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The relevant parameters for tonemap an image are: -g to define a gamma value to be applied before tonemapping, -r to resize the image to a given value before tonemapping, --tmo to select a tonemapping operator, -o to specify the resulting output file </p> <br> <style type="text/css"> @page { } table { border-collapse:collapse; border-spacing:0; empty-cells:show } td, th { vertical-align:top; font-size:12pt;} h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { clear:both } ol, ul { margin:0; padding:0;} li { list-style: none; margin:0; padding:0;} <!-- "li span.odfLiEnd" - IE 7 issue--> li span. { clear: both; line-height:0; width:0; height:0; margin:0; padding:0; } span.footnodeNumber { padding-right:1em; } span.annotation_style_by_filter { font-size:95%; font-family:Arial; background-color:#fff000; margin:0; border:0; padding:0; } * { margin:0;} .P1 { font-size:8pt; margin-bottom:0cm; margin-top:0cm; font-family:Liberation Mono; writing-mode:page; } <!-- ODF styles with no properties representable as CSS --> { } </style> <body dir="ltr" style="max-width:21.001cm;margin-top:2cm; margin-bottom:2cm; margin-left:2cm; margin-right:2cm; "><p class="P1"> </p><p class="P1">Usage: ./luminance-hdr-cli [OPTIONS]... [INPUTFILES]...:</p><p class="P1"> -h [ --help ] Display this help.</p><p class="P1"> -V [ --version ] Display program version.</p><p class="P1"> -v [ --verbose ] Print more messages during execution.</p><p class="P1"> -c [ --cameras ] Print a list of all supported cameras.</p><p class="P1"> -a [ --align ] arg [AIS|MTB] Align Engine to use during HDR </p><p class="P1"> creation (default: no alignment).</p><p class="P1"> -e [ --ev ] arg EV1,EV2,... Specify numerical EV values (as </p><p class="P1"> many as INPUTFILES).</p><p class="P1"> -d [ --savealigned ] arg prefix Save aligned images to files which names</p><p class="P1"> start with prefix</p><p class="P1"> -l [ --load ] arg HDR_FILE Load an HDR instead of creating a new </p><p class="P1"> one.</p><p class="P1"> -s [ --save ] arg HDR_FILE Save to a HDR file format. (default: </p><p class="P1"> don't save)</p><p class="P1"> -g [ --gamma ] arg VALUE Gamma value to use during tone </p><p class="P1"> mapping. (default: 1) </p><p class="P1"> -r [ --resize ] arg VALUE Width you want to resize your HDR </p><p class="P1"> to (resized before gamma and tone mapping)</p><p class="P1"> -o [ --output ] arg LDR_FILE File name you want to save your </p><p class="P1"> tone mapped LDR to.</p><p class="P1"> -t [ --autoag ] arg THRESHOLD Enable auto anti-ghosting with </p><p class="P1"> given threshold. (0.0-1.0)</p><p class="P1"> -b [ --autolevels ] Apply autolevels correction after tonemapping.</p><p class="P1"> -w [ --createwebpage ] Enable generation of a webpage with embedded </p><p class="P1"> HDR viewer.</p><p class="P1"> </p><p class="P1">HDR creation parameters - you must either load an existing HDR file (via the -l option) or specify INPUTFILES to create a new HDR:</p><p class="P1"> --hdrWeight arg weight = triangular|gaussian|plateau|flat </p><p class="P1"> (Default is triangular)</p><p class="P1"> --hdrResponseCurve arg response curve = from_file|linear|gamma|log|srg</p><p class="P1"> b (Default is linear)</p><p class="P1"> --hdrModel arg model: robertson|robertsonauto|debevec (Default</p><p class="P1"> is debevec)</p><p class="P1"> --hdrCurveFilename arg curve filename = your_file_here.m</p><p class="P1"> </p><p class="P1">LDR output parameters:</p><p class="P1"> -q [ --ldrQuality ] arg VALUE Quality of the saved tone mapped </p><p class="P1"> file (1-100).</p><p class="P1"> --ldrTiff arg Tiff format. Legal values are </p><p class="P1"> [8b|16b|32b|logluv] (Default is 8b)</p><p class="P1"> --ldrTiffDeflate arg Tiff deflate compression. true|false (Default </p><p class="P1"> is true)</p><p class="P1"> </p><p class="P1">HTML output parameters:</p><p class="P1"> -k [ --htmlQuality ] arg VALUE Quality of the interpolated </p><p class="P1"> exposures, from the worst (1) to the best(4). </p><p class="P1"> Higher quality will introduce less distortions </p><p class="P1"> in the brightest and the darkest tones, but </p><p class="P1"> will also generate more images. More images </p><p class="P1"> means that there is more data that needs to be </p><p class="P1"> transferred to the web-browser, making HDR </p><p class="P1"> viewer less responsive. (Default is 2, which is</p><p class="P1"> sufficient for most applications)</p><p class="P1"> --pageName arg Specifies the file name, of the web page to be </p><p class="P1"> generated. If <page_name> is missing, the file </p><p class="P1"> name of the first image with .html extension </p><p class="P1"> will be used. (Default is first image name)</p><p class="P1"> --imagesDir arg Specify where to store the resulting image </p><p class="P1"> files. Links to images in HTML will be updated </p><p class="P1"> accordingly. This must be a relative path and </p><p class="P1"> the directory must exist. Useful to avoid </p><p class="P1"> clutter in the current directory. (Default is </p><p class="P1"> current working directory)</p><p class="P1"> </p><p class="P1">Tone mapping parameters - no tonemapping is performed unless -o is specified:</p><p class="P1"> --tmo arg Tone mapping operator. Legal values are: </p><p class="P1"> [ashikhmin|drago|durand|fattal|ferradans|pattan</p><p class="P1"> aik|reinhard02|reinhard05|mai|mantiuk06|mantiuk</p><p class="P1"> 08] (Default is mantiuk06)</p><p class="P1"> --tmofile arg SETTING_FILE Load an existing setting file </p><p class="P1"> containing pre-gamma and all TMO settings</p><p class="P1"> </p><p class="P1"> Fattal:</p><p class="P1"> --tmoFatAlpha arg alpha FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoFatBeta arg beta FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoFatColor arg color FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoFatNoise arg noise FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoFatNew arg new true|false</p><p class="P1"> </p><p class="P1"> Ferradans:</p><p class="P1"> --tmoFerRho arg rho FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoFerInvAlpha arg inv_alpha FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> </p><p class="P1"> Mantiuk 06:</p><p class="P1"> --tmoM06Contrast arg contrast FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoM06Saturation arg saturation FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoM06Detail arg detail FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoM06ContrastEqual arg equalization true|false</p><p class="P1"> </p><p class="P1"> Mantiuk 08:</p><p class="P1"> --tmoM08ColorSaturation arg color saturation FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoM08ContrastEnh arg contrast enhancement FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoM08LuminanceLvl arg luminance level FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoM08SetLuminance arg enable luminance level true|false</p><p class="P1"> </p><p class="P1"> Durand:</p><p class="P1"> --tmoDurSigmaS arg spatial kernel sigma FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoDurSigmaR arg range kernel sigma FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoDurBase arg base contrast FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> </p><p class="P1"> Drago:</p><p class="P1"> --tmoDrgBias arg bias FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> </p><p class="P1"> Reinhard 02:</p><p class="P1"> --tmoR02Key arg key value FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoR02Phi arg phi FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoR02Scales arg use scales true|false</p><p class="P1"> --tmoR02Num arg range FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoR02Low arg lower scale FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoR02High arg upper scale FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> </p><p class="P1"> Reinhard 05:</p><p class="P1"> --tmoR05Brightness arg Brightness FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoR05Chroma arg Chroma adaption FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoR05Lightness arg Light adaption FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> </p><p class="P1"> Ashikmin:</p><p class="P1"> --tmoAshEq2 arg Equation number 2 true|false</p><p class="P1"> --tmoAshSimple arg Simple true|false</p><p class="P1"> --tmoAshLocal arg Local threshold FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> </p><p class="P1"> Pattanaik:</p><p class="P1"> --tmoPatMultiplier arg multiplier FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoPatLocal arg Local tone mapping true|false</p><p class="P1"> --tmoPatAutoLum arg Auto luminance true|false</p><p class="P1"> --tmoPatCone arg cone level FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> --tmoPatRod arg rod level FLOAT</p><p class="P1"> </p></body></html>