// Component that implements a traversable entity tree Vue.component('entity-tree', { props: { filter: Array, search_text: String, auto_update: Boolean }, mounted: function() { this.startRequesting(""); }, beforeDestroy: function() { this.stopRequesting(); }, data: function() { return { scope_pending: "", scope: "", scope_info: {}, scope_request: undefined, entities: [], entity: "", error: false } }, methods: { // Send an HTTP request for the current scope request_scope(scope) { var url = "browse/" + scope + "?include=Name"; if (this.filter) { url += "," + this.filter.join(","); } app.get(url, (msg) => { if (this.scope != this.scope_pending) { this.$emit("select-scope", {scope: this.scope_pending}); } this.scope = this.scope_pending; this.entities = msg; this.error = false; }, (Http) => { if (Http.status == 404) { this.error = true; } }); }, // Send an HTTP request for the current scope request_scope_info(scope) { var filter = "" if (this.filter) { filter = "?include=" + this.filter.join(","); } app.get("info/" + scope + filter, (msg) => { this.scope_info = msg; }, (Http) => { if (Http.status == 404) { this.error = true; } }); }, // Send an HTTP request for the current scope request_add_entity(entity) { app.post("entity/" + entity, (msg) => { }, (Http) => { if (Http.status == 404) { this.error = true; } }); }, // Stop periodically requesting the scope stopRequesting() { this.scope = undefined; this.scope_validated = undefined; clearInterval(this.scope_request); }, // Start periodically requesting a scope startRequesting(scope) { this.stopRequesting(); // Initial request var scope_url = scope.replace(/\./g, "/"); this.request_scope(scope_url); this.request_scope_info(scope_url); // Start periodic request if (this.auto_update) { this.scope_request = window.setInterval(function() { this.request_scope(scope_url); }.bind(this), 1000); } }, // Reset to initial state reset() { this.entity = ""; this.entities = []; this.scope = ""; this.scope_pending = ""; this.$refs.search.set_value(""); if (!this.auto_update) { this.startRequesting(this.scope); } }, // Change current scope to fully qualified path set_scope(scope) { this.scope_pending = scope; this.$refs.search.set_value(scope); this.startRequesting(scope); if (this.entity != "") { this.select_entity(""); } }, // Event that contains an full path e_set_scope: function(event) { this.set_scope(event.entity); }, // Event that contains a relative entity id e_set_scope_relative: function(event) { var scope = ""; if (this.scope && this.scope != "") { scope = this.scope + "." + event.entity; } else { scope = event.entity; } this.set_scope(scope); }, // Select an entity from the tree select_entity(entity) { if (entity == this.entity) { this.entity = ""; } else { this.entity = entity; } this.$emit("select-entity", {entity: this.entity}); }, // Select the current scope e_select_scope: function() { this.select_entity(this.scope); }, e_add_entity: function(e) { this.request_add_entity(e.entity); this.scope = this.scope_pending; var parent = this.parent; this.scope_pending = parent; this.startRequesting(parent); this.$refs.search.set_value(parent); }, // Select a relative entity identifier e_select_entity_relative: function(event) { var entity; if (this.scope) { entity = this.scope + "." + event.entity; } else { entity = event.entity; } this.select_entity(entity); }, entity_tree_css() { var result = "entity-tree-list"; if (this.show_nav) { result += " entity-tree-list-container"; } return result; } }, computed: { parent: function() { if (this.scope && this.scope.indexOf(".")) { return this.scope.substr(0, this.scope.lastIndexOf(".")); } else { return ""; } } }, template: `
` });