// noise3.jpg,
// License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

const float tau = 6.28318530717958647692;

// Gamma correction
#define GAMMA (2.2)

vec3 ToLinear( in vec3 col )
	// simulate a monitor, converting colour values into light values
	return pow( col, vec3(GAMMA) );

vec3 ToGamma( in vec3 col )
	// convert back into colour values, so the correct light will come out of the monitor
	return pow( col, vec3(1.0/GAMMA) );

vec3 localRay;

// Set up a camera looking at the scene.
// origin - camera is positioned relative to, and looking at, this point
// distance - how far camera is from origin
// rotation - about x & y axes, by left-hand screw rule, relative to camera looking along +z
// zoom - the relative length of the lens
void CamPolar( out vec3 pos, out vec3 ray, in vec3 origin, in vec2 rotation, in float distance, in float zoom, in vec2 fragCoord )
	// get rotation coefficients
	vec2 c = vec2(cos(rotation.x),cos(rotation.y));
	vec4 s;
	s.xy = vec2(sin(rotation.x),sin(rotation.y)); // worth testing if this is faster as sin or sqrt(1.0-cos);
	s.zw = -s.xy;

	// ray in view space
	ray.xy = fragCoord.xy - iResolution.xy*.5;
	ray.z = iResolution.y*zoom;
	ray = normalize(ray);
	localRay = ray;
	// rotate ray
	ray.yz = ray.yz*c.xx + ray.zy*s.zx;
	ray.xz = ray.xz*c.yy + ray.zx*s.yw;
	// position camera
	pos = origin - distance*vec3(c.x*s.y,s.z,c.x*c.y);

// Noise functions, distinguished by variable types

vec2 Noise( in vec3 x )
    vec3 p = floor(x);
    vec3 f = fract(x);
	f = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
//	vec3 f2 = f*f; f = f*f2*(10.0-15.0*f+6.0*f2);

	vec2 uv = (p.xy+vec2(37.0,17.0)*p.z);

	vec4 rg = textureLod( iChannel0, (uv+f.xy+0.5)/256.0, 0.0 );

	return mix( rg.yw, rg.xz, f.z );

vec2 NoisePrecise( in vec3 x )
    vec3 p = floor(x);
    vec3 f = fract(x);
	f = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
//	vec3 f2 = f*f; f = f*f2*(10.0-15.0*f+6.0*f2);

	vec2 uv = (p.xy+vec2(37.0,17.0)*p.z);

	vec4 rg = mix( mix(
				textureLod( iChannel0, (uv+0.5)/256.0, 0.0 ),
				textureLod( iChannel0, (uv+vec2(1,0)+0.5)/256.0, 0.0 ),
				f.x ),
				textureLod( iChannel0, (uv+vec2(0,1)+0.5)/256.0, 0.0 ),
				textureLod( iChannel0, (uv+1.5)/256.0, 0.0 ),
				f.x ),
				f.y );

	return mix( rg.yw, rg.xz, f.z );

vec4 Noise( in vec2 x )
    vec2 p = floor(x.xy);
    vec2 f = fract(x.xy);
	f = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
//	vec3 f2 = f*f; f = f*f2*(10.0-15.0*f+6.0*f2);

	vec2 uv = p.xy + f.xy;
	return textureLod( iChannel0, (uv+0.5)/256.0, 0.0 );

vec4 Noise( in ivec2 x )
	return textureLod( iChannel0, (vec2(x)+0.5)/256.0, 0.0 );

vec2 Noise( in ivec3 x )
	vec2 uv = vec2(x.xy)+vec2(37.0,17.0)*float(x.z);
	return textureLod( iChannel0, (uv+0.5)/256.0, 0.0 ).xz;

float Waves( vec3 pos )
	pos *= .2*vec3(1,1,1);
	const int octaves = 5;
	float f = 0.0;

	// need to do the octaves from large to small, otherwise things don't line up
	// (because I rotate by 45 degrees on each octave)
		pos += iGlobalTime*vec3(0,.1,.1);
	for ( int i=0; i < octaves; i++ )
		pos = (pos.yzx + pos.zyx*vec3(1,-1,1))/sqrt(2.0);
		f  = f*2.0+abs(Noise(pos).x-.5)*2.0;
		pos *= 2.0;
	f /= exp2(float(octaves));
	return (.5-f)*1.0;

float WavesDetail( vec3 pos )
	pos *= .2*vec3(1,1,1);
	const int octaves = 8;
	float f = 0.0;

	// need to do the octaves from large to small, otherwise things don't line up
	// (because I rotate by 45 degrees on each octave)
		pos += iGlobalTime*vec3(0,.1,.1);
	for ( int i=0; i < octaves; i++ )
		pos = (pos.yzx + pos.zyx*vec3(1,-1,1))/sqrt(2.0);
		f  = f*2.0+abs(NoisePrecise(pos).x-.5)*2.0;
		pos *= 2.0;
	f /= exp2(float(octaves));
	return (.5-f)*1.0;

float WavesSmooth( vec3 pos )
	pos *= .2*vec3(1,1,1);
	const int octaves = 2;
	float f = 0.0;

	// need to do the octaves from large to small, otherwise things don't line up
	// (because I rotate by 45 degrees on each octave)
		pos += iGlobalTime*vec3(0,.1,.1);
	for ( int i=0; i < octaves; i++ )
		pos = (pos.yzx + pos.zyx*vec3(1,-1,1))/sqrt(2.0);
		//f  = f*2.0+abs(Noise(pos).x-.5)*2.0;
		f  = f*2.0+sqrt(pow(NoisePrecise(pos).x-.5,2.0)+.01)*2.0;
		pos *= 2.0;
	f /= exp2(float(octaves));
	return (.5-f)*1.0;

float WaveCrests( vec3 ipos, in vec2 fragCoord )
	vec3 pos = ipos;
	pos *= .2*vec3(1,1,1);
	const int octaves1 = 6;
	const int octaves2 = 16;
	float f = 0.0;

	// need to do the octaves from large to small, otherwise things don't line up
	// (because I rotate by 45 degrees on each octave)
	pos += iGlobalTime*vec3(0,.1,.1);
	vec3 pos2 = pos;
	for ( int i=0; i < octaves1; i++ )
		pos = (pos.yzx + pos.zyx*vec3(1,-1,1))/sqrt(2.0);
		f  = f*1.5+abs(Noise(pos).x-.5)*2.0;
		pos *= 2.0;
	pos = pos2 * exp2(float(octaves1));
	pos.y = -.05*iGlobalTime;
	for ( int i=octaves1; i < octaves2; i++ )
		pos = (pos.yzx + pos.zyx*vec3(1,-1,1))/sqrt(2.0);
		f  = f*1.5+pow(abs(Noise(pos).x-.5)*2.0,1.0);
		pos *= 2.0;
	f /= 1500.0;
	f -= Noise(ivec2(fragCoord.xy)).x*.01;
	return pow(smoothstep(.4,-.1,f),6.0);

vec3 Sky( vec3 ray )
	return vec3(.4,.45,.5);

vec3 boatRight, boatUp, boatForward;
vec3 boatPosition;

void ComputeBoatTransform( void )
	vec3 samples[5];
	samples[0] = vec3(0,0, 0);
	samples[1] = vec3(0,0, .5);
	samples[2] = vec3(0,0,-.5);
	samples[3] = vec3( .5,0,0);
	samples[4] = vec3(-.5,0,0);
	samples[0].y = WavesSmooth(samples[0]);
	samples[1].y = WavesSmooth(samples[1]);
	samples[2].y = WavesSmooth(samples[2]);
	samples[3].y = WavesSmooth(samples[3]);
	samples[4].y = WavesSmooth(samples[4]);

	boatPosition = (samples[0]+samples[1]+samples[2]+samples[3]+samples[4])/5.0;
	boatRight = samples[3]-samples[4];
	boatForward = samples[1]-samples[2];
	boatUp = normalize(cross(boatForward,boatRight));
	boatRight = normalize(cross(boatUp,boatForward));
	boatForward = normalize(boatForward);
	boatPosition += .0*boatUp;

vec3 BoatToWorld( vec3 dir )
	return dir.x*boatRight+dir.x*boatUp+dir.x*boatForward;

vec3 WorldToBoat( vec3 dir )
	return vec3( dot(dir,boatRight), dot(dir,boatUp), dot(dir,boatForward) );

float TraceBoat( vec3 pos, vec3 ray )
	vec3 c = boatPosition;
	float r = 1.0;
	c -= pos;
	float t = dot(c,ray);
	float p = length(c-t*ray);
	if ( p > r )
		return 0.0;
	return t-sqrt(r*r-p*p);

vec3 ShadeBoat( vec3 pos, vec3 ray )
	pos -= boatPosition;
	vec3 norm = normalize(pos);
	pos = WorldToBoat(pos);
	vec3 lightDir = normalize(vec3(-2,3,1));
	float ndotl = dot(norm,lightDir);
	// allow some light bleed, as if it's subsurface scattering through plastic
	vec3 light = smoothstep(-.1,1.0,ndotl)*vec3(1.0,.9,.8)+vec3(.06,.1,.1);

	// anti-alias the albedo
	float aa = 4.0/iResolution.x;
	//vec3 albedo = ((fract(pos.x)-.5)*(fract(pos.y)-.5)*(fract(pos.z)-.5) < 0.0) ? vec3(0) : vec3(1);
	vec3 albedo = vec3(1,.01,0);
	albedo = mix( vec3(.04), albedo, smoothstep( .25-aa, .25, abs(pos.y) ) );
	albedo = mix( mix( vec3(1), vec3(.04), smoothstep(-aa*4.0,aa*4.0,cos(atan(pos.x,pos.z)*6.0)) ), albedo, smoothstep( .2-aa*1.5, .2, abs(pos.y) ) );
	albedo = mix( vec3(.04), albedo, smoothstep( .05-aa*1.0, .05, abs(abs(pos.y)-.6) ) );
	albedo = mix( vec3(1,.8,.08), albedo, smoothstep( .05-aa*1.0, .05, abs(abs(pos.y)-.65) ) );
	vec3 col = albedo*light;
	// specular
	vec3 h = normalize(lightDir-ray);
	float s = pow(max(0.0,dot(norm,h)),100.0)*100.0/32.0;
	vec3 specular = s*vec3(1,1,1);

	vec3 rr = reflect(ray,norm);
	specular += mix( vec3(0,.04,.04), Sky(rr), smoothstep( -.1, .1, rr.y ) );
	float ndotr = dot(norm,ray);
	float fresnel = pow(1.0-abs(ndotr),5.0);
	fresnel = mix( .001, 1.0, fresnel );

	col = mix( col, specular, fresnel );
	return col;

float OceanDistanceField( vec3 pos )
	return pos.y - Waves(pos);

float OceanDistanceFieldDetail( vec3 pos )
	return pos.y - WavesDetail(pos);

vec3 OceanNormal( vec3 pos )
	vec3 norm;
	vec2 d = vec2(.01*length(pos),0);
	norm.x = OceanDistanceFieldDetail( pos+d.xyy )-OceanDistanceFieldDetail( pos-d.xyy );
	norm.y = OceanDistanceFieldDetail( pos+d.yxy )-OceanDistanceFieldDetail( pos-d.yxy );
	norm.z = OceanDistanceFieldDetail( pos+d.yyx )-OceanDistanceFieldDetail( pos-d.yyx );

	return normalize(norm);

float TraceOcean( vec3 pos, vec3 ray )
	float h = 1.0;
	float t = 0.0;
	for ( int i=0; i < 100; i++ )
		if ( h < .01 || t > 100.0 )
		h = OceanDistanceField( pos+t*ray );
		t += h;
	if ( h > .1 )
		return 0.0;
	return t;

vec3 ShadeOcean( vec3 pos, vec3 ray, in vec2 fragCoord )
	vec3 norm = OceanNormal(pos);
	float ndotr = dot(ray,norm);

	float fresnel = pow(1.0-abs(ndotr),5.0);
	vec3 reflectedRay = ray-2.0*norm*ndotr;
	vec3 refractedRay = ray+(-cos(1.33*acos(-ndotr))-ndotr)*norm;	
	refractedRay = normalize(refractedRay);

	const float crackFudge = .0;
	// reflection
	vec3 reflection = Sky(reflectedRay);
	float t=TraceBoat( pos-crackFudge*reflectedRay, reflectedRay );
	if ( t > 0.0 )
		reflection = ShadeBoat( pos+(t-crackFudge)*reflectedRay, reflectedRay );

	// refraction
	t=TraceBoat( pos-crackFudge*refractedRay, refractedRay );
	vec3 col = vec3(0,.04,.04); // under-sea colour
	if ( t > 0.0 )
		col = mix( col, ShadeBoat( pos+(t-crackFudge)*refractedRay, refractedRay ), exp(-t) );
	col = mix( col, reflection, fresnel );
	// foam
	col = mix( col, vec3(1), WaveCrests(pos,fragCoord) );
	return col;

void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
	vec2 camRot = vec2(.5,.5)+vec2(-.35,4.5)*(iMouse.yx/iResolution.yx);
	vec3 pos, ray;
	CamPolar( pos, ray, vec3(0), camRot, 3.0, 1.0, fragCoord );
	float to = TraceOcean( pos, ray );
	float tb = TraceBoat( pos, ray );
	vec3 result;
	if ( to > 0.0 && ( to < tb || tb == 0.0 ) )
		result = ShadeOcean( pos+ray*to, ray, fragCoord );
	else if ( tb > 0.0 )
		result = ShadeBoat( pos+ray*tb, ray );
		result = Sky( ray );
	// vignette effect
	result *= 1.1*smoothstep( .35, 1.0, localRay.z );
	fragColor = vec4(ToGamma(result),1.0);