@echo off cd /d "%~dp0\." call make cook mkdir tests > nul 2> nul mkdir tests\out > nul 2> nul mkdir tests\ref > nul 2> nul mkdir tests\diff > nul 2> nul where gm > nul 2> nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo "gm" not found. Please install GraphicsMagick and add it to the PATH. pause exit /b 1 ) for %%x in (*.exe) do ( echo Running %%x... start /wait "" "%%x" --cook-jobs=0 --capture=50 --mute if not exist "tests\ref\%%~nx.png" ( echo [pass] reference image not found. Copying %%~nx.png ... copy "tests\out\%%~nx.png" "tests\ref\%%~nx.png" ) else ( call gm compare -metric MSE -maximum-error 0.0065 "tests\ref\%%~nx.png" "tests\out\%%~nx.png" -file "tests\diff\%%~nx.png" if errorlevel 1 ( echo [fail] %%~nx.exe! Check "tests\diff\%%~nx.png" ) else ( echo [pass] %%~nx.exe del "tests\diff\%%~nx.png" ) ) )