162 lines
6.0 KiB
162 lines
6.0 KiB
# forked from https://github.com/SasLuca/glfw-single-header (CC0-1.0 licensed)
# _GLFW_X11
import os
win32_defines = [
"#ifdef _MSC_VER\n#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS\n#endif",
"#ifndef _GLFW_USE_HYBRID_HPG\n#define _GLFW_USE_HYBRID_HPG 1\n#endif",
"#define _UNICODE",
"#ifdef MINGW\n#define UNICODE\n#define WINVER 0x0501\n#endif", ]
win32_sources = [ "win32_init.c", "win32_joystick.c", "win32_monitor.c", "win32_time.c", "win32_thread.c", "win32_window.c", "wgl_context.c", ]
osmesa_sources = [ "null_init.c", "null_monitor.c", "null_window.c", "null_joystick.c", ]
x11_sources = [ "x11_init.c", "x11_monitor.c", "x11_window.c", "glx_context.c", ]
wayland_sources = [ "wl_init.c", "wl_monitor.c", "wl_window.c", ]
cocoa_sources = [ "cocoa_init.m", "nsgl_context.m", "cocoa_joystick.m", "cocoa_monitor.m", "cocoa_window.m", "cocoa_time.c", ]
time_sources = [ "posix_time.c", ]
thread_sources = [ "posix_thread.c", ]
linux_sources = [ "linux_joystick.c", "xkb_unicode.c", ]
headers = list([
shared_sources = [ "internal.h", "osmesa_context.c", "egl_context.c", "context.c", "init.c", "input.c", "monitor.c", "vulkan.c", "window.c", ]
# Get the file using this function since it might be cached
files_cache = {}
def lsh_get_file(it: str) -> str:
global files_cache
if it in files_cache.keys():
return files_cache[it]
guard = f"HEADER_GUARD_{it.replace('.', '_').upper()}"
code = open(f"./glfw/src/{it}").read()
# files_cache[it] = f"\n#line 1 \"{it}\"\n"
files_cache[it]+= f"\n#ifndef {guard}\n#define {guard}\n{code}\n#endif\n"
return files_cache[it]
# Include the headers into a source
def include_headers(headers, source: str) -> str:
if len(headers) == 0:
return source
for it in headers:
if source.find(f"#include \"{it}\"") != -1:
h = include_headers([i for i in headers if i != it], lsh_get_file(it))
source = source.replace(f"#include \"{it}\"", f"\n{h}\n")
return source
# Add shared code
shared_source_result = ""
for it in shared_sources:
shared_source_result += include_headers(headers, lsh_get_file(it))
# Add win32 code
win32_source_result = "\n#ifdef _GLFW_WIN32\n"
for it in win32_defines:
win32_source_result += "\n" + it + "\n"
for it in win32_sources:
win32_source_result += include_headers(headers, lsh_get_file(it))
win32_source_result += "\n#endif\n"
# Add osmesa code
osmesa_source_result = "\n#ifdef _GLFW_OSMESA\n"
for it in osmesa_sources:
osmesa_source_result += include_headers(headers, lsh_get_file(it))
osmesa_source_result += "\n#endif\n"
# Add x11 code
x11_source_result = "\n#ifdef _GLFW_X11\n"
for it in x11_sources:
x11_source_result += include_headers(headers, lsh_get_file(it))
x11_source_result += "\n#endif\n"
# Add wayland code
wayland_source_result = "\n#ifdef _GLFW_WAYLAND\n"
for it in wayland_sources:
wayland_source_result += include_headers(headers, lsh_get_file(it))
wayland_source_result += "\n#endif\n"
# Add cocoa code
cocoa_source_result = "\n#ifdef _GLFW_COCOA\n"
for it in cocoa_sources:
cocoa_source_result += include_headers(headers, lsh_get_file(it))
cocoa_source_result += "\n#endif\n"
# Add posix_time code (if linux)
time_source_result = "\n#if !defined _GLFW_COCOA && !defined _GLFW_WIN32\n"
for it in time_sources:
time_source_result += include_headers(headers, lsh_get_file(it))
time_source_result += "\n#endif\n"
# Add posix_thread code (if linux+osx) (if !win32)
thread_source_result = "\n#if !defined _GLFW_WIN32\n"
for it in thread_sources:
thread_source_result += include_headers(headers, lsh_get_file(it))
thread_source_result += "\n#endif\n"
# Add linux code (if !osx && !win32 && !mesa)
linux_source_result = "\n#if !defined _GLFW_COCOA && !defined _GLFW_WIN32 && !defined _GLFW_OSMESA\n"
for it in linux_sources:
linux_source_result += include_headers(headers, lsh_get_file(it))
linux_source_result += "\n#endif\n"
# Get the glfw headers
headers_result = open("./glfw/include/GLFW/glfw3.h").read() + "\n" + open("./glfw/include/GLFW/glfw3native.h").read() + "\n"
# Add single header
source_result = "\n#ifdef _GLFW_IMPLEMENTATION\n"
source_result += shared_source_result + win32_source_result + osmesa_source_result + x11_source_result + wayland_source_result + cocoa_source_result
source_result += time_source_result + thread_source_result + linux_source_result
source_result += "\n#endif\n"
# Comment out options macro error
source_result = source_result.replace("#error \"You must not define any header option macros when compiling GLFW\"",
"//#error \"You must not define any header option macros when compiling GLFW\"")
# for it in win32_headers + osmesa_headers + x11_headers + wayland_headers + cocoa_headers:
# source_result = source_result.replace(f"#include \"{it}\"", f"//#include \"{it}\"")
source_result = source_result.replace("#include \"../include/GLFW/glfw3.h\"", "//#include \"../include/GLFW/glfw3.h\"")
source_result = source_result.replace("#include \"internal.h\"", "\n")
# for glad
for it in opengl_defines:
source_result = source_result.replace(f"#define {it}", f"//#define {it}")
# Make dirs
if not os.path.exists("./source"):
# Make single header
open("./glfw.h", "w+").write(headers_result + source_result)
# Make single header + single source
open("./source/glfw.h", "w+").write(headers_result)
open("./source/glfw.c", "w+").write(
headers_result + "\n#define _GLFW_IMPLEMENTATION\n" + source_result)