Readiness of docs for 2.0.0: Welcome (DONE) Features overview (DONE) What's new (IN PROGRESS) HDR imaging basics (TODO) User interface??? Workflow (DONE) Creating HDR images (DONE) Interactive (TODO) From console (TODO) Editing HDR images (DONE) Tonemapping HDR images (DONE) Interactive (TODO) Batch mode (TODO) From console (TODO) Additional tools (DONE) Projective transformation (TODO) Copying Exif metadata (TODO) Setting up Luminance HDR (DONE) Tonemapping (DONE) User interface (TODO) External tools (DONE) Hdr Tiff (TODO) Hdr Visualization (TODO) Tonemapping ops reference (DONE) Mantiuk'06 (TODO) Mantiuk'08 (TODO) Fattal (TODO) Drago (TODO) Durand (DONE) Reinhard'02 (TODO) Reinhard'05 (TODO) Ashikhmin (TODO) Pattanaik (TODO) DCRaw reference (DONE) Contributing to this project (DONE) Testing and reporting (IN PROGRESS) Translating (IN PROGRESS) Programming (DONE, sort of) FAQ??? Russian translation :) (TODO)