// editing: // nope > functions: add/rem property char *editor_path(const char *path) { return va("%s/%s", EDITOR, path); } vec3 editor_pick(float mouse_x, float mouse_y) { #if 0 // unproject 2d coord as 3d coord camera_t *camera = camera_get_active(); vec3 out, xyd = vec3(mouse_x,window_height()-mouse_y,1); // usually x:mouse_x,y:window_height()-mouse_y,d:0=znear/1=zfar mat44 mvp, model; identity44(model); multiply44x3(mvp, camera->proj, camera->view, model); bool ok = unproject44(&out, xyd, vec4(0,0,window_width(),window_height()), mvp); return out; #else // unproject 2d coord as 3d coord camera_t *camera = camera_get_active(); vec2 dpi = window_dpi(); float x = (2.0f * mouse_x) / (dpi.x * window_width()) - 1.0f; float y = 1.0f - (2.0f * mouse_y) / (dpi.y * window_height()); float z = 1.0f; vec3 ray_nds = vec3(x, y, z); vec4 ray_clip = vec4(ray_nds.x, ray_nds.y, -1.0, 1.0); mat44 inv_proj; invert44(inv_proj, camera->proj); mat44 inv_view; invert44(inv_view, camera->view); vec4 p = transform444(inv_proj, ray_clip); vec4 eye = vec4(p.x, p.y, -1.0, 0.0); vec4 wld = norm4(transform444(inv_view, eye)); return vec3(wld.x, wld.y, wld.z); #endif } int editor_ui_bits8(const char *label, uint8_t *enabled) { // @to deprecate int clicked = 0; uint8_t copy = *enabled; // @fixme: better way to retrieve widget width? nk_layout_row_dynamic() seems excessive nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 1, 1); struct nk_rect bounds = nk_widget_bounds(ui_ctx); // actual widget: label + 8 checkboxes enum { HEIGHT = 18, BITS = 8, SPAN = 118 }; // bits widget below needs at least 118px wide nk_layout_row_begin(ui_ctx, NK_STATIC, HEIGHT, 1+BITS); int offset = bounds.w > SPAN ? bounds.w - SPAN : 0; nk_layout_row_push(ui_ctx, offset); if( ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT) ) clicked = 1<<31; for( int i = 0; i < BITS; ++i ) { nk_layout_row_push(ui_ctx, 10); // bit int val = (*enabled >> i) & 1; int chg = nk_checkbox_label(ui_ctx, "", &val); *enabled = (*enabled & ~(1 << i)) | ((!!val) << i); // tooltip struct nk_rect bb = { offset + 10 + i * 14, bounds.y, 14, HEIGHT }; // 10:padding,14:width if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(&ui_ctx->input, bb) && !ui_popups()) { const char *tips[BITS] = {"Init","Tick","Draw","Quit","","","",""}; if(tips[i][0]) nk_tooltipf(ui_ctx, "%s", tips[i]); } } nk_layout_row_end(ui_ctx); return clicked | (copy ^ *enabled); } static int gizmo__mode; static int gizmo__active; static int gizmo__hover; bool gizmo_active() { return gizmo__active; } bool gizmo_hover() { return gizmo__hover; } int gizmo(vec3 *pos, vec3 *rot, vec3 *sca) { #if 0 ddraw_flush(); mat44 copy; copy44(copy, camera_get_active()->view); if( 1 ) { float *mv = camera_get_active()->view; float d = sqrt(mv[4*0+0] * mv[4*0+0] + mv[4*1+1] * mv[4*1+1] + mv[4*2+2] * mv[4*2+2]); if(4) mv[4*0+0] = d, mv[4*0+1] = 0, mv[4*0+2] = 0; if(2) mv[4*1+0] = 0, mv[4*1+1] = d, mv[4*1+2] = 0; if(1) mv[4*2+0] = 0, mv[4*2+1] = 0, mv[4*2+2] = d; } #endif ddraw_color_push(dd_color); ddraw_ontop_push(1); int enabled = !ui_active() && !ui_hover(); vec3 mouse = enabled ? vec3(input(MOUSE_X),input(MOUSE_Y),input_down(MOUSE_L)) : vec3(0,0,0); // x,y,l vec3 from = camera_get_active()->position; vec3 to = editor_pick(mouse.x, mouse.y); ray r = ray(from, to); static vec3 src3, hit3, off3; static vec2 src2; #define on_gizmo_dragged(X,Y,Z,COLOR,DRAWCMD, ...) do { \ vec3 dir = vec3(X,Y,Z); \ line axis = {add3(*pos, scale3(dir,100)), add3(*pos, scale3(dir,-100))}; \ plane ground = { vec3(0,0,0), vec3(Y?1:0,Y?0:1,0) }; \ vec3 unit = vec3(X+(1.0-X)*0.3,Y+(1.0-Y)*0.3,Z+(1.0-Z)*0.3); \ aabb arrow = { sub3(*pos,unit), add3(*pos,unit) }; \ hit *hit_arrow = ray_hit_aabb(r, arrow), *hit_ground = ray_hit_plane(r, ground); \ ddraw_color( hit_arrow || gizmo__active == (X*4+Y*2+Z) ? gizmo__hover = 1, YELLOW : COLOR ); \ DRAWCMD; \ if( !gizmo__active && hit_arrow && mouse.z ) src2 = vec2(mouse.x,mouse.y), src3 = *pos, hit3 = hit_ground->p, off3 = mul3(sub3(src3,hit3),vec3(X,Y,Z)), gizmo__active = X*4+Y*2+Z; \ if( (gizmo__active && gizmo__active==(X*4+Y*2+Z)) || (!gizmo__active && hit_arrow) ) { ddraw_color( COLOR ); ( 1 ? ddraw_line : ddraw_line_dashed)(axis.a, axis.b); } \ if( gizmo__active == (X*4+Y*2+Z) && hit_ground ) {{ __VA_ARGS__ }; modified = 1; gizmo__active *= !!input(MOUSE_L); } \ } while(0) #define gizmo_translate(X,Y,Z,COLOR) \ on_gizmo_dragged(X,Y,Z,COLOR, ddraw_arrow(*pos,add3(*pos,vec3(X,Y,Z))), { \ *pos = add3(line_closest_point(axis, hit_ground->p), off3); \ } ) #define gizmo_scale(X,Y,Z,COLOR) \ on_gizmo_dragged(X,Y,Z,COLOR, (ddraw_line(*pos,add3(*pos,vec3(X,Y,Z))),ddraw_sphere(add3(*pos,vec3(X-0.1*X,Y-0.1*Y,Z-0.1*Z)),0.1)), { /*ddraw_aabb(arrow.min,arrow.max)*/ \ int component = (X*1+Y*2+Z*3)-1; \ float mag = len2(sub2(vec2(mouse.x, mouse.y), src2)); \ float magx = (mouse.x - src2.x) * (mouse.x - src2.x); \ float magy = (mouse.y - src2.y) * (mouse.y - src2.y); \ float sgn = (magx > magy ? mouse.x > src2.x : mouse.y > src2.y) ? 1 : -1; \ sca->v3[component] -= sgn * mag * 0.01; \ src2 = vec2(mouse.x, mouse.y); \ } ) #define gizmo_rotate(X,Y,Z,COLOR) do { \ vec3 dir = vec3(X,Y,Z); \ line axis = {add3(*pos, scale3(dir,100)), add3(*pos, scale3(dir,-100))}; \ plane ground = { vec3(0,0,0), vec3(0,1,0) }; \ vec3 unit = vec3(X+(1.0-X)*0.3,Y+(1.0-Y)*0.3,Z+(1.0-Z)*0.3); \ aabb arrow = { sub3(*pos,unit), add3(*pos,unit) }; \ hit *hit_arrow = ray_hit_aabb(r, arrow), *hit_ground = ray_hit_plane(r, ground); \ int hover = (hit_arrow ? (X*4+Y*2+Z) : 0); \ if( gizmo__active == (X*4+Y*2+Z) ) { ddraw_color(gizmo__active ? gizmo__hover = 1, YELLOW : WHITE); ddraw_circle(*pos, vec3(X,Y,Z), 1); } \ else if( !gizmo__active && hover == (X*4+Y*2+Z) ) { gizmo__hover = 1; ddraw_color(COLOR); ddraw_circle(*pos, vec3(X,Y,Z), 1); } \ else if( !gizmo__active ) { ddraw_color(WHITE); ddraw_circle(*pos, vec3(X,Y,Z), 1); } \ if( !gizmo__active && hit_arrow && mouse.z ) src2 = vec2(mouse.x,mouse.y), gizmo__active = hover; \ if( (!gizmo__active && hover == (X*4+Y*2+Z)) || gizmo__active == (X*4+Y*2+Z) ) { gizmo__hover = 1; ddraw_color( COLOR ); ( 1 ? ddraw_line_thin : ddraw_line_dashed)(axis.a, axis.b); } \ if( gizmo__active && gizmo__active == (X*4+Y*2+Z) && hit_ground && enabled ) { \ int component = (Y*1+X*2+Z*3)-1; /*pitch,yaw,roll*/ \ float mag = len2(sub2(vec2(mouse.x, mouse.y), src2)); \ float magx = (mouse.x - src2.x) * (mouse.x - src2.x); \ float magy = (mouse.y - src2.y) * (mouse.y - src2.y); \ float sgn = (magx > magy ? mouse.x > src2.x : mouse.y > src2.y) ? 1 : -1; \ rot->v3[component] += sgn * mag; \ /*rot->v3[component] = clampf(rot->v3[component], -360, +360);*/ \ src2 = vec2(mouse.x, mouse.y); \ \ } \ gizmo__active *= enabled && !!input(MOUSE_L); \ } while(0) gizmo__hover = 0; int modified = 0; if(enabled && input_down(KEY_SPACE)) gizmo__active = 0, gizmo__mode = (gizmo__mode + 1) % 3; if(gizmo__mode == 0) gizmo_translate(1,0,0, RED); if(gizmo__mode == 0) gizmo_translate(0,1,0, GREEN); if(gizmo__mode == 0) gizmo_translate(0,0,1, BLUE); if(gizmo__mode == 1) gizmo_scale(1,0,0, RED); if(gizmo__mode == 1) gizmo_scale(0,1,0, GREEN); if(gizmo__mode == 1) gizmo_scale(0,0,1, BLUE); if(gizmo__mode == 2) gizmo_rotate(1,0,0, RED); if(gizmo__mode == 2) gizmo_rotate(0,1,0, GREEN); if(gizmo__mode == 2) gizmo_rotate(0,0,1, BLUE); #if 0 ddraw_flush(); copy44(camera_get_active()->view, copy); #endif ddraw_ontop_pop(); ddraw_color_pop(); return modified; } char* dialog_load() { const char *windowTitle = NULL; const char *defaultPathFile = NULL; const char *filterHints = NULL; // "image files" const char *filters[] = { "*.*" }; int allowMultipleSelections = 0; tinyfd_assumeGraphicDisplay = 1; return tinyfd_openFileDialog( windowTitle, defaultPathFile, countof(filters), filters, filterHints, allowMultipleSelections ); } char* dialog_save() { const char *windowTitle = NULL; const char *defaultPathFile = NULL; const char *filterHints = NULL; // "image files" const char *filters[] = { "*.*" }; tinyfd_assumeGraphicDisplay = 1; return tinyfd_saveFileDialog( windowTitle, defaultPathFile, countof(filters), filters, filterHints ); } // -- localization kit static const char *kit_lang = "enUS", *kit_langs = "enUS,enGB," "frFR," "esES,esAR,esMX," "deDE,deCH,deAT," "itIT,itCH," "ptBR,ptPT," "zhCN,zhSG,zhTW,zhHK,zhMO," "ruRU,elGR,trTR,daDK,noNB,svSE,nlNL,plPL,fiFI,jaJP," "koKR,csCZ,huHU,roRO,thTH,bgBG,heIL" ; static map(char*,char*) kit_ids; static map(char*,char*) kit_vars; #ifndef KIT_FMT_ID2 #define KIT_FMT_ID2 "%s.%s" #endif void kit_init() { do_once map_init(kit_ids, less_str, hash_str); do_once map_init(kit_vars, less_str, hash_str); } void kit_insert( const char *id, const char *translation) { char *id2 = va(KIT_FMT_ID2, kit_lang, id); char **found = map_find_or_add_allocated_key(kit_ids, STRDUP(id2), NULL); if(*found) FREE(*found); *found = STRDUP(translation); } bool kit_merge( const char *filename ) { // @todo: xlsx2ini return false; } void kit_clear() { map_clear(kit_ids); } bool kit_load( const char *filename ) { return kit_clear(), kit_merge( filename ); } void kit_set( const char *key, const char *value ) { value = value && value[0] ? value : ""; char **found = map_find_or_add_allocated_key(kit_vars, STRDUP(key), NULL ); if(*found) FREE(*found); *found = STRDUP(value); } void kit_reset() { map_clear(kit_vars); } char *kit_translate2( const char *id, const char *lang ) { char *id2 = va(KIT_FMT_ID2, lang, id); char **found = map_find(kit_ids, id2); // return original [[ID]] if no translation is found if( !found ) return va("[[%s]]", id); // return translation if no {{moustaches}} are found if( !strstr(*found, "{{") ) return *found; // else replace all found {{moustaches}} with context vars { // make room static __thread char *results[16] = {0}; static __thread unsigned counter = 0; counter = (counter+1) % 16; char *buffer = results[ counter ]; if( buffer ) FREE(buffer), buffer = 0; // iterate moustaches const char *begin, *end, *text = *found; while( NULL != (begin = strstr(text, "{{")) ) { end = strstr(begin+2, "}}"); if( end ) { char *var = va("%.*s", (int)(end - (begin+2)), begin+2); char **found_var = map_find(kit_vars, var); if( found_var && 0[*found_var] ) { strcatf(&buffer, "%.*s%s", (int)(begin - text), text, *found_var); } else { strcatf(&buffer, "%.*s{{%s}}", (int)(begin - text), text, var); } text = end+2; } else { strcatf(&buffer, "%.*s", (int)(begin - text), text); text = begin+2; } } strcatf(&buffer, "%s", text); return buffer; } } char *kit_translate( const char *id ) { return kit_translate2( id, kit_lang ); } void kit_locale( const char *lang ) { kit_lang = STRDUP(lang); // @leak } void kit_dump_state( FILE *fp ) { for each_map(kit_ids, char *, k, char *, v) { fprintf(fp, "[ID ] %s=%s\n", k, v); } for each_map(kit_vars, char *, k, char *, v) { fprintf(fp, "[VAR] %s=%s\n", k, v); } } /* int main() { kit_init(); kit_locale("enUS"); kit_insert("HELLO_PLAYERS", "Hi {{PLAYER1}} and {{PLAYER2}}!"); kit_insert("GREET_PLAYERS", "Nice to meet you."); kit_locale("esES"); kit_insert("HELLO_PLAYERS", "Hola {{PLAYER1}} y {{PLAYER2}}!"); kit_insert("GREET_PLAYERS", "Un placer conoceros."); kit_locale("enUS"); printf("%s %s\n", kit_translate("HELLO_PLAYERS"), kit_translate("GREET_PLAYERS")); // Hi {{PLAYER1}} and {{PLAYER2}}! Nice to meet you. kit_locale("esES"); kit_set("PLAYER1", "John"); kit_set("PLAYER2", "Karl"); printf("%s %s\n", kit_translate("HELLO_PLAYERS"), kit_translate("GREET_PLAYERS")); // Hola John y Karl! Un placer conoceros. assert( 0 == strcmp(kit_translate("NON_EXISTING"), "[[NON_EXISTING]]")); // [[NON_EXISTING]] assert(~puts("Ok")); } */