// input framework // - rlyeh, public domain // // multi-touch(emscripten) port based on code by @procedural (MIT-0 licensed) // gotta love linux #ifdef __linux #undef KEY_ESC #undef KEY_TICK #undef KEY_1 #undef KEY_2 #undef KEY_3 #undef KEY_4 #undef KEY_5 #undef KEY_6 #undef KEY_7 #undef KEY_8 #undef KEY_9 #undef KEY_0 #undef KEY_BS #undef KEY_TAB #undef KEY_Q #undef KEY_W #undef KEY_E #undef KEY_R #undef KEY_T #undef KEY_Y #undef KEY_U #undef KEY_I #undef KEY_O #undef KEY_P #undef KEY_CAPS #undef KEY_A #undef KEY_S #undef KEY_D #undef KEY_F #undef KEY_G #undef KEY_H #undef KEY_J #undef KEY_K #undef KEY_L #undef KEY_ENTER #undef KEY_LSHIFT #undef KEY_Z #undef KEY_X #undef KEY_C #undef KEY_V #undef KEY_B #undef KEY_N #undef KEY_M #undef KEY_RSHIFT #undef KEY_UP #undef KEY_LCTRL #undef KEY_LALT #undef KEY_SPACE #undef KEY_RALT #undef KEY_RCTRL #undef KEY_LEFT #undef KEY_DOWN #undef KEY_RIGHT #undef KEY_INS #undef KEY_HOME #undef KEY_PGUP #undef KEY_DEL #undef KEY_END #undef KEY_PGDN #undef KEY_LMETA #undef KEY_RMETA #undef KEY_MENU #undef KEY_PRINT #undef KEY_PAUSE #undef KEY_SCROLL #undef KEY_NUMLOCK #undef KEY_MINUS #undef KEY_EQUAL #undef KEY_LSQUARE #undef KEY_RSQUARE #undef KEY_SEMICOLON #undef KEY_QUOTE #undef KEY_HASH #undef KEY_BAR #undef KEY_COMMA #undef KEY_DOT #undef KEY_SLASH #undef KEY_F1 #undef KEY_F2 #undef KEY_F3 #undef KEY_F4 #undef KEY_F5 #undef KEY_F6 #undef KEY_F7 #undef KEY_F8 #undef KEY_F9 #undef KEY_F10 #undef KEY_F11 #undef KEY_F12 #undef KEY_PAD1 #undef KEY_PAD2 #undef KEY_PAD3 #undef KEY_PAD4 #undef KEY_PAD5 #undef KEY_PAD6 #undef KEY_PAD7 #undef KEY_PAD8 #undef KEY_PAD9 #undef KEY_PAD0 #undef KEY_PADADD #undef KEY_PADSUB #undef KEY_PADMUL #undef KEY_PADDIV #undef KEY_PADDOT #undef KEY_PADENTER #undef MOUSE_L #undef MOUSE_M #undef MOUSE_R #undef GAMEPAD_CONNECTED #undef GAMEPAD_A #undef GAMEPAD_B #undef GAMEPAD_X #undef GAMEPAD_Y #undef GAMEPAD_UP #undef GAMEPAD_DOWN #undef GAMEPAD_LEFT #undef GAMEPAD_RIGHT #undef GAMEPAD_MENU #undef GAMEPAD_START #undef GAMEPAD_LB #undef GAMEPAD_RB #undef GAMEPAD_LTHUMB #undef GAMEPAD_RTHUMB #undef WINDOW_BLUR #undef WINDOW_FOCUS #undef WINDOW_CLOSE #undef WINDOW_MINIMIZE #undef WINDOW_MAXIMIZE #undef WINDOW_FULLSCREEN #undef WINDOW_WINDOWED #undef GAMEPAD_LPAD #undef GAMEPAD_LPAD #undef GAMEPAD_LPADY #undef GAMEPAD_RPAD #undef GAMEPAD_RPAD #undef GAMEPAD_RPADY #undef GAMEPAD_LT #undef GAMEPAD_RT #undef GAMEPAD_BATTERY #undef MOUSE #undef MOUSE #undef MOUSE_Y #undef MOUSE_W #undef TOUCH_X1 #undef TOUCH_Y1 #undef TOUCH_X2 #undef TOUCH_Y2 #undef WINDOW_RESIZE #undef WINDOW_RESIZE #undef WINDOW_RESIZEY #undef WINDOW_ORIENTATION #undef WINDOW_BATTERY #undef GAMEPAD_GUID #undef GAMEPAD_NAME #endif static int controller_id = 0; static int controller_cycle[4] = {0}; static struct controller_t { const char* strings[2]; float floats[7+3+4+4]; char bits[104+3+15+7]; } controller[4] = {0}, frame[4][60] = {{0},{0},{0},{0}}; static struct controller_t *input_logger(int position, int advance) { int *cycle = &controller_cycle[controller_id]; position += (*cycle += advance); position = position >= 0 ? position % 60 : 60-1 + ((position+1) % 60); return &frame[controller_id][position]; } void input_mappings(const char *filename) { #if !is(ems) // emscripten: no glfwUpdateGamepadMappings() available char* mappings = vfs_read(filename); if( mappings ) { glfwUpdateGamepadMappings(mappings); /*REALLOC(mappings, 0);*/ } #endif } void input_init() { do_once { input_mappings("gamecontrollerdb.txt"); } #if 0 // deprecated void input_update(); window_hook(input_update, NULL); #endif } static int any_key = 0; int input_anykey() { return any_key; } void input_update() { struct controller_t *c = &controller[0]; // @fixme char *bits = &c->bits[0]; float *floats = c->floats; floats -= GAMEPAD_LPADX; const char **strings = c->strings; strings -= GAMEPAD_GUID; float mouse_wheel_old = floats[MOUSE_W]; struct controller_t clear = {0}; *c = clear; for( int i = 0; i < countof(c->strings); ++i ) c->strings[i] = ""; struct GLFWwindow *win = window_handle(); // glfwSetInputMode(win, GLFW_STICKY_MOUSE_BUTTONS, GLFW_TRUE); double mx, my; glfwGetCursorPos(win, &mx, &my); floats[MOUSE_X] = mx; floats[MOUSE_Y] = my; struct nk_glfw* glfw = glfwGetWindowUserPointer(win); // from nuklear, because it is overriding glfwSetScrollCallback() floats[MOUSE_W] = !glfw ? 0 : mouse_wheel_old + (float)glfw->scroll_bak.x + (float)glfw->scroll_bak.y; glfw->scroll_bak.x = glfw->scroll_bak.y = 0; // Dear Win32 users, // - Touchpad cursor freezing when any key is being pressed? // If using Alps/Elantech/Dell/Toshiba touchpad driver or similar, ensure to disable TouchGuard, TouchCheck, PalmTracking, etc. // - Touchpad button not clicking when any key is being pressed? // Change Touchpad settings on Windows10 from HighSentivity (default) to MostSensitivity. // - Apparently, a sane solution is just to never bind FIRE/JUMP actions to LMB/RMB buttons, and bind actions to keys instead. bits[MOUSE_L] = (glfwGetMouseButton(win, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) == GLFW_PRESS); bits[MOUSE_M] = (glfwGetMouseButton(win, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE) == GLFW_PRESS); bits[MOUSE_R] = (glfwGetMouseButton(win, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) == GLFW_PRESS); #define k2(VK,GLFW) [KEY_##VK] = GLFW_KEY_##GLFW #define k(VK) k2(VK,VK) int table[] = { k2(ESC,ESCAPE), k2(TICK,GRAVE_ACCENT), k(1),k(2),k(3),k(4),k(5),k(6),k(7),k(8),k(9),k(0), k2(BS,BACKSPACE), k(TAB), k(Q),k(W),k(E),k(R),k(T),k(Y),k(U),k(I),k(O),k(P), k2(CAPS,CAPS_LOCK), k(A),k(S),k(D),k(F),k(G),k(H),k(J),k(K),k(L), k(ENTER), k2(LSHIFT,LEFT_SHIFT), k(Z),k(X),k(C),k(V),k(B),k(N),k(M), k2(RSHIFT,RIGHT_SHIFT), k(UP), k2(LCTRL,LEFT_CONTROL),k2(LALT,LEFT_ALT), k(SPACE), k2(RALT,RIGHT_ALT),k2(RCTRL,RIGHT_CONTROL), k(LEFT),k(DOWN),k(RIGHT), k(F1),k(F2),k(F3),k(F4),k(F5),k(F6),k(F7),k(F8),k(F9),k(F10),k(F11),k(F12), k2(PRINT,PRINT_SCREEN),k(PAUSE), k2(INS,INSERT),k(HOME),k2(PGUP,PAGE_UP), k2(DEL,DELETE),k(END), k2(PGDN,PAGE_DOWN), }; #undef k #undef k2 any_key = 0; for(int i = 0; i < countof(table); ++i) { #if is(ems) if( table[i] ) any_key |= (bits[i] = glfwGetKey(win, table[i] ) == GLFW_PRESS); #else any_key |= (bits[i] = glfwGetKeys(win)[ table[i] ]); #endif } #if is(ems) { int jid = 0; // @fixme EmscriptenGamepadEvent state = {0}; if( emscripten_sample_gamepad_data() == EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_SUCCESS ) { if( emscripten_get_gamepad_status(jid, &state) == EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_SUCCESS ) { // hardcoded for Xbox controller if( state.numAxes >= 4 && state.numButtons >= 16 ) { bits[GAMEPAD_CONNECTED] = 1; // !!state.connected strings[GAMEPAD_GUID] = va("%s", state.id); strings[GAMEPAD_NAME] = va("emscripten %s", state.mapping); floats[GAMEPAD_BATTERY] = 100; // e.digitalButton[i], e.analogButton[i] bits[GAMEPAD_A] = state.analogButton[0]; // cross bits[GAMEPAD_B] = state.analogButton[1]; // circle bits[GAMEPAD_X] = state.analogButton[2]; // square bits[GAMEPAD_Y] = state.analogButton[3]; // triangle bits[GAMEPAD_UP] = state.analogButton[12]; bits[GAMEPAD_DOWN] = state.analogButton[13]; bits[GAMEPAD_LEFT] = state.analogButton[14]; bits[GAMEPAD_RIGHT] = state.analogButton[15]; bits[GAMEPAD_LB] = state.analogButton[4]; bits[GAMEPAD_RB] = state.analogButton[5]; bits[GAMEPAD_MENU] = state.analogButton[8]; bits[GAMEPAD_START] = state.analogButton[9]; bits[GAMEPAD_LTHUMB] = state.analogButton[10]; bits[GAMEPAD_RTHUMB] = state.analogButton[11]; floats[GAMEPAD_LT] = state.analogButton[6]; floats[GAMEPAD_RT] = state.analogButton[7]; floats[GAMEPAD_LPADX] = state.axis[0]; floats[GAMEPAD_LPADY] = -state.axis[1]; floats[GAMEPAD_RPADX] = state.axis[2]; floats[GAMEPAD_RPADY] = -state.axis[3]; } } } if( 0 && ui_panel("emspad", 0)) { for(int i = 0; i <= 5; ++i ) ui_label(va("axis #%d: %5.2f", i, (float)state.axis[i])); for(int i = 0; i <= 15; ++i ) ui_label(va("button #%d: %d %5.2f", i, state.digitalButton[i], (float)state.analogButton[i])); ui_panel_end(); } } #else int jid = GLFW_JOYSTICK_1 + 0; // @fixme if( glfwGetGamepadName(jid) ) { // glfwJoystickPresent(jid) && glfwJoystickIsGamepad(jid) ) { bits[GAMEPAD_CONNECTED] = 1; strings[GAMEPAD_GUID] = glfwGetJoystickGUID(jid); strings[GAMEPAD_NAME] = glfwGetGamepadName(jid); floats[GAMEPAD_BATTERY] = 100; //glfwJoystickCurrentPowerLevel(jid); GLFWgamepadstate state; if (glfwGetGamepadState(jid, &state)) { bits[GAMEPAD_A] = state.buttons[GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A]; // cross bits[GAMEPAD_B] = state.buttons[GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_B]; // circle bits[GAMEPAD_X] = state.buttons[GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_X]; // square bits[GAMEPAD_Y] = state.buttons[GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_Y]; // triangle bits[GAMEPAD_UP] = state.buttons[GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_UP]; bits[GAMEPAD_DOWN] = state.buttons[GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN]; bits[GAMEPAD_LEFT] = state.buttons[GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT]; bits[GAMEPAD_RIGHT] = state.buttons[GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT]; bits[GAMEPAD_LB] = state.buttons[GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_BUMPER]; bits[GAMEPAD_RB] = state.buttons[GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_BUMPER]; bits[GAMEPAD_MENU] = state.buttons[GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_BACK]; bits[GAMEPAD_START] = state.buttons[GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_START]; // _GUIDE bits[GAMEPAD_LTHUMB] = state.buttons[GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_THUMB]; bits[GAMEPAD_RTHUMB] = state.buttons[GLFW_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_THUMB]; floats[GAMEPAD_LT] = input_filter_positive(state.axes[GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER]); // [-1..+1] -> [0..1] floats[GAMEPAD_RT] = input_filter_positive(state.axes[GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER]); // [-1..+1] -> [0..1] floats[GAMEPAD_LPADX] = state.axes[GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_X]; floats[GAMEPAD_LPADY] = -state.axes[GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_Y]; floats[GAMEPAD_RPADX] = state.axes[GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_X]; floats[GAMEPAD_RPADY] = -state.axes[GLFW_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_Y]; } } #endif *input_logger(0,+1) = controller[0]; } int input_use(int id) { return controller_id >= 0 && controller_id <= 3 ? controller_id = id, 1 : 0; } float input_frame( int vk, int frame ) { if( controller_id > 0 ) return 0; // @fixme struct controller_t *c = input_logger(frame, +0); if(vk < GAMEPAD_LPADX) return c->bits[vk]; // if in bits... if(vk < GAMEPAD_GUID) return c->floats[vk - GAMEPAD_LPADX]; // if in floats... return 0.f; // NAN? } vec2 input_frame2( int vk, int frame ) { return vec2( input_frame(vk, frame), input_frame(vk+1, frame) ); } const char *input_frames( int vk, int frame ) { if( controller_id > 0 ) return ""; // @fixme struct controller_t *c = input_logger(frame, +0); return vk >= GAMEPAD_GUID ? c->strings[vk - GAMEPAD_GUID] : ""; // if in strings... } // --- sugars float input_diff( int vk ) { return input_frame(vk, 0) - input_frame(vk, -1); } vec2 input_diff2( int vk ) { return vec2( input_diff(vk), input_diff(vk+1) ); } float input( int vk ) { return input_frame( vk, 0 ); } vec2 input2( int vk ) { return vec2( input_frame(vk, 0), input_frame(vk+1, 0) ); } // --- events const float MS2FRAME = 0.06f; // 60 hz/1000 ms int event( int vk ) { float v = input_frame(vk,0); return (v * v) > 0; } int input_chord2( int vk1, int vk2 ) { return event(vk1) && event(vk2); } int input_chord3( int vk1, int vk2, int vk3 ) { return event(vk1) && input_chord2(vk2, vk3); } int input_chord4( int vk1, int vk2, int vk3, int vk4 ) { return event(vk1) && input_chord3(vk2, vk3, vk4); } int input_down( int vk ) { return input_diff(vk) > 0; // input_frame(vk,-1) <= 0 && input_frame(vk,0) > 0; } int input_held( int vk ) { return input_diff(vk) == 0 && input_frame(vk,0) > 0; // input_frame(vk,-1) > 0 && input_frame(vk,0) > 0; } int input_up( int vk ) { return input_diff(vk) < 0; // input_frame(vk,-1) > 0 && input_frame(vk,0) <= 0; } int input_idle( int vk ) { return input_diff(vk) == 0 && input_frame(vk,0) <= 0; // input_frame(vk,-1) <= 0 && input_frame(vk,0) <= 0; } int input_repeat( int vk, int ms ) { // @fixme: broken assert((unsigned)ms <= 1000); return input_frame(vk,-ms * MS2FRAME ) > 0 && input_frame(vk,-ms * MS2FRAME /2) > 0 && input_frame(vk,0) > 0; } int input_click( int vk, int ms ) { // @fixme: broken assert((unsigned)ms <= 1000); return input_frame(vk,-ms * MS2FRAME ) <= 0 && input_frame(vk,-ms * MS2FRAME /2) > 0 && input_frame(vk,0) <= 0; } int input_click2( int vk, int ms ) { // @fixme: broken assert((unsigned)ms <= 1000); return input_frame(vk,-ms * MS2FRAME ) <= 0 && input_frame(vk,-ms * MS2FRAME *3/4) > 0 && input_frame(vk,-ms * MS2FRAME *2/4) <= 0 && input_frame(vk,-ms * MS2FRAME *1/4) > 0 && input_frame(vk,0) <= 0; } #undef MS2FRAME // --- filters float input_filter_positive( float v ) { // [-1..1] -> [0..1] return ( v + 1 ) * 0.5f; } vec2 input_filter_positive2( vec2 v ) { // [-1..1] -> [0..1] return scale2(inc2(v,1), 0.5f); } vec2 input_filter_deadzone( vec2 v, float deadzone ) { assert(deadzone > 0); float mag = sqrt( v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y ); float nx = v.x / mag, ny = v.y / mag, k = (mag - deadzone) / (1 - deadzone); if( k > 1 ) k = 1; // clamp // k = k * k; // uncomment for a smoother curve return mag < deadzone ? vec2(0, 0) : vec2(nx * k, ny * k); } vec2 input_filter_deadzone_4way( vec2 v, float deadzone ) { assert(deadzone > 0); float v0 = v.x*v.x < deadzone*deadzone ? 0 : v.x; float v1 = v.y*v.y < deadzone*deadzone ? 0 : v.y; return vec2(v0, v1); } // converts keyboard code to its latin char (if any) char input_keychar(unsigned code) { #define k2(VK,GLFW) [KEY_##VK] = GLFW_KEY_##GLFW #define k(VK) k2(VK,VK) int table[256] = { k2(ESC,ESCAPE), k2(TICK,GRAVE_ACCENT), k(1),k(2),k(3),k(4),k(5),k(6),k(7),k(8),k(9),k(0), k2(BS,BACKSPACE), k(TAB), k(Q),k(W),k(E),k(R),k(T),k(Y),k(U),k(I),k(O),k(P), k2(CAPS,CAPS_LOCK), k(A),k(S),k(D),k(F),k(G),k(H),k(J),k(K),k(L), k(ENTER), k2(LSHIFT,LEFT_SHIFT), k(Z),k(X),k(C),k(V),k(B),k(N),k(M), k2(RSHIFT,RIGHT_SHIFT), k(UP), k2(LCTRL,LEFT_CONTROL),k2(LALT,LEFT_ALT), k(SPACE), k2(RALT,RIGHT_ALT),k2(RCTRL,RIGHT_CONTROL), k(LEFT),k(DOWN),k(RIGHT), k(F1),k(F2),k(F3),k(F4),k(F5),k(F6),k(F7),k(F8),k(F9),k(F10),k(F11),k(F12), k2(PRINT,PRINT_SCREEN),k(PAUSE), k2(INS,INSERT),k(HOME),k2(PGUP,PAGE_UP), k2(DEL,DELETE),k(END), k2(PGDN,PAGE_DOWN), }; #undef k #undef k2 code = table[ code & 255 ]; const char* name = glfwGetKeyName(code, 0); if( name && strlen(name) == 1 ) { return *name >= 'A' && *name <= 'Z' ? name[0] - 'A' + 'a' : name[0]; } if( code >= GLFW_KEY_0 && code <= GLFW_KEY_9 ) return code - GLFW_KEY_0 + '0'; if( code >= GLFW_KEY_A && code <= GLFW_KEY_Z ) return code - GLFW_KEY_A + 'a'; switch(code) { default: break; case GLFW_KEY_APOSTROPHE: return '\''; case GLFW_KEY_BACKSLASH: return '\\'; case GLFW_KEY_COMMA: return ','; case GLFW_KEY_EQUAL: return '='; case GLFW_KEY_GRAVE_ACCENT: return '`'; case GLFW_KEY_LEFT_BRACKET: return '['; case GLFW_KEY_MINUS: return '-'; case GLFW_KEY_PERIOD: return '.'; case GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET: return ']'; case GLFW_KEY_SEMICOLON: return ';'; case GLFW_KEY_SLASH: return '/'; //case GLFW_KEY_WORLD_1: return non-US #1; //case GLFW_KEY_WORLD_2: return non-US #2; } return '\0'; } // -- multi-touch input // multi-touch(emscripten) port based on code by @procedural (MIT-0 licensed) #if !is(ems) void touch_init() {} void touch_flush() {} void input_touch_area(unsigned button, vec2 from, vec2 to) {} vec2 input_touch(unsigned button, float sensitivity) { return vec2(0,0); } vec2 input_touch_delta_from_origin(unsigned button, float sensitivity) { return vec2(0,0); } vec2 input_touch_delta(unsigned button, float sensitivity) { return vec2(0,0); } bool input_touch_active() { return false; } #else static struct touch { bool init; vec2 move, cached, origin, prev; vec4 area; } touch[2] = {0}; static EM_BOOL touch_move(int eventType, const EmscriptenTouchEvent *e, void *userData) { for( int i = 0; i < (int)e->numTouches; ++i) { if( !e->touches[i].isChanged ) continue; int j = e->touches[i].identifier; if( j >= countof(touch) ) continue; touch[j].cached = vec2(e->touches[i].clientX, e->touches[i].clientY); if (!touch[j].init) touch[j].init = 1, touch[j].origin = touch[j].prev = touch[j].move = touch[j].cached; } return EM_TRUE; } static EM_BOOL touch_end(int eventType, const EmscriptenTouchEvent *e, void *userData) { for( int i = 0; i < (int)e->numTouches; ++i) { if( !e->touches[i].isChanged ) continue; int j = e->touches[i].identifier; if( j >= countof(touch) ) continue; //memset(&touch[j], 0, sizeof(touch[j])); touch[j].init = false; touch[j].move = touch[j].cached = touch[j].origin = touch[j].prev = vec2(0,0); } return EM_TRUE; } void input_touch_area(unsigned button, vec2 from_ndc, vec2 to_ndc) { if( button >= countof(touch) ) return; touch[button].area = vec4( from_ndc.x, from_ndc.y, to_ndc.x, to_ndc.y ); } void touch_init() { memset(touch, 0, sizeof(touch)); // default areas: left screen (button #0) and right_screen (button #1) input_touch_area(0, vec2(0.0,0.0), vec2(0.5,1.0)); input_touch_area(1, vec2(0.5,0.0), vec2(1.0,1.0)); emscripten_set_touchstart_callback("#canvas", 0, EM_FALSE, &touch_move); emscripten_set_touchmove_callback("#canvas", 0, EM_FALSE, &touch_move); emscripten_set_touchend_callback("#canvas", 0, EM_FALSE, &touch_end); } void touch_flush() { for( int j = 0; j < countof(touch); ++j) { touch[j].prev = touch[j].move; touch[j].move = touch[j].cached; } } static unsigned input_locate_button(unsigned button) { // locate button in user-defined areas vec2 c = window_canvas(); for( int j = 0; j < countof(touch); ++j ) { if( touch[j].init ) if( touch[j].origin.x >= (touch[button].area.x * c.x) ) if( touch[j].origin.y >= (touch[button].area.y * c.y) ) if( touch[j].origin.x <= (touch[button].area.z * c.x) ) if( touch[j].origin.y <= (touch[button].area.w * c.y) ) return j; } return ~0u; } vec2 input_touch(unsigned button, float sensitivity) { button = input_locate_button(button); if( button >= countof(touch) ) return vec2(0,0); return touch[button].init ? touch[button].move : vec2(0,0); } vec2 input_touch_delta(unsigned button, float sensitivity) { button = input_locate_button(button); if( button >= countof(touch) ) return vec2(0,0); return touch[button].init ? scale2( sub2(touch[button].move, touch[button].prev), sensitivity ) : vec2(0,0); } vec2 input_touch_delta_from_origin(unsigned button, float sensitivity) { button = input_locate_button(button); if( button >= countof(touch) ) return vec2(0,0); return touch[button].init ? scale2( sub2(touch[button].move, touch[button].origin), sensitivity ) : vec2(0,0); } bool input_touch_active() { for( int j = 0; j < countof(touch); ++j ) { if( touch[j].init ) return true; } return false; } #endif // !is(ems) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void input_demo() { if( ui_panel("Input",0) ) { ui_section("Keyboard"); ui_const_bool("[Key 1]", input(KEY_1)); ui_const_bool("[Key 2]", input(KEY_2)); ui_const_bool("[Key 3]", input(KEY_3)); ui_const_bool("[Key 4]", input(KEY_4)); ui_const_bool("[Key 5]", input(KEY_5)); ui_const_bool("[Key 6]", input(KEY_6)); ui_const_bool("[Key 7]", input(KEY_7)); ui_separator(); ui_const_bool("[Key 1] Down event", input_down(KEY_1) ); ui_const_bool("[Key 2] Held event", input_held(KEY_2) ); ui_const_bool("[Key 3] Up event", input_up(KEY_3) ); ui_const_bool("[Key 4] Idle event", input_idle(KEY_4) ); ui_const_bool("[Key 5] Click event", input_click(KEY_5,500) ); ui_const_bool("[Key 6] Click2 event", input_click2(KEY_6,1000) ); ui_const_bool("[Key 7] Repeat event", input_repeat(KEY_7,750) ); ui_separator(); ui_section("Mouse"); ui_const_float("X", input(MOUSE_X)); ui_const_float("Y", input(MOUSE_Y)); ui_separator(); ui_const_float("Wheel", input(MOUSE_W)); ui_separator(); ui_const_bool("Left", input(MOUSE_L)); ui_const_bool("Middle", input(MOUSE_M)); ui_const_bool("Right", input(MOUSE_R)); ui_separator(); for( int i = 0; i <= CURSOR_SW_AUTO; ++i ) if(ui_button(va("Cursor shape #%d", i))) window_cursor_shape(i); ui_separator(); static int gamepad_id = 0; const char *list[] = {"1","2","3","4"}; ui_section("GamePads"); ui_list("Gamepad", list, 4, &gamepad_id); input_use(gamepad_id); ui_const_string("Name", input_frames(GAMEPAD_NAME,0)); ui_const_bool("Connected", input(GAMEPAD_CONNECTED)); ui_separator(); ui_const_bool("A", input(GAMEPAD_A) ); ui_const_bool("B", input(GAMEPAD_B) ); ui_const_bool("X", input(GAMEPAD_X) ); ui_const_bool("Y", input(GAMEPAD_Y) ); ui_const_bool("Up", input(GAMEPAD_UP) ); ui_const_bool("Down", input(GAMEPAD_DOWN) ); ui_const_bool("Left", input(GAMEPAD_LEFT) ); ui_const_bool("Right", input(GAMEPAD_RIGHT) ); ui_const_bool("Menu", input(GAMEPAD_MENU) ); ui_const_bool("Start", input(GAMEPAD_START) ); ui_separator(); ui_const_float("Left pad x", input(GAMEPAD_LPADX) ); ui_const_float("Left pad y", input(GAMEPAD_LPADY) ); ui_const_float("Left trigger", input(GAMEPAD_LT) ); ui_const_bool("Left bumper", input(GAMEPAD_LB) ); ui_const_bool("Left thumb", input(GAMEPAD_LTHUMB) ); vec2 v = input_filter_deadzone( input2(GAMEPAD_LPADX), 0.1f ); ui_const_float("Filtered pad x", v.x); ui_const_float("Filtered pad y", v.y); ui_separator(); ui_const_float("Right pad x", input(GAMEPAD_RPADX) ); ui_const_float("Right pad y", input(GAMEPAD_RPADY) ); ui_const_float("Right trigger", input(GAMEPAD_RT) ); ui_const_bool("Right bumper", input(GAMEPAD_RB) ); ui_const_bool("Right thumb", input(GAMEPAD_RTHUMB) ); vec2 w = input_filter_deadzone( input2(GAMEPAD_RPADX), 0.1f ); ui_const_float("Filtered pad x", w.x); ui_const_float("Filtered pad y", w.y); input_use(0); ui_panel_end(); } }