#!/bin/bash set -xe if [ ! -d "build_web" ]; then echo "Build directory not found. Run setup_web.sh first." exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "butler" ]; then mkdir butler wget https://broth.itch.ovh/butler/linux-amd64/LATEST/archive/default -O butler.zip mv butler.zip butler/ pushd butler/ unzip butler.zip rm -rf butler.zip chmod +x ./butler ./butler -V popd fi # Build the project web/build.sh # Package all assets if [ ! -f "build_web/index.html" ]; then echo "Build data not found. Compilation errors?" exit 1 fi mkdir -p deploy_web cp build_web/eco2d.* deploy_web/ cp build_web/index.html deploy_web/ # Deploy to itch.io ./butler/butler push deploy_web/ zaklaus/eco2d:html-latest # Teardown rm -rf deploy_web