static inline void int_to_hex_color(uint32_t color, char *text); static inline int GuiDropdownBoxEco(Rectangle bounds, char const *text, char const *caption, int *active, bool editMode); static inline bool GuiValueBoxEco(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, int *value, int minValue, int maxValue, bool editMode); static inline bool IsCtrlAcceleratorPressed(char key); static inline char const *prettify_op_name(int idx); void texed_draw_topbar(zpl_aabb2 r) { zpl_aabb2 zoom_ctrl_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&r, 150.0f); zoom = GuiSlider(aabb2_ray(zoom_ctrl_r), "zoom: ", zpl_bprintf("%.02f x", zoom), zoom, 1.0f, 16.0f); if (zoom != old_zoom) { ctx.is_saved = false; old_zoom = zoom; } zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&r, 100.0f); zpl_aabb2 render_tiles_ctrl_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&r, 150.0f); render_tiles = (int)GuiSlider(aabb2_ray(render_tiles_ctrl_r), "tiles: ", zpl_bprintf("%d", render_tiles+1), render_tiles, 0.0f, 50.0f); zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&r, 100.0f); zpl_aabb2 new_prj_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&r, 60.0f); static bool new_pending = false; if (GuiButton(aabb2_ray(new_prj_r), "NEW") || IsCtrlAcceleratorPressed('n')) { if (ctx.is_saved) { texed_clear(); texed_new(TD_DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH, TD_DEFAULT_IMG_HEIGHT); } else { new_pending = true; texed_msgbox_init("Discard unsaved work?", "You have an unsaved work! Do you want to proceed?", "OK;Cancel"); } } if (new_pending && ctx.msgbox.result != -1) { new_pending = false; if (ctx.msgbox.result == 1) { texed_clear(); texed_new(TD_DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH, TD_DEFAULT_IMG_HEIGHT); } ctx.msgbox.result = -1; // NOTE(zaklaus): ensure we don't re-trigger this branch next frame } zpl_aabb2 load_prj_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&r, 60.0f); static bool load_pending = false; if (GuiButton(aabb2_ray(load_prj_r), "LOAD") || IsCtrlAcceleratorPressed('o')) { load_pending = true; if (ctx.is_saved) { ctx.fileDialog.fileDialogActive = true; } else { texed_msgbox_init("Discard unsaved work?", "You have an unsaved work! Do you want to proceed?", "OK;Cancel"); } } if (ctx.fileDialog.SelectFilePressed && load_pending) { ctx.fileDialog.SelectFilePressed = false; if (IsFileExtension(ctx.fileDialog.fileNameText, ".ecotex")) { strcpy(filename, GetFileNameWithoutExt(ctx.fileDialog.fileNameText)); ctx.filepath = filename; load_pending = false; texed_load(); } else { ctx.fileDialog.fileDialogActive = true; } } if (load_pending && ctx.msgbox.result != -1) { if (ctx.msgbox.result == 1) { ctx.fileDialog.fileDialogActive = true; } else load_pending = false; ctx.msgbox.result = -1; // NOTE(zaklaus): ensure we don't re-trigger this branch next frame } zpl_aabb2 save_prj_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&r, 60.0f); static bool save_as_pending = false; if (GuiButton(aabb2_ray(save_prj_r), "SAVE") || IsCtrlAcceleratorPressed('s')) { if (ctx.filepath == NULL) { save_as_pending = true; ctx.fileDialog.fileDialogActive = true; } else { texed_save(); } } zpl_aabb2 save_as_prj_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&r, 60.0f); if (GuiButton(aabb2_ray(save_as_prj_r), "SAVE AS")) { save_as_pending = true; ctx.fileDialog.fileDialogActive = true; } if (ctx.fileDialog.SelectFilePressed && save_as_pending) { ctx.fileDialog.SelectFilePressed = false; if (TextLength(ctx.fileDialog.fileNameText)) { strcpy(filename, GetFileNameWithoutExt(ctx.fileDialog.fileNameText)); ctx.filepath = filename; save_as_pending = false; texed_save(); } else { ctx.fileDialog.fileDialogActive = true; } } zpl_aabb2 split_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&r, 5.0f); split_r = zpl_aabb2_contract(&split_r, 2.0f); DrawAABB(split_r, BLACK); zpl_aabb2 exports_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&r, 240.0f); GuiSetState(ctx.filepath ? GUI_STATE_NORMAL : GUI_STATE_DISABLED); zpl_aabb2 export_code_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&exports_r, 120.0f); if (GuiButton(aabb2_ray(export_code_r), "BUILD TEXTURE")) { texed_export_cc(ctx.filepath); } zpl_aabb2 export_img_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&exports_r, 120.0f); if (GuiButton(aabb2_ray(export_img_r), "EXPORT AS IMAGE")) { texed_export_png(ctx.filepath); } GuiSetState(GUI_STATE_NORMAL); zpl_aabb2 prj_name_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_right(&r, 200.0f); zpl_aabb2_cut_right(&prj_name_r, 15.0f); GuiSetStyle(LABEL, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT); GuiDrawText(zpl_bprintf("Project: %s%s", ctx.filepath ? ctx.filepath : "(unnamed)", ctx.is_saved ? "" : "*"), GetTextBounds(LABEL, aabb2_ray(prj_name_r)), GuiGetStyle(LABEL, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GREEN, guiAlpha)); GuiSetStyle(LABEL, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); } void texed_draw_oplist_pane(zpl_aabb2 r) { // NOTE(zaklaus): add operator { zpl_aabb2 add_op_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_right(&r, 200.0f); DrawAABB(add_op_r, GetColor(0x122025)); add_op_r = zpl_aabb2_contract(&add_op_r, 3.0f); Rectangle panel_rec = aabb2_ray(add_op_r); static Vector2 panel_scroll = {99, -20}; float list_y = (DEF_OPS_LEN) * 22.5f; if (list_y >= (add_op_r.max.y-add_op_r.min.y)) add_op_r.min.x += 12.0f; else add_op_r.min.x += 2.0f; add_op_r.max.y = add_op_r.min.y + list_y; Rectangle view = GuiScrollPanel(panel_rec, aabb2_ray(add_op_r), &panel_scroll); BeginScissorMode(view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height); GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); for (int i = 0; i < DEF_OPS_LEN; i += 1) { if (default_ops[i].is_locked) continue; tcat_desc cat_info = default_cats[default_ops[i].cat]; Color color = cat_info.color; zpl_aabb2 add_op_btn_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_top(&add_op_r, 22.5f); add_op_btn_r.min.y += panel_scroll.y; add_op_btn_r.max.y += panel_scroll.y; add_op_btn_r.max.x -= 2.0f; zpl_aabb2_cut_bottom(&add_op_btn_r, 2.5f); GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER, ColorToInt(Fade(color, 0.89f))); GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH, 1); if (GuiButton(aabb2_ray(add_op_btn_r), prettify_op_name(i))) { texed_add_op(default_ops[i].kind); } GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER, 0x838383ff); GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, BORDER_WIDTH, 2); } GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER); EndScissorMode(); } // NOTE(zaklaus): recalculate height based on ops count Rectangle panel_rec = aabb2_ray(r); static Vector2 panel_scroll = {99, -20}; float list_y = zpl_array_count(ctx.ops)*25.0f; if (list_y >= (r.max.y-r.min.y)) r.min.x += 12.0f; else r.min.x += 2.0f; r.max.y = r.min.y + list_y; Rectangle view = GuiScrollPanel(panel_rec, aabb2_ray(r), &panel_scroll); BeginScissorMode(view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height); // NOTE(zaklaus): operator list for (int i = 0; i < zpl_array_count(ctx.ops); i += 1) { td_op *op = &ctx.ops[i]; zpl_aabb2 op_item_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_top(&r, 25.0f); op_item_r.min.y += panel_scroll.y; op_item_r.max.y += panel_scroll.y; zpl_aabb2_cut_top(&op_item_r, 2.5f); zpl_aabb2_cut_bottom(&op_item_r, 2.5f); Rectangle list_item = aabb2_ray(op_item_r); tcat_desc cat_info = default_cats[default_ops[texed_find_op(op->kind)].cat]; Color bg_color = cat_info.color; DrawRectangleRec(list_item, ColorAlpha(bg_color, ctx.selected_op == i ? 0.6f : 0.325f)); zpl_aabb2 swap_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&op_item_r, 50.0f); Rectangle list_text = aabb2_ray(op_item_r); zpl_aabb2_cut_right(&swap_r, 5.0f); zpl_aabb2 swap_top = zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&swap_r, aabb2_ray(swap_r).width/2.0f); zpl_aabb2 swap_bottom = swap_r; if (i == 0 || op->is_locked || (i > 0 && ctx.ops[i-1].is_locked)) GuiSetState(GUI_STATE_DISABLED); if (GuiButton(aabb2_ray(swap_top), "#121#")) { texed_swp_op(i, i-1); } GuiSetState(GUI_STATE_NORMAL); if (op->is_locked || (i+1 < zpl_array_count(ctx.ops) && ctx.ops[i+1].is_locked) || i+1 >= zpl_array_count(ctx.ops)) GuiSetState(GUI_STATE_DISABLED); if (GuiButton(aabb2_ray(swap_bottom), "#120#")) { texed_swp_op(i, i+1); } GuiSetState(GUI_STATE_NORMAL); zpl_aabb2 theme_stripe = zpl_aabb2_add_right(&swap_r, 3.0f); if (op->is_locked && op->is_hidden) { zpl_aabb2 stripe_bottom = zpl_aabb2_cut_bottom(&theme_stripe, (theme_stripe.max.y-theme_stripe.min.y)/2.0f); DrawAABB(theme_stripe, SKYBLUE); DrawAABB(stripe_bottom, RED); } else if (op->is_locked) { DrawAABB(theme_stripe, SKYBLUE); } else if (op->is_hidden) { DrawAABB(theme_stripe, RED); } zpl_aabb2 remove_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_right(&op_item_r, 20.0f); if (op->is_locked) GuiSetState(GUI_STATE_DISABLED); if (GuiButton(aabb2_ray(remove_r), "#143#")) { texed_rem_op(i); } zpl_aabb2 hidden_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_right(&op_item_r, 20.0f); if (!default_ops[texed_find_op(op->kind)].is_locked) GuiSetState(GUI_STATE_NORMAL); if (op->is_hidden) { GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, BASE, ColorToInt(RED)); } if (GuiButton(aabb2_ray(hidden_r), op->is_hidden ? "#45#" : "#44#")) { op->is_hidden = !op->is_hidden; texed_repaint_preview(); } GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, BASE, 0x202020ff); GuiSetState(GUI_STATE_NORMAL); zpl_aabb2 lock_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_right(&op_item_r, 20.0f); if (default_ops[texed_find_op(op->kind)].is_locked) GuiSetState(GUI_STATE_DISABLED); if (op->is_locked) { GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, BASE, ColorToInt(BLUE)); } if (GuiButton(aabb2_ray(lock_r), op->is_locked ? "#137#" : "#138#")) { op->is_locked = !op->is_locked; ctx.is_saved = false; } GuiSetStyle(BUTTON, BASE, 0x202020ff); GuiSetState(GUI_STATE_NORMAL); if (ctx.selected_op == i) GuiSetState(GUI_STATE_DISABLED); zpl_aabb2 select_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_right(&op_item_r, 20.0f); if (GuiButton(aabb2_ray(select_r), "#141#")) { ctx.selected_op = i; ctx.is_saved = false; } GuiSetState(GUI_STATE_NORMAL); GuiDrawText(zpl_bprintf("%s %s", prettify_op_name(texed_find_op(op->kind)), op->is_locked ? "(locked)" : ""), GetTextBounds(LABEL, list_text), GuiGetStyle(LABEL, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(RAYWHITE, guiAlpha)); } EndScissorMode(); } void texed_draw_props_pane(zpl_aabb2 r) { if (zpl_array_count(ctx.ops) == 0) { GuiSetStyle(LABEL, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER); GuiDrawText("No operation is selected!", GetTextBounds(LABEL, aabb2_ray(r)), GuiGetStyle(LABEL, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(RAYWHITE, guiAlpha)); GuiSetStyle(LABEL, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); return; } td_op *op = &ctx.ops[ctx.selected_op]; Rectangle dims = aabb2_ray(r); zpl_aabb2 column_1_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&r, dims.width/2.0f); zpl_aabb2 column_2_r = r; float prop_height = 25.0f; int prop_column_treshold = (int)zpl_floor(dims.height / prop_height); for (int i = 0; i < op->num_params; i += 1) { td_param *p = &op->params[i]; zpl_aabb2 *c = (i >= prop_column_treshold) ? &column_2_r : &column_1_r; zpl_aabb2 item = zpl_aabb2_cut_top(c, prop_height); zpl_aabb2_cut_bottom(&item, 5.0f); zpl_aabb2 label_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&item, dims.width/6.0f); zpl_aabb2 tbox_r = item; GuiDrawText(zpl_bprintf("%s: ", p->name ? p->name : "prop"), GetTextBounds(LABEL, aabb2_ray(label_r)), GuiGetStyle(LABEL, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(RAYWHITE, guiAlpha)); static bool is_color_editing = false; if (is_color_editing) GuiLock(); switch (p->kind) { case TPARAM_COLOR: { if (is_color_editing) GuiUnlock(); if (GuiTextBoxEx(aabb2_ray(tbox_r), p->str, 1000, p->edit_mode)) { p->edit_mode = true; is_color_editing = true; } if (p->edit_mode) { zpl_aabb2 extra_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_top(c, prop_height*4.0f + 50.0f); zpl_aabb2_cut_bottom(&extra_r, 50.0f); zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&extra_r, dims.width/6.0f); DrawRectangleRec(aabb2_ray(extra_r), GRAY); zpl_aabb2 ok_r = zpl_aabb2_cut_left(&extra_r, 50.0f); p->color = GuiColorPicker(aabb2_ray(extra_r), p->color); if (GuiButton(aabb2_ray(ok_r), "OK")) { GuiUnlock(); p->edit_mode = false; is_color_editing = false; int_to_hex_color(ColorToInt(p->color), p->str); texed_repaint_preview(); } } if (is_color_editing) GuiLock(); }break; case TPARAM_SLIDER: { p->flt = GuiSlider(aabb2_ray(tbox_r), NULL, zpl_bprintf("%.02f", p->flt), p->flt, 0.0f, 1.0f); if (p->old_flt != p->flt) { sprintf(p->str, "%f", p->flt); p->old_flt = p->flt; texed_repaint_preview(); } }break; case TPARAM_INT: case TPARAM_COORD: { if (GuiValueBoxEco(aabb2_ray(tbox_r), NULL, &p->i32, INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, p->edit_mode)) { p->edit_mode = !p->edit_mode; if (!p->edit_mode) { sprintf(p->str, "%d", p->i32); texed_repaint_preview(); } else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT)) { p->i32 = 0; } }; }break; default: { if (GuiTextBoxEx(aabb2_ray(tbox_r), p->str, 1000, p->edit_mode)) { p->edit_mode = !p->edit_mode; if (!p->edit_mode) texed_repaint_preview(); } }break; }; if (is_color_editing) GuiUnlock(); } } zpl_global const char zpl__num_to_char_table[] = "0123456789" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "@$"; static inline void int_to_hex_color(uint32_t value, char *string) { char *buf = string; if (value) { while (value > 0) { *buf++ = zpl__num_to_char_table[value % 16]; value /= 16; } } else { *buf++ = '0'; } *buf = '\0'; zpl_strrev(string); } // Dropdown Box control // NOTE: Returns mouse click static inline int GuiDropdownBoxEco(Rectangle bounds, char const *text, char const *caption, int *active, bool editMode) { GuiControlState state = guiState; int itemSelected = *active; int itemFocused = -1; // Get substrings items from text (items pointers, lengths and count) int itemsCount = 0; const char **items = GuiTextSplit(text, &itemsCount, NULL); Rectangle boundsOpen = bounds; boundsOpen.height = (itemsCount + 1)*(bounds.height + GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, DROPDOWN_ITEMS_PADDING)); Rectangle itemBounds = bounds; bool pressed = false; // Check mouse button pressed // Update control //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked && (itemsCount > 1)) { Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition(); if (editMode) { state = GUI_STATE_PRESSED; // Check if already selected item has been pressed again if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds) && IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) pressed = true; // Check focused and selected item for (int i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++) { // Update item rectangle y position for next item itemBounds.y += (bounds.height + GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, DROPDOWN_ITEMS_PADDING)); if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, itemBounds)) { itemFocused = i; if (IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) { itemSelected = i; pressed = true; // Item selected, change to editMode = false } break; } } itemBounds = bounds; } else { if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds)) { if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) { pressed = true; state = GUI_STATE_PRESSED; } else state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draw control //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (editMode) GuiPanel(boundsOpen); GuiDrawRectangle(bounds, GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, BORDER + state*3)), guiAlpha), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, BASE + state*3)), guiAlpha)); GuiDrawText(caption, GetTextBounds(DEFAULT, bounds), GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT + state*3)), guiAlpha)); if (editMode) { // Draw visible items for (int i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++) { // Update item rectangle y position for next item itemBounds.y += (bounds.height + GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, DROPDOWN_ITEMS_PADDING)); if (i == itemSelected) { GuiDrawRectangle(itemBounds, GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, BORDER_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, BASE_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha)); GuiDrawText(items[i], GetTextBounds(DEFAULT, itemBounds), GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha)); } else if (i == itemFocused) { GuiDrawRectangle(itemBounds, GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, BORDER_COLOR_FOCUSED)), guiAlpha), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, BASE_COLOR_FOCUSED)), guiAlpha)); GuiDrawText(items[i], GetTextBounds(DEFAULT, itemBounds), GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT_COLOR_FOCUSED)), guiAlpha)); } else GuiDrawText(items[i], GetTextBounds(DEFAULT, itemBounds), GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT_COLOR_NORMAL)), guiAlpha)); } } // TODO: Avoid this function, use icon instead or 'v' DrawTriangle(RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Vector2){ bounds.x + bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, ARROW_PADDING), bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - 2 }, RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Vector2){ bounds.x + bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, ARROW_PADDING) + 5, bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - 2 + 5 }, RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Vector2){ bounds.x + bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, ARROW_PADDING) + 10, bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - 2 }, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha)); //GuiDrawText("v", RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x + bounds.width - GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, ARROW_PADDING), bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - 2, 10, 10 }, // GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha)); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition(); // Check if mouse has been pressed or released outside limits if (!CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, boundsOpen)) { if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) || IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) { return 2; } } *active = itemSelected; return pressed; } #define TD_UI_MSGBOX_WIDTH 320 #define TD_UI_MSGBOX_HEIGHT 200 void texed_draw_msgbox(zpl_aabb2 r) { if (!ctx.msgbox.visible) return; DrawRectangle(r.min.x, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.max.y, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BACKGROUND_COLOR)), 0.85f)); Rectangle rec = { r.max.x/2.0f - TD_UI_MSGBOX_WIDTH/2.0f, r.max.y/2.0f - TD_UI_MSGBOX_HEIGHT/2.0f, TD_UI_MSGBOX_WIDTH, TD_UI_MSGBOX_HEIGHT, }; ctx.msgbox.result = GuiMessageBox(rec, ctx.msgbox.title, ctx.msgbox.message, ctx.msgbox.buttons); if (ctx.msgbox.result != -1) { ctx.msgbox.visible = false; } } static inline bool IsCtrlAcceleratorPressed(char key) { return (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL) || IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL)) && (char)GetKeyPressed() == key; } static inline bool GuiValueBoxEco(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, int *value, int minValue, int maxValue, bool editMode) { #if !defined(VALUEBOX_MAX_CHARS) #define VALUEBOX_MAX_CHARS 32 #endif static int framesCounter = 0; // Required for blinking cursor GuiControlState state = guiState; bool pressed = false; char textValue[VALUEBOX_MAX_CHARS + 1] = "\0"; sprintf(textValue, "%i", *value); Rectangle textBounds = { 0 }; if (text != NULL) { textBounds.width = (float)GetTextWidth(text); textBounds.height = (float)GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE); textBounds.x = bounds.x + bounds.width + GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, TEXT_PADDING); textBounds.y = bounds.y + bounds.height/2 - GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE)/2; if (GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT) == GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) textBounds.x = bounds.x - textBounds.width - GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, TEXT_PADDING); } // Update control //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked) { Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition(); bool valueHasChanged = false; if (editMode) { state = GUI_STATE_PRESSED; framesCounter++; int keyCount = (int)strlen(textValue); // Only allow keys in range [48..57] if (keyCount < VALUEBOX_MAX_CHARS) { if (GetTextWidth(textValue) < bounds.width) { int key = GetCharPressed(); if ((key >= 48) && (key <= 57)) { textValue[keyCount] = (char)key; keyCount++; valueHasChanged = true; } } } // Delete text if (keyCount > 0) { if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_BACKSPACE)) { keyCount--; textValue[keyCount] = '\0'; framesCounter = 0; if (keyCount < 0) keyCount = 0; valueHasChanged = true; } else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_BACKSPACE)) { if ((framesCounter > TEXTEDIT_CURSOR_BLINK_FRAMES) && (framesCounter%2) == 0) keyCount--; textValue[keyCount] = '\0'; if (keyCount < 0) keyCount = 0; valueHasChanged = true; } } if (valueHasChanged) *value = TextToInteger(textValue); if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER) || (!CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds) && IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))) pressed = true; } else { if (*value > maxValue) *value = maxValue; else if (*value < minValue) *value = minValue; if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds)) { state = GUI_STATE_FOCUSED; if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) pressed = true; } } if (pressed) framesCounter = 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draw control //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Color baseColor = BLANK; if (state == GUI_STATE_PRESSED) baseColor = GetColor(GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BASE_COLOR_PRESSED)); else if (state == GUI_STATE_DISABLED) baseColor = GetColor(GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)); // WARNING: BLANK color does not work properly with Fade() GuiDrawRectangle(bounds, GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER + (state*3))), guiAlpha), baseColor); GuiDrawText(textValue, GetTextBounds(VALUEBOX, bounds), GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha)); // Draw blinking cursor if ((state == GUI_STATE_PRESSED) && (editMode && ((framesCounter/20)%2 == 0))) { // NOTE: ValueBox internal text is always centered Rectangle cursor = { bounds.x + GetTextWidth(textValue)/2 + bounds.width/2 + 2, bounds.y + 2*GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), 1, bounds.height - 4*GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER_WIDTH) }; GuiDrawRectangle(cursor, 0, BLANK, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, BORDER_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha)); } // Draw text label if provided if (text != NULL) GuiDrawText(text, textBounds, (GuiGetStyle(VALUEBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT) == GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT)? GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT : GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LABEL, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha)); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- return pressed; } static inline char const *prettify_op_name(int idx) { static char name[200] = {0}; zpl_snprintf(name, 200, "%s %s", default_cats[default_ops[idx].cat].icon, default_ops[idx].name+4); zpl_str_to_lower(name); char *p = (char*)zpl_str_skip(name, ' ')+1; do { *p = zpl_char_to_upper(*p); p = (char*)zpl_str_skip(p, '_'); if (*p) *p = ' '; } while(*p++); return name; }