/** * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. * This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package. */ #ifndef _SQL_1_H_ #define _SQL_1_H_ struct SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN { enum { OP_EXPRESSION = 1,TOKEN_AND,TOKEN_OR,TOKEN_NOT }; enum { IFUNC_NONE = 0,IFUNC_UPPER = 1,IFUNC_LOWER = 2 }; int nTokenType; enum { OP_EQUAL = 1,OP_NOT_EQUAL,OP_EQUALorGREATERTHAN,OP_EQUALorLESSTHAN,OP_LESSTHAN,OP_GREATERTHAN,OP_LIKE }; BSTR pPropertyName; int nOperator; WINBOOL bConstIsStrNumeric; VARIANT vConstValue; BSTR pPropName2; DWORD dwPropertyFunction; DWORD dwConstFunction; SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN(); SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN(SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN&); ~SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN(); SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN& operator=(SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN &Src); void Dump(FILE *); }; struct SQL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION { int nNumTokens; int nCurSize; SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN *pArrayOfTokens; BSTR bsClassName; int nNumberOfProperties; int nCurPropSize; BSTR *pbsRequestedPropertyNames; SQL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION(); ~SQL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION(); void AddToken(SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN *pTok); void AddToken(SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN &pTok); void AddProperty(LPWSTR pProp); void Dump(const char *pszTextFile); }; class SQL1_Parser { CGenLexer *m_pLexer; int m_nLine; wchar_t *m_pTokenText; int m_nCurrentToken; SQL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION *m_pExpression; void Cleanup(); void Init(CGenLexSource *pSrc); VARIANT m_vTypedConst; int m_nRelOp; DWORD m_dwConstFunction; DWORD m_dwPropFunction; LPWSTR m_pIdent; LPWSTR m_pPropComp; WINBOOL m_bConstIsStrNumeric; WINBOOL Next(); int parse(); int prop_list(); int class_name(); int opt_where(); int expr(); int property_name(); int prop_list_2(); int term(); int expr2(); int simple_expr(); int term2(); int leading_ident_expr(); int finalize(); int rel_operator(); int equiv_operator(); int comp_operator(); int is_operator(); int trailing_prop_expr(); int trailing_prop_expr2(); int trailing_or_null(); int trailing_const_expr(); int unknown_func_expr(); int typed_constant(); public: enum { SUCCESS,SYNTAX_ERROR,LEXICAL_ERROR,FAILED,BUFFER_TOO_SMALL }; SQL1_Parser(CGenLexSource *pSrc); ~SQL1_Parser(); int GetQueryClass(LPWSTR pBuf,int nBufSize); int Parse(SQL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION **pOutput); int CurrentLine() { return m_nLine; } LPWSTR CurrentToken() { return m_pTokenText; } void SetSource(CGenLexSource *pSrc); }; #endif