#if (is(tcc) && is(linux)) || (is(gcc) && !is(mingw)) // || is(clang) int __argc; char **__argv; #if !is(ems) __attribute__((constructor)) void init_argcv(int argc, char **argv) { __argc = argc; __argv = argv; } #endif #endif const char *app_path() { // @fixme: should return absolute path always. see tcc -g -run static char buffer[1024] = {0}; if( buffer[0] ) return buffer; #if is(win32) unsigned length = GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); // @todo: use GetModuleFileNameW+wchar_t && convert to utf8 instead char *a = strrchr(buffer, '/'); if(!a) a = buffer + strlen(buffer); char *b = strrchr(buffer, '\\'); if(!b) b = buffer + strlen(buffer); char slash = (a < b ? *a : b < a ? *b : '/'); snprintf(buffer, 1024, "%.*s%c", length - (int)(a < b ? b - a : a - b), buffer, slash); if( strendi(buffer, "tools\\tcc\\") ) { // fix tcc -g -run case. @fixme: use TOOLS instead strcat(buffer, "..\\..\\"); } #else // #elif is(linux) char path[21] = {0}; sprintf(path, "/proc/%d/exe", getpid()); readlink(path, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); #endif return buffer; } const char *app_temp() { static char buffer[256] = {0}; if( !buffer[0] ) { snprintf(buffer, 256, "%s", ifdef(win32, getenv("TEMP"), P_tmpdir)); for( int i = 0; buffer[i]; ++i ) if( buffer[i] == '\\' ) buffer[i] = '/'; if(buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] != '/') strcat(buffer, "/"); } return buffer; } /* bool exporting_dll = !strcmp(STRINGIZE(API), STRINGIZE(EXPORT)); bool importing_dll = !strcmp(STRINGIZE(API), STRINGIZE(IMPORT)); else static_build */ #ifndef APP_NAME #define APP_NAME ifdef(ems, "", (__argv ? __argv[0] : "")) #endif const char *app_name() { static char buffer[256] = {0}; if( !buffer[0] ) { char s[256]; strncpy(s, APP_NAME, 256); char *a = strrchr(s, '/'); char *b = strrchr(s, '\\'); strncpy(buffer, a > b ? a+1 : b > a ? b+1 : s, 256); if(strendi(buffer, ".exe")) buffer[strlen(buffer) - 4] = 0; } return buffer; } const char *app_cmdline() { static char *cmdline = 0; if( !cmdline ) { if( argc() <= 1 ) strcatf(&cmdline, "%s", " "); for( int i = 1; i < argc(); ++i ) strcatf(&cmdline, " %s", argv(i)); } return cmdline+1; } const char *app_cache() { static char buffer[256] = {0}; if( !buffer[0] ) { #if is(osx) snprintf(buffer, 256, "~/Library/Caches/%s/", app_name()); // getenv("user.home") #elif is(win32) // APPDATA for roaming? snprintf(buffer, 256, "%s\\%s\\", getenv("LOCALAPPDATA"), app_name()); // getenv("LOCALAPPDATA") #else // linux snprintf(buffer, 256, "~/.cache/%s/", app_name()); // getenv("user.home") #endif mkdir(buffer, 0777); for( int i = 0; buffer[i]; ++i ) if( buffer[i] == '\\' ) buffer[i] = '/'; } return buffer; } const char * app_exec( const char *cmd ) { static __thread char output[4096+16] = {0}; if( !cmd[0] ) return "0 "; cmd = file_normalize(cmd); int rc = -1; char *buf = output + 16; buf[0] = 0; // memset(buf, 0, 4096); for( FILE *fp = popen( cmd, "r" ); fp; rc = pclose(fp), fp = 0) { while( fgets(buf, 4096 - 1, fp) ) { } } if( rc != 0 ) { char *r = strrchr(buf, '\r'); if(r) *r = 0; char *n = strrchr(buf, '\n'); if(n) *n = 0; } return snprintf(output, 16, "%-15d", rc), buf[-1] = ' ', output; } int app_spawn( const char *cmd ) { if( !cmd[0] ) return -1; cmd = file_normalize(cmd); return system(cmd); } #if is(osx) #include // backtrace, backtrace_symbols #include // dladdr, Dl_info #elif is(gcc) && !is(ems) && !is(mingw) // maybe is(linux) is enough? #include // backtrace, backtrace_symbols #elif is(win32) // && !defined __TINYC__ #include // windows.h alternative #include #pragma comment(lib, "DbgHelp") #pragma comment(lib, "Kernel32") static int backtrace( void **addr, int maxtraces ) { static bool init = 0; do_once SymSetOptions(SYMOPT_UNDNAME | SYMOPT_DEFERRED_LOADS | SYMOPT_INCLUDE_32BIT_MODULES); do_once init = SymInitialize(GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, TRUE); if(!init) return 0; // error: cannot initialize DbgHelp.lib //typedef USHORT (WINAPI *pFN)(__in ULONG, __in ULONG, __out PVOID*, __out_opt PULONG); // _MSC_VER typedef USHORT (WINAPI *pFN)(); // TINYC static pFN rtlCaptureStackBackTrace = 0; if( !rtlCaptureStackBackTrace ) { rtlCaptureStackBackTrace = (pFN)GetProcAddress(LoadLibraryA("kernel32.dll"), "RtlCaptureStackBackTrace"); } if( !rtlCaptureStackBackTrace ) { return 0; } return rtlCaptureStackBackTrace(1, maxtraces, (PVOID *)addr, (DWORD *) 0); } static char **backtrace_symbols(void *const *list,int size) { HANDLE process = GetCurrentProcess(); struct symbol_t { SYMBOL_INFO info; TCHAR symbolname[256], terminator; } si = { {0} }; si.info.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO); si.info.MaxNameLen = sizeof(si.symbolname) / sizeof(TCHAR); // number of chars, not bytes IMAGEHLP_LINE l64 = { 0 }; l64.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE); static __thread char **symbols = 0; //[32][64] = {0}; if( !symbols ) { symbols = SYS_REALLOC(0, 128 * sizeof(char*)); for( int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) symbols[i] = SYS_REALLOC(0, 128 * sizeof(char)); } if(size > 128) size = 128; for( int i = 0; i < size; ++i ) { char *ptr = symbols[i]; *ptr = '\0'; if (SymFromAddr(process, (DWORD64)(uintptr_t)list[i], 0, &si.info)) { //char undecorated[1024]; //UnDecorateSymbolName(si.info.Name, undecorated, sizeof(undecorated)-1, UNDNAME_COMPLETE); char* undecorated = (char*)si.info.Name; ptr += snprintf(ptr, 128, "%s", undecorated); } else { ptr += snprintf(ptr, 128, "%s", "(?""?)"); } DWORD dw = 0; if (SymGetLineFromAddr(process, (DWORD64)(uintptr_t)list[i], &dw, &l64)) { ptr += snprintf(ptr, 128 - (ptr - symbols[i]), " (%s:%u)", l64.FileName, (unsigned)l64.LineNumber); } } return symbols; } #else static int backtrace(void **heap, int num) { return 0; } static char **backtrace_symbols(void *const *sym,int num) { return 0; } #endif char *callstack( int traces ) { static __thread char *output = 0; if(!output ) output = SYS_REALLOC( 0, 128 * (64+2) ); if( output ) output[0] = '\0'; char *ptr = output; enum { skip = 1 }; /* exclude 1 trace from stack (this function) */ enum { maxtraces = 128 }; int inc = 1; if( traces < 0 ) traces = -traces, inc = -1; if( traces == 0 ) return ""; if( traces > maxtraces ) traces = maxtraces; void* stacks[maxtraces/* + 1*/]; // = { 0 }; traces = backtrace( stacks, traces ); char **symbols = backtrace_symbols( stacks, traces ); // @todo: optimization: map(void*,char*) cache; and retrieve only symbols not in cache char demangled[1024] = "??"; int L = 0, B = inc>0 ? skip - 1 : traces, E = inc>0 ? traces : skip - 1; for( int i = B; ( i += inc ) != E; ) { #if is(linux) #if ENABLE_LINUX_CALLSTACKS // @fixme: following snippet works if compiled with '-g', albeit terribly slow // should concat addresses into a multi-address line char *binary = symbols[i]; char *address = strchr( symbols[i], '(' ) + 1; *strrchr( address, ')') = '\0'; *(address - 1) = '\0'; for( FILE *fp = popen(va("addr2line -e %s %s", binary, address), "r" ); fp ; pclose(fp), fp = 0 ) { //addr2line -e binary -f -C address fgets(demangled, sizeof(demangled), fp); int len = strlen(demangled); while( len > 0 && demangled[len-1] < 32 ) demangled[--len] = 0; } symbols[i] = demangled; #else // make it shorter. ie, `0x00558997ccc87e ./a.out(+0x20187e) [0x00558997ccc87e]` strchr(symbols[i], ')')[1] = '\0'; #endif #elif is(osx) /*struct*/ Dl_info info; if( dladdr(stacks[i], &info) && info.dli_sname ) { const char *dmgbuf = info.dli_sname[0] != '_' ? NULL : ifdef(cpp, __cxa_demangle(info.dli_sname, NULL, 0, NULL), info.dli_sname); strcpy( demangled, dmgbuf ? dmgbuf : info.dli_sname ); symbols[i] = demangled; if( dmgbuf ) free( (void*)dmgbuf ); } #endif ptr += sprintf(ptr, "%03d: %#016llx %s\n", ++L, (unsigned long long)(uintptr_t)stacks[i], symbols[i]); // format gymnastics because %p is not standard when printing pointers } #if is(linux) || is(osx) if(symbols) free(symbols); #endif return output ? output : ""; } int callstackf( FILE *fp, int traces ) { char *buf = callstack(traces); fputs(buf, fp); return 0; } // signals -------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *signal_name(int signal) { if(signal == SIGABRT) return "SIGABRT - \"abort\", abnormal termination"; if(signal == SIGFPE) return "SIGFPE - floating point exception"; if(signal == SIGILL) return "SIGILL - \"illegal\", invalid instruction"; if(signal == SIGSEGV) return "SIGSEGV - \"segmentation violation\", invalid memory access"; if(signal == SIGINT) return "SIGINT - \"interrupt\", interactive attention request sent to the program"; if(signal == SIGTERM) return "SIGTERM - \"terminate\", termination request sent to the program"; ifndef(win32, if(signal == SIGBUS) return "SIGBUS"); ifdef(linux, if(signal == SIGSTKFLT) return "SIGSTKFLT"); ifndef(win32, if(signal == SIGQUIT) return "SIGQUIT"); return "??"; } void signal_handler_ignore(int signal_) { signal(signal_, signal_handler_ignore); } void signal_handler_quit(int signal) { // fprintf(stderr, "Ok: caught signal %s (%d)\n", signal_name(signal), signal); exit(0); } void signal_handler_abort(int signal) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: unexpected signal %s (%d)\n%s\n", signal_name(signal), signal, callstack(16)); exit(-1); } void signal_handler_debug(int signal) { breakpoint("Error: unexpected signal"); fprintf(stderr, "Error: unexpected signal %s (%d)\n%s\n", signal_name(signal), signal, callstack(16)); exit(-1); } void signal_hooks(void) { // expected signals signal(SIGINT, signal_handler_quit); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler_quit); ifndef(win32, signal(SIGQUIT, signal_handler_quit)); // unexpected signals signal(SIGABRT, signal_handler_abort); signal(SIGFPE, signal_handler_abort); signal(SIGILL, signal_handler_abort); signal(SIGSEGV, signal_handler_abort); ifndef(win32, signal(SIGBUS, signal_handler_abort)); ifdef(linux, signal(SIGSTKFLT, signal_handler_abort)); } #ifdef SIGNAL_DEMO void crash() { char *ptr = 0; *ptr = 1; } void hang() { for(;;); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { signal_hooks(); crash(); // hang(); } #define main main__ #endif // endian ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if is(cl) #include #define swap16 _byteswap_ushort #define swap32 _byteswap_ulong #define swap64 _byteswap_uint64 #elif is(gcc) #define swap16 __builtin_bswap16 #define swap32 __builtin_bswap32 #define swap64 __builtin_bswap64 #else uint16_t swap16( uint16_t x ) { return (x << 8) | (x >> 8); } uint32_t swap32( uint32_t x ) { x = ((x << 8) & 0xff00ff00) | ((x >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff); return (x << 16) | (x >> 16); } uint64_t swap64( uint64_t x ) { x = ((x << 8) & 0xff00ff00ff00ff00ULL) | ((x >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ffULL); x = ((x << 16) & 0xffff0000ffff0000ULL) | ((x >> 16) & 0x0000ffff0000ffffULL); return (x << 32) | (x >> 32); } #endif float swap32f(float n) { union { float t; uint32_t i; } conv; conv.t = n; conv.i = swap32(conv.i); return conv.t; } double swap64f(double n) { union { double t; uint64_t i; } conv; conv.t = n; conv.i = swap64(conv.i); return conv.t; } #define is_big() ((*(uint16_t *)"\0\1") == 1) #define is_little() ((*(uint16_t *)"\0\1") != 1) uint16_t lil16(uint16_t n) { return is_big() ? swap16(n) : n; } uint32_t lil32(uint32_t n) { return is_big() ? swap32(n) : n; } uint64_t lil64(uint64_t n) { return is_big() ? swap64(n) : n; } uint16_t big16(uint16_t n) { return is_little() ? swap16(n) : n; } uint32_t big32(uint32_t n) { return is_little() ? swap32(n) : n; } uint64_t big64(uint64_t n) { return is_little() ? swap64(n) : n; } float lil32f(float n) { return is_big() ? swap32f(n) : n; } double lil64f(double n) { return is_big() ? swap64f(n) : n; } float big32f(float n) { return is_little() ? swap32f(n) : n; } double big64f(double n) { return is_little() ? swap64f(n) : n; } uint16_t* lil16p(void *p, int sz) { if(is_big() ) { uint16_t *n = (uint16_t *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap16(n[i]); } return p; } uint16_t* big16p(void *p, int sz) { if(is_little()) { uint16_t *n = (uint16_t *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap16(n[i]); } return p; } uint32_t* lil32p(void *p, int sz) { if(is_big() ) { uint32_t *n = (uint32_t *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap32(n[i]); } return p; } uint32_t* big32p(void *p, int sz) { if(is_little()) { uint32_t *n = (uint32_t *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap32(n[i]); } return p; } uint64_t* lil64p(void *p, int sz) { if(is_big() ) { uint64_t *n = (uint64_t *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap64(n[i]); } return p; } uint64_t* big64p(void *p, int sz) { if(is_little()) { uint64_t *n = (uint64_t *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap64(n[i]); } return p; } float * lil32pf(void *p, int sz) { if(is_big() ) { float *n = (float *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap32f(n[i]); } return p; } float * big32pf(void *p, int sz) { if(is_little()) { float *n = (float *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap32f(n[i]); } return p; } double * lil64pf(void *p, int sz) { if(is_big() ) { double *n = (double *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap64f(n[i]); } return p; } double * big64pf(void *p, int sz) { if(is_little()) { double *n = (double *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap64f(n[i]); } return p; } // cpu ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if is(linux) #include #endif int app_cores() { #if is(win32) DWORD_PTR pm, sm; if( GetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), &pm, &sm) ) if( pm ) { int count = 0; while( pm ) { ++count; pm &= pm - 1; } return count; } { SYSTEM_INFO si; GetSystemInfo(&si); return (int)si.dwNumberOfProcessors; } #else // unix int count = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); return count > 0 ? count : 1; #endif #if 0 #elif is(linux) cpu_set_t prevmask, testmask; CPU_ZERO(&prevmask); CPU_ZERO(&testmask); sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(prevmask), &prevmask); //Get current mask sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(testmask), &testmask); //Set zero mask sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(testmask), &testmask); //Get mask for all CPUs sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(prevmask), &prevmask); //Reset current mask int num = CPU_COUNT(&testmask); return (num > 1 ? num : 1); #elif is(cpp) return (int)std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); #elif defined(_OPENMP) // omp int cores = 0; #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp atomic ++cores; } return cores; #endif } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Battery API. Based on code by Rabia Alhaffar (UNLICENSE) // - rlyeh, public domain. #if is(win32) #include int app_battery() { SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS ibstatus; if (GetSystemPowerStatus(&ibstatus) == FALSE) { return 0; } int level = (ibstatus.BatteryLifePercent != 255) ? ibstatus.BatteryLifePercent : 0; int charging = (ibstatus.BatteryFlag & 8) > 0; return charging ? +level : -level; } #elif defined __linux__ // is(linux) #include #include #include #include #include int app_battery() { static int battery_status_handle; static int battery_capacity_handle; do_once { battery_status_handle = open("/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status", O_RDONLY); battery_capacity_handle = open("/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity", O_RDONLY); } if (battery_status_handle == -1 || battery_capacity_handle == -1) { return 0; } char buffer[512]; // level lseek(battery_capacity_handle, 0, SEEK_SET); int readlen = read(battery_capacity_handle, buffer, 511); buffer[readlen < 0 ? 0 : readlen] = '\0'; int level = atoi(buffer); // charging lseek(battery_status_handle, 0, SEEK_SET); readlen = read(battery_status_handle, buffer, 511); buffer[readlen < 0 ? 0 : readlen] = '\0'; int charging = strstr(buffer, "Discharging") ? 0 : 1; return charging ? +level : -level; } #elif is(osx) #import #include #import #import int app_battery() { static CFDictionaryRef psrc; do_once { CFTypeRef blob = IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo(); CFArrayRef sources = IOPSCopyPowerSourcesList(blob); int sourcesCount = CFArrayGetCount(sources); if (sourcesCount > 0) { psrc = IOPSGetPowerSourceDescription(blob, CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(sources, 0)); } } if(psrc == NULL) return 0; int cur_cap = 0; CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(psrc, CFSTR(kIOPSCurrentCapacityKey)), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &cur_cap); int max_cap = 0; CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(psrc, CFSTR(kIOPSMaxCapacityKey)), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &max_cap); int level = (int)(cur_cap * 100.f / max_cap); int charging = CFDictionaryGetValue(psrc, CFSTR(kIOPSIsChargingKey)) == kCFBooleanTrue; return charging ? +level : -level; } #else int app_battery() { return 0; } #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // time #if 0 uint64_t time_gpu() { GLint64 t = 123456789; glGetInteger64v(GL_TIMESTAMP, &t); return (uint64_t)t; } #endif uint64_t date() { time_t epoch = time(0); struct tm *ti = localtime(&epoch); return atoi64(va("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",ti->tm_year+1900,ti->tm_mon+1,ti->tm_mday,ti->tm_hour,ti->tm_min,ti->tm_sec)); } char *date_string() { time_t epoch = time(0); struct tm *ti = localtime(&epoch); return va("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",ti->tm_year+1900,ti->tm_mon+1,ti->tm_mday,ti->tm_hour,ti->tm_min,ti->tm_sec); } uint64_t date_epoch() { time_t epoch = time(0); return epoch; } #if 0 double time_ss() { return glfwGetTime(); } double time_ms() { return glfwGetTime() * 1000.0; } uint64_t time_us() { return (uint64_t)(glfwGetTime() * 1000000.0); // @fixme: use a high resolution timer instead, or time_gpu below } uint64_t sleep_us(uint64_t us) { // @fixme: use a high resolution sleeper instead return sleep_ms( us / 1000.0 ); } double sleep_ms(double ms) { double now = time_ms(); if( ms <= 0 ) { #if is(win32) Sleep(0); // yield #else usleep(0); #endif } else { #if is(win32) Sleep(ms); #else usleep(ms * 1000); #endif } return time_ms() - now; } double sleep_ss(double ss) { return sleep_ms( ss * 1000 ) / 1000.0; } #endif // high-perf functions #define TIMER_E3 1000ULL #define TIMER_E6 1000000ULL #define TIMER_E9 1000000000ULL #ifdef CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW #define TIME_MONOTONIC CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW #elif defined CLOCK_MONOTONIC #define TIME_MONOTONIC CLOCK_MONOTONIC #else // #define TIME_MONOTONIC CLOCK_REALTIME // untested #endif static uint64_t nanotimer(uint64_t *out_freq) { if( out_freq ) { #if is(win32) LARGE_INTEGER li; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&li); *out_freq = li.QuadPart; //#elif is(ANDROID) // *out_freq = CLOCKS_PER_SEC; #elif defined TIME_MONOTONIC *out_freq = TIMER_E9; #else *out_freq = TIMER_E6; #endif } #if is(win32) LARGE_INTEGER li; QueryPerformanceCounter(&li); return (uint64_t)li.QuadPart; //#elif is(ANDROID) // return (uint64_t)clock(); #elif defined TIME_MONOTONIC struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(TIME_MONOTONIC, &ts); return (TIMER_E9 * (uint64_t)ts.tv_sec) + ts.tv_nsec; #else struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return (TIMER_E6 * (uint64_t)tv.tv_sec) + tv.tv_usec; #endif } uint64_t time_ns() { static uint64_t epoch = 0; static uint64_t freq = 0; if( !freq ) { epoch = nanotimer(&freq); } uint64_t a = nanotimer(NULL) - epoch; uint64_t b = TIMER_E9; uint64_t c = freq; // Computes (a*b)/c without overflow, as long as both (a*b) and the overall result fit into 64-bits. // [ref] https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/3809bbf47c8557bd149b3e52ceb47434ca8378d5/src/libstd/sys_common/mod.rs#L124 uint64_t q = a / c; uint64_t r = a % c; return q * b + r * b / c; } uint64_t time_us() { return time_ns() / TIMER_E3; } uint64_t time_ms() { return time_ns() / TIMER_E6; } double time_ss() { return time_ns() / 1e9; // TIMER_E9; } double time_mm() { return time_ss() / 60; } double time_hh() { return time_mm() / 60; } void sleep_ns( double ns ) { #if is(win32) if( ns >= 100 ) { LARGE_INTEGER li; // Windows sleep in 100ns units HANDLE timer = CreateWaitableTimer(NULL, TRUE, NULL); li.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)(__int64)(-ns/100); // Negative for relative time SetWaitableTimer(timer, &li, 0, NULL, NULL, FALSE); WaitForSingleObject(timer, INFINITE); CloseHandle(timer); #else if( ns > 0 ) { struct timespec wait = {0}; wait.tv_sec = ns / 1e9; wait.tv_nsec = ns - wait.tv_sec * 1e9; nanosleep(&wait, NULL); #endif } else { #if is(win32) Sleep(0); // yield, Sleep(0), SwitchToThread #else usleep(0); #endif } } void sleep_us( double us ) { sleep_ns(us * 1e3); } void sleep_ms( double ms ) { sleep_ns(ms * 1e6); } void sleep_ss( double ss ) { sleep_ns(ss * 1e9); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // timer struct timer_internal_t { unsigned ms; unsigned (*callback)(unsigned interval, void *arg); void *arg; thread_ptr_t thd; }; static int timer_func(void *arg) { struct timer_internal_t *p = (struct timer_internal_t*)arg; sleep_ms( p->ms ); for( ;; ) { unsigned then = time_ms(); p->ms = p->callback(p->ms, p->arg); if( !p->ms ) break; unsigned now = time_ms(); unsigned lapse = now - then; int diff = p->ms - lapse; sleep_ms( diff <= 0 ? 0 : diff ); } thread_exit(0); return 0; } static __thread array(struct timer_internal_t *) timers; unsigned timer(unsigned ms, unsigned (*callback)(unsigned ms, void *arg), void *arg) { struct timer_internal_t *p = MALLOC( sizeof(struct timer_internal_t) ); p->ms = ms; p->callback = callback; p->arg = arg; p->thd = thread_init( timer_func, p, "", 0 ); array_push(timers, p); return array_count(timers); } void timer_destroy(unsigned i) { if( i-- ) { thread_join(timers[i]->thd); thread_term(timers[i]->thd); FREE(timers[i]); timers[i] = 0; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // argc/v static void argc_init() { #if is(tcc) && is(linux) do_once { char buffer[128], arg0[128] = {0}; for( FILE *fp = fopen("/proc/self/status", "rb"); fp; fclose(fp), fp = 0) { while( fgets(buffer, 128, fp) ) { if( strbeg(buffer, "Name:") ) { sscanf(buffer + 5, "%s", arg0 ); break; } } } extern char **environ; __argv = environ - 2; // last argv, as stack is [argc][argv0][argv1][...][NULL][envp] while( !strend(*__argv,arg0) ) --__argv; __argc = *(int*)(__argv-1); } #endif } int argc() { do_once argc_init(); return __argc; } char* argv(int arg) { do_once argc_init(); static __thread char empty[1]; return (unsigned)arg < __argc ? __argv[arg] : (empty[0] = '\0', empty); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // options int flag(const char *commalist) { while( commalist[0] ) { const char *begin = commalist; while(*commalist != ',' && *commalist != '\0') ++commalist; const char *end = commalist; char token[128]; snprintf(token, 128, "%.*s", (int)(end - begin), begin); for( int i = 1; i < argc(); ++i ) { char *arg = argv(i); if( !strcmpi( arg, token ) ) { // --arg return 1; } } commalist = end + !!end[0]; } return 0; } const char *option(const char *commalist, const char *defaults) { while( commalist[0] ) { const char *begin = commalist; while(*commalist != ',' && *commalist != '\0') ++commalist; const char *end = commalist; char token[128], tokeneq[128]; snprintf(token, 128, "%.*s", (int)(end - begin), begin); snprintf(tokeneq, 128, "%.*s=", (int)(end - begin), begin); for( int i = 1; i < argc(); ++i ) { char *arg = argv(i); if( strbegi( arg, tokeneq ) ) { // --arg=value return argv(i) + strlen(tokeneq); } if( !strcmpi( arg, token ) ) { // --arg value if( (i+1) < argc() ) { return argv(i+1); } } } commalist = end + !!end[0]; } return defaults; } int optioni(const char *commalist, int defaults) { const char *rc = option(commalist, 0); return rc ? atoi(rc) : defaults; } float optionf(const char *commalist, float defaults) { const char *rc = option(commalist, 0); return rc ? atof(rc) : defaults; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // tty void tty_color(unsigned color) { #if is(win32) do_once { DWORD mode = 0; SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(-11), (GetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(-11), &mode), mode|4)); } #endif if( color ) { // if( color == RED ) breakpoint("break on RED"); // debug unsigned r = (color >> 16) & 255; unsigned g = (color >> 8) & 255; unsigned b = (color >> 0) & 255; // 24-bit console ESC[ … 38;2;;; … m Select RGB foreground color // 256-color console ESC[38;5;m // 0x00-0x07: standard colors (as in ESC [ 30..37 m) // 0x08-0x0F: high intensity colors (as in ESC [ 90..97 m) // 0x10-0xE7: 6*6*6=216 colors: 16 + 36*r + 6*g + b (0≤r,g,b≤5) // 0xE8-0xFF: grayscale from black to white in 24 steps r /= 51, g /= 51, b /= 51; // [0..5] printf("\033[38;5;%dm", r*36+g*6+b+16); // "\033[0;3%sm", color_code); } else { printf("%s", "\x1B[39;49m"); // reset } } void tty_puts(unsigned color, const char *text) { tty_color(color); puts(text); } void tty_init() { tty_color(0); } int tty_cols() { #if is(win32) CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO c; if( GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &c) ) { int w = c.srWindow.Right-c.srWindow.Left-c.dwCursorPosition.X; return w > 2 ? w - 1 : w; // w-1 to allow window resizing to a larger dimension (already printed text would break otherwise) } #endif #ifdef TIOCGWINSZ struct winsize ws; ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws); return ws.ws_col - 1; #endif #ifdef TIOCGSIZE struct ttysize ts; ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGSIZE, &ts); return ts.ts_cols - 1; #endif return 80; } void tty_detach() { ifdef(win32, FreeConsole()); } void tty_attach() { #if is(win32) // in order to have a Windows gui application with console: // - use WinMain() then AllocConsole(), but that may require supporintg different entry points for different platforms. // - /link /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE and then call FreeConsole() if no console is needed, but feels naive to flash the terminal for a second. // - /link /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /entry:mainCRTStartup, then AllocConsole() as follows. Quoting @pmttavara: // "following calls are the closest i'm aware you can get to /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE in a gui program // while cleanly handling existing consoles (cmd.exe), pipes (ninja) and no console (VS/RemedyBG; double-clicking the game)" do_once { if( !AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS) && GetLastError() != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) ASSERT( AllocConsole() ); printf("\n"); // print >= 1 byte to distinguish empty stdout from a redirected stdout (fgetpos() position <= 0) fpos_t pos = 0; if( fgetpos(stdout, &pos) != 0 || pos <= 0 ) { ASSERT(freopen("CONIN$" , "r", stdin )); ASSERT(freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stderr)); ASSERT(freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout)); } } #endif } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // debugger #include void hexdumpf( FILE *fp, const void *ptr, unsigned len, int width ) { unsigned char *data = (unsigned char*)ptr; for( unsigned jt = 0; jt <= len; jt += width ) { fprintf( fp, "; %05d%s", jt, jt == len ? "\n" : " " ); for( unsigned it = jt, next = it + width; it < len && it < next; ++it ) { fprintf( fp, "%02x %s", (unsigned char)data[it], &" \n\0...\n"[ (1+it) < len ? 2 * !!((1+it) % width) : 3 ] ); } fprintf( fp, "; %05d%s", jt, jt == len ? "\n" : " " ); for( unsigned it = jt, next = it + width; it < len && it < next; ++it ) { fprintf( fp, " %c %s", (signed char)data[it] >= 32 ? (signed char)data[it] : (signed char)'.', &" \n\0..."[ (1+it) < len ? 2 * !!((1+it) % width) : 3 ] ); } } fprintf(fp, " %d bytes\n", len); } void hexdump( const void *ptr, unsigned len ) { hexdumpf( stdout, ptr, len, 16 ); } #if 0 // is(cl) only static void debugbreak(void) { do { \ __try { DebugBreak(); } \ __except (GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT ? \ EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) {} \ } while(0); } #endif #if is(win32) static void debugbreak(void) { if(IsDebuggerPresent()) DebugBreak(); } #else // is(unix) static int is_debugger_present = -1; static void _sigtrap_handler(int signum) { is_debugger_present = 0; signal(SIGTRAP, SIG_DFL); } static void debugbreak(void) { // break if debugger present // __builtin_trap(); // //raise(SIGABRT); // SIGTRAP); //__asm__ volatile("int $0x03"); if( is_debugger_present < 0 ) { is_debugger_present = 1; signal(SIGTRAP, _sigtrap_handler); raise(SIGTRAP); } } #endif void alert(const char *message) { // @todo: move to app_, besides die() #if is(win32) MessageBoxA(0, message, 0,0); #elif is(ems) emscripten_run_script(va("alert('%s')", message)); #elif is(linux) for(FILE *fp = fopen("/tmp/v4k.warning","wb");fp;fp=0) fputs(message,fp), fclose(fp), system("xmessage -center -file /tmp/v4k.warning"); #elif is(osx) system(va("osascript -e 'display alert \"Alert\" message \"%s\"'", message)); #endif } void breakpoint(const char *reason) { window_visible(false); if( reason ) { const char *fulltext = reason[0] == '!' ? va("%s\n%s", reason+1, callstack(+48)) : reason; PRINTF("%s", fulltext); (alert)(fulltext); } debugbreak(); window_visible(true); } bool has_debugger() { #if is(win32) return IsDebuggerPresent(); // SetLastError(123); OutputDebugStringA("\1"); enabled = GetLastError() != 123; #else return false; #endif } void die(const char *message) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", message); fflush(stderr); alert(message); exit(-1); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // logger unsigned determine_color_from_text(const char *text) { /**/ if( strstri(text, "fail") || strstri(text, "error") ) return RED; else if( strstri(text, "warn") || strstri(text, "not found") ) return YELLOW; return 0; } //static int __thread _thread_id; //#define PRINTF(...) (printf("%03d %07.3fs|%-16s|", (((unsigned)(uintptr_t)&_thread_id)>>8) % 1000, time_ss(), __FUNCTION__), printf(__VA_ARGS__), printf("%s", 1[#__VA_ARGS__] == '!' ? callstack(+48) : "")) // verbose logger int (PRINTF)(const char *text, const char *stack, const char *file, int line, const char *function) { double secs = time_ss(); uint32_t color = /*errno ? RED :*/ determine_color_from_text(text); // errno = 0; #if is(cl) char *slash = strrchr(file, '\\'); if(slash) file = slash + 1; #endif char *location = va("|%s|%s:%d", /*errno?strerror(errno):*/function, file, line); int cols = tty_cols() + 1 - (int)strlen(location); static thread_mutex_t lock, *init = 0; if(!init) thread_mutex_init(init = &lock); thread_mutex_lock( &lock ); tty_color(color); printf("\r%*.s%s", cols, "", location); printf("\r%07.3fs|%s%s", secs, text, stack); tty_color(0); thread_mutex_unlock( &lock ); return 1; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // panic static void *panic_oom_reserve; // for out-of-memory recovery int (PANIC)(const char *error, const char *file, int line) { panic_oom_reserve = SYS_REALLOC(panic_oom_reserve, 0); tty_color(RED); error += error[0] == '!'; fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s (%s:%d) (errno:%s)\n", error, file, line, strerror(errno)); fprintf(stderr, "%s", callstack(+16)); // no \n fflush(0); // fflush(stderr); tty_color(0); breakpoint(error); exit(-line); return 1; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // threads struct thread_wrapper { int (*func)(void *user_data); void *user_data; }; static int thread_proc( void* user_data ) { struct thread_wrapper *w = (struct thread_wrapper*)user_data; int return_code = w->func( w->user_data ); thread_exit( return_code ); FREE(w); return 0; } void* thread( int (*thread_func)(void* user_data), void* user_data ) { struct thread_wrapper *w = MALLOC(sizeof(struct thread_wrapper)); w->func = thread_func; w->user_data = user_data; int thread_stack_size = 0; const char *thread_name = ""; thread_ptr_t thd = thread_init( thread_proc, w, thread_name, thread_stack_size ); return thd; } void thread_destroy( void *thd ) { int rc = thread_join(thd); thread_term(thd); }