
2463 lines
96 KiB
Raw Normal View History

//#define UI_ICONS_SMALL 1
#define UI_FONT_ENUM(carlito,b612) b612 // carlito
#define UI_FONT_ICONS "MaterialIconsSharp-Regular.otf" // "MaterialIconsOutlined-Regular.otf" "MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf" //
#define UI_FONT_REGULAR UI_FONT_ENUM("Carlito", "B612") "-Regular.ttf"
#define UI_FONT_HEADING UI_FONT_ENUM("Carlito", "B612") "-BoldItalic.ttf"
#define UI_FONT_TERMINAL UI_FONT_ENUM("Inconsolata", "B612Mono") "-Regular.ttf"
2023-09-21 10:45:42 +00:00
#define UI_ICON_FONTSIZE UI_FONT_ENUM(16.5f,16.5f)
#define UI_ICON_SPACING_Y UI_FONT_ENUM(4.5f,3.5f)
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
#define UI_ICON_SPACING_Y UI_FONT_ENUM(6.5f,5.0f)
#define MAX_VERTEX_MEMORY 512 * 1024
#define MAX_ELEMENT_MEMORY 128 * 1024
static struct nk_context *ui_ctx;
static struct nk_glfw nk_glfw = {0};
void* ui_handle() {
return ui_ctx;
static void nk_config_custom_fonts() {
struct nk_font *font = NULL;
struct nk_font_atlas *atlas = NULL;
nk_glfw3_font_stash_begin(&nk_glfw, &atlas); // nk_sdl_font_stash_begin(&atlas);
// Default font(#1)...
2023-10-14 19:47:24 +00:00
int datalen = 0;
for( char *data = vfs_load(UI_FONT_REGULAR, &datalen); data; data = 0 ) {
float font_size = UI_FONT_REGULAR_SIZE;
struct nk_font_config cfg = nk_font_config(font_size);
cfg.oversample_v = 2;
cfg.pixel_snap = 0;
// win32: struct nk_font *arial = nk_font_atlas_add_from_file(atlas, va("%s/fonts/arial.ttf",getenv("windir")), font_size, &cfg); font = arial ? arial : font;
// struct nk_font *droid = nk_font_atlas_add_from_file(atlas, "nuklear/extra_font/DroidSans.ttf", font_size, &cfg); font = droid ? droid : font;
2023-10-14 19:47:24 +00:00
struct nk_font *regular = nk_font_atlas_add_from_memory(atlas, data, datalen, font_size, &cfg); font = regular ? regular : font;
// ...with icons embedded on it.
2023-10-14 19:47:24 +00:00
for( char *data = vfs_load(UI_FONT_ICONS, &datalen); data; data = 0 ) {
static const nk_rune icon_range[] = {UI_ICON_MIN, UI_ICON_MED /*MAX*/, 0};
struct nk_font_config cfg = nk_font_config(UI_ICON_FONTSIZE);
cfg.range = icon_range; // nk_font_default_glyph_ranges();
cfg.merge_mode = 1;
cfg.spacing.x += UI_ICON_SPACING_X;
cfg.spacing.y += UI_ICON_SPACING_Y;
// cfg.font->ascent += ICON_ASCENT;
// cfg.font->height += ICON_HEIGHT;
cfg.oversample_h = 1;
cfg.oversample_v = 1;
cfg.pixel_snap = 1;
2023-10-14 19:47:24 +00:00
struct nk_font *icons = nk_font_atlas_add_from_memory(atlas, data, datalen, UI_ICON_FONTSIZE, &cfg);
// Monospaced font. Used in terminals or consoles.
2023-10-14 19:47:24 +00:00
for( char *data = vfs_load(UI_FONT_TERMINAL, &datalen); data; data = 0 ) {
const float font_size = UI_FONT_REGULAR_SIZE;
static const nk_rune icon_range[] = {32, 127, 0};
struct nk_font_config cfg = nk_font_config(font_size);
cfg.range = icon_range;
cfg.oversample_h = 1;
cfg.oversample_v = 1;
cfg.pixel_snap = 1;
// struct nk_font *proggy = nk_font_atlas_add_default(atlas, font_size, &cfg);
2023-10-14 19:47:24 +00:00
struct nk_font *bold = nk_font_atlas_add_from_memory(atlas, data, datalen, font_size, &cfg);
// Extra optional fonts from here...
2023-10-14 19:47:24 +00:00
for( char *data = vfs_load(UI_FONT_HEADING, &datalen); data; data = 0 ) {
struct nk_font *bold = nk_font_atlas_add_from_memory(atlas, data, datalen, UI_FONT_HEADING_SIZE, 0); // font = bold ? bold : font;
nk_glfw3_font_stash_end(&nk_glfw); // nk_sdl_font_stash_end();
// ASSERT(font);
if(font) nk_style_set_font(ui_ctx, &font->handle);
// Load Cursor: if you uncomment cursor loading please hide the cursor
// nk_style_load_all_cursors(ctx, atlas->cursors); glfwSetInputMode(win, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN);
static void nk_config_custom_theme() {
#ifdef UI_HUE
float default_hue = UI_HUE;
// 0.09 orange, 0.14 yellow, 0.40 green, 0.45 turquoise, 0.50 cyan, 0.52 default, 0.55 blue, 0.80 purple, 0.92 cherry, 0.96 red
float hues[] = { 0.40,0.45,0.50,0.52,0.55,0.80,0.92 };
float default_hue = hues[ (int)((((date() / 10000) % 100) / 24.f) * countof(hues)) ]; // YYYYMMDDhhmmss -> hh as 0..1
default_hue = 0.52;
float hue = clampf( optionf("--ui-hue", default_hue /*= 0.52*/), 0, 1 );
struct nk_color main_hue = nk_hsv_f(hue+0.025, 0.80, 0.400); // washed
struct nk_color hover_hue = nk_hsv_f(hue+0.025, 1.00, 0.600); // vivid
struct nk_color active_hue = nk_hsv_f(hue-0.010, 1.00, 0.600); // bright; same /S/V than vivid, but H/ slighty biased towards a different luma on spectrum
struct nk_color main = nk_hsv_f( 0.600, 0.00, 0.125); // washed b/w
struct nk_color hover = nk_hsv_f( 0.900, 0.00, 0.000); // vivid b/w
struct nk_color active = nk_hsv_f( 0.600, 0.00, 0.150); // bright b/w
struct nk_color table[NK_COLOR_COUNT] = {0};
table[NK_COLOR_TEXT] = nk_rgba(210, 210, 210, 255);
2023-09-27 06:49:59 +00:00
table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW] = nk_rgba(42, 42, 42, 245);
table[NK_COLOR_HEADER] = nk_rgba(51, 51, 56, 245);
table[NK_COLOR_BORDER] = nk_rgba(46, 46, 46, 255);
table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON] = main;
table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER] = hover;
table[NK_COLOR_BUTTON_ACTIVE] = active;
// ok
table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE] = nk_rgba(45*1.2, 53*1.2, 56*1.2, 255); // table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW]; // nk_rgba(45/1.2, 53/1.2, 56/1.2, 255);
table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_HOVER] = active;
table[NK_COLOR_TOGGLE_CURSOR] = main; // vivid_blue;
table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
table[NK_COLOR_SCROLLBAR_CURSOR] = main_hue;
table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR] = main_hue;
table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_HOVER] = hover_hue;
table[NK_COLOR_SLIDER_CURSOR_ACTIVE] = active_hue;
table[NK_COLOR_EDIT] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 225);
table[NK_COLOR_EDIT_CURSOR] = nk_rgba(210, 210, 210, 255);
// table[NK_COLOR_COMBO] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
// table[NK_COLOR_PROPERTY] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
table[NK_COLOR_CHART] = nk_rgba(50, 58, 61, 255);
table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR] = main_hue;
table[NK_COLOR_CHART_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT] = hover_hue; // nk_rgba(255, 0, 0, 255);
// table[NK_COLOR_TAB_HEADER] = main;
// table[NK_COLOR_SELECT] = nk_rgba(57, 67, 61, 255);
// table[NK_COLOR_SELECT_ACTIVE] = main;
// @transparent
#if !is(ems)
if( glfwGetWindowAttrib(window_handle(), GLFW_TRANSPARENT_FRAMEBUFFER) == GLFW_TRUE ) {
table[NK_COLOR_WINDOW].a =
table[NK_COLOR_HEADER].a = 255;
// @transparent
nk_style_from_table(ui_ctx, table);
struct nk_style *s = &ui_ctx->style;
s->window.spacing = nk_vec2(4,0);
s->window.combo_border = 0.f;
s->window.scrollbar_size = nk_vec2(5,5);
s->property.rounding = 0;
s->combo.border = 0;
2023-10-07 17:34:09 +00:00
s->combo.button_padding.x = -18;
s->button.border = 1;
s->edit.border = 0;
s->window.header.label_padding.y /= 2; // 2
s->window.header.padding.y /= 2; // /= 4 -> 1
static float ui_alpha = 1;
static array(float) ui_alphas;
static void ui_alpha_push(float alpha) {
array_push(ui_alphas, ui_alpha);
ui_alpha = alpha;
struct nk_color c;
struct nk_style *s = &ui_ctx->style;
c = s->window.background; c.a = alpha * 255; nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &s->window.background, c);
c = s->text.color; c.a = alpha * 255; nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &s->text.color, c);
c = s->window.fixed_background.data.color; c.a = alpha * 255; nk_style_push_style_item(ui_ctx, &s->window.fixed_background, nk_style_item_color(c));
static void ui_alpha_pop() {
if( array_count(ui_alphas) ) {
ui_alpha = *array_back(ui_alphas);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ui menu
typedef struct ui_item_t {
char *buf;
int bufcap;
int type; // 0xED17 'edit' for a writeable inputbox buffer, else read-only label
} ui_item_t;
static array(ui_item_t) ui_items; // queued menu names. to be evaluated during next frame
static vec2 ui_results = {0}; // clicked menu items from last frame
int ui_item() {
return ui_items ? (ui_results.x == array_count(ui_items) ? ui_results.y : 0) : 0;
int ui_menu(const char *items) { // semicolon- or comma-separated items
array_push(ui_items, ((ui_item_t){STRDUP(items),0,0}));
return ui_item();
int ui_menu_editbox(char *buf, int bufcap) {
array_push(ui_items, ((ui_item_t){buf,bufcap,0xED17}));
return ui_item();
int ui_has_menubar() {
return !!ui_items; // array_count(ui_items) > 0;
void ui_separator_line() {
struct nk_rect space; nk_layout_peek(&space, ui_ctx); // bounds.w *= 0.95f;
struct nk_command_buffer *canvas = nk_window_get_canvas(ui_ctx);
nk_stroke_line(canvas, space.x+0,space.y+0,space.x+space.w,space.y+0, 3.0, nk_rgb(128,128,128));
NK_API nk_bool
nk_menu_begin_text_styled(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *title, int len,
nk_flags align, struct nk_vec2 size, struct nk_style_button *style_button) //< @r-lyeh: added style_button param
struct nk_window *win;
const struct nk_input *in;
struct nk_rect header;
int is_clicked = nk_false;
nk_flags state;
if (!ctx || !ctx->current || !ctx->current->layout)
return 0;
win = ctx->current;
state = nk_widget(&header, ctx);
if (!state) return 0;
in = (state == NK_WIDGET_ROM || win->flags & NK_WINDOW_ROM) ? 0 : &ctx->input;
if (nk_do_button_text(&ctx->last_widget_state, &win->buffer, header,
title, len, align, NK_BUTTON_DEFAULT, style_button, in, ctx->style.font))
is_clicked = nk_true;
return nk_menu_begin(ctx, win, title, is_clicked, header, size);
vec2 ui_toolbar_(array(ui_item_t) ui_items, vec2 ui_results) {
// adjust size for all the upcoming UI elements
// old method: nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, UI_MENUBAR_ICON_HEIGHT/*h*/, array_count(ui_items));
const struct nk_style *style = &ui_ctx->style;
const struct nk_user_font *f = style->font;
nk_layout_row_template_begin(ui_ctx, UI_MENUBAR_ICON_HEIGHT/*h*/);
for(int i = 0; i < array_count(ui_items); ++i) {
char first_token[512];
sscanf(ui_items[i].buf, "%[^,;|]", first_token); // @fixme: vsnscanf
char *tooltip = strchr(first_token, '@');
int len = tooltip ? (int)(tooltip - first_token /*- 1*/) : strlen(first_token);
float pixels_width = f->width(f->userdata, f->height, first_token, len);
pixels_width += style->window.header.label_padding.x * 2 + style->window.header.padding.x * 2;
if( pixels_width < 5 ) pixels_width = 5;
nk_layout_row_template_push_static(ui_ctx, pixels_width);
// display the UI elements
bool has_popups = ui_popups();
for( int i = 0, end = array_count(ui_items); i < end; ++i ) {
array(char*) ids = strsplit(ui_items[i].buf, ",;|");
// transparent style
static struct nk_style_button transparent_style;
do_once transparent_style = ui_ctx->style.button;
do_once transparent_style.normal.data.color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
do_once transparent_style.border_color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
do_once transparent_style.active = transparent_style.normal;
do_once transparent_style.hover = transparent_style.normal;
do_once transparent_style.hover.data.color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,127);
transparent_style.text_alignment = NK_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTERED|NK_TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE; // array_count(ids) > 1 ? NK_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT : NK_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTERED;
char *tooltip = strchr(ids[0], '@');
int len = tooltip ? (int)(tooltip - ids[0]) : strlen(ids[0]);
// single button
if( array_count(ids) == 1 ) {
// tooltip
if( tooltip && !has_popups ) {
struct nk_rect bounds = nk_widget_bounds(ui_ctx);
if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(&ui_ctx->input, bounds) && nk_window_has_focus(ui_ctx)) {
nk_tooltip(ui_ctx, tooltip+1);
// input...
if( ui_items[i].type == 0xED17 ) {
int active = nk_edit_string_zero_terminated(ui_ctx, NK_EDIT_AUTO_SELECT|NK_EDIT_CLIPBOARD|NK_EDIT_FIELD/*NK_EDIT_BOX*/|NK_EDIT_SIG_ENTER, ui_items[i].buf, ui_items[i].bufcap, nk_filter_default);
if( !!(active & NK_EDIT_COMMITED) ) ui_results = vec2(i+1, 0+1), nk_edit_unfocus(ui_ctx);
// ... else text
if( nk_button_text_styled(ui_ctx, &transparent_style, ids[0], len) ) {
ui_results = vec2(i+1, 0+1);
else {
struct nk_vec2 dims = {120, array_count(ids) * UI_MENUROW_HEIGHT};
const struct nk_style *style = &ui_ctx->style;
const struct nk_user_font *f = style->font;
static array(float) lens = 0; array_resize(lens, array_count(ids));
lens[0] = len;
for( int j = 1; j < array_count(ids); ++j ) {
lens[j] = strlen(ids[j]);
float width_px = f->width(f->userdata, f->height, ids[j], lens[j]);
dims.x = maxf(dims.x, width_px);
dims.x += 2 * style->window.header.label_padding.x;
// dropdown menu
if( nk_menu_begin_text_styled(ui_ctx, ids[0], lens[0], NK_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTERED|NK_TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE, dims, &transparent_style) ) {
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 1);
for( int j = 1; j < array_count(ids); ++j ) {
char *item = ids[j];
if( *item == '-' ) {
while(*item == '-') ++item, --lens[j];
//nk_menu_item_label(ui_ctx, "---", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
if( nk_menu_item_text(ui_ctx, item, lens[j], NK_TEXT_LEFT) ) {
ui_results = vec2(i+1, j+1-1);
return ui_results;
int ui_toolbar(const char *icons) { // usage: int clicked_icon = ui_toolbar( ICON_1 ";" ICON_2 ";" ICON_3 ";" ICON_4 );
vec2 results = {0};
array(char*) items = strsplit(icons, ",;|");
static array(ui_item_t) temp = 0;
array_resize(temp, array_count(items));
for( int i = 0; i < array_count(items); ++i ) temp[i].buf = items[i], temp[i].bufcap = 0, temp[i].type = 0;
return ui_toolbar_(temp, results).x;
// UI Windows handlers. These are not OS Windows but UI Windows instead. For OS Windows check window_*() API.
#define WINDOWS_INI editor_path("windows.ini")
static map(char*,unsigned) ui_windows = 0;
static void ui_init() {
do_once {
map_init(ui_windows, less_str, hash_str);
static int ui_window_register(const char *panel_or_window_title) {
unsigned *state = map_find_or_add_allocated_key(ui_windows, STRDUP(panel_or_window_title), 0);
// check for visibility flag on first call
int visible = 0;
if( *state == 0 ) {
static ini_t i = 0;
do_once i = ini(WINDOWS_INI); // @leak
char **found = i ? map_find(i, va("%s.visible", panel_or_window_title)) : NULL;
if( found ) visible = (*found)[0] == '1';
*state |= 2;
return visible;
int ui_visible(const char *panel_or_window_title) {
return *map_find_or_add_allocated_key(ui_windows, STRDUP(panel_or_window_title), 0) & 1;
int ui_show(const char *panel_or_window_title, int enabled) {
unsigned *found = map_find_or_add_allocated_key(ui_windows, STRDUP(panel_or_window_title), 0);
if( enabled ) {
*found |= 1;
nk_window_collapse(ui_ctx, panel_or_window_title, NK_MAXIMIZED); // in case windows was previously collapsed
} else {
*found &= ~1;
return !!enabled;
int ui_dims(const char *panel_or_window_title, float width, float height) {
nk_window_set_size(ui_ctx, panel_or_window_title, (struct nk_vec2){width, height});
2023-09-18 07:43:28 +00:00
return 0;
vec2 ui_get_dims() {
return (vec2){nk_window_get_width(ui_ctx), nk_window_get_height(ui_ctx)};
static char *ui_build_window_list() {
char *build_windows_menu = 0;
strcatf(&build_windows_menu, "%s;", ICON_MD_VIEW_QUILT); // "Windows");
for each_map_ptr_sorted(ui_windows, char*, k, unsigned, v) {
strcatf(&build_windows_menu, "%s %s;", ui_visible(*k) ? ICON_MD_CHECK_BOX : ICON_MD_CHECK_BOX_OUTLINE_BLANK, *k); // ICON_MD_VISIBILITY : ICON_MD_VISIBILITY_OFF, *k); // ICON_MD_TOGGLE_ON : ICON_MD_TOGGLE_OFF, *k);
strcatf(&build_windows_menu, "-%s;%s", ICON_MD_RECYCLING " Reset layout", ICON_MD_SAVE_AS " Save layout");
return build_windows_menu; // @leak if discarded
static int ui_layout_all_reset(const char *mask);
static int ui_layout_all_save_disk(const char *mask);
static int ui_layout_all_load_disk(const char *mask);
void ui_menu_render() {
// clean up from past frame
ui_results = vec2(0,0);
if( !ui_items ) return;
if( !array_count(ui_items) ) return;
// artificially inject Windows menu on the first icon
bool show_window_menu = !!array_count(ui_items);
if( show_window_menu ) {
array_push_front(ui_items, ((ui_item_t){ui_build_window_list(), 0, 0}));
// process menus
if( nk_begin(ui_ctx, "Menu", nk_rect(0, 0, window_width(), UI_MENUROW_HEIGHT), NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR/*|NK_WINDOW_BACKGROUND*/)) {
if( ui_ctx->current ) {
ui_results = ui_toolbar_(ui_items, ui_results);
if( show_window_menu ) {
// if clicked on first menu (Windows)
if( ui_results.x == 1 ) {
array(char*) split = strsplit(ui_items[0].buf,";"); // *array_back(ui_items), ";");
const char *title = split[(int)ui_results.y]; title += title[0] == '-'; title += 3 * (title[0] == '\xee'); title += title[0] == ' '; /*skip separator+emoji+space*/
// toggle window unless clicked on lasts items {"reset layout", "save layout"}
bool clicked_reset_layout = ui_results.y == array_count(split) - 2;
bool clicked_save_layout = ui_results.y == array_count(split) - 1;
/**/ if( clicked_reset_layout ) ui_layout_all_reset("*");
else if( clicked_save_layout ) file_delete(WINDOWS_INI), ui_layout_all_save_disk("*");
else ui_show(title, ui_visible(title) ^ true);
// reset value so developers don't catch this click
ui_results = vec2(0,0);
// restore state prior to previously injected Windows menu
ui_results.x = ui_results.x > 0 ? ui_results.x - 1 : 0;
// clean up for next frame
for( int i = 0; i < array_count(ui_items); ++i ) {
if(ui_items[i].type != 0xED17)
array_resize(ui_items, 0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static int ui_dirty = 1;
static int ui_has_active_popups = 0;
static float ui_hue = 0; // hue
static int ui_is_hover = 0;
static int ui_is_active = 0;
static uint64_t ui_active_mask = 0;
int ui_popups() {
return ui_has_active_popups;
int ui_hover() {
return ui_is_hover;
int ui_active() {
return ui_is_active; //window_has_cursor() && nk_window_is_any_hovered(ui_ctx) && nk_item_is_any_active(ui_ctx);
2023-09-27 06:49:59 +00:00
int ui_set_enable_(int enabled) {
static struct nk_style off, on;
do_once {
off = on = ui_ctx->style;
float alpha = 0.5f;
off.text.color.a *= alpha;
off.button.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.button.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.button.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.button.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.button.text_background.a *= alpha;
off.button.text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.button.text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.button.text_active.a *= alpha;
off.contextual_button.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.contextual_button.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.contextual_button.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.contextual_button.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.contextual_button.text_background.a *= alpha;
off.contextual_button.text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.contextual_button.text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.contextual_button.text_active.a *= alpha;
off.menu_button.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.menu_button.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.menu_button.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.menu_button.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.menu_button.text_background.a *= alpha;
off.menu_button.text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.menu_button.text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.menu_button.text_active.a *= alpha;
off.option.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.option.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.option.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.option.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.option.cursor_normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.option.cursor_hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.option.text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.option.text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.option.text_active.a *= alpha;
off.option.text_background.a *= alpha;
off.checkbox.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.checkbox.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.checkbox.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.checkbox.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.checkbox.cursor_normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.checkbox.cursor_hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.checkbox.text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.checkbox.text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.checkbox.text_active.a *= alpha;
off.checkbox.text_background.a *= alpha;
off.selectable.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.selectable.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.selectable.pressed.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.selectable.normal_active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.selectable.hover_active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.selectable.pressed_active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.selectable.text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.selectable.text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.selectable.text_pressed.a *= alpha;
off.selectable.text_normal_active.a *= alpha;
off.selectable.text_hover_active.a *= alpha;
off.selectable.text_pressed_active.a *= alpha;
off.selectable.text_background.a *= alpha;
off.slider.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.slider.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.slider.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.slider.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.slider.bar_normal.a *= alpha;
off.slider.bar_hover.a *= alpha;
off.slider.bar_active.a *= alpha;
off.slider.bar_filled.a *= alpha;
off.slider.cursor_normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.slider.cursor_hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.slider.cursor_active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.slider.dec_button.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.slider.dec_button.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.slider.dec_button.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.slider.dec_button.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.slider.dec_button.text_background.a *= alpha;
off.slider.dec_button.text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.slider.dec_button.text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.slider.dec_button.text_active.a *= alpha;
off.slider.inc_button.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.slider.inc_button.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.slider.inc_button.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.slider.inc_button.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.slider.inc_button.text_background.a *= alpha;
off.slider.inc_button.text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.slider.inc_button.text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.slider.inc_button.text_active.a *= alpha;
off.progress.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.progress.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.progress.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.progress.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.progress.cursor_normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.progress.cursor_hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.progress.cursor_active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.progress.cursor_border_color.a *= alpha;
off.property.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.property.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.property.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.property.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.property.label_normal.a *= alpha;
off.property.label_hover.a *= alpha;
off.property.label_active.a *= alpha;
off.property.edit.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.property.edit.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.property.edit.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.property.edit.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.property.edit.cursor_normal.a *= alpha;
off.property.edit.cursor_hover.a *= alpha;
off.property.edit.cursor_text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.property.edit.cursor_text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.property.edit.text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.property.edit.text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.property.edit.text_active.a *= alpha;
off.property.edit.selected_normal.a *= alpha;
off.property.edit.selected_hover.a *= alpha;
off.property.edit.selected_text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.property.edit.selected_text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.property.dec_button.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.property.dec_button.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.property.dec_button.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.property.dec_button.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.property.dec_button.text_background.a *= alpha;
off.property.dec_button.text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.property.dec_button.text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.property.dec_button.text_active.a *= alpha;
off.property.inc_button.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.property.inc_button.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.property.inc_button.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.property.inc_button.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.property.inc_button.text_background.a *= alpha;
off.property.inc_button.text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.property.inc_button.text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.property.inc_button.text_active.a *= alpha;
off.edit.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.edit.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.edit.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.edit.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.edit.cursor_normal.a *= alpha;
off.edit.cursor_hover.a *= alpha;
off.edit.cursor_text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.edit.cursor_text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.edit.text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.edit.text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.edit.text_active.a *= alpha;
off.edit.selected_normal.a *= alpha;
off.edit.selected_hover.a *= alpha;
off.edit.selected_text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.edit.selected_text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.chart.background.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.chart.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.chart.selected_color.a *= alpha;
off.chart.color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollh.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollh.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollh.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollh.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollh.cursor_normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollh.cursor_hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollh.cursor_active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollh.cursor_border_color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollv.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollv.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollv.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollv.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollv.cursor_normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollv.cursor_hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollv.cursor_active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.scrollv.cursor_border_color.a *= alpha;
off.tab.background.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.tab.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.tab.text.a *= alpha;
off.combo.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.combo.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.combo.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.combo.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.combo.label_normal.a *= alpha;
off.combo.label_hover.a *= alpha;
off.combo.label_active.a *= alpha;
off.combo.symbol_normal.a *= alpha;
off.combo.symbol_hover.a *= alpha;
off.combo.symbol_active.a *= alpha;
off.combo.button.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.combo.button.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.combo.button.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.combo.button.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.combo.button.text_background.a *= alpha;
off.combo.button.text_normal.a *= alpha;
off.combo.button.text_hover.a *= alpha;
off.combo.button.text_active.a *= alpha;
off.window.fixed_background.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.window.background.a *= alpha;
off.window.border_color.a *= alpha;
off.window.popup_border_color.a *= alpha;
off.window.combo_border_color.a *= alpha;
off.window.contextual_border_color.a *= alpha;
off.window.menu_border_color.a *= alpha;
off.window.group_border_color.a *= alpha;
off.window.tooltip_border_color.a *= alpha;
off.window.scaler.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.window.header.normal.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.window.header.hover.data.color.a *= alpha;
off.window.header.active.data.color.a *= alpha;
static struct nk_input input;
if (!enabled) {
ui_ctx->style = off; // .button = off.button;
input = ui_ctx->input;
memset(&ui_ctx->input, 0, sizeof(ui_ctx->input));
} else {
ui_ctx->style = on; // .button = on.button;
ui_ctx->input = input;
return enabled;
static int ui_is_enabled = 1;
2023-09-27 06:49:59 +00:00
int ui_enable() {
return ui_is_enabled == 1 ? 0 : ui_set_enable_(ui_is_enabled = 1);
int ui_disable() {
return ui_is_enabled == 0 ? 0 : ui_set_enable_(ui_is_enabled = 0);
int ui_enabled() {
return ui_is_enabled;
void ui_destroy(void) {
if(ui_ctx) {
nk_glfw3_shutdown(&nk_glfw); // nk_sdl_shutdown();
ui_ctx = 0;
void ui_create() {
do_once atexit(ui_destroy);
if( ui_dirty ) {
nk_glfw3_new_frame(&nk_glfw); //g->nk_glfw);
ui_dirty = 0;
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
enum {
UI_NOTIFICATION_1 = 32, // sets panel as 1-story notification. used by ui_notify()
UI_NOTIFICATION_2 = 64, // sets panel as 2-story notification. used by ui_notify()
struct ui_notify {
char *title;
char *body; // char *icon;
float timeout;
float alpha;
int used;
static array(struct ui_notify) ui_notifications; // format=("%d*%s\n%s", timeout, title, body)
void ui_notify_render() {
// draw queued notifications
if( array_count(ui_notifications) ) {
struct ui_notify *n = array_back(ui_notifications);
static double timeout = 0;
timeout += 1/60.f; // window_delta(); // @fixme: use editor_time() instead
ui_alpha_push( timeout >= n->timeout ? 1 - clampf(timeout - n->timeout,0,1) : 1 );
if( timeout < (n->timeout + 1) ) { // N secs display + 1s fadeout
if(n->used++ < 3) nk_window_set_focus(ui_ctx, "!notify");
if( ui_panel( "!notify", n->title && n->body ? UI_NOTIFICATION_2 : UI_NOTIFICATION_1 ) ) {
if(n->title) ui_label(n->title);
if(n->body) ui_label(n->body);
if( timeout >= (n->timeout + 2) ) { // 1s fadeout + 1s idle
timeout = 0;
if(n->title) FREE(n->title);
if(n->body) FREE(n->body);
void ui_hue_cycle( unsigned num_cycles ) {
// cycle color (phi ratio)
for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_cycles; ++i ) {
//ui_hue = (ui_hue+0.61803f)*1.61803f; while(ui_hue > 1) ui_hue -= 1;
ui_hue *= 1.61803f / 1.85f; while(ui_hue > 1) ui_hue -= 1;
void ui_render() {
// draw queued menus
/* IMPORTANT: `nk_sdl_render` modifies some global OpenGL state
* with blending, scissor, face culling, depth test and viewport and
* defaults everything back into a default state.
* Make sure to either a.) save and restore or b.) reset your own state after
* rendering the UI. */
GLfloat bkColor[4]; glGetFloatv(GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, bkColor); // @transparent
glClearColor(0,0,0,1); // @transparent
glColorMask(GL_TRUE,GL_TRUE,GL_TRUE,!bkColor[3] ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE); // @transparent
glColorMask(GL_TRUE,GL_TRUE,GL_TRUE,GL_TRUE); // @transparent
#if is(ems)
2023-09-21 10:45:42 +00:00
ui_dirty = 1;
ui_hue = 0;
ui_is_hover = nk_window_is_any_hovered(ui_ctx) && window_has_cursor();
ui_is_active = (ui_is_hover && nk_item_is_any_active(ui_ctx));
ui_is_active = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// save/restore all window layouts on every framebuffer resize
#define UI_SNAP_PX 1 /*treshold of pixels when snapping panels/windows to the application borders [1..N]*/
#define UI_ANIM_ALPHA 0.9 /*animation alpha used when restoring panels/windows state from application resizing events: [0..1]*/
//#define UI_MENUBAR_Y 32 // menubar and row
typedef struct ui_layout {
const char *title;
bool is_panel;
vec2 desktop;
vec2 p0,p1;
float l0,l1;
float alpha;
float anim_timer;
} ui_layout;
static array(ui_layout) ui_layouts[2] = {0};
int ui_layout_find(const char *title, bool is_panel) {
int i = 0;
for each_array_ptr(ui_layouts[is_panel], ui_layout, s) {
if( !strcmp(title, s->title) ) return i;
ui_layout s = {0};
s.is_panel = is_panel;
s.title = STRDUP(title);
array_push(ui_layouts[is_panel], s);
return array_count(ui_layouts[is_panel]) - 1;
void ui_layout_save_mem(int idx, vec2 desktop, float workarea_h, struct nk_rect *xywh_, bool is_panel) {
struct nk_rect xywh = *xywh_; //< workaround for a (tcc-0.9.27+lubuntu16) bug, where xywh_ is never populated (ie, empty always) when passed by-copy
ui_layout *s = &ui_layouts[is_panel][idx];
struct nk_window *win = nk_window_find(ui_ctx, s->title);
// if(win && win->flags & NK_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) return; // skip if maximized
s->desktop = desktop;
float excess = 0;
if( win && (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED)) {
excess = xywh.h - UI_MENUROW_HEIGHT;
// sanity checks
if(xywh.x<0) xywh.x = 0;
if(xywh.w>desktop.w-UI_SNAP_PX) xywh.w = desktop.w-UI_SNAP_PX-1;
if(xywh.y<workarea_h) xywh.y = workarea_h;
if(xywh.h>desktop.h-workarea_h-UI_SNAP_PX) xywh.h = desktop.h-workarea_h-UI_SNAP_PX-1;
if((xywh.x+xywh.w)>desktop.w) xywh.x-= xywh.x+xywh.w-desktop.w;
if((xywh.y+xywh.h)>desktop.h) xywh.y-= xywh.y+xywh.h-desktop.h;
if( win && (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED)) {
xywh.h += excess;
// build reconstruction vectors from bottom-right corner
s->p0 = vec2(xywh.x/s->desktop.x,xywh.y/s->desktop.y);
s->p1 = vec2(xywh.w/s->desktop.x,xywh.h/s->desktop.y);
s->p0 = sub2(s->p0, vec2(1,1)); s->l0 = len2(s->p0);
s->p1 = sub2(s->p1, vec2(1,1)); s->l1 = len2(s->p1);
struct nk_rect ui_layout_load_mem(int idx, vec2 desktop, bool is_panel) {
ui_layout *s = &ui_layouts[is_panel][idx];
// extract reconstruction coords from bottom-right corner
vec2 p0 = mul2(add2(vec2(1,1), scale2(norm2(s->p0), s->l0)), desktop);
vec2 p1 = mul2(add2(vec2(1,1), scale2(norm2(s->p1), s->l1)), desktop);
return nk_rect( p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y );
int ui_layout_all_reset(const char *mask) {
ui_layout z = {0};
vec2 desktop = vec2(window_width(), window_height());
float workarea_h = ui_has_menubar()*UI_MENUROW_HEIGHT; // @fixme workarea -> reserved_area
for( int is_panel = 0; is_panel < 2; ++is_panel ) {
for( int j = 0; j < array_count(ui_layouts[is_panel]); ++j ) {
if( ui_layouts[is_panel][j].title ) {
if( nk_window_is_hidden(ui_ctx, ui_layouts[is_panel][j].title) ) continue;
struct nk_rect xywh = { 0, workarea_h + j * UI_MENUROW_HEIGHT, desktop.w / 3.333, UI_MENUROW_HEIGHT };
if( is_panel ) {
xywh.x = 0;
xywh.y = workarea_h + j * UI_MENUROW_HEIGHT;
xywh.w = desktop.w / 4;
xywh.h = desktop.h / 3;
} else {
xywh.x = desktop.w / 3.00 + j * UI_MENUROW_HEIGHT;
xywh.y = workarea_h + j * UI_MENUROW_HEIGHT;
xywh.w = desktop.w / 4;
xywh.h = desktop.h / 3;
nk_window_set_focus(ui_ctx, ui_layouts[is_panel][j].title);
nk_window_collapse(ui_ctx, ui_layouts[is_panel][j].title, is_panel ? 0 : 1);
struct nk_window* win = is_panel ? 0 : nk_window_find(ui_ctx, ui_layouts[is_panel][j].title );
if(win) win->flags &= ~NK_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN;
if(win) win->flags &= ~NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED;
ui_layout_save_mem(j, desktop, workarea_h, &xywh, is_panel);
ui_layouts[is_panel][j].anim_timer = 1.0;
return 1;
int ui_layout_all_save_disk(const char *mask) {
float w = window_width(), h = window_height();
for each_map_ptr_sorted(ui_windows, char*, k, unsigned, v) {
struct nk_window *win = nk_window_find(ui_ctx, *k);
if( win && strmatchi(*k, mask) ) {
ini_write(WINDOWS_INI, *k, "x", va("%f", win->bounds.x / w ));
ini_write(WINDOWS_INI, *k, "y", va("%f", win->bounds.y / h ));
ini_write(WINDOWS_INI, *k, "w", va("%f", win->bounds.w / w ));
ini_write(WINDOWS_INI, *k, "h", va("%f", win->bounds.h / h ));
ini_write(WINDOWS_INI, *k, "visible", ui_visible(*k) ? "1":"0");
return 1;
const char *ui_layout_load_disk(const char *title, const char *mask, ini_t i, struct nk_rect *r) {
if(!i) return 0;
const char *dot = strrchr(title, '.');
if( dot ) title = va("%.*s", (int)(dot - title), title);
if( !strmatchi(title, mask) ) return 0;
char **x = map_find(i, va("%s.x", title));
char **y = map_find(i, va("%s.y", title));
char **w = map_find(i, va("%s.w", title));
char **h = map_find(i, va("%s.h", title));
if( x && y && w && h ) {
float ww = window_width(), wh = window_height();
r->x = atof(*x) * ww;
r->y = atof(*y) * wh;
r->w = atof(*w) * ww;
r->h = atof(*h) * wh;
char **on = map_find(i, va("%s.visible", title));
return title;
return 0;
int ui_layout_all_load_disk(const char *mask) {
ini_t i = ini(WINDOWS_INI); // @leak
if( !i ) return 0;
for each_map(i, char*, k, char*, v) {
struct nk_rect out = {0};
const char *title = ui_layout_load_disk(k, mask, i, &out);
if( title ) {
struct nk_window *win = nk_window_find(ui_ctx, title);
if( win ) {
win->bounds.x = out.x;
win->bounds.y = out.y;
win->bounds.w = out.w;
win->bounds.h = out.h;
return 1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// shared code for both panels and windows. really messy.
int ui_begin_panel_or_window_(const char *title, int flags, bool is_window) {
struct nk_window *win = nk_window_find(ui_ctx, title);
int is_panel = !is_window;
bool starts_minimized = is_panel ? !(flags & PANEL_OPEN) : 0;
bool is_closable = is_window;
bool is_scalable = true;
bool is_movable = true;
bool is_auto_minimizes = starts_minimized; // false;
bool is_pinned = win && (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_PINNED);
if( is_pinned ) {
// is_closable = false;
is_auto_minimizes = false;
is_scalable = false;
// is_movable = false;
uint64_t hash = 14695981039346656037ULL, mult = 0x100000001b3ULL;
for(int i = 0; title[i]; ++i) hash = (hash ^ title[i]) * mult;
ui_hue = (hash & 0x3F) / (float)0x3F; ui_hue += !ui_hue;
int idx = ui_layout_find(title, is_panel);
ui_layout *s = &ui_layouts[is_panel][idx];
vec2 desktop = vec2(window_width(), window_height());
float workarea_h = ui_has_menubar()*UI_MENUROW_HEIGHT;
int row = idx + !!ui_has_menubar(); // add 1 to skip menu
vec2 offset = vec2(0, UI_ROW_HEIGHT*row);
float w = desktop.w / 3.33, h = (flags & UI_NOTIFICATION_2 ? UI_MENUROW_HEIGHT*2 : (flags & UI_NOTIFICATION_1 ? UI_MENUROW_HEIGHT : desktop.h - offset.y * 2 - 1)); // h = desktop.h * 0.66; //
struct nk_rect start_coords = {offset.x, offset.y, offset.x+w, offset.y+h};
if(is_window) {
w = desktop.w / 1.5;
h = desktop.h / 1.5;
start_coords.x = (desktop.w-w)/2;
start_coords.y = (desktop.h-h)/2 + workarea_h/2;
start_coords.w = w;
start_coords.h = h;
static vec2 edge = {0}; static int edge_type = 0; // [off],L,R,U,D
do_once edge = vec2(desktop.w * 0.33, desktop.h * 0.66);
// do not snap windows and/or save windows when using may be interacting with UI
int is_active = 0;
int mouse_pressed = !!input(MOUSE_L) && ui_ctx->active == win;
if( win ) {
// update global window activity bitmask
is_active = ui_ctx->active == win;
ui_active_mask = is_active ? ui_active_mask | (1ull << idx) : ui_active_mask & ~(1ull << idx);
// struct nk_style *s = &ui_ctx->style;
// nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &s->window.header.normal.data.color, nk_hsv_f(ui_hue,0.6,0.8));
// adjust inactive edges automatically
if( win ) {
bool group1_any = !is_active; // && !input(MOUSE_L);
bool group2_not_resizing = is_active && !win->is_window_resizing;
bool group2_interacting = is_active && input(MOUSE_L);
#if 0
if( group1_any ) {
// cancel self-adjust if this window is not overlapping the active one that is being resized at the moment
struct nk_window *parent = ui_ctx->active;
struct nk_rect a = win->bounds, b = parent->bounds;
bool overlap = a.x <= (b.x+b.w) && b.x <= (a.x+a.w) && a.y <= (b.y+b.h) && b.y <= (a.y+a.h);
group1_any = overlap;
if( group1_any )
group1_any = !(win->flags & NK_WINDOW_PINNED);
if( group1_any ) {
float mouse_x = clampf(input(MOUSE_X), 0, desktop.w);
float mouse_y = clampf(input(MOUSE_Y), 0, desktop.h);
float distance_x = absf(mouse_x - win->bounds.x) / desktop.w;
float distance_y = absf(mouse_y - win->bounds.y) / desktop.h;
float alpha_x = sqrt(sqrt(distance_x)); // amplify signals a little bit: 0.1->0.56,0.5->0.84,0.98->0.99,etc
float alpha_y = sqrt(sqrt(distance_y));
/**/ if( (edge_type & 1) && win->bounds.x <= UI_SNAP_PX ) {
win->bounds.w = win->bounds.w * alpha_y + edge.w * (1-alpha_y);
else if( (edge_type & 2) && (win->bounds.x + win->bounds.w) >= (desktop.w-UI_SNAP_PX) ) {
win->bounds.w = win->bounds.w * alpha_y + edge.w * (1-alpha_y);
win->bounds.x = desktop.w - win->bounds.w;
if( (edge_type & 8) && (win->bounds.y + (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED ? UI_ROW_HEIGHT : win->bounds.h)) >= (desktop.h-UI_SNAP_PX) ) {
win->bounds.h = win->bounds.h * alpha_x + edge.h * (1-alpha_x);
win->bounds.y = desktop.h - (win->flags & NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED ? UI_ROW_HEIGHT : win->bounds.h);
// skip any saving if window is animating (moving) and/or maximized
bool anim_in_progress = s->anim_timer > 1e-3;
s->anim_timer *= anim_in_progress * UI_ANIM_ALPHA;
if( group1_any || !group2_interacting || anim_in_progress ) {
struct nk_rect target = ui_layout_load_mem(idx, desktop, is_panel);
float alpha = len2sq(sub2(s->desktop, desktop)) ? 0 : UI_ANIM_ALPHA; // smooth unless we're restoring a desktop change
#if 1
if( is_window && win->flags & NK_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN ) {
target.x = 1;
target.w = desktop.w - 1;
target.y = workarea_h + 1;
target.h = desktop.h - workarea_h - 2;
if( is_window && win->is_window_restoring > 1e-2) {
win->is_window_restoring = win->is_window_restoring * alpha + 0 * (1 - alpha);
target.w = desktop.w / 2;
target.h = (desktop.h - workarea_h) / 2;
target.x = (desktop.w - target.w) / 2;
target.y = ((desktop.h - workarea_h) - target.h) / 2;
win->bounds = nk_rect(
win->bounds.x * alpha + target.x * (1 - alpha),
win->bounds.y * alpha + target.y * (1 - alpha),
win->bounds.w * alpha + target.w * (1 - alpha),
win->bounds.h * alpha + target.h * (1 - alpha)
ui_layout_save_mem(idx, desktop, workarea_h, &win->bounds, is_panel);
} else { // if(!win)
ui_layout_save_mem(idx, desktop, workarea_h, &start_coords, is_panel);
if( starts_minimized ) window_flags |= (win ? 0 : NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED);
if( is_auto_minimizes ) window_flags |= is_active ? 0 : !!starts_minimized * NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED;
if( is_movable ) window_flags |= NK_WINDOW_MOVABLE;
if( is_closable ) window_flags |= NK_WINDOW_CLOSABLE;
if( is_scalable ) {
window_flags |= NK_WINDOW_SCALABLE;
if(win) window_flags |= input(MOUSE_X) < (win->bounds.x + win->bounds.w/2) ? NK_WINDOW_SCALE_LEFT : 0;
if(win) window_flags |= input(MOUSE_Y) < (win->bounds.y + win->bounds.h/2) ? NK_WINDOW_SCALE_TOP : 0;
// if( is_pinned )
window_flags |= NK_WINDOW_BORDER;
if( is_panel && win && !is_active ) {
if( !is_pinned && is_auto_minimizes ) {
window_flags |= NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED;
// if( is_modal ) window_flags &= ~(NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED | NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZABLE);
if( is_panel && win ) {
// if( win->bounds.x > 0 && (win->bounds.x+win->bounds.w) < desktop.w-1 ) window_flags &= ~NK_WINDOW_MINIMIZED;
if(!win) { // if newly created window (!win)
// first time, try to restore from WINDOWS_INI file
static ini_t i; do_once i = ini(WINDOWS_INI); // @leak
ui_layout_load_disk(title, "*", i, &start_coords);
ui_layout_save_mem(idx, desktop, workarea_h, &start_coords, is_panel);
bool is_notify = flags & (UI_NOTIFICATION_1 | UI_NOTIFICATION_2);
if( is_notify ) {
start_coords = nk_rect(desktop.w / 2 - w / 2, -h, w, h);
if( nk_begin(ui_ctx, title, start_coords, window_flags) ) {
// set width for all inactive panels
struct nk_rect bounds = nk_window_get_bounds(ui_ctx);
if( mouse_pressed && win && win->is_window_resizing ) {
edge = vec2(bounds.w, bounds.h);
// push direction
int top = !!(win->is_window_resizing & NK_WINDOW_SCALE_TOP);
int left = !!(win->is_window_resizing & NK_WINDOW_SCALE_LEFT), right = !left;
edge_type = 0;
/**/ if( right && (win->bounds.x <= UI_SNAP_PX) ) edge_type |= 1;
else if( left && (win->bounds.x + win->bounds.w) >= (desktop.w-UI_SNAP_PX) ) edge_type |= 2;
/**/ if( top && (win->bounds.y + win->bounds.h) >= (desktop.h-UI_SNAP_PX) ) edge_type |= 8;
// @fixme
// - if window is in a corner (sharing 2 edges), do not allow for multi edges. either vert or horiz depending on the clicked scaler
// - or maybe, only propagate edge changes to the other windows that overlapping our window.
return 1;
} else {
if(is_panel) {
} else ui_window_end();
return 0;
static const char *ui_last_title = 0;
static int *ui_last_enabled = 0;
static int ui_has_window = 0;
static int ui_window_has_menubar = 0;
int ui_window(const char *title, int *enabled) {
if( window_width() <= 0 ) return 0;
if( window_height() <= 0 ) return 0;
if( !ui_ctx || !ui_ctx->style.font ) return 0;
bool forced_creation = enabled && *enabled; // ( enabled ? *enabled : !ui_has_menubar() );
forced_creation |= ui_window_register(title);
if(!ui_visible(title)) {
if( !forced_creation ) return 0;
ui_show(title, forced_creation);
ui_last_enabled = enabled;
ui_last_title = title;
ui_has_window = 1;
return ui_begin_panel_or_window_(title, /*flags*/0, true);
int ui_window_end() {
if(ui_window_has_menubar) nk_menubar_end(ui_ctx), ui_window_has_menubar = 0;
nk_end(ui_ctx), ui_has_window = 0;
2023-09-21 10:45:42 +00:00
int closed = 0;
if( nk_window_is_hidden(ui_ctx, ui_last_title) ) {
nk_window_close(ui_ctx, ui_last_title);
ui_show(ui_last_title, false);
if( ui_last_enabled ) *ui_last_enabled = 0; // clear developers' flag
2023-09-21 10:45:42 +00:00
closed = 1;
2023-09-21 10:45:42 +00:00
// @transparent
#if !is(ems)
static bool has_transparent_attrib = 0; do_once has_transparent_attrib = glfwGetWindowAttrib(window_handle(), GLFW_TRANSPARENT_FRAMEBUFFER) == GLFW_TRUE;
if( closed && has_transparent_attrib && !ui_has_menubar() ) {
bool any_open = 0;
for each_map_ptr(ui_windows, char*, k, unsigned, v) any_open |= *v & 1;
if( !any_open ) glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window_handle(), GLFW_TRUE);
// @transparent
return 0;
int ui_panel(const char *title, int flags) {
if( window_width() <= 0 ) return 0;
if( window_height() <= 0 ) return 0;
if( !ui_ctx || !ui_ctx->style.font ) return 0;
if( ui_has_window ) {
// transparent style
static struct nk_style_button transparent_style;
do_once transparent_style = ui_ctx->style.button;
do_once transparent_style.normal.data.color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
do_once transparent_style.border_color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
do_once transparent_style.active = transparent_style.normal;
do_once transparent_style.hover = transparent_style.normal;
do_once transparent_style.hover.data.color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,127);
transparent_style.text_alignment = NK_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTERED|NK_TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE;
if(!ui_window_has_menubar) nk_menubar_begin(ui_ctx);
if(!ui_window_has_menubar) nk_layout_row_begin(ui_ctx, NK_STATIC, UI_MENUBAR_ICON_HEIGHT, 4);
if(!ui_window_has_menubar) nk_layout_row_push(ui_ctx, 70);
ui_window_has_menubar = 1;
return nk_menu_begin_text_styled(ui_ctx, title, strlen(title), NK_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTERED|NK_TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE, nk_vec2(220, 200), &transparent_style);
return ui_begin_panel_or_window_(title, flags, false);
int ui_panel_end() {
if( ui_has_window ) {
return 0;
// nk_style_pop_color(ui_ctx);
return 0;
static unsigned ui_collapse_state = 0;
int ui_collapse(const char *label, const char *id) { // mask: 0(closed),1(open),2(created)
uint64_t hash = 14695981039346656037ULL, mult = 0x100000001b3ULL;
for(int i = 0; id[i]; ++i) hash = (hash ^ id[i]) * mult;
ui_hue = (hash & 0x3F) / (float)0x3F; ui_hue += !ui_hue;
ui_collapse_state = nk_tree_base_(ui_ctx, NK_TREE_NODE, 0, label, NK_MINIMIZED, id, strlen(id), 0);
return ui_collapse_state & 1; // |1 open, |2 clicked, |4 toggled
int ui_collapse_clicked() {
return ui_collapse_state >> 1; // |1 clicked, |2 toggled
int ui_collapse_end() {
return nk_tree_pop(ui_ctx), 1;
int ui_contextual() {
2023-10-13 10:59:44 +00:00
struct nk_rect bounds = nk_widget_bounds(ui_ctx); // = nk_window_get_bounds(ui_ctx);
bounds.y -= 25;
return ui_popups() ? 0 : nk_contextual_begin(ui_ctx, 0, nk_vec2(150, 300), bounds);
2023-10-13 10:59:44 +00:00
int ui_contextual_end(int close) {
if(close) nk_contextual_close(ui_ctx);
return 1;
int ui_submenu(const char *options) {
int choice = 0;
if( ui_contextual() ) {
array(char*) tokens = strsplit(options, ";");
for( int i = 0; i < array_count(tokens) ; ++i ) {
if( ui_button_transparent(tokens[i]) ) choice = i + 1;
2023-10-13 10:59:44 +00:00
return choice;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// code for all the widgets
int nk_button_transparent(struct nk_context *ctx, const char *text) {
static struct nk_style_button transparent_style;
do_once transparent_style = ctx->style.button;
do_once transparent_style.text_alignment = NK_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTERED|NK_TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE;
do_once transparent_style.normal.data.color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
do_once transparent_style.border_color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,0);
do_once transparent_style.active = transparent_style.normal;
do_once transparent_style.hover = transparent_style.normal;
do_once transparent_style.hover.data.color = nk_rgba(0,0,0,127);
transparent_style.text_background.a = 255 * ui_alpha;
transparent_style.text_normal.a = 255 * ui_alpha;
transparent_style.text_hover.a = 255 * ui_alpha;
transparent_style.text_active.a = 255 * ui_alpha;
return nk_button_label_styled(ctx, &transparent_style, text);
// internal vars for our editor. @todo: maybe expose these to the end-user as well?
bool ui_label_icon_highlight;
vec2 ui_label_icon_clicked_L; // left
vec2 ui_label_icon_clicked_R; // right
int ui_label_(const char *label, int alignment) {
// beware: assuming label can start with any ICON_MD_ glyph, which I consider them to be a 3-bytes utf8 sequence.
// done for optimization reasons because this codepath is called a lot!
const char *icon = label ? label : ""; while( icon[0] == '!' || icon[0] == '*' ) ++icon;
int has_icon = (unsigned)icon[0] > 127, icon_len = 3, icon_width_px = 1*24;
struct nk_rect bounds = nk_widget_bounds(ui_ctx);
const struct nk_input *input = &ui_ctx->input;
int is_hovering = nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(input, bounds) && !ui_has_active_popups;
if( is_hovering ) {
struct nk_rect winbounds = nk_window_get_bounds(ui_ctx);
is_hovering &= nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(input, winbounds);
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
struct nk_window *win = ui_ctx->current;
bool has_contextual = !win->name; // contextual windows are annonymous
is_hovering &= has_contextual || nk_window_has_focus(ui_ctx);
int skip_color_tab = label && label[0] == '!';
if( skip_color_tab) label++;
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
int spacing = 8; // between left colorbar and content
struct nk_window *win = ui_ctx->current;
struct nk_panel *layout = win->layout;
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
layout->at_x += spacing;
layout->bounds.w -= spacing;
if( !skip_color_tab ) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
float w = is_hovering ? 4 : 2; // spacing*3/4 : spacing/2-1;
bounds.w = w;
bounds.h -= 1;
struct nk_command_buffer *canvas = nk_window_get_canvas(ui_ctx);
nk_fill_rect(canvas, bounds, 0, nk_hsva_f(ui_hue, 0.75f, 0.8f, ui_alpha) );
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
if(!label || !label[0]) {
nk_label(ui_ctx, "", alignment);
layout->at_x -= spacing;
layout->bounds.w += spacing;
return 0;
const char *split = strchr(label, '@');
char buffer[128]; if( split ) label = (snprintf(buffer, 128, "%.*s", (int)(split-label), label), buffer);
struct nk_style *style = &ui_ctx->style;
bool bold = label[0] == '*'; label += bold;
struct nk_font *font = bold && nk_glfw.atlas.fonts->next ? nk_glfw.atlas.fonts->next->next /*3rd font*/ : NULL; // list
if( !has_icon ) {
// set bold style and color if needed
if( font && nk_style_push_font(ui_ctx, &font->handle) ) {} else font = 0;
if( font ) nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &style->text.color, nk_rgba(255, 255, 255, 255 * ui_alpha));
nk_label(ui_ctx, label, alignment);
} else {
char *icon_glyph = va("%.*s", icon_len, icon);
// @todo: implement nk_push_layout()
// nk_rect bounds = {..}; nk_panel_alloc_space(bounds, ctx);
struct nk_window *win = ui_ctx->current;
struct nk_panel *layout = win->layout, copy = *layout;
struct nk_rect before; nk_layout_peek(&before, ui_ctx);
nk_label_colored(ui_ctx, icon_glyph, alignment, nk_rgba(255, 255, 255, (64 + 192 * ui_label_icon_highlight) * ui_alpha) );
struct nk_rect after; nk_layout_peek(&after, ui_ctx);
*layout = copy;
layout->at_x += icon_width_px; layout->bounds.w -= icon_width_px; // nk_layout_space_push(ui_ctx, nk_rect(0,0,icon_width_px,0));
// set bold style and color if needed
if( font && nk_style_push_font(ui_ctx, &font->handle) ) {} else font = 0;
if( font ) nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &style->text.color, nk_rgba(255, 255, 255, 255 * ui_alpha));
nk_label(ui_ctx, icon+icon_len, alignment);
layout->at_x -= icon_width_px; layout->bounds.w += icon_width_px;
if( font ) nk_style_pop_color(ui_ctx);
if( font ) nk_style_pop_font(ui_ctx);
if (split && is_hovering && !ui_has_active_popups && nk_window_has_focus(ui_ctx)) {
nk_tooltip(ui_ctx, split + 1);
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
layout->at_x -= spacing;
layout->bounds.w += spacing;
// old way
// ui_labeicon_l_icked_L.x = is_hovering ? nk_input_has_mouse_click_down_in_rect(input, NK_BUTTON_LEFT, layout->bounds, nk_true) : 0;
// new way
// this is an ugly hack to detect which icon (within a label) we're clicking on.
// @todo: figure out a better way to detect this... would it be better to have a ui_label_toolbar(lbl,bar) helper function instead?
ui_label_icon_clicked_L.x = is_hovering ? ( (int)((input->mouse.pos.x - bounds.x) - (alignment == NK_TEXT_RIGHT ? bounds.w : 0) ) * nk_input_is_mouse_released(input, NK_BUTTON_LEFT)) : 0;
return ui_label_icon_clicked_L.x;
int ui_label(const char *text) {
int align = text[0] == '>' ? (text++, NK_TEXT_RIGHT) : text[0] == '=' ? (text++, NK_TEXT_CENTERED) : text[0] == '<' ? (text++, NK_TEXT_LEFT) : NK_TEXT_LEFT;
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 1);
return ui_label_(text, align);
int ui_label2(const char *label, const char *text_) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
2023-10-13 10:59:44 +00:00
int align1 = NK_TEXT_LEFT;
int align2 = NK_TEXT_LEFT;
if( label ) align1 = label[0] == '>' ? (label++, NK_TEXT_RIGHT) : label[0] == '=' ? (label++, NK_TEXT_CENTERED) : label[0] == '<' ? (label++, NK_TEXT_LEFT) : NK_TEXT_LEFT;
if( text_ ) align2 = text_[0] == '>' ? (text_++, NK_TEXT_RIGHT) : text_[0] == '=' ? (text_++, NK_TEXT_CENTERED) : text_[0] == '<' ? (text_++, NK_TEXT_LEFT) : NK_TEXT_LEFT;
ui_label_(label, align1);
const struct nk_input *input = &ui_ctx->input;
struct nk_rect bounds = nk_widget_bounds(ui_ctx);
int is_hovering = nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(input, bounds) && !ui_has_active_popups;
if( is_hovering ) {
struct nk_rect winbounds = nk_window_get_bounds(ui_ctx);
is_hovering &= nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(input, winbounds);
is_hovering &= nk_window_has_focus(ui_ctx);
nk_label(ui_ctx, text_, align2);
// this is an ugly hack to detect which icon (within a label) we're clicking on.
// @todo: figure out a better way to detect this... would it be better to have a ui_label_toolbar(lbl,bar) helper function instead?
ui_label_icon_clicked_R.x = is_hovering ? ( (int)((input->mouse.pos.x - bounds.x) - (align2 == NK_TEXT_RIGHT ? bounds.w : 0) ) * nk_input_is_mouse_released(input, NK_BUTTON_LEFT)) : 0;
return ui_label_icon_clicked_R.x;
2023-09-27 06:49:59 +00:00
int ui_label2_bool(const char *text, bool value) {
bool b = !!value;
return ui_bool(text, &b), 0;
int ui_label2_float(const char *text, float value) {
float f = (float)value;
return ui_float(text, &f), 0;
int ui_label2_wrap(const char *label, const char *str) { // @fixme: does not work (remove dynamic layout?)
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
2023-09-27 06:49:59 +00:00
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
nk_text_wrap(ui_ctx, str, strlen(str));
return 0;
int ui_label2_toolbar(const char *label, const char *icons) {
int mouse_click = ui_label2(label, va(">%s", icons));
int choice = !mouse_click ? 0 : 1 + -mouse_click / (UI_ICON_FONTSIZE + UI_ICON_SPACING_X); // divided by px per ICON_MD_ glyph approximately
int glyphs = strlen(icons) / 3;
return choice > glyphs ? 0 : choice;
int ui_notify(const char *title, const char *body) {
struct ui_notify n = {0};
n.title = title && title[0] ? stringf("*%s", title) : 0;
n.body = body && body[0] ? STRDUP(body) : 0;
n.timeout = 2; // 4s = 2s timeout (+ 1s fade + 1s idle)
n.alpha = 1;
array_push_front(ui_notifications, n);
return 1;
int ui_button_transparent(const char *text) {
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 1);
int align = text[0] == '>' ? (text++, NK_TEXT_RIGHT) : text[0] == '=' ? (text++, NK_TEXT_CENTERED) : text[0] == '<' ? (text++, NK_TEXT_LEFT) : NK_TEXT_CENTERED;
return !!nk_contextual_item_label(ui_ctx, text, align);
int ui_button_(const char *text) {
if( 1 ) {
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.text_normal, nk_rgba(0,0,0,ui_alpha));
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.text_hover, nk_rgba(0,0,0,ui_alpha));
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.text_active, nk_rgba(0,0,0,ui_alpha));
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.normal.data.color, nk_hsva_f(ui_hue,0.0,0.8*ui_alpha));
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.hover.data.color, nk_hsva_f(ui_hue,0.0,1.0*ui_alpha));
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.active.data.color, nk_hsva_f(ui_hue,0.0,0.4*ui_alpha));
#elif 0 // old
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.text_normal, nk_rgba(0,0,0,ui_alpha));
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.text_hover, nk_rgba(0,0,0,ui_alpha));
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.text_active, nk_rgba(0,0,0,ui_alpha));
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.normal.data.color, nk_hsva_f(ui_hue,0.75,0.8*ui_alpha));
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.hover.data.color, nk_hsva_f(ui_hue,1.00,1.0*ui_alpha));
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.active.data.color, nk_hsva_f(ui_hue,0.60,0.4*ui_alpha));
#else // new
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.text_normal, nk_rgba_f(0.00,0.00,0.00,ui_alpha));
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.text_hover, nk_rgba_f(0.11,0.11,0.11,ui_alpha));
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.text_active, nk_rgba_f(0.00,0.00,0.00,ui_alpha));
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.normal.data.color, nk_hsva_f(ui_hue,0.80,0.6,0.90*ui_alpha));
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.hover.data.color, nk_hsva_f(ui_hue,0.85,0.9,0.90*ui_alpha));
nk_style_push_color(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button.active.data.color, nk_hsva_f(ui_hue,0.80,0.6,0.90*ui_alpha));
struct nk_rect bounds = nk_widget_bounds(ui_ctx);
const char *split = strchr(text, '@'), *tooltip = split + 1;
2023-09-21 10:45:42 +00:00
int ret = nk_button_text(ui_ctx, text, split ? (int)(split - text) : strlen(text) );
const struct nk_input *in = &ui_ctx->input;
if (split && nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(in, bounds) && !ui_has_active_popups && nk_window_has_focus(ui_ctx)) {
nk_tooltip(ui_ctx, tooltip);
if( 1 ) {
return ret;
int ui_buttons(int buttons, ...) {
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, buttons);
float ui_hue_old = ui_hue;
int indent = 8;
struct nk_window *win = ui_ctx->current;
struct nk_panel *layout = win->layout;
struct nk_panel copy = *layout;
ui_label_("", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
*layout = copy;
layout->at_x += indent;
layout->bounds.w -= indent;
int rc = 0;
va_list list;
va_start(list, buttons);
for( int i = 0; i < buttons; ++i ) {
if( ui_button_( va_arg(list, const char*) ) ) rc = i+1;
ui_hue_cycle( 3 );
layout->at_x -= indent;
layout->bounds.w += indent;
ui_hue = ui_hue_old;
return rc;
int ui_button(const char *s) {
return ui_buttons(1, s);
int ui_toggle(const char *label, bool *value) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
// nk_label(ui_ctx, label, alignment);
int rc = nk_button_transparent(ui_ctx, *value ? ICON_MD_TOGGLE_ON : ICON_MD_TOGGLE_OFF);
return rc ? (*value ^= 1), rc : rc;
int ui_color4f(const char *label, float *color4) {
float c[4] = { color4[0]*255, color4[1]*255, color4[2]*255, color4[3]*255 };
int ret = ui_color4(label, c);
for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) color4[i] = c[i] / 255.0f;
return ret;
static enum color_mode {COL_RGB, COL_HSV} ui_color_mode = COL_RGB;
int ui_color4(const char *label, float *color4) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
struct nk_colorf after = { color4[0]*ui_alpha/255, color4[1]*ui_alpha/255, color4[2]*ui_alpha/255, color4[3]/255 }, before = after;
if (nk_combo_begin_color(ui_ctx, nk_rgb_cf(after), nk_vec2(200,400))) {
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 120, 1);
after = nk_color_picker(ui_ctx, after, NK_RGBA);
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_color_mode = nk_option_label(ui_ctx, "RGB", ui_color_mode == COL_RGB) ? COL_RGB : ui_color_mode;
ui_color_mode = nk_option_label(ui_ctx, "HSV", ui_color_mode == COL_HSV) ? COL_HSV : ui_color_mode;
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 1);
if (ui_color_mode == COL_RGB) {
after.r = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#R:", 0, after.r, 1.0f, 0.01f,0.005f);
after.g = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#G:", 0, after.g, 1.0f, 0.01f,0.005f);
after.b = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#B:", 0, after.b, 1.0f, 0.01f,0.005f);
after.a = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#A:", 0, after.a, 1.0f, 0.01f,0.005f);
} else {
float hsva[4];
nk_colorf_hsva_fv(hsva, after);
hsva[0] = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#H:", 0, hsva[0], 1.0f, 0.01f,0.05f);
hsva[1] = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#S:", 0, hsva[1], 1.0f, 0.01f,0.05f);
hsva[2] = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#V:", 0, hsva[2], 1.0f, 0.01f,0.05f);
hsva[3] = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#A:", 0, hsva[3], 1.0f, 0.01f,0.05f);
after = nk_hsva_colorfv(hsva);
color4[0] = after.r * 255;
color4[1] = after.g * 255;
color4[2] = after.b * 255;
color4[3] = after.a * 255;
return !!memcmp(&before.r, &after.r, sizeof(struct nk_colorf));
int ui_color3f(const char *label, float *color3) {
float c[3] = { color3[0]*255, color3[1]*255, color3[2]*255 };
int ret = ui_color3(label, c);
for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) color3[i] = c[i] / 255.0f;
return ret;
int ui_color3(const char *label, float *color3) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
struct nk_colorf after = { color3[0]*ui_alpha/255, color3[1]*ui_alpha/255, color3[2]*ui_alpha/255, 1 }, before = after;
if (nk_combo_begin_color(ui_ctx, nk_rgb_cf(after), nk_vec2(200,400))) {
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 120, 1);
after = nk_color_picker(ui_ctx, after, NK_RGB);
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_color_mode = nk_option_label(ui_ctx, "RGB", ui_color_mode == COL_RGB) ? COL_RGB : ui_color_mode;
ui_color_mode = nk_option_label(ui_ctx, "HSV", ui_color_mode == COL_HSV) ? COL_HSV : ui_color_mode;
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 1);
if (ui_color_mode == COL_RGB) {
after.r = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#R:", 0, after.r, 1.0f, 0.01f,0.005f);
after.g = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#G:", 0, after.g, 1.0f, 0.01f,0.005f);
after.b = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#B:", 0, after.b, 1.0f, 0.01f,0.005f);
} else {
float hsva[4];
nk_colorf_hsva_fv(hsva, after);
hsva[0] = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#H:", 0, hsva[0], 1.0f, 0.01f,0.05f);
hsva[1] = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#S:", 0, hsva[1], 1.0f, 0.01f,0.05f);
hsva[2] = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#V:", 0, hsva[2], 1.0f, 0.01f,0.05f);
after = nk_hsva_colorfv(hsva);
color3[0] = after.r * 255;
color3[1] = after.g * 255;
color3[2] = after.b * 255;
return !!memcmp(&before.r, &after.r, sizeof(struct nk_colorf));
int ui_list(const char *label, const char **items, int num_items, int *selector) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
int val = nk_combo(ui_ctx, items, num_items, *selector, UI_ROW_HEIGHT, nk_vec2(200,200));
int chg = val != *selector;
*selector = val;
return chg;
int ui_slider(const char *label, float *slider) {
// return ui_slider2(label, slider, va("%.2f ", *slider));
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
nk_size val = *slider * 1000;
int chg = nk_progress(ui_ctx, &val, 1000, NK_MODIFIABLE);
*slider = val / 1000.f;
return chg;
int ui_slider2(const char *label, float *slider, const char *caption) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
struct nk_window *win = ui_ctx->current;
const struct nk_style *style = &ui_ctx->style;
struct nk_rect bounds; nk_layout_peek(&bounds, ui_ctx); bounds.w -= 10; // bounds.w *= 0.95f;
struct nk_vec2 item_padding = style->text.padding;
struct nk_text text;
text.padding.x = item_padding.x;
text.padding.y = item_padding.y;
text.background = style->window.background;
text.text = nk_rgba_f(1,1,1,ui_alpha);
nk_size val = *slider * 1000;
int chg = nk_progress(ui_ctx, &val, 1000, NK_MODIFIABLE);
*slider = val / 1000.f;
chg |= input(MOUSE_L) && nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(&ui_ctx->input, bounds); // , true);
nk_widget_text(&win->buffer, bounds, caption, strlen(caption), &text, NK_TEXT_RIGHT, style->font);
return chg;
int ui_bool(const char *label, bool *enabled ) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
int val = *enabled;
#if 0
int chg = !!nk_checkbox_label(ui_ctx, "", &val);
int chg = !!nk_button_transparent(ui_ctx, val ? ICON_MD_CHECK_BOX : ICON_MD_CHECK_BOX_OUTLINE_BLANK );
*enabled ^= chg;
return chg;
int ui_int(const char *label, int *v) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
int prev = *v;
*v = nk_propertyi(ui_ctx, "#", INT_MIN, *v, INT_MAX, 1,1);
return prev != *v;
int ui_unsigned(const char *label, unsigned *v) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
unsigned prev = *v;
*v = (unsigned)nk_propertyd(ui_ctx, "#", 0, *v, UINT_MAX, 1,1);
return prev != *v;
int ui_short(const char *label, short *v) {
int i = *v, ret = ui_int( label, &i );
return *v = (short)i, ret;
int ui_float(const char *label, float *v) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
float prev = v[0]; v[0] = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#", -FLT_MAX, v[0], FLT_MAX, 0.01f,0.005f);
return prev != v[0];
int ui_double(const char *label, double *v) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
double prev = v[0]; v[0] = nk_propertyd(ui_ctx, "#", -DBL_MAX, v[0], DBL_MAX, 0.01f,0.005f);
return prev != v[0];
int ui_clampf(const char *label, float *v, float minf, float maxf) {
if( minf > maxf ) return ui_clampf(label, v, maxf, minf);
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
float prev = v[0]; v[0] = nk_propertyf(ui_ctx, "#", minf, v[0], maxf, 0.1f,0.05f);
return prev != v[0];
2023-10-07 17:34:09 +00:00
static bool ui_float_sign = 0;
int ui_float2(const char *label, float *v) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
2023-10-07 17:34:09 +00:00
char *buffer = ui_float_sign ?
--ui_float_sign, va("%+.3f %+.3f", v[0], v[1]) :
va("%.3f, %.3f", v[0], v[1]);
if (nk_combo_begin_label(ui_ctx, buffer, nk_vec2(200,200))) {
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 1);
float prev0 = v[0]; nk_property_float(ui_ctx, "#X:", -FLT_MAX, &v[0], FLT_MAX, 1,0.5f);
float prev1 = v[1]; nk_property_float(ui_ctx, "#Y:", -FLT_MAX, &v[1], FLT_MAX, 1,0.5f);
return prev0 != v[0] || prev1 != v[1];
return 0;
int ui_float3(const char *label, float *v) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
2023-10-07 17:34:09 +00:00
char *buffer = ui_float_sign ?
--ui_float_sign, va("%+.2f %+.2f %+.2f", v[0], v[1], v[2]) :
va("%.2f, %.2f, %.2f", v[0], v[1], v[2]);
if (nk_combo_begin_label(ui_ctx, buffer, nk_vec2(200,200))) {
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 1);
float prev0 = v[0]; nk_property_float(ui_ctx, "#X:", -FLT_MAX, &v[0], FLT_MAX, 1,0.5f);
float prev1 = v[1]; nk_property_float(ui_ctx, "#Y:", -FLT_MAX, &v[1], FLT_MAX, 1,0.5f);
float prev2 = v[2]; nk_property_float(ui_ctx, "#Z:", -FLT_MAX, &v[2], FLT_MAX, 1,0.5f);
return prev0 != v[0] || prev1 != v[1] || prev2 != v[2];
return 0;
int ui_float4(const char *label, float *v) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
2023-10-07 17:34:09 +00:00
char *buffer = ui_float_sign ?
--ui_float_sign, va("%+.2f %+.2f %+.2f %+.2f", v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]) :
va("%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f", v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
if (nk_combo_begin_label(ui_ctx, buffer, nk_vec2(200,200))) {
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 1);
float prev0 = v[0]; nk_property_float(ui_ctx, "#X:", -FLT_MAX, &v[0], FLT_MAX, 1,0.5f);
float prev1 = v[1]; nk_property_float(ui_ctx, "#Y:", -FLT_MAX, &v[1], FLT_MAX, 1,0.5f);
float prev2 = v[2]; nk_property_float(ui_ctx, "#Z:", -FLT_MAX, &v[2], FLT_MAX, 1,0.5f);
float prev3 = v[3]; nk_property_float(ui_ctx, "#W:", -FLT_MAX, &v[3], FLT_MAX, 1,0.5f);
return prev0 != v[0] || prev1 != v[1] || prev2 != v[2] || prev3 != v[3];
2023-10-07 17:34:09 +00:00
return 0;
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
int ui_mat33(const char *label, float M[9]) {
2023-10-07 17:34:09 +00:00
ui_float_sign = 3;
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
int changed = 0;
changed |= ui_label(label);
changed |= ui_float3(NULL, M);
changed |= ui_float3(NULL, M+3);
changed |= ui_float3(NULL, M+6);
return changed;
int ui_mat34(const char *label, float M[12]) {
2023-10-07 17:34:09 +00:00
ui_float_sign = 3;
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
int changed = 0;
changed |= ui_label(label);
changed |= ui_float4(NULL, M);
changed |= ui_float4(NULL, M+4);
changed |= ui_float4(NULL, M+8);
return changed;
int ui_mat44(const char *label, float M[16]) {
2023-10-07 17:34:09 +00:00
ui_float_sign = 4;
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
int changed = 0;
changed |= ui_label(label);
changed |= ui_float4(NULL, M);
changed |= ui_float4(NULL, M+4);
changed |= ui_float4(NULL, M+8);
changed |= ui_float4(NULL, M+12);
return changed;
int ui_buffer(const char *label, char *buffer, int buflen) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 0, 2);
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
int active = nk_edit_string_zero_terminated(ui_ctx, NK_EDIT_AUTO_SELECT|NK_EDIT_CLIPBOARD|NK_EDIT_FIELD/*NK_EDIT_BOX*/|NK_EDIT_SIG_ENTER, buffer, buflen, nk_filter_default);
return !!(active & NK_EDIT_COMMITED) ? nk_edit_unfocus(ui_ctx), 1 : 0;
int ui_string(const char *label, char **str) {
char *bak = va("%s%c", *str ? *str : "", '\0');
int rc = ui_buffer(label, bak, strlen(bak)+2);
if( *str ) 0[*str] = '\0';
strcatf(str, "%s", bak);
return rc;
int ui_separator() {
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, UI_SEPARATOR_HEIGHT, 1);
ui_hue_cycle( 1 );
struct nk_command_buffer *canvas;
struct nk_input *input = &ui_ctx->input;
canvas = nk_window_get_canvas(ui_ctx);
struct nk_rect space;
enum nk_widget_layout_states state;
state = nk_widget(&space, ui_ctx);
if (state) nk_fill_rect(canvas, space, 0, ui_ctx->style.window.header.normal.data.color );
return 1;
int ui_subimage(const char *label, handle id, unsigned iw, unsigned ih, unsigned sx, unsigned sy, unsigned sw, unsigned sh) {
2023-10-01 06:49:08 +00:00
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, sh < 30 || id == texture_checker().id ? 0 : sh, 1 + (label && label[0]));
if( label && label[0] ) ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
struct nk_rect bounds; nk_layout_peek(&bounds, ui_ctx); bounds.w -= 10; // bounds.w *= 0.95f;
int ret = nk_button_image_styled(ui_ctx, &ui_ctx->style.button, nk_subimage_id((int)id, iw, ih, nk_rect(sx,sy,sw,sh)));
if( !ret ) {
ret |= input(MOUSE_L) && nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(&ui_ctx->input, bounds); // , true);
if( ret ) {
int px = 100 * (ui_ctx->input.mouse.pos.x - bounds.x ) / (float)bounds.w;
int py = 100 * (ui_ctx->input.mouse.pos.y - bounds.y ) / (float)bounds.h;
return px * 100 + py; // printf("%d %d xy:%d\n", px, py, (px * 100) + py);
return ret; // !!ret;
int ui_image(const char *label, handle id, unsigned w, unsigned h) {
return ui_subimage(label, id, w,h, 0,0,w,h);
int ui_texture(const char *label, texture_t t) {
return ui_subimage(label, t.id, t.w,t.h, 0,0,t.w,t.h);
int ui_subtexture(const char *label, texture_t t, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned w, unsigned h) {
return ui_subimage(label, t.id, t.w,t.h, x,y,w,h);
int ui_colormap( const char *map_name, colormap_t *cm ) {
int ret = 0;
if( !cm->texture ) {
const char *title = va("%s (no image)", map_name);
if( ui_image( title, texture_checker().id, 0,0 ) ) {
ret = 2;
} else {
unsigned w = cm->texture->w, h = cm->texture->h;
ui_label(va("%s (%s)", map_name, cm->texture->filename) ); // @fixme: labelf would crash?
const char *fmt[] = { "", "R", "RG", "RGB", "RGBA" };
const char *title = va("%s %dx%d %s", map_name, w, h, fmt[cm->texture->n]);
if( ui_image( title, cm->texture->id, 128, 128 ) ) {
ret = 2;
if( ui_color4f( va("%s Color", map_name), (float *) &cm->color ) ) {
ret = 1;
return ret;
int ui_radio(const char *label, const char **items, int num_items, int *selector) {
int ret = 0;
if( label && label[0] ) ui_label(label);
for( int i = 0; i < num_items; i++ ) {
bool enabled = *selector == i;
if( ui_bool( va("%s%s", label && label[0] ? " ":"", items[i]), &enabled ) ) {
*selector = i;
ret |= 1;
return ret;
int ui_section(const char *section) {
return ui_label(va("*%s", section));
int ui_dialog(const char *title, const char *text, int choices, bool *show) { // @fixme: return
ui_has_active_popups = 0;
if(*show) {
static struct nk_rect s = {0, 0, 300, 190};
if (nk_popup_begin(ui_ctx, NK_POPUP_STATIC, title, NK_WINDOW_BORDER|NK_WINDOW_CLOSABLE, s)) {
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 20, 1);
for( char label[1024]; *text && sscanf(text, "%[^\r\n]", label); ) {
nk_label(ui_ctx, label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
text += strlen(label); while(*text && *text < 32) text++;
if( choices ) {
if( ui_buttons(choices > 1 ? 2 : 1, "OK", "Cancel") ) {
*show = 0;
} else {
*show = nk_false;
ui_has_active_popups = *show;
return *show;
2023-09-27 06:49:59 +00:00
#define ui_bitmask_template(X) \
int ui_bitmask##X(const char *label, uint##X##_t *enabled) { \
/* @fixme: better way to retrieve widget width? nk_layout_row_dynamic() seems excessive */ \
nk_layout_row_dynamic(ui_ctx, 1, 1); \
struct nk_rect bounds = nk_widget_bounds(ui_ctx); \
/* actual widget: label + X checkboxes */ \
nk_layout_row_begin(ui_ctx, NK_STATIC, 0, 1+X); \
int offset = bounds.w > (15*X) ? bounds.w - (15*X) : 0; /* bits widget below needs at least 118px wide */ \
nk_layout_row_push(ui_ctx, offset); \
ui_label_(label, NK_TEXT_LEFT); \
uint8_t copy = *enabled; \
for( int i = 0; i < X; ++i ) { \
int b = (X-1-i); \
nk_layout_row_push(ui_ctx, 10); \
/* bit */ \
int val = (*enabled >> b) & 1; \
int chg = nk_checkbox_label(ui_ctx, "", &val); \
*enabled = (*enabled & ~(1 << b)) | ((!!val) << b); \
/* tooltip */ \
struct nk_rect bb = { offset + 10 + i * 14, bounds.y, 14, 30 }; /* 10:padding,14:width,30:height */ \
if (nk_input_is_mouse_hovering_rect(&ui_ctx->input, bb) && !ui_has_active_popups && nk_window_has_focus(ui_ctx)) { \
nk_tooltipf(ui_ctx, "Bit %d", b); \
} \
} \
nk_layout_row_end(ui_ctx); \
return copy ^ *enabled; \
2023-09-27 06:49:59 +00:00
int ui_console() { // @fixme: buggy
static char *cmd = 0;
static int enter = 0;
struct nk_font *font = nk_glfw.atlas.fonts->next /*2nd font*/;
if( font && nk_style_push_font(ui_ctx, &font->handle) ) {} else font = 0;
struct nk_rect bounds = {0,0,400,300}; // @fixme: how to retrieve inlined region below? (inlined)
if( 1 ) /*if( windowed || (!windowed && *inlined) )*/ bounds = nk_window_get_content_region(ui_ctx);
else { struct nk_rect b; nk_layout_peek(&b, ui_ctx); bounds.w = b.w; }
nk_layout_row_static(ui_ctx, bounds.h - UI_ROW_HEIGHT, bounds.w, 1);
static array(char*) lines = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < array_count(lines); ++i )
if(lines[i]) nk_label_wrap(ui_ctx, lines[i]); // "This is a very long line to hopefully get this text to be wrapped into multiple lines to show line wrapping");
if( enter ) {
array_push(lines, 0);
for( FILE *fp = popen(cmd, "r"); fp; pclose(fp), fp = 0) {
int ch;
do {
ch = fgetc(fp);
if( strchr("\r\n\t\b", ch) ) {
if( ch >= ' ' ) strcatf(array_back(lines), "%c", ch);
} while(ch > 0);
cmd[0] = 0;
enter = ui_string("", &cmd);
if( font ) nk_style_pop_font(ui_ctx);
return enter;
int ui_browse(const char **output, bool *inlined) {
static struct browser_media media = {0};
static struct browser browsers[2] = {0}; // 2 instances max: 0=inlined, 1=windowed
static char *results[2] = {0}; // 2 instances max: 0=inlined, 1=windowed
do_once {
const int W = 96, H = 96; // 2048x481 px, 21x5 cells
texture_t i = texture("icons/suru.png", TEXTURE_RGBA|TEXTURE_MIPMAPS);
browser_config_dir(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 16, 3), BROWSER_FOLDER); // default group
browser_config_dir(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 2, 4), BROWSER_HOME);
browser_config_dir(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 17, 3), BROWSER_COMPUTER);
browser_config_dir(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 1, 4), BROWSER_PROJECT);
browser_config_dir(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 0, 4), BROWSER_DESKTOP);
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 8, 0), "");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 10, 2), ".txt.md.doc.license" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 8, 1), ".ini.cfg" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 8, 3), ".xlsx" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 9, 0), ".c" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 4, 1), ".h.hpp.hh.hxx" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 4, 2), ".fs.vs.gs.fx.glsl.shader" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 12, 0), ".cpp.cc.cxx" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 15, 0), ".json" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 15, 2), ".bat.sh" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 6, 1), ".htm.html" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 20, 1), ".xml" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 12, 1), ".js" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 0, 3), ".ts" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 6, 2), ".py" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 16, 1), ".lua" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 10, 0), ".css.doc" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 6, 0), ".wav.flac.ogg.mp1.mp3.mod.xm.s3m.it.sfxr.mid.fur" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 1, 3), ".ttf.ttc.otf" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 7, 1), ".jpg.jpeg.png.bmp.psd.pic.pnm.ico.ktx.pvr.dds.astc.basis.hdr.tga.gif" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 4, 3), ".mp4.mpg.ogv.mkv.wmv.avi" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 2, 1), ".iqm.iqe.gltf.gltf2.glb.fbx.obj.dae.blend.md3.md5.ms3d.smd.x.3ds.bvh.dxf.lwo" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 0, 1), ".exe" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 7, 0), ".bin.dSYM.pdb.o.lib.dll" ".");
browser_config_type(icon_load_rect(i.id, i.w, i.h, W, H, 15, 3), ".zip.rar.7z.pak" ".");
for( int j = 0; j < countof(browsers); ++j ) browser_init(&browsers[j]);
browsers[0].listing = 1; // inlined version got listing by default, as there is not much space for layouting
// at_exit: browser_free(&browser);
int clicked = 0;
bool windowed = !inlined;
if( windowed || (!windowed && *inlined) ) {
struct browser *browser = browsers + windowed; // select instance
char **result = results + windowed; // select instance
struct nk_rect bounds = {0,0,400,300}; // @fixme: how to retrieve inlined region below? (inlined)
if( windowed || (!windowed && *inlined) ) bounds = nk_window_get_content_region(ui_ctx);
else { struct nk_rect b; nk_layout_peek(&b, ui_ctx); bounds.w = b.w; }
clicked = browser_run(ui_ctx, browser, windowed, bounds);
if( clicked ) {
strcatf(result, "%d", 0);
(*result)[0] = '\0';
strcatf(result, "%s", browser->file);
if( inlined ) *inlined = 0;
const char *target = ifdef(win32, "/", "\\"), *replace = ifdef(win32, "\\", "/");
strswap(*result, target, replace);
if( output ) *output = *result;
return clicked;
// demo:
static const char *file;
if( ui_panel("inlined", 0)) {
static bool show_browser = 0;
if( ui_button("my button") ) { show_browser = true; }
if( ui_browse(&file, &show_browser) ) puts(file);
if( ui_window("windowed", 0) ) {
if( ui_browse(&file, NULL) ) puts(file);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int ui_demo(int do_windows) {
static int integer = 42;
static bool toggle = true;
static bool boolean = true;
static float floating = 3.14159;
static float float2[2] = {1,2};
static float float3[3] = {1,2,3};
static float float4[4] = {1,2,3,4};
static float rgb[3] = {0.84,0.67,0.17};
static float rgba[4] = {0.67,0.90,0.12,1};
static float slider = 0.5f;
static float slider2 = 0.5f;
static char string[64] = "hello world 123";
static int item = 0; const char *list[] = {"one","two","three"};
static bool show_dialog = false;
static bool show_browser = false;
static const char* browsed_file = "";
static uint8_t bitmask = 0x55;
static int hits = 0;
static int window1 = 0, window2 = 0, window3 = 0;
static int disable_all = 0;
if( ui_panel("UI", 0) ) {
int choice = ui_toolbar("Browser;Toast@Notify;Toggle on/off");
if(choice == 1) show_browser = true;
if(choice == 2) ui_notify(va("My random toast (%d)", rand()), va("This is notification #%d", ++hits));
if(choice == 3) disable_all ^= 1;
2023-09-27 06:49:59 +00:00
if( disable_all ) ui_disable();
if( ui_browse(&browsed_file, &show_browser) ) puts(browsed_file);
if( ui_section("Labels")) {}
if( ui_label("my label")) {}
if( ui_label("my label with tooltip@built on " __DATE__ " " __TIME__)) {}
2023-09-27 06:49:59 +00:00
//if( ui_label2_wrap("my long label", "and some long long long long text wrapped")) {}
if( ui_section("Types")) {}
if( ui_bool("my bool", &boolean) ) puts("bool changed");
if( ui_int("my int", &integer) ) puts("int changed");
if( ui_float("my float", &floating) ) puts("float changed");
if( ui_buffer("my string", string, 64) ) puts("string changed");
if( ui_section("Vectors") ) {}
if( ui_float2("my float2", float2) ) puts("float2 changed");
if( ui_float3("my float3", float3) ) puts("float3 changed");
if( ui_float4("my float4", float4) ) puts("float4 changed");
if( ui_section("Lists")) {}
if( ui_list("my list", list, 3, &item ) ) puts("list changed");
if( ui_section("Colors")) {}
if( ui_color3f("my color3", rgb) ) puts("color3 changed");
if( ui_color4f("my color4@this is a tooltip", rgba) ) puts("color4 changed");
if( ui_section("Sliders")) {}
if( ui_slider("my slider", &slider)) puts("slider changed");
if( ui_slider2("my slider 2", &slider2, va("%.2f", slider2))) puts("slider2 changed");
if( do_windows ) {
if( ui_section("Windows")) {}
int show = ui_buttons(3, "Container", "SubPanel", "SubRender");
if( show == 1 ) window1 = 1;
if( show == 2 ) window2 = 1;
if( show == 3 ) window3 = 1;
if( ui_section("Others")) {}
2023-09-27 06:49:59 +00:00
if( ui_bitmask8("my bitmask", &bitmask) ) printf("bitmask changed %x\n", bitmask);
if( ui_toggle("my toggle", &toggle) ) printf("toggle %s\n", toggle ? "on":"off");
if( ui_image("my image", texture_checker().id, 0, 0) ) { puts("image clicked"); }
if( ui_separator() ) {}
if( ui_button("my button") ) { puts("button clicked"); show_dialog = true; }
if( ui_buttons(2, "yes", "no") ) { puts("button clicked"); }
if( ui_buttons(3, "yes", "no", "maybe") ) { puts("button clicked"); }
if( ui_dialog("my dialog", __FILE__ "\n" __DATE__ "\n" "Public Domain.", 2/*two buttons*/, &show_dialog) ) {}
2023-09-27 06:49:59 +00:00
if( disable_all ) ui_enable(); // restore enabled state
if( !do_windows ) return 0;
// window api showcasing
if( ui_window("Container demo", &window1) ) {
ui_label("label #1");
if( ui_bool("my bool", &boolean) ) puts("bool changed");
if( ui_int("my int", &integer) ) puts("int changed");
if( ui_float("my float", &floating) ) puts("float changed");
if( ui_buffer("my string", string, 64) ) puts("string changed");
if( ui_window("SubPanel demo", &window2) ) {
if( ui_panel("panel #2", 0) ) {
ui_label("label #2");
if( ui_bool("my bool", &boolean) ) puts("bool changed");
if( ui_int("my int", &integer) ) puts("int changed");
if( ui_float("my float", &floating) ) puts("float changed");
if( ui_buffer("my string", string, 64) ) puts("string changed");
if( ui_window("SubRender demo", &window3) ) {
if( ui_panel("panel #3A", 0) ) {
if( ui_bool("my bool", &boolean) ) puts("bool changed");
if( ui_int("my int", &integer) ) puts("int changed");
if( ui_float("my float", &floating) ) puts("float changed");
if( ui_buffer("my string", string, 64) ) puts("string changed");
if( ui_separator() ) {}
if( ui_slider("my slider", &slider)) puts("slider changed");
if( ui_slider2("my slider 2", &slider2, va("%.2f", slider2))) puts("slider2 changed");
if( ui_panel("panel #3B", 0) ) {
if( ui_bool("my bool", &boolean) ) puts("bool changed");
if( ui_int("my int", &integer) ) puts("int changed");
if( ui_float("my float", &floating) ) puts("float changed");
if( ui_buffer("my string", string, 64) ) puts("string changed");
if( ui_separator() ) {}
if( ui_slider("my slider", &slider)) puts("slider changed");
if( ui_slider2("my slider 2", &slider2, va("%.2f", slider2))) puts("slider2 changed");
const char *title = "SubRender demo";
struct nk_window *win = nk_window_find(ui_ctx, title);
if( win ) {
enum { menubar_height = 65 }; // title bar (~32) + menu bounds (~25)
struct nk_rect bounds = win->bounds; bounds.y += menubar_height; bounds.h -= menubar_height;
#if 1
// @fixme: this is breaking rendering when post-fxs are in use. edit: cannot reproduce
static texture_t tx = {0};
if( texture_rec_begin(&tx, bounds.w, bounds.h )) {
struct nk_image image = nk_image_id((int)tx.id);
nk_draw_image_flipped(nk_window_get_canvas(ui_ctx), bounds, &image, nk_white);
static video_t *v = NULL;
do_once v = video( "bjork-all-is-full-of-love.mp4", VIDEO_RGB );
texture_t *textures = video_decode( v );
struct nk_image image = nk_image_id((int)textures[0].id);
nk_draw_image(nk_window_get_canvas(ui_ctx), bounds, &image, nk_white);
return 0;