
333 lines
13 KiB

#pragma once
#include "system.h"
#include "raylib.h"
#include "world/blocks.h"
#include "assets.h"
#include "rlgl.h"
static inline float lerp(float a, float b, float t) { return a * (1.0f - t) + b * t; }
static inline
void DrawTextEco(const char *text, float posX, float posY, int fontSize, Color color, float spacing) {
#if 1
// Check if default font has been loaded
if (GetFontDefault() != 0) {
Vector2 position = { (float)posX , (float)posY };
int defaultFontSize = 10; // Default Font chars height in pixel
int new_spacing = spacing == 0.0f ? fontSize/defaultFontSize : spacing;
DrawTextEx(GetFontDefault(), text, position, (float)fontSize , (float)new_spacing , color);
static inline
int MeasureTextEco(const char *text, int fontSize, float spacing) {
#if 1
Vector2 vec = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
// Check if default font has been loaded
if (GetFontDefault() != 0) {
int defaultFontSize = 10; // Default Font chars height in pixel
int new_spacing = spacing == 0.0f ? fontSize/defaultFontSize : spacing;
vec = MeasureTextEx(GetFontDefault(), text, (float)fontSize, (float)new_spacing);
return (int)vec.x;
return 0;
static inline
void DrawCircleEco(float centerX, float centerY, float radius, Color color)
DrawCircleV((Vector2){ (float)centerX , (float)centerY }, radius , color);
static inline
void DrawRectangleEco(float posX, float posY, float width, float height, Color color)
DrawRectangleV((Vector2){ (float)posX , (float)posY }, (Vector2){ width , height }, color);
static inline
Texture2D GetBlockImage(uint8_t id) {
return *(Texture2D*)blocks_get_img(id);
static inline
RenderTexture2D GetChunkTexture(uint64_t id) {
RenderTexture2D *tex = (RenderTexture2D*)blocks_get_chunk_tex(id);
if (!tex) return (RenderTexture2D){0};
return *tex;
static inline
Texture2D GetSpriteTexture2D(uint16_t id) {
return *(Texture2D*)assets_get_tex(id);
static inline
Sound GetSound(uint16_t id) {
return *(Sound*)assets_get_snd(id);
// Draw cube
// NOTE: Cube position is the center position
static inline
void EcoDrawCube(Vector3 position, float width, float height, float length, float heading, Color color)
float x = 0.0f;
float y = 0.0f;
float z = 0.0f;
// NOTE: Transformation is applied in inverse order (scale -> rotate -> translate)
rlTranslatef(position.x, position.y, position.z);
rlRotatef(heading, 0, 1, 0);
//rlScalef(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // NOTE: Vertices are directly scaled on definition
rlColor4ub(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
// Front face
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y - height/2, z + length/2); // Bottom Left
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y - height/2, z + length/2); // Bottom Right
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y + height/2, z + length/2); // Top Left
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y + height/2, z + length/2); // Top Right
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y + height/2, z + length/2); // Top Left
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y - height/2, z + length/2); // Bottom Right
// Back face
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y - height/2, z - length/2); // Bottom Left
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y + height/2, z - length/2); // Top Left
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y - height/2, z - length/2); // Bottom Right
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y + height/2, z - length/2); // Top Right
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y - height/2, z - length/2); // Bottom Right
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y + height/2, z - length/2); // Top Left
// Top face
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y + height/2, z - length/2); // Top Left
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y + height/2, z + length/2); // Bottom Left
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y + height/2, z + length/2); // Bottom Right
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y + height/2, z - length/2); // Top Right
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y + height/2, z - length/2); // Top Left
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y + height/2, z + length/2); // Bottom Right
// Bottom face
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y - height/2, z - length/2); // Top Left
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y - height/2, z + length/2); // Bottom Right
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y - height/2, z + length/2); // Bottom Left
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y - height/2, z - length/2); // Top Right
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y - height/2, z + length/2); // Bottom Right
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y - height/2, z - length/2); // Top Left
// Right face
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y - height/2, z - length/2); // Bottom Right
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y + height/2, z - length/2); // Top Right
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y + height/2, z + length/2); // Top Left
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y - height/2, z + length/2); // Bottom Left
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y - height/2, z - length/2); // Bottom Right
rlVertex3f(x + width/2, y + height/2, z + length/2); // Top Left
// Left face
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y - height/2, z - length/2); // Bottom Right
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y + height/2, z + length/2); // Top Left
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y + height/2, z - length/2); // Top Right
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y - height/2, z + length/2); // Bottom Left
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y + height/2, z + length/2); // Top Left
rlVertex3f(x - width/2, y - height/2, z - length/2); // Bottom Right
// Draw codepoint at specified position in 3D space
void DrawTextCodepoint3D(Font font, int codepoint, Vector3 position, float fontSize, bool backface, Color tint)
// Character index position in sprite font
// NOTE: In case a codepoint is not available in the font, index returned points to '?'
int index = GetGlyphIndex(font, codepoint);
float scale = fontSize/(float)font.baseSize;
// Character destination rectangle on screen
// NOTE: We consider charsPadding on drawing
position.x += (float)(font.chars[index].offsetX - font.charsPadding)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
position.z += (float)(font.chars[index].offsetY - font.charsPadding)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
// Character source rectangle from font texture atlas
// NOTE: We consider chars padding when drawing, it could be required for outline/glow shader effects
Rectangle srcRec = { font.recs[index].x - (float)font.charsPadding, font.recs[index].y - (float)font.charsPadding,
font.recs[index].width + 2.0f*font.charsPadding, font.recs[index].height + 2.0f*font.charsPadding };
float width = (float)(font.recs[index].width + 2.0f*font.charsPadding)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
float height = (float)(font.recs[index].height + 2.0f*font.charsPadding)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
if ( > 0)
const float x = 0.0f;
const float y = 0.0f;
const float z = 0.0f;
// normalized texture coordinates of the glyph inside the font texture (0.0f -> 1.0f)
const float tx = srcRec.x/font.texture.width;
const float ty = srcRec.y/font.texture.height;
const float tw = (srcRec.x+srcRec.width)/font.texture.width;
const float th = (srcRec.y+srcRec.height)/font.texture.height;
#if defined(RAYLIB_NEW_RLGL)
rlCheckRenderBatchLimit(4 + 4*backface);
if (rlCheckBufferLimit(4 + 4*backface)) rlglDraw();
rlTranslatef(position.x, position.y, position.z);
rlColor4ub(tint.r, tint.g, tint.b, tint.a);
// Front Face
rlNormal3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Normal Pointing Up
rlTexCoord2f(tx, ty); rlVertex3f(x, y, z); // Top Left Of The Texture and Quad
rlTexCoord2f(tx, th); rlVertex3f(x, y, z + height); // Bottom Left Of The Texture and Quad
rlTexCoord2f(tw, th); rlVertex3f(x + width, y, z + height); // Bottom Right Of The Texture and Quad
rlTexCoord2f(tw, ty); rlVertex3f(x + width, y, z); // Top Right Of The Texture and Quad
if (backface)
// Back Face
rlNormal3f(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); // Normal Pointing Down
rlTexCoord2f(tx, ty); rlVertex3f(x, y, z); // Top Right Of The Texture and Quad
rlTexCoord2f(tw, ty); rlVertex3f(x + width, y, z); // Top Left Of The Texture and Quad
rlTexCoord2f(tw, th); rlVertex3f(x + width, y, z + height); // Bottom Left Of The Texture and Quad
rlTexCoord2f(tx, th); rlVertex3f(x, y, z + height); // Bottom Right Of The Texture and Quad
#if defined(RAYLIB_NEW_RLGL)
void DrawText3D(Font font, const char *text, Vector3 position, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing, bool backface, Color tint) {
int length = TextLength(text); // Total length in bytes of the text, scanned by codepoints in loop
float textOffsetY = 0.0f; // Offset between lines (on line break '\n')
float textOffsetX = 0.0f; // Offset X to next character to draw
float scale = fontSize/(float)font.baseSize;
for (int i = 0; i < length;)
// Get next codepoint from byte string and glyph index in font
int codepointByteCount = 0;
int codepoint = GetCodepoint(&text[i], &codepointByteCount);
int index = GetGlyphIndex(font, codepoint);
// NOTE: Normally we exit the decoding sequence as soon as a bad byte is found (and return 0x3f)
// but we need to draw all of the bad bytes using the '?' symbol moving one byte
if (codepoint == 0x3f) codepointByteCount = 1;
if (codepoint == '\n')
// NOTE: Fixed line spacing of 1.5 line-height
// TODO: Support custom line spacing defined by user
textOffsetY += scale + lineSpacing/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
textOffsetX = 0.0f;
if ((codepoint != ' ') && (codepoint != '\t'))
DrawTextCodepoint3D(font, codepoint, (Vector3){ position.x + textOffsetX, position.y, position.z + textOffsetY }, fontSize, backface, tint);
if (font.chars[index].advanceX == 0) textOffsetX += (float)(font.recs[index].width + fontSpacing)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
else textOffsetX += (float)(font.chars[index].advanceX + fontSpacing)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
i += codepointByteCount; // Move text bytes counter to next codepoint
Vector3 MeasureText3D(Font font, const char* text, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing) {
int len = TextLength(text);
int tempLen = 0; // Used to count longer text line num chars
int lenCounter = 0;
float tempTextWidth = 0.0f; // Used to count longer text line width
float scale = fontSize/(float)font.baseSize;
float textHeight = scale;
float textWidth = 0.0f;
int letter = 0; // Current character
int index = 0; // Index position in sprite font
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
int next = 0;
letter = GetCodepoint(&text[i], &next);
index = GetGlyphIndex(font, letter);
// NOTE: normally we exit the decoding sequence as soon as a bad byte is found (and return 0x3f)
// but we need to draw all of the bad bytes using the '?' symbol so to not skip any we set next = 1
if (letter == 0x3f) next = 1;
i += next - 1;
if (letter != '\n')
if (font.chars[index].advanceX != 0) textWidth += (font.chars[index].advanceX+fontSpacing)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
else textWidth += (font.recs[index].width + font.chars[index].offsetX)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
if (tempTextWidth < textWidth) tempTextWidth = textWidth;
lenCounter = 0;
textWidth = 0.0f;
textHeight += scale + lineSpacing/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
if (tempLen < lenCounter) tempLen = lenCounter;
if (tempTextWidth < textWidth) tempTextWidth = textWidth;
Vector3 vec = { 0 };
vec.x = tempTextWidth + (float)((tempLen - 1)*fontSpacing/(float)font.baseSize*scale); // Adds chars spacing to measure
vec.y = 0.25f;
vec.z = textHeight;
return vec;
Color GenerateRandomColor(float s, float v) {
const float Phi = 0.618033988749895f; // Golden ratio conjugate
float h = GetRandomValue(0, 360);
h = fmodf((h + h*Phi), 360.0f);
return ColorFromHSV(h, s, v);