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// hello ui: config, window, system, ui, video
// - rlyeh, public domain.
// Compile with:
// `make demos\00-ui.c` (windows)
// `sh MAKE.bat demos/00-ui.c` (linux, osx)
2023-08-10 22:14:08 +00:00
#include "v4k.h"
int main() {
float app_volume = 1.00f;
unsigned app_size = flag("--fullscreen") ? 100 : 75;
unsigned app_flags = flag("--msaa") ? WINDOW_MSAA4 : 0;
unsigned app_target_fps = optioni("--fps", 60); // --fps=30, --fps=45, etc. defaults to 60.
// window api (fullscreen or 75% sized, optional MSAA flags)
window_create(app_size, app_flags);
// load video
video_t *v = video( "pexels-pachon-in-motion-17486489.mp4", VIDEO_RGB );
// app loop
while( window_swap() ) {
// input controls
if( input(KEY_ESC) ) break;
// profile api
texture_t *textures;
profile( "Video decoder" ) {
// video api: decode frame and get associated textures (audio is sent to audiomixer automatically)
textures = video_decode( v );
// fullscreen video
// if(video_is_rgb(v)) fullscreen_quad_rgb( textures[0], 1.3f );
// else fullscreen_quad_ycbcr( textures, 1.3f );
// create menubar on top
int choice1 = ui_menu("File;Shell;Exit");
int choice2 = ui_menu("Help;About");
if( choice1 == 1 ) system(ifdef(win32, "start \"\" cmd", ifdef(osx, "open sh", "xdg-open sh")));
if( choice1 == 2 ) exit(0);
// showcase a few ui widgets
// create ui panel
if( ui_panel("myPanel", PANEL_OPEN) ) {
// Print some numbers
ui_label2("FPS", va("%5.2f", window_fps()));
// add some buttons
if( ui_button("Screenshot") ) window_screenshot(__FILE__ ".png"), ui_notify(0,ICON_MD_WARNING "Screenshot");
if( ui_button("Record Video") ) window_record(__FILE__ ".mp4"), ui_notify(0,ICON_MD_WARNING "Recoding video");
if( ui_button("Toggle fullscreen") ) window_fullscreen( !window_has_fullscreen() );
// some more video controls
if( ui_button("Rewind") ) video_seek(v, video_position(v) - 3);
if( ui_button("Pause") ) video_pause(v, video_is_paused(v) ^ 1);
if( ui_button("Forward") ) video_seek(v, video_position(v) + 3);
if( ui_slider2("Volume", &app_volume, va("%.2f", app_volume))) audio_volume_master(app_volume);
// end of panel. must be enclosed within same if() branch.
// create window
static int open = 1;
if( ui_window("myWindow", &open) ) {
// present decoded texture in a widget, without any label (NULL)
ui_texture( NULL, textures[0] );
// end of window. must be enclosed within same if() branch.
// this demo supersedes following old sources:
2023-08-14 17:31:26 +00:00
// https://github.com/r-lyeh/V4K/blob/45e34d7890b2b8fe1f4994f4b76e496280d83cb6/demos/00-hello.c
// https://github.com/r-lyeh/V4K/blob/45e34d7890b2b8fe1f4994f4b76e496280d83cb6/demos/00-video.c