#include "zpl.h" #include "librg.h" #include "modules/general.h" #include "modules/net.h" #include "modules/physics.h" #include "world/world.h" #include "entity_view.h" #include "world/worldgen/worldgen.h" #include "platform.h" #include "profiler.h" #include "packets/pkt_send_librg_update.h" static world_data world = {0}; entity_view world_build_entity_view(int64_t e) { ECS_IMPORT(world_ecs(), General); ECS_IMPORT(world_ecs(), Physics); ECS_IMPORT(world_ecs(), Net); entity_view view = {0}; // TODO(zaklaus): branch out based on ECS tags const Position *pos = ecs_get(world_ecs(), e, Position); if (pos) { view.kind = ecs_has(world_ecs(), e, EcsClient) ? EKIND_PLAYER : EKIND_THING; view.x = pos->x; view.y = pos->y; } const Velocity *vel = ecs_get(world_ecs(), e, Velocity); if (vel) { view.flag |= EFLAG_INTERP; view.vx = vel->x; view.vy = vel->y; } const Chunk *chpos = ecs_get(world_ecs(), e, Chunk); if (chpos) { view.kind = EKIND_CHUNK; view.x = chpos->x; view.y = chpos->y; view.blocks_used = 1; for (int i = 0; i < world.chunk_size*world.chunk_size; i += 1) { view.blocks[i] = world.block_mapping[chpos->id][i]; } } return view; } int32_t tracker_write_create(librg_world *w, librg_event *e) { int64_t entity_id = librg_event_entity_get(w, e); #ifdef WORLD_LAYERING if (world.active_layer_id != WORLD_TRACKER_LAYERS-1) { // NOTE(zaklaus): reject updates from smaller layers return LIBRG_WRITE_REJECT; } #endif size_t actual_length = librg_event_size_get(w, e); char *buffer = librg_event_buffer_get(w, e); return (int32_t)entity_view_pack_struct(buffer, actual_length, world_build_entity_view(entity_id)); } int32_t tracker_write_remove(librg_world *w, librg_event *e) { (void)e; (void)w; #ifdef WORLD_LAYERING if (world.active_layer_id != WORLD_TRACKER_LAYERS-1) { // NOTE(zaklaus): reject updates from smaller layers return LIBRG_WRITE_REJECT; } #endif return 0; } int32_t tracker_write_update(librg_world *w, librg_event *e) { int64_t entity_id = librg_event_entity_get(w, e); size_t actual_length = librg_event_size_get(w, e); char *buffer = librg_event_buffer_get(w, e); entity_view view = world_build_entity_view(entity_id); // NOTE(zaklaus): exclude chunks from updates as they never move // TODO(zaklaus): use dirty flag to send updates if chunk changes { if (view.kind == EKIND_CHUNK) { return LIBRG_WRITE_REJECT; } } return (int32_t)entity_view_pack_struct(buffer, actual_length, view); } void world_setup_pkt_handlers(world_pkt_reader_proc *reader_proc, world_pkt_writer_proc *writer_proc) { world.reader_proc = reader_proc; world.writer_proc = writer_proc; } int32_t world_init(int32_t seed, uint16_t chunk_size, uint16_t chunk_amount) { if (world.data) { return 0; } world.seed = seed; world.chunk_size = chunk_size; world.chunk_amount = chunk_amount; world.dim = (world.chunk_size * world.chunk_amount); world.size = world.dim * world.dim; if (world.tracker == NULL) { world.tracker = librg_world_create(); } if (world.tracker == NULL) { zpl_printf("[ERROR] An error occurred while trying to create a server world.\n"); return WORLD_ERROR_TRACKER_FAILED; } /* config our world grid */ librg_config_chunksize_set(world.tracker, WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE * world.chunk_size, WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE * world.chunk_size, 0); librg_config_chunkamount_set(world.tracker, world.chunk_amount, world.chunk_amount, 0); librg_config_chunkoffset_set(world.tracker, LIBRG_OFFSET_BEG, LIBRG_OFFSET_BEG, LIBRG_OFFSET_BEG); librg_event_set(world.tracker, LIBRG_WRITE_CREATE, tracker_write_create); librg_event_set(world.tracker, LIBRG_WRITE_REMOVE, tracker_write_remove); librg_event_set(world.tracker, LIBRG_WRITE_UPDATE, tracker_write_update); world.data = zpl_malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*world.size); if (!world.data) { return WORLD_ERROR_OUTOFMEM; } world.ecs = ecs_init(); ecs_set_entity_range(world.ecs, 0, UINT32_MAX); ECS_IMPORT(world.ecs, General); ECS_IMPORT(world.ecs, Net); world.ecs_update = ecs_query_new(world.ecs, "net.ClientInfo, general.Position"); world.chunk_mapping = zpl_malloc(sizeof(ecs_entity_t)*zpl_square(chunk_amount)); world.block_mapping = zpl_malloc(sizeof(uint8_t*)*zpl_square(chunk_amount)); int32_t world_build_status = worldgen_test(&world); ZPL_ASSERT(world_build_status >= 0); for (int i = 0; i < world.chunk_amount * world.chunk_amount; ++i) { ecs_entity_t e = ecs_new(world.ecs, 0); Chunk *chunk = ecs_get_mut(world.ecs, e, Chunk, NULL); librg_entity_track(world.tracker, e); librg_entity_chunk_set(world.tracker, e, i); librg_chunk_to_chunkpos(world.tracker, i, &chunk->x, &chunk->y, NULL); world.chunk_mapping[i] = e; world.block_mapping[i] = zpl_malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*zpl_square(chunk_size)); chunk->id = i; for (int y = 0; y < world.chunk_size; y += 1) { for (int x = 0; x < world.chunk_size; x += 1) { int chk = world.chunk_size * i; int chk_x = chk % world.dim; int chk_y = chk / world.dim; uint8_t *c = &world.block_mapping[i][(y*chunk_size)+x]; *c = world.data[(chk_y+y)*world.dim + (chk_x+x)]; } } } zpl_printf("[INFO] Created a new server world\n"); return world_build_status; } int32_t world_destroy(void) { librg_world_destroy(world.tracker); ecs_fini(world.ecs); zpl_mfree(world.data); zpl_mfree(world.chunk_mapping); for (int i = 0; i < zpl_square(world.chunk_amount); i+=1) { zpl_mfree(world.block_mapping[i]); } zpl_mfree(world.block_mapping); zpl_memset(&world, 0, sizeof(world)); zpl_printf("[INFO] World was destroyed.\n"); return WORLD_ERROR_NONE; } #define WORLD_LIBRG_BUFSIZ 2000000 static void world_tracker_update(uint8_t ticker, uint32_t freq, uint8_t radius) { if (world.tracker_update[ticker] > zpl_time_rel_ms()) return; world.tracker_update[ticker] = zpl_time_rel_ms() + freq; profile(PROF_WORLD_WRITE) { ECS_IMPORT(world.ecs, General); ECS_IMPORT(world.ecs, Net); ecs_iter_t it = ecs_query_iter(world.ecs_update); static char buffer[WORLD_LIBRG_BUFSIZ] = {0}; world.active_layer_id = ticker; while (ecs_query_next(&it)) { ClientInfo *p = ecs_column(&it, ClientInfo, 1); for (int i = 0; i < it.count; i++) { size_t datalen = WORLD_LIBRG_BUFSIZ; // TODO(zaklaus): SUPER TEMPORARY HOT !!! simulate variable radius queries { librg_entity_radius_set(world_tracker(), p[i].peer, radius); } // TODO(zaklaus): push radius once librg patch comes in int32_t result = librg_world_write(world_tracker(), p[i].peer, buffer, &datalen, NULL); if (result > 0) { zpl_printf("[info] buffer size was not enough, please increase it by at least: %d\n", result); } else if (result < 0) { zpl_printf("[error] an error happened writing the world %d\n", result); } pkt_send_librg_update((uint64_t)p[i].peer, p[i].view_id, ticker, buffer, datalen); } } } } int32_t world_update() { profile (PROF_UPDATE_SYSTEMS) { ecs_progress(world.ecs, 0.0f); } world_tracker_update(0, WORLD_TRACKER_UPDATE_FAST_MS, 2); world_tracker_update(1, WORLD_TRACKER_UPDATE_NORMAL_MS, 4); world_tracker_update(2, WORLD_TRACKER_UPDATE_SLOW_MS, 6); return 0; } int32_t world_read(void* data, uint32_t datalen, void *udata) { if (world.reader_proc) { return world.reader_proc(data, datalen, udata); } return -1; } int32_t world_write(pkt_header *pkt, void *udata) { if (world.writer_proc) { return world.writer_proc(pkt, udata); } return -1; } uint32_t world_buf(uint8_t const **ptr, uint32_t *width) { ZPL_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(world.data); ZPL_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(ptr); *ptr = world.data; if (width) *width = world.dim; return world.size; } ecs_world_t * world_ecs() { return world.ecs; } librg_world * world_tracker() { return world.tracker; } uint16_t world_chunk_size(void) { return world.chunk_size; } uint16_t world_chunk_amount(void) { return world.chunk_amount; } uint16_t world_dim(void) { return WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE * world.chunk_size * world.chunk_amount; } ecs_entity_t world_chunk_mapping(librg_chunk id) { assert(id >= 0 && id < zpl_square(world.chunk_amount)); return world.chunk_mapping[id]; } world_block_lookup world_block_from_realpos(float x, float y) { x = zpl_clamp(x, 0, world_dim()-1); y = zpl_clamp(y, 0, world_dim()-1); librg_chunk chunk_id = librg_chunk_from_realpos(world.tracker, x, y, 0); ecs_entity_t e = world.chunk_mapping[chunk_id]; int32_t size = world.chunk_size * WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE; int16_t chunk_x, chunk_y; librg_chunk_to_chunkpos(world.tracker, chunk_id, &chunk_x, &chunk_y, NULL); // NOTE(zaklaus): pos relative to chunk float chx = x - chunk_x * size; float chy = y - chunk_y * size; uint32_t bx = (uint32_t)chx / WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE; uint32_t by = (uint32_t)chy / WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE; uint32_t block_idx = (by*world.chunk_size)+bx; uint8_t block_id = world.block_mapping[chunk_id][block_idx]; // NOTE(zaklaus): pos relative to block's center float box = chx - bx * WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE - WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE/2.0f; float boy = chy - by * WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE - WORLD_BLOCK_SIZE/2.0f; world_block_lookup lookup = { .id = block_idx, .block_id = block_id, .chunk_id = e, .ox = box, .oy = boy, }; return lookup; }