#include "game.h" #include "zpl.h" #include "platform.h" #include "world/world.h" #include "packet.h" #include "signal_handling.h" #include "network.h" #include "entity.h" #include "world_view.h" #include "entity_view.h" #include "camera.h" #include "profiler.h" #include "flecs/flecs.h" #include "flecs/flecs_dash.h" #include "flecs/flecs_systems_civetweb.h" #include "flecs/flecs_os_api_stdcpp.h" #include "modules/components.h" #include "modules/systems.h" #include "packets/pkt_00_init.h" #include "packets/pkt_01_welcome.h" #include "packets/pkt_send_keystate.h" static uint8_t game_mode; static world_view *world_viewers; static world_view *active_viewer; static WORLD_PKT_READER(pkt_reader) { pkt_header header = {0}; uint32_t ok = pkt_header_decode(&header, data, datalen); header.udata = udata; if (ok && header.ok) { return pkt_handlers[header.id].handler(&header) >= 0; } else { zpl_printf("[warn] unknown packet id %d (header %d data %d)\n", header.id, ok, header.ok); } return -1; } static WORLD_PKT_WRITER(sp_pkt_writer) { (void)udata; return world_read(pkt->data, pkt->datalen, (void*)game_world_view_get_active()->owner_id); } static WORLD_PKT_WRITER(mp_pkt_writer) { (void)udata; if (pkt->is_reliable) { return network_msg_send(pkt->data, pkt->datalen); } else { return network_msg_send_unreliable(pkt->data, pkt->datalen); } } void world_viewers_init(uint32_t num_viewers) { zpl_buffer_init(world_viewers, zpl_heap(), num_viewers); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_viewers; i++) { zpl_buffer_append(world_viewers, world_view_create(i)); } } void world_viewers_destroy() { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < zpl_buffer_count(world_viewers); i++) { world_view_destroy(&world_viewers[i]); } zpl_buffer_free(world_viewers); } world_view *game_world_view_get(uint16_t idx) { return &world_viewers[idx]; } world_view *game_world_view_get_active(void) { return active_viewer; } void game_world_view_cycle_active(int8_t dir) { uint16_t idx = (uint16_t)(active_viewer - world_viewers); game_world_view_set_active_by_idx(zpl_max(0, (idx+dir)%zpl_buffer_count(world_viewers))); } void game_world_view_set_active_by_idx(uint16_t idx) { ZPL_ASSERT(idx >= 0 && idx < zpl_buffer_count(world_viewers)); game_world_view_set_active(&world_viewers[idx]); } void game_world_view_active_entity_map(void (*map_proc)(uint64_t key, entity_view * value)) { entity_view_map(&active_viewer->entities, map_proc); } void game_world_view_set_active(world_view *view) { active_viewer = view; camera_set_follow(view->owner_id); } void flecs_dash_init() { ECS_IMPORT(world_ecs(), FlecsDash); ECS_IMPORT(world_ecs(), FlecsSystemsCivetweb); ecs_set(world_ecs(), 0, EcsDashServer, {.port = 27001}); } float game_time() { return zpl_time_rel(); } void game_init(game_kind play_mode, uint32_t num_viewers, int32_t seed, uint16_t chunk_size, uint16_t chunk_amount, int8_t is_dash_enabled) { game_mode = play_mode; platform_init(); world_viewers_init(num_viewers); active_viewer = &world_viewers[0]; camera_reset(); if (game_mode == GAMEKIND_CLIENT) { world_setup_pkt_handlers(pkt_reader, mp_pkt_writer); network_init(); network_client_connect("", 27000); } else { stdcpp_set_os_api(); world_setup_pkt_handlers(pkt_reader, sp_pkt_writer); world_init(seed, chunk_size, chunk_amount); if (is_dash_enabled) flecs_dash_init(); ecs_set_target_fps(world_ecs(), 60); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_viewers; i++) { pkt_00_init_send(i); } } int8_t game_is_networked() { return game_mode != GAMEKIND_SINGLE; } void game_shutdown() { world_viewers_destroy(); if (game_mode == GAMEKIND_CLIENT) { network_client_disconnect(); network_destroy(); } else { world_destroy(); } } uint8_t game_is_running() { return platform_is_running(); } void game_input() { platform_input(); } void game_update() { if (game_mode == GAMEKIND_CLIENT) { network_client_tick(); } else world_update(); game_world_cleanup_entities(); } void game_render() { platform_render(); } void game_action_send_keystate(float x, float y, uint8_t use, uint8_t sprint) { pkt_send_keystate_send(active_viewer->view_id, x, y, use, sprint); } #define GAME_ENT_REMOVAL_TIME 10000 #define GAME_ENT_REMOVAL_TRESHOLD 500 void game_world_cleanup_entities(void) { // TODO(zaklaus): not the best approach to do a cleanup, let memory stay for a while as it might be reused later on anyway. #if 1 profile(PROF_ENTITY_REMOVAL) { static uint64_t last_removal_time = 0; if (last_removal_time > zpl_time_rel_ms()) return; last_removal_time = zpl_time_rel_ms() + GAME_ENT_REMOVAL_TIME; for (int i = 0; i < zpl_buffer_count(world_viewers); i += 1){ entity_view_tbl *view = &world_viewers[i].entities; uint32_t deletions = 0; for (int j = 0; j < zpl_array_count(view->entries); j += 1) { if (deletions > GAME_ENT_REMOVAL_TRESHOLD) return; entity_view *e = &view->entries[j].value; if (e->tran_effect == ETRAN_REMOVE) { entity_view_tbl_remove(view, e->ent_id); deletions++; } } } } #endif } void game_request_close() { platform_request_close(); }