AUTOTEST { test_obj_core(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct orc { OBJ char name[8]; } orc; //#pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct boy { OBJ char name[8]; float hp; } boy; //#pragma pack(pop) OBJTYPEDEF(orc,100) int orc_ctor(orc* self) { strcpy(self->name, "orc!"); printf("i'm orc %p\n", self); return 0; } int orc_tick(orc* self) { printf("%p orc tick\n", self); return 0; } char* orc_save(orc *self) { return obj_saveini(self); } // PACKMSG("ss", "orc_v1", self->name); } OBJTYPEDEF(boy,101) int boy_ctor(boy* self) { strcpy(self->name, "boy!"); printf("i'm boy %p\n", self); self->hp = 0x80; return 0; } int boy_tick(boy* self) { printf("%p boy tick, hp:%f\n", self, self->hp); return 0; } char* boy_save(boy *self) { return obj_saveini(self); } // PACKMSG("ssf", "boy_v1", self->name, self->hp); } AUTOTEST { obj_extend(orc, ctor); obj_extend(orc, tick); obj_extend(orc, save); obj_extend(boy, ctor); obj_extend(boy, tick); obj_extend(boy, save); } AUTOTEST { // instance gameobjs boy *obj1 = obj_new(boy, "boy", 123); orc *obj2 = obj_new(orc, "orc"); orc *obj3 = obj_new(orc, "orc"); printf("%p\n", obj_datac(obj1)); printf("%d vs %d vs %d\n", (int)sizeof(boy), obj_sizeof(obj1), obj_size(obj1)); // generics obj_tick(obj1); obj_tick(obj2); obj_tick(obj3); obj_hexdump(obj1); obj_free(obj1); // will free obj_ref(obj2); obj_unref(obj2); // will free obj_ref(obj3); obj_free(obj3); // will do nothing obj_unref(obj3); // will free // make a dangling reference. this will be printed at end of program. static int dangling; obj1 = obj_new(boy, "boy", 123); obj_ref(obj1); } // --- scene AUTOTEST { test_obj_scene(); } // --- comps struct WorldTravellerComponent { unsigned world_source; unsigned world_target; }; struct TransformComponent { vec3 position; quat rotation; vec3 scale; }; struct VelocityComponent { float speed; }; struct LookComponent { float sensitivity; // _and_polarity; vec2 rotation; }; struct PhysicsComponent { float gravity; vec3 velocity; vec3 acceleration; vec3 rotationVelocity; vec3 rotationAcceleration; }; struct RenderComponent { aabb box; mesh_t mesh; texture_t texture; }; AUTOTEST { test_obj_ecs(); } // generics // --- example: new class // declare new object TYPEDEF_STRUCT(box,102, int x,y,w,h; ); // /* same as: */ // typedef struct box { OBJ // int x,y,w,h; // } box; // OBJTYPEDEF(box,102) // implement a few built-in interfaces #define box(...) obj(box, __VA_ARGS__) char* box_save(const box *b) { return obj_saveini(b); } // PACKMSG("siiii", "box_v1", b->x, b->y, b->w, b->h); } bool box_load(box *b, const char* s) { return !!obj_loadini(b, s); } // char *header; return UNPACKMSG(s, "siiii", &header, &b->x, &b->y, &b->w, &b->h) && !strcmp(header, "box_v1"); } int box_test(box *b) { return b->w > 0 && b->h > 0; } void box_dtor(box *b) { puts("bye box!"); } // create a new obj interface (not only for box! valid for every other obj that would extend on this) obj_vtable(area, float, { return 0; }); #define obj_area(o,...) obj_method(area, o, ##__VA_ARGS__) // implement area interface for box object float box_area(box *b) { return b->w * b->h; } AUTOTEST { // reflect STRUCT(box,int,x); STRUCT(box,int,y); STRUCT(box,int,w); STRUCT(box,int,h); // extend obj_extend(box,save); obj_extend(box,load); obj_extend(box,test); obj_extend(box,dtor); obj_extend(box,area); // -- example box b = box(0,0,2,3); box *c = obj_new(box, 1,1,3,4); test( obj_test(&b) ); test( obj_test(c) ); test( obj_area(&b) == 6 ); test( obj_area(c) == 12 ); // serialization tests test_obj_serialization(&b, c); test_obj_similarity(&b, c); char *sav = obj_save(c); obj_load(&b, sav); // obj_load(&b, obj_save(c)); // @fixme: this expression in mingw test_obj_equality(&b, c); } // --- reflection typedef struct MyVec3 { OBJ float x,y,z; } MyVec3; OBJTYPEDEF(MyVec3,77) typedef struct MyTransform { MyVec3 location; ///R @todo: ideally, we would want self-reflection to inscribe these members MyVec3 rotation; ///R @todo: ideally, we would want self-reflection to inscribe these members float scale; ///R @todo: ideally, we would want self-reflection to inscribe these members } MyTransform; /* // @todo: which is technically like doing AUTORUN { STRUCT(MyTransform, MyVec3, location); STRUCT(MyTransform, MyVec3, rotation); STRUCT(MyTransform, float, scale); } */ OBJTYPEDEF(MyTransform,78); typedef struct MyObject { OBJ char *id; int spawnx,spawny; float time; struct MyObject *next; MyTransform tr; } MyObject; OBJTYPEDEF(MyObject,79); AUTOTEST { STRUCT( MyVec3, float, x, "Right" ); STRUCT( MyVec3, float, y, "Forward" ); STRUCT( MyVec3, float, z, "Up" ); STRUCT( MyTransform, MyVec3, location, "World location (absolute)" ); STRUCT( MyTransform, MyVec3, rotation, "Local rotation (in degrees)" ); STRUCT( MyTransform, float, scale, "Local scale (in centimeters)" ); STRUCT( MyObject, int, spawnx, "Actor Spawn X" ); STRUCT( MyObject, int, spawny, "Actor Spawn Y" ); STRUCT( MyObject, string, id, "Actor name" ); STRUCT( MyObject, MyTransform, tr, "Actor transform" ); STRUCT( MyObject, float, time, "Actor time" ); STRUCT( MyObject, MyObject *, next, "Next actor in seq" ); // reflect_print("MyVec3"); // reflect_print("MyTransform"); // reflect_print("MyObject"); // construct a type from a reflected struct MyVec3 *o = obj_new(MyVec3, 1,2,-3); test( 12 == obj_size(o) ); MyVec3 *o2 = obj_make("[MyVec3]\nfloat.y=2\nfloat.x=1\nfloat.z=-3"); test( !obj_comp(o,o2) ) || obj_hexdump(o), obj_hexdump(o2); for each_objmember(o,type,name,ptr) { /**/ if( !strcmp(type, "float") ) printf("%s %s = %f\n", type, name, *(float*)ptr ); else if( !strcmp(type, "double") ) printf("%s %s = %f\n", type, name, *(double*)ptr ); } test_obj_console(o); test_obj_console(o2); // Setup objects MyObject *root = obj_make("[MyObject]"); obj_hexdump(root); MyObject *oo = obj_make("[MyObject]\nid=\"An identifier!\"\nx=123\ny=256\nrotation=90\nnext=root\n"); obj_hexdump(oo); // Dump contents of our objects obj_print(oo); puts("---"); obj_hexdump(oo); puts("---"); // Save to mem char *sav = obj_savebin(oo); test( sav && strlen(sav) > 0 ); // Clear obj_zero(oo); obj_hexdump(oo); puts("---"); // Reload obj_loadbin(oo, sav); obj_hexdump(oo); } // --- Benchmarks for call overhead. AUTOTEST { // Here, we're using a blank ctor call as a method to test/stress call overhead. // // results (old i5-4300/1.90Ghz laptop): // v1: 427 million calls/s. compiled with "cl /Ox /Os /MT /DNDEBUG /GL /GF /arch:AVX2" // v2: 450 million calls/s. compiled with "cl /Ox /O2 /MT /DNDEBUG /GF /arch:AVX2" double t; enum { N = 100000000 }; t = -time_ss(); MyVec3 o = obj(MyVec3, 1,2,3); obj_setname(&o, "MyVec3"); for( unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i ) { obj_ctor(&o); } t += time_ss(); printf("Benchmark: %5.2f objcalls/s %5.2fM objcalls/s\n", N/(t), (N/1000)/(t*1000)); // ((N+N)*5) / (t) ); t = -time_ss(); MyVec3 *op = obj_new(MyVec3, 1,2,3); for( unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i ) { obj_ctor(op); } t += time_ss(); printf("Benchmark: %5.2f objcalls/s %5.2fM objcalls/s\n", N/(t), (N/1000)/(t*1000)); // ((N+N)*5) / (t) ); } // --- metas AUTOTEST { box b = box(1,2,3,4); test( !strcmp("box", obj_type(&b)) ); test( !strcmp("box", obj_name(&b)) ); b = box(1,2,3,4); obj_setname(&b, "MyBox1"); test( !strcmp("box", obj_type(&b)) ); test( !strcmp("MyBox1", obj_name(&b)) ); test_obj_metadatas(&b); obj_free(&b); } TYPEDEF_STRUCT(test_vec3_serial, __COUNTER__, vec3 position; vec3 accel; ); AUTOTEST { STRUCT(test_vec3_serial, vec3, position); STRUCT(test_vec3_serial, vec3, accel); test_vec3_serial v = obj(test_vec3_serial, {1,2,3},{4,5,6}), z = obj(test_vec3_serial); test(obj_comp(&v,&z) != 0) || obj_print(&v) & obj_print(&z); obj_loadini(&z, obj_saveini(&v)); test(obj_comp(&v,&z) == 0) || obj_print(&z); } TYPEDEF_STRUCT(MyObject2, __COUNTER__, const char* id; int x,y; float rotation; struct MyObject2 *next; ); AUTORUN { STRUCT(MyObject2, const char *, id); STRUCT(MyObject2, int, x); STRUCT(MyObject2, int, y); STRUCT(MyObject2, float, rotation); STRUCT(MyObject2, struct MyObject2*, next); // Construct two objects MyObject2 *root = obj_new(MyObject2); MyObject2 *o = obj_new(MyObject2, "An identifier!", 0x11, 0x22, 3.1415f, root ); // Copy tests { printf("%d vs %d vs %d\n", (int)sizeof(MyObject2), obj_size(o), (int)sizeof(obj) + obj_size(o) + (int)sizeof(array(void*))); MyObject2 *clone = obj_clone(o); test(obj_comp(clone,o) == 0) || obj_print(o) & obj_print(clone) & obj_hexdump(o) & obj_hexdump(clone); test(obj_free(clone) == 0); } { MyObject2 *copy = obj_new(MyObject2); test(obj_copy(copy, o)); test(obj_comp(copy,o)==0) || obj_print(copy); test(obj_free(copy) == 0); } { MyObject2 *copy = obj_new(MyObject2, "A different identifier!", 0x33, 0x44, 0.0f, root ); test(obj_copy(copy, o)); test(obj_comp(copy,o)==0) || obj_print(copy); test(obj_free(copy) == 0); } { void *copy = obj_malloc(100); // untyped class obj_mutate(copy, o); obj_print(copy); obj_copy(copy, o); obj_print(copy); obj_free(copy); } }