// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // opengl #define GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT 0x83F0 #define GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT 0x83F1 #define GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT 0x83F2 #define GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT 0x83F3 #define GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH 0x9146 #define GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION 0x826B #define GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API 0x8246 #define GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR 0x824C // void glDebugCallback(uint32_t source, uint32_t type, uint32_t id, uint32_t severity, int32_t length, const char * message, void * userdata) { // whitelisted codes (also: 131169, 131204). if( id == 131154 ) return; // Pixel-path performance warning: Pixel transfer is synchronized with 3D rendering. if( id == 131185 ) return; // Buffer object 2 (bound to GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, usage hint is GL_STATIC_DRAW) will use VIDEO memory as the source for buffer object operations if( id == 131218 ) return; // Program/shader state performance warning: Vertex shader in program 9 is being recompiled based on GL state. if( id == 2 ) return; // INFO: API_ID_RECOMPILE_FRAGMENT_SHADER performance warning has been generated. Fragment shader recompiled due to state change. [ID: 2] const char * GL_ERROR_TYPE[] = { "ERROR", "DEPRECATED BEHAVIOR", "UNDEFINED DEHAVIOUR", "PORTABILITY", "PERFORMANCE", "OTHER" }; const char * GL_ERROR_SOURCE[] = { "API", "WINDOW SYSTEM", "SHADER COMPILER", "THIRD PARTY", "APPLICATION", "OTHER" }; const char * GL_ERROR_SEVERITY[] = { "HIGH", "MEDIUM", "LOW", "NOTIFICATION" }; type = type - GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR; source = source - GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API; severity = severity == GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION ? 3 : severity - GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH; if(severity >= 2) return; // do not log low_severity or notifications PRINTF( "!%s:%s [ID: %u]\n", type == 0 ? "ERROR":"WARNING", message, id ); // PANIC( "!%s:%s [ID: %u]\n", type == 0 ? "ERROR":"WARNING", message, id ); } void glDebugEnable() { do_once { typedef void (*GLDEBUGPROC)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, int32_t, const char *, const void *); typedef void (*GLDEBUGMESSAGECALLBACKPROC)(GLDEBUGPROC, const void *); void *func = glfwGetProcAddress("glDebugMessageCallback"); void (*glDebugMessageCallback)(GLDEBUGPROC, const void *) = (GLDEBUGMESSAGECALLBACKPROC)func; if( func ) { glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB); glDebugMessageCallback((GLDEBUGPROC)glDebugCallback, NULL); } } } static void glCopyBackbufferToTexture( texture_t *tex ) { // unused glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 + texture_unit() ); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->id ); glCopyTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, 0, 0, window_width(), window_height(), 0 ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // renderstate renderstate_t renderstate() { renderstate_t state = {0}; // Set default clear color to black state.clear_color[0] = 0.0f; // Red state.clear_color[1] = 0.0f; // Green state.clear_color[2] = 0.0f; // Blue state.clear_color[3] = 1.0f; // Alpha // Set default clear depth to maximum distance state.clear_depth = 1.0; // Enable depth test by default with less or equal function state.depth_test_enabled = GL_TRUE; state.depth_write_enabled = GL_TRUE; state.depth_func = GL_LEQUAL; // Disable blending by default state.blend_enabled = GL_FALSE; state.blend_func = GL_FUNC_ADD; state.blend_src = GL_ONE; state.blend_dst = GL_ZERO; // Disable culling by default but cull back faces state.cull_face_enabled = GL_FALSE; state.cull_face_mode = GL_BACK; // Disable stencil test by default state.stencil_test_enabled = GL_FALSE; state.stencil_func = GL_ALWAYS; state.stencil_ref = 0; state.stencil_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Set default front face to counter-clockwise state.front_face = GL_CCW; // Set default line width state.line_smooth_enabled = GL_FALSE; state.line_width = 1.0f; // Set default point size state.point_size_enabled = GL_FALSE; state.point_size = 1.0f; // Set default polygon mode to fill state.polygon_mode_face = GL_FRONT_AND_BACK; state.polygon_mode_draw = GL_FILL; // Disable scissor test by default state.scissor_test_enabled = GL_FALSE; return state; } bool renderstate_compare(const renderstate_t *stateA, const renderstate_t *stateB) { return memcmp(stateA, stateB, sizeof(renderstate_t)) == 0; } static renderstate_t last_rs; void renderstate_apply(const renderstate_t *state) { if (state != NULL) { // Compare renderstates and bail if they are the same if (renderstate_compare(state, &last_rs)) { return; } // Store renderstate last_rs = *state; // Apply clear color glClearColor(state->clear_color[0], state->clear_color[1], state->clear_color[2], state->clear_color[3]); // Apply clear depth glClearDepth(state->clear_depth); // Apply depth test if (state->depth_test_enabled) { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthFunc(state->depth_func); } else { glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } // Apply depth write glDepthMask(state->depth_write_enabled); // Apply blending if (state->blend_enabled) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendEquation(state->blend_func); glBlendFunc(state->blend_src, state->blend_dst); } else { glDisable(GL_BLEND); } // Apply culling @fixme if (state->cull_face_enabled) { glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glCullFace(state->cull_face_mode); } else { glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); } // Apply stencil test if (state->stencil_test_enabled) { glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glStencilFunc(state->stencil_func, state->stencil_ref, state->stencil_mask); } else { glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); } // Apply front face direction @fixme glFrontFace(state->front_face); // Apply line width glLineWidth(state->line_width); // Apply smooth lines if (state->line_smooth_enabled) { glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); } else { glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); } // Apply point size if (state->point_size_enabled) { glEnable(GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE); glPointSize(state->point_size); } else { glDisable(GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE); } // Apply polygon mode glPolygonMode(state->polygon_mode_face, state->polygon_mode_draw); // Apply scissor test if (state->scissor_test_enabled) { glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } else { glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // shaders void shader_print(const char *source) { for(int line = 0, i = 0; source[i] > 0; ) { printf("\t%03d: ", line+1); while( source[i] >= 32 || source[i] == '\t' ) fputc(source[i++], stdout); while( source[i] > 0 && source[i] < 32 ) line += source[i++] == '\n'; puts(""); } } // sorted by shader handle. an array of properties per shader. properties are plain strings. static __thread map(unsigned, array(char*)) shader_reflect; static GLuint shader_compile( GLenum type, const char *source ) { GLuint shader = glCreateShader(type); glShaderSource(shader, 1, (const char **)&source, NULL); glCompileShader(shader); GLint status = GL_FALSE, length; glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status); if( status == GL_FALSE ) { glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &length); // ASSERT(length < 2048); char buf[2048] = { 0 }; char *buf = stack(length+1); glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, length, NULL, buf); // dump log with line numbers shader_print( source ); PANIC("!ERROR: shader_compile(): %s\n%s\n", type == GL_VERTEX_SHADER ? "Vertex" : "Fragment", buf); return 0; } return shader; } unsigned shader(const char *vs, const char *fs, const char *attribs, const char *fragcolor, const char *defines){ return shader_geom(NULL, vs, fs, attribs, fragcolor, defines); } static inline char *shader_preprocess(const char *src, const char *defines) { if (!src) return NULL; const char *glsl_version = va("#version %s", ifdef(ems, "300 es", "150")); // detect GLSL version if set if (src[0] == '#' && src[1] == 'v') { const char *end = strstri(src, "\n"); glsl_version = va("%.*s", (int)(end-src), src); src = end+1; } return va("%s\n%s\n%s", glsl_version, defines ? defines : "", src); } unsigned shader_geom(const char *gs, const char *vs, const char *fs, const char *attribs, const char *fragcolor, const char *defines) { PRINTF(/*"!"*/"Compiling shader\n"); char *glsl_defines = ""; if( defines ) { for each_substring(defines, ",", def) { glsl_defines = va("%s#define %s\n", glsl_defines, def); } } if(gs) gs = shader_preprocess(gs, glsl_defines); vs = shader_preprocess(vs, glsl_defines); fs = shader_preprocess(fs, glsl_defines); #if is(ems) { char *vs_ = REALLOC( 0, strlen(vs) + 512 ); strcpy(vs_, vs); char *fs_ = REALLOC( 0, strlen(fs) + 512 ); strcpy(fs_, fs); char *gs_ = 0; if (gs) REALLOC( 0, strlen(gs) + 512 ); strcpy(gs_, gs); strrepl(&fs_, "#version 300 es\n", "#version 300 es\nprecision mediump float;\n"); vs = vs_; fs = fs_; gs = gs_; } #endif GLuint vert = shader_compile(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, vs); GLuint frag = shader_compile(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, fs); GLuint geom = 0; if (gs) geom = shader_compile(GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, gs); GLuint program = 0; if( vert && frag ) { program = glCreateProgram(); glAttachShader(program, vert); glAttachShader(program, frag); if (geom) glAttachShader(program, geom); for( int i = 0; attribs && attribs[0]; ++i ) { char attrib[128] = {0}; sscanf(attribs, "%127[^,]", attrib); while( attribs[0] && attribs[0] != ',' ) { attribs++; } while( attribs[0] && attribs[0] == ',' ) { attribs++; break; } if(!attrib[0]) continue; glBindAttribLocation(program, i, attrib); // PRINTF("Shader.attribute[%d]=%s\n", i, attrib); } #if !is(ems) // @fixme if(fragcolor) glBindFragDataLocation(program, 0, fragcolor); #endif glLinkProgram(program); GLint status = GL_FALSE, length; glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status); #ifdef DEBUG_SHADER if (status != GL_FALSE && program == DEBUG_SHADER) { #else if (status == GL_FALSE) { #endif glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &length); // ASSERT(length < 2048); char buf[2048] = { 0 }; char *buf = stack(length+1); glGetProgramInfoLog(program, length, NULL, buf); puts("--- vs:"); shader_print(vs); puts("--- fs:"); shader_print(fs); if (geom) { puts("--- gs:"); shader_print(gs); } } if (status == GL_FALSE) { PANIC("ERROR: shader(): Shader/program link: %s\n", buf); return 0; } glDeleteShader(vert); glDeleteShader(frag); if (geom) glDeleteShader(geom); //#ifdef DEBUG_ANY_SHADER // PRINTF("Shader #%d:\n", program); // shader_print(vs); // shader_print(fs); //#endif } /* if( s->program ) { strcatf(&s->name, "// vs (%s)\n%s\n\n\n", file_vs, vs); strcatf(&s->name, "// fs (%s)\n%s\n\n\n", file_fs, fs); } */ // shader compiled fine, before returning, let's parse the source and reflect the uniforms array(char*) props = 0; do_once map_init_int( shader_reflect ); if(vs) for each_substring(vs, "\r\n", line) { const char *found = strstr(line, "/""//"); if( found > line && line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/' ) continue; if( found ) array_push(props, STRDUP(line)); } if(fs) for each_substring(fs, "\r\n", line) { const char *found = strstr(line, "/""//"); if( found > line && line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/' ) continue; if( found ) array_push(props, STRDUP(line)); } if(gs) for each_substring(gs, "\r\n", line) { const char *found = strstr(line, "/""//"); if( found > line && line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/' ) continue; if( found ) array_push(props, STRDUP(line)); } if( props ) { map_insert(shader_reflect, program, props); for( int i = 0; i < array_count(props); ++i ) shader_apply_param(program, i); } return program; } unsigned shader_properties(unsigned shader) { array(char*) *found = map_find(shader_reflect, shader); return found ? array_count(*found) : 0; } char** shader_property(unsigned shader, unsigned property) { array(char*) *found = map_find(shader_reflect, shader); return found && property < array_count(*found) ? &(*found)[property] : NULL; } void shader_apply_param(unsigned shader, unsigned param_no) { unsigned num_properties = shader_properties(shader); if( param_no < num_properties ) { char *buf = *shader_property(shader, param_no); char type[32], name[32], line[128]; snprintf(line, 127, "%s", buf); if( sscanf(line, "%*s %s %[^ =;/]", type, name) != 2 ) return; char *mins = strstr(line, "min:"); char *sets = strstr(line, "set:"); char *maxs = strstr(line, "max:"); char *tips = strstr(line, "tip:"); if( mins ) *mins = 0, mins += 4; if( sets ) *sets = 0, sets += 4; if( maxs ) *maxs = 0, maxs += 4; if( tips ) *tips = 0, tips += 4; int is_color = !!strstri(name, "color"), top = is_color ? 1 : 10; vec4 minv = mins ? atof4(mins) : vec4(0,0,0,0); vec4 setv = sets ? atof4(sets) : vec4(0,0,0,0); vec4 maxv = maxs ? atof4(maxs) : vec4(top,top,top,top); if(minv.x > maxv.x) swapf(&minv.x, &maxv.x); if(minv.y > maxv.y) swapf(&minv.y, &maxv.y); if(minv.z > maxv.z) swapf(&minv.z, &maxv.z); if(minv.w > maxv.w) swapf(&minv.w, &maxv.w); if( !maxs ) { if(setv.x > maxv.x) maxv.x = setv.x; if(setv.y > maxv.y) maxv.y = setv.y; if(setv.z > maxv.z) maxv.z = setv.z; if(setv.w > maxv.w) maxv.w = setv.w; } setv = clamp4(setv, minv, maxv); if( strchr("ibfv", type[0]) ) { GLint shader_bak; glGetIntegerv(GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM, &shader_bak); glUseProgram(shader); /**/ if(type[0] == 'i') glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(shader, name), setv.x); else if(type[0] == 'b') glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(shader, name), !!setv.x); else if(type[0] == 'f') glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(shader, name), setv.x); else if(type[3] == '2') glUniform2fv(glGetUniformLocation(shader, name), 1, &setv.x); else if(type[3] == '3') glUniform3fv(glGetUniformLocation(shader, name), 1, &setv.x); else if(type[3] == '4') glUniform4fv(glGetUniformLocation(shader, name), 1, &setv.x); glUseProgram(shader_bak); } } } void shader_apply_params(unsigned shader, const char *parameter_mask) { unsigned num_properties = shader_properties(shader); for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_properties; ++i ) { char *line = *shader_property(shader,i); char name[32]; if( sscanf(line, "%*s %*s %s", name) != 1 ) continue; if( !strmatch(name, parameter_mask) ) continue; shader_apply_param(shader, i); } } int ui_shader(unsigned shader) { int changed = 0; unsigned num_properties = shader_properties(shader); for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_properties; ++i ) { char **ptr = shader_property(shader,i); char line[128]; snprintf(line, 127, "%s", *ptr); // debug: ui_label(line); char uniform[32], type[32], name[32], early_exit = '\0'; if( sscanf(line, "%s %s %[^ =;/]", uniform, type, name) != 3 ) continue; // @todo optimize: move to shader() char *mins = strstr(line, "min:"); char *sets = strstr(line, "set:"); char *maxs = strstr(line, "max:"); char *tips = strstr(line, "tip:"); if( mins ) *mins = 0, mins += 4; if( sets ) *sets = 0, sets += 4; if( maxs ) *maxs = 0, maxs += 4; if( tips ) *tips = 0, tips += 4; if( strcmp(uniform, "uniform") && strcmp(uniform, "}uniform") ) { if(tips) ui_label(va(ICON_MD_INFO "%s", tips)); continue; } // @todo optimize: move to shader() int is_color = !!strstri(name, "color"), top = is_color ? 1 : 10; vec4 minv = mins ? atof4(mins) : vec4(0,0,0,0); vec4 setv = sets ? atof4(sets) : vec4(0,0,0,0); vec4 maxv = maxs ? atof4(maxs) : vec4(top,top,top,top); char *label = !tips ? va("%c%s", name[0] - 32 * !!(name[0] >= 'a'), name+1) : va("%c%s " ICON_MD_INFO "@%s", name[0] - 32 * !!(name[0] >= 'a'), name+1, tips); if(minv.x > maxv.x) swapf(&minv.x, &maxv.x); // @optimize: move to shader() if(minv.y > maxv.y) swapf(&minv.y, &maxv.y); // @optimize: move to shader() if(minv.z > maxv.z) swapf(&minv.z, &maxv.z); // @optimize: move to shader() if(minv.w > maxv.w) swapf(&minv.w, &maxv.w); // @optimize: move to shader() if( !maxs ) { if(setv.x > maxv.x) maxv.x = setv.x; if(setv.y > maxv.y) maxv.y = setv.y; if(setv.z > maxv.z) maxv.z = setv.z; if(setv.w > maxv.w) maxv.w = setv.w; } setv = clamp4(setv, minv, maxv); // supports int,float,vec2/3/4,color3/4 int touched = 0; if( type[0] == 'b' ) { bool v = !!setv.x; if( (touched = ui_bool(label, &v)) != 0 ) { setv.x = v; } } else if( type[0] == 'i' ) { int v = setv.x; if( (touched = ui_int(label, &v)) != 0 ) { setv.x = clampi(v, minv.x, maxv.x); // min..max range } } else if( type[0] == 'f' ) { setv.x = clampf(setv.x, minv.x, maxv.x); char *caption = va("%5.3f", setv.x); setv.x = (setv.x - minv.x) / (maxv.x - minv.x); if( (touched = ui_slider2(label, &setv.x, caption)) != 0 ) { setv.x = clampf(minv.x + setv.x * (maxv.x-minv.x), minv.x, maxv.x); // min..max range } } else if( type[0] == 'v' && type[3] == '2' ) { setv.xy = clamp2(setv.xy,minv.xy,maxv.xy); if( (touched = ui_float2(label, &setv.x)) != 0 ) { setv.xy = clamp2(setv.xy,minv.xy,maxv.xy); } } else if( type[0] == 'v' && type[3] == '3' ) { setv.xyz = clamp3(setv.xyz,minv.xyz,maxv.xyz); if( (touched = (is_color ? ui_color3f : ui_float3)(label, &setv.x)) != 0 ) { setv.xyz = clamp3(setv.xyz,minv.xyz,maxv.xyz); } } else if( type[0] == 'v' && type[3] == '4' ) { setv = clamp4(setv,minv,maxv); if( (touched = (is_color ? ui_color4f : ui_float4)(label, &setv.x)) != 0 ) { setv = clamp4(setv,minv,maxv); } } else if( tips ) ui_label( tips ); if( touched ) { // upgrade value *ptr = FREE(*ptr); *ptr = stringf("%s %s %s ///set:%s min:%s max:%s tip:%s", uniform,type,name,ftoa4(setv),ftoa4(minv),ftoa4(maxv),tips?tips:""); // apply shader_apply_param(shader, i); changed = 1; } } return changed; } int ui_shaders() { if( !map_count(shader_reflect) ) return ui_label(ICON_MD_WARNING " No shaders with annotations loaded."), 0; int changed = 0; for each_map_ptr(shader_reflect, unsigned, k, array(char*), v) { int open = 0, clicked_or_toggled = 0; char *id = va("##SHD%d", *k); char *title = va("Shader %d", *k); for( int p = (open = ui_collapse(title, id)), dummy = (clicked_or_toggled = ui_collapse_clicked()); p; ui_collapse_end(), p = 0) { ui_label(va("Shader %d",*k)); changed |= ui_shader(*k); } } return changed; } unsigned compute(const char *cs){ #if is(ems) return 0; #else PRINTF(/*"!"*/"Compiling compute shader\n"); cs = cs[0] == '#' && cs[1] == 'c' ? cs : va("#version 450 core\n%s", cs ? cs : ""); GLuint comp = shader_compile(GL_COMPUTE_SHADER, cs); GLuint program = 0; if( comp ) { program = glCreateProgram(); glAttachShader(program, comp); glLinkProgram(program); GLint status = GL_FALSE, length; glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status); #ifdef DEBUG_SHADER if (status != GL_FALSE && program == DEBUG_SHADER) { #else if (status == GL_FALSE) { #endif glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &length); char *buf = stack(length+1); glGetProgramInfoLog(program, length, NULL, buf); puts("--- cs:"); shader_print(cs); } if (status == GL_FALSE) { PANIC("ERROR: shader(): Shader/program link: %s\n", buf); return 0; } glDeleteShader(comp); } return program; #endif } void compute_dispatch(unsigned wx, unsigned wy, unsigned wz){ glDispatchCompute(wx, wy, wz); } void write_barrier(){ glMemoryBarrier(GL_ALL_BARRIER_BITS); } void write_barrier_image(){ glMemoryBarrier(GL_SHADER_IMAGE_ACCESS_BARRIER_BIT); } void shader_destroy(unsigned program){ if( program == ~0u ) return; glDeleteProgram(program); // if(s->name) FREE(s->name), s->name = NULL; } unsigned ssbo_create(const void *data, int len, unsigned usage){ static GLuint gl_usage[] = { GL_STATIC_DRAW, GL_STATIC_READ, GL_STATIC_COPY, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW, GL_DYNAMIC_READ, GL_DYNAMIC_COPY, GL_STREAM_DRAW, GL_STREAM_READ, GL_STREAM_COPY }; GLuint ssbo; glGenBuffers(1, &ssbo); glBindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, ssbo); glBufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, len, data, gl_usage[usage]); return ssbo; } void ssbo_destroy(unsigned ssbo){ glDeleteBuffers(1, &ssbo); } void ssbo_update(int offset, int len, const void *data){ glBufferSubData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, offset, len, data); } void *ssbo_map(unsigned access){ static GLenum gl_access[] = {GL_READ_ONLY, GL_WRITE_ONLY, GL_READ_WRITE}; return glMapBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, gl_access[access]); } void ssbo_unmap(){ glUnmapBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER); } void ssbo_bind(unsigned ssbo, unsigned unit){ glBindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, ssbo); glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, unit, ssbo); } void ssbo_unbind(){ glBindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0); } static __thread unsigned last_shader = -1; int shader_uniform(const char *name) { return glGetUniformLocation(last_shader, name); } unsigned shader_get_active() { return last_shader; } unsigned shader_bind(unsigned program) { unsigned ret = last_shader; return glUseProgram(last_shader = program), ret; } static inline void shader_int_(int uniform, int i) { glUniform1i(uniform, i); } static inline void shader_float_(int uniform, float f) { glUniform1f(uniform, f); } static inline void shader_vec2_(int uniform, vec2 v) { glUniform2fv(uniform, 1, &v.x); } static inline void shader_vec3_(int uniform, vec3 v) { glUniform3fv(uniform, 1, &v.x); } static inline void shader_vec3v_(int uniform, int count, vec3 *v) { glUniform3fv(uniform, count, &v[0].x); } static inline void shader_vec4_(int uniform, vec4 v) { glUniform4fv(uniform, 1, &v.x); } static inline void shader_mat44_(int uniform, mat44 m) { glUniformMatrix4fv(uniform, 1, GL_FALSE/*GL_TRUE*/, m); } static inline void shader_cubemap_(int sampler, unsigned texture) { int id = texture_unit(); glUniform1i(sampler, id); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + id); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, texture); } static inline void shader_bool_(int uniform, bool x) { glUniform1i(uniform, x); } static inline void shader_uint_(int uniform, unsigned x ) { glUniform1ui(uniform, x); } static inline void shader_texture_unit_(int sampler, unsigned id, unsigned unit) { // @todo. if tex.h == 1 ? GL_TEXTURE_1D : GL_TEXTURE_2D glUniform1i(sampler, unit); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + unit); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id); } static inline void shader_texture_(int sampler, texture_t t) { shader_texture_unit_(sampler, t.id, texture_unit()); } // public api void shader_int(const char *uniform, int i) { glUniform1i(shader_uniform(uniform), i); } void shader_float(const char *uniform, float f) { glUniform1f(shader_uniform(uniform), f); } void shader_vec2(const char *uniform, vec2 v) { glUniform2fv(shader_uniform(uniform), 1, &v.x); } void shader_vec3(const char *uniform, vec3 v) { glUniform3fv(shader_uniform(uniform), 1, &v.x); } void shader_vec3v(const char *uniform, int count, vec3 *v) { glUniform3fv(shader_uniform(uniform), count, &v[0].x); } void shader_vec4(const char *uniform, vec4 v) { glUniform4fv(shader_uniform(uniform), 1, &v.x); } void shader_mat44(const char *uniform, mat44 m) { glUniformMatrix4fv(shader_uniform(uniform), 1, GL_FALSE/*GL_TRUE*/, m); } void shader_cubemap(const char *sampler, unsigned texture) { int id = texture_unit(); glUniform1i(shader_uniform(sampler), id); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + id); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, texture); } void shader_bool(const char *uniform, bool x) { glUniform1i(shader_uniform(uniform), x); } void shader_uint(const char *uniform, unsigned x ) { glUniform1ui(shader_uniform(uniform), x); } void shader_texture(const char *sampler, texture_t t) { shader_texture_unit(sampler, t.id, texture_unit()); } void shader_texture_unit(const char *sampler, unsigned id, unsigned unit) { // @todo. if tex.h == 1 ? GL_TEXTURE_1D : GL_TEXTURE_2D glUniform1i(shader_uniform(sampler), unit); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + unit); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id); } void shader_image(texture_t t, unsigned unit, unsigned level, int layer /* -1 to disable layered access */, unsigned access){ shader_image_unit(t.id, unit, level, layer, t.texel_type, access); } void shader_image_unit(unsigned texture, unsigned unit, unsigned level, int layer, unsigned texel_type, unsigned access){ static GLenum gl_access[] = {GL_READ_ONLY, GL_WRITE_ONLY, GL_READ_WRITE}; glBindImageTexture(unit, texture, level, layer!=-1, layer!=-1?layer:0, gl_access[access], texel_type); } void shader_colormap(const char *name, colormap_t c ) { // assumes shader uses `struct { vec4 color; bool has_tex } name + sampler2D name_tex;` shader_vec4( va("%s.color", name), c.color ); shader_bool( va("%s.has_tex", name), c.texture != NULL ); if( c.texture ) shader_texture( va("%s_tex", name), *c.texture ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // colors unsigned rgba( uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a ) { return (unsigned)a << 24 | b << 16 | g << 8 | r; } unsigned bgra( uint8_t b, uint8_t g, uint8_t r, uint8_t a ) { return rgba(r,g,b,a); } unsigned alpha( unsigned rgba ) { return rgba >> 24; } unsigned rgbaf(float r, float g, float b, float a) { return rgba(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, a * 255); } unsigned bgraf(float b, float g, float r, float a) { return rgba(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, a * 255); } unsigned atorgba(const char *s) { if( s[0] != '#' ) return 0; unsigned r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255; int slen = strspn(s+1, "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"); if( slen > 8 ) slen = 8; /**/ if( slen == 6 ) sscanf(s+1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r,&g,&b); else if( slen == 8 ) sscanf(s+1, "%2x%2x%2x%2x", &r,&g,&b,&a); else if( slen == 3 ) sscanf(s+1, "%1x%1x%1x", &r,&g,&b ), r=r<<4|r,g=g<<4|g,b=b<<4|b; else if( slen == 4 ) sscanf(s+1, "%1x%1x%1x%1x", &r,&g,&b,&a), r=r<<4|r,g=g<<4|g,b=b<<4|b,a=a<<4|a; return rgba(r,g,b,a); } char *rgbatoa(unsigned rgba) { unsigned a = rgba >> 24; unsigned b =(rgba >> 16) & 255; unsigned g =(rgba >> 8) & 255; unsigned r = rgba & 255; char *s = va("# "); sprintf(s+1, "%02x%02x%02x%02x", r,g,b,a); return s; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // images image_t image_create(int x, int y, int flags) { int n = 3; // defaults to RGB if(flags & IMAGE_R) n = 1; if(flags & IMAGE_RG) n = 2; if(flags & IMAGE_RGB) n = 3; if(flags & IMAGE_RGBA) n = 4; image_t img; img.x = x; img.y = y; img.n = n; img.pixels = REALLOC(0, x * y * n ); // @fixme: image_destroy() requires stbi allocator to match REALLOC return img; } image_t image_from_mem(const void *data, int size, int flags) { image_t img = {0}; if( data && size ) { stbi_set_flip_vertically_on_load(flags & IMAGE_FLIP ? 1 : 0); int n = 0; if(flags & IMAGE_R) n = 1; if(flags & IMAGE_RG) n = 2; if(flags & IMAGE_RGB) n = 3; if(flags & IMAGE_RGBA) n = 4; if(flags & IMAGE_FLOAT) img.pixels = stbi_loadf_from_memory((const stbi_uc*)data, size, (int*)&img.x,(int*)&img.y,(int*)&img.n, n); else img.pixels = stbi_load_from_memory((const stbi_uc*)data, size, (int*)&img.x,(int*)&img.y,(int*)&img.n, n); if( img.pixels ) { PRINTF("Loaded image (%dx%d %.*s->%.*s)\n",img.w,img.h,img.n,"RGBA",n?n:img.n,"RGBA"); } else { // PANIC("Error loading image (%s)\n", pathfile); } img.n = n ? n : img.n; } return img; } image_t image(const char *pathfile, int flags) { //const char *fname = vfs_remap(pathfile); // if( !fname[0] ) fname = vfs_remap(va("%s.png",pathfile)); // needed? // if( !fname[0] ) fname = vfs_remap(va("%s.jpg",pathfile)); // needed? // if( !fname[0] ) fname = vfs_remap(va("%s.tga",pathfile)); // needed? // if( !fname[0] ) fname = vfs_remap(va("%s.jpg.png",pathfile)); // needed? // if( !fname[0] ) fname = vfs_remap(va("%s.tga.png",pathfile)); // needed? // if( !fname[0] ) fname = vfs_remap(va("%s.png.jpg",pathfile)); // needed? // if( !fname[0] ) fname = vfs_remap(va("%s.tga.jpg",pathfile)); // needed? int size = 0; char *data = vfs_load(pathfile, &size); return image_from_mem(data, size, flags); } void image_destroy(image_t *img) { if(img->pixels) stbi_image_free(img->pixels); img->pixels = 0; // *img = (image_t){0}; // do not clear fields yet. might be useful in the future. } // bilinear interpolation (uv must be in image coords, range [0..w-1,0..h-1]) static vec3 bilinear(image_t in, vec2 uv) { // image_bilinear_pixel() ? float w = in.x, h = in.y, u = uv.x, v = uv.y; float u1 = (int)u, v1 = (int)v, u2 = minf(u1+1, w-1), v2 = minf(v1+1, h-1); float c1 = u - u1, c2 = v - v1; uint8_t *p1 = &in.pixels8[ in.n * (int)(u1 + v1 * in.w) ]; uint8_t *p2 = &in.pixels8[ in.n * (int)(u2 + v1 * in.w) ]; uint8_t *p3 = &in.pixels8[ in.n * (int)(u1 + v2 * in.w) ]; uint8_t *p4 = &in.pixels8[ in.n * (int)(u2 + v2 * in.w) ]; vec3 A = vec3( p1[0], p1[1], p1[2] ); vec3 B = vec3( p2[0], p2[1], p2[2] ); vec3 C = vec3( p3[0], p3[1], p3[2] ); vec3 D = vec3( p4[0], p4[1], p4[2] ); return mix3(mix3(A, B, c1), mix3(C, D, c1), c2); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // textures int texture_unit() { static int textureUnit = 0, totalTextureUnits = 0; do_once glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, &totalTextureUnits); // ASSERT(textureUnit < totalTextureUnits, "%d texture units exceeded", totalTextureUnits); return textureUnit++ % totalTextureUnits; } unsigned texture_update(texture_t *t, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned n, const void *pixels, int flags) { if( t && !t->id ) { glGenTextures( 1, &t->id ); return texture_update(t, w, h, n, pixels, flags); } ASSERT( t && t->id ); ASSERT( n <= 4 ); GLuint pixel_types[] = { GL_RED, GL_RED, GL_RG, GL_RGB, GL_RGBA, GL_R32F, GL_R32F, GL_RG32F, GL_RGB32F, GL_RGBA32F }; GLenum pixel_storage = flags & TEXTURE_FLOAT ? GL_FLOAT : GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; GLuint pixel_type = pixel_types[ n ]; GLuint texel_type = t->texel_type = pixel_types[ n + 5 * !!(flags & TEXTURE_FLOAT) ]; GLenum wrap = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; GLenum min_filter = GL_NEAREST, mag_filter = GL_NEAREST; // GLfloat color = (flags&7)/7.f, border_color[4] = { color, color, color, 1.f }; if( flags & TEXTURE_BGR ) if( pixel_type == GL_RGB ) pixel_type = GL_BGR; if( flags & TEXTURE_BGR ) if( pixel_type == GL_RGBA ) pixel_type = GL_BGRA; if( flags & TEXTURE_SRGB ) if( texel_type == GL_RGB ) texel_type = GL_SRGB; if( flags & TEXTURE_SRGB ) if( texel_type == GL_RGBA ) texel_type = GL_SRGB_ALPHA; // GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 ? if( flags & TEXTURE_BC1 ) texel_type = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; if( flags & TEXTURE_BC2 ) texel_type = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT; if( flags & TEXTURE_BC3 ) texel_type = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT; if( flags & TEXTURE_DEPTH ) texel_type = pixel_type = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT; // GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32 if( flags & TEXTURE_REPEAT ) wrap = GL_REPEAT; if( flags & TEXTURE_BORDER ) wrap = GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER; if( flags & TEXTURE_LINEAR ) min_filter = GL_LINEAR, mag_filter = GL_LINEAR; if( flags & TEXTURE_MIPMAPS ) min_filter = flags & TEXTURE_LINEAR ? GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR; // : GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; maybe? if( flags & TEXTURE_MIPMAPS ) mag_filter = flags & TEXTURE_LINEAR ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST; #if 0 if( 0 ) { // flags & TEXTURE_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA ) uint8_t *p = pixels; if(n == 2) for( unsigned i = 0; i < 2*w*h; i += 2 ) { p[i] = (p[i] * p[i+1] + 128) >> 8; } if(n == 4) for( unsigned i = 0; i < 4*w*h; i += 4 ) { p[i+0] = (p[i+0] * p[i+3] + 128) >> 8; p[i+1] = (p[i+1] * p[i+3] + 128) >> 8; p[i+2] = (p[i+2] * p[i+3] + 128) >> 8; } } #endif GLenum texture_type = t->flags & TEXTURE_ARRAY ? GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY : GL_TEXTURE_2D; // @fixme: test GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY //glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, n < 4 ? 1 : 4 ); // for framebuffer reading //glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + (flags&7)); glBindTexture(texture_type, t->id); glTexImage2D(texture_type, 0, texel_type, w, h, 0, pixel_type, pixel_storage, pixels); glTexParameteri(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, wrap); glTexParameteri(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, wrap); glTexParameteri(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, min_filter); glTexParameteri(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, mag_filter); if (flags & TEXTURE_ANISOTROPY) { GLfloat value, max_anisotropy = 16.0f; glGetFloatv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY, &value); value = (value > max_anisotropy) ? max_anisotropy : value; glTexParameterf(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY, value); } #if 0 // only for sampler2DShadow if( flags & TEXTURE_DEPTH ) glTexParameteri(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, GL_COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE); if( flags & TEXTURE_DEPTH ) glTexParameteri(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, GL_LEQUAL); #endif // if( flags & TEXTURE_BORDER ) glTexParameterfv(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, border_color); if( flags & TEXTURE_MIPMAPS ) glGenerateMipmap(texture_type); if( flags & TEXTURE_MIPMAPS ) { GLfloat max_aniso = 0; // glGetFloatv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY, &max_aniso); max_aniso = 4; // glTexParameterf(texture_type, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY, max_aniso); } // glBindTexture(texture_type, 0); // do not unbind. current code expects texture to be bound at function exit t->w = w; t->h = h; t->n = n; t->flags = flags; t->filename = t->filename ? t->filename : ""; return t->id; } texture_t texture_create(unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned n, const void *pixels, int flags) { texture_t texture = {0}; glGenTextures( 1, &texture.id ); texture_update( &texture, w, h, n, pixels, flags ); texture.transparent = texture.n > 3; // @fixme: should be true only if any pixel.a == 0 return texture; } texture_t texture_checker() { static texture_t texture = {0}; if( !texture.id ) { #if 0 float pixels[] = { 1,0.5,0.5,1 }; texture = texture_create(2,2,1, pixels, TEXTURE_FLOAT|TEXTURE_MIPMAPS|TEXTURE_REPEAT|TEXTURE_BORDER); #else uint32_t *pixels = REALLOC(0, 256*256*4); for (int y = 0, i = 0; y < 256; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++) { #if 0 extern const uint32_t secret_palette[32]; uint32_t rgb = secret_palette[ y / 8 ] * !!((x ^ y) & 0x8); pixels[i++] = (rgb>>16) & 255; pixels[i++] = (rgb>>8) & 255; pixels[i++] = (rgb>>0) & 255; pixels[i++] = 255; #elif 0 extern const uint32_t secret_palette[32]; uint32_t rgb = ((x ^ y) & 0x8) ? secret_palette[6] : secret_palette[ 8 + ((x^y) / (256/6)) ]; pixels[i++] = (rgb>>16) & 255; pixels[i++] = (rgb>>8) & 255; pixels[i++] = (rgb>>0) & 255; pixels[i++] = 255; #elif 0 extern const uint32_t secret_palette[32]; uint32_t lum = (x^y) & 8 ? 128 : (x^y) & 128 ? 192 : 255; uint32_t rgb = rgba(lum,lum,lum,255); pixels[i++] = rgb; #else int j = y, i = x; unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)&pixels[x + y * 256]; p[0] = (i / 16) % 2 == (j / 16) % 2 ? 255 : 0; // r p[1] = ((i - j) / 16) % 2 == 0 ? 255 : 0; // g p[2] = ((i + j) / 16) % 2 == 0 ? 255 : 0; // b p[3] = 255; // a #endif } } texture = texture_create(256,256,4, pixels, TEXTURE_RGBA|TEXTURE_MIPMAPS|TEXTURE_REPEAT|TEXTURE_BORDER); FREE(pixels); #endif } return texture; } texture_t texture_from_mem(const void *ptr, int len, int flags) { image_t img = image_from_mem(ptr, len, flags); if( img.pixels ) { texture_t t = texture_create(img.x, img.y, img.n, img.pixels, flags); image_destroy(&img); return t; } return texture_checker(); } texture_t texture(const char *pathfile, int flags) { // PRINTF("Loading file %s\n", pathfile); image_t img = image(pathfile, flags); if( img.pixels ) { texture_t t = texture_create(img.x, img.y, img.n, img.pixels, flags); t.filename = STRDUP(file_name(pathfile)); image_destroy(&img); return t; } return texture_checker(); } void texture_destroy( texture_t *t ) { if(t->filename && t->filename[0]) FREE(t->filename), t->filename = 0; if(t->fbo) fbo_destroy(t->fbo), t->fbo = 0; if(t->id) glDeleteTextures(1, &t->id), t->id = 0; *t = (texture_t){0}; } bool texture_rec_begin(texture_t *t, unsigned tw, unsigned th) { for( unsigned w = tw ? tw : window_width(), h = th ? th : window_height(); w*h ; ) { // resize if needed if( t->w != w || t->h != h ) { // re-create texture, set texture parameters and content texture_update(t, w, h, 4, NULL, TEXTURE_RGBA); if(!t->fbo) t->fbo = fbo(t->id, 0, 0); } // bind fbo to texture fbo_bind(t->fbo); return true; } return false; } void texture_rec_end(texture_t *t) { fbo_unbind(); } // ktx texture loader // - rlyeh, public domain // // [ref] https://developer.nvidia.com/astc-texture-compression-for-game-assets // // # Compatibility and modes. What to choose. // - iOS: PVRTC1_4_RGB or PVRTC1_4 (RGBA) with q:pvrtcnormal. // - Desktop (OSX/Linux/Windows): BC1, BC1a or BC3 with q:normal. // - Android: ETC2_RGB or ETC2_RGBA with q:etcfast. ASTC_4x4 or ASTC_8x8 with q:astcmedium, as a fallback. #if 0 enum { // for glFormat GLFORMAT_RED = 0x1903, GLFORMAT_RG = 0x8227, GLFORMAT_RGB = 0x1907, GLFORMAT_RGBA = 0x1908, //GLFORMAT_ALPHA = 0x1906, // 8 //GLFORMAT_LUMINANCE = 0x1909, // 8 //GLFORMAT_LUMINANCE_ALPHA = 0x190A, // 88 // for glType GLTYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE = 0x1401, // for glInternalFormat: RAW // @todo: SRGB, SRGBA, SBGR, SBGRA UNCOMPRESSED_RGB = 0x8051, // 888, GL_RGB8_EXT UNCOMPRESSED_RGB_565 = 0x8363, UNCOMPRESSED_RGBA = 0x8058, // 8888, GL_RGBA8_EXT UNCOMPRESSED_RGBA_4444 = 0x8033, UNCOMPRESSED_RGBA_5551 = 0x8034, UNCOMPRESSED_BGR = 0x80E0, // 888 UNCOMPRESSED_BGRA = 0x80E1, // 8888 // for glInternalFormat: S3TC/DXTn/BCn // @todo: BC4,5,6,7* COMPRESSED_RGB_BC1 = 0x83F0, // DXT1 COMPRESSED_RGBA_BC1 = 0x83F1, // DXT1a, BC1a COMPRESSED_RGBA_BC2 = 0x83F2, // DXT3 COMPRESSED_RGBA_BC3 = 0x83F3, // DXT5 COMPRESSED_RGBA_BC7 = 0x8E8C, // COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM_ARB COMPRESSED_SRGB_BC1 = 0x8C4C, COMPRESSED_SRGBA_BC1 = 0x8C4D, COMPRESSED_SRGBA_BC2 = 0x8C4E, COMPRESSED_SRGBA_BC3 = 0x8C4F, // RGB_BC7f COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_FLOAT_ARB // RGB_BC7uf COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_FLOAT_ARB // RGBA_BC7 COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM_ARB // SRGBA_BC7 COMPRESSED_SRGBA_BPTC_UNORM_ARB // for glInternalFormat: ETC2+EAC COMPRESSED_R_EAC = 0x9270, // 4bpp COMPRESSED_R_EAC_SIGNED = 0x9271, // 4bpp. can preserve 0 COMPRESSED_RG_EAC = 0x9272, // 8bpp COMPRESSED_RG_EAC_SIGNED = 0x9273, // 8bbp. can preserve 0 COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC2 = 0x9274, // 4bpp COMPRESSED_RGBA_ETC2 = 0x9276, // 4bpp A1 COMPRESSED_RGBA_ETC2_EAC = 0x9278, // 8bpp COMPRESSED_SRGB_ETC2 = 0x9275, // 4bpp COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ETC2 = 0x9277, // 4bpp A1 COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ETC2_EAC = 0x9279, // 8bpp // for glInternalFormat: PVR COMPRESSED_RGB_PVR1_2 = 0x8C01, COMPRESSED_RGB_PVR1_4 = 0x8C00, COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVR1_2 = 0x8C03, COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVR1_4 = 0x8C02, COMPRESSED_SRGB_PVR1_2 = 0x8A54, // _EXT COMPRESSED_SRGB_PVR1_4 = 0x8A55, // _EXT COMPRESSED_SRGBA_PVR1_2 = 0x8A56, // _EXT COMPRESSED_SRGBA_PVR1_4 = 0x8A57, // _EXT COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVR2_2 = 0x9137, COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVR2_4 = 0x9138, COMPRESSED_SRGBA_PVR2_2 = 0x93F0, COMPRESSED_SRGBA_PVR2_4 = 0x93F1, // for glInternalFormat: ASTC COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC4x4 = 0x93B0, // 8.00bpp COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC5x4 = 0x93B1, // 6.40bpp COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC5x5 = 0x93B2, // 5.12bpp COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC6x5 = 0x93B3, // 4.27bpp COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC6x6 = 0x93B4, // 3.56bpp COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC8x5 = 0x93B5, // 3.20bpp COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC8x6 = 0x93B6, // 2.67bpp COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC8x8 = 0x93B7, // 2.56bpp COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC10x5 = 0x93B8, // 2.13bpp COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC10x6 = 0x93B9, // 2.00bpp COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC10x8 = 0x93BA, // 1.60bpp COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC10x10 = 0x93BB, // 1.28bpp COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC12x10 = 0x93BC, // 1.07bpp COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC12x12 = 0x93BD, // 0.89bpp COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ASTC4x4 = 0x93D0, // 8.00bpp SRGB8 A8 COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ASTC5x4 = 0x93D1, // 6.40bpp SRGB8 A8 COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ASTC5x5 = 0x93D2, // 5.12bpp SRGB8 A8 COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ASTC6x5 = 0x93D3, // 4.27bpp SRGB8 A8 COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ASTC6x6 = 0x93D4, // 3.56bpp SRGB8 A8 COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ASTC8x5 = 0x93D5, // 3.20bpp SRGB8 A8 COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ASTC8x6 = 0x93D6, // 2.67bpp SRGB8 A8 COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ASTC8x8 = 0x93D7, // 2.56bpp SRGB8 A8 COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ASTC10x5 = 0x93D8, // 2.13bpp SRGB8 A8 COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ASTC10x6 = 0x93D9, // 2.00bpp SRGB8 A8 COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ASTC10x8 = 0x93DA, // 1.60bpp SRGB8 A8 COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ASTC10x10 = 0x93DB, // 1.28bpp SRGB8 A8 COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ASTC12x10 = 0x93DC, // 1.07bpp SRGB8 A8 COMPRESSED_SRGBA_ASTC12x12 = 0x93DD, // 0.89bpp SRGB8 A8 // others: // COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1 // COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1 // COMPRESSED_RG_RGTC2 // COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG_RGTC2 }; #endif #pragma pack(push, 1) // not really needed. the struct is exactly 64 bytes, and all members are 32-bit unsigned typedef struct ktx_header { unsigned identifier[3]; // "«KTX 11»\r\n\x1A\n" unsigned endianness; // 0x04030201 if match unsigned glType; // 0 if compressed; otherwise: UNSIGNED_BYTE, UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5, etc. unsigned glTypeSize; // 1 if compressed; otherwise, size in bytes of glType for endianness conversion. not needed. unsigned glFormat; // STENCIL_INDEX, DEPTH_COMPONENT, DEPTH_STENCIL, RED, GREEN, BLUE, RG, RGB, RGBA, BGR, BGRA, RED_INTEGER, GREEN_INTEGER, BLUE_INTEGER, RG_INTEGER, RGB_INTEGER, RGBA_INTEGER, BGR_INTEGER, BGRA_INTEGER, unsigned glInternalFormat; // COMPRESSED_RED, COMPRESSED_RG, COMPRESSED_RGB, COMPRESSED_RGBA, COMPRESSED_SRGB, COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA, COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1, COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1, COMPRESSED_RG_RGTC2, COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG_RGTC2, COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM, COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_BPTC_UNORM, COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_FLOAT, COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_FLOAT, COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2, COMPRESSED_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2, COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC, COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC, COMPRESSED_R11_EAC, COMPRESSED_SIGNED_R11_EAC, COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC, COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC, unsigned glBaseInternalFormat; // DEPTH_COMPONENT, DEPTH_STENCIL, RED, RG, RGB, RGBA, STENCIL_INDEX, unsigned width; unsigned height; unsigned depth; unsigned num_surfaces; // >1 for material unsigned num_faces; // =6 for cubemaps (+X,-X,+Y,-Y,+Z,-Z order), 1 otherwise unsigned num_mipmaps; // >1 for mipmaps unsigned metadata_size; // length of following header // struct ktx_metadata { // unsigned key_and_value_size; // char key_and_value[key_and_value_size]; // char value_padding[3 - ((key_and_value_size + 3) % 4)]; // }; // struct ktx_texture_data { // unsigned size; // char data[0]; // } tx; } ktx_header; #pragma pack(pop) typedef struct ktx_texture { unsigned width; unsigned height; unsigned depth; unsigned size; const char* data; } ktx_texture; typedef struct ktx { ktx_header hdr; const char *error; } ktx; static __thread array(ktx_texture) ktx_textures; static ktx ktx_load(const void *data, unsigned int len) { ktx ctx = {0}; // check ktx signature bool is_ktx = (len > sizeof(ktx_header)) && !memcmp(data, "\xABKTX 11\xBB\r\n\x1A\n", 12); if( !is_ktx ) { return ctx.error = "ERROR_BAD_KTX_FILE", ctx; } // copy texture header ktx_header *hdr = &ctx.hdr; *hdr = *((const ktx_header *)data); // sanity checks STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(ktx_header) == (16*4)); for( int i = 0; i < sizeof(ktx_header)/4; ++i) { i[(unsigned*)hdr] = lil32(i[(unsigned*)hdr]); } if( hdr->endianness != 0x04030201 ) { return ctx.error = "ERROR_BAD_ENDIANNESS", ctx; } if( (hdr->num_faces != 1) && (hdr->num_faces != 6) ) { return ctx.error = "ERROR_BAD_NUMBER_OF_FACES", ctx; } // normalize glInternalFormat if uncompressed. if( hdr->glType != 0 ) { hdr->glInternalFormat = hdr->glBaseInternalFormat; } // normalize [1..N] range hdr->num_mipmaps += !hdr->num_mipmaps; hdr->num_surfaces += !hdr->num_surfaces; hdr->num_faces += !hdr->num_faces; // basically, // for each level in num_mipmaps { UInt32 imageSize; // for each surface in num_surfaces { // for each face in num_faces { // for each slice in depth { // for each row in height { // for each pixel in width { // byte data[size_based_on_pixelformat] // byte facePadding[0-3] }}} // } // Byte mipPadding[0-3] } array_resize(ktx_textures, hdr->num_mipmaps * hdr->num_surfaces * hdr->num_faces); const char *bitmap = ((const char*)data) + sizeof(ktx_header) + hdr->metadata_size; for( unsigned m = 0; m < hdr->num_mipmaps; ++m ) { for( unsigned s = 0; s < hdr->num_surfaces; ++s ) { for( unsigned f = 0; f < hdr->num_faces; ++f ) { ktx_texture *t = &ktx_textures[f+s*hdr->num_faces+m*hdr->num_faces*hdr->num_surfaces]; // set dimensions [1..N] t->width = (hdr->width >> m) + !(hdr->width >> m); t->height = (hdr->height >> m) + !(hdr->height >> m); t->depth = (hdr->depth >> m) + !(hdr->depth >> m); // seek to mip const char *ptr = bitmap; for( int i = 0; i <= m; i++ ) { // if cubemap, *ptr holds unpadded size of single face, // else, *ptr holds size of all surfaces+faces+slices for whole mipmap. unsigned size = lil32(*(unsigned*)ptr); unsigned padding = 3 - ((size + 3) % 4); // seek to data t->data = ptr + 4 + (size * f); // seek to next mipmap ptr = ptr + 4 + (size * hdr->num_faces) + padding; // adjust size t->size = (uintptr_t)(ptr - t->data); // -padding; needed? } // ensure we're in bounds ASSERT(t->data < ((char*)data + len), "%p < %p", t->data, ((char*)data + len)); ASSERT(((char*)t->data+t->size) <= ((char*)data + len), "%p < %p", (char*)t->data + t->size, ((char*)data + len)); } } } return ctx; } // --- texture_t texture_compressed_from_mem(const void *data, int len, unsigned flags) { ktx ctx = ktx_load(data, len); if( ctx.error ) { // puts(ctx.error); // return texture_checker(); return texture_from_mem(data, len, flags); } ktx_header hdr = ctx.hdr; // flags int target = hdr.num_faces == 6 ? GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP : hdr.depth > 0 ? GL_TEXTURE_3D : GL_TEXTURE_2D; int dimensions = target == GL_TEXTURE_3D ? 3 : target == GL_TEXTURE_2D || target == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP ? 2 : 1; // create texture GLuint id; glGenTextures(1, &id); glBindTexture(target, id); // filtering glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, hdr.num_mipmaps > 1 ? GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR : GL_LINEAR); // wrapping if( dimensions > 0 ) glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); if( dimensions > 1 ) glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); if( dimensions > 2 ) glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, GL_REPEAT); if( flags&TEXTURE_CLAMP && dimensions > 0 ) glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); if( flags&TEXTURE_CLAMP && dimensions > 1 ) glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); if( flags&TEXTURE_CLAMP && dimensions > 2 ) glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); if( target == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP ) target = GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X; // GLenum internalFormat = flags & TEXTURE_SRGB ? GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 : GL_RGBA8; // @fixme int bytes = 0; enum { border = 0 }; for( int m = 0; m < hdr.num_mipmaps; ++m ) { for( int s = 0; s < hdr.num_surfaces; ++s ) { for( int f = 0; f < hdr.num_faces; ++f ) { int d3 = target == GL_TEXTURE_3D, compr = hdr.glType == 0, mode = d3+compr*2; ktx_texture *t = &ktx_textures[f+s*hdr.num_faces+m*hdr.num_faces*hdr.num_surfaces]; /**/ if(mode==0) glTexImage2D(target+f,m,hdr.glInternalFormat,t->width,t->height, border,hdr.glFormat,hdr.glType,t->data); else if(mode==1) glTexImage3D(target ,m,hdr.glInternalFormat,t->width,t->height,t->depth, border,hdr.glFormat,hdr.glType,t->data); else if(mode==2) glCompressedTexImage2D(target+f,m,hdr.glInternalFormat,t->width,t->height, border,t->size,t->data); else if(mode==3) glCompressedTexImage3D(target ,m,hdr.glInternalFormat,t->width,t->height,t->depth,border,t->size,t->data); bytes += t->size; } } } // if( !hdr.num_mipmaps ) // if( flags & TEXTURE_MIPMAPS ) glGenerateMipmap(target); texture_t t = {0}; t.id = id; t.w = ktx_textures[0].width; t.h = ktx_textures[0].height; t.d = ktx_textures[0].depth; // @todo: reconstruct flags PRINTF("dims:%dx%dx%d,size:%.2fMiB,mips:%d,layers:%d,faces:%d\n", t.w, t.h, t.d, bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0, hdr.num_mipmaps, hdr.num_surfaces, hdr.num_faces); return t; } texture_t texture_compressed(const char *pathfile, unsigned flags) { //const char *fname = vfs_remap(pathfile); int size = 0; char *data = vfs_load(pathfile, &size); return texture_compressed_from_mem(data, size, flags); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // shadowmaps shadowmap_t shadowmap(int texture_width) { // = 1024 shadowmap_t s = {0}; s.texture_width = texture_width; glGetIntegerv(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &s.saved_fb); glGenFramebuffers(1, &s.fbo); glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, s.fbo); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glGenTextures(1, &s.texture); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, s.texture); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, texture_width, texture_width, 0, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, s.texture, 0); #if is(ems) GLenum nones[] = { GL_NONE }; glDrawBuffers(1, nones); glReadBuffer(GL_NONE); #else glDrawBuffer(GL_NONE); glReadBuffer(GL_NONE); #endif glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, s.saved_fb); return s; } void shadowmap_destroy(shadowmap_t *s) { if (s->texture) { glDeleteTextures(1, &s->texture); } if (s->fbo) { glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &s->fbo); } shadowmap_t z = {0}; *s = z; } void shadowmap_set_shadowmatrix(shadowmap_t *s, vec3 aLightPos, vec3 aLightAt, vec3 aLightUp, const mat44 projection) { copy44(s->proj, projection); s->light_position = vec4(aLightPos.x, aLightPos.y, aLightPos.z, 1); lookat44(s->mv, aLightPos, aLightAt, aLightUp); mat44 bias = { 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 }; // s->shadowmatrix = bias; // s->shadowmatrix *= s->proj; // s->shadowmatrix *= s->mv; // multiply44x3(s->shadowmatrix, s->mv, s->proj, bias); multiply44x3(s->shadowmatrix, bias, s->proj, s->mv); // mvp = projection * s->mv; // multiply44x2(s->mvp, s->mv, projection); multiply44x2(s->mvp, projection, s->mv); } void shadowmap_begin(shadowmap_t *s) { glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, &s->saved_viewport[0]); glGetIntegerv(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &s->saved_fb); glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, s->fbo); glViewport(0, 0, s->texture_width, s->texture_width); glClearDepth(1); glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); } void shadowmap_end(shadowmap_t *s) { glViewport(s->saved_viewport[0], s->saved_viewport[1], s->saved_viewport[2], s->saved_viewport[3]); glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, s->saved_fb); } // shadowmap utils void shadowmatrix_proj(mat44 shm_proj, float aLightFov, float znear, float zfar) { perspective44(shm_proj, aLightFov, 1.0f, znear, zfar); } void shadowmatrix_ortho(mat44 shm_proj, float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float znear, float zfar) { ortho44(shm_proj, left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // fullscreen quads // usage: bind empty vao & commit call for 6 (quad) or 3 vertices (tri). // ie, glBindVertexArray(empty_vao); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3); static renderstate_t fullscreen_quad_rs; static inline void fullscreen_quad_rs_init() { do_once { fullscreen_quad_rs = renderstate(); fullscreen_quad_rs.depth_test_enabled = false; fullscreen_quad_rs.blend_enabled = true; fullscreen_quad_rs.blend_src = GL_SRC_ALPHA; fullscreen_quad_rs.blend_dst = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; fullscreen_quad_rs.front_face = GL_CW; } } void fullscreen_quad_rgb( texture_t texture ) { fullscreen_quad_rs_init(); static int program = -1, vao = -1, u_inv_gamma = -1; if( program < 0 ) { const char* vs = vfs_read("shaders/vs_0_2_fullscreen_quad_B_flipped.glsl"); const char* fs = vfs_read("shaders/fs_2_4_texel_inv_gamma.glsl"); program = shader(vs, fs, "", "fragcolor" , NULL); u_inv_gamma = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_inv_gamma"); glGenVertexArrays( 1, (GLuint*)&vao ); } GLenum texture_type = texture.flags & TEXTURE_ARRAY ? GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY : GL_TEXTURE_2D; renderstate_apply(&fullscreen_quad_rs); glUseProgram( program ); float gamma = 1; glUniform1f( u_inv_gamma, gamma ); glBindVertexArray( vao ); glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 ); glBindTexture( texture_type, texture.id ); glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6 ); profile_incstat("Render.num_drawcalls", +1); profile_incstat("Render.num_triangles", +2); glBindTexture( texture_type, 0 ); glBindVertexArray( 0 ); glUseProgram( 0 ); // glDisable( GL_BLEND ); } void fullscreen_quad_rgb_flipped( texture_t texture ) { fullscreen_quad_rs_init(); static int program = -1, vao = -1, u_inv_gamma = -1; if( program < 0 ) { const char* vs = vfs_read("shaders/vs_0_2_fullscreen_quad_B.glsl"); const char* fs = vfs_read("shaders/fs_2_4_texel_inv_gamma.glsl"); program = shader(vs, fs, "", "fragcolor" , NULL); u_inv_gamma = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_inv_gamma"); glGenVertexArrays( 1, (GLuint*)&vao ); } GLenum texture_type = texture.flags & TEXTURE_ARRAY ? GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY : GL_TEXTURE_2D; renderstate_apply(&fullscreen_quad_rs); glUseProgram( program ); float gamma = 1; glUniform1f( u_inv_gamma, gamma ); glBindVertexArray( vao ); glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 ); glBindTexture( texture_type, texture.id ); glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6 ); profile_incstat("Render.num_drawcalls", +1); profile_incstat("Render.num_triangles", +2); glBindTexture( texture_type, 0 ); glBindVertexArray( 0 ); glUseProgram( 0 ); // glDisable( GL_BLEND ); } void fullscreen_quad_ycbcr( texture_t textureYCbCr[3] ) { fullscreen_quad_rs_init(); static int program = -1, vao = -1, u_gamma = -1, uy = -1, ucb = -1, ucr = -1; if( program < 0 ) { const char* vs = vfs_read("shaders/vs_0_2_fullscreen_quad_B_flipped.glsl"); const char* fs = vfs_read("shaders/fs_2_4_texel_ycbr_gamma_saturation.glsl"); program = shader(vs, fs, "", "fragcolor" , NULL); u_gamma = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_gamma"); uy = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_texture_y"); ucb = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_texture_cb"); ucr = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_texture_cr"); glGenVertexArrays( 1, (GLuint*)&vao ); } renderstate_apply(&fullscreen_quad_rs); glUseProgram( program ); // glUniform1f( u_gamma, gamma ); glBindVertexArray( vao ); glUniform1i(uy, 0); glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 ); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureYCbCr[0].id ); glUniform1i(ucb, 1); glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 ); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureYCbCr[1].id ); glUniform1i(ucr, 2); glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE2 ); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureYCbCr[2].id ); glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6 ); profile_incstat("Render.num_drawcalls", +1); profile_incstat("Render.num_triangles", +2); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 ); glBindVertexArray( 0 ); glUseProgram( 0 ); // glDisable( GL_BLEND ); } void fullscreen_quad_ycbcr_flipped( texture_t textureYCbCr[3] ) { fullscreen_quad_rs_init(); static int program = -1, vao = -1, u_gamma = -1, uy = -1, ucb = -1, ucr = -1; if( program < 0 ) { const char* vs = vfs_read("shaders/vs_0_2_fullscreen_quad_B.glsl"); const char* fs = vfs_read("shaders/fs_2_4_texel_ycbr_gamma_saturation.glsl"); program = shader(vs, fs, "", "fragcolor" , NULL); u_gamma = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_gamma"); uy = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_texture_y"); ucb = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_texture_cb"); ucr = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_texture_cr"); glGenVertexArrays( 1, (GLuint*)&vao ); } renderstate_apply(&fullscreen_quad_rs); glUseProgram( program ); // glUniform1f( u_gamma, gamma ); glBindVertexArray( vao ); glUniform1i(uy, 0); glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 ); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureYCbCr[0].id ); glUniform1i(ucb, 1); glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 ); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureYCbCr[1].id ); glUniform1i(ucr, 2); glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE2 ); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureYCbCr[2].id ); glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6 ); profile_incstat("Render.num_drawcalls", +1); profile_incstat("Render.num_triangles", +2); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 ); glBindVertexArray( 0 ); glUseProgram( 0 ); // glDisable( GL_BLEND ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cubemaps // project cubemap coords into sphere normals static vec3 cubemap2polar(int face, int x, int y, int texture_width) { float u = (x / (texture_width - 1.f)) * 2 - 1; float v = (y / (texture_width - 1.f)) * 2 - 1; /**/ if( face == 0 ) return vec3( u, -1, -v); else if( face == 1 ) return vec3(-v, -u, 1); else if( face == 2 ) return vec3(-1, -u, -v); else if( face == 3 ) return vec3(-u, 1, -v); else if( face == 4 ) return vec3( v, -u, -1); else return vec3( 1, u, -v); } // project normal in a sphere as 2d texcoord static vec2 polar2uv(vec3 n) { n = norm3(n); float theta = atan2(n.y, n.x); float phi = atan2(n.z, hypot(n.x, n.y)); float u = (theta + C_PI) / C_PI; float v = (C_PI/2 - phi) / C_PI; return vec2(u, v); } // equirectangular panorama (2:1) to cubemap - in RGB, out RGB static void panorama2cubemap_(image_t out[6], const image_t in, int width){ int face; #pragma omp parallel for for( face = 0; face < 6; ++face ) { out[face] = image_create(width, width, IMAGE_RGB); for (int j=0; j < width; ++j) { uint32_t *line = &out[ face ].pixels32[ 0 + j * width ]; for (int i=0; i < width; ++i) { vec3 polar = cubemap2polar(face, i, j, width); vec2 uv = polar2uv(polar); uv = scale2(uv, in.h-1); // source coords (assumes 2:1, 2*h == w) vec3 rgb = bilinear(in, uv); union color { struct { uint8_t r,g,b,a; }; uint32_t rgba; } c = { rgb.x, rgb.y, rgb.z, 255 }; line[i] = c.rgba; } } } } // equirectangular panorama (2:1) to cubemap - in RGB, out RGBA void panorama2cubemap(image_t out[6], const image_t in, int width) { int face; #pragma omp parallel for for( face = 0; face < 6; ++face ) { out[face] = image_create(width, width, IMAGE_RGBA); for (int j=0; j < width; ++j) { uint32_t *line = &out[ face ].pixels32[ 0 + j * width ]; for (int i=0; i < width; ++i) { vec3 polar = cubemap2polar(face, i, j, width); vec2 uv = polar2uv(polar); uv = scale2(uv, in.h-1); // source coords (assumes 2:1, 2*h == w) vec3 rgb = bilinear(in, uv); union color { struct { uint8_t r,g,b,a; }; uint32_t rgba; } c = { rgb.x, rgb.y, rgb.z, 255 }; line[i] = c.rgba; } } } } cubemap_t cubemap6( const image_t images[6], int flags ) { cubemap_t c = {0}, z = {0}; glGenTextures(1, &c.id); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, c.id); int samples = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { image_t img = images[i]; //image(textures[i], IMAGE_RGB); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, GL_RGB, img.w, img.h, 0, img.n == 3 ? GL_RGB : GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img.pixels); // calculate SH coefficients (@ands) const vec3 skyDir[] = {{ 1, 0, 0},{-1, 0, 0},{ 0, 1, 0},{ 0,-1, 0},{ 0, 0, 1},{ 0, 0,-1}}; const vec3 skyX[] = {{ 0, 0,-1},{ 0, 0, 1},{ 1, 0, 0},{ 1, 0, 0},{ 1, 0, 0},{-1, 0, 0}}; const vec3 skyY[] = {{ 0, 1, 0},{ 0, 1, 0},{ 0, 0,-1},{ 0, 0, 1},{ 0, 1, 0},{ 0, 1, 0}}; int step = 16; for (int y = 0; y < img.h; y += step) { unsigned char *p = (unsigned char*)img.pixels + y * img.w * img.n; for (int x = 0; x < img.w; x += step) { vec3 n = add3( add3( scale3(skyX[i], 2.0f * (x / (img.w - 1.0f)) - 1.0f), scale3(skyY[i], -2.0f * (y / (img.h - 1.0f)) + 1.0f)), skyDir[i]); // texelDirection; float l = len3(n); vec3 light = scale3(vec3(p[0], p[1], p[2]), 1 / (255.0f * l * l * l)); // texelSolidAngle * texel_radiance; n = norm3(n); c.sh[0] = add3(c.sh[0], scale3(light, 0.282095f)); c.sh[1] = add3(c.sh[1], scale3(light, -0.488603f * n.y * 2.0 / 3.0)); c.sh[2] = add3(c.sh[2], scale3(light, 0.488603f * n.z * 2.0 / 3.0)); c.sh[3] = add3(c.sh[3], scale3(light, -0.488603f * n.x * 2.0 / 3.0)); c.sh[4] = add3(c.sh[4], scale3(light, 1.092548f * n.x * n.y / 4.0)); c.sh[5] = add3(c.sh[5], scale3(light, -1.092548f * n.y * n.z / 4.0)); c.sh[6] = add3(c.sh[6], scale3(light, 0.315392f * (3.0f * n.z * n.z - 1.0f) / 4.0)); c.sh[7] = add3(c.sh[7], scale3(light, -1.092548f * n.x * n.z / 4.0)); c.sh[8] = add3(c.sh[8], scale3(light, 0.546274f * (n.x * n.x - n.y * n.y) / 4.0)); p += img.n * step; samples++; } } } for (int s = 0; s < 9; s++) { c.sh[s] = scale3(c.sh[s], 32.f / samples); } // if( glGenerateMipmap ) glGenerateMipmap(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, /* glGenerateMipmap ?*/ GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR /*: GL_LINEAR*/); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, 0); return c; } cubemap_t cubemap( const image_t in, int flags ) { ASSERT( in.n == 4 ); image_t out[6]; panorama2cubemap(out, in, in.h); image_t swap[6] = { out[0],out[3],out[1],out[4],out[2],out[5] }; cubemap_t c = cubemap6(swap, flags); int i; #pragma omp parallel for for( i = 0; i < 6; ++i) image_destroy(&out[i]); return c; } void cubemap_destroy(cubemap_t *c) { glDeleteTextures(1, &c->id); c->id = 0; // do not destroy SH coefficients still. they might be useful in the future. } static cubemap_t *last_cubemap; cubemap_t* cubemap_get_active() { return last_cubemap; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // skyboxes skybox_t skybox(const char *asset, int flags) { skybox_t sky = {0}; // sky mesh vec3 vertices[] = {{+1,-1,+1},{+1,+1,+1},{+1,+1,-1},{-1,+1,-1},{+1,-1,-1},{-1,-1,-1},{-1,-1,+1},{-1,+1,+1}}; unsigned indices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 7, 1, 6, 0, 4, 2 }; mesh_update(&sky.geometry, "p3", 0,countof(vertices),vertices, countof(indices),indices, MESH_TRIANGLE_STRIP); // sky program sky.flags = flags && flags != SKYBOX_PBR ? flags : !!asset ? SKYBOX_CUBEMAP : SKYBOX_RAYLEIGH; // either cubemap or rayleigh sky.program = shader(vfs_read("shaders/vs_3_3_skybox.glsl"), sky.flags ? vfs_read("fs_3_4_skybox.glsl") : vfs_read("shaders/fs_3_4_skybox_rayleigh.glsl"), "att_position", "fragcolor", NULL); // sky cubemap & SH if( asset ) { int is_panorama = vfs_size( asset ); if( is_panorama ) { // is file stbi_hdr_to_ldr_gamma(1.0f); image_t panorama = image( asset, IMAGE_RGBA ); sky.cubemap = cubemap( panorama, 0 ); // RGBA required image_destroy(&panorama); } else { // is folder image_t images[6] = {0}; images[0] = image( va("%s/posx", asset), IMAGE_RGB ); // cubepx images[1] = image( va("%s/negx", asset), IMAGE_RGB ); // cubenx images[2] = image( va("%s/posy", asset), IMAGE_RGB ); // cubepy images[3] = image( va("%s/negy", asset), IMAGE_RGB ); // cubeny images[4] = image( va("%s/posz", asset), IMAGE_RGB ); // cubepz images[5] = image( va("%s/negz", asset), IMAGE_RGB ); // cubenz sky.cubemap = cubemap6( images, 0 ); for( int i = 0; i < countof(images); ++i ) image_destroy(&images[i]); } } else { // set up mie defaults // @fixme: use shader params instead shader_bind(sky.program); shader_vec3("uSunPos", vec3( 0, 0.1, -1 )); shader_vec3("uRayOrigin", vec3(0.0, 6372000.0, 0.0)); shader_float("uSunIntensity", 22.0); shader_float("uPlanetRadius", 6371000.0); shader_float("uAtmosphereRadius", 6471000.0); shader_vec3("uRayleighScattering", vec3(5.5e-6, 13.0e-6, 22.4e-6)); shader_float("uMieScattering", 21e-6); shader_float("uRayleighScaleHeight", 8000.0); shader_float("uMieScaleHeight", 1200.0); shader_float("uMiePreferredDirection", 0.758); skybox_mie_calc_sh(&sky, 1.2); } return sky; } static inline texture_t load_env_tex( const char *pathfile, unsigned flags ) { int flags_hdr = strendi(pathfile, ".hdr") ? TEXTURE_FLOAT | TEXTURE_RGBA : 0; texture_t t = texture(pathfile, flags | TEXTURE_LINEAR | TEXTURE_MIPMAPS | TEXTURE_REPEAT | flags_hdr); glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, t.id ); glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT ); glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); return t; } skybox_t skybox_pbr(const char *sky_map, const char *refl_map, const char *env_map) { skybox_t sky = {0}; // sky mesh vec3 vertices[] = {{+1,-1,+1},{+1,+1,+1},{+1,+1,-1},{-1,+1,-1},{+1,-1,-1},{-1,-1,-1},{-1,-1,+1},{-1,+1,+1}}; unsigned indices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 7, 1, 6, 0, 4, 2 }; mesh_update(&sky.geometry, "p3", 0,countof(vertices),vertices, countof(indices),indices, MESH_TRIANGLE_STRIP); // sky program sky.flags = SKYBOX_PBR; sky.program = shader(vfs_read("shaders/vs_3_3_skybox.glsl"), vfs_read("fs_3_4_skybox.glsl"), "att_position", "fragcolor", NULL); // sky cubemap & SH if( sky_map ) { int is_panorama = vfs_size( sky_map ); if( is_panorama ) { // is file stbi_hdr_to_ldr_gamma(1.0f); image_t panorama = image( sky_map, IMAGE_RGBA ); sky.cubemap = cubemap( panorama, 0 ); // RGBA required image_destroy(&panorama); } else { // is folder image_t images[6] = {0}; images[0] = image( va("%s/posx", sky_map), IMAGE_RGB ); // cubepx images[1] = image( va("%s/negx", sky_map), IMAGE_RGB ); // cubenx images[2] = image( va("%s/posy", sky_map), IMAGE_RGB ); // cubepy images[3] = image( va("%s/negy", sky_map), IMAGE_RGB ); // cubeny images[4] = image( va("%s/posz", sky_map), IMAGE_RGB ); // cubepz images[5] = image( va("%s/negz", sky_map), IMAGE_RGB ); // cubenz sky.cubemap = cubemap6( images, 0 ); for( int i = 0; i < countof(images); ++i ) image_destroy(&images[i]); } } if( refl_map ) { sky.refl = load_env_tex(refl_map, 0); } if( env_map ) { sky.env = load_env_tex(env_map, 0); } return sky; } void skybox_mie_calc_sh(skybox_t *sky, float sky_intensity) { unsigned WIDTH = 1024, HEIGHT = 1024; int last_fb; int vp[4]; glGetIntegerv(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &last_fb); glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, vp); if (!sky_intensity) { sky_intensity = 1.0f; } if (!sky->pixels) sky->pixels = MALLOC(WIDTH*HEIGHT*12); if (!sky->framebuffers[0]) { for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { glGenFramebuffers(1, &sky->framebuffers[i]); glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, sky->framebuffers[i]); glGenTextures(1, &sky->textures[i]); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, sky->textures[i]); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, NULL); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, sky->textures[i], 0); } } static vec3 directions[6] = {{ 1, 0, 0},{-1, 0, 0},{ 0, 1, 0},{ 0,-1, 0},{ 0, 0, 1},{ 0, 0,-1}}; int samples = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, sky->framebuffers[i]); glViewport(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); glUseProgram(sky->program); mat44 proj; perspective44(proj, 90.0f, WIDTH / (float)HEIGHT, 0.1f, 500.f); mat44 view; lookat44(view, vec3(0,0,0), directions[i], vec3(0,-1,0)); skybox_render(sky, proj, view); glReadPixels(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, sky->pixels); // calculate SH coefficients (@ands) // copied from cubemap6 method const vec3 skyDir[] = {{ 1, 0, 0},{-1, 0, 0},{ 0, 1, 0},{ 0,-1, 0},{ 0, 0, 1},{ 0, 0,-1}}; const vec3 skyX[] = {{ 0, 0,-1},{ 0, 0, 1},{ 1, 0, 0},{ 1, 0, 0},{ 1, 0, 0},{-1, 0, 0}}; const vec3 skyY[] = {{ 0, 1, 0},{ 0, 1, 0},{ 0, 0,-1},{ 0, 0, 1},{ 0, 1, 0},{ 0, 1, 0}}; int step = 16; for (int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y += step) { float *p = (float*)(sky->pixels + y * WIDTH * 3); for (int x = 0; x < WIDTH; x += step) { vec3 n = add3( add3( scale3(skyX[i], 2.0f * (x / (WIDTH - 1.0f)) - 1.0f), scale3(skyY[i], -2.0f * (y / (HEIGHT - 1.0f)) + 1.0f)), skyDir[i]); // texelDirection; float l = len3(n); vec3 light = scale3(vec3(p[0], p[1], p[2]), (1 / (l * l * l)) * sky_intensity); // texelSolidAngle * texel_radiance; n = norm3(n); sky->cubemap.sh[0] = add3(sky->cubemap.sh[0], scale3(light, 0.282095f)); sky->cubemap.sh[1] = add3(sky->cubemap.sh[1], scale3(light, -0.488603f * n.y * 2.0 / 3.0)); sky->cubemap.sh[2] = add3(sky->cubemap.sh[2], scale3(light, 0.488603f * n.z * 2.0 / 3.0)); sky->cubemap.sh[3] = add3(sky->cubemap.sh[3], scale3(light, -0.488603f * n.x * 2.0 / 3.0)); sky->cubemap.sh[4] = add3(sky->cubemap.sh[4], scale3(light, 1.092548f * n.x * n.y / 4.0)); sky->cubemap.sh[5] = add3(sky->cubemap.sh[5], scale3(light, -1.092548f * n.y * n.z / 4.0)); sky->cubemap.sh[6] = add3(sky->cubemap.sh[6], scale3(light, 0.315392f * (3.0f * n.z * n.z - 1.0f) / 4.0)); sky->cubemap.sh[7] = add3(sky->cubemap.sh[7], scale3(light, -1.092548f * n.x * n.z / 4.0)); sky->cubemap.sh[8] = add3(sky->cubemap.sh[8], scale3(light, 0.546274f * (n.x * n.x - n.y * n.y) / 4.0)); p += 3 * step; samples++; } } } for (int s = 0; s < 9; s++) { sky->cubemap.sh[s] = scale3(sky->cubemap.sh[s], 32.f / samples); } glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, last_fb); glViewport(vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], vp[3]); } void skybox_sh_reset(skybox_t *sky) { for (int s = 0; s < 9; s++) { sky->cubemap.sh[s] = vec3(0,0,0); } } void skybox_sh_add_light(skybox_t *sky, vec3 light, vec3 dir, float strength) { // Normalize the direction vec3 norm_dir = norm3(dir); // Scale the light color and intensity vec3 scaled_light = scale3(light, strength); // Add light to the SH coefficients sky->cubemap.sh[0] = add3(sky->cubemap.sh[0], scale3(scaled_light, 0.282095f)); sky->cubemap.sh[1] = add3(sky->cubemap.sh[1], scale3(scaled_light, -0.488603f * norm_dir.y)); sky->cubemap.sh[2] = add3(sky->cubemap.sh[2], scale3(scaled_light, 0.488603f * norm_dir.z)); sky->cubemap.sh[3] = add3(sky->cubemap.sh[3], scale3(scaled_light, -0.488603f * norm_dir.x)); } API vec4 window_getcolor_(); // internal use, not public static renderstate_t skybox_rs; int skybox_push_state(skybox_t *sky, mat44 proj, mat44 view) { last_cubemap = &sky->cubemap; do_once { skybox_rs = renderstate(); skybox_rs.depth_test_enabled = 1; skybox_rs.cull_face_enabled = 0; skybox_rs.front_face = GL_CCW; } // we have to reset clear color here, because of wrong alpha compositing issues on native transparent windows otherwise vec4 bgcolor = window_getcolor_(); skybox_rs.clear_color[0] = bgcolor.r; skybox_rs.clear_color[1] = bgcolor.g; skybox_rs.clear_color[2] = bgcolor.b; skybox_rs.clear_color[3] = 1; // @transparent mat44 mvp; multiply44x2(mvp, proj, view); //glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); shader_bind(sky->program); shader_mat44("u_mvp", mvp); if( sky->flags ) { shader_cubemap("u_cubemap", sky->cubemap.id); } renderstate_apply(&skybox_rs); return 0; // @fixme: return sortable hash here? } int skybox_pop_state() { //vec4 bgcolor = window_getcolor_(); glClearColor(bgcolor.r, bgcolor.g, bgcolor.b, window_has_transparent() ? 0 : bgcolor.a); // @transparent //glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); //glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); return 0; } int skybox_render(skybox_t *sky, mat44 proj, mat44 view) { skybox_push_state(sky, proj, view); mesh_render(&sky->geometry); skybox_pop_state(); return 0; } void skybox_destroy(skybox_t *sky) { glDeleteProgram(sky->program); cubemap_destroy(&sky->cubemap); mesh_destroy(&sky->geometry); if (sky->pixels) { FREE(sky->pixels); glDeleteFramebuffers(6, sky->framebuffers); glDeleteTextures(6, sky->textures); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // meshes mesh_t mesh() { mesh_t z = {0}; return z; } aabb mesh_bounds(mesh_t *m) { aabb b = {{1e9,1e9,1e9},{-1e9,-1e9,-1e9}}; for( int i = 0; i < array_count(m->in_vertex3); ++i ) { if( m->in_vertex3[i].x < b.min.x ) b.min.x = m->in_vertex3[i].x; if( m->in_vertex3[i].x > b.max.x ) b.max.x = m->in_vertex3[i].x; if( m->in_vertex3[i].y < b.min.y ) b.min.y = m->in_vertex3[i].y; if( m->in_vertex3[i].y > b.max.y ) b.max.y = m->in_vertex3[i].y; if( m->in_vertex3[i].z < b.min.z ) b.min.z = m->in_vertex3[i].z; if( m->in_vertex3[i].z > b.max.z ) b.max.z = m->in_vertex3[i].z; } return b; } void mesh_update(mesh_t *m, const char *format, int vertex_stride,int vertex_count,const void *vertex_data, int index_count,const void *index_data, int flags) { m->flags = flags; // setup unsigned sizeof_index = sizeof(GLuint); unsigned sizeof_vertex = 0; m->index_count = index_count; m->vertex_count = vertex_count; // iterate vertex attributes { position, normal + uv + tangent + bitangent + ... } struct vertex_descriptor { int vertex_type, num_attribute, num_components, alt_normalized; int stride, offset; } descriptor[16] = {0}, *dc = &descriptor[0]; do switch( *format ) { break; case '*': dc->alt_normalized = 1; break; case '0': dc->num_components = 0; break; case '1': dc->num_components = 1; break; case '2': dc->num_components = 2; break; case '3': dc->num_components = 3; break; case '4': dc->num_components = 4; break; case 'F': dc->vertex_type = GL_FLOAT; break; case 'U': case 'I': dc->vertex_type = GL_UNSIGNED_INT; break; case 'B': if(format[-1] >= '0' && format[-1] <= '9') dc->vertex_type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; //else bitangent. break; case ' ': while (format[1] == ' ') format++; case '\0': if (!dc->vertex_type) dc->vertex_type = GL_FLOAT; dc->offset = sizeof_vertex; sizeof_vertex += (dc->stride = dc->num_components * (dc->vertex_type == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ? 1 : 4)); ++dc; break; default: if( !strchr("pntbcwai", *format) ) PANIC("unsupported vertex type '%c'", *format); } while (*format++); if(vertex_stride > 0) sizeof_vertex = vertex_stride; // layout if(!m->vao) glGenVertexArrays(1, &m->vao); glBindVertexArray(m->vao); // index data if( index_data && index_count ) { m->index_count = index_count; if(!m->ibo) glGenBuffers(1, &m->ibo); glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->ibo); glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->index_count * sizeof_index, index_data, flags & MESH_STREAM ? GL_STREAM_DRAW : GL_STATIC_DRAW); } // vertex data if( vertex_data && vertex_count ) { m->vertex_count = vertex_count; if(!m->vbo) glGenBuffers(1, &m->vbo); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->vbo); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m->vertex_count * sizeof_vertex, vertex_data, flags & MESH_STREAM ? GL_STREAM_DRAW : GL_STATIC_DRAW); } for( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) { // glDisableVertexAttribArray(i); } // vertex setup: iterate descriptors for( int i = 0; i < countof(descriptor); ++i ) { if( descriptor[i].num_components ) { glDisableVertexAttribArray(i); glVertexAttribPointer(i, descriptor[i].num_components, descriptor[i].vertex_type, (descriptor[i].vertex_type == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE) ^ (descriptor[i].alt_normalized ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE), sizeof_vertex, (GLchar*)NULL + descriptor[i].offset); glEnableVertexAttribArray(i); } else { glDisableVertexAttribArray(i); } } glBindVertexArray(0); } void mesh_render(mesh_t *sm) { if( sm->vao ) { glBindVertexArray(sm->vao); if( sm->ibo ) { // with indices glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sm->ibo); // <-- why intel? glDrawElements(sm->flags & MESH_TRIANGLE_STRIP ? GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP : GL_TRIANGLES, sm->index_count, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (char*)0); profile_incstat("Render.num_drawcalls", +1); profile_incstat("Render.num_triangles", sm->index_count/3); } else { // with vertices only glDrawArrays(sm->flags & MESH_TRIANGLE_STRIP ? GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP : GL_TRIANGLES, 0, sm->vertex_count /* / 3 */); profile_incstat("Render.num_drawcalls", +1); profile_incstat("Render.num_triangles", sm->vertex_count/3); } } } void mesh_render_prim(mesh_t *sm, unsigned prim) { if( sm->vao ) { glBindVertexArray(sm->vao); if( sm->ibo ) { // with indices glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sm->ibo); // <-- why intel? glDrawElements(prim, sm->index_count, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (char*)0); profile_incstat("Render.num_drawcalls", +1); profile_incstat("Render.num_triangles", sm->index_count/3); } else { // with vertices only glDrawArrays(prim, 0, sm->vertex_count /* / 3 */); profile_incstat("Render.num_drawcalls", +1); profile_incstat("Render.num_triangles", sm->vertex_count/3); } } } void mesh_destroy(mesh_t *m) { // @todo glDeleteBuffers(1, &m->vbo); glDeleteBuffers(1, &m->ibo); glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &m->vao); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // screenshots void* screenshot( int n ) { // 3 RGB, 4 RGBA, -3 BGR, -4 BGRA // sync, 10 ms -- pixel perfect int w = window_width(), h = window_height(); int mode = n == 3 ? GL_RGB : n == -3 ? GL_BGR : n == 4 ? GL_RGBA : GL_BGRA; static __thread uint8_t *pixels = 0; pixels = (uint8_t*)REALLOC(pixels, w * h * 4 ); // @leak per thread glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, 0); // disable any pbo, in case somebody did for us glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glReadBuffer(GL_FRONT); glReadPixels(0, 0, w, h, mode, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); return pixels; } void* screenshot_async( int n ) { // 3 RGB, 4 RGBA, -3 BGR, -4 BGRA #if is(ems) return screenshot(n); // no glMapBuffer() on emscripten #else // async, 0 ms -- @fixme: MSAA can cause some artifacts with PBOs: either use glDisable(GL_MULTISAMPLE) when recording or do not create window with WINDOW_MSAAx options at all. int w = window_width(), h = window_height(); int mode = n == 3 ? GL_RGB : n == -3 ? GL_BGR : n == 4 ? GL_RGBA : GL_BGRA; static __thread uint8_t *pixels = 0; pixels = (uint8_t*)REALLOC(pixels, w * h * 4 ); // @leak per thread enum { NUM_PBOS = 16 }; static __thread GLuint pbo[NUM_PBOS] = {0}, lastw = 0, lasth = 0, bound = 0; if( lastw != w || lasth != h ) { lastw = w, lasth = h; bound = 0; for( int i = 0; i < NUM_PBOS; ++i ) { if(!pbo[i]) glGenBuffers(1, &pbo[i]); glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, pbo[i]); glBufferData(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, w * h * 4, NULL, GL_STREAM_READ); // GL_STATIC_READ); //glReadPixels(0, 0, w, h, mode, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (GLvoid*)((GLchar*)NULL+0)); } } // read from oldest bound pbo glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, pbo[bound]); void *ptr = glMapBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, GL_READ_ONLY); memcpy(pixels, ptr, w * h * abs(n)); glUnmapBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER); // trigger next read glReadBuffer(GL_FRONT); glReadPixels(0, 0, w, h, mode, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (GLvoid*)((GLchar*)NULL+0)); glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, 0); bound = (bound + 1) % NUM_PBOS; return pixels; #endif } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // viewports void viewport_color(unsigned color) { unsigned r = (color >> 0) & 255; unsigned g = (color >> 8) & 255; unsigned b = (color >> 16) & 255; unsigned a = (color >> 24) & 255; glClearColor(r, g, b, a); } void viewport_clear(bool color, bool depth) { glClearDepthf(1); glClearStencil(0); glClear((color ? GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT : 0) | (depth ? GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT : 0)); } void viewport_clip(vec2 from, vec2 to) { float x = from.x, y = from.y, w = to.x-from.x, h = to.y-from.y; y = window_height()-y-h; glViewport(x, y, w, h); glScissor(x, y, w, h); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // fbos unsigned fbo(unsigned color_texture_id, unsigned depth_texture_id, int flags) { int last_fb; glGetIntegerv(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &last_fb); GLuint fbo; glGenFramebuffers(1, &fbo); glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo); if( color_texture_id ) glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_texture_id, 0); if( depth_texture_id ) glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, depth_texture_id, 0); #if 0 // this is working; it's just not enabled for now else { // create a non-sampleable renderbuffer object for depth and stencil attachments unsigned int rbo; glGenRenderbuffers(1, &rbo); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, rbo); glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, color.width, color.height); // use a single renderbuffer object for both a depth AND stencil buffer. glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, rbo); // now actually attach it } #endif #if is(ems) GLenum nones[] = { GL_NONE }; if(flags) glDrawBuffers(1, nones); if(flags) glReadBuffer(GL_NONE); #else if(flags) glDrawBuffer(GL_NONE); if(flags) glReadBuffer(GL_NONE); #endif #if 1 GLenum result = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER); if( GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE != result ) { PANIC("ERROR: Framebuffer not complete."); } #else switch (glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER)) { case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE: break; case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED: PANIC("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED"); case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED: PANIC("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED"); case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT: PANIC("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT"); case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DRAW_BUFFER: PANIC("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DRAW_BUFFER"); case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_READ_BUFFER: PANIC("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_READ_BUFFER"); case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE: PANIC("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE"); // case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_FORMATS_EXT: PANIC("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_FORMATS_EXT"); case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_TARGETS: PANIC("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_TARGETS"); // case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS_EXT: PANIC("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS_EXT"); case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT: PANIC("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT"); default: PANIC("ERROR: Framebuffer not complete. glCheckFramebufferStatus returned %x", glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER)); } #endif glBindFramebuffer (GL_FRAMEBUFFER, last_fb); return fbo; } static __thread array(handle) fbos; void fbo_bind(unsigned id) { glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, id); array_push(fbos, id); } void fbo_unbind() { handle id = 0; if (array_count(fbos)) { array_pop(fbos); id = *array_back(fbos); } glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, id); } void fbo_destroy(unsigned id) { // glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, &renderbuffer); glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &id); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // post-fxs swapchain typedef struct passfx passfx; typedef struct postfx postfx; void postfx_create(postfx *fx, int flags); void postfx_destroy(postfx *fx); bool postfx_load(postfx *fx, const char *name, const char *fragment); bool postfx_begin(postfx *fx, int width, int height); bool postfx_end(postfx *fx); bool postfx_enabled(postfx *fx, int pass_number); bool postfx_enable(postfx *fx, int pass_number, bool enabled); // bool postfx_toggle(postfx *fx, int pass_number); void postfx_clear(postfx *fx); void postfx_order(postfx *fx, int pass, unsigned priority); char* postfx_name(postfx *fx, int slot); int ui_postfx(postfx *fx, int slot); struct passfx { mesh_t m; char *name; unsigned program; int uniforms[16]; unsigned priority; bool enabled; }; struct postfx { // renderbuffers: color & depth textures unsigned fb[2]; texture_t diffuse[2], depth[2]; // shader passes array(passfx) pass; // global enable flag bool enabled; }; enum { u_color, u_depth, u_time, u_frame, u_width, u_height, u_mousex, u_mousey, u_channelres0x, u_channelres0y, u_channelres1x, u_channelres1y, }; void postfx_create(postfx *fx, int flags) { postfx z = {0}; *fx = z; fx->enabled = 1; (void)flags; } void postfx_destroy( postfx *fx ) { for( int i = 0; i < array_count(fx->pass); ++i ) { FREE(fx->pass[i].name); } array_free(fx->pass); texture_destroy(&fx->diffuse[0]); texture_destroy(&fx->diffuse[1]); texture_destroy(&fx->depth[0]); texture_destroy(&fx->depth[1]); fbo_destroy(fx->fb[0]); fbo_destroy(fx->fb[1]); postfx z = {0}; *fx = z; } char* postfx_name(postfx *fx, int slot) { return slot < 0 || slot >= array_count(fx->pass) ? "" : fx->pass[ slot ].name; } int postfx_find(postfx *fx, const char *name) { name = file_name(name); for( int i = 0; i < array_count(fx->pass); ++i) if(!strcmpi(fx->pass[i].name, name)) return i; return -1; } static int postfx_sort_fn(const void *a, const void *b) { unsigned p1 = ((passfx*)a)->priority; unsigned p2 = ((passfx*)b)->priority; return (p1 > p2) - (p1 < p2); } void postfx_order(postfx *fx, int pass, unsigned priority) { if (pass < 0 || pass >= array_count(fx->pass)) return; if (priority >= array_count(fx->pass)) return; fx->pass[priority].priority = pass; fx->pass[pass].priority = priority; array_sort(fx->pass, postfx_sort_fn); } int postfx_load_from_mem( postfx *fx, const char *name, const char *fs ) { PRINTF("%s\n", name); if(!fs || !fs[0]) return -1; // PANIC("!invalid fragment shader"); passfx pass={0}; array_push(fx->pass, pass); passfx *p = array_back(fx->pass); p->name = STRDUP(name); p->priority = array_count(fx->pass)-1; // preload stuff static const char *vs = 0; static const char *preamble = 0; static const char *shadertoy = 0; static char *fs2 = 0; do_once { vs = STRDUP(vfs_read("shaders/vs_0_2_fullscreen_quad_B.glsl")); preamble = STRDUP(vfs_read("shaders/fs_2_4_preamble.glsl")); shadertoy = STRDUP(vfs_read("shaders/fs_main_shadertoy.glsl")); fs2 = (char*)CALLOC(1, 128*1024); } // patch fragment snprintf(fs2, 128*1024, "%s%s%s", preamble, strstr(fs, "mainImage") ? shadertoy : "", fs ); p->program = shader(vs, fs2, "vtexcoord", "fragColor" , NULL); glUseProgram(p->program); // needed? for( int i = 0; i < countof(p->uniforms); ++i ) p->uniforms[i] = -1; if( p->uniforms[u_time] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_time] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "iTime"); if( p->uniforms[u_frame] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_frame] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "iFrame"); if( p->uniforms[u_width] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_width] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "iWidth"); if( p->uniforms[u_height] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_height] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "iHeight"); if( p->uniforms[u_mousex] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_mousex] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "iMousex"); if( p->uniforms[u_mousey] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_mousey] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "iMousey"); if( p->uniforms[u_color] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_color] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "tex"); if( p->uniforms[u_color] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_color] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "tex0"); if( p->uniforms[u_color] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_color] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "tColor"); if( p->uniforms[u_color] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_color] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "tDiffuse"); if( p->uniforms[u_color] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_color] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "iChannel0"); if( p->uniforms[u_depth] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_depth] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "tex1"); if( p->uniforms[u_depth] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_depth] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "tDepth"); if( p->uniforms[u_depth] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_depth] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "iChannel1"); if( p->uniforms[u_channelres0x] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_channelres0x] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "iChannelRes0x"); if( p->uniforms[u_channelres0y] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_channelres0y] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "iChannelRes0y"); if( p->uniforms[u_channelres1x] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_channelres1x] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "iChannelRes1x"); if( p->uniforms[u_channelres1y] == -1 ) p->uniforms[u_channelres1y] = glGetUniformLocation(p->program, "iChannelRes1y"); // set quad glGenVertexArrays(1, &p->m.vao); return array_count(fx->pass)-1; } bool postfx_enable(postfx *fx, int pass, bool enabled) { if( pass < 0 || pass >= array_count(fx->pass) ) return false; fx->pass[pass].enabled = enabled; fx->enabled = !!array_count(fx->pass); return fx->enabled; } bool postfx_enabled(postfx *fx, int pass) { if( pass < 0 || pass >= array_count(fx->pass) ) return false; return fx->pass[pass].enabled; } bool postfx_toggle(postfx *fx, int pass) { if( pass < 0 || pass >= array_count(fx->pass) ) return false; return postfx_enable(fx, pass, 1 ^ postfx_enabled(fx, pass)); } void postfx_clear(postfx *fx) { for (int i = 0; i < array_count(fx->pass); i++) { fx->pass[i].enabled = 0; } fx->enabled = 0; } int ui_postfx(postfx *fx, int pass) { if (pass < 0 || pass >= array_count(fx->pass)) return 0; int on = ui_enabled(); ( postfx_enabled(fx,pass) ? ui_enable : ui_disable )(); int rc = ui_shader(fx->pass[pass].program); ui_separator(); int btn = ui_buttons(2, "Move up", "Move down"); if (btn == 1) { postfx_order(fx, pass, fx->pass[pass].priority-1); } else if (btn == 2) { postfx_order(fx, pass, fx->pass[pass].priority+1); } ( on ? ui_enable : ui_disable )(); return rc; } static int postfx_active_passes(postfx *fx) { int num_passes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < array_count(fx->pass); i++) if (fx->pass[i].enabled) ++num_passes; return num_passes; } bool postfx_begin(postfx *fx, int width, int height) { // reset clear color: needed in case transparent window is being used (alpha != 0) glClearColor(0,0,0,0); // @transparent width += !width; height += !height; // resize if needed if( fx->diffuse[0].w != width || fx->diffuse[0].h != height ) { texture_destroy(&fx->diffuse[0]); texture_destroy(&fx->diffuse[1]); texture_destroy(&fx->depth[0]); texture_destroy(&fx->depth[1]); fbo_destroy(fx->fb[0]); fbo_destroy(fx->fb[1]); // create texture, set texture parameters and content fx->diffuse[0] = texture_create(width, height, 4, NULL, TEXTURE_RGBA|TEXTURE_FLOAT); fx->depth[0] = texture_create(width, height, 1, NULL, TEXTURE_DEPTH|TEXTURE_FLOAT); fx->fb[0] = fbo(fx->diffuse[0].id, fx->depth[0].id, 0); // create texture, set texture parameters and content fx->diffuse[1] = texture_create(width, height, 4, NULL, TEXTURE_RGBA|TEXTURE_FLOAT); fx->depth[1] = texture_create(width, height, 1, NULL, TEXTURE_DEPTH|TEXTURE_FLOAT); fx->fb[1] = fbo(fx->diffuse[1].id, fx->depth[1].id, 0); } uint64_t num_active_passes = postfx_active_passes(fx); bool active = fx->enabled && num_active_passes; if( !active ) { return false; } fbo_bind(fx->fb[1]); viewport_clear(true, true); viewport_clip(vec2(0,0), vec2(width, height)); fbo_unbind(); fbo_bind(fx->fb[0]); viewport_clear(true, true); viewport_clip(vec2(0,0), vec2(width, height)); // we keep fbo_0 bound so that user can render into it. return true; } static renderstate_t postfx_rs; bool postfx_end(postfx *fx) { uint64_t num_active_passes = postfx_active_passes(fx); bool active = fx->enabled && num_active_passes; if( !active ) { return false; } do_once { postfx_rs = renderstate(); // disable depth test in 2d rendering postfx_rs.depth_test_enabled = 0; postfx_rs.cull_face_enabled = 0; postfx_rs.blend_enabled = 1; postfx_rs.blend_src = GL_ONE; postfx_rs.blend_dst = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; } // unbind postfx fbo fbo_unbind(); renderstate_apply(&postfx_rs); int frame = 0; float t = time_ms() / 1000.f; float w = fx->diffuse[0].w; float h = fx->diffuse[0].h; float mx = input(MOUSE_X); float my = input(MOUSE_Y); for(int i = 0, e = array_count(fx->pass); i < e; ++i) { passfx *pass = &fx->pass[i]; if( pass->enabled ) { if( !pass->program ) { --num_active_passes; continue; } glUseProgram(pass->program); // bind texture to texture unit 0 // shader_texture_unit(fx->diffuse[frame], 0); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fx->diffuse[frame].id); glUniform1i(pass->uniforms[u_color], 0); glUniform1f(pass->uniforms[u_channelres0x], fx->diffuse[frame].w); glUniform1f(pass->uniforms[u_channelres0y], fx->diffuse[frame].h); // bind depth to texture unit 1 // shader_texture_unit(fx->depth[frame], 1); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + 1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fx->depth[frame].id); glUniform1i(pass->uniforms[u_depth], 1); // bind uniforms static unsigned f = 0; ++f; glUniform1f(pass->uniforms[u_time], t); glUniform1f(pass->uniforms[u_frame], f-1); glUniform1f(pass->uniforms[u_width], w); glUniform1f(pass->uniforms[u_height], h); glUniform1f(pass->uniforms[u_mousex], mx); glUniform1f(pass->uniforms[u_mousey], my); // bind the vao int bound = --num_active_passes; if (bound) fbo_bind(fx->fb[frame ^= 1]); // fullscreen quad glBindVertexArray(pass->m.vao); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6); profile_incstat("Render.num_drawcalls", +1); profile_incstat("Render.num_triangles", +2); glBindVertexArray(0); if (bound) fbo_unbind(); } } glUseProgram(0); // restore clear color: needed in case transparent window is being used (alpha != 0) glClearColor(0,0,0,1); // @transparent return true; } static postfx fx; int fx_load_from_mem(const char *nameid, const char *content) { do_once postfx_create(&fx, 0); return postfx_load_from_mem(&fx, nameid, content); } int fx_load(const char *filemask) { static set(char*) added = 0; do_once set_init_str(added); for each_array( vfs_list(filemask), char*, list ) { if( set_find(added, list) ) continue; char *name = STRDUP(list); // @leak set_insert(added, name); (void)postfx_load_from_mem(&fx, file_name(name), vfs_read(name)); } if( 1 ) for each_array( file_list(filemask), char*, list ) { if( set_find(added, list) ) continue; char *name = STRDUP(list); // @leak set_insert(added, name); (void)postfx_load_from_mem(&fx, file_name(name), file_read(name)); } return 1; } void fx_begin() { postfx_begin(&fx, window_width(), window_height()); } void fx_begin_res(int w, int h) { postfx_begin(&fx, w, h); } void fx_end() { postfx_end(&fx); } int fx_enabled(int pass) { return postfx_enabled(&fx, pass); } void fx_enable(int pass, int enabled) { postfx_enable(&fx, pass, enabled); } void fx_enable_all(int enabled) { for( int i = 0; i < array_count(fx.pass); ++i ) fx_enable(i, enabled); } char *fx_name(int pass) { return postfx_name(&fx, pass); } int fx_find(const char *name) { return postfx_find(&fx, name); } void fx_order(int pass, unsigned priority) { postfx_order(&fx, pass, priority); } int ui_fx(int pass) { return ui_postfx(&fx, pass); } int ui_fxs() { if(!array_count(fx.pass)) return ui_label(ICON_MD_WARNING " No Post FXs with annotations loaded."), 0; int changed = 0; for( int i = 0; i < array_count(fx.pass); ++i ) { char *name = fx_name(i); if( !name ) break; bool b = fx_enabled(i); if( ui_bool(name, &b) ) fx_enable(i, fx_enabled(i) ^ 1); ui_fx(i); ui_separator(); } return changed; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // brdf static texture_t brdf = {0}; static void brdf_load() { // generate texture unsigned tex; glGenTextures(1, &tex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RG16F, 512, 512, 0, GL_RG, GL_FLOAT, 0); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); brdf.id = tex; brdf.w = 512; brdf.h = 512; // create program and generate BRDF LUT unsigned lut_fbo = fbo(tex, 0, 0), rbo=0; fbo_bind(lut_fbo); static int program = -1, vao = -1; if( program < 0 ) { const char* vs = vfs_read("shaders/vs_0_2_fullscreen_quad_B_flipped.glsl"); const char* fs = vfs_read("shaders/brdf.glsl"); program = shader(vs, fs, "", "fragcolor", NULL); glGenVertexArrays( 1, (GLuint*)&vao ); } glDisable(GL_BLEND); handle old_shader = last_shader; glUseProgram( program ); glViewport(0, 0, 512, 512); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glBindVertexArray( vao ); glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6 ); profile_incstat("Render.num_drawcalls", +1); profile_incstat("Render.num_triangles", +2); glBindVertexArray( 0 ); glUseProgram( last_shader ); fbo_unbind(); fbo_destroy(lut_fbo); } texture_t brdf_lut() { do_once brdf_load(); return brdf; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // materials bool colormap( colormap_t *cm, const char *texture_name, bool load_as_srgb ) { if( !texture_name ) return false; if( cm->texture ) { texture_destroy(cm->texture); FREE(cm->texture), cm->texture = NULL; } int srgb = load_as_srgb ? TEXTURE_SRGB : 0; int hdr = strendi(texture_name, ".hdr") ? TEXTURE_FLOAT|TEXTURE_RGBA : 0; texture_t t = texture_compressed(texture_name, TEXTURE_LINEAR | TEXTURE_ANISOTROPY | TEXTURE_MIPMAPS | TEXTURE_REPEAT | hdr | srgb); if( t.id == texture_checker().id ) { cm->texture = NULL; return false; } cm->texture = CALLOC(1, sizeof(texture_t)); *cm->texture = t; return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // shadertoys // // @todo: multipass // - https://www.shadertoy.com/view/Mst3Wr - la calanque // - https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XsyGWV - sirenian dawn // - https://www.shadertoy.com/view/Xst3zX - wordtoy // - https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MddGzf - bricks game // - https://www.shadertoy.com/view/Ms33WB - post process - ssao // - https://www.shadertoy.com/view/Xds3zN enum shadertoy_uniforms { iFrame, iTime, iDate, iGlobalTime, iGlobalFrame, iGlobalDelta, iChannel0, iChannel1, iChannel2, iChannel3, iResolution, iMouse, iOffset, iSampleRate, iChannelResolution, iChannelTime, // iCameraScreen // iCameraPosition // iCameraActive }; shadertoy_t shadertoy( const char *shaderfile, unsigned flags ) { shadertoy_t s = {0}; s.flags = flags; char *file = vfs_read(shaderfile); if( !file ) return s; glGenVertexArrays(1, &s.vao); char *fs = stringf("%s%s", vfs_read("header_shadertoy.glsl"), file); s.program = shader((flags&SHADERTOY_FLIP_Y) ? vfs_read("shaders/vs_shadertoy_flip.glsl") : vfs_read("shaders/vs_shadertoy.glsl"), fs, "", "fragColor", NULL); FREE(fs); if( strstr(file, "noise3.jpg")) s.texture_channels[0] = texture("shadertoys/tex12.png", 0).id; else s.texture_channels[0] = texture("shadertoys/tex04.jpg", 0).id; s.uniforms[iFrame] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iFrame"); s.uniforms[iTime] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iTime"); s.uniforms[iDate] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iDate"); s.uniforms[iGlobalTime] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iGlobalTime"); s.uniforms[iGlobalDelta] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iGlobalDelta"); s.uniforms[iGlobalFrame] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iGlobalFrame"); s.uniforms[iResolution] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iResolution"); s.uniforms[iChannel0] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iChannel0"); s.uniforms[iChannel1] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iChannel1"); s.uniforms[iChannel2] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iChannel2"); s.uniforms[iChannel3] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iChannel3"); s.uniforms[iMouse] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iMouse"); s.uniforms[iOffset] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iOffset"); s.uniforms[iSampleRate] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iSampleRate"); s.uniforms[iChannelResolution] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iChannelResolution"); s.uniforms[iChannelTime] = glGetUniformLocation(s.program, "iChannelTime"); return s; } shadertoy_t* shadertoy_render(shadertoy_t *s, float delta) { if( s->program && s->vao ) { if( s->dims.x && !(s->flags&SHADERTOY_IGNORE_FBO) && !texture_rec_begin(&s->tx, s->dims.x, s->dims.y) ) { return s; } if(input_down(MOUSE_L) || input_down(MOUSE_R) ) s->mouse.z = input(MOUSE_X), s->mouse.w = -(window_height() - input(MOUSE_Y)); if(input(MOUSE_L) || input(MOUSE_R)) s->mouse.x = input(MOUSE_X), s->mouse.y = (window_height() - input(MOUSE_Y)); vec4 m = mul4(s->mouse, vec4(1,1,1-2*(!input(MOUSE_L) && !input(MOUSE_R)),1-2*(input_down(MOUSE_L) || input_down(MOUSE_R)))); time_t tmsec = time(0); struct tm *tm = localtime(&tmsec); s->t += delta * 1000; glUseProgram(s->program); glUniform1f(s->uniforms[iGlobalTime], s->t / 1000.f ); glUniform1f(s->uniforms[iGlobalFrame], s->frame++); glUniform1f(s->uniforms[iGlobalDelta], delta / 1000.f ); glUniform2f(s->uniforms[iResolution], s->dims.x ? s->dims.x : window_width(), s->dims.y ? s->dims.y : window_height()); if (!(s->flags&SHADERTOY_IGNORE_MOUSE)) glUniform4f(s->uniforms[iMouse], m.x,m.y,m.z,m.w ); glUniform1i(s->uniforms[iFrame], (int)window_frame()); glUniform1f(s->uniforms[iTime], time_ss()); glUniform4f(s->uniforms[iDate], tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_sec + tm->tm_min * 60 + tm->tm_hour * 3600); int unit = 0; for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if( s->texture_channels[i] ) { glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + unit); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, s->texture_channels[i]); glUniform1i(s->uniforms[iChannel0+i], unit); unit++; } } glViewport(0, 0, s->dims.x ? s->dims.x : window_width(), s->dims.y ? s->dims.y : window_height()); glBindVertexArray(s->vao); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3); if(s->dims.x && !(s->flags&SHADERTOY_IGNORE_FBO)) texture_rec_end(&s->tx); // texture_rec } return s; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // skeletal meshes (iqm) #define IQM_MAGIC "INTERQUAKEMODEL" #define IQM_VERSION 2 struct iqmheader { char magic[16]; unsigned version; unsigned filesize; unsigned flags; unsigned num_text, ofs_text; unsigned num_meshes, ofs_meshes; unsigned num_vertexarrays, num_vertexes, ofs_vertexarrays; unsigned num_triangles, ofs_triangles, ofs_adjacency; unsigned num_joints, ofs_joints; unsigned num_poses, ofs_poses; unsigned num_anims, ofs_anims; unsigned num_frames, num_framechannels, ofs_frames, ofs_bounds; unsigned num_comment, ofs_comment; unsigned num_extensions, ofs_extensions; }; struct iqmmesh { unsigned name; unsigned material; unsigned first_vertex, num_vertexes; unsigned first_triangle, num_triangles; }; enum { IQM_POSITION, IQM_TEXCOORD, IQM_NORMAL, IQM_TANGENT, IQM_BLENDINDEXES, IQM_BLENDWEIGHTS, IQM_COLOR, IQM_CUSTOM = 0x10 }; enum { IQM_BYTE, IQM_UBYTE, IQM_SHORT, IQM_USHORT, IQM_INT, IQM_UINT, IQM_HALF, IQM_FLOAT, IQM_DOUBLE, }; struct iqmtriangle { unsigned vertex[3]; }; struct iqmadjacency { unsigned triangle[3]; }; struct iqmjoint { unsigned name; int parent; float translate[3], rotate[4], scale[3]; }; struct iqmpose { int parent; unsigned mask; float channeloffset[10]; float channelscale[10]; }; struct iqmanim { unsigned name; unsigned first_frame, num_frames; float framerate; unsigned flags; }; enum { IQM_LOOP = 1<<0 }; struct iqmvertexarray { unsigned type; unsigned flags; unsigned format; unsigned size; unsigned offset; }; struct iqmbounds { union { struct { float bbmin[3], bbmax[3]; }; struct { vec3 min3, max3; }; aabb box; }; float xyradius, radius; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct iqm_vertex { GLfloat position[3]; GLfloat texcoord[2]; GLfloat normal[3]; GLfloat tangent[4]; GLubyte blendindexes[4]; GLubyte blendweights[4]; GLfloat blendvertexindex; GLubyte color[4]; GLfloat texcoord2[2]; } iqm_vertex; typedef struct iqm_t { int nummeshes, numtris, numverts, numjoints, numframes, numanims; GLuint vao, ibo, vbo; GLuint *textures; uint8_t *buf, *meshdata, *animdata; struct iqmmesh *meshes; struct iqmjoint *joints; struct iqmpose *poses; struct iqmanim *anims; struct iqmbounds *bounds; mat34 *baseframe, *inversebaseframe, *outframe, *frames; GLint bonematsoffset; vec4 *colormaps; } iqm_t; void model_set_texture(model_t m, texture_t t) { if(!m.iqm) return; iqm_t *q = m.iqm; for( int i = 0; i < q->nummeshes; ++i) { // assume 1 texture per mesh q->textures[i] = t.id; } } //@fixme: some locations are invalid, find out why #if 0 static void model_set_uniforms(model_t m, int shader, mat44 mv, mat44 proj, mat44 view, mat44 model) { // @todo: cache uniform locs if(!m.iqm) return; iqm_t *q = m.iqm; shader_bind(shader); int loc; //if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "M")) >= 0 ) glUniformMatrix4fv( loc, 1, GL_FALSE/*GL_TRUE*/, m); // RIM if( (loc = m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_MV]) >= 0 ) { shader_mat44_(loc, mv); } if( (loc = m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_MVP]) >= 0 ) { mat44 mvp; multiply44x2(mvp, proj, mv); // multiply44x3(mvp, proj, view, model); shader_mat44_(loc, mvp); } if( (loc = m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_VP]) >= 0 ) { mat44 vp; multiply44x2(vp, proj, view); shader_mat44_(loc, vp); } if( (loc = m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_CAM_POS]) >= 0 ) { vec3 pos = vec3(view[12], view[13], view[14]); shader_vec3_(loc, pos); } if( (loc = m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_CAM_DIR]) >= 0 ) { vec3 dir = norm3(vec3(view[2], view[6], view[10])); shader_vec3_(loc, dir); } if( (loc = m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_BILLBOARD]) >= 0 ) { shader_int_(loc, m.billboard); } if( (loc = m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_TEXLIT]) >= 0 ) { shader_bool_(loc, (m.lightmap.w != 0)); } if ((loc = m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_MODEL]) >= 0) { shader_mat44_(loc, model); } if ((loc = m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_VIEW]) >= 0) { shader_mat44_(loc, view); } if ((loc = m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_INV_VIEW]) >= 0) { mat44 inv_view; invert44(inv_view, view); shader_mat44_(loc, inv_view); } if ((loc = m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_PROJ]) >= 0) { shader_mat44_(loc, proj); } if( (loc = m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_SKINNED]) >= 0 ) shader_int_(loc, q->numanims ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE); if( q->numanims ) if( (loc = m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_VS_BONE_MATRIX]) >= 0 ) glUniformMatrix3x4fv( loc, q->numjoints, GL_FALSE, q->outframe[0]); if ((loc = m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_U_MATCAPS]) >= 0) { shader_bool_(loc, m.flags & MODEL_MATCAPS ? GL_TRUE:GL_FALSE); } if (m.shading == SHADING_PBR) { handle old_shader = last_shader; shader_bind(shader); shader_vec2_( m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_RESOLUTION], vec2(window_width(),window_height())); bool has_tex_skysphere = m.sky_refl.id != texture_checker().id; bool has_tex_skyenv = m.sky_env.id != texture_checker().id; shader_bool_( m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_HAS_TEX_SKYSPHERE], has_tex_skysphere ); shader_bool_( m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_HAS_TEX_SKYENV], has_tex_skyenv ); if( has_tex_skysphere ) { float mipCount = floor( log2( max(m.sky_refl.w, m.sky_refl.h) ) ); shader_texture_(m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_TEX_SKYSPHERE], m.sky_refl); shader_float_( m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_SKYSPHERE_MIP_COUNT], mipCount ); } if( has_tex_skyenv ) { shader_texture_( m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_TEX_SKYENV], m.sky_env ); } shader_texture_( m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_TEX_BRDF_LUT], brdf_lut() ); shader_uint_( m.uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_FRAME_COUNT], (unsigned)window_frame() ); shader_bind(old_shader); } } #else static void model_set_uniforms(model_t m, int shader, mat44 mv, mat44 proj, mat44 view, mat44 model) { // @todo: cache uniform locs if(!m.iqm) return; iqm_t *q = m.iqm; shader_bind(shader); int loc; //if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "M")) >= 0 ) glUniformMatrix4fv( loc, 1, GL_FALSE/*GL_TRUE*/, m); // RIM if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "MV")) >= 0 ) { glUniformMatrix4fv( loc, 1, GL_FALSE, mv); } else if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_mv")) >= 0 ) { glUniformMatrix4fv( loc, 1, GL_FALSE, mv); } if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "MVP")) >= 0 ) { mat44 mvp; multiply44x2(mvp, proj, mv); // multiply44x3(mvp, proj, view, model); glUniformMatrix4fv( loc, 1, GL_FALSE, mvp); } else if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_mvp")) >= 0 ) { mat44 mvp; multiply44x2(mvp, proj, mv); // multiply44x3(mvp, proj, view, model); glUniformMatrix4fv( loc, 1, GL_FALSE, mvp); } if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "VP")) >= 0 ) { mat44 vp; multiply44x2(vp, proj, view); glUniformMatrix4fv( loc, 1, GL_FALSE, vp); } else if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_vp")) >= 0 ) { mat44 vp; multiply44x2(vp, proj, view); glUniformMatrix4fv( loc, 1, GL_FALSE, vp); } if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_cam_pos")) >= 0 ) { vec3 pos = vec3(view[12], view[13], view[14]); glUniform3fv( loc, 1, &pos.x ); } else if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "cam_pos")) >= 0 ) { vec3 pos = vec3(view[12], view[13], view[14]); glUniform3fv( loc, 1, &pos.x ); } if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_cam_dir")) >= 0 ) { vec3 dir = norm3(vec3(view[2], view[6], view[10])); glUniform3fv( loc, 1, &dir.x ); } else if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "cam_dir")) >= 0 ) { vec3 dir = norm3(vec3(view[2], view[6], view[10])); glUniform3fv( loc, 1, &dir.x ); } if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "billboard")) >= 0 ) { glUniform1i( loc, m.billboard ); } else if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_billboard")) >= 0 ) { glUniform1i( loc, m.billboard ); } if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "texlit")) >= 0 ) { glUniform1i( loc, (m.lightmap.w != 0) ); } else if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_texlit")) >= 0 ) { glUniform1i( loc, (m.lightmap.w != 0) ); } #if 0 // @todo: mat44 projview (useful?) #endif if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "M")) >= 0) { glUniformMatrix4fv(loc, 1, GL_FALSE, model); } else if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "model")) >= 0) { glUniformMatrix4fv(loc, 1, GL_FALSE, model); } if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "V")) >= 0) { glUniformMatrix4fv(loc, 1, GL_FALSE, view); } else if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "view")) >= 0) { glUniformMatrix4fv(loc, 1, GL_FALSE, view); } if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "inv_view")) >= 0) { mat44 inv_view; invert44( inv_view, view); glUniformMatrix4fv(loc, 1, GL_FALSE, inv_view); } if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "P")) >= 0) { glUniformMatrix4fv(loc, 1, GL_FALSE, proj); } else if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "proj")) >= 0) { glUniformMatrix4fv(loc, 1, GL_FALSE, proj); } if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "SKINNED")) >= 0 ) glUniform1i( loc, q->numanims ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE); if( q->numanims ) if( (loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "vsBoneMatrix")) >= 0 ) glUniformMatrix3x4fv( loc, q->numjoints, GL_FALSE, q->outframe[0]); if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_matcaps")) >= 0) { glUniform1i(loc, m.flags & MODEL_MATCAPS ? GL_TRUE:GL_FALSE); } if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "frame_count")) >= 0) { glUniform1i(loc, (unsigned)window_frame()); } if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "frame_time")) >= 0) { glUniform1f(loc, (float)window_time()); } if (m.shading == SHADING_PBR) { handle old_shader = last_shader; shader_bind(shader); shader_vec2( "resolution", vec2(window_width(),window_height())); bool has_tex_skysphere = m.sky_refl.id != texture_checker().id; bool has_tex_skyenv = m.sky_env.id != texture_checker().id; shader_bool( "has_tex_skysphere", has_tex_skysphere ); shader_bool( "has_tex_skyenv", has_tex_skyenv ); if( has_tex_skysphere ) { float mipCount = floor( log2( max(m.sky_refl.w, m.sky_refl.h) ) ); shader_texture("tex_skysphere", m.sky_refl); shader_float( "skysphere_mip_count", mipCount ); } if( has_tex_skyenv ) { shader_texture( "tex_skyenv", m.sky_env ); } shader_texture( "tex_brdf_lut", brdf_lut() ); shader_bind(old_shader); } } #endif static void model_set_state(model_t m) { if(!m.iqm) return; iqm_t *q = m.iqm; glBindVertexArray( q->vao ); glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, q->ibo); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, q->vbo); glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(iqm_vertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(iqm_vertex, position) ); glVertexAttribPointer(1, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(iqm_vertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(iqm_vertex, texcoord) ); glVertexAttribPointer(2, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(iqm_vertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(iqm_vertex, normal) ); glVertexAttribPointer(3, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(iqm_vertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(iqm_vertex, tangent) ); glEnableVertexAttribArray(0); glEnableVertexAttribArray(1); glEnableVertexAttribArray(2); glEnableVertexAttribArray(3); // vertex color glVertexAttribPointer(11, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_FALSE, sizeof(iqm_vertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(iqm_vertex,color) ); glEnableVertexAttribArray(11); // lmap data glVertexAttribPointer(12, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(iqm_vertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(iqm_vertex, texcoord2) ); glEnableVertexAttribArray(12); // animation if(q->numframes > 0) { glVertexAttribPointer( 8, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_FALSE, sizeof(iqm_vertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(iqm_vertex,blendindexes) ); glVertexAttribPointer( 9, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, sizeof(iqm_vertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(iqm_vertex,blendweights) ); glVertexAttribPointer(10, 1, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(iqm_vertex), (GLvoid*)offsetof(iqm_vertex, blendvertexindex) ); glEnableVertexAttribArray(8); glEnableVertexAttribArray(9); glEnableVertexAttribArray(10); } // mat4 attribute; for instanced rendering if( 1 ) { unsigned vec4_size = sizeof(vec4); unsigned mat4_size = sizeof(vec4) * 4; // vertex buffer object glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m.vao_instanced); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m.num_instances * mat4_size, m.instanced_matrices, GL_STREAM_DRAW); glVertexAttribPointer(4, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 4 * vec4_size, (GLvoid*)(((char*)NULL)+(0 * vec4_size))); glVertexAttribPointer(5, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 4 * vec4_size, (GLvoid*)(((char*)NULL)+(1 * vec4_size))); glVertexAttribPointer(6, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 4 * vec4_size, (GLvoid*)(((char*)NULL)+(2 * vec4_size))); glVertexAttribPointer(7, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 4 * vec4_size, (GLvoid*)(((char*)NULL)+(3 * vec4_size))); glEnableVertexAttribArray(4); glEnableVertexAttribArray(5); glEnableVertexAttribArray(6); glEnableVertexAttribArray(7); glVertexAttribDivisor(4, 1); glVertexAttribDivisor(5, 1); glVertexAttribDivisor(6, 1); glVertexAttribDivisor(7, 1); } // 7 bitangent? into texcoord.z? glBindVertexArray( 0 ); } static bool model_load_meshes(iqm_t *q, const struct iqmheader *hdr, model_t *m) { if(q->meshdata) return false; lil32p(&q->buf[hdr->ofs_vertexarrays], hdr->num_vertexarrays*sizeof(struct iqmvertexarray)/sizeof(uint32_t)); lil32p(&q->buf[hdr->ofs_triangles], hdr->num_triangles*sizeof(struct iqmtriangle)/sizeof(uint32_t)); lil32p(&q->buf[hdr->ofs_meshes], hdr->num_meshes*sizeof(struct iqmmesh)/sizeof(uint32_t)); lil32p(&q->buf[hdr->ofs_joints], hdr->num_joints*sizeof(struct iqmjoint)/sizeof(uint32_t)); q->meshdata = q->buf; q->nummeshes = hdr->num_meshes; q->numtris = hdr->num_triangles; q->numverts = hdr->num_vertexes; q->numjoints = hdr->num_joints; q->outframe = CALLOC(hdr->num_joints, sizeof(mat34)); float *inposition = NULL, *innormal = NULL, *intangent = NULL, *intexcoord = NULL, *invertexindex = NULL; uint8_t *inblendindex8 = NULL, *inblendweight8 = NULL; int *inblendindexi = NULL; float *inblendweightf = NULL; uint8_t *invertexcolor8 = NULL; struct iqmvertexarray *vas = (struct iqmvertexarray *)&q->buf[hdr->ofs_vertexarrays]; for(int i = 0; i < (int)hdr->num_vertexarrays; i++) { struct iqmvertexarray *va = &vas[i]; switch(va->type) { default: continue; // return PANIC("unknown iqm vertex type (%d)", va->type), false; break; case IQM_POSITION: ASSERT(va->format == IQM_FLOAT && va->size == 3); inposition = (float *)&q->buf[va->offset]; lil32pf(inposition, 3*hdr->num_vertexes); break; case IQM_NORMAL: ASSERT(va->format == IQM_FLOAT && va->size == 3); innormal = (float *)&q->buf[va->offset]; lil32pf(innormal, 3*hdr->num_vertexes); break; case IQM_TANGENT: ASSERT(va->format == IQM_FLOAT && va->size == 4); intangent = (float *)&q->buf[va->offset]; lil32pf(intangent, 4*hdr->num_vertexes); break; case IQM_TEXCOORD: ASSERT(va->format == IQM_FLOAT && va->size == 2); intexcoord = (float *)&q->buf[va->offset]; lil32pf(intexcoord, 2*hdr->num_vertexes); break; case IQM_COLOR: ASSERT(va->size == 4); ASSERT(va->format == IQM_UBYTE); invertexcolor8 = (uint8_t *)&q->buf[va->offset]; break; case IQM_BLENDINDEXES: ASSERT(va->size == 4); ASSERT(va->format == IQM_UBYTE || va->format == IQM_INT); if(va->format == IQM_UBYTE) inblendindex8 = (uint8_t *)&q->buf[va->offset]; else inblendindexi = (int *)&q->buf[va->offset]; break; case IQM_BLENDWEIGHTS: ASSERT(va->size == 4); ASSERT(va->format == IQM_UBYTE || va->format == IQM_FLOAT); if(va->format == IQM_UBYTE) inblendweight8 = (uint8_t *)&q->buf[va->offset]; else inblendweightf = (float *)&q->buf[va->offset]; invertexindex = (inblendweight8 ? (float*)(inblendweight8 + 4) : inblendweightf + 4 ); } } if (hdr->ofs_bounds) lil32p(q->buf + hdr->ofs_bounds, hdr->num_frames * sizeof(struct iqmbounds)); if (hdr->ofs_bounds) q->bounds = (struct iqmbounds *) &q->buf[hdr->ofs_bounds]; q->meshes = (struct iqmmesh *)&q->buf[hdr->ofs_meshes]; q->joints = (struct iqmjoint *)&q->buf[hdr->ofs_joints]; q->baseframe = CALLOC(hdr->num_joints, sizeof(mat34)); q->inversebaseframe = CALLOC(hdr->num_joints, sizeof(mat34)); for(int i = 0; i < (int)hdr->num_joints; i++) { struct iqmjoint *j = &q->joints[i]; compose34(q->baseframe[i], ptr3(j->translate), normq(ptrq(j->rotate)), ptr3(j->scale)); invert34(q->inversebaseframe[i], q->baseframe[i]); if(j->parent >= 0) { multiply34x2(q->baseframe[i], q->baseframe[j->parent], q->baseframe[i]); multiply34(q->inversebaseframe[i], q->inversebaseframe[j->parent]); } } struct iqmtriangle *tris = (struct iqmtriangle *)&q->buf[hdr->ofs_triangles]; m->num_tris = hdr->num_triangles; m->tris = (void*)tris; glGenVertexArrays(1, &q->vao); glBindVertexArray(q->vao); if(!q->ibo) glGenBuffers(1, &q->ibo); glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, q->ibo); glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, hdr->num_triangles*sizeof(struct iqmtriangle), tris, GL_STATIC_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); iqm_vertex *verts = CALLOC(hdr->num_vertexes, sizeof(iqm_vertex)); for(int i = 0; i < (int)hdr->num_vertexes; i++) { iqm_vertex *v = &verts[i]; if(inposition) memcpy(v->position, &inposition[i*3], sizeof(v->position)); if(innormal) memcpy(v->normal, &innormal[i*3], sizeof(v->normal)); if(intangent) memcpy(v->tangent, &intangent[i*4], sizeof(v->tangent)); if(intexcoord) { memcpy(v->texcoord, &intexcoord[i*2], sizeof(v->texcoord)); memcpy(v->texcoord2, &intexcoord[i*2], sizeof(v->texcoord2)); // populate UV1 with the same value, used by lightmapper } if(inblendindex8) memcpy(v->blendindexes, &inblendindex8[i*4], sizeof(v->blendindexes)); if(inblendweight8) memcpy(v->blendweights, &inblendweight8[i*4], sizeof(v->blendweights)); if(inblendindexi) { uint8_t conv[4] = { inblendindexi[i*4], inblendindexi[i*4+1], inblendindexi[i*4+2], inblendindexi[i*4+3] }; memcpy(v->blendindexes, conv, sizeof(v->blendindexes)); } if(inblendweightf) { uint8_t conv[4] = { inblendweightf[i*4] * 255, inblendweightf[i*4+1] * 255, inblendweightf[i*4+2] * 255, inblendweightf[i*4+3] * 255 }; memcpy(v->blendweights, conv, sizeof(v->blendweights)); } if(invertexindex) { float conv = i; memcpy(&v->blendvertexindex, &conv, 4); } if(invertexcolor8) memcpy(v->color, &invertexcolor8[i*4], sizeof(v->color)); } if(!q->vbo) glGenBuffers(1, &q->vbo); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, q->vbo); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, hdr->num_vertexes*sizeof(iqm_vertex), verts, GL_STATIC_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); m->stride = sizeof(iqm_vertex); #if 0 m->stride = 0; if(inposition) m->stride += sizeof(verts[0].position); if(innormal) m->stride += sizeof(verts[0].normal); if(intangent) m->stride += sizeof(verts[0].tangent); if(intexcoord) m->stride += sizeof(verts[0].texcoord); if(inblendindex8) m->stride += sizeof(verts[0].blendindexes); // no index8? bug? if(inblendweight8) m->stride += sizeof(verts[0].blendweights); // no weight8? bug? if(inblendindexi) m->stride += sizeof(verts[0].blendindexes); if(inblendweightf) m->stride += sizeof(verts[0].blendweights); if(invertexcolor8) m->stride += sizeof(verts[0].color); #endif //for( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i ) printf("%.9g%s", ((float*)verts)[i], (i % 3) == 2 ? "\n" : ","); m->verts = verts; /*m->verts = 0; FREE(verts);*/ q->textures = CALLOC(hdr->num_meshes * 8, sizeof(GLuint)); q->colormaps = CALLOC(hdr->num_meshes * 8, sizeof(vec4)); for(int i = 0; i < (int)hdr->num_meshes; i++) { int invalid = texture_checker().id; q->textures[i] = invalid; } const char *str = hdr->ofs_text ? (char *)&q->buf[hdr->ofs_text] : ""; for(int i = 0; i < (int)hdr->num_meshes; i++) { struct iqmmesh *m = &q->meshes[i]; PRINTF("loaded mesh: %s\n", &str[m->name]); } return true; } static bool model_load_anims(iqm_t *q, const struct iqmheader *hdr) { if((int)hdr->num_poses != q->numjoints) return false; if(q->animdata) { if(q->animdata != q->meshdata) FREE(q->animdata); FREE(q->frames); q->animdata = NULL; q->anims = NULL; q->frames = 0; q->numframes = 0; q->numanims = 0; } lil32p(&q->buf[hdr->ofs_poses], hdr->num_poses*sizeof(struct iqmpose)/sizeof(uint32_t)); lil32p(&q->buf[hdr->ofs_anims], hdr->num_anims*sizeof(struct iqmanim)/sizeof(uint32_t)); lil16p((uint16_t *)&q->buf[hdr->ofs_frames], hdr->num_frames*hdr->num_framechannels); q->animdata = q->buf; q->numanims = hdr->num_anims; q->numframes = hdr->num_frames; q->anims = (struct iqmanim *)&q->buf[hdr->ofs_anims]; q->poses = (struct iqmpose *)&q->buf[hdr->ofs_poses]; q->frames = CALLOC(hdr->num_frames * hdr->num_poses, sizeof(mat34)); uint16_t *framedata = (uint16_t *)&q->buf[hdr->ofs_frames]; for(int i = 0; i < (int)hdr->num_frames; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < (int)hdr->num_poses; j++) { struct iqmpose *p = &q->poses[j]; quat rotate; vec3 translate, scale; translate.x = p->channeloffset[0]; if(p->mask&0x01) translate.x += *framedata++ * p->channelscale[0]; translate.y = p->channeloffset[1]; if(p->mask&0x02) translate.y += *framedata++ * p->channelscale[1]; translate.z = p->channeloffset[2]; if(p->mask&0x04) translate.z += *framedata++ * p->channelscale[2]; rotate.x = p->channeloffset[3]; if(p->mask&0x08) rotate.x += *framedata++ * p->channelscale[3]; rotate.y = p->channeloffset[4]; if(p->mask&0x10) rotate.y += *framedata++ * p->channelscale[4]; rotate.z = p->channeloffset[5]; if(p->mask&0x20) rotate.z += *framedata++ * p->channelscale[5]; rotate.w = p->channeloffset[6]; if(p->mask&0x40) rotate.w += *framedata++ * p->channelscale[6]; scale.x = p->channeloffset[7]; if(p->mask&0x80) scale.x += *framedata++ * p->channelscale[7]; scale.y = p->channeloffset[8]; if(p->mask&0x100) scale.y += *framedata++ * p->channelscale[8]; scale.z = p->channeloffset[9]; if(p->mask&0x200) scale.z += *framedata++ * p->channelscale[9]; // Concatenate each pose with the inverse base pose to avoid doing this at animation time. // If the joint has a parent, then it needs to be pre-concatenated with its parent's base pose. // Thus it all negates at animation time like so: // (parentPose * parentInverseBasePose) * (parentBasePose * childPose * childInverseBasePose) => // parentPose * (parentInverseBasePose * parentBasePose) * childPose * childInverseBasePose => // parentPose * childPose * childInverseBasePose mat34 m; compose34(m, translate, normq(rotate), scale); if(p->parent >= 0) multiply34x3(q->frames[i*hdr->num_poses + j], q->baseframe[p->parent], m, q->inversebaseframe[j]); else multiply34x2(q->frames[i*hdr->num_poses + j], m, q->inversebaseframe[j]); } } // const char *str = hdr->ofs_text ? (char *)&q->buf[hdr->ofs_text] : ""; // for(int i = 0; i < (int)hdr->num_anims; i++) { // struct iqmanim *a = &anims[i]; // PRINTF("loaded anim[%d]: %s\n", i, &str[a->name]); // } return true; } // prevents crash on osx when strcpy'ing non __restrict arguments static char* strcpy_safe(char *d, const char *s) { sprintf(d, "%s", s); return d; } static void model_load_pbr_layer(material_layer_t *layer, const char *texname, bool load_as_srgb) { strcpy_safe(layer->texname, texname); colormap(&layer->map, texname, false); } static void model_load_pbr(material_t *mt) { // initialise default colors mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_DIFFUSE].map.color = vec4(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5); mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_NORMALS].map.color = vec4(0,0,0,0); mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_SPECULAR].map.color = vec4(0,0,0,0); mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_SPECULAR].value = 1.0f; // specular_shininess mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_ALBEDO].map.color = vec4(0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0); mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_ROUGHNESS].map.color = vec4(1,1,1,1); mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_METALLIC].map.color = vec4(0,0,0,0); mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_AO].map.color = vec4(1,1,1,1); mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_AMBIENT].map.color = vec4(0,0,0,1); mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_EMISSIVE].map.color = vec4(0,0,0,0); // load colormaps array(char*) tokens = strsplit(mt->name, "+"); for( int j = 0, end = array_count(tokens); j < end; ++j ) { char *t = tokens[j]; if( strstri(t, "_D.") || strstri(t, "Diffuse") || strstri(t, "BaseColor") || strstri(t, "Base_Color") ) model_load_pbr_layer(&mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_DIFFUSE], t, 1); if( strstri(t, "_N.") || strstri(t, "Normal") ) model_load_pbr_layer(&mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_NORMALS], t, 0); if( strstri(t, "_S.") || strstri(t, "Specular") ) model_load_pbr_layer(&mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_SPECULAR], t, 0); if( strstri(t, "_A.") || strstri(t, "Albedo") ) model_load_pbr_layer(&mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_ALBEDO], t, 1); // 0? if( strstri(t, "_MR.")|| strstri(t, "Roughness") || strstri(t, "MetallicRoughness") ) model_load_pbr_layer(&mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_ROUGHNESS], t, 0); else if( strstri(t, "_M.") || strstri(t, "Metallic") ) model_load_pbr_layer(&mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_METALLIC], t, 0); //if( strstri(t, "_S.") || strstri(t, "Shininess") ) model_load_pbr_layer(&mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_ROUGHNESS], t, 0); //if( strstri(t, "_A.") || strstri(t, "Ambient") ) model_load_pbr_layer(&mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_AMBIENT], t, 0); if( strstri(t, "_E.") || strstri(t, "Emissive") ) model_load_pbr_layer(&mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_EMISSIVE], t, 1); if( strstri(t, "_AO.") || strstri(t, "AO") || strstri(t, "Occlusion") ) model_load_pbr_layer(&mt->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_AO], t, 0); } } static bool model_load_textures(iqm_t *q, const struct iqmheader *hdr, model_t *model, int _flags) { q->textures = q->textures ? q->textures : CALLOC(hdr->num_meshes * 8, sizeof(GLuint)); // up to 8 textures per mesh q->colormaps = q->colormaps ? q->colormaps : CALLOC(hdr->num_meshes * 8, sizeof(vec4)); // up to 8 colormaps per mesh GLuint *out = q->textures; const char *str = hdr->ofs_text ? (char *)&q->buf[hdr->ofs_text] : ""; for(int i = 0; i < (int)hdr->num_meshes; i++) { struct iqmmesh *m = &q->meshes[i]; // reuse texture+material if already decoded bool reused = 0; for( int j = 0; !reused && j < model->num_textures; ++j ) { if( !strcmpi(model->texture_names[j], &str[m->material])) { *out++ = model->materials[j].layer[0].map.texture->id; { model->num_textures++; array_push(model->texture_names, STRDUP(&str[m->material])); array_push(model->materials, model->materials[j]); array_back(model->materials)->name = STRDUP(&str[m->material]); } reused = true; } } if( reused ) continue; // decode texture+material int flags = TEXTURE_MIPMAPS|TEXTURE_REPEAT|TEXTURE_ANISOTROPY; // LINEAR, NEAREST if (!(_flags & MODEL_NO_FILTERING)) flags |= TEXTURE_LINEAR; int invalid = texture_checker().id; #if 1 char *material_embedded_texture = strstr(&str[m->material], "+b64:"); if( material_embedded_texture ) { *material_embedded_texture = '\0'; material_embedded_texture += 5; array(char) embedded_texture = base64_decode(material_embedded_texture, strlen(material_embedded_texture)); //printf("%s %d\n", material_embedded_texture, array_count(embedded_texture)); //hexdump(embedded_texture, array_count(embedded_texture)); *out = texture_compressed_from_mem( embedded_texture, array_count(embedded_texture), flags ).id; array_free(embedded_texture); } char* material_color_hex = strstr(&str[m->material], "+$"); vec4 material_color = vec4(1,1,1,1); if( material_color_hex ) { *material_color_hex = '\0'; material_color_hex += 2; material_color.r = ((material_color_hex[0] >= 'a') ? material_color_hex[0] - 'a' + 10 : material_color_hex[0] - '0') / 15.f; material_color.g = ((material_color_hex[1] >= 'a') ? material_color_hex[1] - 'a' + 10 : material_color_hex[1] - '0') / 15.f; material_color.b = ((material_color_hex[2] >= 'a') ? material_color_hex[2] - 'a' + 10 : material_color_hex[2] - '0') / 15.f; #if 0 // not enabled because of some .obj files like suzanne, with color_hex=9990 found if(material_color_hex[3]) material_color.a = ((material_color_hex[3] >= 'a') ? material_color_hex[3] - 'a' + 10 : material_color_hex[3] - '0') / 15.f; else #endif material_color.a = 1; } if( !material_embedded_texture ) { char* material_name; // remove any material+name from materials (.fbx) // try left token first if( 1 ) { material_name = va("%s", &str[m->material]); char* plus = strrchr(material_name, '+'); if (plus) { strcpy_safe(plus, file_ext(material_name)); } *out = texture_compressed(material_name, flags).id; } // else try right token if (*out == invalid) { material_name = file_normalize( va("%s", &str[m->material]) ); char* plus = strrchr(material_name, '+'), *slash = strrchr(material_name, '/'); if (plus) { strcpy_safe(slash ? slash + 1 : material_name, plus + 1); *out = texture_compressed(material_name, flags).id; } } // else last resort if (*out == invalid) { *out = texture_compressed(material_name, flags).id; // needed? } } if( *out != invalid) { PRINTF("loaded material[%d]: %s\n", i, &str[m->material]); } else { PRINTF("warn: material[%d] not found: %s\n", i, &str[m->material]); PRINTF("warn: using placeholder material[%d]=texture_checker\n", i); *out = texture_checker().id; // placeholder } inscribe_tex:; { model->num_textures++; array_push(model->texture_names, STRDUP(&str[m->material])); material_t mt = {0}; mt.name = STRDUP(&str[m->material]); // initialise basic texture layer mt.layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_DIFFUSE].map.color = material_color_hex ? material_color : vec4(1,1,1,1); mt.layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_DIFFUSE].map.texture = CALLOC(1, sizeof(texture_t)); mt.layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_DIFFUSE].map.texture->id = *out++; array_push(model->materials, mt); } #else material_t mt = {0}; mt.name = STRDUP(&str[m->material]); array(char*) tokens = strsplit(&str[m->material], "+"); for each_array(tokens, char*, it) { *out = texture(it, flags).id; if( *out == invalid ) { PRINTF("warn: material[%d] not found: %s\n", i, it); } else { PRINTF("loaded material[%d]: %s\n", i, it); mt.layer[mt.count++].texture = *out; ++out; } } // if no materials were loaded, try to signal a checkered placeholder if( out == textures ) { PRINTF("warn: using placeholder material[%d]=texture_checker\n", i); *out++ = invalid; } int count = (int)(intptr_t)(out - textures); model->num_textures += count; array_push(model->texture_names, STRDUP(&str[m->material])); array_push(model->materials, mt); #endif } if( array_count(model->materials) == 0 ) { material_t mt = {0}; mt.name = "placeholder"; mt.layer[0].map.color = vec4(1,1,1,1); mt.layer[0].map.texture = CALLOC(1, sizeof(texture_t)); mt.layer[0].map.texture->id = texture_checker().id; array_push(model->materials, mt); } return true; } static void model_set_renderstates(model_t *m) { for (int i = 0; irs[i] = renderstate(); } // Normal pass renderstate_t *normal_rs = &m->rs[RENDER_PASS_NORMAL]; { normal_rs->blend_enabled = 1; normal_rs->blend_src = GL_SRC_ALPHA; normal_rs->blend_dst = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; normal_rs->cull_face_mode = GL_BACK; normal_rs->front_face = GL_CW; } // Shadow pass @todo renderstate_t *shadow_rs = &m->rs[RENDER_PASS_SHADOW]; { shadow_rs->blend_enabled = 1; shadow_rs->blend_src = GL_SRC_ALPHA; shadow_rs->blend_dst = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; shadow_rs->cull_face_mode = GL_BACK; shadow_rs->front_face = GL_CW; } // Lightmap pass renderstate_t *lightmap_rs = &m->rs[RENDER_PASS_LIGHTMAP]; { lightmap_rs->blend_enabled = 0; lightmap_rs->cull_face_enabled = 0; lightmap_rs->front_face = GL_CW; } } model_t model_from_mem(const void *mem, int len, int flags) { model_t m = {0}; m.stored_flags = flags; m.shading = SHADING_PHONG; model_set_renderstates(&m); const char *ptr = (const char *)mem; iqm_t *q = CALLOC(1, sizeof(iqm_t)); int error = 1; if( ptr && len ) { struct iqmheader hdr; memcpy(&hdr, ptr, sizeof(hdr)); ptr += sizeof(hdr); if( !memcmp(hdr.magic, IQM_MAGIC, sizeof(hdr.magic))) { lil32p(&hdr.version, (sizeof(hdr) - sizeof(hdr.magic))/sizeof(uint32_t)); if(hdr.version == IQM_VERSION) { q->buf = CALLOC(hdr.filesize, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(q->buf + sizeof(hdr), ptr, hdr.filesize - sizeof(hdr)); error = 0; if( hdr.num_meshes > 0 && !(flags & MODEL_NO_MESHES) ) error |= !model_load_meshes(q, &hdr, &m); if( hdr.num_meshes > 0 && !(flags & MODEL_NO_TEXTURES) ) error |= !model_load_textures(q, &hdr, &m, flags); else { // setup fallback material_t mt = {0}; mt.name = "placeholder"; mt.layer[0].map.color = vec4(1,1,1,1); mt.layer[0].map.texture = CALLOC(1, sizeof(texture_t)); mt.layer[0].map.texture->id = texture_checker().id; array_push(m.materials, mt); } if( hdr.num_anims > 0 && !(flags & MODEL_NO_ANIMATIONS) ) error |= !model_load_anims(q, &hdr); if( q->buf != q->meshdata && q->buf != q->animdata ) FREE(q->buf); } } } if( error ) { PRINTF("Error: cannot load %s", "model"); FREE(q), q = 0; } else { m.vao = q->vao; m.ibo = q->ibo; m.vbo = q->vbo; m.num_verts = q->numverts; // m.boxes = bounds; // <@todo m.num_meshes = q->nummeshes; m.num_triangles = q->numtris; m.num_joints = q->numjoints; //m.num_poses = numposes; m.num_anims = q->numanims; m.num_frames = q->numframes; m.iqm = q; m.curframe = model_animate(m, 0); //m.num_textures = q->nummeshes; // assume 1 texture only per mesh m.textures = (q->textures); m.flags = flags; id44(m.pivot); m.num_instances = 0; m.instanced_matrices = m.pivot; glGenBuffers(1, &m.vao_instanced); model_set_state(m); model_shading(&m, (flags & MODEL_PBR) ? SHADING_PBR : SHADING_PHONG); } return m; } model_t model(const char *filename, int flags) { int len; // vfs_pushd(filedir(filename)) char *ptr = vfs_load(filename, &len); // + vfs_popd return model_from_mem( ptr, len, flags ); } bool model_get_bone_pose(model_t m, unsigned joint, mat34 *out) { if(!m.iqm) return false; iqm_t *q = m.iqm; if(joint >= q->numjoints) return false; multiply34x2(*out, q->outframe[joint], q->baseframe[joint]); return true; } anim_t clip(float minframe, float maxframe, float blendtime, unsigned flags) { return ((anim_t){minframe, maxframe, blendtime, flags, 1e6}); } anim_t loop(float minframe, float maxframe, float blendtime, unsigned flags) { return clip(minframe, maxframe, blendtime, flags | ANIM_LOOP); } array(anim_t) animlist(const char *pathfile) { anim_t *animlist = 0; char *anim_file = vfs_read(strendi(pathfile,".txt") ? pathfile : va("%s@animlist.txt", pathfile)); if( anim_file ) { // deserialize anim for each_substring(anim_file, "\r\n", anim) { int from, to; char anim_name[128] = {0}; if( sscanf(anim, "%*s %d-%d %127[^\r\n]", &from, &to, anim_name) != 3) continue; array_push(animlist, !!strstri(anim_name, "loop") || !strcmpi(anim_name, "idle") ? loop(from, to, 0, 0) : clip(from, to, 0, 0)); // [from,to,flags] array_back(animlist)->name = strswap(strswap(strswap(STRDUP(anim_name), "Loop", ""), "loop", ""), "()", ""); // @leak } } else { // placeholder array_push(animlist, clip(0,1,0,0)); array_back(animlist)->name = STRDUP("Error"); // @leak } return animlist; } static void anim_tick(anim_t *p, bool is_primary, float delta) { // delta can be negative (reverses anim) if( !is_primary ) p->active = 0; if( is_primary && !p->active ) { p->active = 1; p->timer = 0; p->alpha = 0; if( p->flags & ANIM_DONT_RESET_AFTER_USE ) {} else p->curframe = 1e6; } p->alpha = 1 - ease(p->timer / p->blendtime, p->easing); p->timer += window_delta(); p->curframe += delta; if(p->curframe < p->from || p->curframe > p->to ) p->curframe = delta >= 0 ? p->from : p->to; p->pose = pose(delta >= 0, p->curframe, p->from, p->to, p->flags & ANIM_LOOP, NULL); } float model_animate_blends(model_t m, anim_t *primary, anim_t *secondary, float delta) { if(!m.iqm) return -1; iqm_t *q = m.iqm; anim_tick(primary, 1, delta); anim_tick(secondary, 0, delta); float alpha = primary->alpha; // if( alpha <= 0 ) return model_animate(m, primary.pose.x); // if( alpha >= 1 ) return model_animate(m, secondary.pose.x); unsigned frame1 = primary->pose.x; unsigned frame2 = primary->pose.y; float alphaA = primary->pose.z; unsigned frame3 = secondary->pose.x; unsigned frame4 = secondary->pose.y; float alphaB = secondary->pose.z; mat34 *mat1 = &q->frames[frame1 * q->numjoints]; mat34 *mat2 = &q->frames[frame2 * q->numjoints]; mat34 *mat3 = &q->frames[frame3 * q->numjoints]; mat34 *mat4 = &q->frames[frame4 * q->numjoints]; for(int i = 0; i < q->numjoints; i++) { mat34 matA, matB, matF; lerp34(matA, mat1[i], mat2[i], alphaA); lerp34(matB, mat3[i], mat4[i], alphaB); lerp34(matF, matA, matB, alpha ); if(q->joints[i].parent >= 0) multiply34x2(q->outframe[i], q->outframe[q->joints[i].parent], matF); else copy34(q->outframe[i], matF); } return frame1 + alpha; } vec3 pose(bool forward_time, float curframe, int minframe, int maxframe, bool loop, float *retframe) { float offset = curframe - (int)curframe; #if 1 int frame1 = (int)curframe; int frame2 = frame1 + (forward_time ? 1 : -1); #else float frame1 = curframe; float frame2 = curframe + (forward_time ? 1 : -1); #endif if( loop ) { int distance = maxframe - minframe; frame1 = fmod(frame1 - minframe, distance) + minframe; // frame1 >= maxframe ? minframe : frame1 < minframe ? maxframe - clampf(minframe - frame1, 0, distance) : frame1; frame2 = fmod(frame2 - minframe, distance) + minframe; // frame2 >= maxframe ? minframe : frame2 < minframe ? maxframe - clampf(minframe - frame2, 0, distance) : frame2; if(retframe) *retframe = fmod(frame1 + offset - minframe, distance) + minframe; } else { frame1 = clampf(frame1, minframe, maxframe); frame2 = clampf(frame2, minframe, maxframe); if(retframe) *retframe = clampf(frame1 + offset, minframe, maxframe); } return vec3(frame1 + (offset > 0 && offset < 1 ? offset : 0),frame2,offset); } float model_animate_clip(model_t m, float curframe, int minframe, int maxframe, bool loop) { if(!m.iqm) return -1; iqm_t *q = m.iqm; float retframe = -1; if( q->numframes > 0 ) { vec3 p = pose(curframe >= m.curframe, curframe, minframe, maxframe, loop, &retframe); int frame1 = p.x; int frame2 = p.y; float offset = p.z; mat34 *mat1 = &q->frames[frame1 * q->numjoints]; mat34 *mat2 = &q->frames[frame2 * q->numjoints]; // @todo: add animation blending and inter-frame blending here for(int i = 0; i < q->numjoints; i++) { mat34 mat; lerp34(mat, mat1[i], mat2[i], offset); if(q->joints[i].parent >= 0) multiply34x2(q->outframe[i], q->outframe[q->joints[i].parent], mat); else copy34(q->outframe[i], mat); } } return retframe; } void model_render_skeleton(model_t m, mat44 M) { if(!m.iqm) return; iqm_t *q = m.iqm; if(!q->numjoints) return; ddraw_ontop_push(true); ddraw_color_push(RED); for( int joint = 0; joint < q->numjoints; joint++ ) { if( q->joints[joint].parent < 0) continue; // bone space... mat34 f; model_get_bone_pose(m, joint, &f); vec3 pos = vec3(f[3],f[7],f[11]); model_get_bone_pose(m, q->joints[joint].parent, &f); vec3 src = vec3(f[3],f[7],f[11]); // ...to model space src = transform344(M, src); pos = transform344(M, pos); // red line ddraw_color(RED); // ddraw_line(src, pos); ddraw_bone(src, pos); // green dot ddraw_color(GREEN); ddraw_point(pos); // yellow text ddraw_color(YELLOW); ddraw_text(pos, 0.005, va("%d", joint)); } ddraw_color_pop(); ddraw_ontop_pop(); } float model_animate(model_t m, float curframe) { if(!m.iqm) return -1; iqm_t *q = m.iqm; return model_animate_clip(m, curframe, 0, q->numframes-1, true); } // @fixme: store uniform handles into model_t/colormap_t and rely on those directly static inline void shader_colormap_model_internal(const char *col_name, const char *bool_name, const char *tex_name, colormap_t c ) { // assumes shader uses `struct { vec4 color; bool has_tex } name + sampler2D name_tex;` shader_vec4( col_name, c.color ); shader_bool( bool_name, c.texture != NULL ); if( c.texture ) shader_texture( tex_name, *c.texture ); } static void model_draw_call(model_t m, int shader) { if(!m.iqm) return; iqm_t *q = m.iqm; handle old_shader = last_shader; shader_bind(shader); renderstate_t *rs = &m.rs[RENDER_PASS_NORMAL]; rs->cull_face_enabled = m.flags&MODEL_CULLFACE; renderstate_apply(rs); glBindVertexArray( q->vao ); struct iqmtriangle *tris = NULL; for(int i = 0; i < q->nummeshes; i++) { struct iqmmesh *im = &q->meshes[i]; if (m.shading != SHADING_PBR) { shader_texture_unit("u_texture2d", q->textures[i], texture_unit()); shader_texture("u_lightmap", m.lightmap); int loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_textured")) >= 0) { bool textured = !!q->textures[i] && q->textures[i] != texture_checker().id; // m.materials[i].layer[0].texture != texture_checker().id; glUniform1i(loc, textured ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE); if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_diffuse")) >= 0) { glUniform4f(loc, m.materials[i].layer[0].map.color.r, m.materials[i].layer[0].map.color.g, m.materials[i].layer[0].map.color.b, m.materials[i].layer[0].map.color.a); } } } else { const material_t *material = &m.materials[i]; shader_colormap_model_internal( "map_diffuse.color", "map_diffuse.has_tex", "map_diffuse_tex", material->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_DIFFUSE].map ); shader_colormap_model_internal( "map_normals.color", "map_normals.has_tex", "map_normals_tex", material->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_NORMALS].map ); shader_colormap_model_internal( "map_specular.color", "map_specular.has_tex", "map_specular_tex", material->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_SPECULAR].map ); shader_colormap_model_internal( "map_albedo.color", "map_albedo.has_tex", "map_albedo_tex", material->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_ALBEDO].map ); shader_colormap_model_internal( "map_roughness.color", "map_roughness.has_tex", "map_roughness_tex", material->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_ROUGHNESS].map ); shader_colormap_model_internal( "map_metallic.color", "map_metallic.has_tex", "map_metallic_tex", material->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_METALLIC].map ); shader_colormap_model_internal( "map_ao.color", "map_ao.has_tex", "map_ao_tex", material->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_AO].map ); shader_colormap_model_internal( "map_ambient.color", "map_ambient.has_tex", "map_ambient_tex", material->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_AMBIENT].map ); shader_colormap_model_internal( "map_emissive.color", "map_emissive.has_tex", "map_emissive_tex", material->layer[MATERIAL_CHANNEL_EMISSIVE].map ); // shader_float( "specular_shininess", material->specular_shininess ); // unused, basic_specgloss.fs only } glDrawElementsInstanced(GL_TRIANGLES, 3*im->num_triangles, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, &tris[im->first_triangle], m.num_instances); profile_incstat("Render.num_drawcalls", +1); profile_incstat("Render.num_triangles", +im->num_triangles); } glBindVertexArray( 0 ); shader_bind(old_shader); } void model_render_instanced(model_t m, mat44 proj, mat44 view, mat44* models, int shader, unsigned count) { if(!m.iqm) return; iqm_t *q = m.iqm; mat44 mv; multiply44x2(mv, view, models[0]); if( count != m.num_instances ) { m.num_instances = count; m.instanced_matrices = (float*)models; model_set_state(m); } model_set_uniforms(m, shader > 0 ? shader : m.program, mv, proj, view, models[0]); model_draw_call(m, shader > 0 ? shader : m.program); } void model_render(model_t m, mat44 proj, mat44 view, mat44 model, int shader) { model_render_instanced(m, proj, view, (mat44*)model, shader, 1); } static inline void model_init_uniforms(model_t *m) { for (int i=0; iuniforms[i] = -1; unsigned shader = m->program; int loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_mv")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_MV] = loc; else if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "MV")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_MV] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_mvp")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_MVP] = loc; else if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "MVP")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_MVP] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_vp")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_VP] = loc; else if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "VP")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_VP] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_cam_pos")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_CAM_POS] = loc; else if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "cam_pos")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_CAM_POS] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_cam_dir")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_CAM_DIR] = loc; else if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "cam_dir")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_CAM_DIR] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_billboard")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_BILLBOARD] = loc; else if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "billboard")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_BILLBOARD] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_texlit")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_TEXLIT] = loc; else if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "texlit")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_TEXLIT] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "M")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_MODEL] = loc; else if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "model")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_MODEL] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "V")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_VIEW] = loc; else if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "view")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_VIEW] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "inv_view")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_INV_VIEW] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "P")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_PROJ] = loc; else if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "proj")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_PROJ] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "SKINNED")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_SKINNED] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "vsBoneMatrix")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_VS_BONE_MATRIX] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "u_matcaps")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_U_MATCAPS] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "has_tex_skysphere")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_HAS_TEX_SKYSPHERE] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "has_tex_skyenv")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_HAS_TEX_SKYENV] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "tex_skysphere")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_TEX_SKYSPHERE] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "skysphere_mip_count")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_SKYSPHERE_MIP_COUNT] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "tex_skyenv")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_TEX_SKYENV] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "tex_brdf_lut")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_TEX_BRDF_LUT] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "frame_count")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_FRAME_COUNT] = loc; if ((loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader, "resolution")) >= 0) m->uniforms[MODEL_UNIFORM_RESOLUTION] = loc; } void model_shading(model_t *m, int shading) { m->shading = shading; int flags = m->stored_flags; // load pbr material if SHADING_PBR was selected if (shading == SHADING_PBR) { for (int i = 0; i < array_count(m->materials); ++i) { model_load_pbr(&m->materials[i]); } } // rebind shader // @fixme: app crashes rn // glUseProgram(0); // glDeleteProgram(m->program); const char *symbols[] = { "{{include-shadowmap}}", vfs_read("shaders/fs_0_0_shadowmap_lit.glsl") }; // #define RIM int shaderprog = shader(strlerp(1,symbols,vfs_read("shaders/vs_323444143_16_3322_model.glsl")), strlerp(1,symbols,vfs_read("shaders/fs_32_4_model.glsl")), //fs, "att_position,att_texcoord,att_normal,att_tangent,att_instanced_matrix,,,,att_indexes,att_weights,att_vertexindex,att_color,att_bitangent,att_texcoord2","fragColor", va("%s,%s", shading == SHADING_PBR ? "SHADING_PBR" : "SHADING_PHONG", (flags&MODEL_RIMLIGHT)?"RIM":"")); m->program = shaderprog; model_init_uniforms(m); } void model_skybox(model_t *mdl, skybox_t sky, bool load_sh) { if (load_sh) { shader_vec3v("u_coefficients_sh", 9, sky.cubemap.sh); } mdl->sky_refl = sky.refl; mdl->sky_env = sky.env; } // static aabb aabb_transform( aabb A, mat44 M ) { // Based on "Transforming Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes" by Jim Arvo, 1990 aabb B = { {M[12],M[13],M[14]}, {M[12],M[13],M[14]} }; // extract translation from mat44 for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { float a = M[i*4+j] * j[&A.min.x]; // use mat33 from mat44 float b = M[i*4+j] * j[&A.max.x]; // use mat33 from mat44 if( a < b ) { i[&B.min.x] += a; i[&B.max.x] += b; } else { i[&B.min.x] += b; i[&B.max.x] += a; } } return B; } aabb model_aabb(model_t m, mat44 transform) { iqm_t *q = m.iqm; if( q && q->bounds ) { int f = ( (int)m.curframe ) % (q->numframes + !q->numframes); vec3 bbmin = ptr3(q->bounds[f].bbmin); vec3 bbmax = ptr3(q->bounds[f].bbmax); return aabb_transform(aabb(bbmin,bbmax), transform); } return aabb(vec3(0,0,0),vec3(0,0,0)); } void model_destroy(model_t m) { FREE(m.verts); for( int i = 0, end = array_count(m.texture_names); i < end; ++i ) { FREE(m.texture_names[i]); } array_free(m.texture_names); iqm_t *q = m.iqm; // if(m.mesh) mesh_destroy(m.mesh); FREE(q->outframe); FREE(q->colormaps); FREE(q->textures); FREE(q->baseframe); FREE(q->inversebaseframe); if(q->animdata != q->meshdata) FREE(q->animdata); //FREE(q->meshdata); FREE(q->frames); FREE(q->buf); FREE(q); } static unsigned model_renderpass = RENDER_PASS_NORMAL; unsigned model_getpass() { return model_renderpass; } unsigned model_setpass(unsigned pass) { ASSERT(pass < NUM_RENDER_PASSES); unsigned old_pass = model_renderpass; model_renderpass = pass; return old_pass; } anims_t animations(const char *pathfile, int flags) { anims_t a = {0}; a.anims = animlist(pathfile); if(a.anims) a.speed = 1.0; return a; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // lightmapping utils // @fixme: support xatlas uv packing, add UV1 coords to vertex model specs lightmap_t lightmap(int hmsize, float cnear, float cfar, vec3 color, int passes, float threshold, float distmod) { lightmap_t lm = {0}; lm.ctx = lmCreate(hmsize, cnear, cfar, color.x, color.y, color.z, passes, threshold, distmod); if (!lm.ctx) { PANIC("Error: Could not initialize lightmapper.\n"); return lm; } const char *symbols[] = { "{{include-shadowmap}}", vfs_read("shaders/fs_0_0_shadowmap_lit.glsl") }; // #define RIM lm.shader = shader(strlerp(1,symbols,vfs_read("shaders/vs_323444143_16_3322_model.glsl")), strlerp(1,symbols,vfs_read("shaders/fs_32_4_model.glsl")), //fs, "att_position,att_texcoord,att_normal,att_tangent,att_instanced_matrix,,,,att_indexes,att_weights,att_vertexindex,att_color,att_bitangent,att_texcoord2","fragColor", va("%s", "LIGHTMAP_BAKING")); return lm; } void lightmap_destroy(lightmap_t *lm) { lmDestroy(lm->ctx); shader_destroy(lm->shader); // } void lightmap_setup(lightmap_t *lm, int w, int h) { lm->ready=1; //@fixme: prep atlas for lightmaps lm->w = w; lm->h = h; } void lightmap_bake(lightmap_t *lm, int bounces, void (*drawscene)(lightmap_t *lm, model_t *m, float *view, float *proj, void *userdata), void (*progressupdate)(float progress), void *userdata) { ASSERT(lm->ready); // @fixme: use xatlas to UV pack all models, update their UV1 and upload them to GPU. int w = lm->w, h = lm->h; for (int i = 0; i < array_count(lm->models); i++) { model_t *m = lm->models[i]; if (m->lightmap.w != 0) { texture_destroy(&m->lightmap); } m->lightmap = texture_create(w, h, 4, 0, TEXTURE_LINEAR|TEXTURE_FLOAT); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m->lightmap.id); unsigned char emissive[] = { 0, 0, 0, 255 }; glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 1, 1, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, emissive); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); } unsigned old_pass = model_setpass(RENDER_PASS_LIGHTMAP); for (int b = 0; b < bounces; b++) { for (int i = 0; i < array_count(lm->models); i++) { model_t *m = lm->models[i]; if (!m->lmdata) { m->lmdata = CALLOC(w*h*4, sizeof(float)); } memset(m->lmdata, 0, w*h*4); lmSetTargetLightmap(lm->ctx, m->lmdata, w, h, 4); lmSetGeometry(lm->ctx, m->pivot, LM_FLOAT, (uint8_t*)m->verts + offsetof(iqm_vertex, position), sizeof(iqm_vertex), LM_FLOAT, (uint8_t*)m->verts + offsetof(iqm_vertex, normal), sizeof(iqm_vertex), LM_FLOAT, (uint8_t*)m->verts + offsetof(iqm_vertex, texcoord), sizeof(iqm_vertex), m->num_tris*3, LM_UNSIGNED_INT, m->tris); int vp[4]; float view[16], projection[16]; while (lmBegin(lm->ctx, vp, view, projection)) { // render to lightmapper framebuffer glViewport(vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], vp[3]); drawscene(lm, m, view, projection, userdata); if (progressupdate) progressupdate(lmProgress(lm->ctx)); lmEnd(lm->ctx); } } model_setpass(old_pass); // postprocess texture for (int i = 0; i < array_count(lm->models); i++) { model_t *m = lm->models[i]; float *temp = CALLOC(w * h * 4, sizeof(float)); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { lmImageDilate(m->lmdata, temp, w, h, 4); lmImageDilate(temp, m->lmdata, w, h, 4); } lmImageSmooth(m->lmdata, temp, w, h, 4); lmImageDilate(temp, m->lmdata, w, h, 4); lmImagePower(m->lmdata, w, h, 4, 1.0f / 2.2f, 0x7); // gamma correct color channels FREE(temp); // save result to a file // if (lmImageSaveTGAf("result.tga", m->lmdata, w, h, 4, 1.0f)) // printf("Saved result.tga\n"); // upload result glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m->lightmap.id); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, w, h, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, m->lmdata); FREE(m->lmdata); m->lmdata = NULL; } } }