static const char *dd_vs = "//" FILELINE "\n" "in vec3 att_position;\n" "uniform mat4 u_MVP;\n" "uniform vec3 u_color;\n" "out vec3 out_color;\n" "void main() {\n" " gl_Position = u_MVP * vec4(att_position, 1.0);\n" " gl_PointSize = 4.0; /* for GL_POINTS draw commands */\n" " out_color = u_color;\n" "}"; static const char *dd_fs = "//" FILELINE "\n" // "precision mediump float;\n" "in vec3 out_color;\n" "out vec4 fragcolor;\n" "void main() {\n" " fragcolor = vec4(out_color, 1.0);\n" "}"; #define X(x) RGBX(x,255) const uint32_t secret_palette[32] = { // pico8 secret palette (CC0, public domain) X(0x000000),X(0x1D2B53),X(0x7E2553),X(0x008751),X(0xAB5236),X(0x5F574F),X(0xC2C3C7),X(0xFFF1E8), /*00.07*/ X(0xFF004D),X(0xFFA300),X(0xFFEC27),X(0x00E436),X(0x29ADFF),X(0x83769C),X(0xFF77A8),X(0xFFCCAA), /*08.15*/ X(0x291814),X(0x111D35),X(0x422136),X(0x125359),X(0x742F29),X(0x49333B),X(0xA28879),X(0xF3EF7D), /*16.23*/ X(0xBE1250),X(0xFF6C24),X(0xA8E72E),X(0x00B543),X(0x065AB5),X(0x754665),X(0xFF6E59),X(0xFF9D81), /*24.31*/ }; #undef X typedef struct text2d_cmd { const char *str; uint32_t col; vec3 pos; float sca; } text2d_cmd; static uint32_t dd_color = ~0u; static GLuint dd_program = -1; static int dd_u_color = -1; static map(unsigned,array(vec3)) dd_lists[2][3] = {0}; // [0/1 ontop][0/1/2 thin lines/thick lines/points] static bool dd_use_line = 0; static bool dd_ontop = 0; static array(text2d_cmd) dd_text2d; static array(vec4) dd_matrix2d; void ddraw_push_2d() { float width = window_width(); float height = window_height(); float zdepth_max = window_height(); array_push(dd_matrix2d, vec4(width,height,zdepth_max,0)); ddraw_flush(); } void ddraw_pop_2d() { vec4 dim = *array_back(dd_matrix2d); array_pop(dd_matrix2d); mat44 id, proj; id44(id); ortho44(proj, 0,dim.x,dim.y,0, -dim.z, +dim.z); ddraw_flush_projview(proj, id); } void ddraw_flush() { ddraw_flush_projview(camera_get_active()->proj, camera_get_active()->view); } void ddraw_flush_projview(mat44 proj, mat44 view) { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); mat44 mvp; multiply44x2(mvp, proj, view); // MVP where M=id glUseProgram(dd_program); glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(dd_program, "u_MVP"), 1, GL_FALSE, mvp); static GLuint vao, vbo; if(!vao) glGenVertexArrays(1, &vao); glBindVertexArray(vao); if(!vbo) glGenBuffers(1, &vbo); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo); glEnableVertexAttribArray(0); glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); glEnable(GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE); // for GL_POINTS glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); // for GL_LINES (thin) for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { // [0] thin, [1] thick, [2] points GLenum mode = i < 2 ? GL_LINES : GL_POINTS; glLineWidth(i == 1 ? 1 : 0.3); // 0.625); for each_map(dd_lists[dd_ontop][i], unsigned, rgb, array(vec3), list) { int count = array_count(list); if(!count) continue; // color vec3 rgbf = {((rgb>>16)&255)/255.f,((rgb>>8)&255)/255.f,((rgb>>0)&255)/255.f}; glUniform3fv(dd_u_color, GL_TRUE, &rgbf.x); // config vertex data glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, count * 3 * 4, list, GL_STREAM_DRAW); glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 3 * sizeof(GLfloat), 0); // feed vertex data glDrawArrays(mode, 0, count); profile_incstat("Render.num_drawcalls", +1); profile_incstat(i < 2 ? "Render.num_lines" : "Render.num_points", count); array_clear(list); } } if(array_count(dd_text2d)) { // text 2d // queue for(int i = 0; i < array_count(dd_text2d); ++i) { ddraw_color(dd_text2d[i].col); ddraw_text(dd_text2d[i].pos, dd_text2d[i].sca, dd_text2d[i].str); } // flush float mvp[16]; float zdepth_max = 1; ortho44(mvp, -window_width()/2, window_width()/2, -window_height()/2, window_height()/2, -1, 1); translate44(mvp, -window_width()/2, window_height()/2, 0); glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(dd_program, "u_MVP"), 1, GL_FALSE, mvp); for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { // [0] thin, [1] thick, [2] points GLenum mode = i < 2 ? GL_LINES : GL_POINTS; glLineWidth(i == 1 ? 1 : 0.3); // 0.625); for each_map(dd_lists[dd_ontop][i], unsigned, rgb, array(vec3), list) { int count = array_count(list); if(!count) continue; // color vec3 rgbf = {((rgb>>16)&255)/255.f,((rgb>>8)&255)/255.f,((rgb>>0)&255)/255.f}; glUniform3fv(dd_u_color, GL_TRUE, &rgbf.x); // config vertex data glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, count * 3 * 4, list, GL_STREAM_DRAW); glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 3 * sizeof(GLfloat), 0); // feed vertex data glDrawArrays(mode, 0, count); profile_incstat("Render.num_drawcalls", +1); profile_incstat(i < 2 ? "Render.num_lines" : "Render.num_points", count); array_clear(list); } } // clear array_resize(dd_text2d, 0); } glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glDisable(GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE); glBindVertexArray(0); ddraw_color(WHITE); // reset color for next drawcall } static array(bool) dd_ontops; void ddraw_ontop(int enabled) { dd_ontop = !!enabled; } void ddraw_ontop_push(int enabled) { array_push(dd_ontops, dd_ontop); dd_ontop = !!enabled; } void ddraw_ontop_pop() { bool *pop = array_pop(dd_ontops); if(pop) dd_ontop = *pop; } static array(uint32_t) dd_colors; void ddraw_color(unsigned rgb) { dd_color = rgb; } void ddraw_color_push(unsigned rgb) { array_push(dd_colors, dd_color); dd_color = rgb; } void ddraw_color_pop() { unsigned *pop = array_pop(dd_colors); if(pop) dd_color = *pop; } void ddraw_point(vec3 from) { array(vec3) *found = map_find_or_add(dd_lists[dd_ontop][2], dd_color, 0); array_push(*found, from); } void ddraw_line_thin(vec3 from, vec3 to) { // thin lines array(vec3) *found = map_find_or_add(dd_lists[dd_ontop][0], dd_color, 0); array_push(*found, from); array_push(*found, to); } void ddraw_line(vec3 from, vec3 to) { // thick lines array(vec3) *found = map_find_or_add(dd_lists[dd_ontop][1], dd_color, 0); array_push(*found, from); array_push(*found, to); } void ddraw_line_dashed(vec3 from, vec3 to) { // thick lines vec3 dist = sub3(to, from); vec3 unit = norm3(dist); for( float len = 0, mag = len3(dist) / 2; len < mag; ++len ) { to = add3(from, unit); ddraw_line(from, to); from = add3(to, unit); } } void ddraw_triangle(vec3 pa, vec3 pb, vec3 pc) { ddraw_line(pa, pb); ddraw_line(pa, pc); ddraw_line(pb, pc); } void ddraw_axis(float units) { ddraw_color(RED); ddraw_line(vec3(0,0,0), vec3(units,0,0)); ddraw_line_dashed(vec3(0,0,0), vec3(-units,0,0)); ddraw_color(GREEN); ddraw_line(vec3(0,0,0), vec3(0,units,0)); ddraw_line_dashed(vec3(0,0,0), vec3(0,-units,0)); ddraw_color(BLUE); ddraw_line(vec3(0,0,0), vec3(0,0,units)); ddraw_line_dashed(vec3(0,0,0), vec3(0,0,-units)); } void ddraw_ground_(float scale) { // 10x10 ddraw_color( WHITE ); // outer for( float i = -scale, c = 0; c <= 20; c += 20, i += c * (scale/10) ) { ddraw_line(vec3(-scale,0,i), vec3(+scale,0,i)); // horiz ddraw_line(vec3(i,0,-scale), vec3(i,0,+scale)); // vert } ddraw_color( GRAY ); // inner for( float i = -scale + scale/10, c = 1; c < 20; ++c, i += (scale/10) ) { ddraw_line_thin(vec3(-scale,0,i), vec3(+scale,0,i)); // horiz ddraw_line_thin(vec3(i,0,-scale), vec3(i,0,+scale)); // vert } } void ddraw_ground(float scale) { if( scale ) { ddraw_ground_(scale); } else { ddraw_ground_(100); ddraw_ground_(10); ddraw_ground_(1); ddraw_ground_(0.1); ddraw_ground_(0.01); } } void ddraw_grid(float scale) { ddraw_ground(scale); ddraw_axis(scale ? scale : 100); } void ddraw_text2d(vec2 pos, const char *text) { struct text2d_cmd t = {0}; = 0.5f; // 0.5 is like vertical 12units each t.pos = vec3(pos.x, 0 - pos.y - 12, 0); t.str = text; t.col = YELLOW; array_push(dd_text2d, t); } void (ddraw_text)(vec3 pos, float scale, const char *text) { // [ref] (PD) // [ref] (WTFPL2) static const char *hershey[] = { /* simplex font */ "AQ","IKFVFH@@FCEBFAGBFC","FQEVEO@@MVMO","LVLZE:@@RZK:@@EMSM@@DGRG","[UIZI=@@MZ" "M=@@RSPUMVIVFUDSDQEOFNHMNKPJQIRGRDPBMAIAFBDD","`YVVDA@@IVKTKRJPHOFODQDSEUGVIVK" "UNTQTTUVV@@RHPGOEOCQASAUBVDVFTHRH","c[XMXNWOVOUNTLRGPDNBLAHAFBECDEDGEIFJMNNOOQ" "OSNULVJUISIQJNLKQDSBUAWAXBXC","HKFTEUFVGUGSFQEP","KOLZJXHUFQELEHFCH?JE=",\ "C[EJWJ","FKFCEBFAGBFC","CWUZC:","RUJVGUERDMDJEEGBJALAOBQERJRMQROULVJV","EUGRIS" "LVLA","OUEQERFTGUIVMVOUPTQRQPPNNKDARA","PUFVQVKNNNPMQLRIRGQDOBLAIAFBECDE","GUN" "VDHSH@@NVNA","RUPVFVEMFNIOLOONQLRIRGQDOBLAIAFBECDE","XUQSPUMVKVHUFREMEHFDHBKAL" "AOBQDRGRHQKOMLNKNHMFKEH","FURVHA@@DVRV","^UIVFUESEQFOHNLMOLQJRHREQCPBMAIAFBECD" "EDHEJGLJMNNPOQQQSPUMVIV","XUQOPLNJKIJIGJELDODPESGUJVKVNUPSQOQJPENBKAIAFBED","L" "KFOENFMGNFO@@FCEBFAGBFC","OKFOENFMGNFO@@GBFAEBFCGBG@F>E=","DYUSEJUA","F[EMWM@@" "EGWG","DYESUJEA","USDQDRETFUHVLVNUOTPRPPONNMJKJH@@JCIBJAKBJC","x\\SNRPPQMQKPJO" "ILIIJGLFOFQGRI@@MQKOJLJIKGLF@@SQRIRGTFVFXHYKYMXPWRUTSUPVMVJUHTFREPDMDJEGFEHCJB" "MAPASBUCVD@@TQSISGTF","ISJVBA@@JVRA@@EHOH","XVEVEA@@EVNVQURTSRSPRNQMNL@@ELNLQK" "RJSHSERCQBNAEA","SVSQRSPUNVJVHUFSEQDNDIEFFDHBJANAPBRDSF","PVEVEA@@EVLVOUQSRQSN" "SIRFQDOBLAEA","LTEVEA@@EVRV@@ELML@@EARA","ISEVEA@@EVRV@@ELML","WVSQRSPUNVJVHUF" "SEQDNDIEFFDHBJANAPBRDSFSI@@NISI","IWEVEA@@SVSA@@ELSL","CIEVEA","KQMVMFLCKBIAGA" "EBDCCFCH","IVEVEA@@SVEH@@JMSA","FREVEA@@EAQA","LYEVEA@@EVMA@@UVMA@@UVUA","IWEV" "EA@@EVSA@@SVSA","VWJVHUFSEQDNDIEFFDHBJANAPBRDSFTITNSQRSPUNVJV","NVEVEA@@EVNVQU" "RTSRSORMQLNKEK","YWJVHUFSEQDNDIEFFDHBJANAPBRDSFTITNSQRSPUNVJV@@MES?","QVEVEA@@" "EVNVQURTSRSPRNQMNLEL@@LLSA","UURSPUMVIVFUDSDQEOFNHMNKPJQIRGRDPBMAIAFBDD","FQIV" "IA@@BVPV","KWEVEGFDHBKAMAPBRDSGSV","FSBVJA@@RVJA","LYCVHA@@MVHA@@MVRA@@WVRA","" "FUDVRA@@RVDA","GSBVJLJA@@RVJL","IURVDA@@DVRV@@DARA","LOEZE:@@FZF:@@EZLZ@@E:L:", "COAVO>","LOJZJ:@@KZK:@@DZKZ@@D:K:","KQGPISKP@@DMIRNM@@IRIA","CQA?Q?","HKGVFUES" "EQFPGQFR","RTPOPA@@PLNNLOIOGNELDIDGEDGBIALANBPD","RTEVEA@@ELGNIOLONNPLQIQGPDNB" "LAIAGBED","OSPLNNLOIOGNELDIDGEDGBIALANBPD","RTPVPA@@PLNNLOIOGNELDIDGEDGBIALANB" "PD","RSDIPIPKOMNNLOIOGNELDIDGEDGBIALANBPD","IMKVIVGUFRFA@@COJO","WTPOP?OF;D:B:","IREVEA@@OOEE@@IIPA","CIEVEA","S_EOEA@@EKHNJOMOO" "NPKPA@@PKSNUOXOZN[K[A","KTEOEA@@EKHNJOMOONPKPA","RTIOGNELDIDGEDGBIALANBPDQGQIP" "LNNLOIO","RTEOE:@@ELGNIOLONNPLQIQGPDNBLAIAGBED","RTPOP:@@PLNNLOIOGNELDIDGEDGBI" "ALANBPD","INEOEA@@EIFLHNJOMO","RROLNNKOHOENDLEJGILHNGOEODNBKAHAEBDD","IMFVFEGB" "IAKA@@COJO","KTEOEEFBHAKAMBPE@@POPA","FQCOIA@@OOIA","LWDOHA@@LOHA@@LOPA@@TOPA", "FRDOOA@@OODA","JQCOIA@@OOIAG=E;C:B:","IROODA@@DOOO@@DAOA","hOJZHYGXFVFTGRHQIOI" "MGK@@HYGWGUHSIRJPJNILEJIHJFJDIBHAG?G=H;@@GIIGIEHCGBF@F>GI 0 && c < 127); ) { if( c == '\n' || c == '\r' ) { pos.x = src.x, pos.y -= scale * ((signed char)hershey['W'-32][1] - 65) * 1.25f; // spacing @1 } else { const char *glyph = (const char*)hershey[c - 32]; if( c > 32 ) for( int pen = 0, i = 0; i < (glyph[0] - 65); i++ ) { // verts @0 int x = glyph[2 + i*2 + 0] - 65, y = glyph[2 + i*2 + 1] - 65; if( x == -1 && y == -1 ) pen = 0; else { vec3 next = add3(pos, vec3(abs_scale*x, scale*y, 0)); if( !pen ) pen = 1; else ddraw_line(old, next); old = next; } } pos.x += abs_scale * (glyph[1] - 65); // spacing @1 } } } void ddraw_prism(vec3 center, float radius, float height, vec3 normal, int segments) { vec3 left = {0}, up = {0}; ortho3(&left, &up, normal); vec3 point, lastPoint; up = scale3(up, radius); left = scale3(left, radius); lastPoint = add3(center, up); vec3 pivot = add3(center, scale3(normal, height)); for (int i = 1; i <= segments; ++i) { const float radians = (C_PI * 2) * i / segments; vec3 vs = scale3(left, sinf(radians)); vec3 vc = scale3(up, cosf(radians)); point = add3(center, vs); point = add3(point, vc); ddraw_line(lastPoint, point); if( height > 0 ) ddraw_line(point, pivot); else if(height < 0) { ddraw_line(point, add3(point,scale3(normal, -height))); } lastPoint = point; } if(height < 0) ddraw_prism(add3(center, scale3(normal, -height)), radius, 0, normal, segments); } void ddraw_cube(vec3 center, float radius) { // draw_prism(center, 1, -1, vec3(0,1,0), 4); float half = radius * 0.5f; vec3 l = vec3(center.x-half,center.y+half,center.z-half); // left-top-far vec3 r = vec3(center.x+half,center.y-half,center.z+half); // right-bottom-near ddraw_line(l, vec3(r.x,l.y,l.z)); ddraw_line(vec3(r.x,l.y,l.z), vec3(r.x,l.y,r.z)); ddraw_line(vec3(r.x,l.y,r.z), vec3(l.x,l.y,r.z)); ddraw_line(vec3(l.x,l.y,r.z), l); ddraw_line(l, vec3(l.x,r.y,l.z)); ddraw_line(r, vec3(l.x,r.y,r.z)); ddraw_line(vec3(l.x,r.y,r.z), vec3(l.x,r.y,l.z)); ddraw_line(vec3(l.x,r.y,l.z), vec3(r.x,r.y,l.z)); ddraw_line(vec3(r.x,r.y,l.z), r); ddraw_line(r, vec3(r.x,l.y,r.z)); ddraw_line(vec3(l.x,l.y,r.z), vec3(l.x,r.y,r.z)); ddraw_line(vec3(r.x,l.y,l.z), vec3(r.x,r.y,l.z)); } #if 0 // @fixme: broken void ddraw_cube44(vec3 radius, mat44 M) { float m33[9]; extract33(m33, M); // = { M[0,1,2], M[4,5,6], M[8,9,10] } ddraw_cube33( vec3(M[12], M[13], M[14]), radius, m33 ); } #endif void ddraw_cube33(vec3 center, vec3 radius, mat33 M) { vec3 half = scale3(radius, 0.5f); vec3 l = vec3(-half.x,+half.y,-half.z); // left-top-far vec3 r = vec3(+half.x,-half.y,+half.z); // right-bottom-near vec3 points[8] = { vec3(l.x, r.y, r.z), vec3(l.x, r.y, l.z), vec3(r.x, r.y, l.z), vec3(r.x, r.y, r.z), vec3(l.x, l.y, r.z), vec3(l.x, l.y, l.z), vec3(r.x, l.y, l.z), vec3(r.x, l.y, r.z), }; for( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) { points[i] = add3(center, transform33(M, points[i])); } ddraw_bounds(points); } void ddraw_normal(vec3 pos, vec3 n) { ddraw_color(YELLOW); ddraw_line(pos, add3(pos, norm3(n))); } void ddraw_circle(vec3 pos, vec3 n, float r) { ddraw_prism(pos, r, 0, n, 32); } void ddraw_ring(vec3 pos, vec3 n, float r) { ddraw_circle(pos,n,r);ddraw_circle(pos,n,r*0.90); } void ddraw_hexagon(vec3 pos, float r) { ddraw_prism(pos, r, 0, vec3(0,1,0), 6); } void ddraw_pentagon(vec3 pos, float r) { ddraw_prism(pos, r, 0, vec3(0,1,0), 5); } void ddraw_square(vec3 pos, float r) { ddraw_prism(pos, r, 0, vec3(0,1,0), 4); } //void ddraw_triangle(vec3 pos, float r) { ddraw_prism(pos, r, 0, vec3(0,1,0), 3); } void ddraw_sphere(vec3 center, float radius) { float lod = 8, yp = -radius, rp = 0, y, r, x, z; for( int j = 1; j <= lod / 2; ++j, yp = y, rp = r ) { y = j * 2.f / (lod / 2) - 1; r = cosf(y * 3.14159f / 2) * radius; y = sinf(y * 3.14159f / 2) * radius; float xp = 1, zp = 0; for( int i = 1; i <= lod; ++i, xp = x, zp = z ) { x = 3.14159f * 2 * i / lod; z = sinf(x); x = cosf(x); vec3 a1 = add3(center, vec3(xp * rp, yp, zp * rp)); vec3 b1 = add3(center, vec3(xp * r, y, zp * r)); vec3 c1 = add3(center, vec3(x * r, y, z * r)); ddraw_line(a1,b1); ddraw_line(b1,c1); ddraw_line(c1,a1); vec3 a2 = add3(center, vec3(xp * rp, yp, zp * rp)); vec3 b2 = add3(center, vec3(x * r, y, z * r)); vec3 c2 = add3(center, vec3(x * rp, yp, z * rp)); ddraw_line(a2,b2); ddraw_line(b2,c2); ddraw_line(c2,a2); } } } void ddraw_box(vec3 c, vec3 extents) { vec3 points[8], whd = scale3(extents, 0.5f); #define DD_BOX_V(v, op1, op2, op3) (v).x = c.x op1 whd.x; (v).y = c.y op2 whd.y; (v).z = c.z op3 whd.z DD_BOX_V(points[0], -, +, +); DD_BOX_V(points[1], -, +, -); DD_BOX_V(points[2], +, +, -); DD_BOX_V(points[3], +, +, +); DD_BOX_V(points[4], -, -, +); DD_BOX_V(points[5], -, -, -); DD_BOX_V(points[6], +, -, -); DD_BOX_V(points[7], +, -, +); #undef DD_BOX_V ddraw_bounds(points); } void ddraw_capsule(vec3 from, vec3 to, float r) { /* calculate axis */ vec3 up, right, forward; forward = sub3(to, from); forward = norm3(forward); ortho3(&right, &up, forward); /* calculate first two cone verts (buttom + top) */ vec3 lastf, lastt; lastf = scale3(up,r); lastt = add3(to,lastf); lastf = add3(from,lastf); /* step along circle outline and draw lines */ enum { step_size = 20 }; for (int i = step_size; i <= 360; i += step_size) { /* calculate current rotation */ vec3 ax = scale3(right, sinf(i*TO_RAD)); vec3 ay = scale3(up, cosf(i*TO_RAD)); /* calculate current vertices on cone */ vec3 tmp = add3(ax, ay); vec3 pf = scale3(tmp, r); vec3 pt = scale3(tmp, r); pf = add3(pf, from); pt = add3(pt, to); /* draw cone vertices */ ddraw_line(lastf, pf); ddraw_line(lastt, pt); ddraw_line(pf, pt); lastf = pf; lastt = pt; /* calculate first top sphere vert */ vec3 prevt = scale3(tmp, r); vec3 prevf = add3(prevt, from); prevt = add3(prevt, to); /* sphere (two half spheres )*/ for (int j = 1; j < 180/step_size; j++) { /* angles */ float ta = j*step_size; float fa = 360-(j*step_size); /* top half-sphere */ ax = scale3(forward, sinf(ta*TO_RAD)); ay = scale3(tmp, cosf(ta*TO_RAD)); vec3 t = add3(ax, ay); pf = scale3(t, r); pf = add3(pf, to); ddraw_line(pf, prevt); prevt = pf; /* bottom half-sphere */ ax = scale3(forward, sinf(fa*TO_RAD)); ay = scale3(tmp, cosf(fa*TO_RAD)); t = add3(ax, ay); pf = scale3(t, r); pf = add3(pf, from); ddraw_line(pf, prevf); prevf = pf; } } } void ddraw_pyramid(vec3 center, float height, int segments) { ddraw_prism(center, 1, height, vec3(0,1,0), segments); } void ddraw_cylinder(vec3 center, float height, int segments) { ddraw_prism(center, 1, -height, vec3(0,1,0), segments); } void ddraw_diamond(vec3 from, vec3 to, float size) { poly p = diamond(from, to, size); vec3 *dmd = p.verts; vec3 *a = dmd + 0; vec3 *b = dmd + 1; vec3 *c = dmd + 2; vec3 *d = dmd + 3; vec3 *t = dmd + 4; vec3 *f = dmd + 5; /* draw vertices */ ddraw_line(*a, *b); ddraw_line(*b, *c); ddraw_line(*c, *d); ddraw_line(*d, *a); /* draw roof */ ddraw_line(*a, *t); ddraw_line(*b, *t); ddraw_line(*c, *t); ddraw_line(*d, *t); /* draw floor */ ddraw_line(*a, *f); ddraw_line(*b, *f); ddraw_line(*c, *f); ddraw_line(*d, *f); poly_free(&p); } void ddraw_cone(vec3 center, vec3 top, float radius) { vec3 diff3 = sub3(top, center); ddraw_prism(center, radius ? radius : 1, len3(diff3), norm3(diff3), 24); } void ddraw_cone_lowres(vec3 center, vec3 top, float radius) { vec3 diff3 = sub3(top, center); ddraw_prism(center, radius ? radius : 1, len3(diff3), norm3(diff3), 3); } void ddraw_bone(vec3 center, vec3 end) { vec3 diff3 = sub3(end, center); float len = len3(diff3), len10 = len / 10; ddraw_prism(center, len10, 0, vec3(1,0,0), 24); ddraw_prism(center, len10, 0, vec3(0,1,0), 24); ddraw_prism(center, len10, 0, vec3(0,0,1), 24); ddraw_line(end, add3(center, vec3(0,+len10,0))); ddraw_line(end, add3(center, vec3(0,-len10,0))); } void ddraw_bounds(const vec3 points[8]) { for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { ddraw_line(points[i], points[(i + 1) & 3]); ddraw_line(points[i], points[4 + i]); ddraw_line(points[4 + i], points[4 + ((i + 1) & 3)]); } } void ddraw_bounds_corners(const vec3 points[8]) { for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { #define ddraw_unit(a,b) ddraw_line(a,add3(a,norm3(sub3(b,a)))), ddraw_line(b,add3(b,norm3(sub3(a,b)))) ddraw_unit(points[i], points[(i + 1) & 3]); ddraw_unit(points[i], points[4 + i]); ddraw_unit(points[4 + i], points[4 + ((i + 1) & 3)]); #undef ddraw_unit } } void ddraw_aabb(vec3 minbb, vec3 maxbb) { vec3 points[8], bb[2] = { minbb, maxbb }; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { points[i].x = bb[(i ^ (i >> 1)) & 1].x; points[i].y = bb[ (i >> 1) & 1].y; points[i].z = bb[ (i >> 2) & 1].z; } ddraw_bounds/*_corners*/(points); } void ddraw_frustum(float projview[16]) { mat44 clipmatrix = {0}; // clip matrix invert44(clipmatrix, projview); // Start with the standard clip volume, then bring it back to world space. const vec3 planes[8] = { {-1,-1,-1}, {+1,-1,-1}, {+1,+1,-1}, {-1,+1,-1}, // near plane {-1,-1,+1}, {+1,-1,+1}, {+1,+1,+1}, {-1,+1,+1}, // far plane }; vec3 points[8]; float wCoords[8]; // Transform the planes by the inverse clip matrix: for( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) { // wCoords[i] = matTransformPointXYZW2(&points[i], planes[i], clipmatrix); vec3 *out = &points[i], in = planes[i]; const float *m = clipmatrix; out->x = (m[0] * in.x) + (m[4] * in.y) + (m[ 8] * in.z) + m[12]; // in.w (vec4) assumed to be 1 out->y = (m[1] * in.x) + (m[5] * in.y) + (m[ 9] * in.z) + m[13]; out->z = (m[2] * in.x) + (m[6] * in.y) + (m[10] * in.z) + m[14]; wCoords[i] = (m[3] * in.x) + (m[7] * in.y) + (m[11] * in.z) + m[15]; // rw // bail if any W ended up as zero. const float epsilon = 1e-9f; if (absf(wCoords[i]) < epsilon) { return; } } // Divide by the W component of each: for( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) { points[i].x /= wCoords[i]; points[i].y /= wCoords[i]; points[i].z /= wCoords[i]; } // Connect the dots: ddraw_bounds(points); } void ddraw_arrow(vec3 begin, vec3 end) { vec3 diff = sub3(end, begin); float len = len3(diff), stick_len = len * 2 / 3; ddraw_line(begin, end); ddraw_cone_lowres(add3(begin, scale3(norm3(diff), stick_len)), end, len / 6); } void ddraw_plane(vec3 p, vec3 n, float scale) { // if n is too similar to up vector, use right. else use up vector vec3 v1 = cross3(n, dot3(n, vec3(0,1,0)) > 0.8f ? vec3(1,0,0) : vec3(0,1,0)); vec3 v2 = cross3(n, v1); // draw axis ddraw_line(p, add3(p,n)); ddraw_line(p, add3(p,v1)); ddraw_line(p, add3(p,v2)); // get plane coords v1 = scale3(v1, scale); v2 = scale3(v2, scale); vec3 p1 = add3(add3(p, v1), v2); vec3 p2 = add3(sub3(p, v1), v2); vec3 p3 = sub3(sub3(p, v1), v2); vec3 p4 = sub3(add3(p, v1), v2); // draw plane ddraw_line(p1, p2); ddraw_line(p2, p3); ddraw_line(p3, p4); ddraw_line(p4, p1); } void ddraw_boid(vec3 position, vec3 dir) { dir = norm3(dir); // if n is too similar to up vector, use right. else use up vector vec3 v1 = cross3(dir, dot3(dir, vec3(0,1,0)) > 0.8f ? vec3(1,0,0) : vec3(0,1,0)); vec3 v2 = cross3(dir, v1); v1 = cross3(dir, v2); uint32_t bak = dd_color; ddraw_color( position.y < 0 ? ORANGE : CYAN ); vec3 front = add3(position, scale3(dir, 1)); vec3 back = add3(position, scale3(dir, -0.25f)); vec3 right = add3(back, scale3(v1, 0.5f)); vec3 left = add3(back, scale3(v1, -0.5f)); ddraw_line( front, left ); ddraw_line( left, position ); ddraw_line( position, right ); ddraw_line( right, front ); dd_color = bak; } void ddraw_circle__with_orientation(vec3 center, vec3 dir, float radius) { // we'll skip 3 segments out of 32. 1.5 per half circle. int segments = 32, skip = 3, drawn_segments = segments-skip; // dir = norm3(dir); vec3 right = cross3(dir, vec3(0,1,0)); vec3 up = cross3(dir, right); right = cross3(dir, up); vec3 point, lastPoint; dir = scale3(dir, radius); right = scale3(right, radius); //lastPoint = add3(center, dir); { const float radians = (C_PI * 2) * (0+skip/2.f) / segments; vec3 vs = scale3(right, sinf(radians)); vec3 vc = scale3(dir, cosf(radians)); lastPoint = add3(center, vs); lastPoint = add3(lastPoint, vc); } //ddraw_color(GREEN); ddraw_line(lastPoint, add3(center, scale3(dir, radius * (radius <= 1 ? 1.25 : 0.65) ))); //ddraw_color(YELLOW); for (int i = 0; i <= drawn_segments; ++i) { const float radians = (C_PI * 2) * (i+skip/2.f) / segments; vec3 vs = scale3(right, sinf(radians)); vec3 vc = scale3(dir, cosf(radians)); point = add3(center, vs); point = add3(point, vc); ddraw_line(lastPoint, point); lastPoint = point; } //ddraw_color(RED); ddraw_line(lastPoint, add3(center, scale3(dir, radius * (radius <= 1 ? 1.25 : 0.65) ))); } void ddraw_position_dir( vec3 position, vec3 direction, float radius ) { // idea from and flotilla game UI uint32_t bak = dd_color; vec3 ground = vec3(position.x, 0, position.z); ddraw_color( position.y < 0 ? PINK/*ORANGE*/ : CYAN ); ddraw_point( ground ); ddraw_point( position ); (position.y < 0 ? ddraw_line_dashed : ddraw_line)( ground, position ); vec3 n = norm3(direction), up = vec3(0,1,0); for( int i = 0; i < 10 && i <= fabs(position.y); ++i ) { if( i < 2 && len3(direction) ) ddraw_circle__with_orientation(ground, n, radius); else ddraw_circle(ground, up, radius); radius *= 0.9f; } dd_color = bak; } void ddraw_position( vec3 position, float radius ) { ddraw_position_dir(position, vec3(0,0,0), radius); } void ddraw_init() { do_once { for( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) for( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j ) map_init(dd_lists[i][j], less_int, hash_int); dd_program = shader(dd_vs,dd_fs,"att_position","fragcolor", ""); dd_u_color = glGetUniformLocation(dd_program, "u_color"); ddraw_flush(); // alloc vao & vbo, also resets color } } void ddraw_demo() { ddraw_color_push(YELLOW); // freeze current frame for (frustum) camera forensics static mat44 projview_copy; do_once { multiply44x2(projview_copy, camera_get_active()->proj, camera_get_active()->view); } ddraw_frustum(projview_copy); //ddraw_grid(); vec3 origin = {0,0,0}; ddraw_color(ORANGE); ddraw_arrow(origin, vec3(-1,1,1)); ddraw_color(YELLOW); ddraw_text(vec3(-1,1,1), 0.008f, va("hello 1%s2!", "world")); const char abc[] = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./\n" "0123456789:;<=>?@\n" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`\n" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"; ddraw_text(vec3(2,2,2), 0.008f, abc); for( int i = -5; i <= 5; ++i ) { ddraw_pyramid(vec3(i*2,0,3), 0, i+5+2); ddraw_text(vec3(i*2,0,3), 0.008f, va("%d/1", i)); ddraw_pyramid(vec3(i*2,0,6), -2, i+5+2); ddraw_text(vec3(i*2,0,6), 0.008f, va("%d/2", i)); ddraw_pyramid(vec3(i*2,0,9), +2, i+5+2); ddraw_text(vec3(i*2,0,9), 0.008f, va("%d/3", i)); } #if 1 // @fixme: add positions to these // ddraw_triangle(origin, 1); ddraw_square(origin, 1); ddraw_pentagon(origin, 1); ddraw_hexagon(origin, 1); ddraw_cube(origin, 1); ddraw_pyramid(origin, 2, 3); ddraw_pyramid(origin, 2, 16); ddraw_cone(origin, add3(origin, vec3(0,1,0)), 0.5f); ddraw_arrow(origin, vec3(0,1,0)); ddraw_bone(vec3(0,0,0), vec3(3,3,3)); ddraw_aabb(vec3(0,0,0), vec3(1,1,1)); #endif ddraw_plane(vec3(0,10,0), vec3(0,1,0), 10); //ddraw_boid(vec3(15,0,15), vec3(-15,0,-15) ); ddraw_position(vec3(10,10,10), 1); ddraw_position(vec3(-10,-10,10), 1); ddraw_point(vec3(-2,0,-2)); ddraw_color(PURPLE); ddraw_sphere(vec3(-3,0,-3),1); ddraw_color_pop(); }