/* * ide.h * * IDE driver interface * * This file is part of the w32api package. * * Contributors: * Created by Hervé Poussineau <hpoussin@reactos.org> * * THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT COPYRIGHTED * * This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may * use, modify or distribute it freely. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE HEREBY * DISCLAIMED. This includes but is not limited to warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * */ #ifndef __IDE_H #define __IDE_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define MAX_IDE_CHANNEL 2 #define MAX_IDE_LINE 2 #define MAX_IDE_DEVICE 2 #include <pshpack1.h> typedef struct _IDENTIFY_DATA { USHORT GeneralConfiguration; /* 00 */ USHORT NumCylinders; /* 02 */ USHORT Reserved1; /* 04 */ USHORT NumHeads; /* 06 */ USHORT UnformattedBytesPerTrack; /* 08 */ USHORT UnformattedBytesPerSector; /* 10 */ USHORT NumSectorsPerTrack; /* 12 */ USHORT VendorUnique1[3]; /* 14 */ UCHAR SerialNumber[20]; /* 20 */ USHORT BufferType; /* 40 */ USHORT BufferSectorSize; /* 42 */ USHORT NumberOfEccBytes; /* 44 */ UCHAR FirmwareRevision[8]; /* 46 */ UCHAR ModelNumber[40]; /* 54 */ UCHAR MaximumBlockTransfer; /* 94 */ UCHAR VendorUnique2; /* 95 */ USHORT DoubleWordIo; /* 96 */ USHORT Capabilities; /* 98 */ USHORT Reserved2; /* 100 */ UCHAR VendorUnique3; /* 102 */ UCHAR PioCycleTimingMode; /* 103 */ UCHAR VendorUnique4; /* 104 */ UCHAR DmaCycleTimingMode; /* 105 */ USHORT TranslationFieldsValid:3; /* 106 */ USHORT Reserved3:13; /* - */ USHORT NumberOfCurrentCylinders; /* 108 */ USHORT NumberOfCurrentHeads; /* 110 */ USHORT CurrentSectorsPerTrack; /* 112 */ ULONG CurrentSectorCapacity; /* 114 */ USHORT CurrentMultiSectorSetting; /* 118 */ ULONG UserAddressableSectors; /* 120 */ USHORT SingleWordDMASupport:8; /* 124 */ USHORT SingleWordDMAActive:8; /* - */ USHORT MultiWordDMASupport:8; /* 126 */ USHORT MultiWordDMAActive:8; /* - */ USHORT AdvancedPIOModes:8; /* 128 */ USHORT Reserved4:8; /* - */ USHORT MinimumMWXferCycleTime; /* 130 */ USHORT RecommendedMWXferCycleTime; /* 132 */ USHORT MinimumPIOCycleTime; /* 134 */ USHORT MinimumPIOCycleTimeIORDY; /* 136 */ USHORT Reserved5[11]; /* 138 */ USHORT MajorRevision; /* 160 */ USHORT MinorRevision; /* 162 */ USHORT Reserved6; /* 164 */ USHORT CommandSetSupport; /* 166 */ USHORT Reserved6a[2]; /* 168 */ USHORT CommandSetActive; /* 172 */ USHORT Reserved6b; /* 174 */ USHORT UltraDMASupport:8; /* 176 */ USHORT UltraDMAActive:8; /* - */ USHORT Reserved7[11]; /* 178 */ ULONG Max48BitLBA[2]; /* 200 */ USHORT Reserved7a[22]; /* 208 */ USHORT LastLun:3; /* 252 */ USHORT Reserved8:13; /* - */ USHORT MediaStatusNotification:2; /* 254 */ USHORT Reserved9:6; /* - */ USHORT DeviceWriteProtect:1; /* - */ USHORT Reserved10:7; /* - */ USHORT Reserved11[128]; /* 256 */ } IDENTIFY_DATA, *PIDENTIFY_DATA; typedef struct _EXTENDED_IDENTIFY_DATA { USHORT GeneralConfiguration; /* 00 */ USHORT NumCylinders; /* 02 */ USHORT Reserved1; /* 04 */ USHORT NumHeads; /* 06 */ USHORT UnformattedBytesPerTrack; /* 08 */ USHORT UnformattedBytesPerSector; /* 10 */ USHORT NumSectorsPerTrack; /* 12 */ union { USHORT VendorUnique1[3]; /* 14 */ struct { UCHAR InterSectorGap; /* 14 */ UCHAR InterSectorGapSize; /* - */ UCHAR Reserved16; /* 16 */ UCHAR BytesInPLO; /* - */ USHORT VendorUniqueCnt; /* 18 */ } u; }; UCHAR SerialNumber[20]; /* 20 */ USHORT BufferType; /* 40 */ USHORT BufferSectorSize; /* 42 */ USHORT NumberOfEccBytes; /* 44 */ UCHAR FirmwareRevision[8]; /* 46 */ UCHAR ModelNumber[40]; /* 54 */ UCHAR MaximumBlockTransfer; /* 94 */ UCHAR VendorUnique2; /* 95 */ USHORT DoubleWordIo; /* 96 */ USHORT Capabilities; /* 98 */ USHORT Reserved2; /* 100 */ UCHAR VendorUnique3; /* 102 */ UCHAR PioCycleTimingMode; /* 103 */ UCHAR VendorUnique4; /* 104 */ UCHAR DmaCycleTimingMode; /* 105 */ USHORT TranslationFieldsValid:3; /* 106 */ USHORT Reserved3:13; /* - */ USHORT NumberOfCurrentCylinders; /* 108 */ USHORT NumberOfCurrentHeads; /* 110 */ USHORT CurrentSectorsPerTrack; /* 112 */ ULONG CurrentSectorCapacity; /* 114 */ USHORT CurrentMultiSectorSetting; /* 118 */ ULONG UserAddressableSectors; /* 120 */ USHORT SingleWordDMASupport:8; /* 124 */ USHORT SingleWordDMAActive:8; /* - */ USHORT MultiWordDMASupport:8; /* 126 */ USHORT MultiWordDMAActive:8; /* - */ USHORT AdvancedPIOModes:8; /* 128 */ USHORT Reserved4:8; /* - */ USHORT MinimumMWXferCycleTime; /* 130 */ USHORT RecommendedMWXferCycleTime; /* 132 */ USHORT MinimumPIOCycleTime; /* 134 */ USHORT MinimumPIOCycleTimeIORDY; /* 136 */ USHORT Reserved5[11]; /* 138 */ USHORT MajorRevision; /* 160 */ USHORT MinorRevision; /* 162 */ USHORT Reserved6; /* 164 */ USHORT CommandSetSupport; /* 166 */ USHORT Reserved6a[2]; /* 168 */ USHORT CommandSetActive; /* 172 */ USHORT Reserved6b; /* 174 */ USHORT UltraDMASupport:8; /* 176 */ USHORT UltraDMAActive:8; /* - */ USHORT Reserved7[11]; /* 178 */ ULONG Max48BitLBA[2]; /* 200 */ USHORT Reserved7a[22]; /* 208 */ USHORT LastLun:3; /* 252 */ USHORT Reserved8:13; /* - */ USHORT MediaStatusNotification:2; /* 254 */ USHORT Reserved9:6; /* - */ USHORT DeviceWriteProtect:1; /* - */ USHORT Reserved10:7; /* - */ USHORT Reserved11[128]; /* 256 */ } EXTENDED_IDENTIFY_DATA, *PEXTENDED_IDENTIFY_DATA; #include <poppack.h> typedef struct _PCIIDE_TRANSFER_MODE_SELECT { ULONG Channel; BOOLEAN DevicePresent[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; BOOLEAN FixedDisk[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; BOOLEAN IoReadySupported[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; ULONG DeviceTransferModeSupported[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; ULONG BestPioCycleTime[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; ULONG BestSwDmaCycleTime[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; ULONG BestMwDmaCycleTime[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; ULONG BestUDmaCycleTime[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; ULONG DeviceTransferModeCurrent[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; ULONG UserChoiceTransferMode[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; ULONG EnableUDMA66; IDENTIFY_DATA IdentifyData[MAX_IDE_DEVICE]; ULONG DeviceTransferModeSelected[MAX_IDE_DEVICE * MAX_IDE_LINE]; PULONG TransferModeTimingTable; ULONG TransferModeTableLength; } PCIIDE_TRANSFER_MODE_SELECT, *PPCIIDE_TRANSFER_MODE_SELECT; typedef enum { ChannelDisabled = 0, ChannelEnabled, ChannelStateUnknown } IDE_CHANNEL_STATE; typedef IDE_CHANNEL_STATE (NTAPI *PCIIDE_CHANNEL_ENABLED)( IN PVOID DeviceExtension, IN ULONG Channel); typedef BOOLEAN (NTAPI *PCIIDE_SYNC_ACCESS_REQUIRED)( IN PVOID DeviceExtension); typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *PCIIDE_TRANSFER_MODE_SELECT_FUNC)( IN PVOID DeviceExtension, IN OUT PPCIIDE_TRANSFER_MODE_SELECT XferMode); typedef ULONG (NTAPI *PCIIDE_USEDMA_FUNC)( IN PVOID DeviceExtension, IN PUCHAR CdbCommand, IN PUCHAR Slave); typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *PCIIDE_UDMA_MODES_SUPPORTED)( IN IDENTIFY_DATA IdentifyData, OUT PULONG BestXferMode, OUT PULONG CurrentXferMode); typedef struct _IDE_CONTROLLER_PROPERTIES { ULONG Size; ULONG ExtensionSize; ULONG SupportedTransferMode[MAX_IDE_CHANNEL][MAX_IDE_DEVICE]; PCIIDE_CHANNEL_ENABLED PciIdeChannelEnabled; PCIIDE_SYNC_ACCESS_REQUIRED PciIdeSyncAccessRequired; PCIIDE_TRANSFER_MODE_SELECT_FUNC PciIdeTransferModeSelect; BOOLEAN IgnoreActiveBitForAtaDevice; BOOLEAN AlwaysClearBusMasterInterrupt; PCIIDE_USEDMA_FUNC PciIdeUseDma; ULONG AlignmentRequirement; ULONG DefaultPIO; PCIIDE_UDMA_MODES_SUPPORTED PciIdeUdmaModesSupported; } IDE_CONTROLLER_PROPERTIES, *PIDE_CONTROLLER_PROPERTIES; typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *PCONTROLLER_PROPERTIES)( IN PVOID DeviceExtension, IN PIDE_CONTROLLER_PROPERTIES ControllerProperties); NTSTATUS NTAPI PciIdeXInitialize( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath, IN PCONTROLLER_PROPERTIES HwGetControllerProperties, IN ULONG ExtensionSize); NTSTATUS NTAPI PciIdeXGetBusData( IN PVOID DeviceExtension, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG ConfigDataOffset, IN ULONG BufferLength); NTSTATUS NTAPI PciIdeXSetBusData( IN PVOID DeviceExtension, IN PVOID Buffer, IN PVOID DataMask, IN ULONG ConfigDataOffset, IN ULONG BufferLength); /* Bit field values for * PCIIDE_TRANSFER_MODE_SELECT.DeviceTransferModeSupported and * IDE_CONTROLLER_PROPERTIES.SupportedTransferMode */ // PIO Modes #define PIO_MODE0 (1 << 0) #define PIO_MODE1 (1 << 1) #define PIO_MODE2 (1 << 2) #define PIO_MODE3 (1 << 3) #define PIO_MODE4 (1 << 4) // Single-word DMA Modes #define SWDMA_MODE0 (1 << 5) #define SWDMA_MODE1 (1 << 6) #define SWDMA_MODE2 (1 << 7) // Multi-word DMA Modes #define MWDMA_MODE0 (1 << 8) #define MWDMA_MODE1 (1 << 9) #define MWDMA_MODE2 (1 << 10) // Ultra DMA Modes #define UDMA_MODE0 (1 << 11) #define UDMA_MODE1 (1 << 12) #define UDMA_MODE2 (1 << 13) #define UDMA_MODE3 (1 << 14) #define UDMA_MODE4 (1 << 15) #define UDMA_MODE5 (1 << 16) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __IDE_H */