// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // naive rendering framework // - rlyeh, public domain // // IQM skeletal meshes by @lsalzman (public domain) - https://bit.ly/2OQh0Me // SH code by @ands (public domain) - https://github.com/ands/spherical_harmonics_playground // SHM code by @jarikomppa (unlicensed) - https://github.com/jarikomppa/shadertoolkit typedef unsigned handle; // GLuint // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // colors API unsigned rgba( uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a ); API unsigned bgra( uint8_t b, uint8_t g, uint8_t r, uint8_t a ); API unsigned rgbaf( float r, float g, float b, float a ); API unsigned bgraf( float b, float g, float r, float a ); API unsigned alpha( unsigned rgba ); #define RGBX(rgb,x) ( ((rgb)&0xFFFFFF) | (((unsigned)(x))<<24) ) #define RGB3(r,g,b) ( (255<<24) | ((b)<<16) | ((g)<<8) | (r) ) #define RGB4(r,g,b,a) ( ((a)<<24) | ((b)<<16) | ((g)<<8) | (r) ) #define BLACK RGBX(0x000000,255) #define WHITE RGBX(0xE8F1FF,255) #define RED RGB3( 255, 0,48 ) #define GREEN RGB3( 144,255,48 ) #define CYAN RGB3( 0,192,255 ) #define ORANGE RGB3( 255,144,48 ) #define PURPLE RGB3( 102,77,102 ) // 178,128,255 ) #define YELLOW RGB3( 255,224,0 ) #define GRAY RGB3( 32,32,32 ) // dark gray #define SILVER RGB3( 149,149,149 ) // dark white, gray-ish #define PINK RGB3( 255,48,144 ) #define AQUA RGB3( 48,255,144 ) #define BLUE RGBX(0xB55A06,255) API unsigned atorgba(const char *s); API char * rgbatoa(unsigned rgba); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // images /// flags when constructing the image_t type. see: image, image_from_mem /// IMAGE_R: 1-channel image (R) /// IMAGE_RG: 2-channel image (R,G) /// IMAGE_RGB: 3-channel image (R,G,B) /// IMAGE_RGBA: 4-channel image (R,G,B,A) /// IMAGE_FLIP: Flip image vertically /// IMAGE_FLOAT: Float pixel components enum IMAGE_FLAGS { IMAGE_R = 0x01000, IMAGE_RG = 0x02000, IMAGE_RGB = 0x04000, IMAGE_RGBA = 0x08000, IMAGE_FLIP = 0x10000, IMAGE_FLOAT = 0x20000, }; /// type that holds linear uncompressed bitmap of any given dimensions. /// w,h: image dimensions in pixels. `x,y` alias. /// comps: number of components per pixel. `n` alias. /// pixels: untyped pointer to linear bitmap data. typed pointers use `pixels8/16/32/f` aliases. /// see: texture_t typedef struct image_t { union { unsigned x, w; }; union { unsigned y, h; }; union { unsigned n, comps; }; union { void *pixels; uint8_t *pixels8; uint16_t *pixels16; uint32_t *pixels32; float *pixelsf; }; } image_t; API image_t image(const char *pathfile, int flags); API image_t image_from_mem(const void *ptr, int len, int flags); API void image_destroy(image_t *img); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // textures enum TEXTURE_FLAGS { // UNIT[0..7] TEXTURE_BC1 = 8, // DXT1, RGB with 8:1 compression ratio (+ optional 1bpp for alpha) TEXTURE_BC2 = 16, // DXT3, RGBA with 4:1 compression ratio (BC1 for RGB + 4bpp for alpha) TEXTURE_BC3 = 32, // DXT5, RGBA with 4:1 compression ratio (BC1 for RGB + BC4 for A) // TEXTURE_BC4, // Alpha TEXTURE_NEAREST = 0, TEXTURE_LINEAR = 64, TEXTURE_MIPMAPS = 128, TEXTURE_ANISOTROPY = 1 << 30, TEXTURE_CLAMP = 0, TEXTURE_BORDER = 0x100, TEXTURE_REPEAT = 0x200, TEXTURE_BYTE = 0, TEXTURE_FLOAT = IMAGE_FLOAT, TEXTURE_COLOR = 0, TEXTURE_DEPTH = 0x800, TEXTURE_R = IMAGE_R, TEXTURE_RG = IMAGE_RG, TEXTURE_RGB = IMAGE_RGB, TEXTURE_RGBA = IMAGE_RGBA, TEXTURE_FLIP = IMAGE_FLIP, // @fixme TEXTURE_SRGB = 1 << 24, TEXTURE_BGR = 1 << 25, TEXTURE_BGRA = TEXTURE_BGR, TEXTURE_ARRAY = 1 << 26, }; typedef struct texture_t { union { unsigned x, w; }; union { unsigned y, h; }; union { unsigned z, d; }; union { unsigned n, bpp; }; handle id; unsigned texel_type; unsigned flags; char* filename; bool transparent; unsigned fbo; // for texture recording union { unsigned userdata, delay; }; } texture_t; API texture_t texture_compressed(const char *filename, unsigned flags); API texture_t texture_compressed_from_mem(const void *data, int len, unsigned flags); API texture_t texture(const char* filename, int flags); API texture_t texture_from_mem(const void* ptr, int len, int flags); API texture_t texture_create(unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned n, const void *pixels, int flags); API texture_t texture_checker(); API void texture_destroy(texture_t *t); API int texture_unit(); // returns rolling counter // textureLod(filename, dir, lod); // void texture_add_loader( int(*loader)(const char *filename, int *w, int *h, int *bpp, int reqbpp, int flags) ); API unsigned texture_update(texture_t *t, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned n, const void *pixels, int flags); API bool texture_rec_begin(texture_t *t, unsigned w, unsigned h); // texture_rec API void texture_rec_end(texture_t *t); // texture_rec // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // brdf API texture_t brdf_lut(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // pbr materials typedef struct colormap_t { vec4 color; texture_t *texture; } colormap_t; API bool colormap( colormap_t *cm, const char *pbr_material_type, bool load_as_srgb ); typedef struct pbr_material_t { char* name; colormap_t diffuse; colormap_t normals; colormap_t specular; colormap_t albedo; colormap_t roughness; colormap_t metallic; colormap_t ao; colormap_t ambient; colormap_t emissive; float specular_shininess; } pbr_material_t; API bool pbr_material(pbr_material_t *pbr, const char *material); API void pbr_material_destroy(pbr_material_t *m); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // fullscreen quads API void fullscreen_quad_rgb( texture_t texture_rgb, float gamma ); API void fullscreen_quad_rgb_flipped( texture_t texture, float gamma ); API void fullscreen_quad_ycbcr( texture_t texture_YCbCr[3], float gamma ); API void fullscreen_quad_ycbcr_flipped( texture_t texture_YCbCr[3], float gamma ); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cubemaps typedef struct cubemap_t { unsigned id; // texture id vec3 sh[9]; // precomputed spherical harmonics coefficients } cubemap_t; API cubemap_t cubemap( const image_t image, int flags ); // 1 equirectangular panorama API cubemap_t cubemap6( const image_t images[6], int flags ); // 6 cubemap faces API void cubemap_destroy(cubemap_t *c); API cubemap_t* cubemap_get_active(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // fbos API unsigned fbo( unsigned texture_color, unsigned texture_depth, int wr_flags ); API void fbo_bind(unsigned id); API void fbo_unbind(); API void fbo_destroy(unsigned id); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // shadowmaps // #ifndef VSMCUBE // #define VSMCUBE 0 // #endif // #ifndef VSMBLUR // #define VSMBLUR 1 // #endif typedef struct shadowmap_t { mat44 shadowmatrix; mat44 mvp; mat44 mv; mat44 proj; vec4 light_position; int saved_fb; int saved_viewport[4]; handle fbo, texture; int texture_width; } shadowmap_t; API shadowmap_t shadowmap(int texture_width); // = 1024 API void shadowmap_destroy(shadowmap_t *s); API void shadowmap_set_shadowmatrix(shadowmap_t *s, vec3 aLightPos, vec3 aLightAt, vec3 aLightUp, const mat44 projection); API void shadowmap_begin(shadowmap_t *s); API void shadowmap_end(shadowmap_t *s); // shadowmap utils API void shadowmatrix_proj(mat44 shm_proj, float aLightFov, float znear, float zfar); API void shadowmatrix_ortho(mat44 shm_proj, float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float znear, float zfar); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // shaders API unsigned shader(const char *vs, const char *fs, const char *attribs, const char *fragcolor, const char *defines); API unsigned shader_geom(const char *gs, const char *vs, const char *fs, const char *attribs, const char *fragcolor, const char *defines); API unsigned shader_bind(unsigned program); API void shader_bool(const char *uniform, bool i ); API void shader_int(const char *uniform, int i); API void shader_uint(const char *uniform, unsigned i ); API void shader_float(const char *uniform, float f); API void shader_vec2(const char *uniform, vec2 v); API void shader_vec3(const char *uniform, vec3 v); API void shader_vec3v(const char *uniform, int count, vec3 *v); API void shader_vec4(const char *uniform, vec4 v); API void shader_mat44(const char *uniform, mat44 m); API void shader_texture(const char *sampler, texture_t texture); API void shader_texture_unit(const char *sampler, unsigned texture, unsigned unit); API void shader_colormap(const char *name, colormap_t cm); API unsigned shader_get_active(); API void shader_destroy(unsigned shader); // reflection. [0..N] are shader properties API unsigned shader_properties(unsigned shader); API char** shader_property(unsigned shader, unsigned property_no); API void shader_apply_param(unsigned shader, unsigned param_no); API void shader_apply_params(unsigned shader, const char *parameter_mask); API int ui_shader(unsigned shader); API int ui_shaders(); // compute shaders enum BUFFER_MODE { BUFFER_READ, BUFFER_WRITE, BUFFER_READ_WRITE }; /// Loads the compute shader and compiles a GL program. /// return: GL program, 0 if failed. /// cs: shader source code API unsigned compute(const char *cs); /// Runs the compute program with provided global workgroup size on x y z grid. /// wx: global workgroup size x /// wy: global workgroup size y /// wz: global workgroup size z API void compute_dispatch(unsigned wx, unsigned wy, unsigned wz); /// Binds a texture to the program /// !!! Set `layer` to -1 to disable layered access. /// t: texture to bind /// unit: texture unit bind index /// level: texture level access (MIP0, MIP1, ...) /// layer: bind layer /// access: texture access policy /// see: BUFFER_MODE API void shader_image(texture_t t, unsigned unit, unsigned level, int layer, unsigned access); /// Binds a texture to the program /// !!! Set `layer` to -1 to disable layered access. /// texture: GL texture handle /// unit: texture unit bind index /// level: texture level access (MIP0, MIP1, ...) /// layer: bind layer /// texel_type: image texel format (RGBA8, RGBA32F, ...) /// access: texture access policy /// see: BUFFER_MODE API void shader_image_unit(unsigned texture, unsigned unit, unsigned level, int layer, unsigned texel_type, unsigned access); // gpu memory barriers /// Blocks main thread until all memory operations are done by the GPU. API void write_barrier(); /// Blocks main thread until all image operations are done by the GPU. API void write_barrier_image(); // ssbo /// `STATIC`, `DYNAMIC` AND `STREAM` specify the frequency at which we intend to access the data. /// `DRAW` favors CPU->GPU operations. /// `READ` favors GPU->CPU operations. /// `COPY` favors CPU->GPU->CPU operations. enum SSBO_USAGE { STATIC_DRAW, STATIC_READ, STATIC_COPY, DYNAMIC_DRAW, DYNAMIC_READ, DYNAMIC_COPY, STREAM_DRAW, STREAM_READ, STREAM_COPY }; enum SSBO_ACCESS { SSBO_READ = BUFFER_READ, SSBO_WRITE = BUFFER_WRITE, SSBO_READ_WRITE = BUFFER_READ_WRITE }; /// Create Shader Storage Buffer Object /// !!! `data` can be NULL /// data: optional pointer to data to upload /// len: buffer size, must not be 0 /// usage: buffer usage policy /// see: SSBO_USAGE API unsigned ssbo_create(const void *data, int len, unsigned usage); /// Destroys an SSBO resource API void ssbo_destroy(unsigned ssbo); /// Updates an existing SSBO /// !!! `len` can not exceed the original buffer size specified in `ssbo_create` ! /// offset: offset to buffer memory /// len: amount of data to write /// data: pointer to data we aim to write, can not be NULL API void ssbo_update(int offset, int len, const void *data); /// Bind an SSBO resource to the provided bind unit index /// ssbo: resource object /// unit: bind unit index API void ssbo_bind(unsigned ssbo, unsigned unit); /// Map an SSBO resource to the system memory /// !!! Make sure to `ssbo_unmap` the buffer once done working with it. /// access: buffer access policy /// return: pointer to physical memory of the buffer /// see: SSBO_ACCESS API void *ssbo_map(unsigned access); /// Unmaps an SSBO resource /// !!! Pointer provided by `ssbo_map` becomes invalid. API void ssbo_unmap(); /// Unbinds an SSBO resource API void ssbo_unbind(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // meshes (@fixme: deprecate?) enum MESH_FLAGS { MESH_STATIC = 0, // STATIC, DYNAMIC, STREAM // zero|single|many updates per frame MESH_STREAM = 1, MESH_TRIANGLE_STRIP = 2, }; typedef struct mesh_t { handle vao, vbo, ibo; unsigned vertex_count; unsigned index_count; unsigned flags; array(int) lod_collapse_map; // to which neighbor each vertex collapses. ie, [10] -> 7 (used by LODs) @leak // @leaks: following members are totally unused. convenient for end-users to keep their custom datas somewhere while processing. union { array(unsigned) in_index; array(vec3i) in_index3; }; union { array(unsigned) out_index; array(vec3i) out_index3; }; union { array(float) in_vertex; array(vec3) in_vertex3; }; union { array(float) out_vertex; array(vec3) out_vertex3; }; } mesh_t; API mesh_t mesh(); API void mesh_update(mesh_t *m, const char *format, int vertex_stride,int vertex_count,const void *interleaved_vertex_data, int index_count,const void *index_data, int flags); API void mesh_render(mesh_t *m); API void mesh_render_prim(mesh_t *sm, unsigned prim); API void mesh_destroy(mesh_t *m); API aabb mesh_bounds(mesh_t *m); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // skyboxes enum SKYBOX_FLAGS { SKYBOX_RAYLEIGH, SKYBOX_CUBEMAP, SKYBOX_PBR, }; typedef struct skybox_t { handle program; mesh_t geometry; cubemap_t cubemap; int flags; // mie int framebuffers[6]; int textures[6]; float *pixels; // pbr texture_t sky, refl, env; } skybox_t; API skybox_t skybox(const char *panorama_or_cubemap_folder, int flags); API skybox_t skybox_pbr(const char *sky_map, const char *refl_map, const char *env_map); API int skybox_render(skybox_t *sky, mat44 proj, mat44 view); API void skybox_destroy(skybox_t *sky); API void skybox_mie_calc_sh(skybox_t *sky, float sky_intensity); API void skybox_sh_reset(skybox_t *sky); API void skybox_sh_add_light(skybox_t *sky, vec3 light, vec3 dir, float strength); API int skybox_push_state(skybox_t *sky, mat44 proj, mat44 view); // @to deprecate API int skybox_pop_state(); // @to deprecate // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // materials enum MATERIAL_ENUMS { MAX_CHANNELS_PER_MATERIAL = 8 }; typedef struct material_t { char *name; int count; struct material_layer_t { char texname[32]; handle texture; float value; vec4 color; // uint32_t } layer[MAX_CHANNELS_PER_MATERIAL]; } material_t; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // shadertoys enum { SHADERTOY_FLIP_Y = 2, SHADERTOY_IGNORE_FBO = 4, SHADERTOY_IGNORE_MOUSE = 8, }; typedef struct shadertoy_t { handle vao, program; int uniforms[32]; int texture_channels[4]; int frame; uint64_t t; texture_t tx; vec2i dims; int flags; vec4 mouse; } shadertoy_t; API shadertoy_t shadertoy( const char *shaderfile, unsigned flags ); API shadertoy_t* shadertoy_render( shadertoy_t *s, float delta ); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // anims enum ANIM_FLAGS { ANIM_LOOP = 1, ANIM_DONT_RESET_AFTER_USE = 2, }; typedef struct anim_t { int from; int to; float blendtime; unsigned flags; float curframe; unsigned easing; float alpha; // refreshed at every tick float timer; // private bool active; vec3 pose; // private char* name; // debug } anim_t; API anim_t clip(float minframe, float maxframe, float blendtime, unsigned flags); API anim_t loop(float minframe, float maxframe, float blendtime, unsigned flags); API array(anim_t) animlist(const char *filename); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // models enum MODEL_FLAGS { MODEL_NO_ANIMATIONS = 1, MODEL_NO_MESHES = 2, MODEL_NO_TEXTURES = 4, MODEL_NO_FILTERING = 8, MODEL_MATCAPS = 16, MODEL_RIMLIGHT = 32, MODEL_PBR = 64, }; enum SHADING_MODE { SHADING_NONE, SHADING_PHONG, SHADING_PBR, }; typedef struct model_t { struct iqm_t *iqm; // private int shading; // based on SHADING_MODE unsigned num_textures; handle *textures; char **texture_names; array(material_t) materials; array(pbr_material_t) pbr_materials; texture_t sky_refl, sky_env; texture_t lightmap; float *lmdata; unsigned num_meshes; unsigned num_triangles; unsigned num_joints; // num_poses; unsigned num_anims; unsigned num_frames; handle program; float curframe; mat44 pivot; int stride; // usually 68 bytes for a p3 u2 u2 n3 t4 i4B w4B c4B vertex stream void *verts; int num_verts; void *tris; int num_tris; handle vao, ibo, vbo, vao_instanced; unsigned flags; unsigned billboard; float *instanced_matrices; unsigned num_instances; int stored_flags; } model_t; enum BILLBOARD_MODE { BILLBOARD_X = 0x1, BILLBOARD_Y = 0x2, BILLBOARD_Z = 0x4, BILLBOARD_CYLINDRICAL = BILLBOARD_X|BILLBOARD_Z, BILLBOARD_SPHERICAL = BILLBOARD_X|BILLBOARD_Y|BILLBOARD_Z }; API model_t model(const char *filename, int flags); API model_t model_from_mem(const void *mem, int sz, int flags); API float model_animate(model_t, float curframe); API float model_animate_clip(model_t, float curframe, int minframe, int maxframe, bool loop); API float model_animate_blends(model_t m, anim_t *primary, anim_t *secondary, float delta); API aabb model_aabb(model_t, mat44 transform); API void model_shading(model_t*, int shading); API void model_skybox(model_t*, skybox_t sky, bool load_sh); API void model_render(model_t, mat44 proj, mat44 view, mat44 model, int shader); API void model_render_skeleton(model_t, mat44 model); API void model_render_instanced(model_t, mat44 proj, mat44 view, mat44 *models, int shader, unsigned count); API void model_set_texture(model_t, texture_t t); API bool model_get_bone_pose(model_t m, unsigned joint, mat34 *out); API void model_destroy(model_t); API vec3 pose(bool forward, float curframe, int minframe, int maxframe, bool loop, float *opt_retframe); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // model animations typedef struct anims_t { int inuse; // animation number in use float speed; // x1.00 array(anim_t) anims; // [begin,end,flags] frames of every animation in set } anims_t; API anims_t animations(const char *pathfile, int flags); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // lightmapping utils // @fixme: support xatlas uv packing typedef struct lightmap_t { struct lm_context *ctx; // private bool ready; int w, h; int atlas_w, atlas_h; //@fixme: implement texture_t atlas; //@fixme: implement this array(model_t*) models; unsigned shader; } lightmap_t; API lightmap_t lightmap(int hmsize /*64*/, float near, float far, vec3 color /*1,1,1 for AO*/, int passes /*2*/, float threshold /*0.01f*/, float distmod /*0.0f*/); API void lightmap_setup(lightmap_t *lm, int w, int h); API void lightmap_bake(lightmap_t *lm, int bounces, void (*drawscene)(lightmap_t *lm, model_t *m, float *view, float *proj, void *userdata), void (*progressupdate)(float progress), void *userdata); API void lightmap_destroy(lightmap_t *lm); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // post-fxs API void viewport_color(unsigned color); API void viewport_clear(bool color, bool depth); API void viewport_clip(vec2 from, vec2 to); API int fx_load(const char *file); API int fx_load_from_mem(const char *nameid, const char *content); API void fx_begin(); API void fx_begin_res(int w, int h); API void fx_end(); API void fx_enable(int pass, int enabled); API int fx_enabled(int pass); API void fx_enable_all(int enabled); API char * fx_name(int pass); API int fx_find(const char *name); API int ui_fx(int pass); API int ui_fxs(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // utils API void* screenshot(int components); // 3 RGB, 4 RGBA, -3 BGR, -4 BGRA API void* screenshot_async(int components); // 3 RGB, 4 RGBA, -3 BGR, -4 BGRA