// // @todo: remove explicit GL code from here static camera_t *last_camera; camera_t camera() { camera_t *old = last_camera; static camera_t cam = {0}; do_once { cam.speed = 0.50f; cam.position = vec3(10,10,10); cam.updir = vec3(0,1,0); cam.fov = 45; cam.damping = false; cam.move_friction = 0.09f; cam.move_damping = 0.96f; cam.look_friction = 0.30f; cam.look_damping = 0.96f; cam.last_look = vec2(0,0); cam.last_move = vec3(0,0,0); // update proj & view camera_lookat(&cam,vec3(-5,0,-5)); // @todo: remove this hack that is used to consolidate dampings if( 1 ) { vec3 zero = {0}; for( int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i ) { camera_moveby(&cam, zero); camera_fps(&cam,0,0); } } } last_camera = old; *camera_get_active() = cam; return cam; } camera_t *camera_get_active() { static camera_t defaults = {0}; if( !last_camera ) { identity44(defaults.view); identity44(defaults.proj); last_camera = &defaults; } return last_camera; } void camera_moveby(camera_t *cam, vec3 inc) { // calculate camera damping if( cam->damping ) { float fr = cam->move_friction; fr *= fr; fr *= fr; fr *= fr; float sm = clampf(cam->move_damping, 0, 0.999f); sm *= sm; sm *= sm; cam->last_move = scale3(cam->last_move, 1 - fr); inc.x = cam->last_move.x = inc.x * (1 - sm) + cam->last_move.x * sm; inc.y = cam->last_move.y = inc.y * (1 - sm) + cam->last_move.y * sm; inc.z = cam->last_move.z = inc.z * (1 - sm) + cam->last_move.z * sm; } vec3 dir = norm3(cross3(cam->lookdir, cam->updir)); cam->position = add3(cam->position, scale3(dir, inc.x)); // right cam->position = add3(cam->position, scale3(cam->updir, inc.y)); // up cam->position = add3(cam->position, scale3(cam->lookdir, inc.z)); // front camera_fps(cam, 0, 0); } void camera_teleport(camera_t *cam, vec3 pos) { bool damping = cam->damping; cam->damping = 0; cam->last_move = vec3(0,0,0); cam->position = pos; camera_fps(cam, 0, 0); cam->damping = damping; } void camera_lookat(camera_t *cam, vec3 target) { // invert expression that cam->lookdir = norm3(vec3(cos(y) * cos(p), sin(p), sin(y) * cos(p))); // look.y = sin p > y = asin(p) // look.x = cos y * cos p; -> cos p = look.x / cos y \ look.x / cos y = look.z / sin y // look.z = sin y * cos p; -> cos p = look.z / sin y / // so, sin y / cos y = look x / look z > tan y = look x / look z > y = atan(look x / look z) vec3 look = norm3(sub3(target, cam->position)); const float rad2deg = 1 / 0.0174532f; float pitch = asin(look.y) * rad2deg; float yaw = atan2(look.z, look.x) * rad2deg; // coords swapped. it was (look.x, look.z) before. @todo: testme camera_fps(cam, yaw-cam->yaw, pitch-cam->pitch); } void camera_enable(camera_t *cam) { // camera_t *other = camera_get_active(); // init default camera in case there is none last_camera = cam; // trigger a dummy update -> update matrices camera_fps(cam, 0, 0); } void camera_fov(camera_t *cam, float fov) { last_camera = cam; #if 0 // isometric/dimetric #define orthogonal(proj, fov, aspect, znear, zfar) \ ortho44((proj), -(fov) * (aspect), (fov) * (aspect), -(fov), (fov), (znear), (zfar)) float DIMETRIC = 30.000f; float ISOMETRIC = 35.264f; float aspect = window_width() / ((float)window_height()+!!window_height()); orthogonal(cam->proj, 45, aspect, -1000, 1000); // why -1000? // cam->yaw = 45; cam->pitch = -ISOMETRIC; #endif cam->fov = fov; perspective44(cam->proj, cam->fov, window_width() / ((float)window_height()+!window_height()), 0.01f, 1000.f); } void camera_fps(camera_t *cam, float yaw, float pitch) { last_camera = cam; // camera damping if( cam->damping ) { float fr = cam->look_friction; fr *= fr; fr *= fr; fr *= fr; float sm = clampf(cam->look_damping, 0, 0.999f); sm *= sm; sm *= sm; cam->last_look = scale2(cam->last_look, 1 - fr); yaw = cam->last_look.y = yaw * (1 - sm) + cam->last_look.y * sm; pitch = cam->last_look.x = pitch * (1 - sm) + cam->last_look.x * sm; } cam->yaw += yaw; cam->yaw = fmod(cam->yaw, 360); cam->pitch += pitch; cam->pitch = cam->pitch > 89 ? 89 : cam->pitch < -89 ? -89 : cam->pitch; const float deg2rad = 0.0174532f, y = cam->yaw * deg2rad, p = cam->pitch * deg2rad; cam->lookdir = norm3(vec3(cos(y) * cos(p), sin(p), sin(y) * cos(p))); lookat44(cam->view, cam->position, add3(cam->position, cam->lookdir), cam->updir); // eye,center,up camera_fov(cam, cam->fov); } void camera_orbit( camera_t *cam, float yaw, float pitch, float inc_distance ) { last_camera = cam; vec2 inc_mouse = vec2(yaw, pitch); // @todo: worth moving all these members into camera_t ? static vec2 _mouse = {0,0}; static vec2 _polarity = { +1,-1 }; static vec2 _sensitivity = { 2,2 }; static float _friction = 0.75; //99; static float _distance; do_once _distance = len3(cam->position); // update dummy state camera_fps(cam, 0,0); // add smooth input _mouse = mix2(_mouse, add2(_mouse, mul2(mul2(inc_mouse,_sensitivity),_polarity)), _friction); _distance = mixf(_distance, _distance+inc_distance, _friction); // look: update angles vec2 offset = sub2( _mouse, ptr2(&cam->last_move.x) ); if( 1 ) { // if _enabled cam->yaw += offset.x; cam->pitch += offset.y; // look: limit pitch angle [-89..89] cam->pitch = cam->pitch > 89 ? 89 : cam->pitch < -89 ? -89 : cam->pitch; } // compute view matrix float x = rad(cam->yaw), y = rad(cam->pitch), cx = cosf(x), cy = cosf(y), sx = sinf(x), sy = sinf(y); lookat44(cam->view, vec3( cx*cy*_distance, sy*_distance, sx*cy*_distance ), vec3(0,0,0), vec3(0,1,0) ); // save for next call cam->last_move.x = _mouse.x; cam->last_move.y = _mouse.y; } int ui_camera( camera_t *cam ) { int changed = 0; changed |= ui_bool("Damping", &cam->damping); if( !cam->damping ) ui_disable(); changed |= ui_slider2("Move friction", &cam->move_friction, va("%5.3f", cam->move_friction)); changed |= ui_slider2("Move damping", &cam->move_damping, va("%5.3f", cam->move_damping)); changed |= ui_slider2("View friction", &cam->look_friction, va("%5.3f", cam->look_friction)); changed |= ui_slider2("View damping", &cam->look_damping, va("%5.3f", cam->look_damping)); if( !cam->damping ) ui_enable(); ui_separator(); changed |= ui_float("Speed", &cam->speed); changed |= ui_float3("Position", cam->position.v3); changed |= ui_float3("LookDir", cam->lookdir.v3); changed |= ui_float3("UpDir", cam->updir.v3); ui_disable(); changed |= ui_mat44("View matrix", cam->view); ui_enable(); ui_separator(); changed |= ui_float("FOV (degrees)", &cam->fov); ui_disable(); changed |= ui_mat44("Projection matrix", cam->proj); ui_enable(); return changed; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void object_update(object_t *obj) { quat p = eulerq(vec3(obj->pivot.x,obj->pivot.y,obj->pivot.z)); quat e = eulerq(vec3(obj->euler.x,obj->euler.y,obj->euler.z)); compose44(obj->transform, obj->pos, mulq(e, p), obj->sca); } object_t object() { object_t obj = {0}; identity44(obj.transform); //obj.rot = idq(); obj.sca = vec3(1,1,1); //obj.bounds = aabb(vec3(0,0,0),vec3(1,1,1)); // defaults to small 1-unit cube object_rotate(&obj, vec3(0,0,0)); //array_init(obj.textures); return obj; } void object_pivot(object_t *obj, vec3 euler) { obj->pivot = euler; object_update(obj); } void object_rotate(object_t *obj, vec3 euler) { quat p = eulerq(vec3(obj->pivot.x,obj->pivot.y,obj->pivot.z)); quat e = eulerq(vec3(euler.x,euler.y,euler.z)); obj->rot = mulq(p,e); obj->euler = euler; object_update(obj); } void object_teleport(object_t *obj, vec3 pos) { obj->pos = pos; object_update(obj); } void object_move(object_t *obj, vec3 inc) { obj->pos = add3(obj->pos, inc); object_update(obj); } void object_scale(object_t *obj, vec3 sca) { obj->sca = vec3(sca.x, sca.y, sca.z); object_update(obj); } vec3 object_position(object_t *obj) { return vec3(obj->transform[12], obj->transform[13], obj->transform[14]); } void object_model(object_t *obj, model_t model) { obj->model = model; } void object_push_diffuse(object_t *obj, texture_t tex) { array_push(obj->textures, tex.id); } void object_pop_diffuse(object_t *obj) { array_pop(obj->textures); } void object_diffuse(object_t *obj, texture_t tex) { array_clear(obj->textures); object_push_diffuse(obj, tex); } void object_billboard(object_t *obj, unsigned mode) { obj->billboard = mode; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- light_t light() { light_t l = {0}; l.diffuse = vec3(1,1,1); l.dir = vec3(1,-1,-1); l.falloff.constant = 1.0f; l.falloff.linear = 0.09f; l.falloff.quadratic = 0.0032f; l.specularPower = 32.f; l.innerCone = 0.9f; // 25 deg l.outerCone = 0.85f; // 31 deg return l; } void light_type(light_t* l, char type) { l->cached = 0; l->type = type; } void light_diffuse(light_t* l, vec3 color) { l->cached = 0; l->diffuse = color; } void light_specular(light_t* l, vec3 color) { l->cached = 0; l->specular = color; } void light_ambient(light_t* l, vec3 color) { l->cached = 0; l->ambient = color; } void light_teleport(light_t* l, vec3 pos) { l->cached = 0; l->pos = pos; } void light_dir(light_t* l, vec3 dir) { l->cached = 0; l->dir = dir; } void light_power(light_t* l, float power) { l->cached = 0; l->specularPower = power; } void light_falloff(light_t* l, float constant, float linear, float quadratic) { l->cached = 0; l->falloff.constant = constant; l->falloff.linear = linear; l->falloff.quadratic = quadratic; } void light_cone(light_t* l, float innerCone, float outerCone) { l->cached = 0; l->innerCone = acos(innerCone); l->outerCone = acos(outerCone); } void light_update(unsigned num_lights, light_t *lv) { shader_int("u_num_lights", num_lights); for (unsigned i=0; i < num_lights; ++i) { lv[i].cached = 1; shader_int(va("u_lights[%d].type", i), lv[i].type); shader_vec3(va("u_lights[%d].pos", i), lv[i].pos); shader_vec3(va("u_lights[%d].dir", i), lv[i].dir); shader_vec3(va("u_lights[%d].diffuse", i), lv[i].diffuse); shader_vec3(va("u_lights[%d].specular", i), lv[i].specular); shader_vec3(va("u_lights[%d].ambient", i), lv[i].ambient); shader_float(va("u_lights[%d].power", i), lv[i].specularPower); shader_float(va("u_lights[%d].constant", i), lv[i].falloff.constant); shader_float(va("u_lights[%d].linear", i), lv[i].falloff.linear); shader_float(va("u_lights[%d].quadratic", i), lv[i].falloff.quadratic); shader_float(va("u_lights[%d].innerCone", i), lv[i].innerCone); shader_float(va("u_lights[%d].outerCone", i), lv[i].outerCone); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- array(scene_t*) scenes; scene_t* last_scene; static void scene_init() { #ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__ // @fixme ems -> shaders do_once scene_push(); // create an empty scene by default #endif } scene_t* scene_get_active() { return last_scene; } scene_t* scene_push() { scene_t *s = REALLOC(0, sizeof(scene_t)), clear = {0}; *s = clear; s->skybox = skybox(NULL, 0); array_push(scenes, s); last_scene = s; return s; } void scene_pop() { // @fixme: fix leaks, scene_cleanup(); scene_t clear = {0}; *last_scene = clear; array_pop(scenes); last_scene = *array_back(scenes); } int scene_merge(const char *source) { int count = 0; if( json_push(source) ) { for(int i = 0, e = json_count("/") - 1; i <= e ; ++i) { const char *skybox_folder = json_string("/[%d]/skybox",i); if( skybox_folder[0] ) { PRINTF("Loading skybox folder: %s\n", skybox_folder); last_scene->skybox = skybox( skybox_folder, 0 ); continue; } const char *mesh_file = json_string("/[%d]/mesh",i); const char *texture_file = json_string("/[%d]/texture",i); const char *animation_file = json_string("/[%d]/animation",i); vec3 position = vec3(json_float("/[%d]/position[0]",i),json_float("/[%d]/position[1]",i),json_float("/[%d]/position[2]",i)); vec3 rotation = vec3(json_float("/[%d]/rotation[0]",i),json_float("/[%d]/rotation[1]",i),json_float("/[%d]/rotation[2]",i)); vec3 scale = scale3(vec3(1,1,1), json_float("/[%d]/scale",i)); bool opt_swap_zy = json_int("/[%d]/swapzy",i); bool opt_flip_uv = json_int("/[%d]/flipuv",i); PRINTF("Scene %d/%d Loading: %s\n", i, e, mesh_file); PRINTF("Scene %d/%d Texture: %s\n", i, e, texture_file); PRINTF("Scene %d/%d Animation: %s\n", i, e, animation_file); PRINTF("Scene %d/%d Position: (%f,%f,%f)\n", i, e, position.x, position.y, position.z); PRINTF("Scene %d/%d Rotation: (%f,%f,%f)\n", i, e, rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z); PRINTF("Scene %d/%d Scale: (%f,%f,%f)\n", i, e, scale.x, scale.y, scale.z); PRINTF("Scene %d/%d Swap_ZY: %d\n", i, e, opt_swap_zy ); PRINTF("Scene %d/%d Flip_UV: %d\n", i, e, opt_flip_uv ); model_t m = model_from_mem(vfs_read(mesh_file), vfs_size(mesh_file), 0/*opt_swap_zy*/); //char *a = archive_read(animation_file); object_t *o = scene_spawn(); object_model(o, m); if( texture_file[0] ) object_diffuse(o, texture_from_mem(vfs_read(texture_file), vfs_size(texture_file), opt_flip_uv ? IMAGE_FLIP : 0) ); object_scale(o, scale); object_teleport(o, position); object_pivot(o, rotation); // object_rotate(o, rotation); //object_name(x), scene_find(name) // o->bounds = aabb(mul3(m.bounds.min,o->sca),mul3(m.bounds.max,o->sca)); // PRINTF("aabb={%f,%f,%f},{%f,%f,%f}\n", o->bounds.min.x, o->bounds.min.y, o->bounds.min.z, o->bounds.max.x, o->bounds.max.y, o->bounds.max.z); /* if(opt_swap_zy) { // swap zy bounds vec3 min = o->bounds.min, max = o->bounds.max; o->bounds = aabb( vec3(min.x,min.z,min.y), vec3(max.x,max.z,max.y) ); } */ count++; } json_pop(); } // PRINTF("scene loading took %5.2fs\n", secs); PRINTF("%d objects merged into scene\n", count); return count; } object_t* scene_spawn() { object_t obj = object(); array_push(last_scene->objs, obj); return array_back(last_scene->objs); } unsigned scene_count() { return array_count(last_scene->objs); } object_t* scene_index(unsigned obj_index) { unsigned obj_count = scene_count(); ASSERT(obj_index < obj_count, "Object index %d exceeds number (%d) of spawned objects", obj_index, obj_count); return &last_scene->objs[obj_index]; } light_t* scene_spawn_light() { light_t l = light(); array_push(last_scene->lights, l); return array_back(last_scene->lights); } unsigned scene_count_light() { return array_count(last_scene->lights); } light_t* scene_index_light(unsigned light_index) { unsigned light_count = scene_count_light(); ASSERT(light_index < light_count, "Light index %d exceeds number (%d) of spawned lights", light_index, light_count); return &last_scene->lights[light_index]; } void scene_render(int flags) { camera_t *cam = camera_get_active(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); if(flags & SCENE_BACKGROUND) { if(last_scene->skybox.program) { skybox_push_state(&last_scene->skybox, cam->proj, cam->view); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); // glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); // (flags & SCENE_CULLFACE ? glEnable : glDisable)(GL_CULL_FACE); glCullFace(GL_BACK); glFrontFace(GL_CCW); // glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, flags & SCENE_WIREFRAME ? GL_LINE : GL_FILL ); mesh_render(&last_scene->skybox.geometry); skybox_pop_state(); } ddraw_flush(); } glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); // @fixme: CW ok for one-sided rendering. CCW ok for FXs. we need both (flags & SCENE_CULLFACE ? glEnable : glDisable)(GL_CULL_FACE); glCullFace(GL_BACK); glFrontFace(GL_CCW); glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, flags & SCENE_WIREFRAME ? GL_LINE : GL_FILL ); // @todo alpha mode // @todo texture mode if( flags & SCENE_FOREGROUND ) { bool do_relighting = 0; for (unsigned j = 0; j < array_count(last_scene->lights); ++j) { if (!last_scene->lights[j].cached) { do_relighting = 1; break; } } for(unsigned j = 0, obj_count = scene_count(); j < obj_count; ++j ) { object_t *obj = scene_index(j); model_t *model = &obj->model; mat44 *views = (mat44*)(&cam->view); // @todo: avoid heap allocs here? static array(handle) old_textures = 0; int do_retexturing = model->iqm && array_count(obj->textures) > 0; if( do_retexturing ) { for(int i = 0; i < model->iqm->nummeshes; ++i) { array_push(old_textures, model->iqm->textures[i]); model->iqm->textures[i] = *array_back(obj->textures); } } if ( do_relighting || !obj->light_cached ) { obj->light_cached = 1; shader_bind(model->program); light_update(array_count(last_scene->lights), last_scene->lights); } if ( flags&SCENE_UPDATE_SH_COEF ) { shader_bind(model->program); shader_vec3v("u_coefficients_sh", 9, last_scene->skybox.cubemap.sh); } model->billboard = obj->billboard; model_render(*model, cam->proj, cam->view, obj->transform, 0); if( do_retexturing ) { for(int i = 0; i < model->iqm->nummeshes; ++i) { model->iqm->textures[i] = old_textures[i]; } array_resize(old_textures, 0); } } glBindVertexArray(0); } glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL ); }