#include "v4k.h" int main() { window_create(0.75, WINDOW_MSAA8); // style: our aliases #define FONT_REGULAR FONT_FACE1 #define FONT_ITALIC FONT_FACE2 #define FONT_BOLD FONT_FACE3 #define FONT_JAPANESE FONT_FACE4 #define FONT_MONOSPACE FONT_FACE5 #define FONT_GRAY FONT_COLOR2 #define FONT_ORANGE FONT_COLOR3 #define FONT_LIME FONT_COLOR4 #define FONT_GREEN FONT_COLOR5 #define FONT_CYAN FONT_COLOR6 #define FONT_LARGEST FONT_H1 #define FONT_LARGE FONT_H2 #define FONT_MEDIUM FONT_H3 #define FONT_NORMAL FONT_H4 #define FONT_SMALL FONT_H5 #define FONT_TINY FONT_H6 // style: atlas size, unicode ranges and font faces (up to 6 faces) font_face(FONT_REGULAR, "Carlito-Regular.ttf", 48.f, FONT_EU|FONT_AR|FONT_RU|FONT_2048); font_face(FONT_ITALIC, "Carlito-Italic.ttf", 48.f, FONT_EU|FONT_AR|FONT_RU|FONT_2048); font_face(FONT_BOLD, "Carlito-Bold.ttf", 48.f, FONT_EU|FONT_AR|FONT_RU|FONT_2048); font_face(FONT_JAPANESE, "mplus-1p-medium.ttf", 48.f, FONT_JP|FONT_2048); // CJK|FONT_2048|FONT_OVERSAMPLE_Y); font_face(FONT_MONOSPACE, "Inconsolata-Regular.ttf", 24.f, FONT_EU|FONT_512); // style: colors (up to 10 colors) font_color(FONT_GRAY, RGB4(100,100,100,255)); font_color(FONT_ORANGE, RGB4(255,192,0,255)); font_color(FONT_LIME, RGB4(192,255,0,255)); font_color(FONT_GREEN, RGB4(0,255,192,255)); font_color(FONT_CYAN, RGB4(0,192,255,255)); // prepare color highlighting for following code snippet const char *source = FONT_MONOSPACE FONT_LARGEST "int main(int argc, char **argv) {\n" " for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)\n" " puts(\"hello world\");\n" " return 0;\n" "}\n"; const void *colors = font_colorize(source, "void,int,char", "if,else,for,do,while,return,switch,case,break,default,"); // demo loop while( window_swap() && !input(KEY_ESC) ) { ddraw_grid(0); // initial spacing font_goto(0, 50); // print a code snippet with syntax highlighting font_highlight(source, colors); // print a few strings with markup codes font_print( FONT_REGULAR FONT_LARGEST FONT_GRAY "The quick " FONT_LARGE FONT_LIME "brown " FONT_MEDIUM FONT_GRAY "fox " FONT_NORMAL "jumps over " FONT_SMALL "the lazy " FONT_TINY "dog.\n"); font_print( FONT_REGULAR FONT_LARGE FONT_CYAN "Now is the time for all " FONT_ITALIC "good men " FONT_REGULAR "to come to the aid of " FONT_BOLD "the party.\n"); font_print( FONT_ITALIC FONT_LARGE FONT_GREEN "Ég get etið gler án þess að meiða mig!\n"); font_print( FONT_BOLD FONT_LARGE FONT_ORANGE "Эх, чужак! Общий съём цен шляп (юфть)—вдрызг!.\n"); font_print( FONT_JAPANESE "私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。\n"); font_print( "This text "); font_print( "should display concatenated, "); font_print( "as there are no linefeeds.\n" ); // i18n: pangrams.txt file, line browser static int counter = 0; static array(char*) lines; do_once lines = strsplit( vfs_read("pangrams.txt"), "\r\n" ); counter += input_down(KEY_RIGHT)-input_down(KEY_LEFT); counter += counter < 0 ? array_count(lines) : 0; font_print( va("<< %s >>\n", lines[counter % array_count(lines)]) ); // this does not work yet. you cant chain alignments yet... //font_print(FONT_TOP "Top" FONT_MIDDLE "Middle" FONT_BASELINE "Baseline" FONT_BOTTOM "Bottom\n"); //font_print(FONT_LEFT "Left" FONT_CENTER "Center" FONT_RIGHT "Right\n"); // ... alignment must be the first tag in a string for now. this is a temporary hack. font_print(FONT_LEFT "left"); font_print(FONT_CENTER "center"); font_print(FONT_RIGHT "right"); font_print(FONT_TOP FONT_CENTER "top\n"); font_print(FONT_MIDDLE FONT_RIGHT "middle\n"); font_print(FONT_BASELINE FONT_RIGHT "baseline\n"); font_print(FONT_BOTTOM FONT_CENTER "bottom\n"); } }