38 lines
1011 B
38 lines
1011 B
* This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain.
* This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package.
* No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.
#define _ffree free
#define _fmalloc malloc
#define _fmemccpy memccpy
#define _fmemchr memchr
#define _fmemcmp memcmp
#define _fmemcpy memcpy
#define _fmemicmp _memicmp
#define _fmemmove memmove
#define _fmemset memset
#define _frealloc realloc
#define _fstrcat strcat
#define _fstrchr strchr
#define _fstrcmp strcmp
#define _fstrcpy strcpy
#define _fstrcspn strcspn
#define _fstrdup _strdup
#define _fstricmp _stricmp
#define _fstrlen strlen
#define _fstrlwr _strlwr
#define _fstrncat strncat
#define _fstrncmp strncmp
#define _fstrncpy strncpy
#define _fstrnicmp _strnicmp
#define _fstrnset strnset
#define _fstrpbrk strpbrk
#define _fstrrchr strrchr
#define _fstrrev strrev
#define _fstrset strset
#define _fstrspn strspn
#define _fstrstr strstr
#define _fstrtok strtok
#define _fstrupr _strupr