#if 1 #elif 0 #define ICON_EVENT ICON_MDI_CALENDAR //#define ICON_CIRCLE ICON_MDI_CIRCLE_OUTLINE //#define ICON_CIRCLE_ALT ICON_MDI_CIRCLE #define ICON_WARNING ICON_MD_WARNING #define ICON_BUILD ICON_MD_BUILD #define ICON_CAMERA_ON ICON_MD_VIDEOCAM #define ICON_CAMERA_OFF ICON_MD_VIDEOCAM_OFF #define ICON_GAMEPAD_ON ICON_MD_VIDEOGAME_ASSET #define ICON_GAMEPAD_OFF ICON_MD_VIDEOGAME_ASSET_OFF #define ICON_AUDIO_ON ICON_MD_VOLUME_UP #define ICON_AUDIO_OFF ICON_MD_VOLUME_OFF #define ICON_RENDER_BASIC ICON_MD_IMAGE_SEARCH #define ICON_RENDER_FULL ICON_MD_INSERT_PHOTO #define ICON_SIGNAL ICON_MD_SIGNAL_CELLULAR_ALT #define ICON_DISK ICON_MD_STORAGE #define ICON_RATE ICON_MD_SPEED #define ICON_CLOCK ICON_MD_TODAY #define ICON_CHRONO ICON_MD_TIMELAPSE #define ICON_LANGUAGE ICON_MD_G_TRANSLATE #define ICON_PERSONA ICON_MD_FACE #define ICON_SOCIAL ICON_MD_MESSAGE #define ICON_GAME ICON_MD_ROCKET_LAUNCH #define ICON_WIFI ICON_MD_WIFI #define ICON_NEW_FOLDER ICON_MD_CREATE_NEW_FOLDER #define ICON_RESTART ICON_MD_REPLAY #define ICON_POWER ICON_MD_BOLT // ICON_MD_POWER #define ICON_BATTERY_CHARGING ICON_MD_BATTERY_CHARGING_FULL #define ICON_BATTERY_LEVELS \ ICON_MD_BATTERY_ALERT, \ ICON_MD_BATTERY_0_BAR,ICON_MD_BATTERY_1_BAR, \ ICON_MD_BATTERY_2_BAR,ICON_MD_BATTERY_3_BAR, \ ICON_MD_BATTERY_4_BAR,ICON_MD_BATTERY_5_BAR, \ ICON_MD_BATTERY_6_BAR,ICON_MD_BATTERY_FULL #endif #if 0 key_screenshot, // @todo: add meta-info in exif or invisibile pixels (cam details, player details, map level, map location, level state, etc) if( !editor_key && editor_selected_obj ) { if( input_up(MOUSE_L) ) editor_key = key_save_mem; if( input_down(MOUSE_R) ) ui_show("Properties", true); } // @fixme: send all editor keys to game? // if( input_repeat(KEY_ESC, 300)) {} // if( input_repeat(KEY_F1, 300)) {} // etc... // menubar if( ui_menu( ICON_LANGUAGE " Language;" ICON_PERSONA " Profile;" // editor account, but also fake profile and 1st party credentials ICON_SOCIAL " Social;" // name,email,icon,link,github ICON_GAME " Game;" // ICON_WIFI " Network;" ICON_BUDGET " Budget;" // mem,gfx,net,hdd,... also logging ICON_NEW_FOLDER " Folders;" // including project folders ICON_RESTART " Restart;" ) ) { if( ui_item() == 3 ) {} // keyboard: key mappings if( ui_item() == 4 ) {} // mouse: sensitivity, invert xylrw if( ui_item() == 5 ) {} // gamepad: sensitivity, invert xy,ab, deadzones } static char game_args[16] = "--game-args"; // @fixme @todo remove '_' special char to signal that ui_menu() is writeable (inputbox) if( ui_menu_editbox( game_args, 16 ) ) {} // ICON_MD_TROUBLESHOOT -> PROFILER // ICON_MD_TIPS_AND_UPDATES -> BULB // if( ui_menu( ICON_MD_MENU )) {} // logic: either plug icon (power saving off) or one of the following ones (power saving on): // if 0% batt (no batt): battery alert // if discharging: battery levels [alert,0..6,full] // if charging: battery charging int battery_read = app_battery(); int battery_level = abs(battery_read); int battery_discharging = battery_read < 0 && battery_level < 100; const char *battery_levels[] = { // @todo: remap [7%..100%] -> [0..1] ? ICON_BATTERY_LEVELS }; if( ui_menu( !editor_power_saving ? ICON_POWER"@Full power. Tap to save power." : va("%s@Power saving. Tap to go full power. %3d%% battery.", battery_read == 0 ? battery_levels[0] : battery_discharging ? battery_levels[(int)((countof(battery_levels)-1)*clampf(battery_level/100.f,0,1))] : ICON_BATTERY_CHARGING, battery_level) )) editor_key = key_battery; // @todo: combine-in-1? cycle mem -> cpu/profiler -> network mon -> debugger // bug report, profile, warnings, time/chrono (@todo: alarm/snooze? calendar?) if( ui_menu( ICON_MD_FACE /*"^"*/ "3" ) ) {} // @todo: do both messaging/warnings + profile settings here { static double base = 0, tap = 0; if( tap == 0 ) tap = time_ss(); double delta = time_ss() - tap; tap = time_ss(); base += delta * !window_has_pause(); if( ui_menu( base == 0 ? va(ICON_CLOCK "%02d:%02d", (int)((date() / 10000) % 100), (int)((date() / 100) % 100)) : va(ICON_CHRONO "%03dm:%02ds:%02df@Tap to reset chrono.",((int)(base/60))%60,((int)base)%60,(int)((base - (int)base)*window_fps_target()))) || editor_key == key_stop ) { base = 0, tap = 0; } } #endif #if 1 #elif 0 // ## Roadmaps // ### v2 roadmap (mid-term) // - [ ] art/ vs prefabs/ discrimination: prefabs/ are archetypes (composed types); ie, data-classes. art/ contains data files. // - [ ] can prefabs be done with ecs maybe? // - [ ] example: levels are prefabs, composed of other sub-prefabs or art assets. // - [ ] example: hitboxes+events. girl=pivot(p,r,s)+model(mesh,tex)+curframe // - [ ] extend widgets vec3 as range;customized mesh,texture,audio,any other asset,combo of anything) // // ### organization: world as a filesystem // - [ ] anything can be serialized into disk. any object, any entity, any property or any widget can be serialized into disk. // - [ ] groups of them as well. the whole world state can be serialized into disk as a filesystem snapshot: // - [ ] - objects are folders. you can attach nodes on nodes (ie, create folders inside folders). // - [ ] - systems are dlls/scripts. you can modify them on the fly and they should reload. // - [ ] - components are data files. each component is a file. some components may be pure datas (ie, raw textures) but some others can be human-readable and editable. // inside of that, every line is a JSON/INI property that you can tweak, modify or inspect. // // ### replication: diffing zips // - [ ] the whole world/filesystem will be compressed into a zipfile and delivered to the network when sharding/replicating in a network scenario. // - [ ] clients will be diffing/patching their filesystems on every received packet. there will be 3 operations to support internally that will reflect what the E/C/S world is doing behind the curtains: // - [ ] - added files/folders [+] : when creating entities/components/systems // - [ ] - deleted files/folders [-] : when removing entities/components/systems // - [ ] - modifying files/folders [*] : when altering entities/components/systems // plugins // vcs // google/midjourney placeholders // prefabs // - [ ] Level objects: ~~volumes, triggers, platforms, streaming~~. // - level: emitters: particles, lights, lightmaps, sound sources, triggers, etc // - level: box triggers, start/end, spawn, streaming, checkpoints, // - level: jump, shoots, platforms, collisions // - level: 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s // ## old notes below // ================== // - gizmo: proportional, orbit/arcball XY (+shift for Z/tilt) // - vcs // - [ ] Core: wecs+replication // - modules: script or dll + ram load/save/diff/patch + play/stop/init/ + attach/detach // - logic tree/ << [] |> || >> // - - scene |> // - - enemies // - ecs: sys are modules, ecs: char *messaging, ecs: filesystem (e/dir,c/files,s/dll) // - world: streaming, migration // key_screenshot, // @todo: add meta-info in exif or invisibile pixels (cam details, player details, map level, map location, level state, etc) // fn_init, // fn_load, // fn_tick, // fn_draw, // fn_aabb, // hitboxes // fn_edit, // call for debug ui (like loggers and sliders) // fn_save, // fn_quit, if( !editor_key /*&& !input_anykey()*/ && editor_selected_obj ) { if( input_up(MOUSE_L) ) editor_key = key_save_mem; if( input_down(MOUSE_R) ) ui_contextual("Properties", true); } void editor_render_windows() { // Scene/nodes if( ui_window("Outliner", 0) ) { #if 0 static unsigned tabs = 0xFF; int choice = ui_toolbar( "LV@Level tree: hierarchical logic datas used when ticking game.;" "RN@Rendering tree: hierarchical rendering datas used when drawing game.;" "VS@Visibility tree: hierarchical visibility datas used when ticking game and editor. Also collisions.;" "ST@Streaming tree: hierarchical streaming datas used when streaming content off disk.;" "PS@Persist tree: hierarchical storage datas within different game sessions.;" "PR@Prefabs tree: hierarchical datas of prefabs definitions.;" "ED@Editor tree: hierarchical datas used when ticking editor.;" ); #endif // for( int c = ui_collapse(va(ICON_MD_FACTORY " Prefabs/ (%d)", map_count(editor_state)), "PRF"); c; ui_collapse_end(), c = 0) // others for( int c = ui_collapse(ICON_MD_PRECISION_MANUFACTURING " Editors/", "EDT"); c; ui_collapse_end(), c = 0) { // dynamic/static bounds: depth + bounds + visibility do_context_cmd = 0; do_context_obj = 0; for( int c = ui_collapse(va(ICON_MD_ACCOUNT_TREE " Levels/ (%d)", map_count(editor_children)), "LVL"); c; ui_collapse_end(), c = 0) for each_map_ptr(editor_children, void*, o, array(void*), objs) { void *k = *o; editor_obj_render_properties_recursively(k, mask); } if( do_context_cmd == cc4(l,i,s,t) && do_context_obj ) { printf("list [%p]\n", do_context_obj); } // draw: depth + state (alpha0=off) // @fixme: make it a tree for( int c = ui_collapse(va(ICON_MD_PALETTE " Rendering/ (%d)", map_count(editor_children_draw)), "GPU"); c; ui_collapse_end(), c = 0) for each_map_ptr(editor_children_draw, void*, o, array(void*), objs) { void *k = *o; editor_draw_objs_recursively(k, DRAW_DO_UI); } // tick: depth + rate (00=off) --> logic // @todo: physics tick group? anim tick group? any other tick group? // @fixme: make it a tree for( int c = ui_collapse(va(ICON_MD_FLAG " Ticking/ (%d)", map_count(editor_children_tick)), "CPU"); c; ui_collapse_end(), c = 0) for each_map_ptr(editor_children_tick, void*, o, array(void*), objs) { void *k = *o; editor_tick_objs_recursively(k, TICK_DO_UI); } // init/quit: depth + prio // @fixme: make it a tree for( int c = ui_collapse(ICON_MD_CLOUD " Streaming/", "BVH"); c; ui_collapse_end(), c = 0) {} // save/load: depth + savetomem?yn + savetodisk?yn + quant + lossy/lossless // @fixme: make it a tree for( int c = ui_collapse(va(ICON_MD_SD_CARD " Storage/ (%d)", map_count(editor_dicts)), "DSK"); c; ui_collapse_end(), c = 0) for each_map_ptr(editor_dicts, void*, o, editor_dict_t, d) { void *k = *o; for( int p = ui_collapse(editor_obj_string(k,".name"), va("DSK%p",k)); p; ui_collapse_end(), p = 0) { for each_map(*d, char*, s, char *, v) { ui_label(va("%s: %s", s, v)); } } } for( int c = ui_collapse(ICON_MD_INFO " Help", "NFO"); c; ui_collapse_end(), c = 0) { ui_label("=*General"); ui_label2("*ESC", ">Editor on/off"); ui_label2("*F11", ">Fullscreen on/off"); ui_label2("*F5", ">Refresh"); ui_separator(); ui_label("=*Edit"); ui_label2("*^Z, ^Y", ">Undo, Redo"); ui_label2("*^X, ^C, ^V", ">Cut, Copy, Paste"); ui_label2("*^S, ^L, ^R", ">Save, Load*, Restart*"); ui_separator(); ui_label("=*Select"); ui_label2("*LMB, ^A, ^D", ">Select, All, None"); ui_label2("*RMB", ">Contextual menu*"); ui_label2("*SPACE@Cycle transform gizmo: position, rotation, scale.", ">Cycle transform gizmo"); ui_separator(); ui_label("=*Camera"); ui_label2("*Q,E,C", ">Camera elevation"); ui_label2("*W,A,S,D", ">Camera move"); ui_label2("*LMB/RMB+drag", ">Camera view"); ui_label2("*WMB", ">Camera speed"); } ui_window_end(); } } ray *editor_pickup() { // if(!window_has_cursor()) return NULL; // pick entity bool any_active = ui_active() || ui_hover() || gizmo_active() || gizmo_hover() || input_touch_active(); if( editor_enabled && !any_active && input_down(MOUSE_L) ) { editor_mouse = vec2(input(MOUSE_X), input(MOUSE_Y)); vec3 out = editor_pick(editor_mouse.x, editor_mouse.y); // unprj 2d as 3d coord vec3 from = camera_get_active()->position, to = out; static ray last_ray; last_ray = ray(from, to); return &last_ray; } return 0; } void editor_camera_fps(void) { static camera_t cam = {0}; cam = *camera_get_active(); vec3 move = {0}; vec2 view = {0}; // show/hide cursor bool dragging = input(MOUSE_L) || input(MOUSE_M) || input(MOUSE_R); bool any_active = ui_active() || ui_hover() || gizmo_active() || input_touch_active(); if( any_active ) dragging = false; window_cursor( !dragging ); // keyboard/mouse if( dragging ) cam.speed = clampf(cam.speed + input_diff(MOUSE_W) / 10, 0.05f, 5.0f); vec3 wasdec = scale3(vec3(input(KEY_D)-input(KEY_A),input(KEY_E)-(input(KEY_Q)||input(KEY_C)),input(KEY_W)-input(KEY_S)), cam.speed * !any_active); vec2 mouse = scale2(vec2(input_diff(MOUSE_X), -input_diff(MOUSE_Y)), 0.2f * dragging * !any_active); if( !input(KEY_LCTRL) && !input(KEY_RCTRL) ) // invalidate keys if pressing ctrl (ie, when saving CTRL-S) move = add3(move, wasdec); view = add2(view, mouse); // gamepad if(0) { vec2 filtered_lpad = input_filter_deadzone(input2(GAMEPAD_LPAD), 0.15f /*15% deadzone*/); vec2 filtered_rpad = input_filter_deadzone(input2(GAMEPAD_RPAD), 0.15f /*15% deadzone*/); vec3 gamepad_move = scale3(vec3(filtered_lpad.x, input(GAMEPAD_LT) - input(GAMEPAD_RT), filtered_lpad.y), 1.0f); vec2 gamepad_view = scale2(filtered_rpad, 1.0f); move = add3(move, gamepad_move); view = add2(view, gamepad_view); } // multi-touch vec2 touch_move = input_touch_delta_from_origin(0, 0.0125f /*sensitivityFwd*/); // button #0 (left border) vec2 touch_view = input_touch_delta(1, 0.125f /*sensitivityRot*/); // button #1 (right border) move = add3(move, vec3(touch_move.x, 0, -touch_move.y)); view = add2(view, vec2(touch_view.x, -touch_view.y)); // apply inputs camera_moveby(&cam, move); camera_fps(&cam, view.x,view.y); } // my game // fps camera if( /*editor_attached ||*/ editor_enabled ) { profile("Editor.Camera") { editor_camera_fps(); } } else { profile("Game.Camera") { camera_t *cam = camera_get_active(); static vec3 source; do_once source = cam->position; vec3 target = add3(girl_p, vec3(0,10,0)); target = add3(target, scale3(norm3(sub3(source, target)), 10.0)); source = mix3(source, target, 1-0.99f); camera_teleport(cam, source); camera_lookat(cam, vec3(girl_p.x,0,girl_p.z)); // @todo: orbit cam w/ right pad } } camera_t *cam = camera_get_active(); if(!editor_enabled) continue; profile("Editor.Draw outline") { // handle (multi-)selection ray *r = editor_pickup(); if( r ) { bool found = false; bool multi_selection = input(KEY_LCTRL) || input(KEY_RCTRL); for each_map_ptr(editor_state, void*, o, editor_state_t, ed) { void *obj = *o; if( obj == &ground_size ) continue; // @fixme: add ray+plane. also, bvh aabb *box = editor_obj_call0(obj, fn_aabb); if( ray_hit_aabb(*r, *box)) { editor_select(obj, multi_selection); found = true; } } if( !found ) if( ray_hit_plane(*r, plane(vec3(0,0,0), vec3(0,1,0)) )) { editor_select(&ground_size, multi_selection); } } if(!set_count(editor_selection)) continue; #endif