273 lines
9.1 KiB
273 lines
9.1 KiB
#include "models/crafting.h"
typedef struct {
uint8_t selected_item;
bool drop_item;
bool item_is_held;
uint8_t held_item_idx;
Item held_item;
bool is_inside;
bool storage_action;
bool swap;
uint8_t swap_from;
uint8_t swap_to;
uint16_t craft_item;
} inv_keystate;
static inv_keystate player_inv = {0};
static inv_keystate storage_inv = {0};
bool inv_is_open = false;
bool inv_is_inside = false;
bool inv_is_storage_action = false;
bool inv_swap_storage = false;
// TODO(zaklaus):
// TODO(zaklaus):
typedef struct {
float x, y;
} inv_draw_result;
static inline
int UIMeasureText(const char *text, int fontSize) {
Vector2 vec = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
// Check if default font has been loaded
if (GetFontDefault().texture.id != 0) {
int defaultFontSize = 10; // Default Font chars height in pixel
int new_spacing = fontSize/defaultFontSize;
vec = MeasureTextEx(GetFontDefault(), text, (float)fontSize, (float)new_spacing);
return (int)vec.x;
static inline
void UIDrawText(const char *text, float posX, float posY, int fontSize, Color color) {
// Check if default font has been loaded
if (GetFontDefault().texture.id != 0) {
Vector2 position = { (float)posX , (float)posY };
int defaultFontSize = 22; // Default Font chars height in pixel
int new_spacing = fontSize/defaultFontSize;
DrawTextEx(GetFontDefault(), text, position, (float)fontSize , (float)new_spacing , color);
static inline inv_draw_result
DrawColoredText(float xpos, float ypos, char const *text, Color color) {
UIDrawText(text, xpos, ypos, 22, color);
char const *p = text;
uint8_t newlines = 1;
do {
if (*p == '\n')
} while (*p++ != 0);
return (inv_draw_result){.x = xpos + UIMeasureText(text, 22), .y = ypos + 22*newlines};
static inline
inv_draw_result inventory_draw_crafting_btn(float xpos, float ypos, const char *name, uint16_t id, Color color) {
float name_width=0.0f;
char const *text = TextFormat("> %s", name);
name_width = (float)UIMeasureText(text, 22);
Color new_color = color;
if (is_btn_pressed(xpos, ypos, name_width, 22, &new_color)) {
inv_is_inside = true;
player_inv.craft_item = id;
Color _c_compare_lol = BLACK;
if (!zpl_memcompare(&color, &_c_compare_lol, sizeof(Color))) {
new_color = BLACK;
inv_draw_result res = DrawColoredText(xpos, ypos, text, new_color);
ypos = res.y;
return res;
static inline
bool inventory_draw_crafting_list(float xpos, float ypos) {
// NOTE(zaklaus): collect the list of supported recipes
// TODO(zaklaus): too lazy, draw all recipes everywhere for now
float start_xpos = xpos;
float start_ypos = ypos;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < craft_get_num_recipes(); ++i) {
asset_id id = craft_get_recipe_asset(i);
inventory_draw_crafting_btn(start_xpos+1, ypos+1, asset_names[id], id, BLACK);
inv_draw_result entry = inventory_draw_crafting_btn(start_xpos, ypos, asset_names[id], id, RAYWHITE);
ypos = entry.y;
xpos = zpl_max(xpos, entry.x);
return check_mouse_area(start_xpos, start_ypos, xpos-start_xpos, ypos-start_ypos) != DAREA_OUTSIDE;
void inventory_draw_panel(entity_view *e, bool is_player, float sx, float sy){
if (!e->has_items && is_player)
if (!e->has_storage_items && !is_player)
float x = sx;
float y = sy;
const int32_t grid_size = (is_player) ? (64*3) : (64*4);
const int32_t inv_size = (is_player) ? ITEMS_INVENTORY_SIZE : ITEMS_CONTAINER_SIZE;
const int32_t inv_cols = (is_player) ? 3 : 4;
inv_keystate *inv = (!is_player) ? &storage_inv : &player_inv;
inv_keystate *inv2 = (is_player) ? &storage_inv : &player_inv;
bool inside_craft = !is_player && inventory_draw_crafting_list(screenWidth/2.0f - 684, screenHeight/2.0f - 128);
inv->is_inside = check_mouse_area(sx, sy, (float)grid_size, (float)grid_size) != DAREA_OUTSIDE;
inv_is_inside |= inv->is_inside || inside_craft;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < inv_size; i += 1) {
debug_area_status area = check_mouse_area(x, y, 64, 64);
Color color = RAYWHITE;
Item *item = (is_player) ? &e->items[i] : &e->storage_items[i];
if (area == DAREA_HOVER) {
color = YELLOW;
} else if (area == DAREA_PRESS && inv2->item_is_held){
color = VIOLET;
inv_swap_storage = true;
inv_is_storage_action = true;
inv->item_is_held = false;
inv2->item_is_held = false;
inv->selected_item = i;
inv->swap = true;
inv->swap_from = inv2->held_item_idx;
inv->swap_to = i;
} else if (area == DAREA_PRESS && !inv->item_is_held && !inv2->item_is_held) {
color = VIOLET;
inv_is_storage_action = true;
inv->selected_item = i;
} else if (area == DAREA_PRESS && inv->item_is_held) {
color = VIOLET;
inv_is_storage_action = true;
inv->selected_item = i;
inv->item_is_held = false;
inv->swap = true;
inv->swap_from = inv->held_item_idx;
inv->swap_to = i;
} else if (area == DAREA_HELD && item->quantity > 0 && !inv->item_is_held && !inv2->item_is_held) {
inv_is_storage_action = true;
inv->selected_item = i;
inv->item_is_held = true;
inv->held_item = *item;
inv->held_item_idx = i;
} else if (i == inv->selected_item) {
color = RED;
DrawRectangleLinesEco(x, y, 64, 64, color);
if (item->quantity > 0) {
Texture2D tex = GetSpriteTexture2D(assets_find(item->kind));
float aspect = tex.width/(float)tex.height;
float size = WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE * aspect;
float ofs_x = (WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE-size)/2.0f;
DrawTexturePro(tex, ASSET_SRC_RECT_TEX(tex.width, tex.height), ASSET_DST_RECT_TEX(x+ofs_x, y, size, WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE), (Vector2){0.5f,0.5f}, 0.0f, WHITE);
if (item->quantity > 1) {
DrawTextEco(zpl_bprintf("%d", item->quantity), x+5, y+5, 16, RAYWHITE, 0.0f);
if (item->quantity > 0 && item->durability < 1.0f) {
DrawRectangleEco(x, y+56, 64, 8, BLACK);
DrawRectangleEco(x, y+56, 64*item->durability, 8, BlendColor(RED, GREEN, item->durability));
x += 64;
if ((i+1) % inv_cols == 0) {
x = sx;
y += 64;
// NOTE(zaklaus): switch it off if is_player
if (is_player)
inv_is_storage_action = false;
void inventory_render_held_item(bool is_player){
inv_keystate *inv = (!is_player) ? &storage_inv : &player_inv;
inv_keystate *inv2 = (is_player) ? &storage_inv : &player_inv;
if (inv->item_is_held) {
Vector2 mpos = GetMousePosition();
mpos.x -= 32;
mpos.y -= 32;
Texture2D tex = GetSpriteTexture2D(assets_find(inv->held_item.kind));
float aspect = tex.width/(float)tex.height;
float size = WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE * aspect;
float ofs_x = (WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE-size)/2.0f;
DrawTexturePro(tex, ASSET_SRC_RECT_TEX(tex.width, tex.height), ASSET_DST_RECT_TEX(mpos.x+ofs_x, mpos.y, size, WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE), (Vector2){0.5f,0.5f}, 0.0f, ColorAlpha(WHITE, 0.8f));
DrawTextEco(zpl_bprintf("%d", inv->held_item.quantity), mpos.x, mpos.y, 16, RAYWHITE, 0.0f);
if (!inv->is_inside && IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) && !inv2->is_inside) {
inv->drop_item = true;
inv->item_is_held = false;
inv_is_storage_action = inv == &storage_inv;
void inventory_reset_states(inv_keystate *ik) {
ik->drop_item = false;
ik->swap = false;
ik->craft_item = 0;
void inventory_draw() {
inv_is_storage_action = false;
inv_is_inside = false;
inv_swap_storage = false;
camera cam = camera_get();
entity_view *e = game_world_view_active_get_entity(cam.ent_id);
if (!e || !e->has_items) return;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_TAB)) {
inv_is_open = !inv_is_open;
if (!inv_is_open || build_is_in_draw_mode) {
inventory_draw_panel(e, true, screenWidth/2.0f + 128, screenHeight/2.0f - 96);
inventory_draw_panel(e, false, screenWidth/2.0f - 384, screenHeight/2.0f - 128);
// TODO(zaklaus): draw craft list
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_O)) {
player_inv.craft_item = ASSET_SCREWS;