lenRes == p->numFastBytes) { const uint8_t *pby = Mf_GetPointerToCurrentPos(&p->matchFinderBase) - 1; uint32_t distance = p->matches[numPairs - 1] + 1; uint32_t numAvail = p->numAvail; if (numAvail > LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX) numAvail = LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX; { const uint8_t *pby2 = pby - distance; for (; lenRes < numAvail && pby[lenRes] == pby2[lenRes]; lenRes++) ; } } } p->additionalOffset++; *numDistancePairsRes = numPairs; return lenRes; } #define MakeAsChar(p) (p)->backPrev = (uint32_t)(-1); (p)->prev1IsChar = false; #define MakeAsShortRep(p) (p)->backPrev = 0; (p)->prev1IsChar = false; #define IsShortRep(p) ((p)->backPrev == 0) static uint32_t GetRepLen1Price(CLzmaEnc *p, State state, uint32_t posState) { return GET_PRICE_0(p->isRepG0[state]) + GET_PRICE_0(p->isRep0Long[state][posState]); } static uint32_t GetPureRepPrice(CLzmaEnc *p, uint32_t repIndex, State state, uint32_t posState) { uint32_t price; if (repIndex == 0) { price = GET_PRICE_0(p->isRepG0[state]); price += GET_PRICE_1(p->isRep0Long[state][posState]); } else { price = GET_PRICE_1(p->isRepG0[state]); if (repIndex == 1) price += GET_PRICE_0(p->isRepG1[state]); else { price += GET_PRICE_1(p->isRepG1[state]); price += GET_PRICE(p->isRepG2[state], repIndex - 2); } } return price; } static uint32_t GetRepPrice(CLzmaEnc *p, uint32_t repIndex, uint32_t len, State state, uint32_t posState) { return p->repLenEnc.prices[posState][len - LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN] + GetPureRepPrice(p, repIndex, state, posState); } static uint32_t Backward(CLzmaEnc *p, uint32_t *backRes, uint32_t cur) { uint32_t posMem = p->opt[cur].posPrev; uint32_t backMem = p->opt[cur].backPrev; p->optimumEndIndex = cur; do { if (p->opt[cur].prev1IsChar) { MakeAsChar(&p->opt[posMem]) p->opt[posMem].posPrev = posMem - 1; if (p->opt[cur].prev2) { p->opt[posMem - 1].prev1IsChar = false; p->opt[posMem - 1].posPrev = p->opt[cur].posPrev2; p->opt[posMem - 1].backPrev = p->opt[cur].backPrev2; } } { uint32_t posPrev = posMem; uint32_t backCur = backMem; backMem = p->opt[posPrev].backPrev; posMem = p->opt[posPrev].posPrev; p->opt[posPrev].backPrev = backCur; p->opt[posPrev].posPrev = cur; cur = posPrev; } } while (cur != 0); *backRes = p->opt[0].backPrev; p->optimumCurrentIndex = p->opt[0].posPrev; return p->optimumCurrentIndex; } #define LIT_PROBS(pos, prevByte) (p->litProbs + ((((pos) & p->lpMask) << p->lc) + ((prevByte) >> (8 - p->lc))) * 0x300) static uint32_t GetOptimum(CLzmaEnc *p, uint32_t position, uint32_t *backRes) { uint32_t numAvail, mainLen, numPairs, repMaxIndex, i, posState, lenEnd, len, cur; uint32_t matchPrice, repMatchPrice, normalMatchPrice; uint32_t reps[LZMA_NUM_REPS], repLens[LZMA_NUM_REPS]; uint32_t *matches; const uint8_t *data; uint8_t curByte, matchByte; if (p->optimumEndIndex != p->optimumCurrentIndex) { const COptimal *opt = &p->opt[p->optimumCurrentIndex]; uint32_t lenRes = opt->posPrev - p->optimumCurrentIndex; *backRes = opt->backPrev; p->optimumCurrentIndex = opt->posPrev; return lenRes; } p->optimumCurrentIndex = p->optimumEndIndex = 0; if (p->additionalOffset == 0) mainLen = ReadMatchDistances(p, &numPairs); else { mainLen = p->longestMatchLength; numPairs = p->numPairs; } numAvail = p->numAvail; if (numAvail < 2) { *backRes = (uint32_t)(-1); return 1; } if (numAvail > LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX) numAvail = LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX; data = Mf_GetPointerToCurrentPos(&p->matchFinderBase) - 1; repMaxIndex = 0; for (i = 0; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) { uint32_t lenTest; const uint8_t *data2; reps[i] = p->reps[i]; data2 = data - (reps[i] + 1); if (data[0] != data2[0] || data[1] != data2[1]) { repLens[i] = 0; continue; } for (lenTest = 2; lenTest < numAvail && data[lenTest] == data2[lenTest]; lenTest++) ; repLens[i] = lenTest; if (lenTest > repLens[repMaxIndex]) repMaxIndex = i; } if (repLens[repMaxIndex] >= p->numFastBytes) { uint32_t lenRes; *backRes = repMaxIndex; lenRes = repLens[repMaxIndex]; MovePos(p, lenRes - 1); return lenRes; } matches = p->matches; if (mainLen >= p->numFastBytes) { *backRes = matches[numPairs - 1] + LZMA_NUM_REPS; MovePos(p, mainLen - 1); return mainLen; } curByte = *data; matchByte = *(data - (reps[0] + 1)); if (mainLen < 2 && curByte != matchByte && repLens[repMaxIndex] < 2) { *backRes = (uint32_t)-1; return 1; } p->opt[0].state = p->state; posState = (position & p->pbMask); { const int *probs = LIT_PROBS(position, *(data - 1)); p->opt[1].price = GET_PRICE_0(p->isMatch[p->state][posState]) + (!IsCharState(p->state) ? LitEnc_GetPriceMatched(probs, curByte, matchByte, p->ProbPrices) : LitEnc_GetPrice(probs, curByte, p->ProbPrices)); } MakeAsChar(&p->opt[1]); matchPrice = GET_PRICE_1(p->isMatch[p->state][posState]); repMatchPrice = matchPrice + GET_PRICE_1(p->isRep[p->state]); if (matchByte == curByte) { uint32_t shortRepPrice = repMatchPrice + GetRepLen1Price(p, p->state, posState); if (shortRepPrice < p->opt[1].price) { p->opt[1].price = shortRepPrice; MakeAsShortRep(&p->opt[1]); } } lenEnd = ((mainLen >= repLens[repMaxIndex]) ? mainLen : repLens[repMaxIndex]); if (lenEnd < 2) { *backRes = p->opt[1].backPrev; return 1; } p->opt[1].posPrev = 0; for (i = 0; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) p->opt[0].backs[i] = reps[i]; len = lenEnd; do p->opt[len--].price = kInfinityPrice; while (len >= 2); for (i = 0; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) { uint32_t repLen = repLens[i]; uint32_t price; if (repLen < 2) continue; price = repMatchPrice + GetPureRepPrice(p, i, p->state, posState); do { uint32_t curAndLenPrice = price + p->repLenEnc.prices[posState][repLen - 2]; COptimal *opt = &p->opt[repLen]; if (curAndLenPrice < opt->price) { opt->price = curAndLenPrice; opt->posPrev = 0; opt->backPrev = i; opt->prev1IsChar = false; } } while (--repLen >= 2); } normalMatchPrice = matchPrice + GET_PRICE_0(p->isRep[p->state]); len = ((repLens[0] >= 2) ? repLens[0] + 1 : 2); if (len <= mainLen) { uint32_t offs = 0; while (len > matches[offs]) offs += 2; for (; ; len++) { COptimal *opt; uint32_t distance = matches[offs + 1]; uint32_t curAndLenPrice = normalMatchPrice + p->lenEnc.prices[posState][len - LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN]; uint32_t lenToPosState = GetLenToPosState(len); if (distance < kNumFullDistances) curAndLenPrice += p->distancesPrices[lenToPosState][distance]; else { uint32_t slot; GetPosSlot2(distance, slot); curAndLenPrice += p->alignPrices[distance & kAlignMask] + p->posSlotPrices[lenToPosState][slot]; } opt = &p->opt[len]; if (curAndLenPrice < opt->price) { opt->price = curAndLenPrice; opt->posPrev = 0; opt->backPrev = distance + LZMA_NUM_REPS; opt->prev1IsChar = false; } if (len == matches[offs]) { offs += 2; if (offs == numPairs) break; } } } cur = 0; #ifdef SHOW_STAT2 if (position >= 0) { unsigned i; printf("\n pos = %4X", position); for (i = cur; i <= lenEnd; i++) printf("\nprice[%4X] = %d", position - cur + i, p->opt[i].price); } #endif for (;;) { uint32_t numAvailFull, newLen, numPairs, posPrev, state, posState, startLen; uint32_t curPrice, curAnd1Price, matchPrice, repMatchPrice; bool nextIsChar; uint8_t curByte, matchByte; const uint8_t *data; COptimal *curOpt; COptimal *nextOpt; cur++; if (cur == lenEnd) return Backward(p, backRes, cur); newLen = ReadMatchDistances(p, &numPairs); if (newLen >= p->numFastBytes) { p->numPairs = numPairs; p->longestMatchLength = newLen; return Backward(p, backRes, cur); } position++; curOpt = &p->opt[cur]; posPrev = curOpt->posPrev; if (curOpt->prev1IsChar) { posPrev--; if (curOpt->prev2) { state = p->opt[curOpt->posPrev2].state; if (curOpt->backPrev2 < LZMA_NUM_REPS) state = kRepNextStates[state]; else state = kMatchNextStates[state]; } else state = p->opt[posPrev].state; state = kLiteralNextStates[state]; } else state = p->opt[posPrev].state; if (posPrev == cur - 1) { if (IsShortRep(curOpt)) state = kShortRepNextStates[state]; else state = kLiteralNextStates[state]; } else { uint32_t pos; const COptimal *prevOpt; if (curOpt->prev1IsChar && curOpt->prev2) { posPrev = curOpt->posPrev2; pos = curOpt->backPrev2; state = kRepNextStates[state]; } else { pos = curOpt->backPrev; if (pos < LZMA_NUM_REPS) state = kRepNextStates[state]; else state = kMatchNextStates[state]; } prevOpt = &p->opt[posPrev]; if (pos < LZMA_NUM_REPS) { uint32_t i; reps[0] = prevOpt->backs[pos]; for (i = 1; i <= pos; i++) reps[i] = prevOpt->backs[i - 1]; for (; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) reps[i] = prevOpt->backs[i]; } else { uint32_t i; reps[0] = (pos - LZMA_NUM_REPS); for (i = 1; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) reps[i] = prevOpt->backs[i - 1]; } } curOpt->state = state; curOpt->backs[0] = reps[0]; curOpt->backs[1] = reps[1]; curOpt->backs[2] = reps[2]; curOpt->backs[3] = reps[3]; curPrice = curOpt->price; nextIsChar = false; data = Mf_GetPointerToCurrentPos(&p->matchFinderBase) - 1; curByte = *data; matchByte = *(data - (reps[0] + 1)); posState = (position & p->pbMask); curAnd1Price = curPrice + GET_PRICE_0(p->isMatch[state][posState]); { const int *probs = LIT_PROBS(position, *(data - 1)); curAnd1Price += (!IsCharState(state) ? LitEnc_GetPriceMatched(probs, curByte, matchByte, p->ProbPrices) : LitEnc_GetPrice(probs, curByte, p->ProbPrices)); } nextOpt = &p->opt[cur + 1]; if (curAnd1Price < nextOpt->price) { nextOpt->price = curAnd1Price; nextOpt->posPrev = cur; MakeAsChar(nextOpt); nextIsChar = true; } matchPrice = curPrice + GET_PRICE_1(p->isMatch[state][posState]); repMatchPrice = matchPrice + GET_PRICE_1(p->isRep[state]); if (matchByte == curByte && !(nextOpt->posPrev < cur && nextOpt->backPrev == 0)) { uint32_t shortRepPrice = repMatchPrice + GetRepLen1Price(p, state, posState); if (shortRepPrice <= nextOpt->price) { nextOpt->price = shortRepPrice; nextOpt->posPrev = cur; MakeAsShortRep(nextOpt); nextIsChar = true; } } numAvailFull = p->numAvail; { uint32_t temp = kNumOpts - 1 - cur; if (temp < numAvailFull) numAvailFull = temp; } if (numAvailFull < 2) continue; numAvail = (numAvailFull <= p->numFastBytes ? numAvailFull : p->numFastBytes); if (!nextIsChar && matchByte != curByte) /* speed optimization */ { /* try Literal + rep0 */ uint32_t temp; uint32_t lenTest2; const uint8_t *data2 = data - (reps[0] + 1); uint32_t limit = p->numFastBytes + 1; if (limit > numAvailFull) limit = numAvailFull; for (temp = 1; temp < limit && data[temp] == data2[temp]; temp++) ; lenTest2 = temp - 1; if (lenTest2 >= 2) { State state2 = kLiteralNextStates[state]; uint32_t posStateNext = (position + 1) & p->pbMask; uint32_t nextRepMatchPrice = curAnd1Price + GET_PRICE_1(p->isMatch[state2][posStateNext]) + GET_PRICE_1(p->isRep[state2]); /* for (; lenTest2 >= 2; lenTest2--) */ { uint32_t curAndLenPrice; COptimal *opt; uint32_t offset = cur + 1 + lenTest2; while (lenEnd < offset) p->opt[++lenEnd].price = kInfinityPrice; curAndLenPrice = nextRepMatchPrice + GetRepPrice(p, 0, lenTest2, state2, posStateNext); opt = &p->opt[offset]; if (curAndLenPrice < opt->price) { opt->price = curAndLenPrice; opt->posPrev = cur + 1; opt->backPrev = 0; opt->prev1IsChar = true; opt->prev2 = false; } } } } startLen = 2; /* speed optimization */ { uint32_t repIndex; for (repIndex = 0; repIndex < LZMA_NUM_REPS; repIndex++) { uint32_t lenTest; uint32_t lenTestTemp; uint32_t price; const uint8_t *data2 = data - (reps[repIndex] + 1); if (data[0] != data2[0] || data[1] != data2[1]) continue; for (lenTest = 2; lenTest < numAvail && data[lenTest] == data2[lenTest]; lenTest++) ; while (lenEnd < cur + lenTest) p->opt[++lenEnd].price = kInfinityPrice; lenTestTemp = lenTest; price = repMatchPrice + GetPureRepPrice(p, repIndex, state, posState); do { uint32_t curAndLenPrice = price + p->repLenEnc.prices[posState][lenTest - 2]; COptimal *opt = &p->opt[cur + lenTest]; if (curAndLenPrice < opt->price) { opt->price = curAndLenPrice; opt->posPrev = cur; opt->backPrev = repIndex; opt->prev1IsChar = false; } } while (--lenTest >= 2); lenTest = lenTestTemp; if (repIndex == 0) startLen = lenTest + 1; /* if (_maxMode) */ { uint32_t lenTest2 = lenTest + 1; uint32_t limit = lenTest2 + p->numFastBytes; uint32_t nextRepMatchPrice; if (limit > numAvailFull) limit = numAvailFull; for (; lenTest2 < limit && data[lenTest2] == data2[lenTest2]; lenTest2++) ; lenTest2 -= lenTest + 1; if (lenTest2 >= 2) { State state2 = kRepNextStates[state]; uint32_t posStateNext = (position + lenTest) & p->pbMask; uint32_t curAndLenCharPrice = price + p->repLenEnc.prices[posState][lenTest - 2] + GET_PRICE_0(p->isMatch[state2][posStateNext]) + LitEnc_GetPriceMatched(LIT_PROBS(position + lenTest, data[lenTest - 1]), data[lenTest], data2[lenTest], p->ProbPrices); state2 = kLiteralNextStates[state2]; posStateNext = (position + lenTest + 1) & p->pbMask; nextRepMatchPrice = curAndLenCharPrice + GET_PRICE_1(p->isMatch[state2][posStateNext]) + GET_PRICE_1(p->isRep[state2]); /* for (; lenTest2 >= 2; lenTest2--) */ { uint32_t curAndLenPrice; COptimal *opt; uint32_t offset = cur + lenTest + 1 + lenTest2; while (lenEnd < offset) p->opt[++lenEnd].price = kInfinityPrice; curAndLenPrice = nextRepMatchPrice + GetRepPrice(p, 0, lenTest2, state2, posStateNext); opt = &p->opt[offset]; if (curAndLenPrice < opt->price) { opt->price = curAndLenPrice; opt->posPrev = cur + lenTest + 1; opt->backPrev = 0; opt->prev1IsChar = true; opt->prev2 = true; opt->posPrev2 = cur; opt->backPrev2 = repIndex; } } } } } } /* for (uint32_t lenTest = 2; lenTest <= newLen; lenTest++) */ if (newLen > numAvail) { newLen = numAvail; for (numPairs = 0; newLen > matches[numPairs]; numPairs += 2) ; matches[numPairs] = newLen; numPairs += 2; } if (newLen >= startLen) { uint32_t normalMatchPrice = matchPrice + GET_PRICE_0(p->isRep[state]); uint32_t offs, curBack, posSlot; uint32_t lenTest; while (lenEnd < cur + newLen) p->opt[++lenEnd].price = kInfinityPrice; offs = 0; while (startLen > matches[offs]) offs += 2; curBack = matches[offs + 1]; GetPosSlot2(curBack, posSlot); for (lenTest = /*2*/ startLen; ; lenTest++) { uint32_t curAndLenPrice = normalMatchPrice + p->lenEnc.prices[posState][lenTest - LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN]; uint32_t lenToPosState = GetLenToPosState(lenTest); COptimal *opt; if (curBack < kNumFullDistances) curAndLenPrice += p->distancesPrices[lenToPosState][curBack]; else curAndLenPrice += p->posSlotPrices[lenToPosState][posSlot] + p->alignPrices[curBack & kAlignMask]; opt = &p->opt[cur + lenTest]; if (curAndLenPrice < opt->price) { opt->price = curAndLenPrice; opt->posPrev = cur; opt->backPrev = curBack + LZMA_NUM_REPS; opt->prev1IsChar = false; } if (/*_maxMode && */lenTest == matches[offs]) { /* Try Match + Literal + Rep0 */ const uint8_t *data2 = data - (curBack + 1); uint32_t lenTest2 = lenTest + 1; uint32_t limit = lenTest2 + p->numFastBytes; uint32_t nextRepMatchPrice; if (limit > numAvailFull) limit = numAvailFull; for (; lenTest2 < limit && data[lenTest2] == data2[lenTest2]; lenTest2++) ; lenTest2 -= lenTest + 1; if (lenTest2 >= 2) { State state2 = kMatchNextStates[state]; uint32_t posStateNext = (position + lenTest) & p->pbMask; uint32_t curAndLenCharPrice = curAndLenPrice + GET_PRICE_0(p->isMatch[state2][posStateNext]) + LitEnc_GetPriceMatched(LIT_PROBS(position + lenTest, data[lenTest - 1]), data[lenTest], data2[lenTest], p->ProbPrices); state2 = kLiteralNextStates[state2]; posStateNext = (posStateNext + 1) & p->pbMask; nextRepMatchPrice = curAndLenCharPrice + GET_PRICE_1(p->isMatch[state2][posStateNext]) + GET_PRICE_1(p->isRep[state2]); /* for (; lenTest2 >= 2; lenTest2--) */ { uint32_t offset = cur + lenTest + 1 + lenTest2; uint32_t curAndLenPrice; COptimal *opt; while (lenEnd < offset) p->opt[++lenEnd].price = kInfinityPrice; curAndLenPrice = nextRepMatchPrice + GetRepPrice(p, 0, lenTest2, state2, posStateNext); opt = &p->opt[offset]; if (curAndLenPrice < opt->price) { opt->price = curAndLenPrice; opt->posPrev = cur + lenTest + 1; opt->backPrev = 0; opt->prev1IsChar = true; opt->prev2 = true; opt->posPrev2 = cur; opt->backPrev2 = curBack + LZMA_NUM_REPS; } } } offs += 2; if (offs == numPairs) break; curBack = matches[offs + 1]; if (curBack >= kNumFullDistances) GetPosSlot2(curBack, posSlot); } } } } } #define ChangePair(smallDist, bigDist) (((bigDist) >> 7) > (smallDist)) static uint32_t GetOptimumFast(CLzmaEnc *p, uint32_t *backRes) { uint32_t numAvail, mainLen, mainDist, numPairs, repIndex, repLen, i; const uint8_t *data; const uint32_t *matches; if (p->additionalOffset == 0) mainLen = ReadMatchDistances(p, &numPairs); else { mainLen = p->longestMatchLength; numPairs = p->numPairs; } numAvail = p->numAvail; *backRes = (uint32_t)-1; if (numAvail < 2) return 1; if (numAvail > LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX) numAvail = LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX; data = Mf_GetPointerToCurrentPos(&p->matchFinderBase) - 1; repLen = repIndex = 0; for (i = 0; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) { uint32_t len; const uint8_t *data2 = data - (p->reps[i] + 1); if (data[0] != data2[0] || data[1] != data2[1]) continue; for (len = 2; len < numAvail && data[len] == data2[len]; len++) ; if (len >= p->numFastBytes) { *backRes = i; MovePos(p, len - 1); return len; } if (len > repLen) { repIndex = i; repLen = len; } } matches = p->matches; if (mainLen >= p->numFastBytes) { *backRes = matches[numPairs - 1] + LZMA_NUM_REPS; MovePos(p, mainLen - 1); return mainLen; } mainDist = 0; /* for GCC */ if (mainLen >= 2) { mainDist = matches[numPairs - 1]; while (numPairs > 2 && mainLen == matches[numPairs - 4] + 1) { if (!ChangePair(matches[numPairs - 3], mainDist)) break; numPairs -= 2; mainLen = matches[numPairs - 2]; mainDist = matches[numPairs - 1]; } if (mainLen == 2 && mainDist >= 0x80) mainLen = 1; } if (repLen >= 2 && ( (repLen + 1 >= mainLen) || (repLen + 2 >= mainLen && mainDist >= (1 << 9)) || (repLen + 3 >= mainLen && mainDist >= (1 << 15)))) { *backRes = repIndex; MovePos(p, repLen - 1); return repLen; } if (mainLen < 2 || numAvail <= 2) return 1; p->longestMatchLength = ReadMatchDistances(p, &p->numPairs); if (p->longestMatchLength >= 2) { uint32_t newDistance = matches[p->numPairs - 1]; if ((p->longestMatchLength >= mainLen && newDistance < mainDist) || (p->longestMatchLength == mainLen + 1 && !ChangePair(mainDist, newDistance)) || (p->longestMatchLength > mainLen + 1) || (p->longestMatchLength + 1 >= mainLen && mainLen >= 3 && ChangePair(newDistance, mainDist))) return 1; } data = Mf_GetPointerToCurrentPos(&p->matchFinderBase) - 1; for (i = 0; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) { uint32_t len, limit; const uint8_t *data2 = data - (p->reps[i] + 1); if (data[0] != data2[0] || data[1] != data2[1]) continue; limit = mainLen - 1; for (len = 2; len < limit && data[len] == data2[len]; len++) ; if (len >= limit) return 1; } *backRes = mainDist + LZMA_NUM_REPS; MovePos(p, mainLen - 2); return mainLen; } static void LZe_full_flush(CLzmaEnc *p, uint32_t posState) { const uint32_t len = LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN; File_trailer trailer; RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isMatch[p->state][posState], 1); RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRep[p->state], 0); p->state = kMatchNextStates[p->state]; LenEnc_Encode2(&p->lenEnc, &p->rc, len - LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN, posState, !p->fastMode, p->ProbPrices); RcTree_Encode(&p->rc, p->posSlotEncoder[GetLenToPosState(len)], kNumPosSlotBits, (1 << kNumPosSlotBits) - 1); RangeEnc_EncodeDirectBits(&p->rc, (((uint32_t)1 << 30) - 1) >> kNumAlignBits, 30 - kNumAlignBits); RcTree_ReverseEncode(&p->rc, p->posAlignEncoder, kNumAlignBits, kAlignMask); RangeEnc_FlushData(&p->rc); RangeEnc_FlushStream(&p->rc); Ft_set_data_crc( trailer, p->matchFinderBase.crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFFU ); Ft_set_data_size( trailer, p->nowPos64 ); Ft_set_member_size( trailer, p->rc.processed + Fh_size + Ft_size ); if( writeblock( p->rc.outfd, trailer, Ft_size ) != Ft_size ) p->rc.res = SZ_ERROR_WRITE; if( verbosity >= 1 ) { unsigned long long in_size = p->nowPos64; unsigned long long out_size = p->rc.processed + Fh_size + Ft_size; if( in_size == 0 || out_size == 0 ) fputs( " no data compressed.\n", stderr ); else fprintf( stderr, "%6.3f:1, %5.2f%% ratio, %5.2f%% saved, " "%llu in, %llu out.\n", (double)in_size / out_size, ( 100.0 * out_size ) / in_size, 100.0 - ( ( 100.0 * out_size ) / in_size ), in_size, out_size ); } } static int CheckErrors(CLzmaEnc *p) { if (p->result != SZ_OK) return p->result; if (p->rc.res != SZ_OK) p->result = SZ_ERROR_WRITE; if (p->matchFinderBase.result != SZ_OK) p->result = SZ_ERROR_READ; if (p->result != SZ_OK) p->finished = true; return p->result; } static int Flush(CLzmaEnc *p, uint32_t nowPos) { /* ReleaseMFStream(); */ p->finished = true; LZe_full_flush(p, nowPos & p->pbMask); return CheckErrors(p); } static void FillAlignPrices(CLzmaEnc *p) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < kAlignTableSize; i++) p->alignPrices[i] = RcTree_ReverseGetPrice(p->posAlignEncoder, kNumAlignBits, i, p->ProbPrices); p->alignPriceCount = 0; } static void FillDistancesPrices(CLzmaEnc *p) { uint32_t tempPrices[kNumFullDistances]; uint32_t i, lenToPosState; for (i = kStartPosModelIndex; i < kNumFullDistances; i++) { uint32_t posSlot = GetPosSlot1(i); uint32_t footerBits = ((posSlot >> 1) - 1); uint32_t base = ((2 | (posSlot & 1)) << footerBits); tempPrices[i] = RcTree_ReverseGetPrice(p->posEncoders + base - posSlot - 1, footerBits, i - base, p->ProbPrices); } for (lenToPosState = 0; lenToPosState < kNumLenToPosStates; lenToPosState++) { uint32_t posSlot; const int *encoder = p->posSlotEncoder[lenToPosState]; uint32_t *posSlotPrices = p->posSlotPrices[lenToPosState]; for (posSlot = 0; posSlot < p->distTableSize; posSlot++) posSlotPrices[posSlot] = RcTree_GetPrice(encoder, kNumPosSlotBits, posSlot, p->ProbPrices); for (posSlot = kEndPosModelIndex; posSlot < p->distTableSize; posSlot++) posSlotPrices[posSlot] += ((((posSlot >> 1) - 1) - kNumAlignBits) << kNumBitPriceShiftBits); { uint32_t *distancesPrices = p->distancesPrices[lenToPosState]; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < kStartPosModelIndex; i++) distancesPrices[i] = posSlotPrices[i]; for (; i < kNumFullDistances; i++) distancesPrices[i] = posSlotPrices[GetPosSlot1(i)] + tempPrices[i]; } } p->matchPriceCount = 0; } static int LzmaEnc_CodeOneBlock(CLzmaEnc *p) { uint32_t nowPos32, startPos32; if (p->finished) return p->result; if( CheckErrors(p) != 0 ) return p->result; nowPos32 = (uint32_t)p->nowPos64; startPos32 = nowPos32; if (p->nowPos64 == 0) { uint32_t numPairs; uint8_t curByte; if (Mf_GetNumAvailableBytes(&p->matchFinderBase) == 0) return Flush(p, nowPos32); ReadMatchDistances(p, &numPairs); RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isMatch[p->state][0], 0); p->state = kLiteralNextStates[p->state]; curByte = Mf_GetIndexByte(&p->matchFinderBase, 0 - p->additionalOffset); LitEnc_Encode(&p->rc, p->litProbs, curByte); p->additionalOffset--; nowPos32++; } if (Mf_GetNumAvailableBytes(&p->matchFinderBase) != 0) for (;;) { uint32_t pos, len, posState; if (p->fastMode) len = GetOptimumFast(p, &pos); else len = GetOptimum(p, nowPos32, &pos); #ifdef SHOW_STAT2 printf("\n pos = %4X, len = %d pos = %d", nowPos32, len, pos); #endif posState = nowPos32 & p->pbMask; if (len == 1 && pos == (uint32_t)-1) { uint8_t curByte; int *probs; const uint8_t *data; RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isMatch[p->state][posState], 0); data = Mf_GetPointerToCurrentPos(&p->matchFinderBase) - p->additionalOffset; curByte = *data; probs = LIT_PROBS(nowPos32, *(data - 1)); if (IsCharState(p->state)) LitEnc_Encode(&p->rc, probs, curByte); else LitEnc_EncodeMatched(&p->rc, probs, curByte, *(data - p->reps[0] - 1)); p->state = kLiteralNextStates[p->state]; } else { RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isMatch[p->state][posState], 1); if (pos < LZMA_NUM_REPS) { RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRep[p->state], 1); if (pos == 0) { RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRepG0[p->state], 0); RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRep0Long[p->state][posState], ((len == 1) ? 0 : 1)); } else { uint32_t distance = p->reps[pos]; RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRepG0[p->state], 1); if (pos == 1) RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRepG1[p->state], 0); else { RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRepG1[p->state], 1); RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRepG2[p->state], pos - 2); if (pos == 3) p->reps[3] = p->reps[2]; p->reps[2] = p->reps[1]; } p->reps[1] = p->reps[0]; p->reps[0] = distance; } if (len == 1) p->state = kShortRepNextStates[p->state]; else { LenEnc_Encode2(&p->repLenEnc, &p->rc, len - LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN, posState, !p->fastMode, p->ProbPrices); p->state = kRepNextStates[p->state]; } } else { uint32_t posSlot; RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRep[p->state], 0); p->state = kMatchNextStates[p->state]; LenEnc_Encode2(&p->lenEnc, &p->rc, len - LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN, posState, !p->fastMode, p->ProbPrices); pos -= LZMA_NUM_REPS; GetPosSlot(pos, posSlot); RcTree_Encode(&p->rc, p->posSlotEncoder[GetLenToPosState(len)], kNumPosSlotBits, posSlot); if (posSlot >= kStartPosModelIndex) { uint32_t footerBits = ((posSlot >> 1) - 1); uint32_t base = ((2 | (posSlot & 1)) << footerBits); uint32_t posReduced = pos - base; if (posSlot < kEndPosModelIndex) RcTree_ReverseEncode(&p->rc, p->posEncoders + base - posSlot - 1, footerBits, posReduced); else { RangeEnc_EncodeDirectBits(&p->rc, posReduced >> kNumAlignBits, footerBits - kNumAlignBits); RcTree_ReverseEncode(&p->rc, p->posAlignEncoder, kNumAlignBits, posReduced & kAlignMask); p->alignPriceCount++; } } p->reps[3] = p->reps[2]; p->reps[2] = p->reps[1]; p->reps[1] = p->reps[0]; p->reps[0] = pos; p->matchPriceCount++; } } p->additionalOffset -= len; nowPos32 += len; if (p->additionalOffset == 0) { uint32_t processed; if (!p->fastMode) { if (p->matchPriceCount >= (1 << 7)) FillDistancesPrices(p); if (p->alignPriceCount >= kAlignTableSize) FillAlignPrices(p); } if (Mf_GetNumAvailableBytes(&p->matchFinderBase) == 0) break; processed = nowPos32 - startPos32; if (processed >= (1 << 15)) { p->nowPos64 += nowPos32 - startPos32; return CheckErrors(p); } } } p->nowPos64 += nowPos32 - startPos32; return Flush(p, nowPos32); } CLzmaEncHandle LzmaEnc_Init( const int dict_size, const int match_len_limit, const int infd, const int outfd ) { int i; const uint32_t beforeSize = kNumOpts; CLzmaEnc * const p = (CLzmaEnc *)LZMA_MALLOC(sizeof(CLzmaEnc)); if( !p ) return 0; p->nowPos64 = 0; p->dictSize = dict_size; p->numFastBytes = match_len_limit; p->lc = literal_context_bits; p->lp = 0; p->pb = pos_state_bits; p->optimumEndIndex = 0; p->optimumCurrentIndex = 0; p->additionalOffset = 0; p->state = 0; p->result = SZ_OK; p->fastMode = false; p->finished = false; if (!Mf_Init(&p->matchFinderBase, infd, 16 + ( match_len_limit / 2 ), p->dictSize, beforeSize, p->numFastBytes, LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX)) { LZMA_FREE( p ); return 0; } Mf_CreateVTable(&p->matchFinderBase, &p->matchFinder); LzmaEnc_FastPosInit(p->g_FastPos); LzmaEnc_InitPriceTables(p->ProbPrices); for (i = 0; i < kDicLogSizeMaxCompress; i++) if (p->dictSize <= ((uint32_t)1 << i)) break; p->distTableSize = i * 2; if( !RangeEnc_Init( &p->rc, outfd ) ) { LZMA_FREE( p ); return 0; } p->litProbs = (int *)LZMA_MALLOC((0x300 << (p->lc + p->lp)) * sizeof(int)); if( !p->litProbs ) { LZMA_FREE( p ); return 0; } for (i = 0 ; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) p->reps[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < kNumStates; i++) { int j; for (j = 0; j < LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX; j++) { p->isMatch[i][j] = kProbInitValue; p->isRep0Long[i][j] = kProbInitValue; } p->isRep[i] = kProbInitValue; p->isRepG0[i] = kProbInitValue; p->isRepG1[i] = kProbInitValue; p->isRepG2[i] = kProbInitValue; } { const int num = 0x300 << (p->lp + p->lc); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) p->litProbs[i] = kProbInitValue; } for (i = 0; i < kNumLenToPosStates; i++) { int *probs = p->posSlotEncoder[i]; uint32_t j; for (j = 0; j < (1 << kNumPosSlotBits); j++) probs[j] = kProbInitValue; } for (i = 0; i < kNumFullDistances - kEndPosModelIndex; i++) p->posEncoders[i] = kProbInitValue; LenEnc_Init(&p->lenEnc.p); LenEnc_Init(&p->repLenEnc.p); for (i = 0; i < (1 << kNumAlignBits); i++) p->posAlignEncoder[i] = kProbInitValue; p->pbMask = (1 << p->pb) - 1; p->lpMask = (1 << p->lp) - 1; if (!p->fastMode) { FillDistancesPrices(p); FillAlignPrices(p); } p->lenEnc.tableSize = p->repLenEnc.tableSize = p->numFastBytes + 1 - LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN; LenPriceEnc_UpdateTables(&p->lenEnc, 1 << p->pb, p->ProbPrices); LenPriceEnc_UpdateTables(&p->repLenEnc, 1 << p->pb, p->ProbPrices); return p; } void LzmaEnc_Free(CLzmaEncHandle pp) { CLzmaEnc *p = (CLzmaEnc *)pp; Mf_Free(&p->matchFinderBase); LZMA_FREE(p->litProbs); p->litProbs = 0; RangeEnc_Free(&p->rc); LZMA_FREE(p); } int LzmaEnc_Encode(CLzmaEncHandle pp) { int res = SZ_OK; CLzmaEnc *p = (CLzmaEnc *)pp; for (;;) { res = LzmaEnc_CodeOneBlock(p); if( res != SZ_OK || p->finished ) break; } return res; } /* LzmaDec.h -- LZMA Decoder 2009-02-07 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ /* ---------- LZMA Properties ---------- */ #define LZMA_PROPS_SIZE 5 /* ---------- LZMA Decoder state ---------- */ /* LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX = number of required input bytes for worst case. Num bits = log2((2^11 / 31) ^ 22) + 26 < 134 + 26 = 160; */ #define LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX 20 typedef struct { int *probs; uint8_t *dic; const uint8_t *buf; uint32_t range, code; uint32_t dicPos; uint32_t dicBufSize; uint32_t processedPos; uint32_t checkDicSize; unsigned lc, lp, pb; State state; uint32_t reps[4]; unsigned remainLen; uint32_t numProbs; unsigned tempBufSize; bool needFlush; uint8_t tempBuf[LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX]; } CLzmaDec; /* There are two types of LZMA streams: 0) Stream with end mark. That end mark adds about 6 bytes to compressed size. 1) Stream without end mark. You must know exact uncompressed size to decompress such stream. */ typedef enum { LZMA_FINISH_ANY, /* finish at any point */ LZMA_FINISH_END /* block must be finished at the end */ } ELzmaFinishMode; /* ELzmaFinishMode has meaning only if the decoding reaches output limit !!! You must use LZMA_FINISH_END, when you know that current output buffer covers last bytes of block. In other cases you must use LZMA_FINISH_ANY. If LZMA decoder sees end marker before reaching output limit, it returns SZ_OK, and output value of destLen will be less than output buffer size limit. You can check status result also. You can use multiple checks to test data integrity after full decompression: 1) Check Result and "status" variable. 2) Check that output(destLen) = uncompressedSize, if you know real uncompressedSize. 3) Check that output(srcLen) = compressedSize, if you know real compressedSize. You must use correct finish mode in that case. */ typedef enum { LZMA_STATUS_NOT_SPECIFIED, /* use main error code instead */ LZMA_STATUS_FINISHED_WITH_MARK, /* stream was finished with end mark. */ LZMA_STATUS_NOT_FINISHED, /* stream was not finished */ LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT, /* you must provide more input bytes */ LZMA_STATUS_MAYBE_FINISHED_WITHOUT_MARK /* there is probability that stream was finished without end mark */ } ELzmaStatus; /* ELzmaStatus is used only as output value for function call */ static bool LzmaDec_Init(CLzmaDec *p, const uint8_t *raw_props); static void LzmaDec_Free(CLzmaDec *p); /* ---------- Buffer Interface ---------- */ /* It's zlib-like interface. finishMode: It has meaning only if the decoding reaches output limit (*destLen). LZMA_FINISH_ANY - Decode just destLen bytes. LZMA_FINISH_END - Stream must be finished after (*destLen). */ static bool LzmaDec_DecodeToBuf( CLzmaDec *p, uint8_t *dest, uint32_t *destLen, const uint8_t *src, uint32_t *srcLen, ELzmaFinishMode finishMode, ELzmaStatus *status ); /* LzmaDec.c -- LZMA Decoder 2009-09-20 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ #define kNumTopBits 24 #define kTopValue ((uint32_t)1 << kNumTopBits) #define kNumBitModelTotalBits 11 #define kBitModelTotal (1 << kNumBitModelTotalBits) #define kNumMoveBits 5 #define RC_INIT_SIZE 5 #define NORMALIZE if (range < kTopValue) { range <<= 8; code = (code << 8) | (*buf++); } #define IF_BIT_0(p) ttt = *(p); NORMALIZE; bound = (range >> kNumBitModelTotalBits) * ttt; if (code < bound) #define UPDATE_0(p) range = bound; *(p) = (int)(ttt + ((kBitModelTotal - ttt) >> kNumMoveBits)); #define UPDATE_1(p) range -= bound; code -= bound; *(p) = (int)(ttt - (ttt >> kNumMoveBits)); #define GET_BIT2(p, i, A0, A1) IF_BIT_0(p) \ { UPDATE_0(p); i = (i + i); A0; } else \ { UPDATE_1(p); i = (i + i) + 1; A1; } #define GET_BIT(p, i) GET_BIT2(p, i, ; , ;) #define TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i) { GET_BIT((probs + i), i); } #define TREE_DECODE(probs, limit, i) \ { i = 1; do { TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i); } while (i < limit); i -= limit; } /* #define _LZMA_SIZE_OPT */ #ifdef _LZMA_SIZE_OPT #define TREE_6_DECODE(probs, i) TREE_DECODE(probs, (1 << 6), i) #else #define TREE_6_DECODE(probs, i) \ { i = 1; \ TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i); \ TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i); \ TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i); \ TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i); \ TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i); \ TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i); \ i -= 0x40; } #endif #define NORMALIZE_CHECK if (range < kTopValue) { if (buf >= bufLimit) return DUMMY_ERROR; range <<= 8; code = (code << 8) | (*buf++); } #define IF_BIT_0_CHECK(p) ttt = *(p); NORMALIZE_CHECK; bound = (range >> kNumBitModelTotalBits) * ttt; if (code < bound) #define UPDATE_0_CHECK range = bound; #define UPDATE_1_CHECK range -= bound; code -= bound; #define GET_BIT2_CHECK(p, i, A0, A1) IF_BIT_0_CHECK(p) \ { UPDATE_0_CHECK; i = (i + i); A0; } else \ { UPDATE_1_CHECK; i = (i + i) + 1; A1; } #define GET_BIT_CHECK(p, i) GET_BIT2_CHECK(p, i, ; , ;) #define TREE_DECODE_CHECK(probs, limit, i) \ { i = 1; do { GET_BIT_CHECK(probs + i, i) } while (i < limit); i -= limit; } #define kNumPosBitsMax 4 #define kNumPosStatesMax (1 << kNumPosBitsMax) #define kLenNumLowBits 3 #define kLenNumLowSymbols (1 << kLenNumLowBits) #define kLenNumMidBits 3 #define kLenNumMidSymbols (1 << kLenNumMidBits) #define kLenNumHighBits 8 #define kLenNumHighSymbols (1 << kLenNumHighBits) #define LenChoice 0 #define LenChoice2 (LenChoice + 1) #define LenLow (LenChoice2 + 1) #define LenMid (LenLow + (kNumPosStatesMax << kLenNumLowBits)) #define LenHigh (LenMid + (kNumPosStatesMax << kLenNumMidBits)) #define kNumLenProbs (LenHigh + kLenNumHighSymbols) #define kNumStates 12 #define kNumLitStates 7 #define kStartPosModelIndex 4 #define kEndPosModelIndex 14 #define kNumFullDistances (1 << (kEndPosModelIndex >> 1)) #define kNumPosSlotBits 6 #define kNumLenToPosStates 4 #define kNumAlignBits 4 #define kAlignTableSize (1 << kNumAlignBits) #define kMatchMinLen 2 #define kMatchSpecLenStart (kMatchMinLen + kLenNumLowSymbols + kLenNumMidSymbols + kLenNumHighSymbols) #define IsMatch 0 #define IsRep (IsMatch + (kNumStates << kNumPosBitsMax)) #define IsRepG0 (IsRep + kNumStates) #define IsRepG1 (IsRepG0 + kNumStates) #define IsRepG2 (IsRepG1 + kNumStates) #define IsRep0Long (IsRepG2 + kNumStates) #define PosSlot (IsRep0Long + (kNumStates << kNumPosBitsMax)) #define SpecPos (PosSlot + (kNumLenToPosStates << kNumPosSlotBits)) #define Align (SpecPos + kNumFullDistances - kEndPosModelIndex) #define LenCoder (Align + kAlignTableSize) #define RepLenCoder (LenCoder + kNumLenProbs) #define Literal (RepLenCoder + kNumLenProbs) #define LZMA_BASE_SIZE 1846 #define LZMA_LIT_SIZE 768 #define LzmaProps_GetNumProbs(p) ((uint32_t)LZMA_BASE_SIZE + (LZMA_LIT_SIZE << ((p)->lc + (p)->lp))) #if Literal != LZMA_BASE_SIZE StopCompilingDueBUG #endif /* First LZMA-symbol is always decoded. And it decodes new LZMA-symbols while (buf < bufLimit), but "buf" is without last normalization Out: Result: true - OK false - Error p->remainLen: < kMatchSpecLenStart : normal remain = kMatchSpecLenStart : finished = kMatchSpecLenStart + 1 : Flush marker = kMatchSpecLenStart + 2 : State Init Marker */ static bool LzmaDec_DecodeReal(CLzmaDec *p, uint32_t limit, const uint8_t *bufLimit) { int *probs = p->probs; State state = p->state; uint32_t rep0 = p->reps[0], rep1 = p->reps[1], rep2 = p->reps[2], rep3 = p->reps[3]; unsigned pbMask = ((unsigned)1 << (p->pb)) - 1; unsigned lpMask = ((unsigned)1 << (p->lp)) - 1; const unsigned lc = p->lc; uint8_t *dic = p->dic; const uint32_t dicBufSize = p->dicBufSize; uint32_t dicPos = p->dicPos; uint32_t processedPos = p->processedPos; uint32_t checkDicSize = p->checkDicSize; unsigned len = 0; const uint8_t *buf = p->buf; uint32_t range = p->range; uint32_t code = p->code; do { int *prob; uint32_t bound; unsigned ttt; unsigned posState = processedPos & pbMask; prob = probs + IsMatch + (state << kNumPosBitsMax) + posState; IF_BIT_0(prob) { unsigned symbol; UPDATE_0(prob); prob = probs + Literal; if (checkDicSize != 0 || processedPos != 0) prob += (LZMA_LIT_SIZE * (((processedPos & lpMask) << lc) + (dic[(dicPos == 0 ? dicBufSize : dicPos) - 1] >> (8 - lc)))); if (state < kNumLitStates) { state -= (state < 4) ? state : 3; symbol = 1; do { GET_BIT(prob + symbol, symbol) } while (symbol < 0x100); } else { unsigned matchByte = p->dic[(dicPos - rep0) + ((dicPos < rep0) ? dicBufSize : 0)]; unsigned offs = 0x100; state -= (state < 10) ? 3 : 6; symbol = 1; do { unsigned bit; int *probLit; matchByte <<= 1; bit = (matchByte & offs); probLit = prob + offs + bit + symbol; GET_BIT2(probLit, symbol, offs &= ~bit, offs &= bit) } while (symbol < 0x100); } dic[dicPos++] = (uint8_t)symbol; processedPos++; continue; } else { UPDATE_1(prob); prob = probs + IsRep + state; IF_BIT_0(prob) { UPDATE_0(prob); state += kNumStates; prob = probs + LenCoder; } else { UPDATE_1(prob); if (checkDicSize == 0 && processedPos == 0) return false; prob = probs + IsRepG0 + state; IF_BIT_0(prob) { UPDATE_0(prob); prob = probs + IsRep0Long + (state << kNumPosBitsMax) + posState; IF_BIT_0(prob) { UPDATE_0(prob); dic[dicPos] = dic[(dicPos - rep0) + ((dicPos < rep0) ? dicBufSize : 0)]; dicPos++; processedPos++; state = state < kNumLitStates ? 9 : 11; continue; } UPDATE_1(prob); } else { uint32_t distance; UPDATE_1(prob); prob = probs + IsRepG1 + state; IF_BIT_0(prob) { UPDATE_0(prob); distance = rep1; } else { UPDATE_1(prob); prob = probs + IsRepG2 + state; IF_BIT_0(prob) { UPDATE_0(prob); distance = rep2; } else { UPDATE_1(prob); distance = rep3; rep3 = rep2; } rep2 = rep1; } rep1 = rep0; rep0 = distance; } state = state < kNumLitStates ? 8 : 11; prob = probs + RepLenCoder; } { unsigned limit, offset; int *probLen = prob + LenChoice; IF_BIT_0(probLen) { UPDATE_0(probLen); probLen = prob + LenLow + (posState << kLenNumLowBits); offset = 0; limit = (1 << kLenNumLowBits); } else { UPDATE_1(probLen); probLen = prob + LenChoice2; IF_BIT_0(probLen) { UPDATE_0(probLen); probLen = prob + LenMid + (posState << kLenNumMidBits); offset = kLenNumLowSymbols; limit = (1 << kLenNumMidBits); } else { UPDATE_1(probLen); probLen = prob + LenHigh; offset = kLenNumLowSymbols + kLenNumMidSymbols; limit = (1 << kLenNumHighBits); } } TREE_DECODE(probLen, limit, len); len += offset; } if (state >= kNumStates) { uint32_t distance; prob = probs + PosSlot + ((len < kNumLenToPosStates ? len : kNumLenToPosStates - 1) << kNumPosSlotBits); TREE_6_DECODE(prob, distance); if (distance >= kStartPosModelIndex) { unsigned posSlot = (unsigned)distance; int numDirectBits = (int)(((distance >> 1) - 1)); distance = (2 | (distance & 1)); if (posSlot < kEndPosModelIndex) { distance <<= numDirectBits; prob = probs + SpecPos + distance - posSlot - 1; { uint32_t mask = 1; unsigned i = 1; do { GET_BIT2(prob + i, i, ; , distance |= mask); mask <<= 1; } while (--numDirectBits != 0); } } else { numDirectBits -= kNumAlignBits; do { NORMALIZE range >>= 1; { uint32_t t; code -= range; t = (0 - ((uint32_t)code >> 31)); /* (uint32_t)((int)code >> 31) */ distance = (distance << 1) + (t + 1); code += range & t; } /* distance <<= 1; if (code >= range) { code -= range; distance |= 1; } */ } while (--numDirectBits != 0); prob = probs + Align; distance <<= kNumAlignBits; { unsigned i = 1; GET_BIT2(prob + i, i, ; , distance |= 1); GET_BIT2(prob + i, i, ; , distance |= 2); GET_BIT2(prob + i, i, ; , distance |= 4); GET_BIT2(prob + i, i, ; , distance |= 8); } if (distance == (uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFF) { len += kMatchSpecLenStart; state -= kNumStates; break; } } } rep3 = rep2; rep2 = rep1; rep1 = rep0; rep0 = distance + 1; if (checkDicSize == 0) { if (distance >= processedPos) return false; } else if (distance >= checkDicSize) return false; state = (state < kNumStates + kNumLitStates) ? kNumLitStates : kNumLitStates + 3; } len += kMatchMinLen; if (limit == dicPos) return false; { uint32_t rem = limit - dicPos; unsigned curLen = ((rem < len) ? (unsigned)rem : len); uint32_t pos = (dicPos - rep0) + ((dicPos < rep0) ? dicBufSize : 0); processedPos += curLen; len -= curLen; if (pos + curLen <= dicBufSize) { uint8_t *dest = dic + dicPos; ptrdiff_t src = (ptrdiff_t)pos - (ptrdiff_t)dicPos; const uint8_t *lim = dest + curLen; dicPos += curLen; do *(dest) = (uint8_t)*(dest + src); while (++dest != lim); } else { do { dic[dicPos++] = dic[pos]; if (++pos == dicBufSize) pos = 0; } while (--curLen != 0); } } } } while (dicPos < limit && buf < bufLimit); NORMALIZE; p->buf = buf; p->range = range; p->code = code; p->remainLen = len; p->dicPos = dicPos; p->processedPos = processedPos; p->reps[0] = rep0; p->reps[1] = rep1; p->reps[2] = rep2; p->reps[3] = rep3; p->state = state; return true; } static void LzmaDec_WriteRem(CLzmaDec *p, uint32_t limit) { if (p->remainLen != 0 && p->remainLen < kMatchSpecLenStart) { uint8_t *dic = p->dic; uint32_t dicPos = p->dicPos; const uint32_t dicBufSize = p->dicBufSize; unsigned len = p->remainLen; uint32_t rep0 = p->reps[0]; if (limit - dicPos < len) len = (unsigned)(limit - dicPos); if (p->checkDicSize == 0 && dicBufSize - p->processedPos <= len) p->checkDicSize = dicBufSize; p->processedPos += len; p->remainLen -= len; while (len-- != 0) { dic[dicPos] = dic[(dicPos - rep0) + ((dicPos < rep0) ? dicBufSize : 0)]; dicPos++; } p->dicPos = dicPos; } } static int LzmaDec_DecodeReal2(CLzmaDec *p, uint32_t limit, const uint8_t *bufLimit) { const uint32_t dicBufSize = p->dicBufSize; do { uint32_t limit2 = limit; if (p->checkDicSize == 0) { uint32_t rem = dicBufSize - p->processedPos; if (limit - p->dicPos > rem) limit2 = p->dicPos + rem; } if( !LzmaDec_DecodeReal(p, limit2, bufLimit) ) return false; if (p->processedPos >= dicBufSize) p->checkDicSize = dicBufSize; LzmaDec_WriteRem(p, limit); } while (p->dicPos < limit && p->buf < bufLimit && p->remainLen < kMatchSpecLenStart); if (p->remainLen > kMatchSpecLenStart) { p->remainLen = kMatchSpecLenStart; } return true; } typedef enum { DUMMY_ERROR, /* unexpected end of input stream */ DUMMY_LIT, DUMMY_MATCH, DUMMY_REP } ELzmaDummy; static ELzmaDummy LzmaDec_TryDummy(const CLzmaDec *p, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t inSize) { uint32_t range = p->range; uint32_t code = p->code; const uint8_t *bufLimit = buf + inSize; int *probs = p->probs; State state = p->state; ELzmaDummy res; { int *prob; uint32_t bound; unsigned ttt; unsigned posState = (p->processedPos) & ((1 << p->pb) - 1); prob = probs + IsMatch + (state << kNumPosBitsMax) + posState; IF_BIT_0_CHECK(prob) { UPDATE_0_CHECK /* if (bufLimit - buf >= 7) return DUMMY_LIT; */ prob = probs + Literal; if (p->checkDicSize != 0 || p->processedPos != 0) prob += (LZMA_LIT_SIZE * ((((p->processedPos) & ((1 << (p->lp)) - 1)) << p->lc) + (p->dic[(p->dicPos == 0 ? p->dicBufSize : p->dicPos) - 1] >> (8 - p->lc)))); if (state < kNumLitStates) { unsigned symbol = 1; do { GET_BIT_CHECK(prob + symbol, symbol) } while (symbol < 0x100); } else { unsigned matchByte = p->dic[p->dicPos - p->reps[0] + ((p->dicPos < p->reps[0]) ? p->dicBufSize : 0)]; unsigned offs = 0x100; unsigned symbol = 1; do { unsigned bit; int *probLit; matchByte <<= 1; bit = (matchByte & offs); probLit = prob + offs + bit + symbol; GET_BIT2_CHECK(probLit, symbol, offs &= ~bit, offs &= bit) } while (symbol < 0x100); } res = DUMMY_LIT; } else { unsigned len; UPDATE_1_CHECK; prob = probs + IsRep + state; IF_BIT_0_CHECK(prob) { UPDATE_0_CHECK; state = 0; prob = probs + LenCoder; res = DUMMY_MATCH; } else { UPDATE_1_CHECK; res = DUMMY_REP; prob = probs + IsRepG0 + state; IF_BIT_0_CHECK(prob) { UPDATE_0_CHECK; prob = probs + IsRep0Long + (state << kNumPosBitsMax) + posState; IF_BIT_0_CHECK(prob) { UPDATE_0_CHECK; NORMALIZE_CHECK; return DUMMY_REP; } else { UPDATE_1_CHECK; } } else { UPDATE_1_CHECK; prob = probs + IsRepG1 + state; IF_BIT_0_CHECK(prob) { UPDATE_0_CHECK; } else { UPDATE_1_CHECK; prob = probs + IsRepG2 + state; IF_BIT_0_CHECK(prob) { UPDATE_0_CHECK; } else { UPDATE_1_CHECK; } } } state = kNumStates; prob = probs + RepLenCoder; } { unsigned limit, offset; int *probLen = prob + LenChoice; IF_BIT_0_CHECK(probLen) { UPDATE_0_CHECK; probLen = prob + LenLow + (posState << kLenNumLowBits); offset = 0; limit = 1 << kLenNumLowBits; } else { UPDATE_1_CHECK; probLen = prob + LenChoice2; IF_BIT_0_CHECK(probLen) { UPDATE_0_CHECK; probLen = prob + LenMid + (posState << kLenNumMidBits); offset = kLenNumLowSymbols; limit = 1 << kLenNumMidBits; } else { UPDATE_1_CHECK; probLen = prob + LenHigh; offset = kLenNumLowSymbols + kLenNumMidSymbols; limit = 1 << kLenNumHighBits; } } TREE_DECODE_CHECK(probLen, limit, len); len += offset; } if (state < 4) { unsigned posSlot; prob = probs + PosSlot + ((len < kNumLenToPosStates ? len : kNumLenToPosStates - 1) << kNumPosSlotBits); TREE_DECODE_CHECK(prob, 1 << kNumPosSlotBits, posSlot); if (posSlot >= kStartPosModelIndex) { int numDirectBits = ((posSlot >> 1) - 1); /* if (bufLimit - buf >= 8) return DUMMY_MATCH; */ if (posSlot < kEndPosModelIndex) { prob = probs + SpecPos + ((2 | (posSlot & 1)) << numDirectBits) - posSlot - 1; } else { numDirectBits -= kNumAlignBits; do { NORMALIZE_CHECK range >>= 1; code -= range & (((code - range) >> 31) - 1); /* if (code >= range) code -= range; */ } while (--numDirectBits != 0); prob = probs + Align; numDirectBits = kNumAlignBits; } { unsigned i = 1; do { GET_BIT_CHECK(prob + i, i); } while (--numDirectBits != 0); } } } } } NORMALIZE_CHECK; return res; } static void LzmaDec_InitRc(CLzmaDec *p, const uint8_t *data) { p->code = ((uint32_t)data[1] << 24) | ((uint32_t)data[2] << 16) | ((uint32_t)data[3] << 8) | ((uint32_t)data[4]); p->range = 0xFFFFFFFF; p->needFlush = false; } static bool LzmaDec_DecodeToDic(CLzmaDec *p, uint32_t dicLimit, const uint8_t *src, uint32_t *srcLen, ELzmaFinishMode finishMode, ELzmaStatus *status) { uint32_t inSize = *srcLen; (*srcLen) = 0; LzmaDec_WriteRem(p, dicLimit); *status = LZMA_STATUS_NOT_SPECIFIED; while (p->remainLen != kMatchSpecLenStart) { int checkEndMarkNow; if( p->needFlush ) { for (; inSize > 0 && p->tempBufSize < RC_INIT_SIZE; (*srcLen)++, inSize--) p->tempBuf[p->tempBufSize++] = *src++; if (p->tempBufSize < RC_INIT_SIZE) { *status = LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT; return true; } if (p->tempBuf[0] != 0) return false; LzmaDec_InitRc(p, p->tempBuf); p->tempBufSize = 0; } checkEndMarkNow = 0; if (p->dicPos >= dicLimit) { if (p->remainLen == 0 && p->code == 0) { *status = LZMA_STATUS_MAYBE_FINISHED_WITHOUT_MARK; return true; } if (finishMode == LZMA_FINISH_ANY) { *status = LZMA_STATUS_NOT_FINISHED; return true; } if (p->remainLen != 0) { *status = LZMA_STATUS_NOT_FINISHED; return false; } checkEndMarkNow = 1; } if (p->tempBufSize == 0) { uint32_t processed; const uint8_t *bufLimit; if (inSize < LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX || checkEndMarkNow) { int dummyRes = LzmaDec_TryDummy(p, src, inSize); if (dummyRes == DUMMY_ERROR) { memcpy(p->tempBuf, src, inSize); p->tempBufSize = (unsigned)inSize; (*srcLen) += inSize; *status = LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT; return true; } if (checkEndMarkNow && dummyRes != DUMMY_MATCH) { *status = LZMA_STATUS_NOT_FINISHED; return false; } bufLimit = src; } else bufLimit = src + inSize - LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX; p->buf = src; if( !LzmaDec_DecodeReal2(p, dicLimit, bufLimit) ) return false; processed = (uint32_t)(p->buf - src); (*srcLen) += processed; src += processed; inSize -= processed; } else { unsigned rem = p->tempBufSize, lookAhead = 0; while (rem < LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX && lookAhead < inSize) p->tempBuf[rem++] = src[lookAhead++]; p->tempBufSize = rem; if (rem < LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX || checkEndMarkNow) { int dummyRes = LzmaDec_TryDummy(p, p->tempBuf, rem); if (dummyRes == DUMMY_ERROR) { (*srcLen) += lookAhead; *status = LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT; return true; } if (checkEndMarkNow && dummyRes != DUMMY_MATCH) { *status = LZMA_STATUS_NOT_FINISHED; return false; } } p->buf = p->tempBuf; if( !LzmaDec_DecodeReal2(p, dicLimit, p->buf) ) return false; lookAhead -= (rem - (unsigned)(p->buf - p->tempBuf)); (*srcLen) += lookAhead; src += lookAhead; inSize -= lookAhead; p->tempBufSize = 0; } } if (p->code == 0) *status = LZMA_STATUS_FINISHED_WITH_MARK; return (p->code == 0); } static bool LzmaDec_DecodeToBuf( CLzmaDec *p, uint8_t *dest, uint32_t *destLen, const uint8_t *src, uint32_t *srcLen, ELzmaFinishMode finishMode, ELzmaStatus *status ) { uint32_t outSize = *destLen; uint32_t inSize = *srcLen; *srcLen = *destLen = 0; for (;;) { uint32_t inSizeCur = inSize, outSizeCur, dicPos; ELzmaFinishMode curFinishMode; bool res; if (p->dicPos == p->dicBufSize) p->dicPos = 0; dicPos = p->dicPos; if (outSize > p->dicBufSize - dicPos) { outSizeCur = p->dicBufSize; curFinishMode = LZMA_FINISH_ANY; } else { outSizeCur = dicPos + outSize; curFinishMode = finishMode; } res = LzmaDec_DecodeToDic(p, outSizeCur, src, &inSizeCur, curFinishMode, status); src += inSizeCur; inSize -= inSizeCur; *srcLen += inSizeCur; outSizeCur = p->dicPos - dicPos; memcpy(dest, p->dic + dicPos, outSizeCur); dest += outSizeCur; outSize -= outSizeCur; *destLen += outSizeCur; if( !res ) return false; if (outSizeCur == 0 || outSize == 0) return true; } } static void LzmaDec_Free(CLzmaDec *p) { LZMA_FREE( p->dic ); LZMA_FREE( p->probs ); } static bool LzmaDec_Init(CLzmaDec *p, const uint8_t *raw_props) { uint32_t i; uint8_t d = raw_props[0]; p->lc = d % 9; d /= 9; p->pb = d / 5; p->lp = d % 5; p->dicBufSize = raw_props[1] | ((uint32_t)raw_props[2] << 8) | ((uint32_t)raw_props[3] << 16) | ((uint32_t)raw_props[4] << 24); if (p->dicBufSize < min_dictionary_size) p->dicBufSize = min_dictionary_size; p->numProbs = LzmaProps_GetNumProbs(p); p->probs = (int *)LZMA_MALLOC(p->numProbs * sizeof(int)); if( !p->probs ) return false; p->dic = (uint8_t *)LZMA_MALLOC(p->dicBufSize); if (p->dic == 0) { LZMA_FREE( p->probs ); return false; } p->dicPos = 0; p->needFlush = true; p->remainLen = 0; p->tempBufSize = 0; p->processedPos = 0; p->checkDicSize = 0; for( i = 0; i < p->numProbs; ++i ) p->probs[i] = kBitModelTotal >> 1; p->reps[0] = p->reps[1] = p->reps[2] = p->reps[3] = 1; p->state = 0; return true; } // glue.c static __thread struct { uint8_t *begin, *seek, *end; } memfd[2]; /* Returns the number of bytes really read. If (returned value < size) and (errno == 0), means EOF was reached. */ static int readblock( const int fd, uint8_t * buf, int size ) { int avail = (memfd[fd].end - memfd[fd].seek); if( size > avail ) size = avail; memcpy(buf, memfd[fd].seek, size); memfd[fd].seek += size; errno = 0; return size; } /* Returns the number of bytes really written. If (returned value < size), it is always an error. */ static int writeblock( const int fd, const uint8_t *buf, int size ) { int avail = (memfd[fd].end - memfd[fd].seek); if( size > avail ) size = avail; memcpy(memfd[fd].seek, buf, size); memfd[fd].seek += size; errno = 0; return size; } // Customized compression modes. // Lower modes are optimized for low-mem devices. Uber modes A-B-C require *lots of RAM*. static const struct lzma_options { int dictionary_size; /* [4 KiB .. 512 MiB] */ int match_len_limit; /* [5 .. 273] */ } lzma_mappings[] = { // lowmem+fastest modes { 1 << 12, 5 }, // 0 - 39973598 lzma 39.97% c:13.635s d:2.909s { 1 << 16, 6 }, // 1 - 34979790 lzma 34.98% c:19.151s d:2.427s { 1 << 19, 7 }, // 2 - 32881806 lzma 32.88% c:25.592s d:1.907s { 1 << 20, 8 }, // 3 - 31908622 lzma 31.91% c:32.189s d:1.827s { 3 << 19, 10 }, // 4 - 30704458 lzma 30.70% c:40.736s d:1.747s { 1 << 21, 16 }, // 5 - 28807777 lzma 28.81% c:55.690s d:1.645s { 3 << 20, 20 }, // 6 - 28100304 lzma 28.10% c:63.734s d:1.614s { 1 << 22, 28 }, // 7 - 27594705 lzma 27.59% c:72.234s d:1.604s { 1 << 23, 36 }, // 8 - 27051139 lzma 27.05% c:79.418s d:1.586s { 1 << 24, 68 }, // 9 - 26702913 lzma 26.70% c:87.800s d:1.573s { 3 << 23, 132 }, // A - 26667550 lzma 26.67% c:89.020s d:1.581s { 1 << 25, 273 }, // B - 26656366 lzma 26.66% c:89.586s d:1.607s { 1 << 26, 273 }, // C - 26656366 lzma 26.66% c:90.004s d:1.586s // himem+slowest modes }; unsigned lzma_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags /*[0..9]*/) { uint8_t level = (uint8_t)(flags > 9 ? 9 : flags); int i = 0; memfd[i].begin = memfd[i].seek = memfd[i].end = (uint8_t*)in; memfd[i].end += inlen; int o = 1; memfd[o].begin = memfd[o].seek = memfd[o].end = (uint8_t*)out; memfd[o].end += outlen; writeblock(o, &level, 1); // write 1-byte header struct lzma_options encoder_options = lzma_mappings[level]; CLzmaEncHandle handle = LzmaEnc_Init( encoder_options.dictionary_size, encoder_options.match_len_limit, i, o ); int ok = SZ_OK == LzmaEnc_Encode(handle); LzmaEnc_Free(handle); return ok ? (int)(memfd[o].seek - memfd[o].begin) : 0; } unsigned lzma_decode(const void *in_, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen) { const uint8_t *in = (const uint8_t*)in_; // parse 1-byte header uint8_t level = *in++; --inlen; // -d{N}: set dictionary size - [12, 30], default: 23 (8MB) // -fb{N}: set number of fast bytes - [5, 273], default: 128 // -mc{N}: set number of cycles for match finder // -lc{N}: set number of literal context bits - [0, 8], default: 3 // -lp{N}: set number of literal pos bits - [0, 4], default: 0 // -pb{N}: set number of pos bits - [0, 4], default: 2 // -mf{MF_ID}: set Match Finder: [bt2, bt3, bt4, hc4], default: bt4 #pragma pack(push,1) struct { uint8_t d /*d=lc/pb/lp*/; uint32_t dsize; uint64_t rawsize; } props = {0}; #pragma pack(pop) props.d = 0x5D; props.dsize = lzma_mappings[level].dictionary_size; CLzmaDec dec; ELzmaStatus status; LzmaDec_Init(&dec, &props.d); uint32_t srcLen = (uint32_t)inlen, destLen = (uint32_t)outlen; bool ok = LzmaDec_DecodeToBuf(&dec, (uint8_t*)out, &destLen, in, &srcLen, LZMA_FINISH_ANY, &status); LzmaDec_Free(&dec); return (unsigned)(ok ? destLen : 0); } unsigned lzma_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)(inlen * 1.1) + 16; // @todo: check src } unsigned lzma_excess(unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)(0); } #endif // LZMA_C #ifdef LZMA_DEMO //#pragma once int main() { const char *longcopy = "Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world!"; int level = 1; char out[128]; unsigned outlen = lzma_encode(longcopy, strlen(longcopy)+1, out, 128, level ); printf("%s %d->%d\n", outlen ? "ok" : "fail", (int)strlen(longcopy)+1, (int)outlen); char redo[128]; unsigned unpacked = lzma_decode(out, outlen, redo, 128); printf("%d->%d %s\n", (int)outlen, (int)unpacked, redo); } #define main main__ #endif // LZMA_DEMO //#line 1 "amalgamated_lzp1.c" /*********** Direct port of the old lzp1.c code to a single file header. This is not the best way to make fast compressors on modern hardware and this is by no means a modern competitive compressor. Also, zlib licensed is not strictly public domain, but pretty close terms :o) ----------- Copyright (c) 2019, @r-lyeh Copyright (c) 1998-2012, Charles Bloom This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. *******************/ unsigned lzp1_encode(const void* in, unsigned inlen, void* out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags); unsigned lzp1_decode(const void* in, unsigned inlen, void* out, unsigned outlen); unsigned lzp1_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags); unsigned lzp1_excess(unsigned flags); #ifdef LZP1_C //#pragma once #include <stdint.h> #define LZP1_BOUNDS(sz) ((sz)+((sz)/8)+256) #define LZP1_EXCESS 256 #define LZP1_HASH_SIZE (1<<16) #define LZP1_HASH(x,y,z) ((x ^ (y << 7) ^ (z<<11)) & 0xFFFF) static int lzp1_encode_(const uint8_t *raw,int rawLen,uint8_t * comp,int compLen) { uint8_t const *table[LZP1_HASH_SIZE]; for(int ix=0;ix<LZP1_HASH_SIZE;ix++) table[ix] = raw; uint8_t *cp,*controlp; const uint8_t *rp,*endrp,*mp; int ix,control,controlb,ml; uint8_t literal; /** do the LZP **/ rp = raw; endrp = raw + rawLen; cp = comp; // store excess *cp++ = rawLen & 255; // seed four *cp++ = *rp++; *cp++ = *rp++; *cp++ = *rp++; *cp++ = *rp++; control = 0; controlp = cp++; controlb = 8; /** the control-byte entry macro **/ #define ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(bit) if ( 0 ) ; else { control += control + bit; if ( --controlb == 0 ) { *controlp = (uint8_t)control; controlp = cp++; control = 0; controlb = 8; } } while(rp < endrp) { ix = LZP1_HASH(rp[-1],rp[-2],rp[-3]); mp = table[ix]; table[ix] = rp; if ( *mp != *rp ) { literal = *rp++; ix = LZP1_HASH(rp[-1],rp[-2],rp[-3]); mp = table[ix]; table[ix] = rp; if ( *mp != *rp ) { ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); //flag two literals : 0 *cp++ = literal; *cp++ = *rp++; // pass a literal } else { ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); //flag literal then a match : 10 ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); *cp++ = literal; goto encode_match; } } else { ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); //flag a match with no literals : 11 ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); encode_match: mp++; rp++; if ( *mp != *rp ) { ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); } else { mp++; rp++; ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); if ( *mp == *rp ) { mp++; rp++; if ( *mp == *rp ) { mp++; rp++; if ( *mp == *rp ) { mp++; rp++; // flag more than 3 ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); if ( *mp == *rp ) { mp++; rp++; if ( *mp == *rp ) { mp++; rp++; if ( *mp == *rp ) { mp++; rp++; if ( *mp == *rp ) { mp++; rp++; if ( *mp == *rp ) { mp++; rp++; if ( *mp == *rp ) { mp++; rp++; if ( *mp == *rp ) { mp++; rp++; // flag 11 or more ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); ml = 0; while(rp < endrp && *mp == *rp ) { mp++; rp++; ml++; } while( ml >= 0xFF ) { *cp++ = 0xFF; ml -= 0xFF; } *cp++ = (uint8_t)ml; } else { // match 10 ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); } } else { // match 9 ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); } } else { // match 8 ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); } } else { // match 7 ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); } } else { // match 6 ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); } } else { // match 5 ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); } } else { // match 4 ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); } } else { // match 3 ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); } } else { // match 2 ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(1); } } else { //match 1 ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); ENC_SHIFT_CONTROL(0); } } } } //flush the control while( controlb > 0 ) { control += control; controlb--; } *controlp = (uint8_t)control; return (int)(cp - comp); } static int lzp1_decode_(const uint8_t * comp,int compLen,uint8_t * raw,int rawLen) { uint8_t const *table[LZP1_HASH_SIZE]; for(int ix=0;ix<LZP1_HASH_SIZE;ix++) table[ix] = raw; const uint8_t *cp,*mp,*endcp; uint8_t *rp,*endrp; int ix,control,controlb,ml; int bit; rp = raw; endrp = raw + rawLen; cp = comp; endcp = comp + compLen; uint8_t excess = *cp++; compLen--; *rp++ = *cp++; *rp++ = *cp++; *rp++ = *cp++; *rp++ = *cp++; control = *cp++; controlb = 8; #define DEC_GET_CONTROL(getbit) if ( 0 ) ; else { getbit = control & 0x80; control += control;if ( --controlb == 0 ) { control = *cp++; controlb = 8; } } while(cp<endcp) { DEC_GET_CONTROL(bit); if ( ! bit ) { // two literals table[ LZP1_HASH(rp[-1],rp[-2],rp[-3]) ] = rp; *rp++ = *cp++; table[ LZP1_HASH(rp[-1],rp[-2],rp[-3]) ] = rp; *rp++ = *cp++; } else { DEC_GET_CONTROL(bit); if ( ! bit ) { //10 : literal then match table[ LZP1_HASH(rp[-1],rp[-2],rp[-3]) ] = rp; *rp++ = *cp++; } // match ix = LZP1_HASH(rp[-1],rp[-2],rp[-3]); mp = table[ix]; table[ix] = rp; *rp++ = *mp++; // read 1 bit DEC_GET_CONTROL(bit); if ( bit ) { *rp++ = *mp++; // read 2 bits to get length DEC_GET_CONTROL(bit); if ( bit ) { *rp++ = *mp++; *rp++ = *mp++; DEC_GET_CONTROL(bit); if ( bit ) { *rp++ = *mp++; //read 3 more bits DEC_GET_CONTROL(bit); if ( bit ) { *rp++ = *mp++; *rp++ = *mp++; *rp++ = *mp++; *rp++ = *mp++; DEC_GET_CONTROL(bit); if ( bit ) { DEC_GET_CONTROL(bit); if ( bit ) { // 111 *rp++ = *mp++; *rp++ = *mp++; *rp++ = *mp++; do { int l; l = ml = *cp++; while(l--) *rp++ = *mp++; } while( ml == 0xFF ); } else { // 110 *rp++ = *mp++; *rp++ = *mp++; } } else { DEC_GET_CONTROL(bit); if ( bit ) { // 101 *rp++ = *mp++; } else { // 100 } } } else { DEC_GET_CONTROL(bit); if ( bit ) { DEC_GET_CONTROL(bit); if ( bit ) { // 011 *rp++ = *mp++; *rp++ = *mp++; *rp++ = *mp++; } else { // 010 *rp++ = *mp++; *rp++ = *mp++; } } else { DEC_GET_CONTROL(bit); if ( bit ) { // 001 *rp++ = *mp++; } else { // 000 } } } } } else { DEC_GET_CONTROL(bit); if ( bit ) { *rp++ = *mp++; } } } } } return (((int)(rp - raw) >> 8) << 8) | excess; } unsigned lzp1_encode(const void* in, unsigned inlen, void* out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)lzp1_encode_((const uint8_t*)in, (int)inlen, (uint8_t*)out, (int)outlen); } unsigned lzp1_decode(const void* in, unsigned inlen, void* out, unsigned outlen) { return (unsigned)lzp1_decode_((const uint8_t*)in, (int)inlen, (uint8_t*)out, (int)outlen); } unsigned lzp1_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)LZP1_BOUNDS(inlen); } unsigned lzp1_excess(unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)LZP1_EXCESS; } #endif // LZP1_C #ifdef LZP1_DEMO //#pragma once int main(int argc, char** argv) { const char *longcopy = "Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world!"; char out[128]; int outlen = lzp1_encode(longcopy, strlen(longcopy)+1, out, 128); printf("%s %d->%d\n", outlen ? "ok" : "fail", (int)strlen(longcopy)+1, outlen); char redo[128 + 256]; int unpacked = lzp1_decode(out, outlen, redo, 128); printf("%d->%d %s\n", outlen, unpacked, redo); } #define main main__ #endif // LZP1_DEMO //#line 1 "amalgamated_lzrw3a.c" // Author : Ross Williams. Date : 15-Jul-1991. Release : 1. // Modified by @r-lyeh. // // This file contains an implementation of the LZRW3-A data compression // algorithm in the C programming language. // 1 Algorithm is free of patent problems. The algorithm has not been // patented (nor will it be) and is of the LZ77 class which is fairly // clear of patents. // 2 This implementation in C is in the public domain. unsigned lzrw3a_encode(const void* in, unsigned inlen, void* out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags); unsigned lzrw3a_decode(const void* in, unsigned inlen, void* out, unsigned outlen); unsigned lzrw3a_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags); unsigned lzrw3a_excess(unsigned flags); #ifdef LZRW3A_C //#pragma once #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> #define MEM_REQ ( HASH_TABLE_LENGTH*sizeof(uint8_t *) + 16 ) // 16 = ALIGNMENT_FUDGE #define FLAG_BYTES 4 #define FLAG_PACKESS 0 #define FLAG_COPY 1 #define ALIGN_UP(X) ((((uintptr_t)X)+3)&~3) #define MAX_RAW_ITEM (18) #define MAX_RAW_GROUP (16*MAX_RAW_ITEM) #define MAX_CMP_GROUP (2+16*2) #define HASH_TABLE_LENGTH (4096) #define HASH_TABLE_DEPTH_BITS (3) #define PARTITION_LENGTH_BITS (12-HASH_TABLE_DEPTH_BITS) #define PARTITION_LENGTH (1<<PARTITION_LENGTH_BITS) #define HASH_TABLE_DEPTH (1<<HASH_TABLE_DEPTH_BITS ) #define HASH_MASK (PARTITION_LENGTH-1) #define DEPTH_MASK (HASH_TABLE_DEPTH-1) #define START_STRING_18 ((uint8_t *) "123456789012345678") #define HASH(PTR) ( \ (((40543*(((*(PTR))<<8)^((*((PTR)+1))<<4)^(*((PTR)+2))))>>4) & HASH_MASK) \ << HASH_TABLE_DEPTH_BITS \ ) #define UPDATE_P(P_BASE,NEWPTR) \ {(P_BASE)[cycle++]=(NEWPTR); cycle&=DEPTH_MASK;} #define UPDATE_I(I_BASE,NEWPTR) \ {hash[(I_BASE)+cycle++]=(NEWPTR); cycle&=DEPTH_MASK;} #define ANY_HASH_INDEX (0) static void lzrw3a_compress(uint8_t* p_wrk_mem, uint8_t* p_src_first, uint32_t src_len, uint8_t* p_dst_first, size_t* p_dst_len) { uint8_t* p_src = p_src_first; uint8_t* p_dst = p_dst_first; uint8_t* p_src_post = p_src_first + src_len; uint8_t* p_dst_post = p_dst_first + src_len; uint8_t* p_src_max1 = p_src_first + src_len - MAX_RAW_ITEM; uint8_t* p_src_max16 = p_src_first + src_len - MAX_RAW_ITEM * 16; #define TOPWORD 0xFFFF0000 uint8_t* p_control; uint32_t control = TOPWORD; uint8_t** hash = (uint8_t**)ALIGN_UP(p_wrk_mem); uint8_t** p_h1 = 0; uint8_t** p_h2 = 0; unsigned cycle = 0; *p_dst++ = FLAG_PACKESS; {unsigned i; for (i = 2; i <= FLAG_BYTES; i++) *p_dst++ = 0; } p_control = p_dst; p_dst += 2; {unsigned i; uint8_t** p_h = hash; #define ZH *p_h++=START_STRING_18 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { ZH; ZH; ZH; ZH; ZH; ZH; ZH; ZH; ZH; ZH; ZH; ZH; ZH; ZH; ZH; ZH; } } while (1) { uint8_t* p_ziv = 0; unsigned unroll; unsigned index; uint8_t** p_h0; register unsigned d; register unsigned bestlen; register unsigned bestpos; if (p_dst > p_dst_post) goto overrun; unroll = 16; if (p_src > p_src_max16) { unroll = 1; if (p_src > p_src_max1) { if (p_src == p_src_post) break; else { p_h0 = &hash[ANY_HASH_INDEX]; goto literal; } } } begin_unrolled_loop: p_ziv = p_src; index = HASH(p_src); p_h0 = &hash[index]; bestlen = 0; bestpos = 0; for (d = 0; d < HASH_TABLE_DEPTH; d++) { register uint8_t* s = p_src; register uint8_t* p = p_h0[d]; register unsigned len; if (s[bestlen] == p[bestlen]) { #define PS *p++!=*s++ PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || s++; len = s - p_src - 1; if (len > bestlen) { bestpos = d; bestlen = len; } } } if (bestlen < 3) { literal: *p_dst++ = *p_src++; control &= 0xFFFEFFFF; if (p_h2 != 0) { UPDATE_P(p_h2, p_ziv - 2); } p_h2 = p_h1; p_h1 = p_h0; } else { index += bestpos; *p_dst++ = ((index & 0xF00) >> 4) | (bestlen - 3); *p_dst++ = index & 0xFF; p_src += bestlen; if (p_h1 != 0) { if (p_h2 != 0) { UPDATE_P(p_h2, p_ziv - 2); p_h2 = 0; } UPDATE_P(p_h1, p_ziv - 1); p_h1 = 0; } UPDATE_P(p_h0, p_ziv); } control >>= 1; if (--unroll) goto begin_unrolled_loop; if ((control & TOPWORD) == 0) { *p_control++ = control & 0xFF; *p_control = (control >> 8) & 0xFF; p_control = p_dst; p_dst += 2; control = TOPWORD; } } while (control & TOPWORD) control >>= 1; *p_control++ = control & 0xFF; *p_control++ = (control >> 8) & 0xFF; if (p_control == p_dst) p_dst -= 2; *p_dst_len = p_dst - p_dst_first; return; overrun: *p_dst_first = FLAG_COPY; memcpy(p_dst_first + FLAG_BYTES, p_src_first, src_len); *p_dst_len = src_len + FLAG_BYTES; } static void lzrw3a_decompress(uint8_t* p_wrk_mem, uint8_t* p_src_first, uint32_t src_len, uint8_t* p_dst_first, size_t* p_dst_len) { register uint8_t* p_src = p_src_first + FLAG_BYTES; register uint8_t* p_dst = p_dst_first; uint8_t* p_src_post = p_src_first + src_len; uint8_t* p_src_max16 = p_src_first + src_len - (MAX_CMP_GROUP - 2); uint8_t** hash = (uint8_t**)ALIGN_UP(p_wrk_mem); register uint32_t control = 1; register unsigned literals = 0; unsigned cycle = 0; if (*p_src_first == FLAG_COPY) { memcpy(p_dst_first, p_src_first + FLAG_BYTES, src_len - FLAG_BYTES); *p_dst_len = src_len - FLAG_BYTES; return; } {unsigned i; uint8_t** p_h = hash; #define ZJ *p_h++=START_STRING_18 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { ZJ; ZJ; ZJ; ZJ; ZJ; ZJ; ZJ; ZJ; ZJ; ZJ; ZJ; ZJ; ZJ; ZJ; ZJ; ZJ; } } while (p_src != p_src_post) { register unsigned unroll; if (control == 1) { control = 0x10000 | *p_src++; control |= (*p_src++) << 8; } unroll = p_src <= p_src_max16 ? 16 : 1; while (unroll--) { if (control & 1) { register uint8_t* p; register unsigned lenmt; register uint8_t* p_ziv = p_dst; register unsigned index; lenmt = *p_src++; index = ((lenmt & 0xF0) << 4) | *p_src++; p = hash[index]; lenmt &= 0xF; *p_dst++ = *p++; *p_dst++ = *p++; *p_dst++ = *p++; while (lenmt--) *p_dst++ = *p++; if (literals > 0) { register uint8_t* r = p_ziv - literals;; UPDATE_I(HASH(r), r); if (literals == 2) { r++; UPDATE_I(HASH(r), r); } literals = 0; } UPDATE_I(index & (~DEPTH_MASK), p_ziv); } else { *p_dst++ = *p_src++; if (++literals == 3) { register uint8_t* p = p_dst - 3; UPDATE_I(HASH(p), p); literals = 2; } } control >>= 1; } } *p_dst_len = p_dst - p_dst_first; } unsigned lzrw3a_encode(const void* in, unsigned inlen, void* out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags) { uint8_t workmem[MEM_REQ]; size_t outlen_ = outlen; lzrw3a_compress(workmem, (uint8_t*)in, inlen, (uint8_t*)out, &outlen_); return (unsigned)outlen_; } unsigned lzrw3a_decode(const void* in, unsigned inlen, void* out, unsigned outlen) { uint8_t workmem[MEM_REQ]; size_t outlen_ = outlen; lzrw3a_decompress(workmem, (uint8_t*)in, inlen, (uint8_t*)out, &outlen_); return (unsigned)outlen_; } unsigned lzrw3a_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)(inlen * 1.1) + 16; // @todo: check src } unsigned lzrw3a_excess(unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)0; } #endif // LZRW3A_C #ifdef LZRW3A_DEMO //#pragma once #include <stdio.h> int main() { const char* longcopy = "Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world!"; int level = 1; char out[128]; size_t outlen = lzrw3a_encode(longcopy, strlen(longcopy) + 1, out, 128, level); printf("%s %d->%d\n", outlen ? "ok" : "fail", (int)strlen(longcopy) + 1, (int)outlen); char redo[128]; size_t unpacked = lzrw3a_decode(out, outlen, redo, 128); printf("%d->%d %s\n", (int)outlen, (int)unpacked, redo); } #define main main__ #endif // LZRW3A_DEMO //#line 1 "amalgamated_lzss.c" /************************************************************** LZSS.C -- A Data Compression Program *************************************************************** 4/ 6/1989 Haruhiko Okumura 30/12/2019 @r-lyeh Use, distribute, and modify this program freely. **************************************************************/ unsigned lzss_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags); unsigned lzss_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen); unsigned lzss_bounds(unsigned bytes, unsigned flags); unsigned lzss_excess(unsigned flags); #ifdef LZSS_C //#pragma once #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #define N 4096 /* size of ring buffer */ #define F 18 /* upper limit for match_length */ #define THRESHOLD 2 /* encode string into position and length if match_length is greater than this */ #define NIL N /* index for root of binary search trees */ /* of longest match. These are set by the InsertNode() procedure. */ static int match_position; static int match_length; static void InsertNode(unsigned char* text_buf, int* lson, int* rson, int* dad, int r) /* Inserts string of length F, text_buf[r..r+F-1], into one of the trees (text_buf[r]'th tree) and returns the longest-match position and length via the global variables match_position and match_length. If match_length = F, then removes the old node in favor of the new one, because the old one will be deleted sooner. Note r plays double role, as tree node and position in buffer. */ { int i, p, cmp; unsigned char *key; cmp = 1; key = &text_buf[r]; p = N + 1 + key[0]; rson[r] = lson[r] = NIL; match_length = 0; for ( ; ; ) { if (cmp >= 0) { if (rson[p] != NIL) p = rson[p]; else { rson[p] = r; dad[r] = p; return; } } else { if (lson[p] != NIL) p = lson[p]; else { lson[p] = r; dad[r] = p; return; } } for (i = 1; i < F; i++) if ((cmp = key[i] - text_buf[p + i]) != 0) break; if (i > match_length) { match_position = p; if ((match_length = i) >= F) break; } } dad[r] = dad[p]; lson[r] = lson[p]; rson[r] = rson[p]; dad[lson[p]] = r; dad[rson[p]] = r; if (rson[dad[p]] == p) rson[dad[p]] = r; else lson[dad[p]] = r; dad[p] = NIL; /* remove p */ } static void DeleteNode(int* lson, int* rson, int* dad, int p) /* deletes node p from tree */ { int q; if (dad[p] == NIL) return; /* not in tree */ if (rson[p] == NIL) q = lson[p]; else if (lson[p] == NIL) q = rson[p]; else { q = lson[p]; if (rson[q] != NIL) { do { q = rson[q]; } while (rson[q] != NIL); rson[dad[q]] = lson[q]; dad[lson[q]] = dad[q]; lson[q] = lson[p]; dad[lson[p]] = q; } rson[q] = rson[p]; dad[rson[p]] = q; } dad[q] = dad[p]; if (rson[dad[p]] == p) rson[dad[p]] = q; else lson[dad[p]] = q; dad[p] = NIL; } #define _get(c) \ if (! ilen) {\ c = -1; /*EOF;*/ \ break;\ }\ c = *istr;\ ++istr;\ --ilen #define _put(c) \ *ostr = c;\ ++ostr;\ --olen size_t LzssEncode(const char* istr, size_t ilen, char* ostr, size_t olen) { int i, c, len, r, s, last_match_length, code_buf_ptr; unsigned char code_buf[17], mask; size_t codesize = 0; int lson[N + 1], rson[N + 257], dad[N + 1]; /* left & right children & parents -- These constitute binary search trees. */ unsigned char text_buf[N + F - 1]; /* ring buffer of size N, with extra F-1 bytes to facilitate string comparison */ match_position = 0; match_length = 0; if (ilen == 0) return 0; /* initialize trees */ /* For i = 0 to N - 1, rson[i] and lson[i] will be the right and left children of node i. These nodes need not be initialized. Also, dad[i] is the parent of node i. These are initialized to NIL (= N), which stands for 'not used.' For i = 0 to 255, rson[N + i + 1] is the root of the tree for strings that begin with character i. These are initialized to NIL. Note there are 256 trees. */ for (i = N + 1; i <= N + 256; i++) rson[i] = NIL; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) dad[i] = NIL; code_buf[0] = 0; /* code_buf[1..16] saves eight units of code, and code_buf[0] works as eight flags, "1" representing that the unit is an unencoded letter (1 byte), "0" a position-and-length pair (2 bytes). Thus, eight units require at most 16 bytes of code. */ code_buf_ptr = mask = 1; s = 0; r = N - F; for (i = s; i < r; i++) text_buf[i] = 0; /* Clear the buffer with any character that will appear often. */ for (len = 0; len < F && ilen; len++) { _get(c); text_buf[r + len] = c; /* Read F bytes into the last F bytes of the buffer */ } for (i = 1; i <= F; i++) InsertNode(text_buf, lson, rson, dad, r - i); /* Insert the F strings, each of which begins with one or more 'space' characters. Note the order in which these strings are inserted. This way, degenerate trees will be less likely to occur. */ InsertNode(text_buf, lson, rson, dad, r); /* Finally, insert the whole string just read. The global variables match_length and match_position are set. */ do { if (match_length > len) match_length = len; /* match_length may be spuriously long near the end of text. */ if (match_length <= THRESHOLD) { match_length = 1; /* Not long enough match. Send one byte. */ code_buf[0] |= mask; /* 'send one byte' flag */ code_buf[code_buf_ptr++] = text_buf[r]; /* Send uncoded. */ } else { code_buf[code_buf_ptr++] = (unsigned char) match_position; code_buf[code_buf_ptr++] = (unsigned char) (((match_position >> 4) & 0xf0) | (match_length - (THRESHOLD + 1))); /* Send position and length pair. Note match_length > THRESHOLD. */ } if ((mask <<= 1) == 0) { /* Shift mask left one bit. */ for (i = 0; i < code_buf_ptr; i++) { /* Send at most 8 units of */ _put(code_buf[i]); /* code together */ } codesize += code_buf_ptr; code_buf[0] = 0; code_buf_ptr = mask = 1; } last_match_length = match_length; for (i = 0; i < last_match_length && ilen; i++) { _get(c); DeleteNode(lson, rson, dad, s); /* Delete old strings and */ text_buf[s] = c; /* read new bytes */ if (s < F - 1) text_buf[s + N] = c; /* If the position is near the end of buffer, extend the buffer to make string comparison easier. */ s = (s + 1) & (N - 1); r = (r + 1) & (N - 1); /* Since this is a ring buffer, increment the position modulo N. */ InsertNode(text_buf, lson, rson, dad, r); /* Register the string in text_buf[r..r+F-1] */ } while (i++ < last_match_length) { /* After the end of text, */ DeleteNode(lson, rson, dad, s); /* no need to read, but */ s = (s + 1) & (N - 1); r = (r + 1) & (N - 1); if (--len) InsertNode(text_buf, lson, rson, dad, r); /* buffer may not be empty. */ } } while (len > 0); /* until length of string to be processed is zero */ if (code_buf_ptr > 1) { /* Send remaining code. */ for (i = 0; i < code_buf_ptr; i++) { _put(code_buf[i]); } codesize += code_buf_ptr; } return codesize; } #undef _put #define _put(c) \ *ostr++ = c; size_t LzssDecode(const unsigned char* istr, size_t ilen, char *ostr, size_t olen) /* Just the reverse of Encode(). */ { unsigned char text_buf[N + F - 1]; /* ring buffer of size N, with extra F-1 bytes to facilitate string comparison */ int i, j, k, r, c; unsigned int flags; int limit = ilen; char *obak = ostr; for (i = 0; i < N - F; i++) text_buf[i] = 0; r = N - F; flags = 0; for ( ; ; ) { if (((flags >>= 1) & 256) == 0) { _get(c); flags = c | 0xff00; /* uses higher byte cleverly */ } /* to count eight */ if (flags & 1) { _get(c); _put(c); text_buf[r++] = c; r &= (N - 1); } else { _get(i); _get(j); i |= ((j & 0xf0) << 4); j = (j & 0x0f) + THRESHOLD; for (k = 0; k <= j; k++) { c = text_buf[(i + k) & (N - 1)]; _put(c); text_buf[r++] = c; r &= (N - 1); } } } return (size_t)(ostr - obak); } #undef _get #undef _put #undef N #undef F #undef THRESHOLD #undef NIL unsigned lzss_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags) { size_t rc = LzssEncode((const char*)in, (size_t)inlen, (char*)out, (size_t)outlen); return (unsigned)rc; } unsigned lzss_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen) { size_t rc = LzssDecode((const unsigned char*)in, (size_t)inlen, (char*)out, (size_t)outlen); return (unsigned)rc; } unsigned lzss_bounds(unsigned bytes, unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)(bytes * 1.5) + 16; // @todo: check src } unsigned lzss_excess(unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)0; } #endif // LZSS_C #ifdef LZSS_DEMO //#pragma once #include <stdio.h> int main() { const char *longcopy = "Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world!"; int level=1; char out[128]; size_t outlen = lzss_encode(longcopy, strlen(longcopy)+1, out, 128, level); printf("%s %d->%d\n", outlen ? "ok" : "fail", (int)strlen(longcopy)+1, (int)outlen); char redo[128]; size_t unpacked = lzss_decode(out, outlen, redo, 128); printf("%d->%d %s\n", (int)outlen, (int)unpacked, redo); } #define main main__ #endif // LZSS_DEMO //#line 1 "amalgamated_ppp.c" // pred.c -- Original code by Dave Rand's rendition of the predictor algorithm. // Updated by: Ian Donaldson, Carsten Bormann. Additional modifications by @r-lyeh. // // There are no license fees or costs associated with using the Predictor algorithm. // Use the following code at your own risk. unsigned ppp_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags); unsigned ppp_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen); unsigned ppp_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags); unsigned ppp_excess(unsigned flags); #ifdef PPP_C //#pragma once #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /* The following hash code is the heart of the algorithm: * It builds a sliding hash sum of the previous 3-and-a-bit * characters which will be used to index the guess table. * A better hash function would result in additional compression, * at the expense of time. */ // original. enwik8: 61.730.508 c:0.729s d:0.453s //#define PPP_HASH_TYPE unsigned short //#define PPP_HASH_TABLE (65536) //#define PPP_HASH(x) Hash = (Hash << 4) ^ (x) // // improved. enwik8: 58.769.363 c:0.772s d:0.490s #define PPP_HASH_TYPE unsigned int #define PPP_HASH_TABLE (1<<18) // 256K #define PPP_HASH(x) Hash = ((Hash * 160) ^ (x)) & (PPP_HASH_TABLE-1) // see: https://encode.su/threads/1025-PREDICTOR-algorithm static int ppp_compress(const unsigned char *source, int slen, unsigned char *dest, int dlen) { PPP_HASH_TYPE Hash = 0; unsigned char GuessTable[PPP_HASH_TABLE] = {0}; unsigned char *orgdest = dest; while (slen) { unsigned char *flagdest = dest++, flags = 0; /* All guess wrong initially */ for (int bitmask=1, i=0; i < 8 && slen; i++, bitmask <<= 1) { if (GuessTable[Hash] != *source) { GuessTable[Hash] = *source; *dest++ = *source; /* Guess wrong, output char */ } else { flags |= bitmask; /* Guess was right - don't output */ } PPP_HASH(*source++);slen--; } *flagdest = flags; } return(dest - orgdest); } static int ppp_decompress(const unsigned char *source, int slen, unsigned char *dest, int dlen) { int final = 1; PPP_HASH_TYPE Hash = 0; unsigned char GuessTable[PPP_HASH_TABLE] = {0}; unsigned char *orgdest = dest; while (slen >= 9) { unsigned char flags = *source++; for (int i=0, bitmask = 1; i < 8; i++, bitmask <<= 1) { if (!(flags & bitmask)) { GuessTable[Hash] = *source; /* Guess wrong */ *dest = *source++; /* Read from source */ slen--; } else { *dest = GuessTable[Hash]; /* Guess correct */ } PPP_HASH(*dest++); } slen--; } while (final && slen > 0) { unsigned char flags = *source++; slen--; for (int i=0, bitmask = 1; i < 8; i++, bitmask <<= 1) { if (!(flags & bitmask)) { if (!slen) break; /* we seem to be really done -- cabo */ GuessTable[Hash] = *source; /* Guess wrong */ *dest = *source++; /* Read from source */ slen--; } else { *dest = GuessTable[Hash]; /* Guess correct */ } PPP_HASH(*dest++); } } return (dest - orgdest); // len } unsigned ppp_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)ppp_compress((const unsigned char *)in, (int)inlen, (unsigned char *)out, (int)outlen); } unsigned ppp_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen) { return (unsigned)ppp_decompress((const unsigned char *)in, (int)inlen, (unsigned char *)out, (int)outlen); } unsigned ppp_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)(inlen/8*9+9); } unsigned ppp_excess(unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)0; } #endif // PPP_C #ifdef PPP_DEMO //#pragma once #include <stdio.h> int main() { const char *longcopy = "Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world!"; int level = 0; char out[128]; unsigned outlen = ppp_encode(longcopy, strlen(longcopy)+1, out, 128, level); printf("%s %d->%d\n", outlen ? "ok" : "fail", (int)strlen(longcopy)+1, (int)outlen); char redo[128]; unsigned unpacked = ppp_decode(out, outlen, redo, 128); printf("%d->%d %s\n", outlen, unpacked, redo); } #define main main__ #endif // PPP_DEMO //#line 1 "amalgamated_raw.c" // raw memcpy de/encoder // - rlyeh, public domain #ifndef RAW_H #define RAW_H unsigned raw_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outcap, unsigned flags); unsigned raw_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outcap); unsigned raw_bounds(unsigned bytes, unsigned flags); unsigned raw_excess(unsigned flags); #endif #ifdef RAW_C //#pragma once #include <string.h> unsigned raw_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outcap, unsigned flags) { return memcpy(out, in, inlen), inlen; } unsigned raw_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outcap) { return memcpy(out, in, inlen), inlen; } unsigned raw_bounds(unsigned bytes, unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)bytes; } unsigned raw_excess(unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)0; } #endif //#line 1 "amalgamated_ulz.c" // ULZ.HPP - An ultra-fast LZ77 compressor // Original C++ code written and placed in the public domain by Ilya Muravyov (UNLICENSED) // Modified by r-lyeh (UNLICENSED) unsigned ulz_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags); // [0..(6)..9] unsigned ulz_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen); unsigned ulz_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags); unsigned ulz_excess(unsigned flags); #ifdef ULZ_C //#pragma once #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #ifndef ULZ_REALLOC #define ULZ_REALLOC REALLOC #endif enum { ULZ_EXCESS=16, ULZ_WINDOW_BITS=17, // Hard-coded ULZ_WINDOW_SIZE=1<<ULZ_WINDOW_BITS, ULZ_WINDOW_MASK=ULZ_WINDOW_SIZE-1, ULZ_MIN_MATCH=4, ULZ_HASH_BITS=19, ULZ_HASH_SIZE=1<<ULZ_HASH_BITS, ULZ_NIL=-1, }; typedef struct ULZ_WORKMEM { int HashTable[ULZ_HASH_SIZE]; int Prev[ULZ_WINDOW_SIZE]; } ULZ_WORKMEM; // Utils static inline uint16_t UnalignedLoad16(const void* p) { #if 1 uint16_t x; memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(x)); return x; #else return *(const uint16_t*)(p); #endif } static inline uint32_t UnalignedLoad32(const void* p) { #if 1 uint32_t x; memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(x)); return x; #else return *(const uint32_t*)(p); #endif } static inline void UnalignedStore16(void* p, uint16_t x) { #if 1 memcpy(p, &x, sizeof(uint16_t)); #else *(uint16_t*)(p)=x; #endif } static inline void UnalignedCopy64(void* d, const void* s) { #if 1 memcpy(d, s, sizeof(uint64_t)); #else *(uint64_t*)(d)=*(const uint64_t*)(s); #endif } static inline void WildCopy(uint8_t* d, const uint8_t* s, int n) { UnalignedCopy64(d, s); for (int i=8; i<n; i+=8) UnalignedCopy64(d+i, s+i); } static inline uint32_t Hash32(const void* p) { return (UnalignedLoad32(p)*0x9E3779B9)>>(32-ULZ_HASH_BITS); } static inline void EncodeMod(uint8_t** p, uint32_t x) { while (x>=128) { x-=128; *(*p)++=128+(x&127); x>>=7; } *(*p)++=x; } static inline uint32_t DecodeMod(const uint8_t** p) { uint32_t x=0; for (int i=0; i<=21; i+=7) { const uint32_t c=*(*p)++; x+=c<<i; if (c<128) break; } return x; } // LZ77 static int UlzCompressFast(const uint8_t* in, int inlen, uint8_t* out, int outlen, ULZ_WORKMEM *u) { for (int i=0; i<ULZ_HASH_SIZE; ++i) u->HashTable[i]=ULZ_NIL; uint8_t* op=out; int anchor=0; int p=0; while (p<inlen) { int best_len=0; int dist=0; const int max_match=inlen-p; if (max_match>=ULZ_MIN_MATCH) { const int limit=(p-ULZ_WINDOW_SIZE) > ULZ_NIL ? (p-ULZ_WINDOW_SIZE) : ULZ_NIL; const uint32_t h=Hash32(&in[p]); int s=u->HashTable[h]; u->HashTable[h]=p; if (s>limit && UnalignedLoad32(&in[s])==UnalignedLoad32(&in[p])) { int len=ULZ_MIN_MATCH; while (len<max_match && in[s+len]==in[p+len]) ++len; best_len=len; dist=p-s; } } if (best_len==ULZ_MIN_MATCH && (p-anchor)>=(7+128)) best_len=0; if (best_len>=ULZ_MIN_MATCH) { const int len=best_len-ULZ_MIN_MATCH; const int token=((dist>>12)&16)+(len < 15 ? len : 15); if (anchor!=p) { const int run=p-anchor; if (run>=7) { *op++=(7<<5)+token; EncodeMod(&op, run-7); } else *op++=(run<<5)+token; WildCopy(op, &in[anchor], run); op+=run; } else *op++=token; if (len>=15) EncodeMod(&op, len-15); UnalignedStore16(op, dist); op+=2; anchor=p+best_len; ++p; u->HashTable[Hash32(&in[p])]=p; ++p; u->HashTable[Hash32(&in[p])]=p; ++p; u->HashTable[Hash32(&in[p])]=p; ++p; p=anchor; } else ++p; } if (anchor!=p) { const int run=p-anchor; if (run>=7) { *op++=7<<5; EncodeMod(&op, run-7); } else *op++=run<<5; WildCopy(op, &in[anchor], run); op+=run; } return op-out; } static int UlzCompress(const uint8_t* in, int inlen, uint8_t* out, int outlen, int level, ULZ_WORKMEM *u) { if (level<1 || level>9) return 0; const int max_chain=(level<9)?1<<level:1<<13; for (int i=0; i<ULZ_HASH_SIZE; ++i) u->HashTable[i]=ULZ_NIL; uint8_t* op=out; int anchor=0; int p=0; while (p<inlen) { int best_len=0; int dist=0; const int max_match=inlen-p; if (max_match>=ULZ_MIN_MATCH) { const int limit=(p-ULZ_WINDOW_SIZE) > ULZ_NIL ? (p-ULZ_WINDOW_SIZE) : ULZ_NIL; int chainlen=max_chain; int s=u->HashTable[Hash32(&in[p])]; while (s>limit) { if (in[s+best_len]==in[p+best_len] && UnalignedLoad32(&in[s])==UnalignedLoad32(&in[p])) { int len=ULZ_MIN_MATCH; while (len<max_match && in[s+len]==in[p+len]) ++len; if (len>best_len) { best_len=len; dist=p-s; if (len==max_match) break; } } if (--chainlen==0) break; s=u->Prev[s&ULZ_WINDOW_MASK]; } } if (best_len==ULZ_MIN_MATCH && (p-anchor)>=(7+128)) best_len=0; if (level>=5 && best_len>=ULZ_MIN_MATCH && best_len<max_match && (p-anchor)!=6) { const int x=p+1; const int target_len=best_len+1; const int limit=(x-ULZ_WINDOW_SIZE) > ULZ_NIL ? (x-ULZ_WINDOW_SIZE) : ULZ_NIL; int chainlen=max_chain; int s=u->HashTable[Hash32(&in[x])]; while (s>limit) { if (in[s+best_len]==in[x+best_len] && UnalignedLoad32(&in[s])==UnalignedLoad32(&in[x])) { int len=ULZ_MIN_MATCH; while (len<target_len && in[s+len]==in[x+len]) ++len; if (len==target_len) { best_len=0; break; } } if (--chainlen==0) break; s=u->Prev[s&ULZ_WINDOW_MASK]; } } if (best_len>=ULZ_MIN_MATCH) { const int len=best_len-ULZ_MIN_MATCH; const int token=((dist>>12)&16)+(len < 15 ? len : 15); if (anchor!=p) { const int run=p-anchor; if (run>=7) { *op++=(7<<5)+token; EncodeMod(&op, run-7); } else *op++=(run<<5)+token; WildCopy(op, &in[anchor], run); op+=run; } else *op++=token; if (len>=15) EncodeMod(&op, len-15); UnalignedStore16(op, dist); op+=2; while (best_len--!=0) { const uint32_t h=Hash32(&in[p]); u->Prev[p&ULZ_WINDOW_MASK]=u->HashTable[h]; u->HashTable[h]=p++; } anchor=p; } else { const uint32_t h=Hash32(&in[p]); u->Prev[p&ULZ_WINDOW_MASK]=u->HashTable[h]; u->HashTable[h]=p++; } } if (anchor!=p) { const int run=p-anchor; if (run>=7) { *op++=7<<5; EncodeMod(&op, run-7); } else *op++=run<<5; WildCopy(op, &in[anchor], run); op+=run; } return op-out; } static int UlzDecompress(const uint8_t* in, int inlen, uint8_t* out, int outlen) { uint8_t* op=out; const uint8_t* ip=in; const uint8_t* ip_end=ip+inlen; const uint8_t* op_end=op+outlen; while (ip<ip_end) { const int token=*ip++; if (token>=32) { int run=token>>5; if (run==7) run+=DecodeMod(&ip); if ((op_end-op)<run || (ip_end-ip)<run) // Overrun check return 0; WildCopy(op, ip, run); op+=run; ip+=run; if (ip>=ip_end) break; } int len=(token&15)+ULZ_MIN_MATCH; if (len==(15+ULZ_MIN_MATCH)) len+=DecodeMod(&ip); if ((op_end-op)<len) // Overrun check return 0; const int dist=((token&16)<<12)+UnalignedLoad16(ip); ip+=2; uint8_t* cp=op-dist; if ((op-out)<dist) // Range check return 0; if (dist>=8) { WildCopy(op, cp, len); op+=len; } else { *op++=*cp++; *op++=*cp++; *op++=*cp++; *op++=*cp++; while (len--!=4) *op++=*cp++; } } return (ip==ip_end)?op-out:0; } unsigned ulz_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned flags) { static __thread ULZ_WORKMEM u; int level = flags > 9 ? 9 : flags; // [0..(6)..9] int rc = level ? UlzCompress((uint8_t *)in, (int)inlen, (uint8_t *)out, (int)outlen, level, &u) : UlzCompressFast((uint8_t *)in, (int)inlen, (uint8_t *)out, (int)outlen, &u); return (unsigned)rc; } unsigned ulz_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen) { return (unsigned)UlzDecompress((uint8_t *)in, (int)inlen, (uint8_t *)out, (int)outlen); } unsigned ulz_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)(inlen + inlen/255 + 16); } unsigned ulz_excess(unsigned flags) { return (unsigned)(ULZ_EXCESS); } #endif // ULZ_C #ifdef ULZ_DEMO //#pragma once #include <stdio.h> int main() { const char *longcopy = "Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world!"; int level=1; char out[128]; size_t outlen = ulz_encode(longcopy, strlen(longcopy)+1, out, 128, level); printf("%s %d->%d\n", outlen ? "ok" : "fail", (int)strlen(longcopy)+1, (int)outlen); char redo[128]; size_t unpacked = ulz_decode(out, outlen, redo, 128); printf("%d->%d %s\n", (int)outlen, (int)unpacked, redo); } #define main main__ #endif // ULZ_DEMO //#line 1 "amalgamated_pack.c" #ifdef COMPRESS_C //#pragma once #include <stdio.h> #ifdef _MSC_VER # define ftello64 _ftelli64 #elif !defined __GNUC__ # define ftello64 ftell #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <time.h> static struct compressor { // id of compressor unsigned enumerator; // name of compressor const char name1, *name4, *name; // returns worst case compression estimation for selected flags unsigned (*bounds)(unsigned bytes, unsigned flags); // returns number of bytes written. 0 if error. unsigned (*encode)(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outcap, unsigned flags); // returns number of excess bytes that will be overwritten when decoding. unsigned (*excess)(unsigned flags); // returns number of bytes written. 0 if error. unsigned (*decode)(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outcap); } list[] = { { RAW, '0', "raw", "raw", raw_bounds, raw_encode, raw_excess, raw_decode }, { PPP, 'p', "ppp", "ppp", ppp_bounds, ppp_encode, ppp_excess, ppp_decode }, { ULZ, 'u', "ulz", "ulz", ulz_bounds, ulz_encode, ulz_excess, ulz_decode }, { LZ4X, '4', "lz4x", "lz4x", lz4x_bounds, lz4x_encode, lz4x_excess, lz4x_decode }, { CRSH, 'c', "crsh", "crush", crush_bounds, crush_encode, crush_excess, crush_decode }, { DEFL, 'd', "defl", "deflate", deflate_bounds, deflate_encode, deflate_excess, deflate_decode }, { LZP1, '1', "lzp1", "lzp1", lzp1_bounds, lzp1_encode, lzp1_excess, lzp1_decode }, { LZMA, 'm', "lzma", "lzma", lzma_bounds, lzma_encode, lzma_excess, lzma_decode }, { BALZ, 'b', "balz", "balz", balz_bounds, balz_encode, balz_excess, balz_decode }, { LZW3, 'w', "lzw3", "lzrw3a", lzrw3a_bounds, lzrw3a_encode, lzrw3a_excess, lzrw3a_decode }, { LZSS, 's', "lzss", "lzss", lzss_bounds, lzss_encode, lzss_excess, lzss_decode }, { BCM, 'B', "bcm", "bcm", bcm_bounds, bcm_encode, bcm_excess, bcm_decode }, }; char *arc_nameof(unsigned flags) { static __thread char buf[16]; snprintf(buf, 16, "%4s.%c", list[(flags>>4)&0x0F].name4, "0123456789ABCDEF"[flags&0xF]); return buf; } unsigned mem_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen, unsigned compressor) { *(uint8_t*)out = compressor & 0xff; unsigned ret = list[(compressor >> 4) % NUM_COMPRESSORS].encode(in, inlen, (uint8_t*)out+1, outlen-1, compressor & 0x0F); return ret ? ret+1 : 0; } unsigned mem_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen) { unsigned compressor = *(uint8_t*)in; return list[(compressor >> 4) % NUM_COMPRESSORS].decode((uint8_t*)in+1, inlen-1, out, outlen); } unsigned mem_bounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned compressor) { return 1 + list[(compressor >> 4) % NUM_COMPRESSORS].bounds(inlen, compressor & 0x0F); } unsigned mem_excess(unsigned compressor) { return list[(compressor >> 4) % NUM_COMPRESSORS].excess(compressor & 0x0F); } // --- // file options static uint8_t COMPRESS_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE = 23; // 2<<(BS+12) = { 8K..256M } static uint8_t COMPRESS_FILE_BLOCK_EXCESS = 0; // 16<<BE = 16, 256, 4K, 64K (16 for ulz, 256 for lpz1) // xx yy zzzz : 8 bits // xx : reserved (default = 0x11) // yy : block excess [00..03] = 16<<X = { 16, 256, 4K, 64K } // zzzz : block size [00..15] = 2<<(X+13) = { 8K..256M } unsigned file_encode(FILE* in, FILE* out, FILE *logfile, unsigned cnum, unsigned *clist) { // multi encoder #if 0 // uint8_t MAGIC = 0x11 << 6 | ((COMPRESS_FILE_BLOCK_EXCESS&3) << 4) | ((COMPRESS_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE-12)&15); // EXCESS = 16ull << ((MAGIC >> 4) & 3); // BLSIZE = 1ull << ((MAGIC & 15) + 13); #else if( fwrite(&COMPRESS_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE, 1,1, out) < 1) return 0; if( fwrite(&COMPRESS_FILE_BLOCK_EXCESS, 1,1, out) < 1) return 0; uint64_t BS_BYTES = 1ull << COMPRESS_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE; uint64_t BE_BYTES = 1ull << COMPRESS_FILE_BLOCK_EXCESS; #endif uint64_t total_in = 0, total_out = 0; uint8_t *inbuf, *outbuf[2]; inbuf=(uint8_t*)REALLOC(0, BS_BYTES+BE_BYTES); outbuf[0]=(uint8_t*)REALLOC(0, BS_BYTES*1.1+BE_BYTES); outbuf[1]=(uint8_t*)(cnum > 1 ? REALLOC(0, BS_BYTES*1.1+BE_BYTES) : 0); enum { BLOCK_PREVIEW_CHARS = 8 }; char best_compressors_history[BLOCK_PREVIEW_CHARS+1] = {0}, best_compressors_index = BLOCK_PREVIEW_CHARS-1; uint8_t best = 0; clock_t tm = {0}; double enctime = 0; if( logfile ) tm = clock(); { for( uint32_t inlen; (inlen=BS_BYTES * fread(inbuf, BS_BYTES, 1, in)) > 0 ; ) { uint32_t outlen[2] = {0}; best = clist[0]; for(unsigned i = 0; i < cnum; ++i) { unsigned compr = clist[i] >> 4; unsigned flags = clist[i] & 15; if(logfile) fprintf(logfile, "\r%11lld -> %11lld %4s.%c %s", (long long)(total_in+inlen), (long long)outlen[0], list[compr].name4, "0123456789ABCDEF"[flags], best_compressors_history); outlen[!!i] = list[compr].encode(inbuf, (unsigned)inlen, outbuf[!!i], BS_BYTES, flags); if(!outlen[!!i]) goto fail; if( i && outlen[1] < outlen[0]) { best = clist[i]; outlen[0] = outlen[1]; uint8_t *swap = outbuf[0]; outbuf[0] = outbuf[1]; outbuf[1] = swap; } if(logfile) fprintf(logfile, "\r%11lld -> %11lld %4s.%c %s", (long long)(total_in+inlen), (long long)outlen[0], list[compr].name4, "0123456789ABCDEF"[flags], best_compressors_history); } uint64_t final = 4 + 1 + outlen[0]; // sizeof(outlen[0]) + sizeof(compressor) + compr data double ratio = final * 100.0 / (inlen ? inlen : 1); if(!(ratio < 97 /* && ((outlen[0] - inlen) >= 64*1024) */ )) best = 0; unsigned compr = best >> 4; unsigned flags = best & 15; if( compr ) { uint8_t packer = (compr << 4) | flags; // store block length + compressor + compr data if( fwrite(&outlen[0], 4, 1, out) != 1 ) goto fail; if( fwrite(&packer, 1, 1, out) != 1 ) goto fail; if( fwrite(outbuf[0], outlen[0], 1, out) != 1 ) goto fail; } else { uint8_t packer = 0; // store block length + no-compressor + raw data if( fwrite(&inlen, 4, 1, out) != 1 ) goto fail; if( fwrite(&packer, 1, 1, out) != 1 ) goto fail; if( fwrite(inbuf, inlen, 1, out) != 1 ) goto fail; } total_in += inlen; total_out += 4 + 1 + (best ? outlen[0] : inlen); best_compressors_index = (best_compressors_index+1) % BLOCK_PREVIEW_CHARS; best_compressors_history[best_compressors_index] = list[compr].name1; best_compressors_history[best_compressors_index+1] = 0; } } if( logfile ) enctime = (clock() - tm) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if( logfile ) { double ratio = (total_out - 4 - 1) * 100.0 / (total_in ? total_in : 1); fprintf(logfile, "\r%11lld -> %11lld %4s.%c %5.*f%% c:%.*fs ", (long long)total_in, (long long)total_out - 4 - 1, list[best>>4].name4, "0123456789ABCDEF"[best&15], ratio >= 100 ? 1 : 2, ratio, enctime > 99 ? 1 : enctime > 9 ? 2 : 3, enctime); } pass: goto next; fail: total_out = 0; next: REALLOC( outbuf[1], 0 ); REALLOC( outbuf[0], 0 ); REALLOC( inbuf, 0 ); return (unsigned)total_out; } unsigned file_decode(FILE* in, FILE* out, FILE *logfile) { // multi decoder uint8_t block8; if( fread(&block8, 1,1, in ) != 1 ) return 0; uint8_t excess8; if( fread(&excess8, 1,1, in ) != 1 ) return 0; uint64_t BLOCK_SIZE = 1ull << block8; uint64_t EXCESS = 1ull << excess8; unsigned total = 0, outlen; uint8_t* inbuf=(uint8_t*)REALLOC(0, BLOCK_SIZE+EXCESS); uint8_t* outbuf=(uint8_t*)REALLOC(0, BLOCK_SIZE+EXCESS); clock_t tm = {0}; double dectime = 0; if(logfile) tm = clock(); { for(uint32_t inlen=0, loop=0;fread(&inlen, sizeof(inlen), 1, in) == 1;++loop) { if (inlen>(BLOCK_SIZE+EXCESS)) goto fail; uint8_t packer; if( fread(&packer, sizeof(packer),1, in) != 1 ) goto fail; if(packer) { // read compressed if (fread(inbuf, inlen,1, in)!=1) goto fail; // decompress uint8_t compressor = packer >> 4; outlen=list[compressor % NUM_COMPRESSORS].decode(inbuf, (unsigned)inlen, outbuf, BLOCK_SIZE); if (!outlen) goto fail; } else { // read raw if (fread(outbuf, inlen,1, in)!=1) goto fail; outlen=inlen; } if (fwrite(outbuf, outlen, 1, out) != 1) { perror("fwrite() failed"); goto fail; } total += outlen; if( logfile ) fprintf(logfile, "%c\b", "\\|/-"[loop&3] ); } } if( logfile ) dectime = (clock() - tm) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if( logfile ) fprintf(logfile, "d:%.*fs ", dectime > 99 ? 1 : dectime > 9 ? 2 : 3, dectime ); pass: goto next; fail: total = 0; next: REALLOC( outbuf, 0 ); REALLOC( inbuf, 0 ); return total; } #endif // COMPRESS_C