// @todo fsave: fputs(DNA), then fwrite // @todo fread: fgets(DNA), abort if DNA != read; then fread #include <stdio.h> // load/save whole struct acording to its DNA structure int fload(FILE *infile, void *structure, const char *dna); int fsave(FILE *outfile, const void *structure, const char *dna); // set alignment for next fload/fsave call. resets back to 0 after every fload/fsave call. // value: 0 (auto, default), 1,2,4,8,16 bytes [...] void falign(unsigned alignment); // override default DNA handlers and switch to a different schema and/or serialization format typedef int (*size_operator)(char fmt, void *addr, int readmode); typedef int (*call_operator)(void *out, void *addr, char fmt, int count, int readmode); void foverride(size_operator size, call_operator call); #if 0 Example Usage ------------- struct fat_bootsector { uint8_t jump_instruction[3]; uint8_t oem_name[8]; uint16_t bytes_per_sector; uint8_t sectors_per_cluster; uint16_t reserved_sectors; uint8_t fat_copies; uint16_t max_dirs; uint16_t sector_count; uint8_t media_descriptor; uint16_t sectors_per_fat; uint16_t sectors_per_head; uint16_t heads; uint32_t hidden_sectors; uint32_t sector_count2; } fat_struct; Now we can read a binary image of the MBR into this structure: mreadf(mbr, "i3c8chchchhchhhdd", &fat_struct); Directives ---------- Supported directives: regex meaning (blank) ignored b read / write uint8_t w read / write uint16_t (uppercase: use vli encoding; as uint8? ) u read / write uint32_t (uppercase: use vli encoding; as uint8,16? ) q read / write uint64_t (uppercase: use vli encoding; as uint8,16,32?) m read / write micro h read / write half (uppercase: use smallest representation; as micro?) f read / write float (uppercase: use smallest representation; as micro,half?) d read / write double (uppercase: use smallest representation; as micro,half,float?) s read / write string (uppercase: use smallest representation; quarks?) [] read / write buffer < switch to Intel (little endian) byte order > switch to Motorola (big endian) byte order ( begin of tight group ) end of tight group [0-9]+ next item repeated n times z skip one byte of input / emit \0 * consume next structure item but do not read / write #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifndef __thread #define __thread __declspec(thread) #endif static __thread int pragma_pack_alignment = 0; void falign(unsigned alignment) { pragma_pack_alignment = alignment; } static int size_fn(char fmt, uint8_t* addr8, int rd) { if(addr8) { // sizeof pointee data & align operator /**/ if(fmt == 'c' || fmt == 'b') return 1; else if(fmt == 'w' ) return 2; else if(fmt == 'i' || fmt == 'u') return 4; else if(fmt == 'l' || fmt == 'q') return 8; else if(fmt == 'f' ) return 4; else if(fmt == 'd' ) return 8; else if(fmt == 's' ) return !*(char**)addr8 ? 0+1 : !rd ? strlen(*(char**)addr8) + 1 : strcspn(*(char**)addr8,"\x1") + 1; return -1; } else { // sizeof member /**/ if(fmt == 'w' ) return 2; else if(fmt == 'i' || fmt == 'u') return 4; else if(fmt == 'l' || fmt == 'q') return 8; else if(fmt == 'f' ) return 4; else if(fmt == 'd' ) return 8; else if(fmt == 's' ) return sizeof(void*); return 1; } } static int call_fn(void *out, uint8_t *addr8, char fmt, int count, int rd) { // rd/wr operator FILE *fp = (FILE*)out; int iterated_bytes = 0, processed_bytes = 0; while( --count >= 0 ) { int slot = size_fn(fmt, 0, rd); int size = size_fn(fmt, addr8, rd); if(rd) switch (fmt) { default: return -1; break; case 'c': case 'b': fscanf(fp, "%c,", (uint8_t*)addr8); break; case 'w': fscanf(fp, "%#04llx,", (uint16_t*)addr8); break; case 'i': case 'u': fscanf(fp, "%#08llx,", (uint32_t*)addr8); break; case 'l': case 'q': fscanf(fp, "%#16llx,", (uint64_t*)addr8); break; case 'f': fscanf(fp, "%f,", (float*)addr8); break; case 'd': fscanf(fp, "%llf,", (double*)addr8); break; case 's': fscanf(fp, "%[^\x1],", (char*)addr8); } else switch(fmt) { default: return -1; break; case 'c': case 'b': fprintf(fp, "%c,", (int)*(uint8_t*)addr8); break; case 'w': fprintf(fp, "%#04llx,", (uint64_t)*(uint16_t*)addr8); break; case 'i': case 'u': fprintf(fp, "%#08llx,", (uint64_t)*(uint32_t*)addr8); break; case 'l': case 'q': fprintf(fp, "%#16llx,", (uint64_t)*(uint64_t*)addr8); break; case 'f': fprintf(fp, "%f,", (float)*(float*)addr8); break; case 'd': fprintf(fp, "%f,", (double)*(double*)addr8); break; case 's': fprintf(fp, "%s\x1,", *(char**)addr8); } addr8 += slot; iterated_bytes += slot; processed_bytes += size; } return iterated_bytes; } static size_operator fsize_fn = size_fn; static call_operator fcall_fn = call_fn; void foverride(size_operator size, call_operator call) { fsize_fn = size; fcall_fn = call; } int fdump(FILE *out, void *addr, const char *dna, int rd) { unsigned pragma_pack = pragma_pack_alignment; pragma_pack_alignment = 0; // reset alignment uint8_t *addr8 = (uint8_t*)addr; int size = 0, count = 1, skip = 0; int last_type = 0; int written = 0; int align = 0; for( int i = 0; dna[i]; ++i) { char fmt = dna[i]; /**/ if(fmt <= 32) continue; else if(fmt >= '0' && fmt <= '9') continue; else if(fmt == 'z') skip = 1; else { // member alignment if( last_type != fmt ) { // check if next struct member was found (may need re-alignment) if( pragma_pack != 1 ) { // forced (>1) or auto-alignment (0)? //printf("*%p ->", addr8); align = pragma_pack == 0 ? fsize_fn(fmt, 0, rd) : pragma_pack; // Round up to N-byte boundary addr8 = (uint8_t*)(((uintptr_t)(addr8) + ((align) - 1)) & -(align)); //printf(" %p\n", addr8); } } last_type = fmt; size = fsize_fn(fmt, addr8, rd); if( size < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "parse error, unknown dna sequence '%c'!\n", fmt); return -i-1; } } if( skip ) { skip = 0; continue; } char next = dna[i+1]; if( next >= '0' && next <= '9' ) { count = next - '0'; } int bytes = skip || count == 0 ? 0 : call_fn(out, addr8, dna[i], count, rd); if( bytes < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "stream fail. rc: %d\n", bytes); return bytes; } written += bytes; addr8 += bytes; count = 1; fprintf(out, "\n"); } return written; } int fsave(FILE *out, const void *structure, const char *dna) { return fdump(out, (void*)structure, dna, 0); } int fload(FILE *inf, void *structure, const char *dna) { return fdump(inf, structure, dna, 1); } int fsavefile(const char *outfile, const void *structure, const char *dna) { FILE *fp = fopen(outfile, "wb"); if( !fp ) return 0; int bytes = fdump(fp, (void*)structure, dna, 0); fclose(fp); return bytes; } int floadfile(const char *infile, void *structure, const char *dna) { FILE *fp = fopen(infile, "rb"); if( !fp ) return 0; int bytes = fdump(fp, (void*)structure, dna, 1); fclose(fp); return bytes; } // --- #include <assert.h> // #pragma pack(1) struct fat_mbr { uint8_t jmp[3]; // b3 uint8_t oem[8]; // b8 const char* str; // s uint16_t bytes_per_sector; // w uint8_t sectors_per_cluster; // b uint16_t reserved_sectors; // w uint8_t fat_copies; // b uint16_t max_dirs; // w uint16_t sector_count; // w uint8_t media_descriptor; // b uint16_t sectors_per_fat; // w uint16_t sectors_per_head; // w uint16_t heads; // w uint32_t hidden_sectors; // u uint32_t sector_count2; // u float pi; char break_alignment; // b double phi; }; #define FAT_MBR_DNA "b3b8s wb wb w wb www uu fbd" // #pragma pack(pop) int main() { // foverride(size_fn, write_fn); struct fat_mbr mbr = { {'a','b','c'}, {'d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k'}, "hello 'escaped' \"world\"", 0x100,'l', 0x101,'m', 0x102, 0x103,'n', 0x104, 0x105, 0x106, 0x01234567, 0x89abcdef, 3.14159f,'o', 1.6069, }; // fdump(stdout, &mbr, FAT_MBR_DNA); exit(0); // printf("%p\n", &mbr.jmp); // printf("%p\n", &mbr.oem); // printf("%p\n", &mbr.str); // printf("%p\n", &mbr.sector_count); // falign(0); int bytes = fsave(stdout, &mbr, FAT_MBR_DNA); printf("%d bytes written\n", bytes); typedef struct entitystate { struct pos { short trTime; float trBase[3]; } pos; } entitystate; entitystate e = { 123, 3.14159f, 4.14159f, 5.14159f }; bytes = fsave(stdout, &e, "wfff"); printf("%d bytes written\n", bytes); // exit(0); struct fat_mbr zero = {0}; struct fat_mbr src = mbr; struct fat_mbr dst = zero; dst = src; assert(0 == memcmp(&src,&dst,sizeof(struct fat_mbr))); dst = zero; assert(0 != memcmp(&src,&dst,sizeof(struct fat_mbr))); int sbytes = fsavefile(".temp", &src, FAT_MBR_DNA); int lbytes = floadfile(".temp", &dst, FAT_MBR_DNA); assert( sbytes == lbytes ); assert(0 != memcmp(&src,&dst,sizeof(struct fat_mbr))); assert(!puts("Ok")); }