anims_t drop M

Dominik Madarász 2023-09-07 11:40:43 +02:00
parent 3a70df594b
commit 1d7e68f18c
10 changed files with 25 additions and 203 deletions

View File

@ -69,21 +69,20 @@ int main() {
// characters
static int NUM_INSTANCES = 1;
profile("Skeletal render") {
if( do_showmodel ) model_render_instanced(mdl, cam.proj, cam.view, a.M, 0, NUM_INSTANCES);
if( do_showmodel ) model_render(mdl, cam.proj, cam.view, mdl.pivot, 0);
if( do_showbones ) model_render_skeleton(mdl, a.M[0]);
if( do_showbones ) model_render_skeleton(mdl, mdl.pivot);
if( do_showaabb ) {
aabb box = model_aabb(mdl, a.M[0]);
aabb box = model_aabb(mdl, mdl.pivot);
ddraw_aabb(box.min, box.max);
if( do_showgizmo ) {
static vec3 p = {0,0,0}, r = {0,-90,0}, s = {1,1,1};
gizmo(&p, &r, &s);
compose44(a.M[0], p, eulerq(r), s);
compose44(mdl.pivot, p, eulerq(r), s);
@ -96,9 +95,6 @@ int main() {
if( ui_bool("Show gizmo", &do_showgizmo) );
if( ui_int("Instances", &NUM_INSTANCES)) NUM_INSTANCES = clampi(NUM_INSTANCES, 1, array_count(a.M));
ui_label(va("Anim %s [%d.. %.2f ..%d]", a.anims[ a.inuse ].name, anim.min, mdl.curframe, anim.max ));
// normalize curframe into [0..1] range

View File

@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
* @license
* Copyright 2015 The Emscripten Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Pthread Web Worker startup routine:
// This is the entry point file that is loaded first by each Web Worker
// that executes pthreads on the Emscripten application.
'use strict';
var Module = {};
// Thread-local:
function assert(condition, text) {
if (!condition) abort('Assertion failed: ' + text);
function threadPrintErr() {
var text =' ');
function threadAlert() {
var text =' ');
postMessage({cmd: 'alert', text: text, threadId: Module['_pthread_self']()});
// We don't need out() for now, but may need to add it if we want to use it
// here. Or, if this code all moves into the main JS, that problem will go
// away. (For now, adding it here increases code size for no benefit.)
var out = function() {
throw 'out() is not defined in worker.js.';
var err = threadPrintErr;
self.alert = threadAlert;
Module['instantiateWasm'] = function(info, receiveInstance) {
// Instantiate from the module posted from the main thread.
// We can just use sync instantiation in the worker.
var instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(Module['wasmModule'], info);
// TODO: Due to Closure regression,
// the above line no longer optimizes out down to the following line.
// When the regression is fixed, we can remove this if/else.
// We don't need the module anymore; new threads will be spawned from the main thread.
Module['wasmModule'] = null;
return instance.exports;
self.onmessage = function(e) {
try {
if ( === 'load') { // Preload command that is called once per worker to parse and load the Emscripten code.
// Module and memory were sent from main thread
Module['wasmModule'] =;
Module['wasmMemory'] =;
Module['buffer'] = Module['wasmMemory'].buffer;
if (typeof === 'string') {
} else {
var objectUrl = URL.createObjectURL(;
} else if ( === 'run') {
// This worker was idle, and now should start executing its pthread entry
// point.
// is specced to return a wallclock time in msecs since
// that Web Worker/main thread launched. However for pthreads this can
// cause subtle problems in emscripten_get_now() as this essentially
// would measure time from pthread_create(), meaning that the clocks
// between each threads would be wildly out of sync. Therefore sync all
// pthreads to the clock on the main browser thread, so that different
// threads see a somewhat coherent clock across each of them
// (+/- 0.1msecs in testing).
Module['__performance_now_clock_drift'] = -;
// Pass the thread address inside the asm.js scope to store it for fast access that avoids the need for a FFI out.
Module['__emscripten_thread_init'](, /*isMainBrowserThread=*/0, /*isMainRuntimeThread=*/0);
// Also call inside JS module to set up the stack frame for this pthread in JS module scope
try {
// pthread entry points are always of signature 'void *ThreadMain(void *arg)'
// Native codebases sometimes spawn threads with other thread entry point signatures,
// such as void ThreadMain(void *arg), void *ThreadMain(), or void ThreadMain().
// That is not acceptable per C/C++ specification, but x86 compiler ABI extensions
// enable that to work. If you find the following line to crash, either change the signature
// to "proper" void *ThreadMain(void *arg) form, or try linking with the Emscripten linker
// flag -s EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS=1 to add in emulation for this x86 ABI extension.
var result = Module['invokeEntryPoint'](,;
if (Module['keepRuntimeAlive']()) {
} else {
} catch(ex) {
if (ex != 'unwind') {
// FIXME(sbc): Figure out if this is still needed or useful. Its not
// clear to me how this check could ever fail. In order to get into
// this try/catch block at all we have already called bunch of
// functions on `Module`.. why is this one special?
if (typeof(Module['_emscripten_futex_wake']) !== 'function') {
err("Thread Initialisation failed.");
throw ex;
// ExitStatus not present in MINIMAL_RUNTIME
if (ex instanceof Module['ExitStatus']) {
if (Module['keepRuntimeAlive']()) {
err('Pthread 0x' + Module['_pthread_self']().toString(16) + ' called exit(), staying alive due to noExitRuntime.');
} else {
err('Pthread 0x' + Module['_pthread_self']().toString(16) + ' called exit(), calling _emscripten_thread_exit.');
// The pthread "crashed". Do not call `_emscripten_thread_exit` (which
// would make this thread joinable. Instead, re-throw the exception
// and let the top level handler propagate it back to the main thread.
throw ex;
} else {
// else e == 'unwind', and we should fall through here and keep the pthread alive for asynchronous events.
err('Pthread 0x' + Module['_pthread_self']().toString(16) + ' completed its main entry point with an `unwind`, keeping the worker alive for asynchronous operation.');
} else if ( === 'cancel') { // Main thread is asking for a pthread_cancel() on this thread.
if (Module['_pthread_self']()) {
postMessage({ 'cmd': 'cancelDone' });
} else if ( === 'setimmediate') {
// no-op
} else if ( === 'processThreadQueue') {
if (Module['_pthread_self']()) { // If this thread is actually running?
} else {
err('worker.js received unknown command ' +;
} catch(ex) {
err('worker.js onmessage() captured an uncaught exception: ' + ex);
if (ex && ex.stack) err(ex.stack);
throw ex;

View File

@ -2481,7 +2481,6 @@ typedef struct anims_t {
int inuse;
float speed;
anim_t* anims;
mat44* M;
} anims_t;
anims_t animations(const char *pathfile, int flags);
typedef struct skybox_t {

View File

@ -16649,7 +16649,6 @@ typedef struct anims_t {
int inuse; // animation number in use
float speed; // x1.00
array(anim_t) anims; // [begin,end,flags] frames of every animation in set
array(mat44) M; // instanced transforms
} anims_t;
API anims_t animations(const char *pathfile, int flags);
@ -344131,15 +344130,6 @@ anims_t animations(const char *pathfile, int flags) {
array_push(a.anims, !!strstri(anim_name, "loop") ? loop(from, to, 0, 0) : clip(from, to, 0, 0)); // [from,to,flags]
array_back(a.anims)->name = strswap(strswap(strswap(STRDUP(anim_name), "Loop", ""), "loop", ""), "()", "");
array_resize(a.M, 32*32);
for(int z = 0, i = 0; z < 32; ++z) {
for(int x = 0; x < 32; ++x, ++i) {
vec3 p = vec3(-x*3,0,-z*3);
vec3 r = vec3(0,0,0);
vec3 s = vec3(2,2,2);
compose44(a.M[i], p, eulerq(r), s);
a.speed = 1.0;
return a;

View File

@ -4230,15 +4230,6 @@ anims_t animations(const char *pathfile, int flags) {
array_push(a.anims, !!strstri(anim_name, "loop") ? loop(from, to, 0, 0) : clip(from, to, 0, 0)); // [from,to,flags]
array_back(a.anims)->name = strswap(strswap(strswap(STRDUP(anim_name), "Loop", ""), "loop", ""), "()", "");
array_resize(a.M, 32*32);
for(int z = 0, i = 0; z < 32; ++z) {
for(int x = 0; x < 32; ++x, ++i) {
vec3 p = vec3(-x*3,0,-z*3);
vec3 r = vec3(0,0,0);
vec3 s = vec3(2,2,2);
compose44(a.M[i], p, eulerq(r), s);
a.speed = 1.0;
return a;

View File

@ -494,7 +494,6 @@ typedef struct anims_t {
int inuse; // animation number in use
float speed; // x1.00
array(anim_t) anims; // [begin,end,flags] frames of every animation in set
array(mat44) M; // instanced transforms
} anims_t;
API anims_t animations(const char *pathfile, int flags);

View File

@ -15144,15 +15144,6 @@ anims_t animations(const char *pathfile, int flags) {
array_push(a.anims, !!strstri(anim_name, "loop") ? loop(from, to, 0, 0) : clip(from, to, 0, 0)); // [from,to,flags]
array_back(a.anims)->name = strswap(strswap(strswap(STRDUP(anim_name), "Loop", ""), "loop", ""), "()", "");
array_resize(a.M, 32*32);
for(int z = 0, i = 0; z < 32; ++z) {
for(int x = 0; x < 32; ++x, ++i) {
vec3 p = vec3(-x*3,0,-z*3);
vec3 r = vec3(0,0,0);
vec3 s = vec3(2,2,2);
compose44(a.M[i], p, eulerq(r), s);
a.speed = 1.0;
return a;

View File

@ -2732,7 +2732,6 @@ typedef struct anims_t {
int inuse; // animation number in use
float speed; // x1.00
array(anim_t) anims; // [begin,end,flags] frames of every animation in set
array(mat44) M; // instanced transforms
} anims_t;
API anims_t animations(const char *pathfile, int flags);

View File

@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ details > summary::-webkit-details-marker {
|Version: | 2023.7 |
|Branch: | main |
|Commit: | 64 |
|Commit: | 65 |
<!--| Documentation last modified | { {LAST_MODIFIED} } |-->
# [V·4·K 2023.7 ](
@ -8449,7 +8449,6 @@ struct anims_t {
int inuse;
float speed;
array(anim_t) anims;
array(mat44) M;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#include "v4k.h"
int main() {
if (argc() < 3) {
printf("%s [color] [trans]\n", argv(0));
return 1;
FILE *f = fopen(argv(1), "rb");
if (!f) {
printf("File not found.\n");
return 2;
//stbi_uc *stbi_load_from_file (FILE *f, int *x, int *y, int *channels_in_file, int desired_channels);
int x, y, bpp;
char *buf = stbi_load_from_file()
return 0;