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2023-08-10 14:30:56 +00:00
// missing //M(eta), DNA,
// meta_parse(file), meta_load, meta_save
#define REFLECT_C
//#define REFLECT_DEMO
// C reflection: enums, functions, structs, nested structs, members and pointers.
// - rlyeh, public domain
#ifndef REFLECT_H
#define REFLECT_H
// # reflection api
// - reflected symbol struct
// - define reflected symbol (3 quick macros).
// - define reflected symbol (complete function).
// - size of reflected symbol.
// - find reflected function (by name).
// - find reflected enum (by name).
// - find reflected field in struct (by name).
// - iterate all reflected fields in struct.
// - iterate all reflected symbols in registry.
// - @todo: reflect* reflect_find()
// - @todo: code annotations? "display-name", "min", "max", "range", "default"
// - @todo: declare TYPEDEF(vec3, float[3]), TYPEDEF(mat4, vec4[4]/*float[16]*/)
typedef struct reflect {
union {
void *any;
int offs;
const char *type, *name, *base, *info;
unsigned size:23, is_pod:1, is_ptr:6, internal_type:2;
} reflect;
#define ENUM(type, name, ...) reflect_add(0, (void*)name, #type, #name, "", "" #__VA_ARGS__ "\0", sizeof(enum type))
#define FUNCTION(type, name, ...) reflect_add(1, &name, #type, #name, "", "" #__VA_ARGS__ "\0", sizeof(void *))
#define STRUCT(struct, type, name, ...) reflect_add(2, &(((struct *)0)->name), #type, #name, #struct, "" #__VA_ARGS__ "\0", (int)sizeof(type) )
void reflect_add( int internal_type, void *any, const char *type, const char *name, const char *base, const char *info, int size );
int reflect_sizeof( const char *type );
void* reflect_function( const char *name );
int reflect_enum( const char *name );
void* reflect_field( const char *type, void *obj, const char *name, const char **opt_type );
bool reflect_has_fields( const char *base, void *obj );
void reflect_iterate_fields( const char *type, void *obj, void (*callback)( const reflect *r, void *value, void *userdata ), void *userdata );
void reflect_iterate_registry( void (*callback)( const reflect *r, void *userdata ), void *userdata );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef REFLECT_C
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define REFLECT_REGISTRY_LIMIT 0 // 0 for unlimited registry size (using heap), or N for fixed max entries (using stack)
static reflect *registry[REFLECT_REGISTRY_LIMIT] = {0}, registry_[REFLECT_REGISTRY_LIMIT] = {0};
static reflect **registry = 0;
enum {
static int reflect_counter = 0;
void reflect_add( int internal_type, void *any, const char *type, const char *name, const char *base, const char *info, int size ) {
registry[reflect_counter-1] = &registry_[reflect_counter-1];
registry = (reflect **)realloc( registry, reflect_counter * sizeof(reflect *));
registry[reflect_counter-1] = (reflect *)malloc( sizeof(reflect) );
reflect s = { any, type, name, base, info, size, 1, 0, internal_type };
reflect *r = registry[reflect_counter-1];
*r = s;
// evaluate is_ptr
for( int i = strlen(r->type); !r->is_ptr && --i; ) {
r->is_ptr = r->type[i] == '*' ? i : 0;
for( int i = r->is_ptr; i >= 0; --i ) {
r->is_ptr = r->type[i] == ' ' ? i : r->is_ptr;
// @fixme: try to avoid dynamic allocs
// future me: removing this will break some strcmps(type) below
if( r->is_ptr ) {
char buf[128]; sprintf(buf, "%.*s", r->is_ptr, r->type);
r->type = (const char *)strdup(buf);
// evaluate is_pod. kind of bubble sort.
for( int i = 0; i < reflect_counter; ++i ) {
for( int j = 0; j < reflect_counter; ++j ) {
if( !strcmp(registry[i]->base, registry[j]->type) ) {
registry[j]->is_pod = 0;
int reflect_sizeof( const char *base ) {
int size = 0;
if( base ) for( int i = 0; i < reflect_counter; ++i ) {
if( !strcmp(registry[i]->base, base) ) size += registry[i]->size;
return size;
void *reflect_field( const char *base, void *obj, const char *name, const char **opt_type ) {
if( base ) for( int i = 0; i < reflect_counter; ++i ) {
if( registry[i]->internal_type == REFLECT_TYPE_FIELD && strcmp(registry[i]->base, base) ) continue;
if(!strcmp(registry[i]->name, name) ) return (opt_type ? *opt_type = registry[i]->type : NULL), (char*)obj + (long long int)registry[i]->any;
return 0;
int reflect_enum( const char *name ) {
if( name ) for( int i = 0; i < reflect_counter; ++i ) {
if( registry[i]->internal_type == REFLECT_TYPE_ENUM && !strcmp( registry[i]->name, name ) ) {
return (int)(long long int)registry[i]->any;
return 0;
// do not use void(void) signature here
static void* reflect_dummy_call() {
return 0;
void* reflect_function( const char *name ) {
if( name ) for( int i = 0; i < reflect_counter; ++i ) {
if( registry[i]->internal_type == REFLECT_TYPE_FUNCTION && !strcmp( registry[i]->name, name ) ) {
return registry[i]->any;
return &reflect_dummy_call; // return NULL instead?
void reflect_iterate_registry( void (*callback)( const reflect *r, void *userdata ), void *userdata ) {
for( int i = 0; i < reflect_counter; ++i ) {
callback( registry[i], userdata );
#ifdef _MSC_VER
struct reflect_context {
const char *name;
const char *info;
} reflect_ctx = { "", "" };
void reflect_iterate_fields( const char *base, void *obj, void (*callback)( const reflect *r, void *value, void *userdata ), void *userdata ) {
if( base ) for( int i = 0, nb = strlen(base); i < reflect_counter; ++i ) {
if( registry[i]->internal_type == REFLECT_TYPE_FIELD && !strncmp(registry[i]->base, base, nb) ) {
for( ; i < reflect_counter && !strncmp(registry[i]->base, base, nb); ++i ) {
void *any = ((char*)obj + (long long int)registry[i]->any);
if( any && registry[i]->is_ptr ) {
any = (void*)*((long long int *)any);
if( any ) {
struct reflect_context copy = reflect_ctx;
char buf1[128]; sprintf(buf1, "%s.%s", reflect_ctx.name, registry[i]->name);
char buf2[128] = {0}; if( registry[i]->info[0] ) sprintf(buf2, "%s%s%.*s", reflect_ctx.info, reflect_ctx.info[0] ? " > " : "", (int)(strlen(registry[i]->info) - 2), 1+registry[i]->info);
reflect_ctx.name = buf1 + (buf1[0] == '.');
reflect_ctx.info = buf2;
if( registry[i]->is_pod ) {
reflect m = *registry[i];
m.name = reflect_ctx.name;
m.info = reflect_ctx.info;
callback( &m, any, userdata );
} else {
char buf3[128], *rebase = (char*)registry[i]->type;
if(registry[i]->is_ptr) sprintf( rebase = buf3, "%.*s", registry[i]->is_ptr, registry[i]->type );
reflect_iterate_fields( rebase, any, callback, userdata );
reflect_ctx = copy;
bool reflect_has_fields( const char *base, void *obj ) {
if( base ) for( int i = 0, nb = strlen(base); i < reflect_counter; ++i ) {
if( registry[i]->internal_type == REFLECT_TYPE_FIELD && !strncmp(registry[i]->base, base, nb) ) {
for( ; i < reflect_counter && !strncmp(registry[i]->base, base, nb); ++i ) {
return true;
return false;
void reflect_dump_registry(FILE *fp) {
fprintf( fp, "%s {\n", __FUNCTION__ );
fprintf( fp, "\tsizeof(reflect)=%d\n", (int)sizeof(reflect) );
for( int i = 0; i < reflect_counter; ++i ) {
reflect *r = registry[i];
/**/ if( r->internal_type == REFLECT_TYPE_FUNCTION )
fprintf(fp, "\tfunction %s = %s; // %d@[%p] %s\n", r->name, r->type, r->size, r->any, r->info);
else if( r->internal_type == REFLECT_TYPE_ENUM )
fprintf(fp, "\tenum %s%s%s = %d; // %d %s\n", r->type[0] ? r->type : "", r->type[0] ? "." : "", r->name, (int)(long long int)r->any, r->size, r->info );
else if( r->internal_type == REFLECT_TYPE_FIELD )
fprintf(fp, "\t%s%s%s %s.%s; // %d@%d %s\n", r->is_pod ? "field " : "struct ", r->type, r->is_ptr ? "*" : "", r->base, r->name, r->size, (int)(long long int)r->any, r->info );
fprintf( fp, "} %s\n", __FUNCTION__ );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
void echo( const reflect *r, void *value, void *userdata ) {
FILE *fp = (FILE*)userdata;
if( fp ) {
/**/ if( !strcmp(r->type, "int") ) fprintf(fp, "%6s %-32s = %d;\t// %s\n", r->type, r->name, *(int*)value, r->info);
else if( !strcmp(r->type, "string") ) fprintf(fp, "%6s %-32s = %s;\t// %s\n", r->type, r->name, *(char**)value, r->info);
else if( !strcmp(r->type, "float") ) fprintf(fp, "%6s %-32s = %f;\t// %s\n", r->type, r->name, *(float*)value, r->info);
else if( !strcmp(r->type, "double") ) fprintf(fp, "%6s %-32s = %f;\t// %s\n", r->type, r->name, *(double*)value, r->info);
enum MY_ENUM {
TEXTURE = 101,
IMAGE = 102,
typedef char* string;
typedef struct MyVec3 {
double x,y,z;
} MyVec3;
typedef struct MyTransform {
MyVec3 location;
MyVec3 rotation;
float scale;
} MyTransform;
typedef struct MyObject {
struct MyObject *parent;
string id;
int hash;
MyTransform transform;
} MyObject;
int MyAddFunction( int a,int b ) {
return a + b;
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
// # enums
// - register
// - reflect
assert( 101 == reflect_enum("TEXTURE") );
assert( 102 == reflect_enum("IMAGE") );
// # functions
// - register
// - find
// - call
// - try call (undefined functions are also safe to call)
FUNCTION( int(int a, int b), MyAddFunction, "Function adding two numbers" );
FUNCTION( int(const char *fmt, ...), printf, "Print text to console" );
int (*add_hook)() = reflect_function("MyAddFunction");
int (*print_hook)(const char *, ...) = reflect_function("printf");
assert( 123 == add_hook(100,23) );
print_hook("hello from reflected function %d\n", 123);
print_hook = reflect_function("undefined_symbol_here$(·!!");
print_hook("this call should never print\n");
// # structs
// - register simple
// - register nested
// - register nested with pointers
// - print struct sizes
// - iterate simple
// - iterate nested
// - iterate nested with pointers
STRUCT( MyVec3, double, x, "Right" );
STRUCT( MyVec3, double, y, "Forward" );
STRUCT( MyVec3, double, z, "Up" );
STRUCT( MyTransform, MyVec3, location, "World location (absolute)" );
STRUCT( MyTransform, MyVec3, rotation, "Local rotation (in degrees)" );
STRUCT( MyTransform, float, scale, "Local scale (in centimeters)" );
STRUCT( MyObject, int, hash, "Actor hash" );
STRUCT( MyObject, string, id, "Actor name" );
STRUCT( MyObject, MyTransform, transform, "Actor transform" );
STRUCT( MyObject, MyObject *, parent, "Actor parent" );
printf("reflect_sizeof(MyVec3)=%d\n", reflect_sizeof("MyVec3"));
printf("reflect_sizeof(MyTransform)=%d\n", reflect_sizeof("MyTransform"));
printf("reflect_sizeof(MyObject)=%d\n", reflect_sizeof("MyObject"));
MyVec3 vec = {1.1,2.2,3.3};
reflect_iterate_fields( "MyVec3", &vec, echo, stdout );
MyTransform tf = { {1.1,2.2,3.3}, {45,90,180}, 10 };
reflect_iterate_fields( "MyTransform", &tf, echo, stdout );
MyObject root = { NULL, "Scene root", 0, { {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, 1 } };
MyObject obj = { &root, "Name identifier", 123, { {1.1,2.2,3.3}, {45,90,180}, 10 } };
reflect_iterate_fields( "MyObject", &obj, echo, stdout );
// # dump internals
// # benchmark
#ifndef N
#define N (argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 500 * 1000)
clock_t t0 = clock();
for( int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
reflect_iterate_fields( "MyObject", &obj, echo, NULL );
clock_t t1 = clock();
double t = (t1 - t0) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("Benchmark: processed %.f members in %5.2fs = %5.2f members/sec\n", N*9.0, t, (N*9.0)/t ); // 9 total members in MyObject