#ifndef MAX_BONES #define MAX_BONES 110 #endif uniform mat3x4 vsBoneMatrix[MAX_BONES]; uniform bool SKINNED = false; uniform mat4 M; // RIM uniform mat4 VP; #if 0 // Fetch blend channels from all attached blend deformers. for (size_t di = 0; di < mesh->blend_deformers.count; di++) { ufbx_blend_deformer *deformer = mesh->blend_deformers.data[di]; for (size_t ci = 0; ci < deformer->channels.count; ci++) { ufbx_blend_channel *chan = deformer->channels.data[ci]; if (chan->keyframes.count == 0) continue; if (num_blend_shapes < MAX_BLEND_SHAPES) { blend_channels[num_blend_shapes] = chan; vmesh->blend_channel_indices[num_blend_shapes] = (int32_t)chan->typed_id; num_blend_shapes++; } } } if (num_blend_shapes > 0) { vmesh->blend_shape_image = pack_blend_channels_to_image(mesh, blend_channels, num_blend_shapes); vmesh->num_blend_shapes = num_blend_shapes; } ubo.f_num_blend_shapes = (float)mesh->num_blend_shapes; for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh->num_blend_shapes; i++) { ubo.blend_weights[i] = view->scene.blend_channels[mesh->blend_channel_indices[i]].weight; } sg_image blend_shapes = mesh->num_blend_shapes > 0 ? mesh->blend_shape_image : view->empty_blend_shape_image; #endif // for blendshapes #ifndef MAX_BLENDSHAPES #define MAX_BLENDSHAPES 16 #endif uniform vec4 blend_weights[MAX_BLENDSHAPES]; // @todo: implement me uniform float f_num_blend_shapes; // @todo: implement me uniform sampler2DArray blend_shapes; // @todo: implement me in vec3 att_position; // @todo: reorder ass2iqe to emit p3 n3 u2 t3 b3 c4B i4 w4 instead in vec2 att_texcoord; in vec3 att_normal; in vec4 att_tangent; // vec3 + bi sign in mat4 att_instanced_matrix; // for instanced rendering in vec4 att_indexes; // @fixme: gles might use ivec4 instead? in vec4 att_weights; // @todo: downgrade from float to byte in float att_vertexindex; // for blendshapes in vec4 att_color; in vec3 att_bitangent; // @todo: remove? also, ass2iqe might output this out vec4 v_color; out vec3 v_position; out vec3 v_normal, v_normal_ws; out vec2 v_texcoord; // shadow uniform mat4 model, view; uniform mat4 cameraToShadowProjector; out vec4 vneye; out vec4 vpeye; out vec4 sc; void do_shadow() { vneye = view * model * vec4(att_normal, 0.0f); vpeye = view * model * vec4(att_position, 1.0); sc = cameraToShadowProjector * model * vec4(att_position, 1.0f); } // blendshapes vec3 evaluate_blend_shape(int vertex_index) { ivec2 coord = ivec2(vertex_index & (2048 - 1), vertex_index >> 11); int num_blend_shapes = int(f_num_blend_shapes); vec3 offset = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < num_blend_shapes; i++) { vec4 packedw = blend_weights[i >> 2]; float weight = packedw[i & 3]; offset += weight * texelFetch(blend_shapes, ivec3(coord, i), 0).xyz; } return offset; } void main() { vec3 objPos; if(!SKINNED) { objPos = att_position; v_normal = att_normal; } else { mat3x4 m = vsBoneMatrix[int(att_indexes.x)] * att_weights.x; m += vsBoneMatrix[int(att_indexes.y)] * att_weights.y; m += vsBoneMatrix[int(att_indexes.z)] * att_weights.z; m += vsBoneMatrix[int(att_indexes.w)] * att_weights.w; objPos = vec4(att_position, 1.0) * m; // blendshapes // objPos += evaluate_blend_shape(int(att_vertexindex)); v_normal = vec4(att_normal, 0.0) * m; //@todo: tangents } // vec3 tangent = att_tangent.xyz; // vec3 bitangent = cross(att_normal, att_tangent.xyz) * att_tangent.w; v_normal_ws = normalize(vec3(model * vec4(v_normal, 0.))); // normal to world/model space v_normal = normalize(v_normal); v_position = att_position; v_texcoord = att_texcoord; v_color = att_color; gl_Position = VP * att_instanced_matrix * vec4( objPos, 1.0 ); do_shadow(); }