#include "platform.h" #include "raylib.h" #include "raymath.h" #include "network.h" #include "game.h" #include "entity_view.h" #include "prediction.h" #include "camera.h" #include "math.h" #include "world/blocks.h" #include "assets.h" #include "profiler.h" #include "debug_ui.h" #include "utils/raylib_helpers.h" uint16_t screenWidth = 1600; uint16_t screenHeight = 900; float target_zoom = 4.0f; float zoom_overlay_tran = 0.0f; #define CAM_OVERLAY_ZOOM_LEVEL 0.80f static Camera2D render_camera; void platform_init() { InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "eco2d - client"); SetWindowState(FLAG_WINDOW_UNDECORATED|FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED|FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE); SetTargetFPS(60); screenWidth = GetScreenWidth(); screenHeight = GetScreenHeight(); render_camera.target = (Vector2){0.0f,0.0f}; render_camera.offset = (Vector2){screenWidth/2.0f, screenHeight/2.0f}; render_camera.rotation = 0.0f; render_camera.zoom = 4.0f; // NOTE(zaklaus): Paint the screen before we load the game // TODO(zaklaus): Render a cool loading screen background maybe? :wink: :wink: BeginDrawing(); ClearBackground(GetColor(0x222034)); char const *loading_text = "zpl.eco2d is loading..."; int text_w = MeasureText(loading_text, 120); DrawText(loading_text, GetScreenWidth()-text_w-15, GetScreenHeight()-135, 120, RAYWHITE); EndDrawing(); blocks_setup(); assets_setup(); } void platform_shutdown() { blocks_destroy(); assets_destroy(); CloseWindow(); } uint8_t platform_is_running() { return !WindowShouldClose(); } void platform_input() { float mouse_z = (GetMouseWheelMove()*0.5f); if (mouse_z != 0.0f) { target_zoom = zpl_clamp(target_zoom+mouse_z, 0.3f, 10.0f); } // NOTE(zaklaus): keystate handling { float x=0.0f, y=0.0f; uint8_t use, sprint; if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT) || IsKeyDown(KEY_D)) x += 1.0f; if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT) || IsKeyDown(KEY_A)) x -= 1.0f; if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP) || IsKeyDown(KEY_W)) y -= 1.0f; if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN) || IsKeyDown(KEY_S)) y += 1.0f; use = IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE); sprint = IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT) || IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT); // NOTE(zaklaus): NEW! mouse movement if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON)) { Vector2 mouse_pos = GetMousePosition(); mouse_pos.x /= screenWidth; mouse_pos.y /= screenHeight; mouse_pos.x -= 0.5f; mouse_pos.y -= 0.5f; mouse_pos = Vector2Normalize(mouse_pos); x = mouse_pos.x; y = mouse_pos.y; } game_action_send_keystate(x, y, use, sprint); } // NOTE(zaklaus): cycle through viewers { if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_Q)) { game_world_view_cycle_active(-1); } else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_E)) { game_world_view_cycle_active(1); } } } void display_conn_status(); void DEBUG_draw_entities(uint64_t key, entity_view * data); void DEBUG_draw_ground(uint64_t key, entity_view * data); void lerp_entity_positions(uint64_t key, entity_view * data); void do_entity_fadeinout(uint64_t key, entity_view * data); float zpl_lerp(float,float,float); void platform_render() { profile(PROF_ENTITY_LERP) { game_world_view_active_entity_map(lerp_entity_positions); game_world_view_active_entity_map(do_entity_fadeinout); } render_camera.zoom = zpl_lerp(render_camera.zoom, target_zoom, 0.18); camera_update(); camera game_camera = camera_get(); render_camera.target = (Vector2){game_camera.x, game_camera.y}; zoom_overlay_tran = zpl_lerp(zoom_overlay_tran, (target_zoom <= CAM_OVERLAY_ZOOM_LEVEL) ? 1.0f : 0.0f, GetFrameTime()*2.0f); BeginDrawing(); profile (PROF_RENDER) { ClearBackground(GetColor(0x222034)); BeginMode2D(render_camera); game_world_view_active_entity_map(DEBUG_draw_ground); game_world_view_active_entity_map(DEBUG_draw_entities); EndMode2D(); display_conn_status(); debug_draw(); } EndDrawing(); } void display_conn_status() { if (game_is_networked()) { if (network_client_is_connected()) { DrawText("Connection: online", 5, 5, 12, GREEN); } else { DrawText("Connection: offline", 5, 5, 12, RED); } } else { DrawText("Connection: single-player", 5, 5, 12, BLUE); } } void DEBUG_draw_ground(uint64_t key, entity_view * data) { (void)key; switch (data->kind) { case EKIND_CHUNK: { world_view *view = game_world_view_get_active(); int32_t size = view->chunk_size * WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE; int16_t offset = 0; float x = data->x * size + offset; float y = data->y * size + offset; DrawRectangleEco(x, y, size-offset, size-offset, ColorAlpha(LIME, data->tran_time)); #if 0 float block_size = view->block_size*0.70f; int16_t chunk_size = view->chunk_size; float block_spacing = (float)block_size * (size/(float)(chunk_size*block_size)); float block_offset = size - block_spacing*chunk_size; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < chunk_size*chunk_size; i++) { int32_t bx = (float)(i % chunk_size) * block_spacing + (int16_t)x + block_offset; int32_t by = (float)(i / chunk_size) * block_spacing + (int16_t)y + block_offset; DrawRectangleEco(bx, by, block_size, block_size, GREEN); } #endif if (zoom_overlay_tran > 0.02f) { DrawRectangleEco(x, y, size-offset, size-offset, ColorAlpha(ColorFromHSV(key*x, 0.13f, 0.89f), data->tran_time*zoom_overlay_tran)); DrawTextEco(TextFormat("%d %d", (int)data->x, (int)data->y), (int16_t)x+15, (int16_t)y+15, 65 , ColorAlpha(BLACK, data->tran_time*zoom_overlay_tran), 0.0); } }break; default:break; } } static inline float lerp(float a, float b, float t) { return a * (1.0f - t) + b * t; } void DEBUG_draw_entities(uint64_t key, entity_view * data) { uint16_t size = 4; uint16_t font_size = (uint16_t)lerp(4.0f, 32.0f, 0.5f/(float)render_camera.zoom); float font_spacing = 1.1f; float title_bg_offset = 4; float fixed_title_offset = 2; switch (data->kind) { case EKIND_THING: { float x = data->x; float y = data->y; const char *title = TextFormat("Thing %d", key); int title_w = MeasureTextEco(title, font_size, font_spacing); DrawRectangleEco(x-title_w/2-title_bg_offset/2, y-size-font_size-fixed_title_offset, title_w+title_bg_offset, font_size, ColorAlpha(BLACK, data->tran_time)); DrawTextEco(title, x-title_w/2, y-size-font_size-fixed_title_offset, font_size, ColorAlpha(RAYWHITE, data->tran_time), font_spacing); DrawCircleEco(x, y, size, ColorAlpha(BLUE, data->tran_time)); }break; case EKIND_PLAYER: { float x = data->x; float y = data->y; const char *title = TextFormat("Player %d", key); int title_w = MeasureTextEco(title, font_size, font_spacing); DrawRectangleEco(x-title_w/2-title_bg_offset/2, y-size-font_size-fixed_title_offset, title_w+title_bg_offset, font_size, ColorAlpha(BLACK, data->tran_time)); DrawTextEco(title, x-title_w/2, y-size-font_size-fixed_title_offset, font_size, ColorAlpha(RAYWHITE, data->tran_time), font_spacing); DrawCircleEco(x, y, size, ColorAlpha(RED, data->tran_time)); }break; default:break; } } void lerp_entity_positions(uint64_t key, entity_view *data) { (void)key; world_view *view = game_world_view_get_active(); if (data->flag == EFLAG_INTERP) { #if 1 data->x = smooth_val(data->x, data->tx, view->delta_time[data->layer_id]); data->y = smooth_val(data->y, data->ty, view->delta_time[data->layer_id]); #else data->x = data->tx; data->y = data->ty; #endif } } float platform_frametime() { return GetFrameTime(); } void do_entity_fadeinout(uint64_t key, entity_view * data) { (void)key; switch (data->tran_effect) { case ETRAN_FADEIN: { data->tran_time += GetFrameTime(); if (data->tran_time > 1.0f) { data->tran_effect = ETRAN_NONE; data->tran_time = 1.0f; } }break; case ETRAN_FADEOUT: { data->tran_time -= GetFrameTime(); if (data->tran_time < 0.0f) { data->tran_effect = ETRAN_REMOVE; data->tran_time = 0.0f; } }break; default: break; } } float platform_zoom_get(void) { return target_zoom; }