---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --## lcpp - a C-PreProcessor for Lua 5.1 and LuaJIT ffi integration -- -- Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Michael Schmoock -- --### Links -- * GitHub page: [http://github.com/willsteel/lcpp](http://github.com/willsteel/lcpp) -- * Project page: [http://lcpp.schmoock.net](http://lcpp.schmoock.net) -- * Lua: [http://www.lua.org](http://www.lua.org) -- * LuaJIT: [http://luajit.org](http://luajit.org) -- * Sponsored by: [http://mmbbq.org](http://mmbbq.org) -- -- It can be used to pre-process LuaJIT ffi C header file input. -- It can also be used to preprocess any other code (i.e. Lua itself) -- -- git clone https://github.com/willsteel/lcpp.git ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --## USAGE -- -- load lcpp -- local lcpp = require("lcpp") -- -- -- use LuaJIT ffi and lcpp to parse cpp code -- local ffi = require("ffi") -- ffi.cdef("#include ") -- -- -- use lcpp manually but add some predefines -- local lcpp = require("lcpp"); -- local out = lcpp.compileFile("your_header.h", {UNICODE=1}); -- print(out); -- -- -- compile some input manually -- local out = lcpp.compile([[ -- #include "myheader.h" -- #define MAXPATH 260 -- typedef struct somestruct_t { -- void* base; -- size_t size; -- wchar_t path[MAXPATH]; -- } t_exe; -- ]]) -- -- the result should be like this -- out == [[ -- // -- typedef struct somestruct_t { -- void* base; -- size_t size; -- wchar_t path[260]; -- } t_exe; -- ]] -- -- -- access lcpp defines dynamically (i.e. if used with ffi) -- local ffi = require("ffi") -- local lcpp = require("lcpp") -- ffi.cdef("#include ") -- =ffi.lcpp_defs.YOUR_DEFINE -- -- --## This CPPs BNF: -- RULES: -- CODE := {LINE} -- LINE := {STUFF NEWML} STUFF NEWL -- STUFF := DIRECTIVE | IGNORED_CONTENT -- DIRECTIVE := OPTSPACES CMD OPTSPACES DIRECTIVE_NAME WHITESPACES DIRECTIVE_CONTENT WHITESPACES NEWL -- -- LEAVES: -- NEWL := "\n" -- NEWL_ESC := "\\n" -- WHITESPACES := "[ \t]+" -- OPTSPACES := "[ \t]*" -- COMMENT := "//(.-)$" -- MLCOMMENT := "/[*](.-)[*]/" -- IGNORED_CONTENT := "[^#].*" -- CMD := "#" -- DIRECTIVE_NAME := "include"|"define"|"undef"|"if"|"else"|"elif"|"else if"|"endif"|"ifdef"|"ifndef"|"pragma" -- DIRECTIVE_CONTENT := ".*?" -- --## TODOs: -- - lcpp.LCPP_LUA for: load, loadfile -- --## License (MIT) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN -- THE SOFTWARE. -- -- MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- @module lcpp local lcpp = {} -- check bit is avail or not local ok, bit = pcall(require, 'bit') if not ok then bit = { lshift = function (x, y) if y < 0 then return bit.rshift(x,-y) end return (x * 2^y) % (2^32) end, rshift = function (x, y) if y < 0 then return bit.lshift(x,-y) end return math.floor(x % (2^32) / (2^y)) end, bxor = function (x, y) -- from http://lua-users.org/wiki/BitUtils local z = 0 for i = 0, 31 do if (x % 2 == 0) then -- x had a '0' in bit i if ( y % 2 == 1) then -- y had a '1' in bit i y = y - 1 z = z + 2 ^ i -- set bit i of z to '1' end else -- x had a '1' in bit i x = x - 1 if (y % 2 == 0) then -- y had a '0' in bit i z = z + 2 ^ i -- set bit i of z to '1' else y = y - 1 end end y = y / 2 x = x / 2 end return z end, bnot = function (x) -- if word size is not defined, I think it better than 0xFFFFFFFF - x. return -1 - x end, band = function (x, y) return ((x + y) - bit.bxor(x, y)) / 2 end, bor = function (x, y) return bit.bnot(bit.band(bit.bnot(x), bit.bnot(y))) end, } end -- CONFIG lcpp.LCPP_LUA = false -- whether to use lcpp to preprocess Lua code (load, loadfile, loadstring...) lcpp.LCPP_FFI = true -- whether to use lcpp as LuaJIT ffi PreProcessor (if used in luaJIT) lcpp.LCPP_TEST = false -- whether to run lcpp unit tests when loading lcpp module lcpp.ENV = {} -- static predefines (env-like) lcpp.FAST = false -- perf. tweaks when enabled. con: breaks minor stuff like __LINE__ macros lcpp.DEBUG = false -- PREDEFINES local __FILE__ = "__FILE__" local __LINE__ = "__LINE__" local __DATE__ = "__DATE__" local __TIME__ = "__TIME__" local __LCPP_INDENT__ = "__LCPP_INDENT__" -- BNF LEAVES local ENDL = "$" local STARTL = "^" local NEWL = "\n" local NEWL_BYTE = NEWL:byte(1) local NEWL_ESC = "\\" local NEWML = "\\\n" local CMD = "#" local CMD_BYTE = CMD:byte(1) local COMMENT = "^(.-)//.-$" local MLCOMMENT = "/[*].-[*]/" local WHITESPACES = "%s+" local OPTSPACES = "%s*" local IDENTIFIER = "[_%a][_%w]*" local NOIDENTIFIER = "[^%w_]+" local FILENAME = "[0-9a-zA-Z.%-_/\\]+" local TEXT = ".+" local STRINGIFY = "#" local STRINGIFY_BYTE = STRINGIFY:byte(1) local STRING_LITERAL = ".*" -- BNF WORDS local _INCLUDE = "include" local _INCLUDE_NEXT = "include_next" local _DEFINE = "define" local _IFDEF = "ifdef" local _IFNDEF = "ifndef" local _ENDIF = "endif" local _UNDEF = "undef" local _IF = "if" local _ELSE = "else" local _ELIF = "elif" local _NOT = "!" local _ERROR = "error" local _WARNING = "warning" local _PRAGMA = "pragma" -- BNF RULES local INCLUDE = STARTL.._INCLUDE..WHITESPACES.."[<]("..FILENAME..")[>]"..OPTSPACES..ENDL local LOCAL_INCLUDE = STARTL.._INCLUDE..WHITESPACES.."[\"]("..FILENAME..")[\"]"..OPTSPACES..ENDL local INCLUDE_NEXT = STARTL.._INCLUDE_NEXT..WHITESPACES.."[\"<]("..FILENAME..")[\">]"..OPTSPACES..ENDL local DEFINE = STARTL.._DEFINE local IFDEF = STARTL.._IFDEF..WHITESPACES.."("..IDENTIFIER..")"..OPTSPACES..ENDL local IFNDEF = STARTL.._IFNDEF..WHITESPACES.."("..IDENTIFIER..")"..OPTSPACES..ENDL local ENDIF = STARTL.._ENDIF..OPTSPACES..ENDL local UNDEF = STARTL.._UNDEF..WHITESPACES.."("..IDENTIFIER..")"..OPTSPACES..ENDL local IF = STARTL.._IF..WHITESPACES.."(.*)"..ENDL local ELSE = STARTL.._ELSE..OPTSPACES..ENDL local ELIF = STARTL.._ELIF..WHITESPACES.."(.*)"..ENDL local ELSEIF = STARTL.._ELSE..WHITESPACES.._IF..WHITESPACES.."(.*)"..ENDL local ERROR = STARTL.._ERROR..WHITESPACES.."("..TEXT..")"..OPTSPACES..ENDL local WARNING = STARTL.._WARNING..WHITESPACES.."("..TEXT..")"..OPTSPACES..ENDL local ERROR_NOTEXT = STARTL.._ERROR..OPTSPACES..ENDL --> not required when we have POSIX regex local PRAGMA = STARTL.._PRAGMA -- speedups local TRUEMACRO = STARTL.."("..IDENTIFIER..")%s*$" local REPLMACRO = STARTL.."("..IDENTIFIER..")"..WHITESPACES.."(.+)$" local FUNCMACRO = STARTL.."("..IDENTIFIER..")%(([_%s%w,]*)%)%s*(.*)" -- ------------ -- LOCAL UTILS -- ------------ lcpp.STATE = {lineno = 0} -- current state for debugging the last operation local function error(msg) _G.print(debug.traceback()); _G.error(string.format("lcpp ERR [%04i] %s", lcpp.STATE.lineno, msg)) end local function print(msg) _G.print(string.format("//lcpp INF [%04i] %s", lcpp.STATE.lineno, msg)) end -- splits a string using a pattern into a table of substrings local function gsplit(str, pat) local function _split(str, pat) local t = {} -- NOTE: use {n = 0} in Lua-5.0 local fpat = "(.-)"..pat local last_end = 1 local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1) while s do if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then coroutine.yield(cap) end last_end = e + 1 s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end) end if last_end <= #str then cap = str:sub(last_end) coroutine.yield(cap) end end return coroutine.wrap(function() _split(str, pat) end) end local function split(str, pat) local t = {} for str in gsplit(str, pat) do table.insert(t, str) end return t end -- Checks whether a string starts with a given substring -- offset is optional local function strsw(str, pat, offset) if not str then return false end if not offset then offset = 0 end return string.sub(str, 1+offset, string.len(pat)+offset) == pat end -- Checks whether a string ends with a given substring local function strew(str, pat) if not str then return false end return pat=='' or string.sub(str,-string.len(pat)) == pat end -- string trim12 from lua wiki local function trim(str) local from = str:match"^%s*()" return from > #str and "" or str:match(".*%S", from) end -- returns the number of string occurrences local function findn(input, what) local count = 0 local offset = 0 local _ while true do _, offset = string.find(input, what, offset+1, true) if not offset then return count end count = count + 1 end end -- C literal string concatenation local function concatStringLiteral(input) -- screener does remove multiline definition, so just check ".*"%s*".*" pattern return input:gsub("\"("..STRING_LITERAL..")\""..OPTSPACES.."\"("..STRING_LITERAL..")\"", "\"%1%2\"") end -- c style boolean check (thus, 0 will be false) local function CBoolean(value) return value and (value ~= 0) end -- eval with c style number parse (UL, LL, L) local function CEval(expr) local ok, r = pcall(loadstring, "return " .. parseCInteger(expr)) if ok and r then return r() else error(r) end end -- a lightweight and flexible tokenizer local function _tokenizer(str, setup) local defsetup = { -- EXAMPLE patterns have to be pretended with "^" for the tokenizer ["identifier"] = '^[_%a][_%w]*', ["number"] = '^[%+%-]?%d+[%.]?%d*[UL]*', ["ignore"] = '^%s+', ["string"] = true, ["keywords"] = { -- ["NAME"] = '^pattern', -- ... }, } if not setup then setup = defsetup end setup.identifier = setup.identifier or defsetup.identifier setup.number = setup.number or defsetup.number setup.ignore = setup.ignore or defsetup.ignore if nil == setup.string then setup.string = true end setup.keywords = setup.keywords or {} local strlen = #str local i = 1 local i1, i2 local keyword local function find(pat) i1, i2 = str:find(pat,i) return i1 ~= nil end local function cut() return str:sub(i, i2) end local findKeyword if setup.keywords_order then findKeyword = function () for _, name in ipairs(setup.keywords_order) do assert(setup.keywords[name]) local pat = setup.keywords[name] local result = find(pat) if result then keyword = name return true end end end else findKeyword = function () for name, pat in pairs(setup.keywords) do local result = find(pat) if result then keyword = name return true end end end end while true do if i > strlen then return 'eof', nil, strlen, strlen end if findKeyword() then coroutine.yield(keyword, cut(), i1, i2) elseif find(setup.ignore) then coroutine.yield("ignore", cut(), i1, i2) elseif find(setup.number) then coroutine.yield('number', tonumber(cut()), i1, i2) elseif find(setup.identifier) then coroutine.yield('identifier', cut(), i1, i2) elseif setup.string and (find('^"[^"]*"') or find("^'[^']*'")) then -- strip the quotes coroutine.yield('string', cut():sub(2,-2), i1, i2) else -- any other unknown character i1 = i i2 = i coroutine.yield('unknown', cut(), i1, i2) end i = i2+1 end end local function tokenizer(str, setup) return coroutine.wrap(function() _tokenizer(str, setup) end) end -- ------------ -- PARSER -- ------------ local LCPP_TOKENIZE_COMMENT = { string = false, keywords = { MLCOMMENT = "^/%*.-%*/", SLCOMMENT = "^//.-\n", STRING_LITERAL = '^"[^"]*"', }, } -- hint: LuaJIT ffi does not rely on us to remove the comments, but maybe other usecases local function removeComments(input) local out = {} for k, v, start, end_ in tokenizer(input, LCPP_TOKENIZE_COMMENT) do if k == "MLCOMMENT" then local newlineCount = findn(input:sub(start, end_), "\n") local newlines = string.rep("\n", newlineCount) table.insert(out, newlines) elseif k == "SLCOMMENT" then table.insert(out, "\n") else table.insert(out, input:sub(start, end_)) end end return table.concat(out) end -- C style number parse (UL, LL, L) and (octet, hex, binary) local LCPP_TOKENIZE_INTEGER = { string = false, keywords_order = { "STRING_LITERAL", "CHAR_LITERAL", "HEX_LITERAL", "BIN_LITERAL", "OCT_LITERAL", "FPNUM_LITERAL", "NUMBER_LITERAL", }, keywords = { STRING_LITERAL = '^"[^"]*"', CHAR_LITERAL = "^L'.*'", HEX_LITERAL = '^[%+%-]?%s*0x[a-fA-F%d]+[UL]*', BIN_LITERAL = '^[%+%-]?%s*0b%d+[UL]*', OCT_LITERAL = '^[%+%-]?%s*0%d+[UL]*', FPNUM_LITERAL = '^[%+%-]?%s*%d+[%.]?%d*e[%+%-]%d*', NUMBER_LITERAL = '^[%+%-]?%s*%d+[%.]?%d*[UL]+', }, } local function parseCInteger(input) -- print('parseCInteger:input:' .. input) local out = {} local unary for k, v, start, end_ in tokenizer(input, LCPP_TOKENIZE_INTEGER) do -- print('parseCInteger:' .. k .. "|" .. v) if k == "CHAR_LITERAL" then table.insert(out, tostring(string.byte(loadstring("return \"" .. v:gsub("^L%'(.+)%'", "%1") .. "\"")()))) elseif k == "HEX_LITERAL" then unary, v = v:match('([%+%-]?)0x([a-fA-F%d]+)[UL]*') local n = tonumber(v, 16) table.insert(out, unary..tostring(n)) elseif k == "NUMBER_LITERAL" then v = v:match('([^UL]+)[UL]+') table.insert(out, v) elseif k == "BIN_LITERAL" then unary, v = v:match('([%+%-]?)0b([01]+)[UL]*') local n = tonumber(v, 2) table.insert(out, unary..tostring(n)) elseif k == "OCT_LITERAL" then unary, v = v:match('([%+%-]?)(0%d+)[UL]*') local n = tonumber(v, 8) table.insert(out, unary..tostring(n)) else table.insert(out, input:sub(start, end_)) end end local str = table.concat(out) -- print('parseCInteger:result:'..str) return str end -- screener: revmoce comments, trim, ml concat... -- it only splits to cpp input lines and removes comments. it does not tokenize. local function screener(input) local function _screener(input) input = removeComments(input) -- concat mulit-line input. local count = 1 while count > 0 do input, count = string.gsub(input, "^(.-)\\\n(.-)$", "%1 %2\n") end -- trim and join blocks not starting with "#" local buffer = {} for line in gsplit(input, NEWL) do --print('newline:'..line) line = trim(line) if #line > 0 then if line:byte(1) == CMD_BYTE then line = line:gsub("#%s*(.*)", "#%1") -- remove optinal whitespaces after "#". reduce triming later. if #buffer > 0 then coroutine.yield(table.concat(buffer, NEWL)) buffer = {} end coroutine.yield(line) else if lcpp.FAST then table.insert(buffer, line) else coroutine.yield(line) end end elseif not lcpp.FAST then coroutine.yield(line) end end if #buffer > 0 then coroutine.yield(table.concat(buffer, NEWL)) end end return coroutine.wrap(function() _screener(input) end) end -- apply currently known macros to input (and returns it) local LCPP_TOKENIZE_APPLY_MACRO = { keywords = { DEFINED = "^defined%s*%(%s*"..IDENTIFIER.."%s*%)" , }, } local function apply(state, input) while true do local out = {} local functions = {} local expand for k, v, start, end_ in tokenizer(input, LCPP_TOKENIZE_APPLY_MACRO) do -- print('tokenize:'..tostring(k).."|"..tostring(v)) if k == "identifier" then local repl = v local macro = state.defines[v] if macro then if type(macro) == "boolean" then repl = "" expand = true elseif type(macro) == "string" then repl = macro expand = (repl ~= v) elseif type(macro) == "number" then repl = tostring(macro) expand = (repl ~= v) elseif type(macro) == "function" then local decl,cnt = input:sub(start):gsub("^[_%a][_%w]*%s*%b()", "%1") -- print('matching:'..input.."|"..decl.."|"..cnt) if cnt > 0 then repl = macro(decl) -- print("d&r:"..decl.."|"..repl) expand = true table.insert(out, repl) table.insert(out, input:sub(end_ + #decl)) break else if input:sub(start):find("^[_%a][_%w]*%s*%(") then -- that is part of functional macro declaration. -- print(v ..': cannot replace:<'..input..'> read more line') return input,true else -- on macro name is also used as the symbol of some C declaration -- (e.g. /usr/include/spawn.h, /usr/include/sys/select.h on centos 6.4) -- no need to preprocess. print(v .. ': macro name but used as C declaration in:' .. input) end end end end table.insert(out, repl) elseif k == "DEFINED" then table.insert(out, input:sub(start, end_)) else table.insert(out, input:sub(start, end_)) end end input = table.concat(out) if not expand then break end end -- C liberal string concatenation, processing U,L,UL,LL return parseCInteger(concatStringLiteral(input)),false end -- processes an input line. called from lcpp doWork loop local function processLine(state, line) if not line or #line == 0 then return line end local cmd = nil if line:byte(1) == CMD_BYTE then cmd = line:sub(2) end -- print("process:"..line)--.."|"..tostring(state:skip())) --[[ IF/THEN/ELSE STRUCTURAL BLOCKS ]]-- if cmd then local ifdef = cmd:match(IFDEF) local ifexp = cmd:match(IF) local ifndef = cmd:match(IFNDEF) local elif = cmd:match(ELIF) local elseif_ = cmd:match(ELSEIF) local else_ = cmd:match(ELSE) local endif = cmd:match(ENDIF) local struct = ifdef or ifexp or ifndef or elif or elseif_ or else_ or endif if struct then local skip = state:skip() if ifdef then state:openBlock(state:defined(ifdef)) end -- if skipped, it may have undefined expression. so not parse them if ifexp then state:openBlock(skip and true or CBoolean(state:parseExpr(ifexp))) end if ifndef then state:openBlock(not state:defined(ifndef)) end if elif then state:elseBlock((skip and skip < #state.stack) and true or CBoolean(state:parseExpr(elif))) end if elseif_ then state:elseBlock((skip and skip < #state.stack) and true or CBoolean(state:parseExpr(elseif_))) end if else_ then state:elseBlock(true) end if endif then state:closeBlock() end return -- remove structural directives end end --[[ SKIPPING ]]-- if state:skip() then -- print('skip:' .. line) return end --[[ READ NEW DIRECTIVES ]]-- if cmd then -- handle #undef ... local key = cmd:match(UNDEF) if type(key) == "string" then state:undefine(key) return end -- read "#define >FooBar...<" directives if cmd:match(DEFINE) then local define = trim(cmd:sub(DEFINE:len()+1)) local macroname, replacement -- simple "true" defines macroname = define:match(TRUEMACRO) if macroname then state:define(macroname, true) else -- replace macro defines macroname, replacement = define:match(REPLMACRO) if macroname and replacement then state:define(macroname, replacement) else -- read functional macros macroname, replacement, source = state:parseFunction(define) if macroname and replacement then -- add original text for definition to check identify state:define(macroname, replacement, false, source) end end end return end -- handle #include ... local filename = cmd:match(INCLUDE) if filename then return state:includeFile(filename) end local filename = cmd:match(LOCAL_INCLUDE) if filename then return state:includeFile(filename, false, true) end local filename = cmd:match(INCLUDE_NEXT) if filename then --print("include_next:"..filename) return state:includeFile(filename, true) end -- ignore, because we dont have any pragma directives yet if cmd:match(PRAGMA) then return end -- handle #error local errMsg = cmd:match(ERROR) local errNoTxt = cmd:match(ERROR_NOTEXT) local warnMsg = cmd:match(WARNING) if errMsg then error(errMsg) end if errNoTxt then error("") end if warnMsg then print(warnMsg) return end -- abort on unknown keywords error("unknown directive: "..line) end if state.incompleteLine then --print('merge with incompleteLine:'..state.incompleteLine) line = (state.incompleteLine .. line) state.incompleteLine = nil end --[[ APPLY MACROS ]]-- -- print(line) local _line,more = state:apply(line); -- print('endprocess:'.._line) if more then state.incompleteLine = line return "" else return _line end return line end local function doWork(state) local function _doWork(state) if not state:defined(__FILE__) then state:define(__FILE__, "", true) end local oldIndent = state:getIndent() while true do local input = state:getLine() if not input then break end local output = processLine(state, input) if not lcpp.FAST and not output then output = "" end -- output empty skipped lines if lcpp.DEBUG then output = output.." -- "..input end -- input as comment when DEBUG if output then coroutine.yield(output) end end if (oldIndent ~= state:getIndent()) then error("indentation level must be balanced within a file. was:"..oldIndent.." is:"..state:getIndent()) end end return coroutine.wrap(function() _doWork(state) end) end local function includeFile(state, filename, next, _local) local result, result_state = lcpp.compileFile(filename, state.defines, state.macro_sources, next, _local) -- now, we take the define table of the sub file for further processing state.defines = result_state.defines -- and return the compiled result return result end -- sets a global define local function define(state, key, value, override, macro_source) --print("define:"..key.." type:"..tostring(value).." value:"..tostring(pval)) if value and not override then if type(value) == 'function' then assert(macro_source, "macro source should specify to check identity") local pval = state.macro_sources[key] if pval and (pval ~= macro_source) then error("already defined: "..key) end state.macro_sources[key] = macro_source else local pval = state.defines[key] if pval and (pval ~= value) then error("already defined: "..key) end end end state.defines[key] = state:prepareMacro(value) end -- parses CPP exressions -- i.e.: #if !defined(_UNICODE) && !defined(UNICODE) -- --BNF: -- EXPR -> (BRACKET_OPEN)(EXPR)(BRACKET_CLOSE) -- EXPR -> (EXPR)(OR)(EXPR) -- EXPR -> (EXPR)(AND)(EXPR) -- EXPR -> (NOT)(EXPR) -- EXPR -> (FUNCTION) -- FUNCTION -> (IDENTIFIER)(BRACKET_OPEN)(ARGS)(BRACKET_CLOSE) -- ARGS -> ((IDENTIFIER)[(COMMA)(IDENTIFIER)])? --LEAVES: -- IGNORE -> " \t" -- BRACKET_OPEN -> "(" -- BRACKET_CLOSE -> ")" -- OR -> "||" -- AND -> "&&" -- NOT -> "!" -- IDENTIFIER -> "[0-9a-zA-Z_]" -- local LCPP_TOKENIZE_MACRO = { string = true, keywords_order = { "CONCAT", "SPACE", }, keywords = { CONCAT = "^%s*##%s*", SPACE = "^%s", }, } local LCPP_TOKENIZE_MACRO_ARGS = { string = true, keywords_order = { "STRING_LITERAL", "PARENTHESE", "FUNCTIONAL", "ARGS", "SINGLE_CHARACTER_ARGS", "COMMA", }, keywords = { PARENTHESE = "^%s*%b()", FUNCTIONAL = "^".. IDENTIFIER .. "%s*%b()", STRING_LITERAL = '^"[^"]*"', ARGS = "^[^,%s][^,]*[^,%s]", SINGLE_CHARACTER_ARGS = "^[^,%s]", COMMA = "^,", }, } local LCPP_TOKENIZE_EXPR = { string = false, keywords_order = { "DEFINED", "FUNCTIONAL_MACRO", "BROPEN", "BRCLOSE", "TENARY_START", "TENARY_MIDDLE", -- binary operators "EQUAL", "NOT_EQUAL", "AND", "OR", "BAND", "BOR", "BXOR", "PLUS", "MINUS", "MULTIPLY", "DIV", "MOD", "LTE", "MTE", "LSHIFT", "RSHIFT", "LT", "MT", -- unary operator "NOT", "BNOT", -- literal "STRING_LITERAL", "CHAR_LITERAL", "HEX_LITERAL", "FPNUM_LITERAL", "NUMBER_LITERAL", }, keywords = { DEFINED = '^defined', FUNCTIONAL_MACRO = '^' .. IDENTIFIER .. "%s*%b()", BROPEN = '^[(]', BRCLOSE = '^[)]', TENARY_START = '^%?', TENARY_MIDDLE = '^%:', EQUAL = '^==', NOT_EQUAL = '^!=', AND = '^&&', OR = '^||', BAND = '^&', BOR = '^|', BXOR = '^%^', PLUS = '^%+', MINUS = '^%-', MULTIPLY = '^%*', DIV = '^%/', MOD = '^%%', LTE = '^<=', MTE = '^>=', LSHIFT = '^<<', RSHIFT = '^>>', LT = '^<', MT = '^>', NOT = '^!', BNOT = '^~', STRING_LITERAL = '^L?"[^"]*"', CHAR_LITERAL = "^L?'.*'", HEX_LITERAL = '^[%+%-]?0?x[a-fA-F%d]+[UL]*', FPNUM_LITERAL = '^[%+%-]?%d+[%.]?%d*e[%+%-]%d*', NUMBER_LITERAL = '^[%+%-]?0?b?%d+[%.]?%d*[UL]*', }, } local function parseDefined(state, input) local result = false local bropen = false local brclose = false local ident = nil for key, value in input do if key == "BROPEN" then bropen = true end if key == "identifier" then ident = value if not bropen then break end end if key == "BRCLOSE" and ident then brclose = true break end end -- wiht and w/o brackets allowed if ident and ((bropen and brclose) or (not bropen and not brclose)) then return state:defined(ident) end error("expression parse error: defined(ident)") end --[[ order : smaller is higher priority 1 () [] -> . 2 ! ~ - + * & sizeof type cast ++ -- 3 * / % 4 + - 5 << >> 6 < <= > >= 7 == != 8 & 9 ^ 10 | 11 && 12 || 13 ?: = += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>= 14 , ]] local combination_order = function (op, unary) if unary then if op == '-' or op == '!' or op == '~' then return 2 else assert(false, 'unsupported unary operator:' .. op) end else if op == '*' or op == '/' or op == '%' then return 3 elseif op == '+' or op == '-' then return 4 elseif op == '>>' or op == '<<' then return 5 elseif op == '<' or op == '>' or op == '<=' or op == '>=' then return 6 elseif op == '==' or op == '!=' then return 7 elseif op == '&' then return 8 elseif op == '^' then return 9 elseif op == '|' then return 10 elseif op == '&&' then return 11 elseif op == '||' then return 12 elseif op == '?' or op == ':' then return 13 else assert(false, 'unsupported operator:' .. op) end end end local evaluate evaluate = function (node) if not node.op then -- leaf node or leaf node with unary operators local v = node.v if node.uops then for _, uop in ipairs(node.uops) do -- print('apply uop:'..uop.."|"..tostring(v)) if uop == '-' then v = -v elseif uop == '!' then v = (not v) elseif uop == '~' then v = bit.bnot(v) else assert(false, 'invalid uop:' .. tostring(uop)) end end end -- print('after apply:'..tostring(v)) return v end -- print(node.op..':'..tostring(node.l.v or node.l.op).."("..type(node.l.v)..")|"..tostring(node.r.v or node.r.op).."("..type(node.r.v)..")") if node.op == '+' then -- binary operators return (evaluate(node.l) + evaluate(node.r)) elseif node.op == '-' then return (evaluate(node.l) - evaluate(node.r)) elseif node.op == '*' then return (evaluate(node.l) * evaluate(node.r)) elseif node.op == '/' then return (evaluate(node.l) / evaluate(node.r)) elseif node.op == '%' then return (evaluate(node.l) % evaluate(node.r)) elseif node.op == '==' then return (evaluate(node.l) == evaluate(node.r)) elseif node.op == '!=' then return (evaluate(node.l) ~= evaluate(node.r)) elseif node.op == '<<' then return bit.lshift(evaluate(node.l), evaluate(node.r)) elseif node.op == '>>' then return bit.rshift(evaluate(node.l), evaluate(node.r)) elseif node.op == '&&' then return (CBoolean(evaluate(node.l)) and CBoolean(evaluate(node.r))) elseif node.op == '||' then return (CBoolean(evaluate(node.l)) or CBoolean(evaluate(node.r))) elseif node.op == '&' then return bit.band(evaluate(node.l), evaluate(node.r)) elseif node.op == '|' then return bit.bor(evaluate(node.l), evaluate(node.r)) elseif node.op == '^' then return bit.bxor(evaluate(node.l), evaluate(node.r)) elseif node.op == '<=' then return (evaluate(node.l) <= evaluate(node.r)) elseif node.op == '>=' then return (evaluate(node.l) >= evaluate(node.r)) elseif node.op == '<' then return (evaluate(node.l) < evaluate(node.r)) elseif node.op == '>' then return (evaluate(node.l) > evaluate(node.r)) else assert(false, 'invalid op:' .. tostring(node.op)) end end local function setValue(node, v) -- print('setValue:' .. tostring(v).."|"..tostring(node.uops))-- .. "\t" .. debug.traceback()) if not node.op then assert(not node.v, debug.traceback()) node.v = v else assert(node.l and (not node.r)) node.r = {v = v, uops = node.uops} end end local function setUnaryOp(node, uop) -- print('setUnaryOp:' .. tostring(uop))-- .. "\t" .. debug.traceback()) if not node.uops then node.uops = {} end table.insert(node.uops, 1, uop) end local function parseExpr(state, input) local node = {} local root = node -- first call gets string input. rest uses tokenizer if type(input) == "string" then -- print('parse:' .. input) input = tokenizer(input, LCPP_TOKENIZE_EXPR) end for type, value in input do -- print("type:"..type.." value:"..value) -- unary operator if type == "NOT" or type == "BNOT" then setUnaryOp(node, value) end if type == "BROPEN" then setValue(node, state:parseExpr(input)) end if type == "BRCLOSE" then --print('BRCLOSE:' .. tostring(result)) break end if type == "STRING_LITERAL" then setValue(node, value:sub(value[1] == 'L' and 3 or 2,-2)) end if type == "NUMBER_LITERAL" or type == "HEX_LITERAL" or type == "FPNUM_LITERAL" or type == "CHAR_LITERAL" then setValue(node, tonumber(parseCInteger(value))) end -- tenary operator -- tenary has lowest priority, so any other operation can be calculate now. if type == "TENARY_START" then local l = state:parseExpr(input) local r = state:parseExpr(input) if evaluate(root) then return l else return r end end if type == "TENARY_MIDDLE" then break end -- binary operator if type == "EQUAL" or type == "NOT_EQUAL" or type == "AND" or type == "OR" or type == "BAND" or type == "BOR" or type == "BXOR" or type == "PLUS" or type == "MINUS" or type == "MULTIPLY" or type == "DIV" or type == "MOD" or type == "LTE" or type == "MTE" or type == "LSHIFT" or type == "RSHIFT" or type == "LT" or type == "MT" then if node.op then if not node.r then -- during parse right operand : uop1 uop2 ... uopN operand1 op1 uop(N+1) uop(N+2) ... [uop(N+K)] assert(type == "MINUS", "error: operators come consequently: " .. tostring(node.op) .. " and " .. tostring(value)) -- unary operater after binary operator setUnaryOp(node, value) else -- uop1 uop2 ... uopN operand1 op1 uop(N+1) uop(N+2) ... uop(N+M) operand2 [op2] -- print("operator processing:" .. tostring(node.op) .. "|" .. value .. "|" .. tostring(node.l) .. "|" .. tostring(node.r)) local tmp = node while tmp do -- print('compare ' .. value..' and ' .. tmp.op) if combination_order(tmp.op) > combination_order(value) then -- print(value..' is stronger than ' .. tmp.op) break end tmp = tmp.parent end if tmp then node = { op = value, l = tmp.r, parent = tmp } tmp.r.parent = node tmp.r = node else node = { op = value, l = root, } root.parent = node root = node end end elseif node.v ~= nil then -- uop1 uop2 ... uopN operand1 [op] local devided if node.uops then for _, uop in ipairs(node.uops) do if combination_order(uop, true) > combination_order(value) then -- there is a binary operator which has stronger than any of the unary devided = uop end end end if devided then assert(false, "TODO: can we do something about this case??:"..value.." is stronger than "..devided) else node.l = { v = node.v, uops = node.uops } node.v = nil node.uops = nil node.op = value end else -- unary operator : uop1 uop2 ... [uopN] assert(type == "MINUS", "error: invalid unary operator:" .. value) setUnaryOp(node, value) end end if type == "DEFINED" then setValue(node, parseDefined(state, input)) elseif type == "identifier" or type == "FUNCTIONAL_MACRO" then -- print('ident:' .. value) local eval = state:apply(value) -- print('apply result ' .. eval .. "|" .. tostring(unprocessed)) if eval ~= value then eval = state:parseExpr(eval) -- print('re-evaluate expr ' .. tostring(eval)) setValue(node, eval) else -- undefined macro symbol is always treated as 0. -- http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/If.html#If setValue(node, 0) end end end local r = evaluate(root) -- print('evaluate:' .. tostring(r)) return r end -- apply string ops "##" local function prepareMacro(state, input) if type(input) ~= "string" then return input end repeat local out = {} local concat for k, v, start, end_ in tokenizer(input, LCPP_TOKENIZE_MACRO) do if k == "CONCAT" then -- remove concat op "##" concat = true else table.insert(out, input:sub(start, end_)) end end input = table.concat(out) until not concat return input end -- macro args replacement function slower but more torelant for pathological case local function replaceArgs(argsstr, repl) local args = {} argsstr = argsstr:sub(2,-2) -- print('argsstr:'..argsstr) local comma for k, v, start, end_ in tokenizer(argsstr, LCPP_TOKENIZE_MACRO_ARGS) do -- print("replaceArgs:" .. k .. "|" .. v) if k == "ARGS" or k == "PARENTHESE" or k == "STRING_LITERAL" or k == "FUNCTIONAL" or k == "SINGLE_CHARACTER_ARGS" then table.insert(args, v) comma = false elseif k == "COMMA" then if comma then -- continued comma means empty parameter table.insert(args, "") end comma = true end end local v = repl:gsub("%$(%d+)", function (m) return args[tonumber(m)] or "" end) -- print("replaceArgs:" .. repl .. "|" .. tostring(#args) .. "|" .. v) return v end -- i.e.: "MAX(x, y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))" local function parseFunction(state, input) if not input then return end local concat local name, argsstr, repl = input:match(FUNCMACRO) if not name or not argsstr or not repl then return end -- rename args to $1,$2... for later gsub local noargs = 0 for argname in argsstr:gmatch(IDENTIFIER) do noargs = noargs + 1 -- avoid matching substring of another identifier (eg. attrib matches __attribute__ and replace it) repl = repl:gsub("(#*)(%s*)("..argname..")([_%w]?)", function (s1, s2, s3, s4) if #s4 <= 0 then return (#s1 == 1) and ("\"$"..noargs.."\"") or (s1..s2.."$"..noargs) else return s1..s2..s3..s4 end end) end -- remove concat (after replace matching argument name to $1, $2, ...) repl = repl:gsub("%s*##%s*", "") -- build macro funcion local func = function(input) return input:gsub(name.."%s*(%b())", function (match) return replaceArgs(match, repl) end) end return name, func, repl end -- ------------ -- LCPP INTERFACE -- ------------ --- initialies a lcpp state. not needed manually. handy for testing function lcpp.init(input, predefines, macro_sources) -- create sate var local state = {} -- init the state object state.defines = {} -- the table of known defines and replacements state.screener = screener(input) state.lineno = 0 -- the current line number state.stack = {} -- stores wether the current stack level is to be included state.once = {} -- stack level was once true (first if that evals to true) state.macro_sources = macro_sources or {} -- original replacement text for functional macro -- funcs state.define = define state.undefine = function(state, key) state:define(key, nil) state.macro_sources[key] = nil end state.defined = function(state, key) return state.defines[key] ~= nil end state.apply = apply state.includeFile = includeFile state.doWork = doWork state.getIndent = function(state) return #state.stack end state.openBlock = function(state, bool) state.stack[#state.stack+1] = bool state.once [#state.once+1] = bool state:define(__LCPP_INDENT__, state:getIndent(), true) end state.elseBlock = function(state, bool) if state.once[#state.once] then state.stack[#state.stack] = false else state.stack[#state.stack] = bool if bool then state.once[#state.once] = true end end end state.closeBlock = function(state) state.stack[#state.stack] = nil state.once [#state.once] = nil state:define(__LCPP_INDENT__, state:getIndent(), true) if state:getIndent() < 0 then error("Unopened block detected. Indentaion problem.") end end state.skip = function(state) for i = 1, #state.stack do if not state.stack[i] then return i end end return false end state.getLine = function(state) state.lineno = state.lineno + 1 state:define(__LINE__, state.lineno, true) return state.screener() end state.prepareMacro = prepareMacro state.parseExpr = parseExpr state.parseFunction = parseFunction -- predefines state:define(__DATE__, os.date("%B %d %Y"), true) state:define(__TIME__, os.date("%H:%M:%S"), true) state:define(__LINE__, state.lineno, true) state:define(__LCPP_INDENT__, state:getIndent(), true) predefines = predefines or {} for k,v in pairs(lcpp.ENV) do state:define(k, v, true) end -- static ones for k,v in pairs(predefines) do state:define(k, v, true) end if lcpp.LCPP_TEST then lcpp.STATE = state end -- activate static state debugging return state end --- the preprocessors main function. -- returns the preprocessed output as a string. -- @param code data as string -- @param predefines OPTIONAL a table of predefined variables -- @usage lcpp.compile("#define bar 0x1337\nstatic const int foo = bar;") -- @usage lcpp.compile("#define bar 0x1337\nstatic const int foo = bar;", {["bar"] = "0x1338"}) function lcpp.compile(code, predefines, macro_sources) local state = lcpp.init(code, predefines, macro_sources) local buf = {} for output in state:doWork() do table.insert(buf, output) end local output = table.concat(buf, NEWL) if lcpp.DEBUG then print(output) end return output, state end --- preprocesses a file -- @param filename the file to read -- @param predefines OPTIONAL a table of predefined variables -- @usage out, state = lcpp.compileFile("../odbg/plugin.h", {["MAX_PAH"]=260, ["UNICODE"]=true}) function lcpp.compileFile(filename, predefines, macro_sources, next, _local) if not filename then error("processFile() arg1 has to be a string") end local file = io.open(filename, 'r') if not file then error("file not found: "..filename) end local code = file:read('*a') predefines = predefines or {} predefines[__FILE__] = filename return lcpp.compile(code, predefines, macro_sources) end -- ------------ -- SATIC UNIT TESTS -- ------------ function lcpp.test(suppressMsg) local testLabelCount = 0 local function getTestLabel() testLabelCount = testLabelCount + 1 return " lcpp_assert_"..testLabelCount end -- this ugly global is required so our testcode can find it _G.lcpp_test = { assertTrueCalls = 0; assertTrueCount = 0; assertTrue = function() lcpp_test.assertTrueCount = lcpp_test.assertTrueCount + 1; end } local testlcpp = [[ assert(__LINE__ == 1, "_LINE_ macro test 1: __LINE__") // This test uses LCPP with lua code (uncommon but possible) assert(__LINE__ == 3, "_LINE_ macro test 3: __LINE__") /* * It therefore asserts any if/else/macro functions and various syntaxes * (including this comment, that would cause errors if not filtered) */ assert(__LINE__ == 8, "_LINE_ macro test 8: __LINE__") /* assert(false, "multi-line comment not removed") */ /* pathological case which contains single line comment start in multiline comments. * e.g. this multiline comment should be finish next line. * http://foobar.com */ // comment /* if singleline comment processes first, sometimes indicator of end of multiline loss */ #define THIS_SHOULD_ENABLE 111 /* continuous multiline comment after macro definition //*/ ///* this removed. assert(THIS_SHOULD_ENABLE == 111, "pathological multiline comment test") #define TRUE #define ONE (1) #define TWO (2) #define THREE_FUNC(x) (3) #define LEET 0x1337 #define CLONG 123456789L #define CLONGLONG 123456789123456789LL #define CULONG 12345678UL #define CUINT 123456U #define BINARY -0b1001 /* -9 */ #define OCTET 075 /* 61 */ #define NON_OCTET 75 #define HEX 0xffffU #define __P(x) x #define WCHAR_ZERO L'\0' # define NCURSES_IMPEXP # define NCURSES_API # define NCURSES_EXPORT(type) NCURSES_IMPEXP type NCURSES_API #define MACRO_TO_ITSELF MACRO_TO_ITSELF local MACRO_TO_ITSELF = 111 assert(MACRO_TO_ITSELF == 111, "can process macro to itself") assert(WCHAR_ZERO == 0, "wchar evaluate fails") assert(CLONG == 123456789, "read *L fails") assert(CLONGLONG == 123456789123456789, "read *LL fails") assert(CULONG == 12345678, "read *UL fails") assert(HEX == 65535, "read hex fails") #if CUINT != 123456U assert(false, "cannot evaluate number which contains Unsinged postfix correctly") #else assert(CUINT == 123456, "read *U fails") #endif #pragma ignored assert __P((BINARY == -9, "parse, binary literal fails")) assert(OCTET == 61 and NON_OCTET == 75, "parse octet literal fails") lcpp_test.assertTrue() assert(LEET == 0x1337, "simple #define replacement") local msg /* function to check macro expand to empty */ local function check_argnum(...) return select('#', ...) end NCURSES_EXPORT(function) test_export(a) return a + 1 end assert(test_export(2) == 3, "EXPORT style macro") local macrofunc = function __P(( a, b)) return a + b end assert(macrofunc(1, 2) == 3, "macro arg contains parenthese") msg = "tenary operator test" #if (HEX % 2 == 1 ? CUINT : CULONG) == 123456 lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."1") #endif #if (OCTET % 2 == 0 ? CUINT : CULONG) == 123456 assert(false, msg.."1") #else lcpp_test.assertTrue() #endif # if defined TRUE lcpp_test.assertTrue() -- valid strange syntax test (spaces and missing brackets) # endif msg = "#define if/else test" #ifdef TRUE lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."1") #endif #ifdef NOTDEFINED assert(false, msg.."2") #else lcpp_test.assertTrue() #endif #ifndef NOTDEFINED lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."3") #endif msg = "#if defined statement test" #if defined(TRUE) lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."1") #endif #if !defined(LEET) && !defined(TRUE) assert(false, msg.."2") #endif #if !defined(NOTLEET) && !defined(NOTDEFINED) lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."3") #endif #if !(defined(LEET) && defined(TRUE)) assert(false, msg.."4") #else lcpp_test.assertTrue() #endif #if !defined(LEET) && !defined(TRUE) assert(false, msg.."5") #endif #if defined(LEET) && defined(TRUE) && defined(NOTDEFINED) assert(false, msg.."6") #endif #if ONE + TWO * TWO == 5 lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."7") #endif #if (ONE + TWO) * TWO == 0x6 lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."8") #endif #if ONE * TWO + ONE / TWO == 2.5 lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."9") #endif #if ONE + ONE * TWO / TWO == 2 lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."10") #endif #if TWO - - TWO == 4 lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."11") #endif #if (TWO - - TWO) % (ONE + TWO) == 1 lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."12") #endif #if ONE << TWO + TWO >> ONE == 8 lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."13") #endif #if (ONE << TWO) + (TWO >> ONE) == 5 lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."14") #endif #if (ONE << TWO) + TWO >> ONE == 3 lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."15") #endif #if (THREE_FUNC(0xfffffU) & 4) == 0 lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."16") #endif #if (0x3 & THREE_FUNC("foobar")) == 0b11 lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."17") #endif #if defined(TWO) && ((TWO-0) < 3) lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."17") #endif #if TWO == 1--1 lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."18") #endif #if HEX > 0xfFfFU assert(false, msg.."18") #else lcpp_test.assertTrue() #endif #define TRUE_DEFINED defined(TRUE) #if TRUE_DEFINED lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."19") #endif #define NOTDEFINED_DEFINED defined(TRUE) && defined(NOTDEFINED) #if NOTDEFINED_DEFINED assert(false, msg.."20") #else lcpp_test.assertTrue() #endif #if LEET && LEET > 0x1336 lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."20") #endif #if NOTLEET && NOTLEET > 0x1336 assert(false, msg.."21") #else lcpp_test.assertTrue() #endif #if defined(NOTLEET) || BINARY + 0 >= 10L || !defined(TRUE) assert(false, msg.."22") #else lcpp_test.assertTrue() #endif msg = "macro chaining" #define FOO 0x7B #define BAR (FOO+0x7B) assert(-BAR == -0x7B*2, msg) #define BAZ 456 #define BLUR BA##Z assert(BLUR == 456, msg) local testfunc = function (x) return "["..tostring(x).."]" end #define FOOBAR(x) testfunc(x) assert(FOOBAR(1) == "[1]", msg) #define testfunc(x) #define FOOBAZ(x) testfunc(x) assert(check_argnum(FOOBAR(1)) == 0, msg) assert(check_argnum(FOOBAZ(1)) == 0, msg) #undef testfunc assert(FOOBAR(1) == "[1]", msg) assert(FOOBAZ(1) == "[1]", msg) msg = "indentation test" assert(__LCPP_INDENT__ == 0, msg.."1") #if defined(TRUE) assert(__LCPP_INDENT__ == 1, msg.."2") #endif assert(__LCPP_INDENT__ == 0, msg.."3") #define LCPP_FUNCTION_1(x, y) (x and not y) assert(LCPP_FUNCTION_1(true, false), "function macro") #define LCPP_FUNCTION_2(x, y) \ (not x \ and y) assert(LCPP_FUNCTION_2(false, true), "multiline function macro") #define LCPP_FUNCTION_3(_x, _y) LCPP_FUNCTION_2(_x, _y) assert(LCPP_FUNCTION_3(false, true), "function macro with argname contains _") #define LCPP_FUNCTION_4_CHILD() false #define LCPP_FUNCTION_4(_x) assert(check_argnum(LCPP_FUNCTION_4(LCPP_FUNCTION_4_CHILD())) == 0, "functional macro which receives functional macro as argument") assert(check_argnum(LCPP_FUNCTION_4(LCPP_FUNCTION_3(true, true))) == 0, "functional macro which receives functional macro as argument2") #define LCPP_FUNCTION_5(x, y) (x) + (x) + (y) + (y) assert(LCPP_FUNCTION_5(10, 20) == 60, "macro argument multiple usage") #define LCPP_NOT_FUNCTION (BLUR) assert(LCPP_NOT_FUNCTION == 456, "if space between macro name and argument definition exists, it is regarded as replacement macro") #define __CONCAT(x, y, z, w) x ## y ## z (w) local __fncall = function (x) return x + 111 end assert(111 == __CONCAT( __ , fnc , all, 0 ), "funcall fails") assert(222 == __CONCAT( __ ,, fncall, 111 ), "funcall fails2") #define __ATTRIB_CALL(x, y, attrib) __attribute__(x, y, attrib) local __attribute__ = function (x, y, attr) return attr * (x + y) end assert(__ATTRIB_CALL( 1, 2 , 100 ) == 300, "funcall fails3") msg = "#elif test" #if defined(NOTDEFINED) -- it should not be processed #if NOTDEFINED #else assert(false, msg.."1") #endif #elif defined(NOTDEFINED) assert(false, msg.."2") #elif defined(TRUE) lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."3") #endif msg = "#else if test" #if defined(NOTDEFINED) assert(false, msg.."1") #else if defined(NOTDEFINED) assert(false, msg.."2") #else if defined(TRUE) lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."3") #endif msg = "bock stack tree test" #ifdef TRUE #ifdef NOTDEFINED assert(false, msg.."1") #elif defined(TRUE) lcpp_test.assertTrue() #else assert(false, msg.."2") #endif #else assert(false, msg.."3") #endif #ifdef NOTDEFINED #ifdef TRUE assert(false, msg.."4") #endif #endif msg = "test concat ## operator" #define CONCAT_TEST1 foo##bar local CONCAT_TEST1 = "blubb" assert(foobar == "blubb", msg) #define CONCAT_TEST2() bar##foo local CONCAT_TEST2() = "blubb" assert(barfoo == "blubb", msg) -- dont process ## within strings #define CONCAT_TEST3 "foo##bar" assert(CONCAT_TEST3 == "foo##bar", msg) msg = "test concat inside func type macro" #define CONCAT_TEST4(baz) CONCAT_TEST##baz local CONCAT_TEST4(1) = "bazbaz" assert(foobar == "bazbaz", msg) msg = "#undef test" #define UNDEF_TEST #undef UNDEF_TEST #ifdef UNDEF_TEST assert(false, msg) #endif msg = "stringify operator(#) test" #define STRINGIFY(str) #str assert(STRINGIFY(abcde) == "abcde", msg) #define STRINGIFY_AND_CONCAT(str1, str2) #str1 ## \ #str2 assert(STRINGIFY_AND_CONCAT(fgh, ij) == "fghij", msg) #define msg_concat(msg1, msg2) msg1 ## msg2 assert("I, am, lcpp" == msg_concat("I, am", ", lcpp"), "processing macro argument which includes ,") #define FUNC__ARG 500 #define __ARG 100 #define FUNC(x) FUNC##x assert(FUNC(__ARG) == 500, "create new macro symbol by concat") msg = "same macro definition which has exactly same value allows. (checked with gcc 4.4.7 __WORDSIZE)" #define DUP_MACRO_DEF (111) #define DUP_MACRO_DEF (111) #define DUP_FUNC_MACRO(x, y) x + y #define DUP_FUNC_MACRO(x, y) x + y msg = "check #if conditional check" #define VALUE1 (123) #if VALUE1 != 123 assert(false, msg .." #if " .. tostring(VALUE1) .. " != 123") #endif #if 123 != VALUE1 assert(false, msg .." #if " .. tostring(VALUE1) .. " != 123 (2)") #endif #define VALUE2 ("hoge") #if VALUE2 == "hoge" #define VALUE3 (true) #endif assert(VALUE3 == true, msg .. " #if " .. tostring(VALUE3) .. " == true") #define VALUE4 (VALUE1 + VALUE1) #if VALUE4 != 246 assert(false, msg .." #if check for nested definition:" .. tostring(VALUE4)) #endif msg = "+-*/<> in #if expression:" #define CALC_VALUE_A (1) #define CALC_VALUE_B (2) #if (CALC_VALUE_A + CALC_VALUE_B) != 3 assert(false, msg .. " + not work:") #endif #if (CALC_VALUE_A * CALC_VALUE_B) != 2 assert(false, msg .. " * not work:") #endif #if (CALC_VALUE_A - CALC_VALUE_B) != -1 assert(false, msg .. " - not work:") #endif #if (CALC_VALUE_A / CALC_VALUE_B) != 0.5 assert(false, msg .. " / not work:") #endif #if (CALC_VALUE_A >= CALC_VALUE_A) #else assert(false, msg .. " >= not work1") #endif #if (CALC_VALUE_B >= CALC_VALUE_A) #else assert(false, msg .. " >= not work2") #endif #if (CALC_VALUE_B <= CALC_VALUE_B) #else assert(false, msg .. " <= not work1") #endif #if (CALC_VALUE_A <= CALC_VALUE_B) #else assert(false, msg .. " <= not work2") #endif #if (CALC_VALUE_B > CALC_VALUE_A) #else assert(false, msg .. " > not work1") #endif #if (CALC_VALUE_A > CALC_VALUE_A) assert(false, msg .. " > not work2") #endif #if (CALC_VALUE_A < CALC_VALUE_B) #else assert(false, msg .. " < not work1") #endif #if (CALC_VALUE_B < CALC_VALUE_B) assert(false, msg .. " < not work2") #endif #if (CALC_VALUE_B | CALC_VALUE_A) != 3 assert(false, msg .. " | not work") #endif #if (CALC_VALUE_B & CALC_VALUE_A) != 0 assert(false, msg .. " & not work") #endif #if (CALC_VALUE_B ^ CALC_VALUE_A) != 3 assert(false, msg .. " ^ not work") #endif #if -CALC_VALUE_B != -2 assert(false, msg .. " unary - not work") #endif #if ~CALC_VALUE_B != -3 assert(false, msg .. " unary ~ not work") #endif ]] lcpp.FAST = false -- enable full valid output for testing lcpp.SELF_TEST = true local testlua = lcpp.compile(testlcpp) lcpp.SELF_TEST = nil -- print(testlua) assert(loadstring(testlua, "testlua"))() lcpp_test.assertTrueCalls = findn(testlcpp, "lcpp_test.assertTrue()") assert(lcpp_test.assertTrueCount == lcpp_test.assertTrueCalls, "assertTrue calls:"..lcpp_test.assertTrueCalls.." count:"..lcpp_test.assertTrueCount) _G.lcpp_test = nil -- delete ugly global hack if not suppressMsg then print("Test run suscessully") end end if lcpp.LCPP_TEST then lcpp.test(true) end -- ------------ -- REGISTER LCPP -- ------------ --- disable lcpp processing for ffi, loadstring and such lcpp.disable = function() if lcpp.LCPP_LUA then -- activate LCPP_LUA actually does anything useful -- _G.loadstring = _G.loadstring_lcpp_backup end if lcpp.LCPP_FFI and pcall(require, "ffi") then ffi = require("ffi") if ffi.lcpp_cdef_backup then ffi.cdef = ffi.lcpp_cdef_backup ffi.lcpp_cdef_backup = nil end end end --- (re)enable lcpp processing for ffi, loadstring and such lcpp.enable = function() -- Use LCPP to process Lua code (load, loadfile, loadstring...) if lcpp.LCPP_LUA then -- TODO: make it properly work on all functions error("lcpp.LCPP_LUA = true -- not properly implemented yet"); _G.loadstring_lcpp_backup = _G.loadstring _G.loadstring = function(str, chunk) return loadstring_lcpp_backup(lcpp.compile(str), chunk) end end -- Use LCPP as LuaJIT PreProcessor if used inside LuaJIT. i.e. Hook ffi.cdef if lcpp.LCPP_FFI and pcall(require, "ffi") then ffi = require("ffi") if not ffi.lcpp_cdef_backup then if not ffi.lcpp_defs then ffi.lcpp_defs = {} end -- defs are stored and reused ffi.lcpp = function(input) local output, state = lcpp.compile(input, ffi.lcpp_defs, ffi.lcpp_macro_sources) ffi.lcpp_defs = state.defines ffi.lcpp_macro_sources = state.macro_sources return output end ffi.lcpp_cdef_backup = ffi.cdef ffi.cdef = function(input) if true then return ffi.lcpp_cdef_backup(ffi.lcpp(input)) else local fn,cnt = input:gsub('#include ["<].-([^/]+%.h)[">]', '%1') input = ffi.lcpp(input) if cnt > 0 then local f = io.open("./tmp/"..fn, 'w') if f then f:write(input) f:close() else assert(fn:find('/'), 'cannot open: ./tmp/'..fn) end end return ffi.lcpp_cdef_backup(input) end end end end end lcpp.enable() return lcpp