2024-08-12 14:55:46 +00:00
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// semantic versioning in a single byte (octal)
// - rlyeh, public domain.
// - single octal byte that represents semantic versioning (major.minor.patch).
// - allowed range [0000..0377] ( <-> [0..255] decimal )
// - comparison checks only major.minor tuple as per convention.
int semver( int major, int minor, int patch ) {
return SEMVER(major, minor, patch);
int semvercmp( int v1, int v2 ) {
return SEMVERCMP(v1, v2);
#if 0
for( int i= 0; i <= 255; ++i) printf(SEMVERFMT ",", i);
printf(SEMVERFMT "\n", semver(3,7,7));
printf(SEMVERFMT "\n", semver(2,7,7));
printf(SEMVERFMT "\n", semver(1,7,7));
printf(SEMVERFMT "\n", semver(0,7,7));
printf(SEMVERFMT "\n", semver(3,7,1));
printf(SEMVERFMT "\n", semver(2,5,3));
printf(SEMVERFMT "\n", semver(1,3,5));
printf(SEMVERFMT "\n", semver(0,1,7));
assert( semvercmp( 0357, 0300 ) > 0 );
assert( semvercmp( 0277, 0300 ) < 0 );
assert( semvercmp( 0277, 0200 ) > 0 );
assert( semvercmp( 0277, 0100 ) < 0 );
assert( semvercmp( 0076, 0070 ) == 0 );
assert( semvercmp( 0076, 0077 ) == 0 );
assert( semvercmp( 0176, 0170 ) == 0 );
assert( semvercmp( 0176, 0177 ) == 0 );
assert( semvercmp( 0276, 0270 ) == 0 );
assert( semvercmp( 0276, 0277 ) == 0 );
assert( semvercmp( 0376, 0370 ) == 0 );
assert( semvercmp( 0376, 0377 ) == 0 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// compile-time fourcc, eightcc
char *cc4str(unsigned x) {
static __thread char type[4+1] = {0};
type[3] = (x >> 24ULL) & 255;
type[2] = (x >> 16ULL) & 255;
type[1] = (x >> 8ULL) & 255;
type[0] = (x >> 0ULL) & 255;
return type;
char *cc8str(uint64_t x) {
static __thread char type[8+1] = {0};
type[7] = (x >> 56ULL) & 255;
type[6] = (x >> 48ULL) & 255;
type[5] = (x >> 40ULL) & 255;
type[4] = (x >> 32ULL) & 255;
type[3] = (x >> 24ULL) & 255;
type[2] = (x >> 16ULL) & 255;
type[1] = (x >> 8ULL) & 255;
type[0] = (x >> 0ULL) & 255;
return type;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// float conversion (text)
char* itoa1(int v) {
return va("%d", v);
char* itoa2(vec2i v) {
return va("%d,%d", v.x,v.y);
char* itoa3(vec3i v) {
return va("%d,%d,%d", v.x,v.y,v.z);
char* ftoa1(float v) {
return va("%f", v);
char* ftoa2(vec2 v) {
return va("%f,%f", v.x, v.y);
char* ftoa3(vec3 v) {
return va("%f,%f,%f", v.x, v.y, v.z);
char* ftoa4(vec4 v) {
return va("%f,%f,%f,%f", v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w);
float atof1(const char *s) {
char buf[64];
return sscanf(s, "%63[^]\r\n,}]", buf) == 1 ? (float)eval(buf) : (float)NAN;
vec2 atof2(const char *s) {
vec2 v = { 0 };
char buf1[64],buf2[64];
int num = sscanf(s, "%63[^]\r\n,}],%63[^]\r\n,}]", buf1, buf2);
if( num > 0 ) v.x = eval(buf1);
if( num > 1 ) v.y = eval(buf2);
return v;
vec3 atof3(const char *s) {
vec3 v = {0};
char buf1[64],buf2[64],buf3[64];
int num = sscanf(s, "%63[^]\r\n,}],%63[^]\r\n,}],%63[^]\r\n,}]", buf1, buf2, buf3);
if( num > 0 ) v.x = eval(buf1);
if( num > 1 ) v.y = eval(buf2);
if( num > 2 ) v.z = eval(buf3);
return v;
vec4 atof4(const char *s) {
vec4 v = {0};
char buf1[64],buf2[64],buf3[64],buf4[64];
int num = sscanf(s, "%63[^]\r\n,}],%63[^]\r\n,}],%63[^]\r\n,}],%63[^]\r\n,}]", buf1, buf2, buf3, buf4);
if( num > 0 ) v.x = eval(buf1);
if( num > 1 ) v.y = eval(buf2);
if( num > 2 ) v.z = eval(buf3);
if( num > 3 ) v.w = eval(buf4);
return v;
// @todo: expand this to proper int parsers
int atoi1(const char *s) {
return (int)atof1(s);
vec2i atoi2(const char *s) {
vec2 v = atof2(s);
return vec2i( v.x, v.y );
vec3i atoi3(const char *s) {
vec3 v = atof3(s);
return vec3i( v.x, v.y, v.z );
// endianness -----------------------------------------------------------------
// - rlyeh, public domain
int is_big() { return IS_BIG; }
int is_little() { return IS_LITTLE; }
uint16_t lil16(uint16_t n) { return IS_BIG ? swap16(n) : n; }
uint32_t lil32(uint32_t n) { return IS_BIG ? swap32(n) : n; }
uint64_t lil64(uint64_t n) { return IS_BIG ? swap64(n) : n; }
uint16_t big16(uint16_t n) { return IS_LITTLE ? swap16(n) : n; }
uint32_t big32(uint32_t n) { return IS_LITTLE ? swap32(n) : n; }
uint64_t big64(uint64_t n) { return IS_LITTLE ? swap64(n) : n; }
float lil32f(float n) { return IS_BIG ? swap32f(n) : n; }
double lil64f(double n) { return IS_BIG ? swap64f(n) : n; }
float big32f(float n) { return IS_LITTLE ? swap32f(n) : n; }
double big64f(double n) { return IS_LITTLE ? swap64f(n) : n; }
uint16_t* lil16p(void *p, int sz) { if(IS_BIG ) { uint16_t *n = (uint16_t *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap16(n[i]); } return p; }
uint16_t* big16p(void *p, int sz) { if(IS_LITTLE ) { uint16_t *n = (uint16_t *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap16(n[i]); } return p; }
uint32_t* lil32p(void *p, int sz) { if(IS_BIG ) { uint32_t *n = (uint32_t *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap32(n[i]); } return p; }
uint32_t* big32p(void *p, int sz) { if(IS_LITTLE ) { uint32_t *n = (uint32_t *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap32(n[i]); } return p; }
uint64_t* lil64p(void *p, int sz) { if(IS_BIG ) { uint64_t *n = (uint64_t *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap64(n[i]); } return p; }
uint64_t* big64p(void *p, int sz) { if(IS_LITTLE ) { uint64_t *n = (uint64_t *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap64(n[i]); } return p; }
float * lil32pf(void *p, int sz) { if(IS_BIG ) { float *n = (float *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap32f(n[i]); } return p; }
float * big32pf(void *p, int sz) { if(IS_LITTLE ) { float *n = (float *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap32f(n[i]); } return p; }
double * lil64pf(void *p, int sz) { if(IS_BIG ) { double *n = (double *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap64f(n[i]); } return p; }
double * big64pf(void *p, int sz) { if(IS_LITTLE ) { double *n = (double *)p; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) n[i] = swap64f(n[i]); } return p; }
#if !is(cl) && !is(gcc)
uint16_t (swap16)( uint16_t x ) { return (x << 8) | (x >> 8); }
uint32_t (swap32)( uint32_t x ) { x = ((x << 8) & 0xff00ff00) | ((x >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff); return (x << 16) | (x >> 16); }
uint64_t (swap64)( uint64_t x ) { x = ((x << 8) & 0xff00ff00ff00ff00ULL) | ((x >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ffULL); x = ((x << 16) & 0xffff0000ffff0000ULL) | ((x >> 16) & 0x0000ffff0000ffffULL); return (x << 32) | (x >> 32); }
float swap32f(float n) { union { float t; uint32_t i; } conv; conv.t = n; conv.i = swap32(conv.i); return conv.t; }
double swap64f(double n) { union { double t; uint64_t i; } conv; conv.t = n; conv.i = swap64(conv.i); return conv.t; }
void swapf(float *a, float *b) {
float t = *a; *a = *b; *b = *a;
void swapf2(vec2 *a, vec2 *b) {
float x = a->x; a->x = b->x; b->x = a->x;
float y = a->y; a->y = b->y; b->y = a->y;
void swapf3(vec3 *a, vec3 *b) {
float x = a->x; a->x = b->x; b->x = a->x;
float y = a->y; a->y = b->y; b->y = a->y;
float z = a->z; a->z = b->z; b->z = a->z;
void swapf4(vec4 *a, vec4 *b) {
float x = a->x; a->x = b->x; b->x = a->x;
float y = a->y; a->y = b->y; b->y = a->y;
float z = a->z; a->z = b->z; b->z = a->z;
float w = a->w; a->w = b->w; b->w = a->w;
// half packing -----------------------------------------------------------------
// from GingerBill's gbmath.h (public domain)
float half_to_float(half value) {
union { unsigned int i; float f; } result;
int s = (value >> 15) & 0x001;
int e = (value >> 10) & 0x01f;
int m = value & 0x3ff;
if (e == 0) {
if (m == 0) {
/* Plus or minus zero */
result.i = (unsigned int)(s << 31);
return result.f;
} else {
/* Denormalized number */
while (!(m & 0x00000400)) {
m <<= 1;
e -= 1;
e += 1;
m &= ~0x00000400;
} else if (e == 31) {
if (m == 0) {
/* Positive or negative infinity */
result.i = (unsigned int)((s << 31) | 0x7f800000);
return result.f;
} else {
/* Nan */
result.i = (unsigned int)((s << 31) | 0x7f800000 | (m << 13));
return result.f;
e = e + (127 - 15);
m = m << 13;
result.i = (unsigned int)((s << 31) | (e << 23) | m);
return result.f;
half float_to_half(float value) {
union { unsigned int i; float f; } v;
int i, s, e, m;
v.f = value;
i = (int)v.i;
s = (i >> 16) & 0x00008000;
e = ((i >> 23) & 0x000000ff) - (127 - 15);
m = i & 0x007fffff;
if (e <= 0) {
if (e < -10) return (half)s;
m = (m | 0x00800000) >> (1 - e);
if (m & 0x00001000)
m += 0x00002000;
return (half)(s | (m >> 13));
} else if (e == 0xff - (127 - 15)) {
if (m == 0) {
return (half)(s | 0x7c00); /* NOTE(bill): infinity */
} else {
/* NOTE(bill): NAN */
m >>= 13;
return (half)(s | 0x7c00 | m | (m == 0));
} else {
if (m & 0x00001000) {
m += 0x00002000;
if (m & 0x00800000) {
m = 0;
e += 1;
if (e > 30) {
float volatile f = 1e12f;
int j;
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
f *= f; /* NOTE(bill): Cause overflow */
return (half)(s | 0x7c00);
return (half)(s | (e << 10) | (m >> 13));
// int packing -----------------------------------------------------------------
// - rlyeh, public domain
// pack16i() -- store a 16-bit int into a char buffer (like htons())
// pack32i() -- store a 32-bit int into a char buffer (like htonl())
// pack64i() -- store a 64-bit int into a char buffer (like htonl())
void pack16i(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t i, int swap) {
if( swap ) i = swap16(i);
memcpy( buf, &i, sizeof(i) );
void pack32i(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t i, int swap) {
if( swap ) i = swap32(i);
memcpy( buf, &i, sizeof(i) );
void pack64i(uint8_t *buf, uint64_t i, int swap) {
if( swap ) i = swap64(i);
memcpy( buf, &i, sizeof(i) );
// unpack16i() -- unpack a 16-bit int from a char buffer (like ntohs())
// unpack32i() -- unpack a 32-bit int from a char buffer (like ntohl())
// unpack64i() -- unpack a 64-bit int from a char buffer (like ntohl())
// changes unsigned numbers to signed if needed.
int16_t unpack16i(const uint8_t *buf, int swap) {
uint16_t i;
memcpy(&i, buf, sizeof(i));
if( swap ) i = swap16(i);
return i <= 0x7fffu ? (int16_t)i : -1 -(uint16_t)(0xffffu - i);
int32_t unpack32i(const uint8_t *buf, int swap) {
uint32_t i;
memcpy(&i, buf, sizeof(i));
if( swap ) i = swap32(i);
return i <= 0x7fffffffu ? (int32_t)i : -1 -(int32_t)(0xffffffffu - i);
int64_t unpack64i(const uint8_t *buf, int swap) {
uint64_t i;
memcpy(&i, buf, sizeof(i));
if( swap ) i = swap64(i);
return i <= 0x7fffffffffffffffull ? (int64_t)i : -1 -(int64_t)(0xffffffffffffffffull - i);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// float un/packing: 8 (micro), 16 (half), 32 (float), 64 (double) types
// - rlyeh, public domain. original code by Beej.us (PD).
// [src] http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/output/html/multipage/advanced.html#serialization
// Modified to encode NaN and Infinity as well.
// [1] http://www.mrob.com/pub/math/floatformats.html#minifloat
// [2] microfloat: [0.002 to 240] range.
// [3] half float: can approximate any 16-bit unsigned integer or its reciprocal to 3 decimal places.
uint64_t pack754(long double f, unsigned bits, unsigned expbits) {
long double fnorm;
int shift;
long long sign, exp, significand;
unsigned significandbits = bits - expbits - 1; // -1 for sign bit
if (f == 0.0) return 0; // get this special case out of the way
//< @r-lyeh beware! works for 32/64 only
else if (f == INFINITY) return 0x7f800000ULL << (bits - 32); // 0111 1111 1000
else if (f == -INFINITY) return 0xff800000ULL << (bits - 32);
else if (f != f) return 0x7fc00000ULL << (bits - 32); // 0111 1111 1100 NaN
//< @r-lyeh
// check sign and begin normalization
if (f < 0) { sign = 1; fnorm = -f; }
else { sign = 0; fnorm = f; }
// get the normalized form of f and track the exponent
shift = 0;
while(fnorm >= 2.0) { fnorm /= 2.0; shift++; }
while(fnorm < 1.0) { fnorm *= 2.0; shift--; }
fnorm = fnorm - 1.0;
// calculate the binary form (non-float) of the significand data
significand = fnorm * ((1LL<<significandbits) + 0.5f);
// get the biased exponent
exp = shift + ((1<<(expbits-1)) - 1); // shift + bias
// return the final answer
return (sign<<(bits-1)) | (exp<<(bits-expbits-1)) | significand;
long double unpack754(uint64_t i, unsigned bits, unsigned expbits) {
long double result;
long long shift;
unsigned bias;
unsigned significandbits = bits - expbits - 1; // -1 for sign bit
if (i == 0) return 0.0;
//< @r-lyeh beware! works for 32 only
else if (i == 0x7fc00000ULL) return NAN; // NaN
else if (i == 0x7f800000ULL) return INFINITY; // +Inf
else if (i == 0xff800000ULL) return -INFINITY; // -Inf
//< @r-lyeh
// pull the significand
result = (i&((1LL<<significandbits)-1)); // mask
result /= (1LL<<significandbits); // convert back to float
result += 1.0f; // add the one back on
// deal with the exponent
bias = (1<<(expbits-1)) - 1;
shift = ((i>>significandbits)&((1LL<<expbits)-1)) - bias;
while(shift > 0) { result *= 2.0; shift--; }
while(shift < 0) { result /= 2.0; shift++; }
// sign it
result *= (i>>(bits-1))&1? -1.0: 1.0;
return result;
typedef int static_assert_flt[ sizeof(float) == 4 ];
typedef int static_assert_dbl[ sizeof(double) == 8 ];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// variable-length integer packing
// - rlyeh, public domain.
// 7 [0 xxxx xxx] 7-bit value in 1 byte (0- 127)
// 7 [10 xxx xxx] [yyyyyyyy] 14-bit value in 2 bytes (0- 16,383)
// 6 [110 xx xxx] [yyyyyyyy] [zzzzzzzz] 21-bit value in 3 bytes (0- 2,097,151)
// 8 [111 00 xxx] [ 3 bytes] 27-bit value in 4 bytes (0- 134,217,727)
// 8 [111 01 xxx] [ 4 bytes] 35-bit value in 5 bytes (0- 34,359,738,367)
// 5 [111 10 xxx] [ 5 bytes] 43-bit value in 6 bytes (0- 8,796,093,022,207)
// 8 [111 11 000] [ 6 bytes] 48-bit value in 7 bytes (0-281,474,976,710,655)
// 8 [111 11 001] [ 7 bytes] 56-bit value in 8 bytes (...)
// 8 [111 11 010] [ 8 bytes] 64-bit value in 9 bytes
// 8 [111 11 011] [ 9 bytes] 72-bit value in 10 bytes
// 8 [111 11 100] [10 bytes] 80-bit value in 11 bytes
// A [111 11 101] [12 bytes] 96-bit value in 13 bytes
// A [111 11 110] [14 bytes] 112-bit value in 15 bytes
// A [111 11 111] [16 bytes] 128-bit value in 17 bytes
// 1 1 2 3 = 7
uint64_t pack64uv( uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t value ) {
#if 1 // LEB128
/* encode unsigned : 7-bit pack. MSB terminates stream */
const uint8_t *buffer0 = buffer;
while( value > 127 ) {
*buffer++ = value | 0x80; // (uint8_t)(( value & 0xFF ) | 0x80 );
value >>= 7;
*buffer++ = value;
return buffer - buffer0;
#define ADD(bits) *buffer++ = (value >>= bits)
if( value < (1ull<< 7) ) return *buffer = value, 1;
if( value < (1ull<<14) ) return *buffer++ = 0x80|(value&0x3f), ADD(6), 2;
if( value < (1ull<<21) ) return *buffer++ = 0xc0|(value&0x1f), ADD(5), ADD(8), 3;
if( value < (1ull<<27) ) return *buffer++ = 0xe0|(value&0x07), ADD(3), ADD(8), ADD(8), 4;
if( value < (1ull<<35) ) return *buffer++ = 0xe8|(value&0x07), ADD(3), ADD(8), ADD(8), ADD(8), 5;
if( value < (1ull<<43) ) return *buffer++ = 0xf0|(value&0x07), ADD(3), ADD(8), ADD(8), ADD(8), ADD(8), 6;
if( value < (1ull<<48) ) return *buffer++ = 0xf8|(value&0x00), ADD(0), ADD(8), ADD(8), ADD(8), ADD(8), ADD(8), 7;
if( value < (1ull<<56) ) return *buffer++ = 0xf9|(value&0x00), ADD(0), ADD(8), ADD(8), ADD(8), ADD(8), ADD(8), ADD(8), 8;
/*if( value < (1ull<<64))*/return *buffer++ = 0xfa|(value&0x00), ADD(0), ADD(8), ADD(8), ADD(8), ADD(8), ADD(8), ADD(8), ADD(8), 9;
#undef ADD
uint64_t unpack64uv( const uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t *value ) {
#if 1 // LEB128
/* decode unsigned : 7-bit unpack. MSB terminates stream */
const uint8_t *buffer0 = buffer;
uint64_t out = 0, j = -7;
do {
out |= ( ((uint64_t)*buffer) & 0x7f) << (j += 7);
} while( (*buffer++) & 0x80 );
return buffer - buffer0;
uint64_t bytes, out = 0, shift = 0;
const int table[] = { 6,7,8,9,10,12,14,16 };
/**/ if( *buffer >= 0xf8 ) bytes = table[*buffer - 0xf8];
else if( *buffer >= 0xe0 ) bytes = 3 + ((*buffer>>3) & 3);
else if( *buffer >= 0xc0 ) bytes = 2;
else bytes = *buffer >= 0x80;
#define POP(bits) out = out | (uint64_t)*buffer++ << (shift += bits);
switch( bytes ) {
break; case 0: out = *buffer++;
break; case 1: out = *buffer++ & 0x3f; POP(6);
break; case 2: out = *buffer++ & 0x1f; POP(5); POP(8);
break; case 3: out = *buffer++ & 0x07; POP(3); POP(8); POP(8);
break; case 4: out = *buffer++ & 0x07; POP(3); POP(8); POP(8); POP(8);
break; case 5: out = *buffer++ & 0x07; POP(3); POP(8); POP(8); POP(8); POP(8);
break; case 6: ++buffer; shift = -8; POP(8); POP(8); POP(8); POP(8); POP(8); POP(8);
break; case 7: ++buffer; shift = -8; POP(8); POP(8); POP(8); POP(8); POP(8); POP(8); POP(8);
break; case 8: ++buffer; shift = -8; POP(8); POP(8); POP(8); POP(8); POP(8); POP(8); POP(8); POP(8);
#undef POP
return *value = out, bytes+1;
// vbyte, varint (signed)
uint64_t pack64iv( uint8_t *buffer, int64_t value_ ) {
uint64_t value = (uint64_t)((value_ >> 63) ^ (value_ << 1));
return pack64uv(buffer, value); /* convert sign|magnitude to magnitude|sign */
uint64_t unpack64iv( const uint8_t *buffer, int64_t *value ) {
uint64_t out = 0, ret = unpack64uv( buffer, &out );
*value = ((out >> 1) ^ -(out & 1)); /* convert magnitude|sign to sign|magnitude */
return ret;
#if 0
int tests = 0, passes = 0;
#define testi(v) do { \
int64_t val = v; \
char out[16]; \
int len = pack64iv(out, val); \
int64_t in = ~val; \
unpack64iv(out, &in); \
int ok = val == in; ++tests; passes += ok; \
printf("%c %02d/%02d (-) %#llx (%llu) <-> %d bytes <-> %#llx (%llu)\n", "NY"[ok], passes, tests, val, val, len, in, in); \
} while(0)
#define testu(v) do { \
uint64_t val = (v); \
char out[16]; \
int len = pack64uv(out, val); \
uint64_t in = ~val; \
unpack64uv(out, &in); \
int ok = val == in; ++tests; passes += ok; \
printf("%c %02d/%02d (+) %#llx (%llu) <-> %d bytes <-> %#llx (%llu)\n", "NY"[ok], passes, tests, val, val, len, in, in); \
} while(0)
#define TEST(v) do { testi(v); testu(v); } while(0)
TEST( 1ull<<7);
TEST( 1ull<<14);
TEST( 1ull<<21);
TEST( 1ull<<27);
TEST( 1ull<<35);
TEST( 1ull<<48);
#undef TEST
printf("%d tests, %d errors\n", tests, tests - passes);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// msgpack v5, schema based struct/buffer bitpacking
// - rlyeh, public domain.
// [ref] https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md
// @todo: finish msgunpack()
// @todo: alt api v3
// int msgpack( uint8_t *buf, const char *fmt, ... );
// if !buf, bulk size; else pack.
// returns number of bytes written; 0 if not space enough.
// int msgunpack( const uint8_t *buf, const char *fmt, ... );
// if !buf, test message; else unpack.
// returns number of processed bytes; 0 if parse error.
// private alt unpack api v1 {
enum {
typedef struct variant {
union {
uint8_t chr;
uint64_t uns;
int64_t sig;
char *str;
void *bin;
double flt;
uint32_t u32;
uint64_t sz;
uint16_t ext;
uint16_t type; //[0..10]={err,nil,bol,uns,sig,str,bin,flt,ext,arr,map}
} variant;
bool msgunpack_var(struct variant *var);
// } private alt unpack api v1
struct writer {
uint8_t *w; // Write pointer into buffer
size_t len; // Written bytes up to date
size_t cap; // Buffer capacity
struct reader {
FILE *fp;
const void *membuf;
size_t memsize, offset;
struct variant v; // tmp
static __thread struct writer out;
static __thread struct reader in;
static void wrbe(uint64_t n, uint8_t *b) {
#ifndef BIG
n = ntoh64(n);
memcpy(b, &n, sizeof(uint64_t));
static int wr(int len, uint8_t opcode, uint64_t value) {
uint8_t b[8];
assert((out.len + (len+1) < out.cap) && "buffer overflow!");
*out.w++ = (opcode);
/**/ if(len == 1) *out.w++ = (uint8_t)(value);
else if(len == 2) wrbe(value, b), memcpy(out.w, &b[6], 2), out.w += 2;
else if(len == 4) wrbe(value, b), memcpy(out.w, &b[4], 4), out.w += 4;
else if(len == 8) wrbe(value, b), memcpy(out.w, &b[0], 8), out.w += 8;
out.len += len+1;
return len+1;
static bool rd(void *buf, size_t len, size_t swap) { // return false any error and/or eof
bool ret;
if( in.fp ) {
assert( !ferror(in.fp) && "invalid file handle (reader)" );
ret = 1 == fread((char*)buf, len, 1, in.fp);
} else {
assert( in.membuf && "invalid memory buffer (reader)");
assert( (in.offset + len <= in.memsize) && "memory overflow! (reader)");
ret = !!memcpy(buf, (char*)in.membuf + in.offset, len);
#ifndef BIG
/**/ if( swap && len == 2 ) *((uint16_t*)buf) = ntoh16(*((uint16_t*)buf));
else if( swap && len == 4 ) *((uint32_t*)buf) = ntoh32(*((uint32_t*)buf));
else if( swap && len == 8 ) *((uint64_t*)buf) = ntoh64(*((uint64_t*)buf));
return in.offset += len, ret;
static bool rdbuf(char **buf, size_t len) { // return false on error or out of memory
char *ptr = REALLOC(*buf, len+1);
if( ptr && rd(ptr, len, 0) ) {
(*buf = ptr)[len] = 0;
} else {
FREE(ptr), ptr = 0;
return !!ptr;
int msgpack_new(uint8_t *w, size_t l) {
out.w = w;
out.len = 0;
out.cap = l;
return w != 0 && l != 0;
int msgpack_nil() {
return wr(0, 0xC0, 0);
int msgpack_chr(bool c) {
return wr(0, c ? 0xC3 : 0xC2, 0);
int msgpack_uns(uint64_t n) {
/**/ if (n < 0x80) return wr(0, n, 0);
else if (n < 0x100) return wr(1, 0xCC, n);
else if (n < 0x10000) return wr(2, 0xCD, n);
else if (n < 0x100000000) return wr(4, 0xCE, n);
else return wr(8, 0xCF, n);
int msgpack_int(int64_t n) {
/**/ if (n >= 0) return msgpack_uns(n);
else if (n >= -32) return wr(0, n, 0); //wr(0, 0xE0 | n, 0);
else if (n >= -128) return wr(1, 0xD0, n + 0xff + 1);
else if (n >= -32768) return wr(2, 0xD1, n + 0xffff + 1);
else if (n >= -2147483648LL) return wr(4, 0xD2, n + 0xffffffffull + 1);
else return wr(8, 0xD3, n + 0xffffffffffffffffull + 1);
int msgpack_flt(double g) {
float f = (float)g;
double h = f;
/**/ if(g == h) return wr(4, 0xCA, pack754_32(f));
else return wr(8, 0xCB, pack754_64(g));
int msgpack_str(const char *s) {
size_t n = strlen(s), c = n;
/**/ if (n < 0x20) c += wr(0, 0xA0 | n, 0);
else if (n < 0x100) c += wr(1, 0xD9, n);
else if (n < 0x10000) c += wr(2, 0xDA, n);
else c += wr(4, 0xDB, n);
memcpy(out.w, s, n);
out.w += n;
out.len += n;
return c;
int msgpack_bin(const char *s, size_t n) {
size_t c = n;
/**/ if (n < 0x100) c += wr(1, 0xC4, n);
else if (n < 0x10000) c += wr(2, 0xC5, n);
else c += wr(4, 0xC6, n);
memcpy(out.w, s, n);
out.w += n;
out.len += n;
return c;
int msgpack_arr(uint32_t numitems) {
uint32_t n = numitems;
/**/ if (n < 0x10) return wr(0, 0x90 | n, 0);
else if (n < 0x10000) return wr(2, 0xDC, n);
else return wr(4, 0xDD, n);
int msgpack_map(uint32_t numpairs) {
uint32_t n = numpairs;
/**/ if (n < 0x10) return wr(0, 0x80 | n, 0);
else if (n < 0x10000) return wr(2, 0xDE, n);
else return wr(4, 0xDF, n);
int msgpack_ext(uint8_t key, void *val, size_t n) {
uint32_t c = n;
/**/ if (n == 1) c += wr(1, 0xD4, key);
else if (n == 2) c += wr(1, 0xD5, key);
else if (n == 4) c += wr(1, 0xD6, key);
else if (n == 8) c += wr(1, 0xD7, key);
else if (n == 16) c += wr(1, 0xD8, key);
else if (n < 0x100) c += wr(1, 0xC7, n), c += wr(0, key, 0);
else if (n < 0x10000) c += wr(2, 0xC8, n), c += wr(0, key, 0);
else c += wr(4, 0xC9, n), c += wr(0, key, 0);
memcpy(out.w, val, n);
out.w += n;
out.len += n;
return c;
bool msgunpack_new( const void *opaque_or_FILE, size_t bytes ) {
return !!((memset(&in, 0, sizeof(in)), in.memsize = bytes) ? (in.membuf = opaque_or_FILE) : (in.fp = (FILE*)opaque_or_FILE));
bool msgunpack_eof() {
return in.fp ? !!feof(in.fp) : (in.offset > in.memsize);
bool msgunpack_err() {
return in.fp ? !!ferror(in.fp) : !in.memsize;
bool msgunpack_var(struct variant *w) {
uint8_t tag;
struct variant v = {0};
if( rd(&tag, 1, 0) )
switch(tag) {
/**/ if((tag & 0x80) == 0x00) { v.type = UNS; v.sz = 1; v.uns = tag; }
else if((tag & 0xe0) == 0xe0) { v.type = SIG; v.sz = 1; v.sig = (int8_t)tag; }
else if((tag & 0xe0) == 0xa0) { v.type = rdbuf(&v.str, v.sz = tag & 0x1f) ? STR : ERR; }
else if((tag & 0xf0) == 0x90) { v.type = ARR; v.sz = tag & 0x0f; }
else if((tag & 0xf0) == 0x80) { v.type = MAP; v.sz = tag & 0x0f; }
break; case 0xc0: v.type = NIL; v.sz = 0;
break; case 0xc2: v.type = BOL; v.sz = 1; v.chr = 0;
break; case 0xc3: v.type = BOL; v.sz = 1; v.chr = 1;
break; case 0xcc: v.type = rd(&v.uns, v.sz = 1, 0) ? UNS : ERR;
break; case 0xcd: v.type = rd(&v.uns, v.sz = 2, 1) ? UNS : ERR;
break; case 0xce: v.type = rd(&v.uns, v.sz = 4, 1) ? UNS : ERR;
break; case 0xcf: v.type = rd(&v.uns, v.sz = 8, 1) ? UNS : ERR;
break; case 0xd0: v.type = rd(&v.uns, v.sz = 1, 0) ? (v.sig -= 0xff + 1, SIG) : ERR;
break; case 0xd1: v.type = rd(&v.uns, v.sz = 2, 1) ? (v.sig -= 0xffff + 1, SIG) : ERR;
break; case 0xd2: v.type = rd(&v.uns, v.sz = 4, 1) ? (v.sig -= 0xffffffffull + 1, SIG) : ERR;
break; case 0xd3: v.type = rd(&v.uns, v.sz = 8, 1) ? (v.sig -= 0xffffffffffffffffull + 1, SIG) : ERR;
break; case 0xca: v.type = rd(&v.u32, v.sz = 4, 1) ? (v.flt = unpack754_32(v.u32), FLT) : ERR;
break; case 0xcb: v.type = rd(&v.uns, v.sz = 8, 1) ? (v.flt = unpack754_64(v.uns), FLT) : ERR;
break; case 0xd9: v.type = rd(&v.sz, 1, 0) && rdbuf(&v.str, v.sz) ? STR : ERR;
break; case 0xda: v.type = rd(&v.sz, 2, 1) && rdbuf(&v.str, v.sz) ? STR : ERR;
break; case 0xdb: v.type = rd(&v.sz, 4, 1) && rdbuf(&v.str, v.sz) ? STR : ERR;
break; case 0xc4: v.type = rd(&v.sz, 1, 0) && rdbuf(&v.str, v.sz) ? BIN : ERR;
break; case 0xc5: v.type = rd(&v.sz, 2, 1) && rdbuf(&v.str, v.sz) ? BIN : ERR;
break; case 0xc6: v.type = rd(&v.sz, 4, 1) && rdbuf(&v.str, v.sz) ? BIN : ERR;
break; case 0xdc: v.type = rd(&v.sz, 2, 1) ? ARR : ERR;
break; case 0xdd: v.type = rd(&v.sz, 4, 1) ? ARR : ERR;
break; case 0xde: v.type = rd(&v.sz, 2, 1) ? MAP : ERR;
break; case 0xdf: v.type = rd(&v.sz, 4, 1) ? MAP : ERR;
break; case 0xd4: v.type = rd(&v.ext, 1, 0) && rd(&v.uns, 1, 0) && rdbuf(&v.str, v.sz = v.uns) ? EXT : ERR;
break; case 0xd5: v.type = rd(&v.ext, 1, 0) && rd(&v.uns, 2, 1) && rdbuf(&v.str, v.sz = v.uns) ? EXT : ERR;
break; case 0xd6: v.type = rd(&v.ext, 1, 0) && rd(&v.uns, 4, 1) && rdbuf(&v.str, v.sz = v.uns) ? EXT : ERR;
break; case 0xd7: v.type = rd(&v.ext, 1, 0) && rd(&v.uns, 8, 1) && rdbuf(&v.str, v.sz = v.uns) ? EXT : ERR;
break; case 0xd8: v.type = rd(&v.ext, 1, 0) && rd(&v.uns,16, 1) && rdbuf(&v.str, v.sz = v.uns) ? EXT : ERR;
break; case 0xc7: v.type = rd(&v.sz, 1, 0) && rd(&v.ext, 1, 0) && rdbuf(&v.str,v.sz) ? EXT : ERR;
break; case 0xc8: v.type = rd(&v.sz, 2, 1) && rd(&v.ext, 1, 1) && rdbuf(&v.str,v.sz) ? EXT : ERR;
break; case 0xc9: v.type = rd(&v.sz, 4, 1) && rd(&v.ext, 1, 1) && rdbuf(&v.str,v.sz) ? EXT : ERR;
return *w = v, v.type != ERR;
bool msgunpack_nil() {
return msgunpack_var(&in.v) && (in.v.type == NIL);
bool msgunpack_chr(bool *chr) {
return msgunpack_var(&in.v) && (*chr = in.v.chr, in.v.type == BOL);
bool msgunpack_uns(uint64_t *uns) {
return msgunpack_var(&in.v) && (*uns = in.v.uns, in.v.type == UNS);
bool msgunpack_int(int64_t *sig) {
return msgunpack_var(&in.v) && (*sig = in.v.sig, in.v.type == SIG);
bool msgunpack_flt(float *flt) {
return msgunpack_var(&in.v) && (*flt = in.v.flt, in.v.type == FLT);
bool msgunpack_dbl(double *dbl) {
return msgunpack_var(&in.v) && (*dbl = in.v.flt, in.v.type == FLT);
bool msgunpack_bin(void **bin, uint64_t *len) {
return msgunpack_var(&in.v) && (*bin = in.v.bin, *len = in.v.sz, in.v.type == BIN);
bool msgunpack_str(char **str) {
return msgunpack_var(&in.v) && (str ? *str = in.v.str, in.v.type == STR : in.v.type == STR);
bool msgunpack_ext(uint8_t *key, void **val, uint64_t *len) {
return msgunpack_var(&in.v) && (*key = in.v.ext, *val = in.v.bin, *len = in.v.sz, in.v.type == EXT);
bool msgunpack_arr(uint64_t *len) {
return msgunpack_var(&in.v) && (*len = in.v.sz, in.v.type == ARR);
bool msgunpack_map(uint64_t *len) {
return msgunpack_var(&in.v) && (*len = in.v.sz, in.v.type == MAP);
int msgpack(const char *fmt, ... ) {
int count = 0;
va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
while( *fmt ) {
char f = *fmt++;
switch( f ) {
break; case '{': { int i = va_arg(vl, int64_t); count += msgpack_map( i ); }
break; case '[': { int i = va_arg(vl, int64_t); count += msgpack_arr( i ); }
break; case 'b': { bool v = !!va_arg(vl, int64_t); count += msgpack_chr(v); }
break; case 'e': { uint8_t k = va_arg(vl, uint64_t); void *v = va_arg(vl, void*); size_t l = va_arg(vl, uint64_t); count += msgpack_ext( k, v, l ); }
break; case 'n': { count += msgpack_nil(); }
break; case 'p': { void *p = va_arg(vl, void*); size_t l = va_arg(vl, uint64_t); count += msgpack_bin( p, l ); }
break; case 's': { const char *v = va_arg(vl, const char *); count += msgpack_str(v); }
break; case 'u': { uint64_t v = va_arg(vl, uint64_t); count += msgpack_uns(v); }
break; case 'd': case 'i': { int64_t v = va_arg(vl, int64_t); count += msgpack_int(v); }
break; case 'f': case 'g': { double v = va_arg(vl, double); count += msgpack_flt(v); }
default: /*count = 0;*/ break;
return count;
int msgunpack(const char *fmt, ... ) {
int count = 0;
va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
while( *fmt ) {
char f = *fmt++;
switch( f ) {
break; case '{': { int64_t *i = va_arg(vl, int64_t*); count += msgunpack_map( i ); }
break; case '[': { int64_t *i = va_arg(vl, int64_t*); count += msgunpack_arr( i ); }
break; case 'f': { float *v = va_arg(vl, float*); count += msgunpack_flt(v); }
break; case 'g': { double *v = va_arg(vl, double*); count += msgunpack_dbl(v); }
break; case 's': { char **v = va_arg(vl, char **); count += msgunpack_str(v); }
// break; case 'b': { bool *v = !!va_arg(vl, bool*); count += msgunpack_chr(v); }
// break; case 'e': { uint8_t k = va_arg(vl, uint64_t); void *v = va_arg(vl, void*); size_t l = va_arg(vl, uint64_t); count += msgunpack_ext( k, v, l ); }
// break; case 'n': { count += msgunpack_nil(); }
break; case 'p': { void *p = va_arg(vl, void*); uint64_t l = va_arg(vl, uint64_t); count += msgunpack_bin( p, &l ); }
// break; case 'u': { uint64_t v = va_arg(vl, uint64_t); count += msgunpack_uns(v); }
// break; case 'd': case 'i': { int64_t v = va_arg(vl, int64_t); count += msgunpack_int(v); }
default: /*count = 0;*/ break;
return count;
#if 0
# define unit(title)
# define data(data) msgunpack_new(data, sizeof(data) -1 )
# define TEST(expr) test(msgunpack_var(&obj) && !!(expr))
int test_len;
const char *test_data = 0;
struct variant obj = {0};
* Test vectors are derived from
* `https://github.com/ludocode/mpack/blob/v0.8.2/test/test-write.c`.
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.sz == 1 && obj.uns == 0);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.sz == 1 && obj.uns == 127);
TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sz == 1 && obj.uns == -32);
TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sz == 1 && obj.uns == -1);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.sz == 1 && obj.uns == 0);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.sz == 2 && obj.uns == 0);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.sz == 4 && obj.uns == 0);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.sz == 8 && obj.uns == 0);
TEST(obj.type == FLT && obj.sz == 4 && obj.uns == 0);
TEST(obj.type == FLT && obj.sz == 8 && obj.uns == 0);
TEST(obj.type == STR && obj.sz == 5 && !strcmp(obj.str, "Hello"));
TEST(obj.type == STR && obj.sz == 5 && !strcmp(obj.str, "Hello"));
TEST(obj.type == STR && obj.sz == 5 && !strcmp(obj.str, "Hello"));
TEST(obj.type == STR && obj.sz == 5 && !strcmp(obj.str, "Hello"));
TEST(obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 1);
TEST(obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 1);
TEST(obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 1);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 1);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.sz == 1 && obj.uns == 1);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.sz == 1 && obj.uns == 1);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 1);
TEST(obj.type == STR && obj.sz == 5 && !strcmp(obj.str, "Hello"));
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.sz == 1 && obj.uns == 1);
data("\x00"); TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0);
data("\x01"); TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 1);
data("\x02"); TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 2);
data("\x0f"); TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0x0f);
data("\x10"); TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0x10);
data("\x7f"); TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0x7f);
data("\xff"); TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sig == -1);
data("\xfe"); TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sig == -2);
data("\xf0"); TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sig == -16);
data("\xe0"); TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sig == -32);
data("\xcc\x80"); TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0x80);
data("\xcc\xff"); TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0xff);
data("\xcd\x01\x00"); TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0x100);
data("\xcd\xff\xff"); TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0xffff);
data("\xce\x00\x01\x00\x00"); TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0x10000);
data("\xce\xff\xff\xff\xff"); TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0xffffffffull);
data("\xcf\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00"); TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0x100000000ull);
data("\xcf\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"); TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0xffffffffffffffffull);
data("\xd0\xdf"); TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sig == -33);
data("\xd0\x80"); TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sig == -128);
data("\xd1\xff\x7f"); TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sig == -129);
data("\xd1\x80\x00"); TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sig == -32768);
data("\xd2\xff\xff\x7f\xff"); TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sig == -32769);
data("\xd2\x80\x00\x00\x00"); TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sig == -2147483648ll);
data("\xd3\xff\xff\xff\xff\x7f\xff\xff\xff"); TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sig == -2147483649ll);
data("\xd3\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"); TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sig == INT64_MIN);
data("\xc0"); TEST(obj.type == NIL && obj.chr == 0);
data("\xc2"); TEST(obj.type == BOL && obj.chr == 0);
data("\xc3"); TEST(obj.type == BOL && obj.chr == 1);
data("\x90"); TEST(obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 0);
TEST(obj.type==ARR && obj.sz==1);
TEST(obj.type==ARR && obj.sz==15);
for(int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
TEST(obj.type==UNS && obj.sig==i);
TEST(obj.type==ARR && obj.sz==16);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == i);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 0);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 1);
TEST(obj.type == NIL);
TEST(obj.type == NIL);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 2);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.sig == 0);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.sig == 0);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.sig == 1);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.sig == 1);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 15);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == i*2+0);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == i*2+1);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 16);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == i*2+0);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == i*2+1);
test( obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 1 );
test( obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 0 );
test( obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 3 );
test( obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 0 );
test( obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 1 );
test( obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0 );
test( obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 2 );
test( obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 1 );
test( obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 2 );
test( obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 5 );
test( obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 0 );
test( obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 1 );
test( obj.type == NIL );
test( obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 2 );
test( obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 0 );
test( obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 1 );
test( obj.type == NIL );
test( obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 15 );
for( unsigned i = 0; i < 15; ++i ) {
test( obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == i );
test( obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 16 );
for( unsigned i = 0; i < 15; ++i ) {
test( obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == i );
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 5);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 0);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 1);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 1);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0);
TEST(obj.type == NIL);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 2);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 2);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 0);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 1);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 1);
TEST(obj.type == NIL);
TEST(obj.type == NIL);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 3);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 15);
for( unsigned i = 0; i < 15; ++i ) {
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == i);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == i);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 4);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 16);
for( unsigned i = 0; i < 16; ++i ) {
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == i);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == i);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 5);
TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sig == -47);
TEST(obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 1);
TEST(obj.type == NIL);
TEST(obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 0);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 1);
TEST(obj.type == NIL);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 0);
TEST(obj.type == NIL);
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 2);
TEST(obj.type == NIL);
TEST(obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 0);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 4);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 5);
TEST(obj.type == STR && !strcmp(obj.str, "hello"));
TEST(obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 3);
TEST(obj.type == STR && !strcmp(obj.str, "bonjour"));
TEST(obj.type == NIL);
TEST(obj.type == SIG && obj.sig == -1);
TEST(obj.type == ARR && obj.sz == 1);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 92);
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.uns == 350);
data("\x82\xa7" "compact" "\xc3\xa6" "schema" "\x00");
TEST(obj.type == MAP && obj.sz == 2);
TEST(obj.type == STR && obj.sz == 7 && !strcmp(obj.str, "compact"));
TEST(obj.type == BOL && obj.chr == 1);
TEST(obj.type == STR && obj.sz == 6 && !strcmp(obj.str, "schema"));
TEST(obj.type == UNS && obj.sz == 1 && obj.uns == 0);
# undef TEST
# undef data
# undef unit
bool vardump( struct variant *w ) {
static int tabs = 0;
struct variant v = *w;
printf("%.*s", tabs, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t");
switch( v.type ) {
default: case ERR:
if( !msgunpack_eof() ) printf("ERROR: unknown tag type (%02X)\n", (int)v.type);
return false;
break; case NIL: printf("(%s)\n", "null");
break; case BOL: printf("bool: %d\n", v.chr);
break; case SIG: printf("int: %lld\n", v.sig);
break; case UNS: printf("uint: %llu\n", v.uns);
break; case FLT: printf("float: %g\n", v.flt);
break; case STR: printf("string: '%s'\n", v.str);
break; case BIN: { for( size_t n = 0; n < v.sz; n++ ) printf("%s%02x(%c)", n > 0 ? " ":"binary: ", v.str[n], v.str[n] >= 32 ? v.str[n] : '.'); puts(""); }
break; case EXT: { printf("ext: [%02X (%d)] ", v.ext, v.ext); for( size_t n = 0; n < v.sz; n++ ) printf("%s%02x(%c)", n > 0 ? " ":"", v.str[n], v.str[n] >= 32 ? v.str[n] : '.'); puts(""); }
break; case ARR: {
++tabs; puts("[");
for( size_t n = v.sz; n-- > 0; ) {
if( !msgunpack_var(&v) || !vardump(&v) ) return false;
--tabs; puts("]");
break; case MAP: {
++tabs; puts("{");
for( size_t n = v.sz; n-- > 0; ) {
if( !msgunpack_var(&v) || !vardump(&v) ) return false;
if( !msgunpack_var(&v) || !vardump(&v) ) return false;
--tabs; puts("}");
return true;
void testdump( const char *fname ) {
FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "rb");
if( !fp ) {
fputs("Cannot read input stream", stderr);
} else {
if( msgunpack_new(fp, 0) ) {
struct variant v;
while( msgunpack_var(&v) ) {
if( msgunpack_err() ) {
fputs("Error while unpacking", stderr);
void testwrite(const char *outfile) {
char buf[256];
msgpack_new(buf, 256);
int len = msgpack("ddufs [dddddddd-dddddddd {sisi bne"/*bp0*/,
-123LL, 123LL, 123456ULL, 3.14159f, "hello world",
-31LL, -32LL, -127LL, -128LL, -255LL, -256LL, -511LL, -512LL, // ,121, 3, "hi",
+31LL, +32LL, +127LL, +128LL, +255LL, +256LL, +511LL, +512LL, // ,121, 3, "hi",
"hello", -123LL,
"world", -456LL,
0xeeULL, "this is an EXT type", sizeof("this is an EXT type")-1
hexdump(buf, len);
FILE *fp = fopen(outfile, "wb");
if( fp ) {
fwrite( buf, len, 1, fp );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Based on code by Brian "Beej Jorgensen" Hall (public domain) [1].
// Based on code by Ginger Bill's half<->float (public domain) [2].
// - rlyeh, public domain.
// pack.c -- perl/python-ish pack/unpack functions
// like printf and scanf, but for binary data.
// format flags:
// (<) little endian (>) big endian (! also) (=) native endian
// (c) 8-bit char (b) 8-bit byte
// (h) 16-bit half (w) 16-bit word
// (i) 32-bit integer (u) 32-bit unsigned (f) 32-bit float
// (l) 64-bit long (q) 64-bit quad (d) 64-bit double
// (v) varint
// (s) string (64-bit varint length prepended)
// (S) string (32-bit fixed length prepended)
// (m) memblock (64-bit varint length prepended)
// (M) memblock (32-bit fixed length prepended)
// (z) memblock (zeroed)
// (#) number of arguments processed (only when unpacking)
// @todo:
// - (x) document & test flag
// @totest:
// - (s) string (64-bit variable length automatically prepended)
// - (S) string (32-bit fixed length automatically prepended)
// - (m) memblock (64-bit variable length automatically prepended)
// - (M) memblock (32-bit fixed length automatically prepended)
// - (z) memblock (zeroed)
// - (#) number of arguments processed (only when unpacking)
// @refs:
// [1] http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/output/html/multipage/advanced.html#serialization (Modified to encode NaN and Infinity as well.)
// [2] https://github.com/gingerBill/gb
// [3] http://www.mrob.com/pub/math/floatformats.html#minifloat
// [4] microfloat: [0.002 to 240] range.
// [5] half float: can approximate any 16-bit unsigned integer or its reciprocal to 3 decimal places.
// b/f packing -----------------------------------------------------------------
int loadb_(const uint8_t *buf, const char *fmt, va_list ap) {
uint64_t args = 0;
const uint8_t *buf0 = buf;
char tmp[16+1];
//uint64_t size = 0, len;
int32_t len, count, maxstrlen=0;
int le = 0;
if(!buf) // buffer estimation
for(; *fmt != '\0'; fmt++) {
switch(*fmt) {
default: if (!isdigit(*fmt)) return 0;
break; case '!': case '>': case '<': case '=': case ' ': // 0-bit endianness
break; case 'c': case 'b': { int8_t c = (int8_t)va_arg(ap, int); buf += 1; } // 8-bit promoted
break; case 'h': case 'w': { int16_t h = (int16_t)va_arg(ap, int); buf += 2; } // 16-bit promoted
break; case 'i': case 'u': { int32_t l = va_arg(ap, int32_t); buf += 4; } // 32-bit
break; case 'l': case 'q': { int64_t L = va_arg(ap, int64_t); buf += 8; } // 64-bit
break; case 'f': { float f = (float)va_arg(ap, double); buf += 4; } // 32-bit float promoted
break; case 'd': { double F = (double)va_arg(ap, double); buf += 8; } // 64-bit float (double)
break; case 'v': { int64_t L = va_arg(ap, int64_t); buf += pack64iv(tmp, L); } // varint (8,16,32,64 ...)
break; case 's': { char* s = va_arg(ap, char*); len = strlen(s); buf += pack64iv(tmp, len) + len; } // string, 64-bit variable length prepended
break; case 'S': { char* s = va_arg(ap, char*); len = strlen(s); buf += 4 + len; } // string, 32-bit fixed length prepended
break; case 'm': { int len = va_arg(ap, int); char *s = va_arg(ap, char*); buf += pack64iv(tmp, len) + len; } // memblock, 64-bit variable length prepended
break; case 'M': { int len = va_arg(ap, int); char *s = va_arg(ap, char*); buf += 4 + len; } // memblock, 32-bit fixed length prepended
break; case 'z': { int len = va_arg(ap, int); buf += len; } // memblock (zeroed)
if(buf) // buffer unpacking
for(; *fmt != '\0'; fmt++) {
switch(*fmt) {
if (isdigit(*fmt)) { // track max str len
maxstrlen = maxstrlen * 10 + (*fmt-'0');
} else {
return 0;
break; case ' ':
break; case '!': le = 0;
break; case '>': le = 0;
break; case '<': le = 1;
break; case '=': le = is_little() ? 1 : 0;
break; case 'c': case 'b': ++args; { // 8-bit
int8_t *v = va_arg(ap, int8_t*);
*v = *buf <= 0x7f ? (int8_t)*buf : -1 -(uint8_t)(0xffu - *buf);
buf += 1;
break; case 'h': case 'w': ++args; { // 16-bit
int16_t *v = va_arg(ap, int16_t*);
*v = unpack16i(buf, le);
buf += 2;
break; case 'i': case 'u': ++args; { // 32-bit
int32_t *v = va_arg(ap, int32_t*);
*v = unpack32i(buf, le);
buf += 4;
break; case 'l': case 'q': ++args; { // 64-bit
int64_t *v = va_arg(ap, int64_t*);
*v = unpack64i(buf, le);
buf += 8;
break; case 'v': ++args; { // varint (8,16,32,64 ...)
int64_t *L = va_arg(ap, int64_t*);
buf += unpack64iv(buf, L);
break; case 'f': ++args; { // 32-bit float
float *v = va_arg(ap, float*);
int32_t i = unpack32i(buf, le);
*v = unpack754_32(i);
buf += 4;
break; case 'd': ++args; { // 64-bit float (double)
double *v = va_arg(ap, double*);
int64_t i = unpack64i(buf, le);
*v = unpack754_64(i);
buf += 8;
break; case 'S': ++args; { // string, 32-bit fixed length prepended
char *s = va_arg(ap, char*);
int64_t vlen = unpack32i(buf, le), read = 4;
count = (maxstrlen > 0 && vlen >= maxstrlen ? maxstrlen - 1 : vlen);
memcpy(s, buf + read, count);
s[count] = '\0';
buf += read + vlen;
break; case 's': ++args; { // string, 64-bit variable length prepended
char *s = va_arg(ap, char*);
int64_t vlen, read = unpack64iv(buf, &vlen);
count = (maxstrlen > 0 && vlen >= maxstrlen ? maxstrlen - 1 : vlen);
memcpy(s, buf + read, count);
s[count] = '\0';
buf += read + vlen;
break; case 'M': ++args; { // memblock, 32-bit fixed length prepended
char *s = va_arg(ap, char*);
int64_t vlen = unpack64iv(buf, &vlen), read = 4;
count = vlen; //(maxstrlen > 0 && vlen >= maxstrlen ? maxstrlen - 1 : vlen);
memcpy(s, buf + read, count);
//s[count] = '\0';
buf += read + vlen;
break; case 'm': ++args; { // memblock, 64-bit variable length prepended
char *s = va_arg(ap, char*);
int64_t vlen, read = unpack64iv(buf, &vlen);
count = vlen; //(maxstrlen > 0 && vlen >= maxstrlen ? maxstrlen - 1 : vlen);
memcpy(s, buf + read, count);
//s[count] = '\0';
buf += read + vlen;
break; case 'z': ++args; { // zero-init mem block
int *l = va_arg(ap, int*);
const uint8_t *prev = buf;
while( *buf == 0 ) ++buf;
*l = buf - prev;
break; case '#': {
int *l = va_arg(ap, int*);
*l = args;
if (!isdigit(*fmt)) {
maxstrlen = 0;
return (int)( buf - buf0 );
int saveb_(uint8_t *buf, const char *fmt, va_list ap) {
uint64_t size = 0, len;
int le = 0;
// buffer estimation
if( !buf ) {
return loadb_(buf, fmt, ap); // + strlen(buf) * 17; // worse (v)arint estimation for 128-bit ints (17 bytes each)
// buffer packing
for(; *fmt != '\0'; fmt++) {
switch(*fmt) {
default: size = 0; // error
break; case '!': le = 0;
break; case '>': le = 0;
break; case '<': le = 1;
break; case ' ': le = le;
break; case '=': le = is_little() ? 1 : 0;
break; case 'c': case 'b': { // 8-bit
int v = (int8_t)va_arg(ap, int /*promoted*/ );
*buf++ = (v>>0)&0xff;
size += 1;
break; case 'h': case 'w': { // 16-bit
int v = (int16_t)va_arg(ap, int /*promoted*/ );
pack16i(buf, v, le);
buf += 2;
size += 2;
break; case 'i': case 'u': { // 32-bit
int32_t v = va_arg(ap, int32_t);
pack32i(buf, v, le);
buf += 4;
size += 4;
break; case 'l': case 'q': { // 64-bit
int64_t v = va_arg(ap, int64_t);
pack64i(buf, v, le);
buf += 8;
size += 8;
break; case 'v': { // varint (8,16,32,64 ...)
int64_t v = va_arg(ap, int64_t);
int64_t L = pack64iv(buf, v);
buf += L;
size += L;
break; case 'f': { // 32-bit float
double v = (float)va_arg(ap, double /*promoted*/ );
int32_t i = pack754_32(v); // convert to IEEE 754
pack32i(buf, i, le);
buf += 4;
size += 4;
break; case 'd': { // 64-bit float (double)
double v = (double)va_arg(ap, double);
int64_t i = pack754_64(v); // convert to IEEE 754
pack64i(buf, i, le);
buf += 8;
size += 8;
break; case 'S': { // string, 32-bit fixed length prepended
char* s = va_arg(ap, char*);
int len = strlen(s);
pack32i(buf, len, le);
memcpy(buf + 4, s, len);
buf += 4 + len;
size += 4 + len;
break; case 's': { // string, 64-bit variable length prepended
char* s = va_arg(ap, char*);
int len = strlen(s);
int64_t L = pack64iv(buf, len);
memcpy(buf + L, s, len);
buf += L + len;
size += L + len;
break; case 'M': { // memblock, 32-bit fixed length prepended
int len = va_arg(ap, int);
char* s = va_arg(ap, char*);
pack32i(buf, len, le);
memcpy(buf + 4, s, len);
buf += 4 + len;
size += 4 + len;
break; case 'm': { // memblock, 64-bit variable length prepended
int len = va_arg(ap, int);
char* s = va_arg(ap, char*);
int64_t L = pack64iv(buf, len);
memcpy(buf + L, s, len);
buf += L + len;
size += L + len;
break; case 'z': { // memblock (zeroed)
int len = va_arg(ap, int);
memset(buf, 0, len);
buf += len;
size += len;
return (int)size;
int saveb(uint8_t *buf, const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
int rc = saveb_( buf, fmt, ap);
return rc;
int loadb(const uint8_t *buf, const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
int rc = loadb_( buf, fmt, ap);
return rc;
int savef(FILE *fp, const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
// estimate bytes
int req = saveb_( 0, fmt, ap);
char stack[4096];
char *buf = req < 4096 ? stack : (char*)calloc(1, req + 1 );
int rc = saveb_(buf, fmt, ap);
fwrite(buf, req,1, fp);
if( !(req < 4096) ) free(buf);
return rc;
int loadf(FILE *fp, const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
// estimate bytes
int req = loadb_( 0, fmt, ap) * 2; // *2 in case it is underestimated
char stack[4096];
char *buf = req < 4096 ? stack : (char*)calloc(1, req + 1 );
fread(buf, req,1, fp);
int rc = loadb_(buf, fmt, ap);
if( !(req < 4096) ) free(buf);
return rc;
#if 0
const char *dna = "3b8bhbhbbhhbhhhuu"; // "1c1h212122122233"; "i3c8chchchhchhhdd"
struct bootsector {
uint8_t jump_instruction[3];
uint8_t oem_name[8];
uint16_t bytes_per_sector;
uint8_t sectors_per_cluster;
uint16_t reserved_sectors;
uint8_t fat_copies;
uint16_t max_dirs;
uint16_t sector_count;
uint8_t media_descriptor;
uint16_t sectors_per_fat;
uint16_t sectors_per_head;
uint16_t heads;
uint32_t hidden_sectors;
uint32_t sector_countz;
} fat = { {0,1,2},{3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10},11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 };
hexdump(&fat, sizeof(struct bootsector));
FILE *fp = fopen("test.mbr", "wb");
savef(fp, dna, &fat); //
memset(&fat, 0, sizeof(struct bootsector));
fp = fopen("test.mbr", "rb");
loadf(fp, dna, &fat);
hexdump(&fat, sizeof(struct bootsector));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// compression api
static struct zcompressor {
// id of compressor
unsigned enumerator;
// name of compressor
const char name1, *name4, *name;
// returns worst case compression estimation for selected flags
unsigned (*bounds)(unsigned bytes, unsigned flags);
// returns number of bytes written. 0 if error.
unsigned (*encode)(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outcap, unsigned flags);
// returns number of excess bytes that will be overwritten when decoding.
unsigned (*excess)(unsigned flags);
// returns number of bytes written. 0 if error.
unsigned (*decode)(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outcap);
} zlist[] = {
{ COMPRESS_RAW, '0', "raw", "raw", raw_bounds, raw_encode, raw_excess, raw_decode },
{ COMPRESS_PPP, 'p', "ppp", "ppp", ppp_bounds, ppp_encode, ppp_excess, ppp_decode },
{ COMPRESS_ULZ, 'u', "ulz", "ulz", ulz_bounds, ulz_encode, ulz_excess, ulz_decode },
{ COMPRESS_LZ4, '4', "lz4x", "lz4x", lz4x_bounds, lz4x_encode, lz4x_excess, lz4x_decode },
{ COMPRESS_CRUSH, 'c', "crsh", "crush", crush_bounds, crush_encode, crush_excess, crush_decode },
{ COMPRESS_DEFLATE, 'd', "defl", "deflate", deflate_bounds, deflate_encode, deflate_excess, deflate_decode },
{ COMPRESS_LZP1, '1', "lzp1", "lzp1", lzp1_bounds, lzp1_encode, lzp1_excess, lzp1_decode },
{ COMPRESS_LZMA, 'm', "lzma", "lzma", lzma_bounds, lzma_encode, lzma_excess, lzma_decode },
{ COMPRESS_BALZ, 'b', "balz", "balz", balz_bounds, balz_encode, balz_excess, balz_decode },
{ COMPRESS_LZW3, 'w', "lzw3", "lzrw3a", lzrw3a_bounds, lzrw3a_encode, lzrw3a_excess, lzrw3a_decode },
{ COMPRESS_LZSS, 's', "lzss", "lzss", lzss_bounds, lzss_encode, lzss_excess, lzss_decode },
{ COMPRESS_BCM, 'B', "bcm", "bcm", bcm_bounds, bcm_encode, bcm_excess, bcm_decode },
{ COMPRESS_ZLIB, 'z', "zlib", "zlib", deflate_bounds, deflatez_encode, deflate_excess, deflatez_decode },
enum { COMPRESS_NUM = 14 };
static char *znameof(unsigned flags) {
static __thread char buf[16];
snprintf(buf, 16, "%4s.%c", zlist[(flags>>4)&0x0F].name4, "0123456789ABCDEF"[flags&0xF]);
return buf;
unsigned zencode(void *out, unsigned outlen, const void *in, unsigned inlen, unsigned flags) {
return zlist[(flags >> 4) % COMPRESS_NUM].encode(in, inlen, (uint8_t*)out, outlen, flags & 0x0F);
unsigned zdecode(void *out, unsigned outlen, const void *in, unsigned inlen, unsigned flags) {
return zlist[(flags >> 4) % COMPRESS_NUM].decode((uint8_t*)in, inlen, out, outlen);
unsigned zbounds(unsigned inlen, unsigned flags) {
return zlist[(flags >> 4) % COMPRESS_NUM].bounds(inlen, flags & 0x0F);
unsigned zexcess(unsigned flags) {
return zlist[(flags >> 4) % COMPRESS_NUM].excess(flags & 0x0F);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BASE92 en/decoder
// THE BEERWARE LICENSE (Revision 42):
// <thenoviceoof> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
// can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you
// think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return
// - Nathan Hwang (thenoviceoof)
unsigned base92_bounds(unsigned inlen) {
unsigned size = (inlen * 8) % 13, extra_null = 1;
if(size == 0) return 2 * ((inlen * 8) / 13) + extra_null;
if(size < 7) return 2 * ((inlen * 8) / 13) + extra_null + 1;
return 2 * ((inlen * 8) / 13) + extra_null + 2;
unsigned base92_encode(const void* in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned size) {
char *res = (char *)out;
const unsigned char *str = (const unsigned char *)in;
unsigned int j = 0; // j for encoded
unsigned long workspace = 0; // bits holding bin
unsigned short wssize = 0; // number of good bits in workspace
unsigned char c;
const unsigned char ENCODE_MAPPING[256] = {
33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,
44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,
64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83,
84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93,
94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104,
105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114,
115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124,
125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
if (inlen) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < inlen; i++) {
workspace = workspace << 8 | str[i];
wssize += 8;
if (wssize >= 13) {
int tmp = (workspace >> (wssize - 13)) & 8191;
c = ENCODE_MAPPING[(tmp / 91)];
if (c == 0) return 0; // illegal char
res[j++] = c;
c = ENCODE_MAPPING[(tmp % 91)];
if (c == 0) return 0; // illegal char
res[j++] = c;
wssize -= 13;
// encode a last byte
if (0 < wssize && wssize < 7) {
int tmp = (workspace << (6 - wssize)) & 63; // pad the right side
c = ENCODE_MAPPING[(tmp)];
if (c == 0) return 0; // illegal char
res[j++] = c;
} else if (7 <= wssize) {
int tmp = (workspace << (13 - wssize)) & 8191; // pad the right side
c = ENCODE_MAPPING[(tmp / 91)];
if (c == 0) return 0; // illegal char
res[j++] = c;
c = ENCODE_MAPPING[(tmp % 91)];
if (c == 0) return 0; // illegal char
res[j++] = c;
} else {
res[j++] = '~';
// add null byte
res[j] = 0;
return j;
// this guy expects a null-terminated string
// gives back a non-null terminated string, and properly filled len
unsigned base92_decode(const void* in, unsigned size, void *out, unsigned outlen_unused) {
const char* str = (const char*)in;
unsigned char *res = (unsigned char *)out;
int i, j = 0, b1, b2;
unsigned long workspace = 0;
unsigned short wssize = 0;
const unsigned char DECODE_MAPPING[256] = {
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 0, 255, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 255, 62, 63, 64,
65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74,
75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84,
85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 255, 255, 255, 255,
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// handle small cases first
if (size == 0 || (str[0] == '~' && str[1] == '\0')) {
res[0] = 0;
return 1;
// calculate size
int len = ((size/2 * 13) + (size%2 * 6)) / 8;
// handle pairs of chars
for (i = 0; i + 1 < size; i += 2) {
b1 = DECODE_MAPPING[(str[i])];
b2 = DECODE_MAPPING[(str[i+1])];
workspace = (workspace << 13) | (b1 * 91 + b2);
wssize += 13;
while (wssize >= 8) {
res[j++] = (workspace >> (wssize - 8)) & 255;
wssize -= 8;
// handle single char
if (size % 2 == 1) {
workspace = (workspace << 6) | DECODE_MAPPING[(str[size - 1])];
wssize += 6;
while (wssize >= 8) {
res[j++] = (workspace >> (wssize - 8)) & 255;
wssize -= 8;
//assert(j == len);
return j;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COBS en/decoder
// Based on code by Jacques Fortier.
// "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted, with or without modification."
// Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing is an encoding that removes all 0 bytes from arbitrary binary data.
// The encoded data consists only of bytes with values from 0x01 to 0xFF. This is useful for preparing data for
// transmission over a serial link (RS-232 or RS-485 for example), as the 0 byte can be used to unambiguously indicate
// packet boundaries. COBS also has the advantage of adding very little overhead (at least 1 byte, plus up to an
// additional byte per 254 bytes of data). For messages smaller than 254 bytes, the overhead is constant.
// This implementation is designed to be both efficient and robust.
// The decoder is designed to detect malformed input data and report an error upon detection.
unsigned cobs_bounds( unsigned len ) {
return len + ceil(len / 254.0) + 1;
unsigned cobs_encode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen) {
const uint8_t *src = (const uint8_t *)in;
uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t*)out;
size_t srclen = inlen;
uint8_t code = 1;
size_t read_index = 0, write_index = 1, code_index = 0;
while( read_index < srclen ) {
if( src[ read_index ] == 0) {
dst[ code_index ] = code;
code = 1;
code_index = write_index++;
} else {
dst[ write_index++ ] = src[ read_index++ ];
if( code == 0xFF ) {
dst[ code_index ] = code;
code = 1;
code_index = write_index++;
dst[ code_index ] = code;
return write_index;
unsigned cobs_decode(const void *in, unsigned inlen, void *out, unsigned outlen) {
const uint8_t *src = (const uint8_t *)in;
uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t*)out;
size_t srclen = inlen;
uint8_t code, i;
size_t read_index = 0, write_index = 0;
while( read_index < srclen ) {
code = src[ read_index ];
if( ((read_index + code) > srclen) && (code != 1) ) {
return 0;
for( i = 1; i < code; i++ ) {
dst[ write_index++ ] = src[ read_index++ ];
if( (code != 0xFF) && (read_index != srclen) ) {
dst[ write_index++ ] = '\0';
return write_index;
#if 0
void cobs_test( const char *buffer, int buflen ) {
char enc[4096];
int enclen = cobs_encode( buffer, buflen, enc, 4096 );
char dec[4096];
int declen = cobs_decode( enc, enclen, dec, 4096 );
test( enclen >= buflen );
test( declen == buflen );
test( memcmp(dec, buffer, buflen) == 0 );
printf("%d->%d->%d (+%d extra bytes)\n", declen, enclen, declen, enclen - declen);
const char *null = 0;
cobs_test( null, 0 );
const char empty[] = "";
cobs_test( empty, sizeof(empty) );
const char text[] = "hello world\n";
cobs_test( text, sizeof(text) );
const char bintext[] = "hello\0\0\0world\n";
cobs_test( bintext, sizeof(bintext) );
const char blank[512] = {0};
cobs_test( blank, sizeof(blank) );
char longbintext[1024];
for( int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i ) longbintext[i] = (unsigned char)i;
cobs_test( longbintext, sizeof(longbintext) );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// netstring en/decoder
// - rlyeh, public domain.
unsigned netstring_bounds(unsigned inlen) {
return 5 + inlen + 3; // 3 for ;,\0 + 5 if inlen < 100k ; else (unsigned)ceil(log10(inlen + 1))
unsigned netstring_encode(const char *in, unsigned inlen, char *out, unsigned outlen) {
// if(outlen < netstring_bounds(inlen)) return 0;
sprintf(out, "%u:%.*s,", inlen, inlen, in);
return strlen(out);
unsigned netstring_decode(const char *in, unsigned inlen, char *out, unsigned outlen) {
// if(outlen < inlen) return 0;
const char *bak = in;
sscanf(in, "%u", &outlen);
while( *++in != ':' );
memcpy(out, in+1, outlen), out[outlen-1] = 0;
// return outlen; // number of written bytes
return (outlen + (in+2 - bak)); // number of read bytes
#if 0
// encode
const char text1[] = "hello world!", text2[] = "abc123";
unsigned buflen = netstring_bounds(strlen(text1) + strlen(text2));
char *buf = malloc(buflen), *ptr = buf;
ptr += netstring_encode(text1, strlen(text1), ptr, buflen -= (ptr - buf));
ptr += netstring_encode(text2, strlen(text2), ptr, buflen -= (ptr - buf));
printf("%s -> ", buf);
// decode
char out[12];
unsigned plen = strlen(ptr = buf);
while(plen > 0) {
int written = netstring_decode(ptr, plen, out, 12);
ptr += written;
plen -= written;
printf("'%s'(%s)(%d), ", out, ptr, plen );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// array de/interleaving
// - rlyeh, public domain.
// results:
// R0G0B0 R1G1B1 R2G2B2... -> R0R1R2... B0B1B2... G0G1G2...
// R0G0B0A0 R1G1B1A1 R2G2B2A2... -> R0R1R2... A0A1A2... B0B1B2... G0G1G2...
void *interleave( void *out, const void *list, int list_count, int sizeof_item, unsigned columns ) {
void *bak = out;
assert( columns < list_count ); // required
int row_count = list_count / columns;
for( int offset = 0; offset < columns; offset++ ) {
for( int row = 0; row < row_count; row++ ) {
memcpy( out, &((char*)list)[ (offset + row * columns) * sizeof_item ], sizeof_item );
out = ((char*)out) + sizeof_item;
return bak;
#if 0
void interleave_test( const char *name, int interleaving, int deinterleaving, const char *original ) {
char interleaved[128] = {0};
interleave( interleaved, original, strlen(original)/2, 2, interleaving );
char deinterleaved[128] = {0};
interleave( deinterleaved, interleaved, strlen(original)/2, 2, deinterleaving );
printf( "\n%s\n", name );
printf( "original:\t%s\n", original );
printf( "interleaved:\t%s\n", interleaved );
printf( "deinterleaved:\t%s\n", deinterleaved );
assert( 0 == strcmp(original, deinterleaved) );
"audio 2ch", 2, 3,
"image 3ch", 3, 3,
"image 4ch", 4, 3,
"audio 5ch", 5, 3,
"audio 5.1ch", 6, 3,
"opengl material 9ch", 9, 3,
"opengl material 10ch", 10, 3,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// delta encoder
#define delta_expand_template(N) \
void delta##N##_encode(void *buffer_, unsigned count) { \
uint##N##_t current, last = 0, *buffer = (uint##N##_t*)buffer_; \
for( unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { \
current = buffer[i]; \
buffer[i] = current - last; \
last = current; \
} \
} \
void delta##N##_decode(void *buffer_, unsigned count) { \
uint##N##_t delta, last = 0, *buffer = (uint##N##_t*)buffer_; \
for( unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { \
delta = buffer[i]; \
buffer[i] = delta + last; \
last = buffer[i]; \
} \
#if 0
char buf[] = "1231112223345555";
int buflen = strlen(buf);
char *dt = strdup(buf);
printf(" delta8: ", dt);
for( int i = 0; i < buflen; ++i ) printf("%c", dt[i] );
delta8_encode(dt, buflen);
for( int i = 0; i < buflen; ++i ) printf("%02d,", dt[i] );
delta8_decode(dt, buflen);
for( int i = 0; i < buflen; ++i ) printf("%c", dt[i] );
printf("\r%c\n", 0 == strcmp(buf,dt) ? 'Y':'N');
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// zigzag en/decoder
// - rlyeh, public domain
uint64_t zig64( int64_t value ) { // convert sign|magnitude to magnitude|sign
return (value >> 63) ^ (value << 1);
int64_t zag64( uint64_t value ) { // convert magnitude|sign to sign|magnitude
return (value >> 1) ^ -(value & 1);
// branchless zigzag encoding 32/64
// sign|magnitude to magnitude|sign and back
// [ref] https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding
uint32_t enczig32u( int32_t n) { return ((n << 1) ^ (n >> 31)); }
uint64_t enczig64u( int64_t n) { return ((n << 1) ^ (n >> 63)); }
int32_t deczig32i(uint32_t n) { return ((n >> 1) ^ -(n & 1)); }
int64_t deczig64i(uint64_t n) { return ((n >> 1) ^ -(n & 1)); }
#if 0
int16_t x = -1000;
printf("%d -> %llu %llx -> %lld\n", x, zig64(x), zig64(x), zag64(zig64(x)));
#define CMP32(signedN) do { \
int32_t reconverted = deczig32i( enczig32u(signedN) ); \
int equal = signedN == reconverted; \
printf("[%s] %d vs %d\n", equal ? " OK " : "FAIL", signedN, reconverted ); \
} while(0)
#define CMP64(signedN) do { \
int64_t reconverted = deczig64i( enczig64u(signedN) ); \
int equal = signedN == reconverted; \
printf("[%s] %lld vs %lld\n", equal ? " OK " : "FAIL", signedN, reconverted ); \
} while(0)
CMP32( 0);
CMP32(INT32_MAX - 1);
CMP32(INT32_MIN + 1);
CMP64( 0ll);
CMP64(INT64_MAX - 1);
CMP64(INT64_MIN + 1);
void TESTU( uint64_t N ) {
uint8_t buf[9] = {0};
enczig64i(buf, (N));
uint64_t reconstructed = deczig64i(buf, 0);
if( reconstructed != (N) ) printf("[FAIL] %llu vs %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", (N), buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4], buf[5], buf[6], buf[7], buf[8] );
else if( 0xffffff == ((N) & 0xffffff) ) printf("[ OK ] %llx\n", (N));
void TESTI( int64_t N ) {
TESTU( enczig64u(N) );
#pragma omp parallel for // compile with /openmp
for( int64_t N = INT64_MIN; N < INT64_MAX; ++N ) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ARC4 en/decryptor. Based on code by Mike Shaffer.
// - rlyeh, public domain.
void *arc4( void *buf_, unsigned buflen, const void *pass_, unsigned passlen ) {
// [ref] http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/code/rc4.inc.html
int sbox[256], key[256];
char *buf = (char*)buf_;
const char *pass = (const char*)pass_;
for( unsigned a = 0; a < 256; a++ ) {
key[a] = pass[a % passlen];
sbox[a] = a;
for( unsigned a = 0, b = 0; a < 256; a++ ) {
b = (b + sbox[a] + key[a]) % 256;
int swap = sbox[a]; sbox[a] = sbox[b]; sbox[b] = swap;
for( unsigned a = 0, b = 0, i = 0; i < buflen; ++i ) {
a = (a + 1) % 256;
b = (b + sbox[a]) % 256;
int swap = sbox[a]; sbox[a] = sbox[b]; sbox[b] = swap;
buf[i] ^= sbox[(sbox[a] + sbox[b]) % 256];
return buf_;
#if 0
char buffer[] = "Hello world."; int buflen = strlen(buffer);
char *password = "abc123"; int passlen = strlen(password);
printf("Original: %s\n", buffer);
printf("Password: %s\n", password);
char *encrypted = arc4( buffer, buflen, password, passlen );
printf("ARC4 Encrypted text: '%s'\n", encrypted);
char *decrypted = arc4( buffer, buflen, password, passlen );
printf("ARC4 Decrypted text: '%s'\n", decrypted);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// crc64
// - rlyeh, public domain
uint64_t crc64(uint64_t h, const void *ptr, uint64_t len) {
// based on public domain code by Lasse Collin
// also, use poly64 0xC96C5795D7870F42 for crc64-ecma
static uint64_t crc64_table[256];
static uint64_t poly64 = UINT64_C(0x95AC9329AC4BC9B5);
if( poly64 ) {
for( int b = 0; b < 256; ++b ) {
uint64_t r = b;
for( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) {
r = r & 1 ? (r >> 1) ^ poly64 : r >> 1;
crc64_table[ b ] = r;
//printf("%016llx\n", crc64_table[b]);
poly64 = 0;
const uint8_t *buf = (const uint8_t *)ptr;
uint64_t crc = ~h; // ~crc;
while( len != 0 ) {
crc = crc64_table[(uint8_t)crc ^ *buf++] ^ (crc >> 8);
return ~crc;
#if 0
unsigned crc32(unsigned h, const void *ptr_, unsigned len) {
// based on public domain code by Karl Malbrain
const uint8_t *ptr = (const uint8_t *)ptr_;
if (!ptr) return 0;
const unsigned tbl[16] = {
0x00000000, 0x1db71064, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x26d930ac, 0x76dc4190, 0x6b6b51f4, 0x4db26158, 0x5005713c,
0xedb88320, 0xf00f9344, 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xcb61b38c, 0x9b64c2b0, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xa00ae278, 0xbdbdf21c };
for(h = ~h; len--; ) { uint8_t b = *ptr++; h = (h >> 4) ^ tbl[(h & 15) ^ (b & 15)]; h = (h >> 4) ^ tbl[(h & 15) ^ (b >> 4)]; }
return ~h;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// entropy encoder
#if is(win32)
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "advapi32")
void entropy( void *buf, unsigned n ) {
HCRYPTPROV provider;
if( CryptAcquireContext( &provider, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT ) == 0 ) {
assert(!"CryptAcquireContext failed");
int rc = CryptGenRandom( provider, n, (BYTE *)buf );
assert( rc != 0 );
CryptReleaseContext( provider, 0 );
#elif is(linux) || is(osx)
void entropy( void *buf, unsigned n ) {
FILE *fp = fopen( "/dev/urandom", "r" );
if( !fp ) assert(!"/dev/urandom open failed");
size_t read = n * fread( buf, n, 1, fp );
assert( read == n && "/dev/urandom read failed" );
fclose( fp );
#else // unused for now. likely emscripten will hit this
// pseudo random number generator with 128 bit internal state... probably not suited for cryptographical usage.
// [src] http://github.com/kokke (UNLICENSE)
// [ref] http://burtleburtle.net/bob/rand/smallprng.html
#include <time.h>
#if is(win32)
#include <process.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static uint32_t prng_next(void) {
#define prng_rotate(x,k) (x << k) | (x >> (32 - k))
#define prng_shuffle() do { \
uint32_t e = ctx[0] - prng_rotate(ctx[1], 27); \
ctx[0] = ctx[1] ^ prng_rotate(ctx[2], 17); \
ctx[1] = ctx[2] + ctx[3]; \
ctx[2] = ctx[3] + e; \
ctx[3] = e + ctx[0]; } while(0)
static __thread uint32_t ctx[4], *once = 0; if( !once ) {
uint32_t seed = (uint32_t)( ifdef(win32,_getpid,getpid)() + time(0) + ((uintptr_t)once) );
ctx[0] = 0xf1ea5eed;
ctx[1] = ctx[2] = ctx[3] = seed;
for (int i = 0; i < 31; ++i) {
once = ctx;
return ctx[3];
void entropy( void *buf, unsigned n ) {
for( ; n >= 4 ; n -= 4 ) {
uint32_t a = prng_next();
memcpy(buf, &a, 4);
buf = ((char*)buf) + 4;
if( n > 0 ) {
uint32_t a = prng_next();
memcpy(buf, &a, n);
#if 0
unsigned char buf[128];
entropy(buf, 128);
for( int i = 0; i < 128; ++i ) {
printf("%02x", buf[i]);