--[[ Copyright (c) 2020 Scott Lembcke and Howling Moon Software Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. TODO: * Print short function arguments as part of stack location. * Properly handle being reentrant due to coroutines. ]] local dbg -- Use ANSI color codes in the prompt by default. local COLOR_GRAY = "" local COLOR_RED = "" local COLOR_BLUE = "" local COLOR_YELLOW = "" local COLOR_RESET = "" local GREEN_CARET = " => " local function pretty(obj, max_depth) if max_depth == nil then max_depth = dbg.pretty_depth end -- Returns true if a table has a __tostring metamethod. local function coerceable(tbl) local meta = getmetatable(tbl) return (meta and meta.__tostring) end local function recurse(obj, depth) if type(obj) == "string" then -- Dump the string so that escape sequences are printed. return string.format("%q", obj) elseif type(obj) == "table" and depth < max_depth and not coerceable(obj) then local str = "{" for k, v in pairs(obj) do local pair = pretty(k, 0).." = "..recurse(v, depth + 1) str = str..(str == "{" and pair or ", "..pair) end return str.."}" else -- tostring() can fail if there is an error in a __tostring metamethod. local success, value = pcall(function() return tostring(obj) end) return (success and value or "") end end return recurse(obj, 0) end -- The stack level that cmd_* functions use to access locals or info -- The structure of the code very carefully ensures this. local CMD_STACK_LEVEL = 6 -- Location of the top of the stack outside of the debugger. -- Adjusted by some debugger entrypoints. local stack_top = 0 -- The current stack frame index. -- Changed using the up/down commands local stack_inspect_offset = 0 -- LuaJIT has an off by one bug when setting local variables. local LUA_JIT_SETLOCAL_WORKAROUND = 0 -- Default dbg.read function local function dbg_read(prompt) dbg.write(prompt) io.flush() return io.read() end -- Default dbg.write function local function dbg_write(str) io.write(str) end local function dbg_writeln(str, ...) if select("#", ...) == 0 then dbg.write((str or "").."\n") else dbg.write(string.format(str.."\n", ...)) end end local function format_loc(file, line) return COLOR_BLUE..file..COLOR_RESET..":"..COLOR_YELLOW..line..COLOR_RESET end local function format_stack_frame_info(info) local filename = info.source:match("@(.*)") local source = filename and dbg.shorten_path(filename) or info.short_src local namewhat = (info.namewhat == "" and "chunk at" or info.namewhat) local name = (info.name and "'"..COLOR_BLUE..info.name..COLOR_RESET.."'" or format_loc(source, info.linedefined)) return format_loc(source, info.currentline).." in "..namewhat.." "..name end local repl -- Return false for stack frames without source, -- which includes C frames, Lua bytecode, and `loadstring` functions local function frame_has_line(info) return info.currentline >= 0 end local function hook_factory(repl_threshold) return function(offset, reason) return function(event, _) -- Skip events that don't have line information. if not frame_has_line(debug.getinfo(2)) then return end -- Tail calls are specifically ignored since they also will have tail returns to balance out. if event == "call" then offset = offset + 1 elseif event == "return" and offset > repl_threshold then offset = offset - 1 elseif event == "line" and offset <= repl_threshold then repl(reason) end end end end local hook_step = hook_factory(1) local hook_next = hook_factory(0) local hook_finish = hook_factory(-1) -- Create a table of all the locally accessible variables. -- Globals are not included when running the locals command, but are when running the print command. local function local_bindings(offset, include_globals) local level = offset + stack_inspect_offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL local func = debug.getinfo(level).func local bindings = {} -- Retrieve the upvalues do local i = 1; while true do local name, value = debug.getupvalue(func, i) if not name then break end bindings[name] = value i = i + 1 end end -- Retrieve the locals (overwriting any upvalues) do local i = 1; while true do local name, value = debug.getlocal(level, i) if not name then break end bindings[name] = value i = i + 1 end end -- Retrieve the varargs (works in Lua 5.2 and LuaJIT) local varargs = {} do local i = 1; while true do local name, value = debug.getlocal(level, -i) if not name then break end varargs[i] = value i = i + 1 end end if #varargs > 0 then bindings["..."] = varargs end if include_globals then -- In Lua 5.2, you have to get the environment table from the function's locals. local env = (_VERSION <= "Lua 5.1" and getfenv(func) or bindings._ENV) return setmetatable(bindings, {__index = env or _G}) else return bindings end end -- Used as a __newindex metamethod to modify variables in cmd_eval(). local function mutate_bindings(_, name, value) local FUNC_STACK_OFFSET = 3 -- Stack depth of this function. local level = stack_inspect_offset + FUNC_STACK_OFFSET + CMD_STACK_LEVEL -- Set a local. do local i = 1; repeat local var = debug.getlocal(level, i) if name == var then dbg_writeln(COLOR_YELLOW.."debugger.lua"..GREEN_CARET.."Set local variable "..COLOR_BLUE..name..COLOR_RESET) return debug.setlocal(level + LUA_JIT_SETLOCAL_WORKAROUND, i, value) end i = i + 1 until var == nil end -- Set an upvalue. local func = debug.getinfo(level).func do local i = 1; repeat local var = debug.getupvalue(func, i) if name == var then dbg_writeln(COLOR_YELLOW.."debugger.lua"..GREEN_CARET.."Set upvalue "..COLOR_BLUE..name..COLOR_RESET) return debug.setupvalue(func, i, value) end i = i + 1 until var == nil end -- Set a global. dbg_writeln(COLOR_YELLOW.."debugger.lua"..GREEN_CARET.."Set global variable "..COLOR_BLUE..name..COLOR_RESET) _G[name] = value end -- Compile an expression with the given variable bindings. local function compile_chunk(block, env) local source = "debugger.lua REPL" local chunk = nil if _VERSION <= "Lua 5.1" then chunk = loadstring(block, source) if chunk then setfenv(chunk, env) end else -- The Lua 5.2 way is a bit cleaner chunk = load(block, source, "t", env) end if not chunk then dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."Error: Could not compile block:\n"..COLOR_RESET..block) end return chunk end local SOURCE_CACHE = {} local function where(info, context_lines) local source = SOURCE_CACHE[info.source] if not source then source = {} local filename = info.source:match("@(.*)") if filename then pcall(function() for line in io.lines(filename) do table.insert(source, line) end end) elseif info.source then for line in info.source:gmatch("(.-)\n") do table.insert(source, line) end end SOURCE_CACHE[info.source] = source end if source and source[info.currentline] then for i = info.currentline - context_lines, info.currentline + context_lines do local tab_or_caret = (i == info.currentline and GREEN_CARET or " ") local line = source[i] if line then dbg_writeln(COLOR_GRAY.."% 4d"..tab_or_caret.."%s", i, line) end end else dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."Error: Source not available for "..COLOR_BLUE..info.short_src); end return false end -- Wee version differences local unpack = unpack or table.unpack local pack = function(...) return {n = select("#", ...), ...} end local function cmd_step() stack_inspect_offset = stack_top return true, hook_step end local function cmd_next() stack_inspect_offset = stack_top return true, hook_next end local function cmd_finish() local offset = stack_top - stack_inspect_offset stack_inspect_offset = stack_top return true, offset < 0 and hook_factory(offset - 1) or hook_finish end local function cmd_print(expr) local env = local_bindings(1, true) local chunk = compile_chunk("return "..expr, env) if chunk == nil then return false end -- Call the chunk and collect the results. local results = pack(pcall(chunk, unpack(rawget(env, "...") or {}))) -- The first result is the pcall error. if not results[1] then dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."Error:"..COLOR_RESET.." "..results[2]) else local output = "" for i = 2, results.n do output = output..(i ~= 2 and ", " or "")..pretty(results[i]) end if output == "" then output = "" end dbg_writeln(COLOR_BLUE..expr.. GREEN_CARET..output) end return false end local function cmd_eval(code) local env = local_bindings(1, true) local mutable_env = setmetatable({}, { __index = env, __newindex = mutate_bindings, }) local chunk = compile_chunk(code, mutable_env) if chunk == nil then return false end -- Call the chunk and collect the results. local success, err = pcall(chunk, unpack(rawget(env, "...") or {})) if not success then dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."Error:"..COLOR_RESET.." "..tostring(err)) end return false end local function cmd_down() local offset = stack_inspect_offset local info repeat -- Find the next frame with a file. offset = offset + 1 info = debug.getinfo(offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL) until not info or frame_has_line(info) if info then stack_inspect_offset = offset dbg_writeln("Inspecting frame: "..format_stack_frame_info(info)) if tonumber(dbg.auto_where) then where(info, dbg.auto_where) end else info = debug.getinfo(stack_inspect_offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL) dbg_writeln("Already at the bottom of the stack.") end return false end local function cmd_up() local offset = stack_inspect_offset local info repeat -- Find the next frame with a file. offset = offset - 1 if offset < stack_top then info = nil; break end info = debug.getinfo(offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL) until frame_has_line(info) if info then stack_inspect_offset = offset dbg_writeln("Inspecting frame: "..format_stack_frame_info(info)) if tonumber(dbg.auto_where) then where(info, dbg.auto_where) end else info = debug.getinfo(stack_inspect_offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL) dbg_writeln("Already at the top of the stack.") end return false end local function cmd_where(context_lines) local info = debug.getinfo(stack_inspect_offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL) return (info and where(info, tonumber(context_lines) or 5)) end local function cmd_trace() dbg_writeln("Inspecting frame %d", stack_inspect_offset - stack_top) local i = 0; while true do local info = debug.getinfo(stack_top + CMD_STACK_LEVEL + i) if not info then break end local is_current_frame = (i + stack_top == stack_inspect_offset) local tab_or_caret = (is_current_frame and GREEN_CARET or " ") dbg_writeln(COLOR_GRAY.."% 4d"..COLOR_RESET..tab_or_caret.."%s", i, format_stack_frame_info(info)) i = i + 1 end return false end local function cmd_locals() local bindings = local_bindings(1, false) -- Get all the variable binding names and sort them local keys = {} for k, _ in pairs(bindings) do table.insert(keys, k) end table.sort(keys) for _, k in ipairs(keys) do local v = bindings[k] -- Skip the debugger object itself, "(*internal)" values, and Lua 5.2's _ENV object. if not rawequal(v, dbg) and k ~= "_ENV" and not k:match("%(.*%)") then dbg_writeln(" "..COLOR_BLUE..k.. GREEN_CARET..pretty(v)) end end return false end local function cmd_help() dbg.write("" .. COLOR_BLUE.." "..GREEN_CARET.."re-run last command\n" .. COLOR_BLUE.." c"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(ontinue)"..GREEN_CARET.."continue execution\n" .. COLOR_BLUE.." s"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(tep)"..GREEN_CARET.."step forward by one line (into functions)\n" .. COLOR_BLUE.." n"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(ext)"..GREEN_CARET.."step forward by one line (skipping over functions)\n" .. COLOR_BLUE.." f"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(inish)"..GREEN_CARET.."step forward until exiting the current function\n" .. COLOR_BLUE.." u"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(p)"..GREEN_CARET.."move up the stack by one frame\n" .. COLOR_BLUE.." d"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(own)"..GREEN_CARET.."move down the stack by one frame\n" .. COLOR_BLUE.." w"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(here) "..COLOR_BLUE.."[line count]"..GREEN_CARET.."print source code around the current line\n" .. COLOR_BLUE.." e"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(val) "..COLOR_BLUE.."[statement]"..GREEN_CARET.."execute the statement\n" .. COLOR_BLUE.." p"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(rint) "..COLOR_BLUE.."[expression]"..GREEN_CARET.."execute the expression and print the result\n" .. COLOR_BLUE.." t"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(race)"..GREEN_CARET.."print the stack trace\n" .. COLOR_BLUE.." l"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(ocals)"..GREEN_CARET.."print the function arguments, locals and upvalues.\n" .. COLOR_BLUE.." h"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(elp)"..GREEN_CARET.."print this message\n" .. COLOR_BLUE.." q"..COLOR_YELLOW.."(uit)"..GREEN_CARET.."halt execution\n" ) return false end local last_cmd = false local commands = { ["^c$"] = function() return true end, ["^s$"] = cmd_step, ["^n$"] = cmd_next, ["^f$"] = cmd_finish, ["^p%s+(.*)$"] = cmd_print, ["^e%s+(.*)$"] = cmd_eval, ["^u$"] = cmd_up, ["^d$"] = cmd_down, ["^w%s*(%d*)$"] = cmd_where, ["^t$"] = cmd_trace, ["^l$"] = cmd_locals, ["^h$"] = cmd_help, ["^q$"] = function() dbg.exit(0); return true end, } local function match_command(line) for pat, func in pairs(commands) do -- Return the matching command and capture argument. if line:find(pat) then return func, line:match(pat) end end end -- Run a command line -- Returns true if the REPL should exit and the hook function factory local function run_command(line) -- GDB/LLDB exit on ctrl-d if line == nil then dbg.exit(1); return true end -- Re-execute the last command if you press return. if line == "" then line = last_cmd or "h" end local command, command_arg = match_command(line) if command then last_cmd = line -- unpack({...}) prevents tail call elimination so the stack frame indices are predictable. return unpack({command(command_arg)}) elseif dbg.auto_eval then return unpack({cmd_eval(line)}) else dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."Error:"..COLOR_RESET.." command '%s' not recognized.\nType 'h' and press return for a command list.", line) return false end end repl = function(reason) -- Skip frames without source info. while not frame_has_line(debug.getinfo(stack_inspect_offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL - 3)) do stack_inspect_offset = stack_inspect_offset + 1 end local info = debug.getinfo(stack_inspect_offset + CMD_STACK_LEVEL - 3) reason = reason and (COLOR_YELLOW.."break via "..COLOR_RED..reason..GREEN_CARET) or "" dbg_writeln(reason..format_stack_frame_info(info)) if tonumber(dbg.auto_where) then where(info, dbg.auto_where) end repeat local success, done, hook = pcall(run_command, dbg.read(COLOR_RED.."debugger.lua> "..COLOR_RESET)) if success then debug.sethook(hook and hook(0), "crl") else local message = COLOR_RED.."INTERNAL DEBUGGER.LUA ERROR. ABORTING\n:"..COLOR_RESET.." "..done dbg_writeln(message) error(message) end until done end -- Make the debugger object callable like a function. dbg = setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_, condition, top_offset, source) if condition then return end top_offset = (top_offset or 0) stack_inspect_offset = top_offset stack_top = top_offset debug.sethook(hook_next(1, source or "dbg()"), "crl") return end, }) -- Expose the debugger's IO functions. dbg.read = dbg_read dbg.write = dbg_write dbg.shorten_path = function (path) return path end dbg.exit = function(err) os.exit(err) end dbg.writeln = dbg_writeln dbg.pretty_depth = 3 dbg.pretty = pretty dbg.pp = function(value, depth) dbg_writeln(pretty(value, depth)) end dbg.auto_where = false dbg.auto_eval = false local lua_error, lua_assert = error, assert -- Works like error(), but invokes the debugger. function dbg.error(err, level) level = level or 1 dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."ERROR: "..COLOR_RESET..pretty(err)) dbg(false, level, "dbg.error()") lua_error(err, level) end -- Works like assert(), but invokes the debugger on a failure. function dbg.assert(condition, message) if not condition then dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."ERROR:"..COLOR_RESET..message) dbg(false, 1, "dbg.assert()") end return lua_assert(condition, message) end -- Works like pcall(), but invokes the debugger on an error. function dbg.call(f, ...) return xpcall(f, function(err) dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."ERROR: "..COLOR_RESET..pretty(err)) dbg(false, 1, "dbg.call()") return err end, ...) end -- Error message handler that can be used with lua_pcall(). function dbg.msgh(...) if debug.getinfo(2) then dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."ERROR: "..COLOR_RESET..pretty(...)) dbg(false, 1, "dbg.msgh()") else dbg_writeln(COLOR_RED.."debugger.lua: "..COLOR_RESET.."Error did not occur in Lua code. Execution will continue after dbg_pcall().") end return ... end -- Assume stdin/out are TTYs unless we can use LuaJIT's FFI to properly check them. local stdin_isatty = true local stdout_isatty = true -- Conditionally enable the LuaJIT FFI. local ffi = (jit and require("ffi")) if ffi then ffi.cdef[[ int isatty(int); // Unix int _isatty(int); // Windows void free(void *ptr); char *readline(const char *); int add_history(const char *); ]] local function get_func_or_nil(sym) local success, func = pcall(function() return ffi.C[sym] end) return success and func or nil end local isatty = get_func_or_nil("isatty") or get_func_or_nil("_isatty") stdin_isatty = isatty(0) stdout_isatty = isatty(1) end -- Conditionally enable color support. local color_maybe_supported = (stdout_isatty and os.getenv("TERM") and os.getenv("TERM") ~= "dumb") if color_maybe_supported and not os.getenv("DBG_NOCOLOR") then COLOR_GRAY = string.char(27) .. "[90m" COLOR_RED = string.char(27) .. "[91m" COLOR_BLUE = string.char(27) .. "[94m" COLOR_YELLOW = string.char(27) .. "[33m" COLOR_RESET = string.char(27) .. "[0m" GREEN_CARET = string.char(27) .. "[92m => "..COLOR_RESET end if stdin_isatty and not os.getenv("DBG_NOREADLINE") then pcall(function() local linenoise = require 'linenoise' -- Load command history from ~/.lua_history local hist_path = os.getenv('HOME') .. '/.lua_history' linenoise.historyload(hist_path) linenoise.historysetmaxlen(50) local function autocomplete(env, input, matches) for name, _ in pairs(env) do if name:match('^' .. input .. '.*') then linenoise.addcompletion(matches, name) end end end -- Auto-completion for locals and globals linenoise.setcompletion(function(matches, input) -- First, check the locals and upvalues. local env = local_bindings(1, true) autocomplete(env, input, matches) -- Then, check the implicit environment. env = getmetatable(env).__index autocomplete(env, input, matches) end) dbg.read = function(prompt) local str = linenoise.linenoise(prompt) if str and not str:match "^%s*$" then linenoise.historyadd(str) linenoise.historysave(hist_path) end return str end dbg_writeln(COLOR_YELLOW.."debugger.lua: "..COLOR_RESET.."Linenoise support enabled.") end) -- Conditionally enable LuaJIT readline support. pcall(function() if dbg.read == nil and ffi then local readline = ffi.load("readline") dbg.read = function(prompt) local cstr = readline.readline(prompt) if cstr ~= nil then local str = ffi.string(cstr) if string.match(str, "[^%s]+") then readline.add_history(cstr) end ffi.C.free(cstr) return str else return nil end end dbg_writeln(COLOR_YELLOW.."debugger.lua: "..COLOR_RESET.."Readline support enabled.") end end) end -- Detect Lua version. if jit then -- LuaJIT LUA_JIT_SETLOCAL_WORKAROUND = -1 dbg_writeln(COLOR_YELLOW.."debugger.lua: "..COLOR_RESET.."Loaded for "..jit.version) elseif "Lua 5.1" <= _VERSION and _VERSION <= "Lua 5.4" then dbg_writeln(COLOR_YELLOW.."debugger.lua: "..COLOR_RESET.."Loaded for ".._VERSION) else dbg_writeln(COLOR_YELLOW.."debugger.lua: "..COLOR_RESET.."Not tested against ".._VERSION) dbg_writeln("Please send me feedback!") end return dbg