build: new addon system

Dominik Madarász 2024-01-20 02:12:45 +01:00
parent f6059af8a4
commit 6f462d9367
1 changed files with 34 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
cd /d "%~dp0"
echo Args: %*
rem show help
if "%1"=="-?" goto showhelp
if "%1"=="-h" goto showhelp
@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ if "%1"=="help" (
echo %0 [amalgamation] ; combine engine/v4k* into a single-header file
echo %0 [prep] ; combine split files into a single-header file, ready for use
echo %0 [sln] ; generate a xcode/gmake/ninja/visual studio solution
echo %0 [addons[ names ] ] ; specify list of addons you want to compile with the engine
echo %0 [cl^|tcc^|cc^|gcc^|clang^|clang-cl] [dbg^|dev^|rel^|ret] [static^|dll] [nov4k^|nodemos^|editor] [vis] [-- args]
echo cl \
echo tcc ^|
@ -592,6 +595,29 @@ set vis=no
set proj=no
set rc=0
set run=no
set addons=
set addons_names=
set addons_includes=
if "%1"=="addons[" (
shift && goto parse_addons
if "%1"=="]" (
) else (
set "addon_names=%1 %addon_names%"
set "addon_includes=-Idepot\deps\%1 %addon_includes%"
if exist "depot\deps\%1\%1.cpp" (
set "addons=depot\deps\%1\%1.cpp %addons%"
) else (
set "addons=depot\deps\%1\%1.c %addons%"
if exist "depot\deps\%1\include" (
set "addon_includes=-Idepot\deps\%1\include %addon_includes%"
shift && goto parse_addons
if "%1"=="--" shift && goto parse_compiler_args
@ -822,6 +848,7 @@ if "!cc!"=="cl" (
echo build=!build!, type=!dll!, cc=!cc!, other=!other!, args=!args!
echo import=!import!, export=!export!
echo addons=!addon_names!
rem set BUILD_VERSION symbol
git describe --tags --abbrev=0 > info.obj
@ -847,7 +874,7 @@ if not "!other!"=="" (
rem framework
if "!v4k!"=="yes" (
tools\file2hash engine\v4k.c engine\v4k.h engine\v4k. engine\joint\v4k.h -- !build! !import! !export! !args! !dll! > nul
tools\file2hash engine\v4k.c engine\v4k.h engine\v4k. engine\joint\v4k.h !addons! -- !build! !import! !export! !args! !dll! > nul
set cache=_cache\.!errorlevel!
md _cache 2>nul >nul
@ -860,7 +887,7 @@ if "!v4k!"=="yes" (
if exist !cache!.pdb copy /y !cache!.pdb v4k.pdb 2>nul >nul
if not exist "!cache!" (
!echo! v4k && !cc! engine\v4k.c !export! !args! && if "!dll!"=="dll" copy /y v4k.dll bind\v4k.dll > nul || set rc=1
!echo! v4k && !cc! engine\v4k.c !addons! /DADDON !addon_includes! !export! !args! && if "!dll!"=="dll" copy /y v4k.dll bind\v4k.dll > nul || set rc=1
echo. > !cache!
if exist v4k.o copy /y v4k.o !cache!.o 2>nul >nul
if exist v4k.obj copy /y v4k.obj !cache!.obj 2>nul >nul
@ -880,7 +907,7 @@ rem editor
if "!editor!"=="yes" (
!echo! editor && !cc! !o! editor.exe engine\editor.c engine\v4k.c !edit! -Iengine/joint !args! || set rc=1
!echo! editor && !cc! !o! editor.exe engine\editor.c engine\v4k.c !addon_includes! !edit! -Iengine/joint !args! || set rc=1
rem if "!cc!"=="cl" (
rem set plug_export=/LD
@ -907,7 +934,7 @@ if "!demos!"=="yes" (
>nul find "V4K_IMPLEMENTATION" "demos\!fname!.c" && (
set limport=
!echo! !fname! && !cc! !o! !fname!.exe "demos\!fname!.c" !limport! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! !fname! && !cc! !o! !fname!.exe "demos\!fname!.c" !addon_includes! !limport! !args! || set rc=1
@ -921,13 +948,13 @@ if "!lab!"=="yes" (
>nul find "V4K_IMPLEMENTATION" demos\%%~nf.c && (
set limport=
!echo! %%~nf && !cc! !o! %%~nf.exe demos\%%~nf.c !limport! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! %%~nf && !cc! !o! %%~nf.exe demos\%%~nf.c !addon_includes! !limport! !args! || set rc=1
rem hello
if "!hello!"=="yes" (
!echo! hello && !cc! !o! hello.exe hello.c !args! || set rc=1
!echo! hello && !cc! !o! hello.exe hello.c !addon_includes! !args! || set rc=1
rem user-defined apps
@ -941,7 +968,7 @@ if not "!other!"=="" (
rem )
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ("%other%") do set exename=%%~na.exe
del !exename! >NUL
!echo! !other! && !cc! !other! !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! !other! && !cc! !other! !addon_includes! !import! !args! || set rc=1
if "!run!"=="yes" (