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// data pipeline
// - rlyeh, public domain.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @todo: threads should steal workloads from job queue
// @todo: restore errno/errorlevel checks
// @todo: +=, -=, that_asset.ini
// @todo: @dae FLAGS+=-U
// @todo: SF2_SOUNDBANK=TOOLS/soundbank.sf2
// @fixme: leaks (worth?)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char * ART = " art/ " ;
const char * TOOLS = " tools/bin/ " ;
const char * EDITOR = " tools/editor/ " ;
const char * COOK_INI = " tools/cook.ini " ;
static unsigned ART_SKIP_ROOT ; // number of chars to skip the base root in ART folder
static unsigned ART_LEN ; // dupe
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typedef struct cook_subscript_t {
char * infile ;
char * outfile ; // can be either infile, or a totally different file
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char * script ;
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char * outname ;
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int compress_level ;
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} cook_subscript_t ;
typedef struct cook_script_t {
cook_subscript_t cs [ 8 ] ;
int num_passes ;
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} cook_script_t ;
cook_script_t cook_script ( const char * rules , const char * infile , const char * outfile ) {
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cook_script_t mcs = { 0 } ;
// pass loop: some asset rules may require multiple cook passes
for ( int pass = 0 ; pass < countof ( mcs . cs ) ; + + pass ) {
// by default, assume:
// - no script is going to be generated (empty script)
// - if no script is going to be generated, output is in fact input file.
// - no compression is going to be required.
cook_subscript_t cs = { 0 } ;
// reuse script heap from last call if possible (optimization)
static __thread char * script = 0 ;
if ( script ) script [ 0 ] = 0 ;
// reuse parsing maps if possible (optimization)
static __thread map ( char * , char * ) symbols = 0 ; if ( ! symbols ) map_init_str ( symbols ) ;
static __thread map ( char * , char * ) groups = 0 ; if ( ! groups ) map_init_str ( groups ) ;
static __thread set ( char * ) passes = 0 ; if ( ! passes ) set_init_str ( passes ) ;
map_clear ( symbols ) ;
map_clear ( groups ) ;
map_find_or_add ( symbols , " INFILE " , STRDUP ( infile ) ) ;
map_find_or_add ( symbols , " INPUT " , STRDUP ( infile ) ) ;
map_find_or_add ( symbols , " PRETTY " , STRDUP ( infile + ART_SKIP_ROOT ) ) ; // pretty (truncated) input (C:/prj/V4K/art/file.wav -> file.wav)
map_find_or_add ( symbols , " OUTPUT " , STRDUP ( outfile ) ) ;
map_find_or_add ( symbols , " TOOLS " , STRDUP ( TOOLS ) ) ;
map_find_or_add ( symbols , " EDITOR " , STRDUP ( EDITOR ) ) ;
map_find_or_add ( symbols , " PROGRESS " , STRDUP ( va ( " %03d " , cook_progress ( ) ) ) ) ;
// clear pass counter
set_clear ( passes ) ;
// start parsing. parsing is enabled by default
int enabled = 1 ;
array ( char * ) lines = strsplit ( rules , " \r \n " ) ;
for ( int i = 0 , end = array_count ( lines ) ; i < end ; + + i ) {
// skip blanks
int blanks = strspn ( lines [ i ] , " \t " ) ;
char * line = lines [ i ] + blanks ;
// discard full comments
if ( line [ 0 ] = = ' ; ' ) continue ;
// truncate inline comments
if ( strstr ( line , " ; " ) ) * strstr ( line , " ; " ) = 0 ;
// trim ending spaces
char * eos = line + strlen ( line ) ; while ( eos > line & & eos [ - 1 ] = = ' ' ) * - - eos = 0 ;
// discard non-specific lines
if ( line [ 0 ] = = ' @ ' ) {
int with_wine = flag ( " --cook-wine " ) & & ! ! strstr ( line , " @win " ) ;
int parse = 0
| ifdef ( win32 , ( ! ! strstr ( line , " @win " ) ) , 0 )
| ifdef ( linux , ( ! ! strstr ( line , " @lin " ) ? 1 : with_wine ) , 0 )
| ifdef ( osx , ( ! ! strstr ( line , " @osx " ) ? 1 : with_wine ) , 0 ) ;
if ( ! parse ) continue ;
line = strchr ( line + 1 , ' ' ) ;
if ( ! line ) continue ;
line + = strspn ( line , " \t " ) ;
// execute `shell` commands
if ( line [ 0 ] = = ' ` ' ) {
char * eos = strrchr ( + + line , ' ` ' ) ;
if ( eos ) * eos = 0 ;
// replace all symbols
char * nl = STRDUP ( line ) ; // @leak
for each_map ( symbols , char * , key , char * , val ) {
strrepl ( & nl , key , val ) ;
lines [ i ] = line = nl ;
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static thread_mutex_t lock , * init = 0 ; if ( ! init ) thread_mutex_init ( init = & lock ) ;
thread_mutex_lock ( & lock ) ;
system ( line ) ; // strcatf(&script, "%s\n", line);
thread_mutex_unlock ( & lock ) ;
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continue ;
// process [sections]
if ( line [ 0 ] = = ' [ ' ) {
enabled = 1 ;
int is_cook = ! ! strstr ( line , " [cook] " ) ;
int is_compress = ! ! strstr ( line , " [compress] " ) ;
if ( ! is_cook & & ! is_compress ) { // if not a special section...
// remove hint cook tag if present. that's informative only.
if ( strbegi ( line , " [cook " ) ) memcpy ( line + 1 , " " , 4 ) ; // line += 6;
// start parsing expressions like `[media && !avi && mp3]`
array ( char * ) tags = strsplit ( line , " []& " ) ;
// let's check whether INPUT belongs to tags above
char * * INPUT = map_find ( symbols , " INPUT " ) ;
bool found_in_set = true ;
for ( int i = 0 , end = array_count ( tags ) ; i < end ; + + i ) {
bool negate = false ;
char * tag = tags [ i ] ;
while ( * tag = = ' ! ' ) negate ^ = 1 , + + tag ;
// find tag in groups map
// either a group or an extension
char * * is_group = map_find ( groups , tag ) ;
if ( is_group ) {
char * list = * is_group ;
char * INPUT_EXT = file_ext ( infile ) ; INPUT_EXT = strrchr ( INPUT_EXT , ' . ' ) ; // .ext1.ext -> .ext
char * ext = INPUT_EXT ; ext + = ext [ 0 ] = = ' . ' ; // dotless
bool in_list = strbegi ( list , ext ) | | strendi ( list , va ( " ,%s " , ext ) ) | | strstri ( list , va ( " ,%s, " , ext ) ) ;
if ( ! in_list ^ negate ) { found_in_set = false ; break ; }
} else {
char * ext = va ( " .%s " , tag ) ;
bool found = ! ! strendi ( * INPUT , ext ) ;
if ( ! found ^ negate ) { found_in_set = false ; break ; }
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if ( found_in_set ) {
// inc pass
set_find_or_add ( passes , STRDUP ( * tags ) ) ; // @leak
// check whether we keep searching
int num_passes = set_count ( passes ) ;
found_in_set = ( pass = = ( num_passes - 1 ) ) ;
enabled = found_in_set ? 1 : 0 ;
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// either SYMBOL=, group=, or regular script line
if ( enabled & & line [ 0 ] ! = ' [ ' ) {
enum { group , symbol , regular } type = regular ;
int tokenlen = strspn ( line , " -+_.|0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz " ) ;
char * token = va ( " %.*s " , tokenlen , line ) ;
char * equal = strchr ( line , ' = ' ) ;
if ( equal ) {
if ( equal = = & line [ tokenlen ] ) { // if key=value expression found
// discriminate: symbols are uppercase and never begin with digits. groups are [0-9]+[|][a-z].
type = strcmp ( strupper ( token ) , token ) | | isdigit ( token [ 0 ] ) ? group : symbol ;
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if ( type = = group ) map_find_or_add ( groups , token , STRDUP ( equal + 1 ) ) ;
if ( type = = symbol ) {
// @todo: perform the replacement/union/intersection on set here
bool is_add = strendi ( token , " + " ) ;
bool is_del = strendi ( token , " - " ) ;
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// if present, remove last sign from token -> (FLAGS1+)=, (FLAGS1-)=
if ( is_add | | is_del ) token [ strlen ( token ) - 1 ] = 0 ;
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map_find_or_add ( symbols , token , STRDUP ( equal + 1 ) ) ;
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// for each_map(symbols, char*, key, char*, val) printf("%s=%s,", key, val); puts("");
// for each_map(groups, char*, key, char*, val) printf("%s=%s,", key, val); puts("");
// if( type != regular ) printf("%s found >> %s\n", type == group ? "group" : "symbol", line);
if ( type = = regular ) {
char * * INPUT = map_find ( symbols , " INPUT " ) ;
char * * OUTPUT = map_find ( symbols , " OUTPUT " ) ;
// parse return code
char * has_errorlevel = strstr ( line , " == " ) ; //==N form
int errorlevel = has_errorlevel ? atoi ( has_errorlevel + 2 ) : 0 ;
if ( has_errorlevel ) memcpy ( has_errorlevel , " " , 3 ) ;
// detect if newer extension or filename is present, and thus update OUTPUT if needed
char * newer_extension = strstr ( line , " -> " ) ; if ( newer_extension ) {
* newer_extension = 0 ;
newer_extension + = 2 + strspn ( newer_extension + 2 , " " ) ;
if ( strchr ( newer_extension , ' . ' ) ) {
// newer filename
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cs . outname = stringf ( " %s@%s " , cs . outname ? cs . outname : infile , newer_extension ) ; // @leak // special char (multi-pass cooks)
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newer_extension = NULL ;
} else {
strcatf ( & * OUTPUT , " .%s " , newer_extension ) ;
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// replace all symbols
char * nl = STRDUP ( line ) ; // @leak
for each_map ( symbols , char * , key , char * , val ) {
strrepl ( & nl , key , val ) ;
lines [ i ] = line = nl ;
// convert slashes
ifdef ( win32 ,
strswap ( line , " / " , " \\ " )
, // else
strswap ( line , " \\ " , " / " )
) ;
// append line
strcatf ( & script , " %s \n " , line ) ;
// handle return code here
// if(has_errorlevel)
// strcatf(&script, "IF NOT '%%ERRORLEVEL%%'=='%d' echo ERROR!\n", errorlevel);
// rename output->input for further chaining, in case it is needed
if ( newer_extension ) {
* INPUT [ 0 ] = 0 ;
strcatf ( & * INPUT , " %s " , * OUTPUT ) ;
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char * * OUTPUT = map_find ( symbols , " OUTPUT " ) ;
int ext_num_groups = 0 ;
// compression
if ( 1 ) {
char * ext = file_ext ( infile ) ; ext = strrchr ( ext , ' . ' ) ; ext + = ext [ 0 ] = = ' . ' ; // dotless INPUT_EXT
char * belongs_to = 0 ;
for each_map ( groups , char * , key , char * , val ) {
if ( ! isdigit ( key [ 0 ] ) ) {
char * comma = va ( " ,%s, " , ext ) ;
if ( ! strcmpi ( val , ext ) | | strbegi ( val , comma + 1 ) | | strstri ( val , comma ) | | strendi ( val , va ( " ,%s " , ext ) ) ) {
belongs_to = key ;
ext_num_groups + + ;
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char * compression = 0 ;
for each_map ( groups , char * , key , char * , val ) {
if ( isdigit ( key [ 0 ] ) ) {
char * comma = va ( " ,%s, " , ext ) ;
if ( ! strcmpi ( val , ext ) | | strbegi ( val , comma + 1 ) | | strstri ( val , comma ) | | strendi ( val , va ( " ,%s " , ext ) ) ) {
compression = key ;
comma = va ( " ,%s, " , belongs_to ) ;
if ( ! strcmpi ( val , ext ) | | strbegi ( val , comma + 1 ) | | strstri ( val , comma ) | | strendi ( val , va ( " ,%s " , ext ) ) ) {
compression = key ;
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cs . compress_level = 0 ;
if ( compression ) {
// last chance to optionally override the compressor at command-line level
static const char * compressor_override ;
do_once compressor_override = option ( " --cook-compressor " , " " ) ;
if ( compressor_override [ 0 ] ) compression = ( char * ) compressor_override ;
/**/ if ( strstri ( compression , " PPP " ) ) cs . compress_level = atoi ( compression ) | PPP ;
else if ( strstri ( compression , " ULZ " ) ) cs . compress_level = atoi ( compression ) | ULZ ;
else if ( strstri ( compression , " LZ4 " ) ) cs . compress_level = atoi ( compression ) | LZ4X ;
else if ( strstri ( compression , " CRSH " ) ) cs . compress_level = atoi ( compression ) | CRSH ;
else if ( strstri ( compression , " DEFL " ) ) cs . compress_level = isdigit ( compression [ 0 ] ) ? atoi ( compression ) : 6 /*| DEFL*/ ;
//else if(strstri(compression, "LZP")) cs.compress_level = atoi(compression) | LZP1; // not supported
else if ( strstri ( compression , " LZMA " ) ) cs . compress_level = atoi ( compression ) | LZMA ;
else if ( strstri ( compression , " BALZ " ) ) cs . compress_level = atoi ( compression ) | BALZ ;
else if ( strstri ( compression , " LZW " ) ) cs . compress_level = atoi ( compression ) | LZW3 ;
else if ( strstri ( compression , " LZSS " ) ) cs . compress_level = atoi ( compression ) | LZSS ;
else if ( strstri ( compression , " BCM " ) ) cs . compress_level = atoi ( compression ) | BCM ;
else cs . compress_level = isdigit ( compression [ 0 ] ) ? atoi ( compression ) : 6 /*| DEFL*/ ;
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// if script was generated...
if ( script & & script [ 0 ] ) {
// update outfile
cs . outfile = * OUTPUT ;
// amalgamate script
array ( char * ) lines = strsplit ( script , " \r \n " ) ;
# if is(win32)
char * joint = strjoin ( lines , " && " ) ;
cs . script = joint ;
# else
if ( flag ( " --cook-wine " ) ) {
// dear linux/osx/bsd users:
// tools going wrong for any reason? cant compile them maybe?
// small hack to use win32 pipeline tools instead
char * joint = strjoin ( lines , " && wine " ) ;
cs . script = va ( " wine %s " , /*TOOLS,*/ joint ) ;
} else {
char * joint = strjoin ( lines , " && " ) ;
cs . script = va ( " export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s && %s " , TOOLS , joint ) ;
# endif
} else {
// ... else bypass infile->outfile
char * * INFILE = map_find ( symbols , " INFILE " ) ;
cs . outfile = * INFILE ;
// and return an empty script
cs . script = " " ;
cs . outname = cs . outname ? cs . outname : ( char * ) infile ;
ASSERT ( mcs . num_passes < countof ( mcs . cs ) ) ;
mcs . cs [ mcs . num_passes + + ] = cs ;
bool next_pass_required = mcs . num_passes < ext_num_groups ;
if ( ! next_pass_required ) break ;
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return mcs ;
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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct fs {
char * fname , status ;
uint64_t stamp ;
uint64_t bytes ;
} ;
static array ( struct fs ) fs_now ;
static __thread array ( char * ) added ;
static __thread array ( char * ) changed ;
static __thread array ( char * ) deleted ;
static __thread array ( char * ) uncooked ;
array ( struct fs ) zipscan_filter ( int threadid , int numthreads ) {
// iterate all previously scanned files
array ( struct fs ) fs = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 , end = array_count ( fs_now ) ; i < end ; + + i ) {
// during workload distribution, we assign random files to specific thread buckets.
// we achieve this by hashing the basename of the file. we used to hash also the path
// long time ago but that is less resilient to file relocations across the repository.
// excluding the file extension from the hash also helps from external file conversions.
char * fname = file_name ( fs_now [ i ] . fname ) ;
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char * sign = strrchr ( fname , ' @ ' ) ; if ( sign ) * sign = ' \0 ' ; // special char (multi-pass cooks)
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char * dot = strrchr ( fname , ' . ' ) ; if ( dot ) * dot = ' \0 ' ;
// skip if list item does not belong to this thread bucket
uint64_t hash = hash_str ( fname ) ;
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unsigned bucket = ( hash /*>> 32*/ ) % numthreads ;
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if ( bucket ! = threadid ) continue ;
array_push ( fs , fs_now [ i ] ) ;
return fs ;
int zipscan_diff ( zip * old , array ( struct fs ) now ) {
array_free ( added ) ;
array_free ( changed ) ;
array_free ( deleted ) ;
array_free ( uncooked ) ;
// if not zipfile is present, all files are new and must be added
if ( ! old ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < array_count ( now ) ; + + i ) {
array_push ( uncooked , STRDUP ( now [ i ] . fname ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// compare for new & changed files
for ( int i = 0 ; i < array_count ( now ) ; + + i ) {
int found = zip_find ( old , now [ i ] . fname ) ;
if ( found < 0 ) {
array_push ( added , STRDUP ( now [ i ] . fname ) ) ;
array_push ( uncooked , STRDUP ( now [ i ] . fname ) ) ;
} else {
uint64_t oldsize = atoi64 ( zip_comment ( old , found ) ) ; // zip_size(old, found); returns sizeof processed asset. return original size of unprocessed asset, which we store in comment section
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uint64_t oldstamp = atoi64 ( zip_modt ( old , found ) + 20 ) ; // format is "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss", then +20 chars later a hidden epoch timestamp in base10 can be found
int64_t diffstamp = oldstamp < now [ i ] . stamp ? now [ i ] . stamp - oldstamp : oldstamp - now [ i ] . stamp ;
if ( oldsize ! = now [ i ] . bytes | | diffstamp > 1 ) { // @fixme: should use hash instead. hashof(tool) ^ hashof(args used) ^ hashof(rawsize) ^ hashof(rawdate)
printf ( " %s: \t %u vs %u, %llu vs %llu \n " , now [ i ] . fname , ( unsigned ) oldsize , ( unsigned ) now [ i ] . bytes , oldstamp , now [ i ] . stamp ) ;
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array_push ( changed , STRDUP ( now [ i ] . fname ) ) ;
array_push ( uncooked , STRDUP ( now [ i ] . fname ) ) ;
// compare for deleted files
for ( int i = 0 ; i < zip_count ( old ) ; + + i ) {
char * oldname = zip_name ( old , i ) ;
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//if( strchr(oldname, '@') ) oldname = va("%*.s", (int)(strchr(oldname, '@') - oldname), oldname ); // special char (multi-pass cooks)
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int idx = zip_find ( old , oldname ) ; // find latest versioned file in zip
unsigned oldsize = zip_size ( old , idx ) ;
if ( ! oldsize ) continue ;
struct fs * found = 0 ; // zipscan_locate(now, oldname);
for ( int j = 0 ; j < array_count ( now ) ; + + j ) {
if ( ! strcmp ( now [ j ] . fname , oldname ) ) {
found = & now [ j ] ;
break ;
if ( ! found ) {
array_push ( deleted , STRDUP ( oldname ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct cook_worker {
const char * * files ;
const char * rules ;
int threadid , numthreads ;
thread_ptr_t self ;
volatile int progress ;
thread_mutex_t * lock ;
} cook_worker ;
enum { JOBS_MAX = 256 } ;
static cook_worker jobs [ JOBS_MAX ] = { 0 } ;
static volatile bool cook_cancelable = false , cook_cancelling = false , cook_debug = false ;
# define COOK_ON_DEMAND flag("--cook-on-demand")
# endif
int cook ( void * userdata ) {
cook_worker * job = ( cook_worker * ) userdata ;
// start progress
volatile int * progress = & job - > progress ;
* progress = 0 ;
// scan disk from fs_now snapshot
array ( struct fs ) filtered = zipscan_filter ( job - > threadid , job - > numthreads ) ;
//printf("Scanned: %d items found\n", array_count(now));
// prepare out tempname
char COOK_TMPFILE [ 64 ] ; snprintf ( COOK_TMPFILE , 64 , " temp_%02d " , job - > threadid ) ;
// prepare zip
char zipfile [ 64 ] ; snprintf ( zipfile , 64 , " .art[%02x].zip " , job - > threadid ) ;
if ( file_size ( zipfile ) = = 0 ) unlink ( zipfile ) ;
// populate added/deleted/changed arrays by examining current disk vs last cache
zip * z ;
z = zip_open ( zipfile , " r+b " ) ;
zipscan_diff ( z , filtered ) ;
if ( z ) zip_close ( z ) ;
fflush ( 0 ) ;
z = zip_open ( zipfile , " a+b " ) ;
if ( ! z ) {
unlink ( zipfile ) ;
z = zip_open ( zipfile , " a+b " ) ; // try again
if ( ! z ) PANIC ( " cannot open file for updating: %s " , zipfile ) ;
// deleted files. --cook-additive runs are append-only, so they skip this block
if ( ! flag ( " --cook-additive " ) )
for ( int i = 0 , end = array_count ( deleted ) ; i < end ; + + i ) {
printf ( " Deleting %03d%% %s \n " , ( i + 1 ) = = end ? 100 : ( i * 100 ) / end , deleted [ i ] ) ;
FILE * out = fopen ( COOK_TMPFILE , " wb " ) ; fclose ( out ) ;
FILE * in = fopen ( COOK_TMPFILE , " rb " ) ;
char * comment = " 0 " ;
zip_append_file /*_timeinfo*/ ( z , deleted [ i ] , comment , in , 0 /*, tm_now*/ ) ;
fclose ( in ) ;
// added or changed files
for ( int i = 0 , end = array_count ( uncooked ) ; i < end & & ! cook_cancelling ; + + i ) {
* progress = ( ( i + 1 ) = = end ? 90 : ( i * 90 ) / end ) ; // (i+i>0) * 100.f / end;
// start cook
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const char * infile = uncooked [ i ] ; //job->files[j];
int inlen = file_size ( infile ) ;
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// generate a cooking script for this asset
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cook_script_t mcs = cook_script ( job - > rules , infile , COOK_TMPFILE ) ;
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// puts(cs.script);
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for ( int pass = 0 ; pass < mcs . num_passes ; + + pass ) {
cook_subscript_t cs = mcs . cs [ pass ] ;
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// log to batch file for forensic purposes, if explicitly requested
static __thread bool logging = 0 ; do_once logging = ! ! flag ( " --cook-debug " ) | | cook_debug ;
if ( logging ) {
FILE * logfile = fopen ( va ( " cook%d.cmd " , job - > threadid ) , " a+t " ) ;
if ( logfile ) { fprintf ( logfile , " @rem %s \n %s \n " , cs . outname , cs . script ) ; fclose ( logfile ) ; }
fprintf ( stderr , " %s \n " , cs . script ) ;
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// invoke cooking script and recap status
const char * rc_output = app_exec ( cs . script ) ;
int rc = atoi ( rc_output ) ;
int outlen = file_size ( cs . outfile ) ;
int failed = cs . script [ 0 ] ? rc | | ! outlen : 0 ;
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// print errors
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if ( failed ) {
PRINTF ( " Import failed: %s while executing: \n %s \n Returned: \n %s \n " , cs . outname , cs . script , rc_output ) ;
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continue ;
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// special char (multi-pass cook). newly generated file: refresh values
// ensure newly created files by cook are also present on repo/disc for further cook passes
if ( pass > 0 ) { // && strchr(cs.outname, '@') ) { // pass>0 is a small optimization // special char (multi-pass cooks)
file_delete ( cs . outname ) ;
file_move ( cs . outfile , cs . outname ) ;
inlen = file_size ( infile = cs . outfile = cs . outname ) ;
// process only if included. may include optional compression.
if ( cs . compress_level > = 0 ) {
2023-08-25 23:32:43 +00:00
FILE * in = fopen ( cs . outfile , " rb " ) ;
2023-08-26 13:33:29 +00:00
#if 0
2023-08-25 23:32:43 +00:00
struct stat st ; stat ( infile , & st ) ;
struct tm * timeinfo = localtime ( & st . st_mtime ) ;
ASSERT ( timeinfo ) ;
2023-08-26 13:33:29 +00:00
# endif
2023-08-25 23:32:43 +00:00
char * comment = va ( " %d " , inlen ) ;
2023-08-26 13:33:29 +00:00
if ( ! zip_append_file /*_timeinfo*/ ( z , infile , comment , in , cs . compress_level /*, timeinfo*/ ) ) {
2023-08-25 23:32:43 +00:00
PANIC ( " failed to add processed file into %s: %s(%s) " , zipfile , cs . outname , infile ) ;
fclose ( in ) ;
2023-07-30 19:18:50 +00:00
zip_close ( z ) ;
// end progress
if ( file_size ( zipfile ) = = 0 ) unlink ( zipfile ) ;
* progress = 100 ;
return 1 ;
int cook_async ( void * userdata ) {
// nothing to do...
# else
while ( ! window_handle ( ) ) sleep_ms ( 100 ) ; // wait for window handle to be created
# endif
// boost cook thread #0, which happens to be the only spawn thread when num_jobs=1 (tcc case, cook-sync case).
// also in multi-threaded scenarios, it is not bad at all to have one high priority thread...
// in any case, game view is not going to look bad because the game will be displaying a progress bar at that time.
cook_worker * job = ( cook_worker * ) userdata ;
if ( job - > threadid = = 0 ) thread_set_high_priority ( ) ;
// tcc: only a single running thread shall pass, because of racing shared state due to missing thread_local support at compiler level
ifdef ( tcc , thread_mutex_lock ( job - > lock ) ) ;
int ret = cook ( userdata ) ;
// tcc: only a single running thread shall pass, because of racing shared state due to missing thread_local support at compiler level
ifdef ( tcc , thread_mutex_unlock ( job - > lock ) ) ;
thread_exit ( ret ) ;
return ret ;
bool cook_start ( const char * cook_ini , const char * masks , int flags ) {
cook_ini = cook_ini ? cook_ini : COOK_INI ;
char * rules_ = file_read ( cook_ini ) ;
if ( ! rules_ | | rules_ [ 0 ] = = 0 ) return false ;
static char * rules ; do_once rules = STRDUP ( rules_ ) ;
do_once {
#if 0
2023-08-10 14:30:56 +00:00
const char * HOME = file_pathabs ( cook_ini ) ; // ../tools/cook.ini -> c:/prj/v4k/tools/cook.ini
2023-07-30 19:18:50 +00:00
if ( strbeg ( HOME , app_path ( ) ) ) HOME = STRDUP ( file_path ( HOME + = strlen ( app_path ( ) ) ) ) ; // -> tools/ @leak
# else
2023-08-10 14:30:56 +00:00
char * HOME = STRDUP ( file_pathabs ( cook_ini ) ) ; // ../tools/cook.ini -> c:/prj/v4k/tools/cook.ini
2023-07-30 19:18:50 +00:00
HOME [ strlen ( HOME ) - strlen ( file_name ( cook_ini ) ) ] = ' \0 ' ; // -> tools/ @leak
# endif
ART_LEN = 0 ; //strlen(app_path());
/* = MAX_PATH;
for each_substring ( ART , " , " , art_folder ) {
ART_LEN = mini ( ART_LEN , strlen ( art_folder ) ) ;
} */
if ( strstr ( rules , " ART= " ) ) {
ART = va ( " %s " , strstr ( rules , " ART= " ) + 4 ) ;
char * r = strchr ( ART , ' \r ' ) ; if ( r ) * r = 0 ;
char * n = strchr ( ART , ' \n ' ) ; if ( n ) * n = 0 ;
char * s = strchr ( ART , ' ; ' ) ; if ( s ) * s = 0 ;
char * w = strchr ( ART , ' ' ) ; if ( w ) * w = 0 ;
char * out = 0 ; const char * sep = " " ;
for each_substring ( ART , " , " , t ) {
2023-10-12 05:23:32 +00:00
char * tmp = file_pathabs ( va ( " %s%s " , HOME , t ) ) + ART_LEN ;
2023-07-30 19:18:50 +00:00
for ( int i = 0 ; tmp [ i ] ; + + i ) if ( tmp [ i ] = = ' \\ ' ) tmp [ i ] = ' / ' ;
strcatf ( & out , " %s%s%s " , sep , tmp , strendi ( tmp , " / " ) ? " " : " / " ) ;
assert ( out [ strlen ( out ) - 1 ] = = ' / ' ) ;
sep = " , " ;
ART = out ; // @leak
if ( strstr ( rules , " TOOLS= " ) ) {
TOOLS = va ( " %s " , strstr ( rules , " TOOLS= " ) + 6 ) ;
char * r = strchr ( TOOLS , ' \r ' ) ; if ( r ) * r = 0 ;
char * n = strchr ( TOOLS , ' \n ' ) ; if ( n ) * n = 0 ;
char * s = strchr ( TOOLS , ' ; ' ) ; if ( s ) * s = 0 ;
char * w = strchr ( TOOLS , ' ' ) ; if ( w ) * w = 0 ;
char * cat = va ( " %s%s " , HOME , TOOLS ) , * out = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; cat [ i ] ; + + i ) if ( cat [ i ] = = ' \\ ' ) cat [ i ] = ' / ' ;
strcatf ( & out , " %s%s " , cat , strend ( cat , " / " ) ? " " : " / " ) ;
TOOLS = out ; // @leak
assert ( TOOLS [ strlen ( TOOLS ) - 1 ] = = ' / ' ) ;
// last chance to autodetect tools folder (from cook.ini path)
if ( ! file_directory ( TOOLS ) ) {
out = STRDUP ( cook_ini ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; out [ i ] ; + + i ) if ( out [ i ] = = ' \\ ' ) out [ i ] = ' / ' ;
TOOLS = out ; // @leak
if ( strstr ( rules , " EDITOR= " ) ) {
EDITOR = va ( " %s " , strstr ( rules , " EDITOR= " ) + 7 ) ;
char * r = strchr ( EDITOR , ' \r ' ) ; if ( r ) * r = 0 ;
char * n = strchr ( EDITOR , ' \n ' ) ; if ( n ) * n = 0 ;
char * s = strchr ( EDITOR , ' ; ' ) ; if ( s ) * s = 0 ;
char * w = strchr ( EDITOR , ' ' ) ; if ( w ) * w = 0 ;
char * cat = va ( " %s%s " , HOME , EDITOR ) , * out = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; cat [ i ] ; + + i ) if ( cat [ i ] = = ' \\ ' ) cat [ i ] = ' / ' ;
strcatf ( & out , " %s%s " , cat , strend ( cat , " / " ) ? " " : " / " ) ;
EDITOR = out ; // @leak
assert ( EDITOR [ strlen ( EDITOR ) - 1 ] = = ' / ' ) ;
if ( ! masks ) {
return true ; // nothing to do
2023-08-10 14:30:56 +00:00
// estimate ART_SKIP_ROOT (C:/prj/v4k/demos/assets/file.png -> strlen(C:/prj/v4k/) -> 11)
2023-07-30 19:18:50 +00:00
array ( char * ) dirs = 0 ;
for each_substring ( ART , " , " , art_folder ) {
array_push ( dirs , file_pathabs ( art_folder ) ) ;
if ( array_count ( dirs ) > 1 ) {
for ( int ok = 1 , ch = dirs [ 0 ] [ ART_SKIP_ROOT ] ; ch & & ok ; ch = dirs [ 0 ] [ + + ART_SKIP_ROOT ] ) {
for ( int i = 1 ; i < array_count ( dirs ) & & ok ; + + i ) {
ok = dirs [ i ] [ ART_SKIP_ROOT ] = = ch ;
while ( ART_SKIP_ROOT > 0 & & ! strchr ( " \\ / " , dirs [ 0 ] [ ART_SKIP_ROOT - 1 ] ) ) - - ART_SKIP_ROOT ;
array_free ( dirs ) ;
return true ; // cooking is deferred
// scan disk: all subfolders in ART (comma-separated)
static array ( char * ) list = 0 ; // @leak
for each_substring ( ART , " , " , art_folder ) {
const char * * glob = file_list ( art_folder , " ** " ) ;
for ( unsigned i = 0 ; glob [ i ] ; + + i ) {
const char * fname = glob [ i ] ;
if ( ! strmatchi ( fname , masks ) ) continue ;
// skip special files, folders and internal files like .art.zip
const char * dir = file_path ( fname ) ;
if ( dir [ 0 ] = = ' . ' ) continue ; // discard system dirs and hidden files
if ( strbegi ( dir , TOOLS ) ) continue ; // discard tools folder
if ( ! file_ext ( fname ) [ 0 ] ) continue ; // discard extensionless entries
if ( ! file_size ( fname ) ) continue ; // skip dirs and empty files
// exclude vc c/c++ .obj files. they're not 3d wavefront .obj files
if ( strend ( fname , " .obj " ) ) {
char header [ 4 ] = { 0 } ;
for ( FILE * in = fopen ( fname , " rb " ) ; in ; fclose ( in ) , in = NULL ) {
fread ( header , 1 , 2 , in ) ;
if ( ! memcmp ( header , " \x64 \x86 " , 2 ) ) continue ;
if ( ! memcmp ( header , " \x00 \x00 " , 2 ) ) continue ;
// exclude vc/gcc files
if ( strend ( fname , " .a " ) | | strend ( fname , " .pdb " ) | | strend ( fname , " .lib " ) | | strend ( fname , " .ilk " ) | | strend ( fname , " .exp " ) ) {
continue ;
// @todo: normalize path & rebase here (absolute to local)
// [...]
// fi.normalized = ; tolower->to_underscore([]();:+ )->remove_extra_underscores
if ( file_name ( fname ) [ 0 ] = = ' . ' ) continue ; // skip system files
if ( file_name ( fname ) [ 0 ] = = ' ; ' ) continue ; // skip comment files
array_push ( list , STRDUP ( fname ) ) ;
// inspect disk
for ( int i = 0 , end = array_count ( list ) ; i < end ; + + i ) {
char * fname = list [ i ] ;
struct fs fi = { 0 } ;
fi . fname = fname ; // STRDUP(fname);
fi . bytes = file_size ( fname ) ;
2023-08-26 13:33:29 +00:00
fi . stamp = file_stamp10 ( fname ) ; // timestamp in base10(yyyymmddhhmmss)
2023-07-30 19:18:50 +00:00
array_push ( fs_now , fi ) ;
cook_debug = ! ! ( flags & COOK_DEBUGLOG ) ;
cook_cancelable = ! ! ( flags & COOK_CANCELABLE ) ;
// spawn all the threads
int num_jobs = cook_jobs ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_jobs ; + + i ) {
jobs [ i ] . self = 0 ;
jobs [ i ] . threadid = i ;
jobs [ i ] . numthreads = flags & COOK_ASYNC ? num_jobs : 1 ;
jobs [ i ] . files = ( const char * * ) list ;
jobs [ i ] . rules = rules ;
jobs [ i ] . progress = - 1 ;
static thread_mutex_t lock ; do_once thread_mutex_init ( & lock ) ;
jobs [ i ] . lock = & lock ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_jobs ; + + i ) {
if ( flags & COOK_ASYNC ) {
jobs [ i ] . self = thread_init ( cook_async , & jobs [ i ] , " cook_async() " , 0 /*STACK_SIZE*/ ) ;
continue ;
if ( ! cook ( & jobs [ i ] ) ) return false ;
return true ;
void cook_stop ( ) {
// join all threads
int num_jobs = cook_jobs ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_jobs ; + + i ) {
if ( jobs [ i ] . self ) thread_join ( jobs [ i ] . self ) ;
// remove all temporary outfiles
const char * * temps = file_list ( " ./ " , " temp_* " ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; temps [ i ] ; + + i ) unlink ( temps [ i ] ) ;
int cook_progress ( ) {
int count = 0 , sum = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 , end = cook_jobs ( ) ; i < end ; + + i ) {
// if( jobs[i].progress >= 0 ) {
sum + = jobs [ i ] . progress ;
+ + count ;
// }
return cook_jobs ( ) ? sum / ( count + ! count ) : 100 ;
void cook_cancel ( ) {
if ( cook_cancelable ) cook_cancelling = true ;
int cook_jobs ( ) {
int num_jobs = optioni ( " --cook-jobs " , maxf ( 1.15 , app_cores ( ) ) * 1.75 ) , max_jobs = countof ( jobs ) ;
ifdef ( ems , num_jobs = 0 ) ;
2023-10-13 15:56:26 +00:00
ifdef ( retail , num_jobs = 0 ) ;
2023-10-13 16:20:20 +00:00
ifdef ( nocook , num_jobs = 0 ) ;
2023-10-13 15:13:45 +00:00
return clampi ( num_jobs , 0 , max_jobs ) ;
2023-07-30 19:18:50 +00:00
void cook_config ( const char * pathfile_to_cook_ini ) { // @todo: test run-from-"bin/" case on Linux.
COOK_INI = pathfile_to_cook_ini ;
2023-09-27 06:49:59 +00:00
ASSERT ( file_exist ( COOK_INI ) ) ;
2023-07-30 19:18:50 +00:00